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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1919)
PAGE FIVE THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY m THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 11. 1919. JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SEUJNG IIEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY CLASSIFIED ASVESTiaOTO E-ATES: Bate per word New Today: Sack insertion . . 1 . So Om week (4 insertions) fm nnnth I9IS tnMrtionil 17e Th Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for nor than one insertion, foi uron is Classified Advertisements . Sead your adverr..eoent the first da; It appeara and notify os immeiluvlely ii error occurs. Minimum charge, 15e 'MARTIN" painter. Phone 704. 8 26 WOOD for sale. Phone 2093M. tf WANTED Cattle and calves, any kind. Phone 1376W. 9 5 WANTED Secondhand wmdm i 1 1. Phone 10S5J. 8-12 WANTED Cattle, veal and stock hogs. 1425M. 4 WANTED flood Lincoln buck. Chas. McAllister, Shelburn, Ur, 8-13 Bt'GGT wanted. A. Hawthorne, Rt. 3, Phono 40F21. 8-11 FOB SALE Or traile, good young driv ing mare. Phono 14113. 812 FOR SALE At a bargain, a good row boat. Phono 53GJ. 8 11 FURNISHED house wanted. Call 852. . tf WANTKD Evergreen blackbery Pick ers. Call 70P31.- 8 11 WORK wanted bv' bov 17 Tears old. Can drive Ford.' Phone -"32J. 811 LIST your property . with SOOOLOF- SKY. . tf W. BRAVER well driller. Phone 827J. 1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 9 9 LIST your property with 80C0L0F- oKi, WANTED 'Auto mechanic. ChU El gin Service, 154 S. v tv. U . 8-12 LIST your property with SOOOLOF- SKY. tf FOR BALE JElzin tix, 1918 model at Marion srarege. tf EXPERIENCED lady waitress wanted. Morale Cafeteria. tf FOR SALE dialed hay in field, one mile east of eity. Phone 19F4. tf PLAIN sowing at home, 25e per' hour. Phone 796, residence 1120 Chemck- eU. oil FOR hauling and truck work try tho Farmers Transfer truck, phone 1608 M. 1170 H. 15tl St. A. 11. Bieder- man. 9-4 FOR dress niakine see M-. A. H. Bi dcrman, 1170 N. IS St. Phone 1608M. 94 WE make the best power prune dippers. Halem Mfg Co., 13M H. Front bt. tf JAfl. LYONS practical painter. Phont 704. tf W. F; WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get him! tf GOVERNMENT loans at. 5Vj percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merce. tf AM leaving town, will sell seven room house, two largo lots, large barn, chicken house, fruit trees, $lti00, part cash; rest terms. Phone 1322M. 811 WANTED 1000 suits to clean. C. Ezra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1855 Bute St. Phone 508. 8-14 DEivGRATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new color. Bureni Oom'l 8t tf WALL PAPER IS cents per double n 11 artward. Buren'i Furniture Stnr. 179 Commercial. tf FOR SALE 10 acres aU cultivarted, new 5 room plastered bungalow, good barn, chicken house, family orchard; S cre of four year old Italian prnnea, IV ares set to loeanberries, sightly location, good (tiaiiiage, close to Paeifie highway. Price $4.-nU. See E. B. Grahenbo-r, 2T5ti'ato St. 811 as ' 0 We buy aad sell notes, mort- rages and all kinds of bonds. HAWKINS ROBERTS 4t 814 Mveonie Building at Salvia, Oregoa te-FAi WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL ,nw YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON If THE PRINCIPAL ON WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS I 314 Mason Bldg. - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS FOR SALE Apple. Phone 80F11. tf PIANO for rent to reliable parties. Call FOR SALE A modern six room bun galow, one block from pavement, large garage. C D care Journal. 8-14 LATE model 5 pasenger touring car to trade fur desi-abl lots. 1.-4.5 care Journal. 8 11 FOR SALE; Pour rot in plastered house, large comer lot. Terms. See G. V. Johusan Co, Phone 47. 8 12 FOT; SALE 1918 Chevrolet ear cheap. Cadi 343 '4 N. Com '1. Cottle epts., room 1. 811 FOR SALE large sir.e wood burniug heatir, full nickel finiuii, good as new. 1265 Waller St. Fhone 711. 8 12 WANT Second hand bicycle, must be a bargain, in good repair. 1212M. . 811 WANT For cash econd hand Ford, must be late model and in good re pair. Bocolofsky, 341 State. 8-11 FPRNISURD apartments for rent, tern perary or peruiau iut. 1 hone 77JK. 811 LOST Today 3 yards Mack dress goods. Findcf please leave at Journal office. " 8-11 FOR SALE About 0 tons of baled cheat hay. John Zak, Bt. 6, box 34 A. 8 14 $3250 NICE 6 room house, close in, very desirable location. Sea owner, 194 S. Cottage St 8-11 FOR SALE By owner at a sacrifce, a 20 room house close in. Phone 1737 W. tf WANTED To rent five or aix room modern house with garage. Phone 10I3J or 926. tf LOST Between state hospital and Cottage farm, a child l white em ibroidered hat. Finder please phone 433. 8-11 FOR SALE A mojera Voose ready to move into, vomti and look it over, 45 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf FOR SALE 1918 1 Bon Republic trncK, guarantee! to tie ia good me chanical condition. 170 K. 24th St. 812 FOR SALE Piano, high grade, in good condition, bargain. Phone 125. 8-12 FOR SALE Good horso, harness, light wagon, Studcbaker buggy cheap; will take good grade Jersey cow as part. Call room Jul U. o bank. I'hono 370. 8-13 FOR SALE Good one-horse delivery express wagon w'th cover. Single sot of harness cheap. Cooley a Grocery 1275 N. Church. 8 13 LOGANBERRY plcsera wanted: will take back and forth in anto morning and evening; 2c per lb, good pirk ing. Phone 373 after 7 p. m. tf WANTED To rent grain raneh of 150 to 1:00 acres with pasture and good building.; will pay sash or shares. Write F E care Journal. tf FOB SALE iXine room boast, Urge lot modern conveniences, double garage close in, on street ear lie and paved street. G L care Journal. tf NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes, grafted walnuts and all other kinds of nursery stock for fall delivery. Also a second hand Maxwcld auto will trade for a good team. Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8 28 FiR SALE 5 acres all eultivated, 1(4 story bungnlow not all finished; all in fruit, cherries, apples, peaches and loganberries : close t railroad sta- tion. Price $1275. Terms on part. See E. B. Grabenherst, 275 State street. 811 FARMERS ATTENTION We handle the old reliable Page fence direct from factory in ear load lots; Per fection Automatic Gates Milwaukee air ftresmre water system, fresh wa ter direct from spring or well. L. J. lMvenport, T. 1. Allen, Silvertoa, Page fence mea for Marion and Clackamas counties. 8 18 HOP pickers wanted i Mitoma yard, we furnieh wood and tests, stars oa grounds, all former pickers, welcome and new ones a well, at 60e per bot 114 acres of the very best hops In Oregon, register at Adonph (Bros., State St., or Homer H. Smith, Me Cornick bldg., Court St. tf LDAHS - 6 ANY INTEREST DATE. Salem, Oregoa "ttS t ctf' 10 fi HAND quilting neatly J me. Fhone laTSJ. 816 BCCH of kevs found. C.H at this of Lee. 8-13 WANTED Woman to do aaeing. 320 Leslie street. 8-13 WANTED Man to niove - rooa house about mile. Pai.Be 3iFll, C. W. Jensen, Rt. , box v, 8 13 FOR SALE By owner, 1(SC mere farm, V miles east of Jsalem, sew 9 room plastered house, 'all at 844 Marion St. or Phone 624M. 8 14 FOR SALE Gool Singe- sewing ma chine, round dining tab!- heater and new range. Call at 1491 8. Cottage St. 8 11 FOR SALE 14Vj aeree, xiiimproved, excellent fruit land, just outside of city liniijs on lluustn Ave. $1300. terms. W. A. Listen, "484 Court. 8-13 EGGS, EGGS, EGGS Poultrymcn I can sell your iVtcs and make you a profit. Address H T, 204 Henrv bldg. Portland, Or. 8-22 WILL sell a very fine piano, sweet tone and looks nice, for $-'50. This is a bargain. The Wilev E. Allen Co., 519 Court St. 815 FOR SALE 1913 Maxwell 5 passen ger, 3 new tires, good running order. Price $150. Inquire Cherry City feed Tbarns. , 811 WANTED Second cock at Oregon state tuberculous hosrn'al. Tay $w) per month with boar, room and laundry furnished. Phone 433. 8-11 FOR SALE 10 acre traet located VA miles out, o acres of bearing prunes, rood crop of prune, small house. Price $3500. W. B. Grnbeaaorst & Co., 275 State street. , 1 11 FOR SALE Housa and lot, beat buy in South Salem on Judsoa Bt. one block east of Commercial. See A. J. Baldwin. 811 WANTED Position in Paless by som- petent bookkeeper and eteaofrapaer. Will substitute during summer vaca tions. Phone 262. tf FOR SALE iModera 8 room brass, 2 linen closets, 2 lavatories, foraace lien ted; will sell partly fvwaked; must dispose of at onaa. 168 3. 12th 6t. opposite tuprejae aonrt blfc. 811 AID STUDENT Able to writs selling copy, possessing shop arqvitred knowl edge of type, desires position with dry goods sto're. Ellmak ear Jour nal. -ll RETURN ED overseas man desires em ployment. Experienced tnlesmaa both city and traveling. Understands bookkeeping, Addiess B G 8 care of Journal. 811 FOR SALE 5 room strictly modern homo, located at 1370 SMaite street, ' furnished. Price $4000. U500 down, bnlance terms at 6 percent interest. See Fred Durbin, 275 St Ate St. 8-11 H!(P pickers wanted. Tl.ree weeks picking commencing about Atiguit 22(1, Keizer bottom. Six milej north west ul Salem. , u. V, McQeilan, Phone 54.F13. 8 12 WE ean save you many dollars on your nPw piano. Snnio beautiful pi anos at bari'jiiii prices ami esy iterms. Tho Wiley B. A'len Co., 51!) Court St. 8-15 FOR SALE 17 acre trotl located on main Pacific highway, 4 miles from Salem, 10 acres of befring orchard, mostly prune"; house and barn. I'rice $5500. See Fred Durbin, 275 State street. 8-11 HOP pickers register row. Three weeks sticking, pleasant camp ground good clean yard, tents and cut wood furnished. Rocriater at office Of Wil kmet,te Valley Traiwfcr Co.r eor. Ferry and High fits. Phone 1400. tf FOR SALE Or txchanpe for city property, five acre chicken ranch, two miles east of Salem, with apple orchard and smaM fruit. If interest ed, address route 4, box IBB, or call after 6 p. m. at 1935 E. KobkiU St., Salem, Or. 8 11 $2500 TAKES !4 block, with go room bouse, newly papered, balk, toi let, eWtTie lights, wnt wl, Fftagc, good bar a, fruit ael garden Will soil all or part. Akw have large lot with 2 room house. Owasr kers short time only. Inqaira ISM H. Lib erty 6t. T FOR SALE 57 acre tract 39 acres cultivated, balance pw-ture aad 6 acres of good second grrwth fir tim ber, running water, good 1 room house, barn; 10 seres good Italian prune orchard, some ehe;ries and ap 1'S, located ',- mllej from Salem. Pries 9120. W. H. Grabenhorst a Co, 275 State street 811 cmWS AUTO EXCHANGE 849 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK I'ftED CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH OB SOLD O.V COMMISSION. 8tud-baker chasis for bug, $123 Buick truck, cTpiess bodv, $200 117 Ford $130 Little Flanders 20 $250 19lfi Maxwell $100 Brivoc, $'"0 Saxon rna ilster I.T'O PUS Chevrolet sodas 5 pasiN-nger fvreland to trade for lot lftis. fHuiMiaker f"iO 1917 Saion t'X $"'"0 1915 Overland $"'0 .l-TBUUfngcr Htnd'baker, $10. W sell oil, grewc and gsi!i9 Ws Sell oils, grease, old auto parts tires and aeee.sories. PHONE 6S We are now holding a big sale on Blade Black . n) Bfci Through a fortunate "pick-up" of black silks by our New York buyer, just received by express, we are enabled to place on sale a big line of II September PeBseators Are In. Call for Yours FOR SALE Cheap, 5 rorm honv, two lita, jib'nly fruit; no incumbrance. Phone 1303. 99 SEVENTEEN LOT3 TOR $3400 The owner and the morluanec have authoriwd the sale, if t'll en for cash,! in one deed at one?, ot wvenieen ioib for $.1100. These lots adjoin the 8a lem ntliletic grounoK, six (ll) blocks northeast of the state ciipilnl building. In thig trnct were formerly twenty eight (28) town loi anr? eleven (11)1 of the inside and poorit lots have been sold to the school board for $3000. The remaining lots if tnken at oneo can bo hnd at if200 per lot. CAkKY F. MARTIN, 8-11 Attorney for the mortgagee, i HOMatWEEKEIffl LI8TRV AND BEAD I For aule 8 room modern koine, full basement, furnace, everything com plete; roomy ground, cornor lot, with garage at .H)0. 4 room neatly finished house, good lot, plenty of fruit and llowcrs, well fenced at $000. 64 acres aU under eult:vtion, new , buildings, 0 miles out at $0400, terms eayry. 20 acres, 10 acres In walnuts, pears and ehsrrirs, 5 acres of prunes and 5 acres sultivatei, th tt honse n1 goe4 well 4'rice $4500. 6 lots, good bam, 4 room honse, flr nsr prooarty, will sell rt exchange. Bqaars Deal Realty Co , Phone 470. tf AR1 job a sueeeful salesman work inn amoag farm trade f Or are yo ambitions ts 4eeome onet Do yea want to ears $2'.0 ar,0 a month, wholesaliny groceries to farmersf Steady demand. Yearly repeater. Sams territory. If so, give aue, ex perience, phone number. Car requir ed. H. Hunting, box 20P0, Portland, Oregon, 8 13 Urn SawM k f , I. r J L. DAIRY BUT1U iT Crean, tin, Utt WnJS Uv P0L1T8T. Ill .IttHi '. Itt n i AW mJ, I; I J ir L L UJ LhUl i r I11U1I BEAR THIS IN MIND These silks are not cheap,mferior stock, but every piece Is of the Meyer's' Qmality ' PEAU DE SOIE SATIN MESSALINE DUTCHESS SATIN CHIFFON TAFFETA GROS GRAIN - BENGALINE (All these are full lG inches wide) SILK MOIRE VELOURS, 40 INCHES WIDE You WANTKD Work by mas and wife on ranch, or would leio fiuall ranch. Box 213, Salem, Or. 8 13 FOR BALK Mollophun or alto, nl mosl now. lItecl cnsi Pi'd orchestra altaclnniMits, Cull v,ur liowUiml, Phono 1512. 812 TOR BALM 'With possession at once, seven room bunxiilow, lulli, toilet, electric lights, one bl".l la paved street, with corner lot; on easy terms Mee P. N. Amlresen, H7ll N. 14th Ht. or Thomas E. Cole, 387 Mission St., owners. BOUSE BUYS 4 room modern bunguluw located in Hmith Halem. Price $110, lj cash. 6 room cottage loeatud in South Sa lem; private water syiftcn. Price $1000 9 room modern house, six bed rooms, paved street, east front. I-iee $")500. 8 room modern huue, corner lot, )aved streets, good location. Price $2W)0. 6 room modorn house and two fins lots, paved streot, bearing frait. Price $3000. 5 room movers buna'ow, paved strent, corner lo, Prtrn $MH). 6 room modorn house located on Month Onmmereial street, lr aring fruit. "rics $2.')0(). W. IL GRABENIIORST & CO. 275 Btate street 8 11 PRUNES SO seres ef bearing punes 9 yers old, on good read, dose in. $22,000; $10,000 cash, balance terms. This is a reat snap. 37 acres, 17 acres f piunes. $225 per axre. 17 acres, 15 eyres prunes 14 logan berries, good family orchard, all kinds of berries. tHrietly modern farm house. $S500. 18 seres, 7 acres In prunes, 3 acres in lognns, 1 acre family orehard, 10 acres of strawberries sH out lant spring hetween ths orchard, 7 acres In slump pasture, fair improvements, h't'i snap. $0000. SMALL ACREAGE 13 acrs chicken ram-h, good family irchanL rood imr.roverj-n.ti, water' i f jTSZ IX ' I Jsiiiii ia fiipo't to house. Tins ie a fine buy at $400?. 5 all nnder eultivr.tinn, family orcVird honse and barn. S-"0o. 3Vii mrtrM oa hard surface road, clone n. trood 5 room eo'uigc. $.'O0. jciirriL scon realty co 404 Uubliatl bui'illiig oHaccTTh 117 . i Tre w arrace: - ....$2.19, $2.39, $2.59, $2.98' $2.19 $2.19. $2.59, $24)8, $3.19 - . $2.19, $2.59, $2.98, $3.19 Can Always Do Better At 7? 4hiaMs-slrai j lh V. in WANTED Modern Iimusc f""o in, by responsible party Nj children, will rent lor 0 iiionllis or om. year, X V Z cure Journal. 811 FK PALK 'Buick four 5 pa.enger cur iu good lomlii ioi ; ice tins car to appieeiulu iis real vn,i'.li. falem Velie cmnpniiy, Hi2 X. t oin. ltt lKillt four StHil.l.rev hv.u- Ui a dandy buy nnd will sH fi r $300, rnsv term". Hulein Velie eonipnnv, 102 X. Com. 8 i WANTED A house of 3 or 4 rooms close in, to rent fuini l.ed by per manent, tenant. C'uU W. E. Codnoy, Illigh hotel. 8 12 PA If l WANTKD A .1, versified farm with working eiiipiiii'iit,!iboiit $S00'l propostion, Hve aiMrass and phone. Address A ll cure .Ion -sal. 8 11 FOR 8ALE Team, burri ne, 3 in. wa gon, good condition for furm, or"h anl or berry work; leaving Oregon, sell cheap. 11 Booth, Kt. b, box 117, Haliun. g i: 'ini 8.LE4)r Iraile. lioi.'i rn 5 room bimpslow, erty weter tnd lights, good grden, chicke'i ei.rrat, near school bind ear line. Why pay rentf 113.) . Uilh Bt. g.lg OJKLS, Widows, mnU:-; a MonUina cow fony wislW to rnrrespond wlik yon. I am 35, lijkt hair, blue eyes. Address O. V. Hart, Lcwistoa, liln ho. a 12 LADY wants position as noes is some cimp where yon have a ptii-ition open for her brother a.'fo, or good private place. For hi & wires only. Call or write 'i' 3-.3 X. Com mercial Kt. 8 11 HARGA1V 100 acde Mock rail dairy ranch for sale or trade f. r property in Maron county. 3' j miles from Toledo. 'r., 30 ncr"S level land fit fur cm' iv ton HO aires has bwn under rnitU i, ivn in orch ard and g"is. 4'onr.' ria l through plaee and s hool hi w t.n laiid. 1 million feet of I ' ail abler and plenty of viiieira:! ', miles from tide water auj a i down hi'L Wood Robl lnit wiet. r . ir I2 r cord at Xewptirt; nmre : hsn eti'Li h wood to iWii-M fnr ti!i.itt liver thre mili-s of ootr iT'e for ( i'tle. poats ; snd s'i 'p. Adimnin:; pia -o held at J j.iiiuii, fJL'iMi, three sf,j;ngs ana two creel on place. Write W F 25 care1 Journal. 8 H tf m-0 Bussclk I ? I if H K it ll TFft 0 $2.59 - $2.59 $2.19 HOUSES 4 SALE 7 rooms, plastered, guod location, out(i Milem, hs-d m;rf,.ie street, ce ment sidenulk. A tnap. $HiU0. H rniiMi modern li'inne tt n baths and toilets, fnrnnee, t'n I cement basement. $3."0(l, $liKI0 ennii, tmlgncc to suit. H r'lonu, basen.efM, willi lnige lot, fmil and berriis. 4.00, ("00 cash, bnl lilicn n in ii I h iy . o idiiui, stiict'v niiidcm, one of tlio bent lioilt Iuiumh ,ii .Slum. This is worth looking af. fi'tW, 11500 cnth, balnnen terms. 5 romn mmleru cotta;!i 2 lots. 12500, $S00 cash, balance terms, Now hmi-C. H rnnms, 2 l"t f"ut, at $1400; $300 cash ImUmiicc $10 per nn ulh. 4 room cottnge. -4N75; oi half cab, ba'ance to suit. 4 room cottnge. $?C0; one half cash, halam-e to suit. rise un if you rar.t to tuy a home. We have hons 'S at all pi ices and all term.. JOHN IL SCOTT REALTY CO. 401 Hubbard bldg. FOB TltADE 320 ace "jrch in Har ney To., Or., fur Willamette valley property. Uox 77, Kt. 4 Palein, Or. 823 WANTED To rent ! to 7 room oio.l ern house, pownnnn oa or before Nov. 1st. Dr. Fred Kill. tf PEATU4 4'rop of rly aai late Craw finds for m!e no teres or pe k on shares. Phone 170.'. 8-13 t'M'B BOWLINE Ali.Bk' for salo cheap. Alio 3 pocket b iliurd taWea and fixtures for ei,nfe.'tionery; nl levs alone cost $7.i(l nc; the whde Ihi-ig for $227.5. $10"0 iun, balance t.i inlbly. ('nil H70. 8 IS F '1! SALE Ford nuti. tup, good coo i!i' ion, biir'ain. Call ui ir 7 p. m. f.ViJ N. I'ilh. 8 Ki i ll SALE At i.-e 4 J V norca ami White U"4hra h"n. b. s( of layers. i..-.d buy. Box ZZ lit. 8. r'a!em.S-m 1 ii-T business lia'.ioB in (he city of Newport for sale; nm'liiu store build irj; and iii'prnvemerits. If interest. -.f w .o W F 25 earn Jo:.pii.1. 8 US ! ITH in Newr- rt, utr good bn: a iin, beautiful r.fw of tti" Ny m l ( . .in. Tli y are a b. i.-'.n fur the oi -e nskrd. Wr:ts W F 2.5 care J.wr i al. 8 !i ii fflRTLMilD. ORE. Irk be men m Ts? iJJHfeepHcaHcmc-W 55 Kecp'cialaThatlrda $