f-l s f "M WA THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEU OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1919. esAii Economical Delightful, Light Race to Tradci : society : j By GESTSTOE EOBISOH . T IX? "A Mr' y! y t j MiL!iiiiid No effort has been spared in order that cir showing of FALL SUITS may meet the re quiremnts of every woman, whether she de sires a suit of the dressy type or one designed strictly for utility. Truly comprehensive is our display, em bracing every desirable style feature and every material that has found favor for fall wear. Selections should be made now as our ASSORTMENT AFFORDS EXCELLENT CHOICE. PRICES ARE WELL WITHIN REASON We invite the Ladies to In spect THIS EARLY SHOW ING OF THE FALL SEA SON'S OFFERINGS IN SUITS 416 State Street 077 SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE BUYING JAT HOME m vu kjvc fi iat tuu uuj uciure i aying uuying i uume Jury f r At Av:-.r. ; ,y jfrmmOkW Fall Coatings Sslfertoaes. Velours. Flushes and Tweeds Now On Display SILVERTONES, 56 inches wide, a very popular cloth, will make a much liked and stylish coat Yard $3.83 VELOURS, 5G inches wide; a complete line of dark shades , in this favorite fabric at yard, from $4.45 to $5.83 WOOL PLUSHES 5G inches wide in blue, green, brown, and black. These plushes are considerably unde rp r i ce d at $2.93 TWEEDS, 66 inches wide, heavy mixed Tweeds of good weight for Coats. Tweeds are not only, stylish but also very serviceable and are es pecially good for girls' and children's coats. Mixtures of various shades at yd $2.8.'" See Our Plaid Skirtings For Burning Ecxwm Greasy salve and ointments akouat not be applied if good cleat afca. ia wanted. From any druggist fer33c,ar $1.00 for large size, get a bottle fZam. When applied as directed it eJecartaly removes eczema, quickly stops itckinfc and heals akin troubles, sis aorta burns, wounds and chafing. It pes. trates, cleatus and soothes. Zmm ii a clern, dependable and iaexteatve, antiaeplte Ikiuid. Try k, as we tit fan nothing you have ever used is an five and satisfying. ' The. W.MoMCoCknkHkiO. Mr. am) Mr. W. A. Toung f San t'rauciaeo are guests of th former'! parents, Mr. and M . J. V, Tsug. Attorney Frank A. Turner left Sat urday for Winifni, Montana, wher he will spend hi vacation with his ion, Uui A. Tiirnor, furrtrly of this city. Mr. Turner's friends will be. pleas ed to ltrn that ho is recovering ecd ily from his serious fa of blood pois oning. ' Mrs. Arthur Uixler has returned to her home in Arleriucrqo, Maw Besieo after a week ' visit at th home of her sister, Mr. II. Ii, l.Mark, m 11B0 Bouth lorauiercisl. Mrs. Florence Sponrcr has returned from sn enjoyable visit it. the Wash ington mountains with her daaghtcr, Mm. Clarence Mitchell. Mrs. R. R. Ruhr of Porlaad is the k'uert of Mr. ami Mrs. l'aco Traglio fur the week. . 0 Dim 't let your they ate fretful, cross, give them Mountain Tea a childrrr suffer. If p-evib puny nr tliillistcr'a Roekv harmless but safi laxative for childiert. 35c. 1. J. Fry. PEACH CROP LARGE An interview with Henry Bock, whs is one of the owners ef the largest sh orchard ia this part of the val ley, brought to light th fact that the crop this year will be tkr best they have had fur om timr Mr. Bock thinks he sill gather at least lityWO lioica and will tnV.s.vor to sell as mime f them locally as Jnissible, The orchard ((rows fnV Uifftrent tariet iei of peaefcc. The rumor that the entire rron had 1'cpb boiiiilit hr a eanncrv is without NE ef th prj:t t affairs ef the past wees. si the luturnal gsifl ennr of th Tsr.'e Link ciab, Friday, at which Mrs. Stanley Culver, Mrs. L W. biwerai and Mrs. Leonard Busick wees joist fcotesc. Ike charia :ng af'air was held at the Culver rexi dcare, which, wa eeautif.lly decorated for th oecasioa ia th lie-task colors. 'pick sad green, sweet peas sad grace ful ferns twisg used to ct-ry oat th jaeured effect. Th sam.- ca.aty c. vrs 'were osed ia the reeshiu..-3ts. j Th delightful euriaj aftirsuoa was followed i th eveaing by a picaie oa ! the groom d of th Culver home, a prer- ty feature of th snppes heiag the birthday eaka is h-nor of the aaaiver ; ary of Mrs. David Wrigtt. Corda and j dancing helped pan the pleasurable , hoars. About fifty guer.U stttoded. JEv cepting: tha children, those present were Mr. aad Mrs. Ueorge Will, Jd and Mr. Viesko, Mr. and Mrs. Leonaid ; Busick, Mr. and Mrs. 1'aviit Wright, Mrs. Piameroy, Mrs. F. I.. Thomp)n, ;Wis Jennie Krszenga, Mr. aad jW. A. Weiirt, Mr. sad Mrs. Frank . Towasead, Mrs. f. L Waters Mr. sud I Mrs. (,'. O. 'iehol, Jr. fiH Mrs Wil 'liarn Siegmund, Mr and Mr. Hiedesel, -r. and lira Bre.iner, Mi. and Mrs. Liovelnd, Olea Ni-holi, Mrs. Mosher, Mrs. Clarice, Mr. and Mm, ( eore Win chell, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A Soyes, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cu-nminsj, itis. W L. Cusamings, Mr, aa 1 Mrs. I. W. bimeral snd Mr. and Mrs. StnuVy Culver. . Mrs. Ben W. Olott chiistened the hull of the veeael, West Hartland, j launched by the Columbia Biver tihip- Duiidlng corporation in Pr.iliand, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Mt.ores return ed Saturday from AtirW after visit ing their daughter and sou in law, Mr. aad Mrs, Robert Me Kinney. s A pretty weddinR, cnln lusting the romanc of Basel U. 'nnc and Clii toa V. Mrnith, took place at the home of thabridt'a parents, Mr. mid Mrs. C. U 1'rince, 2063 North Church street, last Wednesday. The Impressive ring 'cere mony was used, R -verend Lee of the friends eharch officiating. The bride, who wa uBattendrd, was rhnrminj in a lovljr gowa f whit goorgette over satin, ssd earned a shower bouquet of bride rose and awet peas. Miss Doris itoas aeted a ring bearer and wore a pretty dresa of pale pink silk. Meadelasokaa wedding a arch was prayed by Mia Iaola So.ith, a sister of the groom, and Miss Grace Sher wotd sang LoT) y0ll Truly" and "O I'ronuse M." About thirty five guest were preseat. Th groai is a son of M. and Mrs. J. X. Smith ef 2493 Har.el avenue, and a miaiag agineer. The young cou ple left Thursday for Miami, Arizona, where they will make their home. Mims Catharine Carson ass gone to Seattle where she will be the house guest of her sister. Mm Hugh JUeCam- mon lor Wt next three weeks, ; . i j, . ; : , ,- - , Week end gosrts at th J. W. Toung hem were Mr. and . Mrs. Clayton young of Telod, who metered to th capitol eity to see the forirtr's brother, W. A. Young of "fcaa Vti, isco. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mefcouicy snd Mr; and Mrs. Hank McKinlcy of Tillamook are. visiting in Hale in aa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Par.'-ci. t Misa Ruth Johns re. lined Friday rrom an ettended visit in California, during which she was the enest of her brother, Claude Johns, in He-kelev. and or relative, and friends n Oakland aad tiaa Francisso, Mrs, J, ?f. Smith and daughter, Iaola leav for Newport this week fur aa outing covering five or si : weeks. They will have ti their guesr-fur a week, miss xsaerwooo. Henry Moody, aeeomntn'ud bv his maters, Mrs. V. W. c-lee and Miss Klla Moody, and fraadn'ee Kllea Oene Moody, all of Pali., Went to Seaside e Friday for a three wtckj outing. They went by boa, hsiing shipped tneir auto alter motoring to I'ortland. Mrs, Albert a McMi.r..liev. mem br of ths dCugeno board of education, has fceea appointed stnts director for Oregon in the great ffhticn wide cam paign to combat na-American radical doctrine by th pomilariiation of the constitution of the l.nited States, be ing promoted bv the national security league and the other lending petriotie siH-ielies of the country. This campaign win culminate lu tn eetctntion in all tne atates of "(onititutiyn day" on September IT, the anniin.rv of the aiL'ning of the constitution. Uirectors to sujiervise the campaign nn tne orsnniMtion er ( onstitution day" meetings hae alremly been ap pointed on :td states. Many leading ritisens tn all Parts of the countrv in both pubic and prvate life are aieaiuer or tne two general comm Hies through which the national security irague aud associated societies ire pron'oting this campaign. These bodies are the consti- Ethel Qaytons Beautiful Complexion last S)icmliil actress now appear ing under the Paramount banner it fa man for her beinUfiil eomplciion, She attributes her. wonderful kin to the QHP 4vf a aiinrd .ttl.t Mrtiota null.,J iooi.iHi.on ami .ir. Hock sa.d that he IVraillo. There is nothing like it for would at least ke.p half the crop ia tan. fr.ckles. shinv now, sallow, dark, SUveiton for lu.al couiii.optk. Cai- tough skin. It takes the pla.e of face mug a, h.' will t o ready for the hwder, stars oa better, as pewpira- .i.m .,. r is aaya. tioa due net affect it. and it instaat- I" " T,"P me win, iv neniitiries the eneiplenon. One The amount tn about Tim hous and will not be ready for picking for about tore weeks. Silvertos appeal. A vote of thanks was teedrred Ke pre ventative HiBiwtt bv tae .fr4iietd c han.ber of commorce for his wok for' the Roosevelt highway add in th grant land caws. A gave! and ubik m arn tie will be sent to Hinsj't. an- wicarioa proves it. If yon want a a toe lily white skin wits roy checks, get a boi tie of lVrwillo te,lay : you will be .lelighted. lrwillo is dd at all ap to date toilet eounU-r. Be sure to rea l large anaouaccmcat ef Miss Clayton's to Sjnr in this paper. It tells hew to instantly have a beautiful enm V1' on and a ft, white, velvctv skia . . eTTcne "just loves to touch."" M0DART CORSETS aj7y WARNER'S CORSETS YANKEE NOTIONS RICHARDSON'S LINENS HANDKERCHIEFS . TOILET ARTICLES DENNISON'S PAFER NOVELTIES LEATHER PURSES STATIONARY HOSIERY GLOVES UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR RIBBONS UNDERMUSLINS - UMBRELLAS FEATURING READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS AND READY-TO-USE MERCHANDISE FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN WE ARE NOW SHOWING A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ADVANCE MOD ELS IN OUTER GARMENTS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. f SUITS $24.75, $29.75, $34.75 to $93.00 COATS $16.48, $19.75, $24.75 to $75.00 SERGE DRESSES : $16.48, $22.48, $27.50 to $65.00 LINGERIE WAISTS 9Sc, $ 2.48, $ 3.93 to $12.50 GEORGETTE WAISTS $ 3.98, $ 4.98, $ 6.95 to $35.00 SHETLAND SWEATERS $12.48, $17.50, $24.75 to $35.00 Quality Is Right Style Is Right Price Is Right I WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE 1. (S. iJtplinj to. LIBERTY STREET SALEM, OREGON. ; 4h? tutiotal eelcii ration rgjniration com mittee, of which t)t. David Jayae Hill historian and diplomat, ia chairman, and the eoastitutional celebration hon orary committee, which iu'.ludes i its membership the govciiio'ri of 21 states snd th mayors of ovc 100 large eit ies n all part of the eouutiy. Oovernor Olcott and Muvor Baker of Portland are members f th honorary committee. As a farewell courtesy U Mr. and ,Mrs. Clifton Smith, who wnlding was an eveijt of last Wednesday, the groom's parents entertained a group of friends at a delightful U'nnflr party Thllrsrtav evenillir iust brforn thi vnimr couple left for thmr future home in Arizona, ms vauie wii premiy center ed with pink and white sweet peas snd enver upril fnr thrt CrittOKinfr ti 'and Mrs. Clifton Hmith, Mr, and Mrs. O, L. Prince, Mr. and Mrj. Jesse Prince Prank Prince, Kenneth Priree, Mr. ssd Mrs. C. C. Seott, Carelia Beott, Miw Isola Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ross, Milo Rotss, Doris Kosa end Mr. and Mrs. J. IN. Smith. . Mr. and Mrs. Ws'ter '? aulding ssd Miss Ava Miller are in f'anby as guests of Mrs. Xora Gaid Mills.- for a feW days, ( mrn jfmrn ' I -: , l f" 1 J I vi!AAnU) . uj i. i v y kW M- Km aH JrWWiK kJ ii M kit tsU EMifor wii ihonlj bavt a CpyoilkiBtcrel kg CS-pagt Cera Prdiett Bosk, BtMntifnlhr illiistra U4 toJ full ef b loraatioi for good tookinf. Write to day for ft. saw r . S j.MaeA mMmUz Ecoioniy! RffAZOlA is used over and over again with fsL out transmitting flavors or oJors from one food to another. It is not absorbed into foods. And remember Mazola is equal to butter for cook ing, better and more wholesome than lard and compounds and you use l4 to ) less Mazola for shortening, as in pie crusts, etc : CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY r. O. Coe tt New York