Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 11, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    PAGE EIGHT .' $y
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MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1919.
W ash Dresses
And aprons to make your selections from. Every one of them is an exception
ally good buy at this time when prices are advancing so fast. A good idea
is to anticipate the future and lay in a supply now. t
GINGHAM DRESSES 1 ...$3.49, $3.98 and $4.93
PERCALE DRESSES- ....... $2.93
PERCALE APRONS . ......... 9Sc and $1.25
New Coats and Coatees
Are arriving each day, which are fashion's latest decree, and are of the best
quality. Prices range from
d Town
talent t Brusk college for the benefit
of the Brush eolUv- faiiJaT school
Among those who mill tike (art in the
comedy ire Mis, .Vic-.- JmH, Mia Ger
trude Eakin, Mi, Ma:K.,rct Ho-lge, Ev
erett Cravea, O. A. M:.cy Bjid the Rev.
Stover. The enterta-inmoi.t will begin
It 8:30 oNlock.
$17.90 to $42.50
Woodry wants your used fumtturs.
nn 610 or 511.
As a temporary proposition. It li
thought that large tent will be leas
ail from the Union Klmk yards at
Portland for tiie is a haugnr for air
plane at the statu fuir ground. The
tnt was formerly used at stata fain
for stock shows aud tt now owned by
the Union Ntoek yards, I'iuns are now
seder way for iiringln ti. Hulem my
nl of the fast De lU.lliind planes
to tuk the place of the JNlD now
used in the forest patrjl. The l)e Jlav
ilands are fust planes c.-ialilB of trav
eling about 120 miles an hour and also
rapablo of carrying !0 g;,ilutis of gas
oline, enough to keep big plane
in the air for three hours. The Je Hav
Hands will come from Mather field at
Then li an Aurora Borealis In town
today and for this reason Ulcgraph op
erators aay tho linos are mt working
in good condition. It extends especial
ly over the northwest Into Washington
and Canada. These northern lights are
aoiiietinies visible at night and are elec
trical phenomena in the form of stream
era of light, fan shaped. Whether they
can be seen here or not th fact la.
j telegraph operators in thj city say the
: eliurtiirty is interfering to (.nine extent
wua tiie service touay.
It V(.- "' .
iNji..'T';)!i. Sri
The Easiest and Surest Way to
Make. Jellies, Preserves and Jams
A bookofslxty-elght
I grs that gives
,vou the best icripes
tor m.e results in
preservin,:. Easy to
tallow. The Corn
is hervtwuricly illus
trated and it's
free. Write us to
Isy fur it.
J8& 7 MTO
(red label
l-Iahes berPech
An- 1
There are many different ways to make jellies,
preserves and jams as there are recipe books.
Sometimes the results are good, but often
they are disappointing and much good mate
rial is lost.
Experienced cooks all over the country have
learned that by making preserving syrup with
Y Karo (Red Label) and t sugar instead
of all sugar they not only get better pre
ccrves, but are sure how their preserving is
going to turn out.
This fine, clear Karo Syrup is a wonderful
help ia putting up fruits of all kinds. It has
a natural affinity for the fruit juices. It blends
the cugar with the juice, and brings out the
"fruity" flavor.
Preserves made this way are richer, heavier,
with-a more delicious and delicate flavor.
Jellies will always "jell" and your jams be
firm and mellow no "candying" in the glass.
For Cookingr, Baking and Candy Making
Karo (Red Label) is Used ia milliom of hoinea.
In all cooking and baking recipes uso Kara
instead of sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor
ana pnngs oui uie natural flavor of tho food.
Or. Cad 1. KUlar nas opened his
dental office at 510 511 V. 3. bank
bldg. Phone 341. tf
Wlllard Storage Battery Service Sta
tion will move to 23S N. High St.
about Sept 1st. Yours for better aerv-
. 8 30
William B. Mmm arrived in Salem
last Saturday, direit from I ranee. He
went into the service with the lt2d
infantry and saw extensive service
Willard Storac Battery Service Sta
tion will move to 238 X. HiiA 8t.
bout Sept. lat. Yours for better serv
ice. 8.10
Salem Cigar Factory ts now making
'La' Corona" and "Little Silcm" !.
fare exactly as thev were maria hpFnr
the war. Smoking them reminds yon of
old times. tf
Dr. Hott. Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
The Iowa folks win hold their an
nual picnic Wednesday evening of this
week at the state fair grounds. There
will be the regulation barket dinner,
sevcrnl reminiscences and the election
of officers for tho "-oniing year.
Try Xortuern Flour.
every sack rnaranteed.
It's a Bear.
At your gro-tf
Don't list your farm with SO CO.
fAkRSKY uuless you want to sell. 341
Stuto. tf
KswDort flshina season nnrnis- Hnl
cod sliced, 15c, and whole fish 12c per
pouna; red cod 10c pound, lifts Mar
net, tf
Champion Pnmoi. We are in the
market. Deliver to 1'hei company
plant opposite Southern Vac. Co. Das-
senger station or nhono 204. tf
The day of courtesy to women m.
pecially on railroad seems to be a
thine of the imstJ iudirino bv wlmi
seen yesterday on the O. W. R. &
miiwny ociween .nmuioienn rang and
I'ortlaud. According to an nliaprvpr.
Sunday afternoon when tho Portland
train arrived at tiie Pulls, about 100
husky men, fcoth of tho roldier type
and oldor, fought their way info the
oacn to secure 111 bent scats, nushinir
and shoving women aside. And after
tbe train started, the aumo obwrvrr
noted that with a dozen or more tired
women standing in, the aisle, not a oho
o the strong- yoimj mep nor of the
selfish older ones itfered to give a wo
man a scat. And tlin women ntnn,l ilup.
ing the hour's ride to IVtlnmi while
the men were sea ed in comfort.
Mr. and Mrs, Setak. with thriut of
their children, Ott', Solma and James,
have gone to Newport to spend a ten
aajs vacation, two or the girla are
staying home to keen the fnrm run
ning on as usual.
On vacation, office of Dr. O. L. Scott
chiropractic, closi'd from August 10th
io Aug. ath. g 4
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
nan, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beeehler, den
tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. bank bldg. tf
We buy liberty bonds. 314 MasonU
building. tf
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for tout
repair work. Phone 1008, 220" N. Com
r. u. aM 161
Ma Ymrk Cli. "V
1, p if 4
mmm m. mm
1 Pf AQ II 1 .tin. 1 V
Karr'afie licenses Issued Saturday
are lis follows: Alvin J. Van Cleave,
i' a farmer living on rural route 9.
Hjlem and Luella Katun, a'so of riirnl
route 9. Chester flood ami, rt, of Cor-
viillis, s runner mid Thcniinsia Tell, a
teacher whosi- sddres is nlem. Kob
crt Colo, 41, of tiorv.s, fnrmor fore
man, and Hose Patters m oTriiral route
.', Hnlem.
Jewel stolen
man "UaftJes"
and tomorrow.
by aica'.eiir cracks
at Ye Li.crtv todav
At Brtudi coUegt Id Folic county, on
Tuesdny evening, Aug. 12. at :.' a
musical eomedv will I. g n by Moi
e Alice Judd. tlertrude Kkin". Mar
saret Hodge, Kcv. H ('. Stover, Ever
ett Craven and . A. M iv. The pur
pose is for the sole bemf": of Bruih
college jsundav school, tvervhoi v in
vited to enjoy the go-d pregram! Ad
mission 2.H-. rhildrea I0j.
Judge Oeorge O. Btnidum has re
turned from his vacation en the const
tin I todnv and to-morrow r. ill be hear
ing motions and demurrer. The fam
ous logantierry ca--vs II not come np
nrtihnmv for two t.r l h rc hwU a it
is thought they will hoH th court for
week or so when oece under hesd
a O. McElroy at N. 17th 6t
ill sell his 6 roonuV !i.,m with a
fine lots, furniture, etc at v.iction Tues
p. m. re rteerivtVtf at.
Prominent crook in town.
St 'e Liberty todav and
A musirU comedy will Li ttven Ttiea-
ily evening by several f-aiem home
U', Speci-a jitcting of De
Jlolay ' 'oii'it.sndtrv No.
5 K. T. this evening
Allt llttl lA'Arl- in 1.A
R. C. and Malta degrees. Visiting Sir
i rmiguis welcome.
Bishop'a boys anltg are of the fam
ous Bishop's fat-rics noted for long
Kids for the erection cf the new
Fordson wholesale house to be erected
in Portland on the eo sMe nil) I.,.
submitted tomorrow to contractors. The
buildini is to ibc 1(0 l.v l:ki fee n
stories high with an eutit foot base
ment under the entire jtructure. The
plans and specifications hak- int benn
completed by F. A. Leg, architect.
Bemember the auction aala Tnimlir.
See ad for full particulars.
Purchase your suit at Flphon's and
make an investment for the future.
The funeral services of John A.
Darr, generally known as "Jaek"
IHrr. will be held Tucsri.i afternoon
at S o'clock from the Kigdon chapel
and will bn rnmluctcn1 Kv tlin ttnvarnnit
Stover. Burial will be in tho City View
cemeterv. Mr. Darr wis a blacksmith
and stable man, univerfslly known in
J'aiom. tie owned the blacksmith shop
at South High and Fory streets and
a stable on Kerry street. He waa ihnrn
Sept. 10, lSofl nn'd died at Melrose nenr
Koseburg, taturdny, Aogiist 9, 1919.
Death was due tn el rubral hemnri-hnvn
His wife died Oct. 3, li'.S.
If yon have anvthincr ta anil ana
Woodry. Phone 510 or Si I, Nuff sed.
I delicious
"always frtth"
. Unsorpaased
for Mayonnaisa
and French
Salad Dressbf s
Sold Everywhere
j Today Tomorrow
ies a
The first shipment has just arrived direct from New
Yorkthus assuring you absolutely correct styles.
Other shipments are arriving daily.
Children's Coats $5.95 to $10.00
Misses' Coats . $10.00 to $18.75
Ladies' Coats $15.00 to $45.00
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
Phone 1072
Com'l. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
4 MM eMttTfMt
M t4M
China Cup and Saucer 20c Z
White anA WViiro VnzmaA Ploua 9fl.
TT II UVV UllUlllVrlVVI A AM WO .........................WW'
We will save you money on matresses.
Reduced prices on ranges.
2-Burner Perfection Oil Stove , ; $14.00
j Peoples Furniture Store
t 271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
-1 hh
I - I
; LJ II:
: 1 f
! L :
I ' " Mi
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arrive quicker?
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
6-Rooia House, 2 fine lots and Furniture. 1331 North
17 th Street, Tuesday, August 12, 130 p. m.
Including 6 roomed house with Slots, 43xl37',4 ft', caoh, located 2 biovka
from raved street, 2 Vioeks to s,-liool, Vi hlo.-k to eluircli, 1 block from
store, streetcar in froiil of door; soil dark losm, etra fino garden soil.
House includes parlor, dining room, kitch -a and bedroom down stairs,
with 2 bedrooms upstaiis, bath a d toilet, city water, elertrie lhts,
.large woodshed. Kra and garajjo, 2 jieaeli, 2 apples and 1 cliciry tree,
(jooseberries and eurrants, shrubhry and garden. Terms of home H tah
hnlan.-a arranged tu auit purchaser at 6 per eent. Abstract of title to
One nearly new double wagon boi; good ronge; dining room ttble; din
ing chairs; dressers; bedsjiriugs aud mattresses; clock; r.ickiag ehnirs;
drophead Singer sewing aiaebiae; saaitary eouch; and pad; looking
glass; 3 stand tables; kilcfcea cabinet; kitchen and dining room lino
leum; 1 good Axminster Kug, 9x12; rag carpet; comedos: wash mtciine;
. good bicycle; wash boards; picture,; portiers; 2 burner gnu-line ;1ore;
tools and many other thiu;s. Don't miss this sale if you want furniture
Or a home.
C G. McBroy, (hvcer.
1331 N. 17th Street
CAEJ) OF THAKS3 Cancel Dyer's aatomcWe was itoUn
We wish to epress our gratitude to j .ttirilay evening while it wss parked
our fnenjs for their man, a t of kind ' : , . . . -. ., ,.
. - . . . . ia iruui. or mc r-K-cr c run innir inn
ponce were antifnd a-.' .-tniidar mern-
ness durma the lst illne knil burial
V I 1 . . .
'i our im-iocu Busosn i iud raider and I ... . '
. ,v K.....iei ...v.. -t " j'.V. "ST ful at 2.) . rr-vsion street.
1;Mr, U.ek Wr ..J v.! iv 6 T '" " e
n ... ' " " " mot riding.
n 1