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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALE1L OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. PAGE SEVEN. EDITORS OF IIAiN ' W BUSINESS FUNS Pleasure Jaunts Of N. L A. . Members Called Off By President Hardy. Portland, Or, Aug. 9. Entering now era of effort iu nia.aiaiuiug tlioli .ruivr places in tiie srhetce of world affairs, 28 numbers of the .National i ditori;,! association delved iutu tlie ser ious husiuess of planniug lor the tutnre at their annual convention here today. Plcaiire jnunts were biouglit to au e'lnipt termination by Pioideut Uuy t. Hardy f Caiiyou City, Cola, in his au utitil address. i orbed ii its hopes be limited finan ces ami in the scoie of its work by -the form of its organization, the National jThiV ."ringing will be le.l by Director .Editorial association is id:ited for aj.lobu Todd, of tlie club, ami 'thorough reorganization under the ill-1 special numoors w'll be rendered by r.ftiou of President Hi. first! thee Masonic- .quartet, i i.:nio&.'d of etep ia this direction wa iu laili for j Messr Barton, Jones.' AWuch aud tue appoiutemcut of an executive eom-jTodd - ..litto ,:t the nuggestion of smpioying . this morning fo iaexcviMivesecretary. .d for iu part: .jk Ut vestorday at sustuming memberships in the Kosc)u lk, was well UAU ;u this hssociation, to actively cany en the ex-j,,, - iit,-vii spent the g--e(.ur l':'rt f tensive work that the association will j.:,' i:,, t,et(,. f -inter iu the future. Illinois has the largest state dclegn t on at the -convention si. Minnesota ii iid South Dakota each seat 22. Among the speakers it todiy 's'sos siou were George W. Marble, publisher of the Tribune Monitor, . Fort Scott, l. :iu.; llarrv llilinuu. eiliior ot tae in bind Printer, Chicago; (ieerge E. Hos " mer, Denver; Harry Ingrain, editor of1!""'' a"" apple w:''u- the Kegister, lies ilotucs, Iowa: .a ward Albright, du-llutiu, leua., vice-pi-esiileiit of the ussoeiation, and Be:i j.iiiiin S. ileilK'it, editor ot the K.v.iou i.l Printer Journalist, Chicago. Painter Tackles Job On High Tower At Which All Steeplejacks Grow Shy Although Ralph Taylor, a locr.l paint er, does not pose na a ileeplejaek, he accepted a job this week that was a little too risky for a half dozen or more professional atecplejucka who were eni- ployed by Krixnn J: Jonej to point the e-teenle of tho First Metnodist church! and who laid down on the job. .costs about 1300 uioulh. ; It is uow Jlr. Tr.vloi who may be . . ' . ? , . tfc. . , . j- , , . .i luaitirles r betng received t the eeeu from tiny to duy laboring from thol , ,11,,ii. . . . .... . , , 1 Commercial club as to easiness eondi- hh altitude of the chitrca steeple and ti(lllJ in Hnlem tai wMier t,e ean who is doing tho painting to the utmost ' bf had desirable business locations. The ontisfuction of l.rixon i. Jonpa. ouv t(v0 Ntore roomi a business The Apex of the Methodist ateeple; pal.', 0t Salem now vacant are on Corn is 1S0 feet from tho ground. Iu older ' mercial street. One i the room form to get a ladder to the top, it. was found erly occupied by the Jr. 8. O. Stone necessary to go inside tho steeple to ft; drug store and .the other is the room point within six feet of the apex and' just smith of the . C. l'eriy drug itorrt there bore a hole through. A atrongj recently used by the K1U for its Bal ro(o.was iii8rtedihroiiaU t no hole, -vutioii .ariny eampa ga. t eied to o staging below wud a ladder ' , " ' J attached. This hitter w.u the. rained , T- "J i i , . L . .i 'daniihter Mis Clara A otrt and his Mi emmgh to reach to the apex and w wi lashed to the steeple from w.thm. Lomo0 (or , m0Blh., ay nt Oceau Ihe.i in reaching the ..pex, all that j. u ie Airt.Kdeu cottage. was necessary was to rliuiU to a point i q within the steeple to no opening snd Mr. and Mr W. M. Hamlltoa will then ascend by tho ladder on the out. e cle. The tower of the Mctiiedist iteeple is 16 feet at the base, gradually tsnei-1 ing to two feet, on which is placed the'ninl hike from Astoria, all along th Viniaele. On the top of Cue pinuaile is coast of Oregon to Crescent City, Cal. ii ball. II inches in dinnietet. This ba'lil" Vt it was up in the Silct coun- s .uwed off oud Istei eovereii wilhM'y- Th, Ter tiP-v wlU h1, r'V0 g.ild leaf. Iu n few dava it w,U again8 f0'" :.,!'or,A.,,; be aeeu iu its Uuul pluc. jg"1"; '' "!nrt h,",r ' ... i , . r, .. . . ., 'coast shore of the strait of Juan de All decayed wood and til, parts of the' iW fc, wil) trave eteeple aro now being replaced. The,WMt flutU lhg ,Itrelne northwestern church was built in 1873 nad the itecple lloro of Washington ia reached, when a few yenrs later. . The steeple was eov-1 th,.r wiM turil ,,(, -na wnii, Bi0g ercd with ehlugle about o0 years ago. t he' Pac i( 'i const to Grays Harbor and Is about 1900, it was painted. The! thence tu AUcrdeeii. In tliee annual steeple as well aa the weed work of likes, Mr. Hamilton gen'-ially carries the church will Wi be repjiuteJ und re paired. Community Service At First HI L Church K community program will be ftiven'ing field, arrived in the city yester- Pundae evening at The Kiist H. E, ptnii'i.h itii'liiil! itir ..Itmiunnil V binrr nn .lr flu. ,1!.,.i,.n ,.f (. Wr t amn f nm. .. ...... .......i.. ' . i , ..,..T rcr.ic. recruu, .rg.,,,.,. " ,.,,,.;.,,, ,,(- d K,ctnrr Lpa , t-alem. The ..uks used for this oe;itBe rt, ,brt), in ord,,r to .ke e on win oc taKen irom tue song sneer . . of the War Community service which was used in eoimectiou wild the i woil; among the eddiers at home nnd! oerens. Those then are the songs hp used or arrangements made for the that everybody knows. The rouimiiiiityjconstriii'tion of permanent buildings sing- wi!) he under the direction of John through joint action of tlie Comnier- ,-JV.. Todd, executive secretary of the rial club, the fair board and the for- " Kur :inip CoiiMiiiinitr servirr, iu 8ti- try ilepartmettt. Is l... I The address of the evening will U Amon contingents of U. 8- ma l.v Hev.J. C. Pinkerton, of l.m A:,geh-s. ; orrn ",''.?, N, w ;u'"sir .... , , ..,ii- were severs i lan.eue vancv uovs as o i the intcr-chureh uiovemer.t. be have u!i)wi(: 8,n , It.-nrd a great deal of hte about tkefRa, h A 4!rpIlfa. McMinuviilej Don ! uniting m their work as one;,,, . .,,, wAl . s,,,,,, ' Of the outcomes of the war. 'tin- union service Kuuilaj escaing is pi i en in Jill the church" i:i tin- cite. Kspeci.illy returned service m i are iii The Salem Schotls will begin seven! Louise Heidecker to L. f. Ilaflorsen, vit-d a;:.l the public i. welcome. This weeks from next Monday Sii.rintciid , - Smiths Krnit Parm, Murion conn nill be one of the anosi intciistihg nn-'ent John W. Todd ssid thi morning. , ty. i.n s ..f the season. ! The date is rept. 29, the Monday f..l T. . Znnda to Aiilr.- Wund.-r, 4 Five Men Are Killed When Grain Eevator Explodes; win ue roniiiiuea me co.i.u g s. m,i Port CuUmhiic, Out.. Aug. !. Pivejyear. Tlie board of education hns r.en were rep.,-Jd kille.1 and fourteen ' reived much .-ncourag.-im-nt from fed-J injured ,n au exples.on which jwirt-.i lr eral in-p.ct-ir, well as state eduen Wtro. fcf.l thn nnt'ormiu.nt ifmih i.i.h il.d' ton Vnw itiss nsriiv-it nf lost Bu rn u.n h-'re this jfi .ni. At !ea-t f, . a i.. - .i vere l.i tic A grain barge lying' alongside thr elevator was practically wrecked. The explosion was cauu'd bv j.n - taneous eombustlon. The dead include two mil! workers fie captain of the Large h mm and; an unidentified man. Tni-irel fl" Pmr J I Vn-na1 iCrgei ll UOj PA nOinS inTrmfr luui CITY NEWS President HetUine and secretary ( he now it Ii of the Stittle's l.ahe imga tion district are in the vily today and have been tu rout'en-nee with the irri gation securities commission with rt" gard to the certification of $3!t3,000 worth of bonds. The lands embraced in their u.ject are iu the. vicinity of Sitors. A most attractive community service i to be held tomorrow tfYeaiug at the First Methodist church, u which all the churches of the city ate expected tu join. A largo part of tlie evening Ui lie devoted to th iiix''S of well known religious, patriotic and popular sours by the aoiUcnce such souk as "America," th new- version of the "Battle- Hviiin of the la-public," '.Keep the Home Kires lluiuing," "Vwing Iaiw Sweet Chariot" and th- ... m.'lmlies dear lo the : uWie heart Bean pickers . are in demand here. One firm advertise sped.. grounds' with trausuortntiua to ud from the city to the bean finking' sec tion north of the city. Aleiig with the bean sensou ciimes peach pieking and then the evergreen blackl-m season ITlien the lioj. seax.n, prune season . . -: --1 At the next meetim of the city coun ell nn ordinance w'll be piesented pro viding for the signing of contract by the city with the Portlaud Railway XA'iht and Power company for tlia city lights for a term ef five ycari icgin niiitf .Tune 1. 19'JU. Nutwituatandiug the advance in nil kin l of rt' in evccJ thing else, the co.npany otfcrj a con tract to the city at the pfcea prevail ing during the past five yearn. For each of the 400 candlo power incan descent lnni, the rati is a month. For each post of cluster 1 ghts, to bo operated from dunk to n'iduight, the fiaure is '-'.'iO a month. F.e 2o0 eaudlc power lnui, the ra'e ii :.,i0 a month At proKcut the lifting lor te cii leave tomorrow for one of their annual ow for one of tueir annual hiking trips of about 17.1 miles. Iu past ! years tliev have walked iu these an a pack of 00 pounds, while Mrs. Hamil ton is lloteil one of aooot x. ouniis. They am prepared to camp out tt ni(ht and if neccssur ydo their own cooking. They expect to bi away about two week - - - Major A. D. Smith of Mather fly- day and lln afteiooon will go over! the flying field at the fair grounds , 'th tiovernor Olcott, Hlatf Forester Klliott. Mannaer McCroslicy, of the ..- , , . tk h,nar. and eauin nil!" pi"" 'or me rtanxnrs sun equip- f , fMtroi lnt,bw.k Tkil ,,.,.,. wjl i,rob'ildv decide as to" whether tcmporarv- teut hangars will' I Mil,-, t Rnrrett. Knsone; fant. Albert (; skeltnn, CorvaUis, I . j lowing the state tair. Teaieers the1 lures in sections 24 tud 2 s -i aiein si hools ha". " about all been en-' SS-'i'iO. gag.-d. The tnaniijl training end shop! M. W. Porchli.-li to P. S. Aaii. rson, work under the Smith Hughes a t proved mo,' "utisfiiitory lasi yrar and. oi!ieis,:iR Ikivs took th( ourse in shop worli. i .1.. .. ,. - .... . i t llu I.. tiir rii.ltn nti ,1 i i i.,t,-i n.x. tit. I Due t.. the popn ati i I idly growin ;, l( is estimated thst the fschrols will nis-n wrth an atten lance nf greater than one year ng.i. Mnrh of this increased attendance mill I be in the hifih school.-Complying with the 1919 Slate law rrangenieBt have j been made far special teacher to be ! employed in part time or class work, wi" arrange the cojre far the coarenieae ot tho who are eaudnyrd ,nd -r WiT.4 ,0 "'' out-ide of regular Khool hours. ! ! Pers i Suivrintciid. nt J. A. I hurcUill is in attendance upon tV sessions ot the Clackamas county summer school for teachers, and will delivei aa addr. feputv state tn unirer Jos-'ph Kich aidson left rerenti.- for vit ia eeu tral Oregon and Klamath Valla, where he will remain for iHe. Hiks eonveirtion to open there licit Tuesday. J. P. Ward of the aupieuie court bniUilug returned this morning from au outing of ten da.'s at Nwport.- He reports the finest type of Oregon weather at the beach. Secretary Wood in ef the board of coutrol is in Portland today o business connected with his iienattu.1 nt. Airs." Frank Milier of Chicago is spending a few w?eks " the city as the. guest of her Hunt, Mrs. Ed Keene. Miss Prances tleMatly of the cler ical corps at the stnte house, left yes terday for a vacation of two weeks', juing' first to her home near Corv'allis, and then to cwmrt. Secretary Brawn of the state land board returned thin mori ng from a business trip to Springfield. Mis. Carl ii. Do.iey returned recent ly from an extended vis.t with rela tives end friends at Coluiebus. Ohio. Prof. Matthews of Willamette, left this afternoon to spend ' Sunday in Portland, where he will occupy the pul pit in one of the churches. Mrs. iPrnuk Koseuqucst ar.d daughter Alpha left this morning- for an outing at Seaside. P. Ardreien retu'ned this morning from an outing at Newport. Kditer Wood of the Falls City paper which recently suspended, accompanied by his wife and sou were in thfceity yesterday on their way to san Francis co where they ex;et to make their homo. With 130 a.hool districts In the county, reports ha"e been made fcy 102 that teachers have been employed. The districts that huve not as yet secured their teachers are ieneralh those with but a few pupils and those that have been iu the hubit ot paying about o0 Oi. -nontU. Tun last icgnaiure proviueu Hal itO FrntKJl UiNUici hi uic imv should vy teacher less than $75 a mouth, re'gatdless of the number of pupils attending. It also provided that no -school teacher may resij,u within 60 d.iys of the beginning ot the echool tocui. As most schools in tho county will begin imincdbitely after the statu fair, the period ."or rcsinationa has pu-aed. Tho teachers who arc now con tracted cnniiot rebiijn to get a better paying district, muss the bonrd with wliieh the first -contract is niado is willing to give a release. Emm Elopfeuatein of Silverton, widow of Alvin Klopfeosteiu who died lecently in Portland, has petitioned the county court for her appointment as executrix of the estate. Iu ner petition she stutca that in Marion county the holdings of the estate is valued at about :!(KH) with a rental of about WO year. Marion county niw haa a new Nash tuad Wo ton truek, loaned iby the State highway commission. It is one ot the uinny allotted to the highway com missions of tho different atcs 'by the war department and Dregou 'has one for tach county. It is a four wheel drive with a capacity or two tons, n,iinnna with an all .teel hndv. and bulW fot e,rrrj,, auimuiiltiou. The county will find it necess.iry to equip the truck with a hoist ard dump body auapted to hauliug road materials. In order to be absolutely. fair the trucks were assigned by lot, and Marion coun ty was fortunate enough to draw one that whs almost new, havii.g bceu dtiv en ibut 100 miles. The wai ilopartiiicnt expects each county ui-siguod a truck to re-imburse it f-2,"i.3y lor freight charecs to Salem. Deals In Real Estate It. C. Hnllbcrg to Leonoic Piuiu, lot 4 block 3, liiciimond addition. Ina Bourne to M. V. Aiihby. 60 aeros in J. Morley claim 8 1 K. Sura K. Droger to J. J, MeAi.istcr, lots 3 aud 4, Druger Hiibiuvikioa. J. A. Htaiilcv to F. C. htanley ci al lots 3, 4 and 3, block 2, ltuningtoii ad dit ion. M. M. Baker to J. H. Welch, 10 acres . - ,, 0 w 113 W .. . . W U li""m J,r Gulluksin, S "'" K- (',H.',('.,r r,,,im' l7 S' K. 1 W.; tL'IWII. L. A. Fairve to K. O. ime, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, Mnvs addition, Mt. An gel. Klin Hnthaway to I'.'iiik Col man, l2.tio acres in sections 2o aud 3ti-7-I W. V. J, Eatress to Sarn Dinger, K',i of lot 9 and WV ot lot M, Mwk 3,; Ojiecn Anne addition; (2-o0. Mori ha Huntley to I;. 1). Huntley, .art nt block 14, Caiofnl i ark adilitinu. A. J. Parkhurstto Thir (Dinger, lot II, block 4, Willamette additiou, Hu- lem. ! :0t l 1,1, k 2. Kimlewo-nl addiliou. j. y While to H. K. Pamir, pait of , , ,((M.k (3 (; H j,,, ,, ,i;iion; re-!.,(, ",.',,. w, f,A f wov fa rtv haM ,,. , rw I w i IHI' iliiiiH'i SB, niuMnfiini itsitvtv company bv J. J. IliiOi.'..rev W. H, Charles j 'f "n,rnrrV- W. P. Junes. Hn.i ry, l'l'W, J. C Liberty Band Qiiotations ' lork. Aug. .-Libeity nx quotations: 3'i's, .; iist 4 , 91.2i second 4's, 93. P.; fir.t '', 4.0;, second V,'t, J.1..T'; thiij -i'i's, W.Mi fourth 4 V a. 93.26; vi.toij i 93M; 47 's, 99 St PROVISIONS OF KLW SCHOOL LAW DEFINED Compulsory Educauoa For Children Under 18 Made More Binding. Every child in the state of Oregnc is assured of an education up to tlie eighth grade, or what is equivalent t the second ear of the jinior high school in Salem. And not only assured, but obliged to complete this grade and it is the duty under the 19111 law for parents or guardians t( see that this grade is made before any one under the age of IS years is allowed to take up any employment diying school mouths. Superintendent of county sclnmls V. M. Smith, is today iimiliir; to all schoil boards in the county, a exmdene-! ed copv of the Oregon school law Many impoitant changes were made by the last legislature and it is to these new laws that the attention of directors is called.' If the child is nut retarded ill his studies or lost time he should complete the eighth grade ill his 14th year. Hut unless the child has made this grade at any age under IN, he is obliged to continue study if employed. The 1019 law provides for part time schools where there are 13 or more pupils iu a district between the ages of 14 and IS years who have entered npon employment and who have not completed fhe 8th grade. The law of !'l! also makes it im ierative that all children between the ages of 10 and 1M years must be in school or legally employed, unless they have acquired the ordinary branches of learning taught in the first eight year of public schoid or are attending an evening school for an equivalent time. School boards or the county superin tendent of schools may issue to any child from 14 to 18 years old, a certifi cate showing that the eighth grade has been completed, which must be shown to employers if the pupil desires em ployment during school months. The employers nnis; leiislly notify the school dreetora from which tho child comes or the county supoiintcndcnt when any minor is employed mid whut such em ployment eeaaes. Tlu new law nln ).rev':des that part time schools oi eiasscs may be iu ses sion not less than five hours a week between the hours of 8 o'clock a. iu. and 6 o'clock p. m. " ; COBB CONTINUES TO LEAD WITH WILLOW Veteran Stick Artist At Top Of American List With 365 Average. New York,. Ang. 9. Pounding along at a .305 clip, yo'ir old tiiend Tynis -Cobb is looking flora the top Of tho American league batting averages, Pursuers are many, but the closest, tleorgp Hiiller, is, Jutting only .3oo, Hobby Vcai h, Detroit, is third at .343 Eddie Konsch, Cincinnati, is head. ing the list of reg'ilnrs in the National league, having jumped to an average of .3'Jt. One point behind him is M Henry, St. Louis, and trailing him is Zach Wheat, dtrooklvn, with a count of .317. Johnston, Cleveland, leiiis American league base stealers with 23, while Cut hav, Pittsburg, holds the National league honors, having piT?ered S!7. Kddie Cirorto st'Il tops the Ameri can, league pitchers with nineteen vic tories and six defeats. Next is Sothor on, Ht. 1inis, wilh fifteen and five, and then Williams, Chicago, with sev enteen and six. PER8HINO NOT RLCALLED Washington, Aug. 9. t'linf lii re ports from Paris that General Fer.diing had been called home suddenly were ift inn firmed nt thi M-fir Iniin rhiipnt Jt,lav. Either Hecretnrv Iiaker nor Chief of Ktaff March, it was siii! offi ciiilly, had heard of the proposed re call.' DEMOBILIZATION RAIID Washington, Aug. 9.1 ue nrmy is 8o per cent ih'iiiobili.ed, the war depart- nieiit a'lnoiiiii-i'd todav. Jn 'he bioiv iiuiulii'ied 54!l,9!. o( I iii ) an men, only 2,i."i,"'t' mor" tlnin the Liittor iwd n'ce strength. We have solved the pro'ileio of being ef fi nut and discreet. At all times we strive to perform 0'ii duties in a man-n-r thar meets with approval. fell STATE EDITORS tlAl IE OFFICERS FOR YEAR Resolution Passed Opposing Repeal Of Present Postal Zoning Law. Portland, Or., Aug. 0,- lhe Oiegon State Hditorial associativa at its cha iug session late yesterday r.fternoon re elected C. K. Ingalls, editor of tue Cor vallis Cinaette Times, president. I.lovd Kichea of the Oregon City Eu terprise, wr.s re-elected secretary. J. E. tiratke. editor of the Astoria Budget, was chosen as a sncmbei ol tho execu tive committee. A kiiimmh! session of the state legisla ture for the ratification of tLu national .Thomas suspended sentence when i o suffrage amendmciit was eudotscd In 'baugh eoniesst-d that it we a teirible .... . . 1 . . . . i II. resolution which the association adopt ed The resolution also fsvered actlo.i i-r. thi Kocaevelt hi-rhwty t .id th" cor rection of legislation that threatrua to deprive Oregon of the benefit bt fed eial aid in highway work, iu too event Coveiiior Olcott calls a special session. Another resolution voiicj opposition to the repeal of the posta! louing law, the editors believing that the lepeal would favor mail order houses aim big newspapers of tho east. Reservations On Second Special Car For Salem Elks Being Booked Fast Good progress is being made by the Elks hi securing, ions for the second coach for the Klamath. Falls trip leaving the city next Wednesday uoon. Among those who reserved berths for the second Pullman arc the two Gib son sisters, Oliver Myers. A. 11. Hunt and sisters, Frank Light, Mr. a'ld Mrs. Robert Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jer man. Mr. and Mrs. Wal..ico Cooly and A. H. Dole. Those who have not as yet secured reservations sboiud apply to Oscar Hteelhammer at the Commercial club or E. Cooke ration. Tlie raffroan fare and the urn of the Pullman for the five days in figured at about $33 or possibly little less. Fhiiu Portland conies the word that the big city dele, gates will vote for Snlem as the light eitv for the 1920 state convention of Elks and there ia rcther a feeling here that Knlcm will have no diff unity In landing it. 'Through a motion intro duced by Alderman Gerald Volk, the city has extended to the Elks its Invi tation to come here next year. The spe cinl leaves Salem about 12:30 Wednes day noon nnd will leave Klunmth Falls on the return trip about midnight Sat urday evening. COPPER MARKET STRONG. New York Aug. 9. The copper mar ket has slumped a half rent within the last few weeks. Metal for delivery in September is being quoted now at 24 cents, with others at 2.'!Vi-' Failure of orders from abroad to ma terialize is one of the principal rea sons for the decline, with low rates of foreign exchange and reluctance to ex port under these onditons. NOTIOE Off 8ADE OT GOVERNMENT timber, general land office, Washing ton, D. C, June 27, li. Notice ts hereby given that autfject o the condi tions and limitations ot the act of June 0, 191(1 ( Stat., 218), and the instructions of the secretary of the in t'""0' of September 15, 1917, the ties- her on the following lands will tie sold August 20, 1919, a 10 o'clock a. m., at publie auction at t United States land office at Portland, Oiegon, to the highest biddur at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of of the aeuretary of the interior, The purchase price, with aa additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being eommiavinns allowed, Bust be deposited at time of sale, money t be returned If sole is not approved, other wise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citi zens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations or ganized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchase, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sepa rately before ibeing included in any of for of a larger unit. T. 2 N., R. 8 W., .See. 11, NWtt SW'W. red fir S10 M., cedar 55 M., HW HW',4, red fir 740 it., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M, T. 9 S., ft. 2 Sc. 5, NE4 NKV, fir 1090 M, hemlock 270 M., NWVi-NLVi fir hSO M., hemlock loO M., SEVi NEW, fir 1770 M., heiilock 2.'.0 M.f RW'4 r., nr fi.iio .ii., ueouoca i.uu oi., Sf.'t NWi,, fir to.'IO M- kcmlock 131) M., NW'4 NW4, fir 17R0 M., NE'4 m, fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M., NWt4 8E!4, fir 1830 M., hemlock 50 M.. SEV, SE'i, fir 1190 M., hemlock 30 M., SWV, 8IH4, fir 790 M., NK4 HW, fir 19.0 M., NW RWyt, fir 2100 M., 8KV1 BWVi, fir lMO M., SWU 8WV4, fir 12M M no of the fir to be sold for less than II. oo per M., aui none of ths hemlock to be sold for less than 75 cents per M. T. 9 8., B. S ,., Sec. 25, RWW NWV1, red fir 4ofl M., SE'4 JfK'4, red fir 350 M., 8W red fir 500 M., mine of the red fir to be sold for lets than 2 per M. CLAY TALLMAN', Cemmfssbuer, Gen - eral Land Office, 18 TU Capital Journal Daily Market Report Oram Wheat, soft white No. 1 2 Peed oats - W)c. .Milling Oats 92r Hay, cheat, new 17 Hav, osti, new Hf,20 Mill run 4344 j Eutteifit J Itatterfat ..- ... - 2e Crramerv butter - fio.Tii4e Pork, Vsal ax, a Mntton Pork on foot lBc ottf?naI W ani Quick Reference To Firms That G:?2 Service On Sber! Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EvxsmrtNO Salem Eleetrie Co., Wasonie Temple, KacxvUle. Iowa. BU odhouiiiis, on a trail following theft of a picture show dynamo at OlmiU, stopped ad oafl'cd "treed" iu. a cornfield. Too sheriff dug up 43 quarts of whiskey. Bakersficld, Cal. After sentencing O. F. Cgbauch for drunkenness, Judgo ordeal to get iu such eouditioa via the two per cent beer route. Keep Them Home ! tt4(tttHtttHW JUNK WANTED Call 398. Highest prices paid for junk, second hand goods and machin ery. Bt sura nnd call 398, get the right prices. The square deal house. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Salem, Or. -4 --- MACHINE SHOP WORK Expert machine shop sorvies by Mr. rtergman at high school macnine shop. 12 years experience. Gear out ting a specialty. High elass machine tools, (julck service. Phone 448. 8 15 OPTOMETRISTS. m. Li. HALL WILSON Hp s3 eiaUst in the Modern 8cisntifin Abdication of Glasses for the aid or vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office cloeed ISattirdays. Office 210211 V. 8. Bank building. Phones, office 145; re. 1244. a. m L.M.HUM car of YickSoTong Chinese Medlelna and Tea Cs Has medicine which will enrt any kaowa disease. Opea Sundays from 10 A. L natil I P, 11. . , 153 Bouth High Bt. Salem, Oregon Phoaa 233 - w. I. EIQDON - CO. Undertakers Jt 252 North High Strast Veal, fancy 2152c -- 7t'9 5(5-7,0 Steers ,, Cows - Spring kin be WtilU l.wes ......... ... 4J 71 Sheep, yearling Egg and rout try Egpt, f'h - ' Hens, live - SBc Old roosters ! Uroilers - 23t24e Vegetans New potatoes Mic (ireee imions rlos . 40e Onions, per sack - d.u inn Peaches 'Mi 75c Watermelons .. - I 3 4c Oranges Unions, box - i.wi(gjs.uu Bananas' 9Vi iietisy, extrsttcd - 2(K Cnteloni4s .. .....- - 2.7o :i.2'. Bunch bsets . 3 Cubbago SVjC Head lettuce - - " Carrots - . Betall Prices. Eggs dozen 60 Creamery butter . - 70e Country butter 60c. Flour, hard wheat .. ..J.I0(ai3.25 Portland Market Portland, Or., Aug. 9. 't.Ut-r, city creamery 58K."!lc Kjrgr selecied loial ex 4(i54e Hens 27(Ti28e Broilers 22(q,30 Cheese, triplets 3840e DAILY LITE 8TOC KMAEK.ET Oattl Keeeipts none Tone of market steady tiood to choice steers !l(!yl Fair to good steers 10.50 Common to fair steers 77.50 Choice to good cows snd heifers Medium to good cows and hciferi . - ,fej Cnnnors "ii6 Hulls 1(11.7.30 Calves !i'ni I ..." Hoga Becripls 13 Time of market fpiiet 1'riiiin mixed I .5"('i -II Medium mixed 2"(a H'.-'O Hough heavies l! 2"'f'i M Pigs H' - Hulk MMt Sheep Keeeipts 1S1 Tone of market sternly Prime lambs tlfo 1173 Fair to medium ?!'10 Yearlings 'm 1' Wethers iti'.r 7 Ewes W'i 7.23 A electiicai, 27 North High- WHY SELL FOR LESS? We. will, pay you more cash lor yov household goods. Get our bid oeforw you sell Peoples Furniture aud Bard4 ware Store, 271 N. Com. Et FkoM 74 SECOND-HAND GOODS. NO CASH BKQUIRED Good overeeM shoes and suits, all km. Is ot nmsts al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stovos, ga stoves, suit casea as4 10UO other useful articles to si-U aa trade. What have yout The Cap.taJ Kxchange. 337 Court 8t. Phoae 4. ViEWANT TOUR used furniture, stoves, srpM and tools, aa we pay fair price turn evervthiug. Call 947 CAPITAL HARDWARE t TVES TUP.E CO. 2S3 N. Com! St. Hats Blocked I BENOVATE, block and trim. ladiasi aud men's hats at WI! prices, nnd better work; material is scaise, hftta are expensive, what's tho ausarert C. B. Ellworrh, 495 Court St., Sac lem, Or. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES BHBUILT AND BEPAtBlW SO years experience, Depot Katiaaa and A ni erica a fence. Sizes 28 ts 58 la. high Paints, oil and varnish, ets. Loganberry and hop hooks. . ' Salem Fence and Stove Works, , 250 Court street, Phone tH." J. A. Rowland Furniture SrS Buys, sells and exehaagea new em 2d hand fotnitora. All liads 4 repair wark, light grinding, fittefc and braxaig; a specialty. KjsuJ prices. 247 North Cemmereial tl. Phone 10. SCAVENGER SA1BM 80AYENOKBrbag a refuse of all kinds rontOsed ea Mmm ly eoatraeta at resaonwo rato Cess pools cleaned. Dead anlnHlat ! moved. Offiea phone Main 167, Oa Good Real Eel ate Soiurlty TB08. K. FORD Over Ladd A Bush bank; Salem Orsfssl FED EB AI FARM LOANS 5 cent Interest. Prompt amies. JU years tim. Federal farm loan bil lot sale. X. C hiutsJ dC2 Sa (.on ie Tempi. Salem, Oseoea, IIWUSANCB COfJSCiie-For fraa lax formation wlwut Life InaUMUiesi kd J. F. KoteBm, d't. wae- m th Mutual Lit of X. T., afilea a S71 State" Bt., Salem, Or. Off phoa 99, residence 1338. tt WOOD SAW hioks loooa Onr Prices re Right W. M. ZANDLBH, Pregrlefesf 1255 N. Summer Street, Salom, Orefest REPAHLNG STEWABT'S BEPAJB SUOB-JLawsi mowers ground fcy SnacBinSsy; all kinds of grinding, lock smitnlng, n brellaj recovered, light repolrinje C all kinds. 847 Court St. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PXTHIA3 KEET AT McCornsck hall on every Toesdayj t 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. Jn Kuutz, K. K. 8. . t B0YAL Neighbor of America, Orw gin (Irspe camp No. I3W meet evwry Thursdar evening in McCornoak had Elevator sr-vii-e. Ora;le, Mrs. Cstf rie E. Bunn, 618 Uuiou hi; reeoa dcr Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1411 Jf 4th' Bt. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Cspital Asaasa bly No. 84 meets first Thursday 4 each month at S p. m. in Maednnj Temple. Olenn C. Niles, M. A.; O. A, Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street, MODERN WXXUKMFiN OP AMEBICA lOrogon Cediir Camp Ho. 52t6,meta every Thursday evening nt 8 o'etoek in MeCornsck buildin;; !ort a4 Liberty streets. W. M. Persona, v. C.j Frank A. Turner, clerk. WATER COMPANY ULKM WATEB MTANT Of fioa corner Commereial and Trade street Bills payable monthly la advaae. lll.r.11. ). Out of 60 student in the pnarmnay, department ot the University of W a iilon thlj year 30 are women. To replaee the old building reeenftj burned, thn school district of Empire, in CVs county, has voted funis of $12,000.