Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 12, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAG3 TWO
(she Joy of
My Baby HealtK
AT baby of mine radiate
health and happiness like a
little roil of sunshine! 1 never knew
how easy it wa to tike care of a per
fectly well baby. Why, he takes rare
" of himself! HejustlicsinhucnbaJl
day and smile dreamily at the world, and grows Lkc a flower, and
gets sturdier, it seems to me, every minute.
It'lall beesuscef hitfood. Weusrd
to has to much trouble wiih milk,
when i fttn4 I couldn't buim him!
And then ijt mother toid melliat I
fcaxi bees brought up on Nestle 1 Milk
Food when I was little to we tried it.
It ii reatly just pure milk, you
know, only changed into powder to
the tough cards are broken up and it
is easier to d igest A 11J it i - l ; r
nourishing, too, bkius t'.t; t J I
just the right amount of sugar and
cereal. All I dj ii add pure water
and boil a minute end my baby ia
sate and well.
I know that if your baby baa
trouble with his food, the Nolle
Company will be glad to help you.
They will tend you free, at they tent
me, a big Mother's Book on how to
take rare of yonr baby, an J enough
Nestle'i Food for twelve feeding.
All you ka'e to do i to fill cut and
tend the coupon. Then you can be,
with me, the happiest woman in the
world -becaue )ur baby ia well.
Kntle't it pure anilk ia powder fcnti that it these modified and
eoet not require the farther aettitioa of milk. Atwavi pore aivi
s-fe, alwan uniform, and free from the dangers of home owdifut
tun, Nettie's has itood tin tew of three irnerauoni arid iai Hitaf
itrtu kilt tfy lbyft4 re Ikt usr4
Post Office At Tuner Is
Retsmtd To Fenrtl, Class
Turner kaa been act ha.k by the
postal authorities from an off ;e of
the fourth class, the sal.se;- of the post
mteed salary to the postmaster of at
least $1 000, to an office of the fourth
claw. The rules of the pctoffire de
partment provide that in an effie of
the fourth class, the salary o the post
master &wna upon the a mouse of
atampa eaorolled, rents from boxes aad
the amount of the money order buei
neas. To become an office of the third
claaa there must be aa ineoaae of at
least klDdO and a Turner feUa below
this amount for the fiscal year ending
July 1, IlM,.it waa reduced to aa of
fiee of the fourth data. Siaee the for
mer postmaster haa aeeured a job at
the atate house there ia a vacancy at
Turner and there wll be held a civil
service examination for poatmaeter on
August 25. This examination will be
held in Safem and only those wh were
reaiilents of the Turner district when
the vacancy occurred are competent to
stand for the examination. Those who
wish' to take a chance of becoming
postmaster at Turner, should notify the
civil service examiner at the Halein
FREE! Enou.li Ncstfc'i
, for 12 feedings. Send the
229 Call Bldg., Pan Fruncisco, Cat.
l'lcase aend me free your buck and
trial package. ,
No mo ,
Address -
City State
Court House Notes X
The estate of William M. Malone hus!
been appraised at 117000. The real es
lata conaiata of two tmaM trawta, which
were valued at 11300. Tim appruiscra
wrrc W. t Follia, T. L. Sanders and W.
H. Luke.
fiurficld and Sandner have brought
uit against 0. . Taylor who operates
under the assumed name of tho Ktaytoo
I.' i . ' T : . I . .. anni m TV .
j-..ii-1-irie ijik". ruuipiauT jur a lie j
plaintiffs alleged that they furnished
woter to rua the titaytun Elcrtriu Light
company and that there la still due and
nipaid, the sum of $293.19 and Interest
for aeversj Month.
The Elwood Logging Co., C. M. Chria
teaaca Logging Co., 1'nlmer Owen Log
ging Co., and Robert C. McKinnoy have
brought auit against the public service
commission. They aak that the commis
sion reverts itself in the matter of the
order by which tha Columbia A Nelmlem
River Railroad company were ordered
nut to pay the logging companies 10
eenta per 100 feet rental for the use of
trucks owned by th3 logging companies.
The plaintiffs own about 200 trucks for
delivering logs. They filed nomplalnt
with the commission that the 10 cents
per 1000 feet for rent paid by tha rail
rond was Insufficient. Instead of get
ting what they wanted, tha commission
ordered the railroad company to discon
tinue paying this 10 rents per 1000 feet
In rentals. This last decision the plain
tiffs ask that the eommissiua reverse It
self. Ethel if. Malone has been appointed
by Judge Rushey as administratrix of
tho estate of William M. Malone,
Hoionraan H. Maria, aa admtniatrator
of the estnte of Leander Maris, has
been given his discharge by the county
court a-id his bondsmen released, as the
trust had been satisfactorily administered.
Delia O. Patton, administratrix of the
estate of Charles W. Claggett, has been
given her release by the county court,
the estate having been rightly adminis
tered and the account closed.
Julius Ciifton Strom and wife have
applied to the eounty court for the legal
adoption of the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jo Morely. According to the petition
filed, shortly after the baby wa born,
the pa rente gave it to a nurse with in
structions to find the child a home. The
nurse gave it to Mr. and Mrs. Rtrnin
and thry have cared for it since early
in January of this year. Now they wish
to IcltuIIv ailont the child. The
have moved to Nebraska and have beea
moving from place to place.
The wilt of flilhort n v.... 1
died July 30, 1919, at Silverton haa
been filed for reeord. The real estate
left by Mr. Evans ia rained at about
(10,000 and the personal DrwoertT at
1000. ' '
James B. Kin yon haa beea appointee)
administrator of the estate of J. 1. Kin
yoa who died August 84, 1914,
A marriage license has been issued to
Ruthyn Turney of Chemawa, a music
teacher, and Gertrude A. Brewer, also
of Chemawa and also a muaie teacher.
Seattle has asked for two araty air
p'anes for uso ia a aham battle Sunday
at Fort Lawtoa with a tsus.
CPECIFY Firestone GraySidewall
Tires when ordering your car and
make every mile you drive a pleasanter,
easier, less expensive mile. You'll know
the feeling of confidence that really
dependable tires bring.
Most miles per dollar is a simplified
statement of Firestone economy. It
means the greatest return on your in
vestment, the biggest value for your
The faithful service of the Firestone
Gray SidewaliTire has been the talk of
car owners for tie past year. It means
fewer tire troubles, less annoying delays,
less upkeep expense.
That a more liberal mileage adjustment
is in effect is only an additional reason
for riding on
aV a
Most Miles per Dollar
: society
entertained Vr, :.! Mra. J. K.
OUIespio of Lc Mars, I bun
day wh-c Na.tiw-i.tr DtMwml ms
vtatioa visited (he citv. Mr. llit'eipie
is editer of tb Lc M Vntinei and
the twe faaailtea are eld frUratia. The
lowana expressed their delight over
tha atarveUous Oregon scarry and the
frienUy cordiality t,f Oreirenians, re
markinf that the Willauit-tte valley
waa the prettiest av.'tiou of the coua
try tkey bad seen oa their trans conti
nental tear.
M'-9 Edith Carter aCttver entertain
ed a congenial gruip wf fi ends at an
informal tea Sunday, t her hume oa
routh 19th street. The roo-os were pret
tily decorated with sweet eas in pas
tel tha dee, and a av.t pleasurable time
waa spent. Those preio-st wcrt. Mr. and
Mrs. K. Monroe (ii bcrt, Miss Lillian
Boot, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nibble, Miss.
Carol S. Iibble and Mis C. C. Kuney.
Today Miss Kun'y has as her guest
Miss May .Werkinger if lorvallia,
whom she will acco npany aouie Thurs
day, remuiuing there over the week
end. Early next wei?'; she ill rctuin
to Spokane where s'le :s an instructor
In the Lewis and t'iark nhool.
s .
Miss Theodosia Tool leeame the
bride of Chester Gondoiac of Corvatlis
Sunday at a prety wedding aolemu-
ized at the home of tho bride's parents
Mr. and Mi. B. J. Tot north of Sa
lem. K. L. Putnam of the Court street
Christian church, o'fi-iat.'d, using the
ring eeremony. A pritt'dy appointed
luncht'ln wa served, after which
the young couple, wia were the re
cipients of many bcatifu. gifts, left
immediately on a weddi'.g trip thru
Alsea valley, visit:ng rrlativrs and
friends. The bride hits been an instruc
tor in on of the Salem schools, and
the groom haa recently idurucd from
service in Prance.
The guest list for thu affair includ
ed 'X. i. Ooodman vf Alsea, Mr. aad
Mrs. Lee Ooodman, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Tafte and Verne Goodmun of Corval
lis, Mr. and Mrs, V h Jesne and son
WiUett of Albany, Mr. and Mr. Joe
Foley of tlem, Mr. sad Mrs. W. M.
Cobua of Saltan, W. J. Kelly of Port
land and Mr. aad M.s. B. J. Teel and
son Joe. ,
Miss Ellen Owea -et'irucd this morn
ing froat a short buvinsss tiip to Port
land. . s
Mrs, C. B, Bhunway has gone to Eu
gene for a week visit with her parents
Mr. aad Mrs. Mall.
Interesting visito- in f alem are Mr.
sind Mrs. Blias Darby of Qiendalo whs
are guests of the foirr.cr s -uother, Mrs.
W. H. Darby, and brother, Dr. Wilson
lry. They piaa to remain a fort
night. ' - e .
Csptaia John Eli'ejtf has arrived
front Camp Lewi having obtained hi
release fraaa tha servicf. lie ia now at
the husna of hit pwrrias, Mr. and Mi
F. A. liott,
Mr. and Mrs. A'. Stner and hil
Oren of the Wallace rtud, sra spending
a two weeks sating at tha coast.
Mr. aad Mra. Dirve'. Gibson, Mra
Agne Miller aad Mra. Mary hlyun aad
children spent Sunday in Newberjf aa
the guests of relative and frieada. The
trip was made ty anto.
. r
Mra B. D Wkt had aa her guests
ever the week sad her daughter, Miss
Verne Da Witts and r red teerber of
Mr. and Mrs. Si i. Hendricks, have
as their guests Mrs. K. A. Greenwood
and her charming dasghter, Miss Helea
Oreenwaod of bttlt Lake elty,
Mrs. Jack White, Mrs. R. Chapman,
Miss Yelmtt White, Miss Wis Kosen-
quest and John Boyrr formed a party
who motored to Silver Creek Falls and
emjoyed a camping party ever the week
Friends of Mtr. r. G. Ilale, lift
South 10th, will be pleased to hear that
aha la -doing nicely nf'.er undergoing
aa operatioa at Willamette sanitoriunt
Hunday, and it ia thought that she will
soon be out of danget.
Tha Missionary societv of Jasea
fe church will met t with Mrs.
Keuacher on North hurch touiorraw
afternoon at 2:30.
One of the principal social events of
the week, was the cUa-.B.ng reception
given for Mrs. KmxruH .Northup of
McMinnville, at which Mr F. L. Ptir
vine and Mra W. F. Fsryo were joint
hostesses last rvciunj. Tho affair na'
mven at the Partrine rcridcnce on
Fifth atiwt. The reception hall and
parlor were fcesutifnll dcieiated wiTn
golden glow and yellotr dahlias, artis-
ticsllT set off with :ts!snt arbcha.
In the sitting room pink sweet pens
and gladiolas gnvs a prtty tone to the
room. Ihi-ing the reeoptnci Mrs. Mer
lin llardlnjr delighted ike guests with
several beautiful aons Mig Marion
r.mmonds rendered sous-1 invclv violin
leK-tions aad Miss Lucil'c Finmonds
who has just returned frots a tear it
hicago, played a niimhtr of choice
piaan selections. The tuest list for the
event included Mrs. Ki'innovi Northun,
Mrs. O. A. Wa!lacs Mrs. U Tipple,
Mrs. F. A. Manning. .Vrs. Kdna Iihy
Mrs. West Wallace, Mrs. Mabel Huirey.
Mrs. 1. L. Nicklin, Mrs. 'lhomo Kav,
Mis. 41arles Callowa., Mrs. Percy
Varney, Mrs. Krnest Snook MifS Dora
Walker, Mrs. Fred 11. Thompson. Mrs.
Linn Purvine. Mrs. S. Iliit.hcsoa.
Mrs. Media Hard og, Vim-s Msrioa
snd Iicille Kmmonds.
The hoesacs wer gratiously as
sisted by- Mrs. Li an Purvine an, I Mrs.
J. S. Ilntchcson.
tnc oaiai hal
Avssisl tswil.ttMe 4t ts.lltwM
Anotheir Drive
Of Schrunk's and Hurlburs Stock
Extra Specials As Long As They Last
1 inch to two irxh wide
embroidery at yd lc
Children-and boys' un
derwear to close out 23c
Children's wool under
wear to $1.00 ..79c
Prince Albert Smoking
Tobacco, 2 for 23c
Corn Cake Smoking To
bacco, 14 oz. prig... 43c
Ivory Soap Flake, 99
per cent pure.. 8c Ykg.
11 Oz. Raisins, package
to close out ...... ...lit:
Bulk. Raisins, to close
out...... 2 lbs. 25c
Cube Sugar, to close
out.... 10 lbs. for $1.00
Armour's Pork & Beans
big can, now 35c
Best Rice Flour, goin
now at 5c lb.
China Breakfast Tea,
worth 50c now to close
Saturday, August 16th
Saturday, August 16th, to the first 100 people making a $2.00 purchase, cr
over, between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning, we will sell a good house
broom for the sum of 10c. Again, Saturday afternoon, to the first 100 peo
ple making a $2.00 purchase or over, between 3:30 and 4:30 o'clock, we will
sell a good house broom worth $1.25 for only 10c. No brooms will be sold be
fore or after these hours. .j
(Caaiiaaed from safe sne)
bread; produced by tha htbsif af tht
ntea, woataa aa4 shildi-e f tha farms
of tau aoumtry when they havw not
haa aMa ta eanat their tinta as a prop
er eaaraw ia nut iug up tlva seat sheet
ef pHMttKaa. Tkey should knew that
owieiff to majiipuhriop ia admiaister
if tha (raitea and s'aadards, together
with the ita m;p won by ket wsather,
to tha muturnif erof( th wiater
wheat produeeia are re'e.rin(( as low
aa 1.13 a hiubel ?ir their wheat not
tha $3.03 which Mr. Barne3 give as a
thcorcti'V' aver a and that this
yrar'a erop taay average sot aver $1.50
a bushel act. la tha produetiea of
wheat aa La, uther -ru, Uiior enters
ia ths kat analysis as tkn chief item
of cost aaii city people should realize
ftrat ta effort that being made by
tl) authority of the sveinancnt to
restrict or UU further reduce tiief pric
at the farm and must inevitably lead
to denying the farmer living wages.
"What haa been said in detail rel
ative to the wheat situation applies in
general to every fa-m preduct and
while we again exn--ss onr approval
of every reasonable effort to reduce
tha cost of neeessar;o3 wt. wish also to
emphasize that ears must be taken to
safeguard the farmers' lub'.i costs."
Greek Troops Concentrate
Along Biiariaa Frostier
Paris, Ang. 12. Greek troops were re
ported today to be concentrating on the
Hul;srtan frontier. Their action, pre
sumably, Is preliminary to the occupa
tion In Thraee in ease the American
reaee delegates do not agree that the
territory he awarded to Oreeeo.
More than 100 Lebanon citizens have!
signed lor rhsutfturjuu in IJ20.
Remains Of Carnedc Will
Be Buried In Historic Old
Sleepy Hollow On Thursdaj
Lenox, Mass., Aug. 12. -The body ef
Andrew Carnegie, steel magnate who
died here yesterday, will be taken ta
Sleepy Hollow, Tut.-ytova, N. ,Y., for
burial, it was annotnai-c-1 at the Carne
gie home here today.
It was also stated fVere will be o
funeral services in Xrw York. Tho Rev.
llenson X. Wyman, j.aslor. of the Len
ox Congregational church nnd Rev. Dr.
William l"ierson Me.-r'll, pastor of the
Briek f'rei1)yterian chnr. h, Xew York,
will officiate at a private' funeral ser
vice to he hold Thi'rilay morning at
Blindo.w llrook.
After the services lhirr1ay the hniJy
will then be taken by spce.iril train to
Tarrytown, X. Y f ,r bin.ul.
Good Food Does
Make a Difference
The presence in Grape -Nuts
of all Ue nulriment of the
wheal and barley from which
this delicious food is made ,
including Iheir vital mineral
elements, often spells health
instead of illness.
is a wonderful health huilder.
"There's a Jeasoiz