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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
PAGE EIGHT. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. Hittnn n I! DO MESTICS Of all kinds can always be bought from us for much less money than you can get them elsewhere. All who have investigated appreciate this fact All who have not, owe it to themselves to do so at once. Ginghams : 19c, 29c, 33c and 39c yd Percales 13c, 21c, 23c and 29c yd Cotton Challies, 36 inch ... .29c yd Cheviots . ...25c yd Outing Flannel . .23c, 23c and 29c yd Canton Flannel .'. ...19c, 21c, 23c and 33c yd Sheeting, 8-4, 59c; 9-4, 63c; and 10-4, 69c yd Sheets, 72x90 98c to $1.79 each Pillow Cases .29c, 33c and 39c each Bath Towels (plain white) 18c to 49c each Bath Towels, fancy 33c to 89c each Comforts $2.98, $4.50 and $4.98 each All Around Town , ! , , ,MMMt; ELSIE rSEGUSON IN 'HIS FABISIAN WITE' LLOYD COMLE? PATHE IK tfor an hour or o. Those who will as sist ia enteruiniiy the v sitors with their ears are asked to telephone the Commercial club ;2. Ti e special is scheduled to leave Snleir at tf o'clock in the. eveuiug. The trip i.i Oregon will include a visit to ( rat-r Lake. Ar rangements are being made to enter tain 350. Dr. Carl E. Miller has opened Ma Incoroorated Jental office at ibldg. Phone 341. 5105U U. 8. bank tf Willard Storage Battery Service Sta tion will move tj 238 N. High St. about Sept. 1st. Yours for better serv-1 Dance tonight at armory. Start him off right! Look at Bishops Island window for your boy. o Don't lis your farm with SOCO IttVKY unless you want to sell. 311 State. tf ie. Tor quick sale, list your property with W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 8-9 I Secretary Klein, of the atate hignwayj commission, has seut notices to the vari-i 8-30 SUk shirts at Bishop's Just in. Coins In. We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic building. (f Grass nigs. Sea windows. 25 percent off, Hamilton's. New shoes hsve arrived at Bishop's. Eecont sales of Hie riemliig Realty Co., 341 Btato. are the ranch of W. L. Holstoin on the Dullus road, sold to II. i M. Homing of Bn'en Also a 6 room bungalow of W. A. Pen my on south Commercial struct to a Mr. Russe. Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your repair work. Phone ItitiS, t'9 N. Coin, street. tf it lias doue by John Sparge. "Tho A H 0 of exhibit planning," a book dealing with the flint questions which arise when graphic educationnl work into lie dunned, by Evart U. Kout-xulin. no i(s of men," on aiitiiology. A ft' NEW BOOKS AT THE CilY 4c T TOD 1BV ; ..M ",',. A. 1 " I Willard Storage Battery Service Sta tion will move to 2.18 X. High St. about Sept. 1st. Yours for better serv ice. 8-30 Salem readers of fiction will gener ally agree that Hall (aine s greatest 'work is "The Woman Thou tiavest j.Me" a daring, startling novel that ideals boldly with the "double stand .ard" of morals, the laws and conven tions of marriage, the relations of a I woman to her paren s, hir husband and her children. It is the iiHir-most reword ' of the soul of a woman who defied eon i vention, defied the claims of a mar riage tlist defiled her, defied man made morality, and lived her own life j in her own way. It is a dramatized def inition of true marriage as a holv cov enant which (two souls nmke with one another when thoy make rheir choice from out all other men and women of the world. o "The Woman Thou Gavest Me" starts Sunday at the Oregon. 8 8 . .Mrs. L. O. Curt Iks is having a won derful sale on triiimcd und pattern ' Special, golden arm rockers, plenty of designs, $4. ..- Hamilton 's. inn ....I. ...... I P - .11 i "Greater Italy," the Italy of today, j " "y n,,J0W n intensely fascinating and pctui.arlyj "David and Jonathan," two friends lucid study of European hjstoiy and the j thrown half dead on an Afilian island, Iner workligs of iiitcrnutii.iml politics"'" ''"J" inU'r t,ni 0 huKt " ' P- Dm. Carfiatt and Pe-nNrton hsve ' during the past sixtv years by Viiliam ! l,,mM,,l.v dead bodiesbut one breathed, moved their off ire to SOS Hank of j Knv Wallace. ' a wonmii. Out of this situation the nti- Ooiiimerce bldg. 0 7 i ''Bolsliovisro," what it is nud what ' ,h"r W1'BV0 i,ny m,,killR possible the ; most fantastic improbabilities, by K. lenipio Thurston. reu Howled book of nmnmod verso hats, to make roe for the new good, celebraling the great outdoors from the looming in. 125 N. jligh St. 8-9 "'"in 1-iiiniu ine tropics, Dy Kooert o I H. O. Rhoades of Chlnock, Montana, ino suuy or, has recently purchased the Doust farm AUDITING i of 34 acres about four miles north of Sn'em on the river road. The trnct is plan'ted mostly in prunes. It is under stood that prune land in that part of the county is ibeing held at from $.i00 to li(X) an acre. BYSTEMATU.1NQ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 13 Your ACCOUNTING SYSTEM on a FEDERAL TAX BASIS. If not, Jet me help you. ORVILLE C. HENDERSON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Hotel Marion, Ea.ew, Ore. 447 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. INCOM3 TAX SPECIALIST Salem Cigar Factory is now making "La Corona" and "Little Salem" ci gars exsctly as they were made before the war. timokinz them reminds vou of : old times. tf Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8. tf t HvvH BIG SHIPMENT OF SUIT CASES JUST ARRIVED Will make Special prices on them for this week only. 75c up. Good fumed oak roll top office desk and chair Special $15.00. BARGAIN DAY EVERY DAY Peoples Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. ' Do you want your Freight and Ex press cut of Portland to arrive quicker! ship via Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 ous eounty indites of the state inAirm nig them of the arrivr.l of army trucks iu 8alem from the east and tnat one truck will be allotted to eaih county at prcso-it, tlnjjjh it is expeetcd thatj later there will tie enough asait'iud to- Oregon by the war department to fur- nisli two to each eounty. At present a' large number will be requisitioned by; the highway department for use in road work. The vehicles are of two-ton ra-j purity, with steel frames and are adapt-' ed for heavy uso. All of them saw! moro or less service duriag the war but! are in good running order. Tho only expense to be borne by the coantits is! the freight charge from the cast to Sa- j I cm, which amount to about $225. 'Newport fishing season opens; ling cod sliced, 15c, and whole fish 12e per pound; red cod 10c pound. I'itts Mar ket tf Dance tonight at armory. Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. TercDliger, giC uutc morticians and funrrnl ilcrtori, 771) Cheineketa St. Phone 724. In the divorce suit of Mildred Ma rie Moorman aga'iist Jmucs Lot is Moorman, for his answei the defend ant alleges, "that in March, 191tf, up on returning home from work unex pectedly, ho interrupted his wife in the diversion of amusing a strange male person in the family home during hi absence, and causing a precipitous retreat to be made by a male person through a renr window of 'he house." Ho also alleges she desei'ed him for a fen- months in the sun: tier of IDIti and ttg.nin in 1917. He asks that he be awarded the divorce, Dance tonight at armory. Don't list your farm with SOCO UWXKY unl'ess vou want to sell. 341 State. tf i "Korean trenties," bv Henry Chung, For the Children. "Boys books of eannehig and suit ing." This is a now kind of book for boys. Mr. Miller has recognized tfie limits of the average boy's aliownnee mid offers expert information on boat building and bout handling, without civil lug for expensive materinls. by Warren II. Miller. "Blue Honnett keeps house,'' by Car oline Jacobs. De PaWs Packard Equipped With The uMi Batteries The Tnterostionnl Auto Uaro h(id st Sheepshead Buy, June Hth, hns cr.uscd (much comment in the automobile world. , Tho marvelous feat performed by Knlph Ie Palm hns naturally culled for criti cism of machines. Do Pulma won the 50 mile ruco in a , l nc Kurd liticing Cur, breaking tliei 0 world's record. He averum d 1 i:t mil... " B- k'Bange of Heprner recently an hm.. ihm...,in. ..., i purchnsed a UM, acre trert on the Jef- Sengcr station or one 204, 1 " 1 ""'u ul terson Way, about half a mile from! 0 ! the i race. J the I.Wicrty msd. The consideration! Don t Us your farm with 8OC0- j To the spectators the excltci.ient was was otlOO. It is understood that Mr. T"SKV unless vou want to sell 341 . intense, the first 25 miles of Ihe line Henge, who comes from lleppner. will! Slate. tf were return Knli:e. Twelv.- t.nies nrnn d "l'nil anon! .!IU0 in impiovemeiits on! 0 the 2 niile timk four ;..eie.: : ,ho pl. The sale was li s le by J. K. ! Vlavi The old original home rome- An even dozen of aviators were en tertained last evening it 1 tie Commer cial elub under iths direction of John W. Todd, local secretary for tho War Camp community sorvice. One of the objects of this community service is to make, life pleasant for the returned soldier. A number f tho young ladies of the city assisted in the ei.tertnining. Dance at armory tonight, o Golden and wax cak leather seat rockers special prices, JlamiFton's. Tonight, dance at M. B A. bail near i'hemawn. Auto leaves iiuonic Tem ple 8:30. Good four piece orchestra. Try Northern Plour, It's a Bear. (every sack guaranteed. At your gro- tf eers. Best line William and Mary dining suites at lLunilton Articles of incorporation have been filed with the couuty clci by J. Wol ford & Co. for the ; uqiose of transact ing a general merchandise business and to acquire the business now being oper ated at Hilverton by .1. M. Wolfard and A. U. Wolfard, under Ibe assumed name of J. Wolfard ft Co Tho enpitnl stock of the company is to be 24,0u0, 'fivided into 240 shares of I00 each. The ineorporn'tors are J. M. Wolfard. Adda Van ValkenSurg, Lvuis J. Wol fard, Ponna Aldrichs nnd fifaue Wolfard. Dance tonight at armory. Champion Prune!. We are in the market. leliver to Phez company puini. opposite tioutnern t'ae. Co. pa- tf nig curs swept alci.g ihe iiieuK neck speed, iiluiust wheel to wheel, t-ixl fcott. dv, prevents operutions. Mrs. A. G. roor, Marion hotel, nil tiny Naturtlnv of each week. men's suits just thousand person, were held i Danw tonlht '"'Ory, for it looked ns though any moment the o ( Ths new paved toad Just lonth of the curs nuiild cash together. . ,'9B "k U hw I ''ty leading to Liberty an.l s half mile In the thirteenth lap Do Talma shot ?, "''.V , J" w o( IW TJerby : beyond is now open fo, f.affie. The right ahead of his coinpet iter, und gr,. w ' h ,h "v l""' I "J 1",t ",""',',U"1 '' nf uallv incrcccd hi. bad. Hi ,wJ ' ' "' h ''" T 1 ru '"'! ' from sale of the nrket road, time rtuched a speed of 110 milej nn hour, "Think of the enormous Jtutii. on man and cur to accoinplisl; this wonder-' fiii'fcat!" said Mr. Barton, mi.nager of I Haiia are now oout complete for the local "Exide" service station, com-i'hi reeeption to be given members of iench nart nf tho nnnnVv it. ...... niemiiig on mo rnce. r.veiy Uet.ut or. "" ' 'i"11"1'" r.oiioiuH n.s.icm!ion who . summer in the five vtnr- Pmirrain of spend about three L .urs in the ' ro i l huiliti n :t Wu-iilny pvoinu. The .-i.ecial train Wul testa that the 'Ksi.le' iHtHerv!'". ""'"'"'"'I re ,.-h S.i-m at C::30 has gone through, it gives me the treat-i" ," , i'- '" "J vi' 1 " b" est pleasure to think that I-e Pulma 's ' ","",1"a ;' m! 12:1, street. Ar ... .,.,, uniirr wv for the ear must be as strong as every! Ill'tvp nf tint lutiti Aft,,, nil thn Clt.V New shlpmnt of in. Itishop's. brnK It is not yet known whether this road will le paved any farther next spring or not, much depending osi the g-neral allotments to be made in sn effort on the part of the county com- inissioners ami countv co.irt to nive car was equipped with an 'Lmle ltnt tery. Tins goes to further piovc the endiirnme of the 'Kxiile' l utciies." , Wort Worth, Texas - I'ligiillaut thieves have stuleii Mm, (lllie Hir grsves' badge. Sue ia i ity' probsiion officer. $$ DoaUet 'em Roam S$ ! 5JJ Keep Thcin Home J$J :recluig bv a num'ter of vounir ladies. all bearing flowers. Jt is at, 7 o'e'eek that the automobile rides will begin THY TUB SALEM STUDIO FOR PHOTOGRAPHS T)r. O. E. prime 1n Dr. O. B. Miles' office, l.r.dd Push fca uk bhlg. 6 7 ( o j Artificial teeth, hare expert plate man. with over 35 years experience, ; St rav office. Dr. D. X. Beeehler, den tist. 302 U. 8. Not. bsnk bldg. tf me ri 71 r h e Period dining suites in oak. walnnt and mahegsny st Hamilton's. On vacation, office of Dr. O. L. Scott ! I chiropractic, closed from August 1 ' to Aug. Hth. s 24 Arthur TL Moore, guardian of Ken neth, Wi'hur, Harold t,n rionaid Moore, hns ne'i'ioned tSe c-uinly court I for p"rmi'nn to sell real estate thev inve inhr'ted from tVit l int Cali'.ta Nf ore. Th:s inchhle an undivided oe bird intcres in parts of lo's 3 and 4 in tiloek 11 t'niveisitv Siidition to 8s- lem: sn undivided one tliird intert in lot J tn l.lofk I'!. I niversitv addi- 1 fj'irri ivr u sn cavciuy 1 1 CcibUre. WHO l-tPm What th( Srrhnra ci,.o t,:. V ,i C U- T "l u v U11 JIUUr OI ine aaV T ln 3 !n l,inr I imeritv addi hfandt"eBibkvron lecture by Prof. J. A. Gillespie, of Omaha, Neb., aus- ,"" "'h'EJ',','! orffan? tlW mk .r wll you bcWv,, God pices of the International DiUe Students Association. jSC0rJ5 T fT ssr ' Bl-ll O 1 A Liaii, ounaay, August luth.3 d. m. w . FT i 1 1 a Salem and one lot Pilerton. The TS FREE NO COLLECTION i unai emaie ot trse rn' r hws t ef " .maed st a value of aW ; I'f.lO. Th I court this moruinj nam-i Sef-tember ! for a hiring ef thi petition. Vnt- ve-itv sdd'tion in Silem is Wtwee '. iMill sn.! Misiii sfeet, and is seves , bhicks eat ef Conmrrcia', READ THESE DATES 6 Auction Sales 6 6-Rcom Kcase, 2 fine lots and Furniture. 1331 North 1 7th Street, Tuesday, August 12, 10 p. in. Im-li'ding 6 roomed house with Slots, 4"xl37'i ft. each, located i blocks from paved street, 2 blocks to s hool, '-j block to church, 1 block from store, streetcar in front of door; soil dark loam, extra fine jjaiden soil. House includes parlor, dining room, kitchen and liedrOoiu down stairs, with 2 bedrooms upstaiis, bath a :d toilet, city water, ekrtiie lights, large woodshed, burn and jraMCi 2 peach, 2 apples a-id 1 cheiry tree, gooseberries and currants, shrubbery and garden. Terms of home cash balance arranged to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. Ab-strae! of title to date. ' .') ' FURNITURE One nearly new double wagon box; ;;ood rauj;e; di. injj rooni ii.Me; din ing chairs; dressers; bedsprings aid mattresses; clock; rt.ckina chairs; diophead Singer sewing machine; sanitary couch; and pad; lool. Sun glass; 3 stand tables; kitchen cabinet; kitchen and dining room linn leiuu; 1 good Axminster Eug, 8x12; rag carpet; coinodes: wash niLc'iIno; good bicycle; wash boards; pictures; portiers; 2 burner gasoline dove; tools nud many other things. Don't miss this sale if you want furniture or a home. C. G. McElroy, (hraer. 1331 N. 17th Street F. N. WOODRY. THE AUCTIONEER At Corvallis WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1 :30 P. M. Player Piano, High Class Furniture, Rugs, etc. Leonard Deuburger F.N. WOODRY, Owner. THE AUCTIONEER At Albany THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1 :30 P. M. Fine 8-room home, 2 lots, High class furniture, etc. J.E. COWAN, F.N. WOODRY, 1239 E. Water St. Owner THE AUCTIONEER CLOSING OUT Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND MACHINERY FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1 P. M. Located 1-2 mile north Chemawa on the Lewis farm Consisting of 1 matched team, mare and gelding, age 8 antl 0 vears, weight 2600 pounds, well broken; 4 extm good milk cows, 1.11 to freshen in November, 1919, now bringing in 7.5 per month; 1 two year-old Hoi steiu heifer, will freshen in the fall; 1 spring Holstein heifer; 2 extra fino shoats weight, 173 pounds each; 3 dozen high bred R. 17 K. hens; 2 hives bees; 1 five-foot McCormick mower; 1 ten-foot McCorniiek hny rake; 1 3 Studobakei wagon, wide tire with double box, complete; 1 marly new light waon with box complete; 1 two-horse outlaid disk harrow; 1 new John lleeie riding cultivator; 1 garden cultivator, spiked tooth; 1 two-section lever harrow; 1 Oliver 8-inch garden plow; 1 steel beuiii, 14 inch plow; 1 cream sepirator; 1 double set heavy breeching burnous; 1 double set diiving harness; 1 rubber tired top buy, 2 seat ed; 1 set buggy shafts, 30 tons loose Tisy, grain and clover in Lnrnj Korks; shovels; rnkos; spades and other articles too numerous to men tion. TERMS All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that umount 6 nioi.ths time on approved bankable notes at 8 per cent interest. F. H. GARLAND, F. N. WOODRY, Ow ner. THE AUCTIONEER Phcr.c 57F23 Phones 510-511 MORAL: "List your sales with Woodry for Re Results." I will be located at 270 North Commercial Street October 1st Schrunk's Old Stand. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Woodry 's Auction Market Corner Ferry and Liberty Streets Farm Stock, Machinery, Tools, Furniture, etc. 10 ACRE FARM Dalrymple Estate, McCleay, Ore. MONDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1 P. M. Alice 31. GoodcIL F.N. WOODRY; Administratrix THE AUCTIONEER Phone510-511 MORAL: List your sales with Woodry for results. -WOODRY IS SO BUSY EE IS SELDOM H0;!E- Will be located at 270 North Commercial St. Oct. 1st