itorialPage of The Capital Journal CHAELE3 H. FISffEB Editor and Fablieast MONDAY EVEXI.YC! A"ost Ii, 1910' Pnblishcd Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Allies' terms. They do not intend to abide by them one'1'-of ,he wr 1 - minute loneer than thev are tomnplM tn fcv n'nr S "rk ,4u "" Address All Commnnie.tion. Te fnrl,a T D, tha . ""'"IT. "i!?. IT.' . "v. i-vw mic jrvuito ntORCU ui VCtit wanning, or Itl I the Germans grow strong enough to feel self-confident Cl;c9atlniiilialIfouraal ALZM 138 8. Commercial 8t OBEGO.N SUBSCRIPTION BATES fWi'r. hr r.rrtr. per TCr $5.00 Pet Monti. Bhily by ltU, per year- Per Month- 45e 35e j once more, and this treaty, like its predecesors, will be dui a mere scrap 01 paper. It is really a good turn that Bernhardi and his bro ther militarists do the world in making such frank an nouncements. It helps to put and keep the Allies on their guard. FILL LKASkU) WIRE TfcktXiKAl'll REDOUT FOREIGN BEPBESENTATTVE3 W. D. Ward, New Tork, Tribune Buildinf. W. H. fctoekwell, Chicago, Psople's On Building PROMISING DETOURS. fha Daily Capital Journal earner boys.efe instructed to put tha papers ob tb pteh. It the earner does not do this, mine you. or neglects gettirg the papw U Too ea time, kindly phona tha emulation manager, aa Wis ta we uniy way ea determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone II before 1:30 o'clock and paper will be aent you by ipeeial messenger if the aarrier hat missed you. - TUB DAILY CAPITAL JCUBNAL Is the only aewapeper in Salem whoee circulation ii guaranteed by tha Audit Eurtaa Of Circulation! THE NEXT WAR. "As conditions now exust", says General Bernhardi, in an article written for an American newspaper, "there is danger that in one way or another we will withdraw from our obligations. Then a new war will be a neces sity." He explains that the Allies, through the pace treaty, have sought to make it impossible for Germany to wage war in the future, and the treaty "will achieve exactly the contrary." He finds that the clause obligating Germany to sur render the men responsible for the war and its crimes are absurd,' and blandly announces that "he who would pro nounce it good to give up the kaiser and the leaders would dig his own grave." The only reproach the kaiser deserves, he says, is "for having begun the war too late." He pronounces it "an utter mistake to believe that the progress of humanity is possible in eternal peace." He represents his country as merely playing possum. Possibly the German nation will for a while content itsalf with the position to which the late war relegated it, but it is a grave error to believe that will be possible in the long run. He is certain "that the late war conceals in itself a new war," that the conditions imposed on Germany will rHsiulliit ju distant tii, mu violent reaction". War may delay a little, "but come it will." Here is the same old spirit of Prussian militarism, flaunting itself flagrant and unashamed. The war, ac cording to this view,, was not a crime meriting punishment and atonement, but merely a great game which Germany, through some miscalculation or other, happened to lose. Sconcr or later, the Germans must try again, and with a great victory wipe out the disgrace and inconvenience re sulting from their present failure. It dues not matter at all that they have accepted the m??um RHYMES By Wait Mason MOVING AROUND. "Detour" is a word that has held murh tprmr fW the! .V,, automobile driver. It means abandoning tho hiaWnv! "01.: and going sometimes miles out of the way, often over bad roads and away from the beaten paths of road mans, be- lore returning 10 me nignway tanner on. The statement that this season there are more detours than ever before all over the country might at first chill the motorist's joy in summer touring. But after think ing twice on the matter, he should really rejoice. This sudden increase in the number of detours means a further increase in good roads. Detours are re quired in many places because a newer and better road is being constructed or because long-neglected faults are being repaired. All this detouring will be rewarded in a season or two by fine straight-away roads over which the autoist may spin in safety and comfort. The Plumb plan of railroad control is verv much nut of plumb with the ideas of sensible, law and order loving people of this country. By the way, this man Plumb only a few years ago a one-horse lawyer, is now living in a beautiful Washington home sifrrounded bv all kinds of luxuriesthe direct result of sympathizing with the woes of the union workingman who gets from $5 a day up and worKs as ne pieases irom seven to eight" hours a day. Plumb works the workingman hard and is one of the lead ers of the Russian anarchist party in this country be cause he figures that it pays him good financial returns. He is a fair sample, along with Clarence Darrow and a few others. very tiny head of a pin. "Yes I ratiic itit of one of those paper puts," he ud. ar- if he knew what she was thi-ilting ' That' the best war to plant 'wumwj. We do nut gr.iw so verv fast so it is better to give us a niif start iu th' house. Then, pretty noon re bi .in to grow out he.e and then, vou jut watch as' "That's what I am goiu to do." said the little girl. "Shall 1 tell you a aren't " whis x'red the fain- with the aier eap. "Oh. ve do!" cried It.illv, who i loved to have a "secret" with soroe- botlv. "Well, wlu-n my plants got too live ly the gardener l-'t'ehes our he ids a heel. Vwonwioiif of mv hand, be hold the wheel a irnnte. A cloud of dut en", eloped us. I slipped my hnudj from uadi'r his. 1 l:d it in a bashful j way. I meant it to niefn oaf thin. That it embarrassed me t have Tom's hand on mine, j Tom's nuzzled lo-.k had changed. 'If! Sara is trying to flirt, she shall,"' I, could almost hear Tom Dunking. hia next remark vii in keeuiug. ! "I've -missed ymi, ra. " On and on it : f went. An idle'flirintion ob an idle f fc teromi.M did not enjoy our present at-f ' titudrt. Not ha'f as mueh a onr form-j er easy eompaniondiip. But it must be This is no time for likes or dislike, j This is play in i; the game sriously. J I like Dr. Bixi'.v. But 1 lo not W-1 lieve that I iau tv.T eare tor another j man as 1 did f ir Jim. But lliis i." nut j a q ues; ion of nrunr. it is a question 3 ".4. i t I Mv heart bents quickly. It is the iS 1 y.-iinj. routs from 0f war. Shall I suceedf I Tomorrow The 'vinning wiles. sked eried l'.l!r, mmh siiorked. '1 think that i. r.nkel. I toll liilly he won le' myi.ody , su.h a na(i driven the ear to the door. j tluilij to vou." i ..rl,,. .utiatf on the lioirh. i keips the foolUh running away." " Where would tliev rn;i Dollv. "All over the garden," said the fairy, e. Milly. "Th y would ;eare out ev ery other plant ou (lie plnco. Hut if we are pinched Rood and hii'd at the rifcht time we are all ri"lit ' ' "One of the oilier fuiri s said some! thiiiit abmit running oh, I know! It a the Fuiry with the l'i.ik Vest." "Ves," naid the fairy ir the paper eap; "he is my b: enusi.i." job. When I blew into Johnson's store, to buy some prunes for Lizzie, no customers were on the floor, but all the clerks were busy. They carried boxes to and fro, and swept and brushed and ducted; oh, everyone was on the go, until his gallus busted. I said to Johnson, cheerful faced, the tumult round him weaving, "Oh, why all this indecent haste, when there is nothing doing? Why don't the clerks sit down and rest, their useless labors drop ping? Then they would hump and do their best when cus tomers come shopping." Said Johnson, "People pass my ft ore, on errands vain and dizzy; and thev look throueh the open door and see the clerks all busy; ami they reflect,!? ilia Johnson gent is surely up and coming; while other x nercnants make lament, he keeps things fairly humming. It it tney looked in ana saw my men ail half asleep and Vnuntrnr ihpv'ii think I run n mrtlrh' ilnn nnA nn tVir,: ,..n. iogoonmg. 1 here s nothing like a busv front when trade is slack and dragging; so everj' clerk must have his stunt, the tairt with the tapeb cap i'lul Keep his trilbys wagging." I swiped some cheese t'tid then I went, and, as I went, reflected, "There are upon this Johnson gent no flies that I've detected." Now that the American press has accepted those der feated Prussian militarist leaders as contributors of spec ial articles they will probably be better off financially, at least, than they ever were in their lives before. The latest has-been employed to tell how it happened is Luden dorff, whose version has been syndicated and will soon begin appearing in many newspapers. Personaly we al ways iake more satisfaction in hearing the Yankee boys tell how and why it happened. Young Roosevelt made his first political speech' a few days ago and reports say he roasted the democrats to a brown turn. This propensity to roast somebody shows him to be of the genuine Roosevelt stock, and he may be destined to make his mark in the world in spite of the illustrious father handicap. A film company has filed suit against another pic ture syndicate because the pictures of the Willard-Demp-scy fight did not pay. What is there left for the reformers to work upon, if the public thus manifests its preference for decent pictures? The crew of a French steamer bound for this country held up the ship for twenty-four hours while they con ducted a strike for better wine and got it. There will be a rush for jobs on French ships when this news leaks out. The dearth of presidential timber is illustrated by the fact that some newspapers are booming Governor Henry J. Allen, of Kansas, for that high office. Might bring Hoover home again and put him on the THE STORIES THE DEWDROPS TOLD (Written for the X'nitrd Stales Kehool (tardea Army, Depart ment of the Interior.) HUNTING AHUSDAND BY MAT DOUGLAS PLAYING THE GAME Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for tt.s Eyes. Physicians and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye trouble and to strengthen eyesight Soldundermoney refund guarantee by all druggists. PRESIDENT ANSWERS (Continued from page one) WHO'S YOUR FRIEND? CirAPTKI! XXTlK ' I have planned it out. Tom in to eome up on Similar. I shall fhnnt Tom in Or. l!uhv' cres! Harriet seemed quite tl' lighted with the idea. "I fhall ask Dr. Tiixbr and Con l.inri Dwijihr for NundnT night te't" 1ie offered this morning it breakfast. "How nice of yon, HTit," 1 said. It ii a wonderful help to my plans; for f am eninp, to f1! i rt wirii Tom. Thin may Jie rather surprising to Tom. But inee he earea for tint little Jeanne ifirl, it will not hir him. And it will help. me. For I mnt make Dr. Bixhr jealous. I flattered the di etor auite shnmclewly. ;Now I inust show him he is not the only onf. I put on my little grny crepe do chine. Its simple l;nc and noft eollaf and euffs gave me a deiruie look. "Wouldn't yon like to meet Tom alone f" nsked Harriet. I said I should. I thought T caught :i fleeting look, whose I could not fnthom, from Jeek Wi non's eye. I do not like him. 1 am afraid I ira- a;ine thing about him. I met Tom ot the trmr n the Ford. He greeted me henrtilv. He remnrked at once on how well 1 looked. But I did not look at hint frankly, i .'.id not say "Thank you," as I am u..ed. I turned . aside my faee, I lowered my even. ' Do ymi think of" 1 iisl:d shyly. I To he shr with Ton! Tom seemed a, liille ptix'ded. At a turn in the road, we saw a rnini; on' rowing toward us. Tmn put his hand ovr mine on the tion at Paris to intimidate Chinese en hns suid the government will ignore voys. their demands for 23 lr cent mote In a letter to N-natur Lodge, chair-, wages until all are btw-k -it wor. man of the senate foreign relnlionsj 1 1 committee, the president refused tliQi 9 eonimittee's request for stenographic TTf-v V ""i - f " Knnhlf records of all proceedings arguments A JkJ CkKKJ A lUUtb and debates and all data bearing upon -v the league of nations on the ground LclllKCrOUS that no ftenoyraphii; reports were tak en during the league debate and it was says Doslor Connor formerly of Johna agreed that such memoranda as was Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men made should be confidential. The pre- suffering from fatal diseases would b sideut said he was following the exam- iii perfect health today were it not for pie of other governments in making! the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop tha this explanation. I habit now before it's too late. It's s The letter tn Lodge was serate i simple process to rid .yourself of tha from the answer to the senate reipiest. tobacco habit in any form. Just go to ' anr ud to date drnit Btore and get soma Nieotol tablets; take them as directed and lo; the pernicious habit quukly (Continued from page one) vanishes. Druggists refund the money if they fail. Be sure to read large and rn;i. m Vo.lem. I interesting announcement by uoctor tion of Lnbor, expected to lie able te! Connor soon to appear in this paper. t.lnv th.t nrrLtienllv nil ihon men!" t"11" ot At danger of nicotine poia- who struck without sanction, of (heir higher officials were back at tiork. HoweTer, early reports iAdicated that Jewell was over sanguine and thar ninny of tho shop men were refusing to return to their jobs. P:esidtiit Wilson onintr and how to avoid it. In the mean time try Kicetol tablets; you will be) surprised at the result. V. J. Fry. Fred Brock, colored, lunueilv of t'ort Innd, was found dead in oc at Ncw-port. .InhP nntinnr PHONE 199 The Qaickener Press 193 N Com'l-over Gale & Co. Q. E. Brookins, Proprietor fr LAJDD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18C8 General Banking Business Commencing June ICth Banking Hours will be from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. "Doily," snid Hilly nnc jnornlng, "Du yon want to help me In the gar Jen for a little while? Mmi.c you will See one of those 'u ries yu are alavs t KltkllkI lUlout." j "Ok. I'd loco lo." -nil Telly. 'What Jure yim going to do."' Dolly was al jways eacr to hv.- n part in the work "f the United Mules i hed garden ar my. "I'ooie along and I"l show yon," nid ht-r litother. thev went out in to the liar.lcn ill the !rcH p'orning air. n.Uy rart-ed S..IU,. IUtv rsper pola, and he let liol'y c.ury s.une too. The !ls had tiny plan's in tt.iu. i "I riii K'oi'K to trnp:nt .these." he said, "just a i he 1 n. ted' States "h.nd n.'i'len ni iuv liir. c! ling nr. " "What ii,.,-s that mean." asked Dol lv. h.i w-imtcl excy i,, wr,l ex-l,i:''1"-1- 1 think i'.at' i a 107 g,od thii-g. don't you f , "ll means that I plant ,l,e seeds in li'"' anl ih-a tiansplant 'or p!Mt :!.- .1 sinin-in (), grden," sai1l Hilly, wh always liked Jo tell Dolly about thinjs. He didn't ki as some brothers do. "Oh, you're on IjA a girl -you couliln't Ottdi tand. " Co he and Dolly carried out the fun ny lit i ie paper boxes.' had some1 runs uf t;"""d linj.K piepurcd for the pots. He had de the ground up and loosened it uulM it ws Soft euoiigii for yoiinjj plait'. He hm'd the ground op into row Th -n he made holes large t"H'h for th.- pots. Then he planted the Kts, being cireful to knock off the bottoms. "ow," he raid, "I think that might to do." ' - " Do whatf" usW Thdiy. " Voii just watea n see." ai'id her brother. "And if yon see a Dewdrop Fwijry on one of ;hoe little seeillinss manlie he will tell you all J on want to know," Billy went into the to get rendv for school and IVilly stood in the garden, hoping a miry would soom come and tell her about the plants in the piier pM. "Weil her I am," til a Voire SO ntnr that it ma.le her jump. And there he was, to b sure. A lit tle f.llnw all dr.'Sed in r.'in. lit coat was dark t;reei find Si- bt'ie vest was very li;hl (trei'i alirnvt wh.;e. It had rather largo Luttun of tne same col "I didn't see vol at a'!," said Did !y. at "of roiirse rou didn't. I ' e iiMt been b..m," 'd tbe fair-v. Tnn Dolly Moti.l tl.a! he had .funny lit tle psin-r rap on his bend j'isf hit the pots she had helpcri Billy to plant. On B SSa A m wyrui f 'I i A I tJ 1. tl ar. J Your grcc2P trill 4 no 41.11 9 for iM,B refund V 1 does not please your taste, no matter liou much sjou have used out of the can. VIJV tfMV 1