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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
P AGE 6IX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. n ir P, 4 fl II t t House Buyers Who Want to Pay More Cash, Or All Cash I have a splendid selection for you. None better in Salem. Let me show you. For 5 and 10 acre tracts and suburban homes see my list. It's a Crackerjack SPECIAL TO PROP ERTY OWNERS I am not only listing property, I am Selling it. And if you want to sell yours come around and see me, or tele phone for an appointment. -If you want to sell your house on the Installment plan, and it is worth the money, I make you this proposition: Only Four Houses Left All the properties I advertised one week ago for sale on the installment plan I have sold with but four exceptions. That makes Eighteen Homes Sold This Week When business in Salem was at its worst during the dark war period I adver tised - "Maintain Confidence In Salem" The Willamette University and Schools do not open for a month yet. The paper mill and the packing plant, both now under construction will soon be re quiring upwords of 200 men. Labor is already scarce. So that means un doubtedly an even keener demand for homes in Salem. Today scores are un able to find houses to rent. There is one alternative Own Your Own Home Buy it on the installment plan. I have still, easily the largest list of such properties seen in Salem. It is better than paying rent. You Save Your Rent Money I have them priced from $:IG0 to $4000. The following are for your selection: lXHil'ILK corner lot In North Sulem. Six room homo, In excellent renir. -'J.'iO, :!- diu; $13 month ly LAUGH house near Hush jinturc. .Fine fur n big family. SlolHl. f-.'oi) down U.,"rt) Hum i lily, ATTIt.MTI VK shingle entered bunga low j five rooms, bull! loom, roomy kitelicn; ull modern, hnilt in en vcnieueej rement walks. ITfilJ, tUM ilowu, '-! monthly, HooM collage (ii: paved street; old ' hut could euwly be made very win foiliible, U0. 411.I1 down; $15 monthly. ', 5' ROOM ihongntow on ('tutor street; - lot SflitliiO. Good voting fruit trees, Imrii. Fine will. fitio down, monthly. - . , 5 ItOOM entlng also on Center street. IIMM). 477 down $10 monthly, liainly mini could fix it up and make money on It. HKVEV room l',4 story house; small lot ( 1 1 1 h I for the buy in an), full cement basement, On paved street ami car lino. ri)0. fuiii down, 4-0 monthly. II l((:. modern butinuio (2 Vxil room.-.) lurgn lot. paved stieot. $is.U. .'loO down, $1.) moutl.l) at 3 per i-i'iit. GOOD looking burgalow 11 S. 12th street. '."H)0, fM'l down '0 month ly 7 ROOM house, (I blocks i.i.rlh of Oie gon Kleetrie depot, Old, but in fine hIiii)p. Largo lot V'uHI down, l'O monthly. NF.VKX room modern house, five iblocks north of L!. 8. N.ilionul imik, il.HM). WW down, monthly una excel- lent speculative alue. 7 ROOM coltugo opposite !ii",h school, , :'i"i(l, .'ilK) down, $M monthly. STttKTLV modern rooJi bungalow, elose in; small lot. f.HM, .ill) down, - monthly, (Could b rented at STIllit'TLV modem 8 bungalow in splendid locution, (inly nix blocks from business aee.tioii. l.very modern roiivenictiee. tluOU. down, $'M uiouthlv. If I sell your house you pay me, and if I do not sell it inside of thirty days I WILL PAY YOU! What D'ye Think of Thai for An Offer? Should you desire to sell your household goods along with your property I have retained Mr. George Satterlee, the auctioneer who has been so remark ably successful in his sales to take charge of my AUCTION DEPARTMENT MY GUARANTEE ON THESE SALES IS THAT THERE W1L BE NO BYE 1M)S. TERMS ON APPLICATION Yours For Service C. W. NEIMEYER, 215-216 Masonic Kuildin? Salem, Oregon "JUST REAL ESTATE" Telephones 1000 1014 New ioday (' mtlnuod from page five) I'tlK HAI.K 1 acres, iuiitn'roved, exeellent fruit iand. just outside of! eity linii! on Humeri Ave. il'iin). ! - terms, V. A. I.Wtea, ti Court. H-13 1 . id' iii-e ,i.iM'i'tv ii, jrt payment. By owner. Jubn J. d inner. Itarriubnr ii. r. KANtU WANTf.! Wanted to hear: NKV. t( frtn owner of g o,l raneh for aalr. j f'h prife, foil (larlieuiva. I'-i IM t Vn f ., . .. i . r k- . B.h. MmnenpaSi, Minn. j fMr ' trhh l-"r,'- !K'Mt HKI.K--,rr..,l, ro n. ii. misu:r HIGH CLABS tADlES TAILOKINU i. T-'tli ht. St. 1 enlf. I '.ill I'l'lt Vlsn;:j pa,t nn,l i'r r,.ti t.m poiur.r or pinn;in -lit. l'linne 77;: H. Nil !!! rn fAI,fc OK y.Xi M ANCK Mil a.-re ': 'y fsrm 1 aii'i- fioir I'hilomath, Or, J.tO frf aniti-f fimivaiinn, 30 ae?e ia oak i n fr, lue ereek, gix.J 1 .:!i ;'u. I'n, t aiii.imo, l,ir liinie time on i. frffe.J yr , S V j 1 1 fv, s ii no to i-V-nj ja fiilniibHIi IS I oftle I'i. kcp Hauled. ....L. prl.inj fainmenrmK al-ml AuyuHt 2-'d. botin.n. s s mi!,-, north et of Hl,-m, !. (., MeOllnri r:i ;.yx - To.Ut 1 yar U tia. k drenn Tinder pi, lfa- t,t .Iurnal 11 PRUNES n I y iMH 8ALK 7 room p!a:ere.i h'-i'.-i an i j;ovd ('uiubin. cornet f !". 1 room bu-ina!ow g oi liKatiau, $-,-."xw. liiMt tasb. 4 room bungalow with baai'meat, eliih?vto paved sret. I.10. H room bunjnlow. throe lotj. bearing fruit tree, f'i-ajn. 4 room house urnl two lot, city i:e; and well, 4oU. !' ' 3 room house tin j aveu ttret-t, bear ing fruit trev -it. 6 room tottaje, two lot. goI loca tion, fruit trwa. $JojU. S room cottage, privrUe -later systtm fruit treea, ll'OW. o room hoiie clov iu tSofi. ail room bungalow with fre p!ao, fine large rooms $2000. 6 room inolt ra house on t'ourt street, hrije lot, tUMO. bii room bunjinlow clone in, 5.0"3. 4d acres river bottOiB lanil, tViOO. 13 acres close in, ail under plow, good buildings, bearinjf fruil trees, 11000. 2li a res close iu, new buildings, bear ing orchard, miin road. tJ000. 50 ai-rea close to Hilem, mum road, fine buildings, $ 1U.S0V. Id acres prunes and lonuberrieit, fine House, $9000. 9 acres close t. smal' town, good buildings, ItkX'. A gojd home and cali for small farm. nrnt a bunga low ifor cash. F. L. Wood. Bayne bltlg 8 9 BEST BUYS. 10 acres U, mile Sulem, black gravel Soil, family orchard, .bar.', hoa; house, well; mare and colt, brood sow, 2 dozoa chickens, 5 tons hay, a: d 2Vi acres eorn so at lloOO. iS aeres at town, all tillable, 43 cleared, 20 acre bottom: fair house, good barn; trade for '.ace half as Inrge. 40 aeres alt eleu'cd, IS acres fl year old prunes, buildings, 6'-. miles Salem. i lie-ip ut i.i00. H neres in Salem, on macadam street, tall kinds fruit and berries, good 7 room house, outside cooler, own water sys tem, burn woodshed; only IWOO. 20 aeres giiod anil, roll tig; 10 acres I'leared, good family orchad, buildings, 2 springs; SU miles Salem Vi mile school; :ti.")0. . ICS acres well improved, on 2 roads to be mved, 70 acres cultivated, bal ance brush 'pasture; $190 pr acre, worth more. 22 aero eloso to Ohemnwa, best soil, nil in cultivation; 7 aeres (lover, youn; family orchard, building ; nbout 30 tons clover nnd oil's hnv goes v with ilai'O lit $S(I00. .1 acres, 2'i miles Sulem all eultivat oil, good soil, sinml liousn and barn; easy payments; li'iO. 5 acres l'i miles Hulem, berries, 3 acres prunes, building. 2500. , lli'j aeres dark loam, 8 aeres culti vated, balance stunp pasture, 1 acre beaver dam; good buildings, family or chard, mile town; only $3700. 797 acres cut ever, exec lent pasture, best soil, spring wler, log house, barn; 120 per acre. - - 41 acres all cultivated ecept 2 acres evergreens, gooo) tiottom land, water piped 1o house barn; miles town on grnvel rond. jOMI. Half cash. , Bu v it home. ; SOCOLOFSKY ' Sh 'Shite BUYAHOME. 8 room bungulo- in good condition, fruit, sidewalks, pavement, good lot, 1 block car; lrtoo, ensh payment, bal ance lo monthly, at tl pereeut. It room strictly modem bungalow, full basement, furnace, f'ri-plaee; nice luwn, flowers. Iiciy'im: $:I2."0, $730 cash balance moiith'y at 6 percent. 6 room biinituliKV, fu'i basement, large lot, fruit, to vn, 'j block car; :'.!."il). Small hu vino n I: iii-tailmeuts at 0 per cent, 5 rotim bungalow, attractive, good lot, east front, ;t blocks school ;$2,--'.'iO. ttOflO (Uiwn, '.i inis. ' tl room niodcrii biingalo, close in, ML'DO. 100 cash, 1 nluiio 7 per cent. tl room .cottage on graveled street, lot 7) by 10, fruit; price H0, ;00 cash, balance 7 p.r vent. t room bungalow in fine location, paved street, close to achrot and ear, shady lawn, only '1200; $1000 down, balance to suit at percent. We can suit vou Many PI easant Evenings Are common to the families that have added the Victrola to their household. They would be lost and lonesome if its delightful music was unavailable. Renowned Artists Superior Line Features Perfect Registration I DeEcate Tones Harmonious Accordance 4sssH His Master's Yoice" THE VICTORIOUS VICTR0LAS Superior Qualities are too numerous to be jnen'tioned in-this space. Bring us your ear and we will convince you. You get More For Your Money at Moore's HOME OF THE VICTROLAS I Fishia? Information. $ - SOCOLOFSKY IU! State I KtH KAI.E Less than cost, one new i .114 (loodycar cord tire. I'honc 2.'!I0 I 89 toria she will visit the Jos Eaton's. i Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen and bom, Air. and Mrs. fred Blackwood nnd , Sciacant and Mis. C'nrl Cailson. tin Beitlia Carlsoa and Harvey t.ailhon, all r)K RKNT Well f-irnif-hed room house, good location, 3 bloaks from town; all modern conveniencs; no children. I'honc lo7S. 8-IS A B.VIKIAl.V A 10 acre tract, half in bearing fruit, 3 miles from Salem at JniMt. Pleniin.js, 341 Plate St. 8 ll acres of bearing pr;iuca years old, on good road, close in. ,.'2,000; 4il.lhHj cash, balance terws. This is a Tifll Httsp. 37 aercx, 17 acres of pi lines, i.'.j per acre. 17 actes, 1.1 acres prune )Vt logan berries, guod family orchard, all kinds of berries. Stiictly modeiajarm house, 1H acres, 7 acres in primes, 3 aeres ia logans. 1 acre family orchard, 10 acres of strawtwrricn Mi out last spring between hP orchaid, 7 acres in stump pxMure, fair iiiipru.enients. Big simp. I'kii. SMALL ACREAGE 11 ara chirkca isn.Ji, ;i,nd family orchard, good im roven . ills, water p iv.l to house. Tins is a fine bur at 5 a.-res. all ua.ler eultisntion, family orcW-ird hoiiM" and baia. '..'eK'. 3'j urn. oa bar 1 surface r.isJ, close in. good .1 room foti,ige. .'0O. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. I'M ll il..,.- 1 l.iti :lir A room modern close in at .00, very desirnble ronerty. A swell ;1 room Imiiih!ow with b.isement and open f'uo plai c, 2 blocks trom is Oiia car line, 1 si. A very gl,n'l buy. KlemitiK, :!tl Mtnto ft. " S t SAJ.K Larue i.e wood buraiu heal -r, full nicix l fiu.Mi, x""l as new. 1:10.1 Waller St. I'hone 711. 8-12 v AN'T -fiecond haml bicyne, niuxt be a bargain, in xowl repair. I-IL'M. 8 11 WANT Kor cash weond hand Ford, aiost be late model and in good re pair. rWolofsky, 1141 btate. 8 11 foil A V.I.K--41s.. Kinder cniug ui ch ae. reniid dinuiij tabi. Icr and nr-w raiie. tail t H:it f, i'd'ij 8 11 Dallas Mill Prepared For Bumper Wheat Crop i ( apitnlJnurnal Hpcctal Service.) Western Oregon. Kngle Creek Good ectches of rain bow trout are being mailt along Kaglo (.'reek, between the 4 mile and the 6: mile posts. Reached hy J-iylc Iroek Trail via Bonneville. Fiah are biting worms and Waimou egxs, ' Rogue Uiver and Tributaries light catches of small trout arc being made ut different points, mainly iu the smal ler creeks. Heached by auto by way of Grants l'ass. The weather is genetully too warm for good fishing, , Eastern Oregon. Squaw Lake Good catches of east ern brook trout are being made at the west and north ends of the lake. Reach ed by tuto road from Motors to buttle hike, by way of I!eud;aiid m by trail from Suttle Lnke. Three reek Lake Ooul rati lies m rainbow trout are belli; made, in this lake. Reached by wagon road or by au to road and trail bv way of Sisteis or Bend. Elk Good ratchet of eastern brook font arc being made here. Reach ed by way of Bend or I.a 1'ino. Deschutes Rirpr Good catches of rainbows and Doliy Vardens are being made at Crane I'rairie and Ptingle Kails. Rer.ehed by auto road by way of i from France. Bend or I I'ine. Odrll Lake Good catches of rata bows and Iol!v Vardens aie being made by trolling from boat. Reuclied by autol by way of Bend or Crescent. Crescent Lake Good catches of rain bow trout are being made heie by fly- casting r.long shore line from imat. Reached by auto road bv way of Bend or Crescent. Lost Lake Good catclus of redsides are being made at outlet. Riaihed by trail or wagon road by way of Bend. Cultus Lake Good catches of lain bow trout are being here. Reached by auto rmul by way of Ili ad. WESTSALEM (Capital Jiiurnr.l Kpecinl Service.) Mrs. C. II. Marsh and daughter Isis of Roseville, Calif., have been house cuests for a week at th Kdwin Brock home. Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Lnugar ami bahv son, have moved on to their new ly acquired fr.rm near Monmouth. Mrs. J. T. Hunt has returned from a several days stay on their farm near Zena. Mrs. Matilda White has gone to n eottver, Wash., for v'-'t of some length with her daughter Li-iie. Jos Eastoa of Astoria, at one time resident of West Hl-m anu who has valuable real estate holdings here has been calling on old friends and neigh bors. Miss Ruth Bedford i' week end t of Miss Bertha PsFk at their two children of l'ortlund h;.ve been guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Bill ings for a week. They motored home Saturday accompanied by Miss Both Bedford who will be the guest over Hun day of Mis. (1. L, Frazure. Mid. Jos Fennell who was so seiioua lv ill for a time is slowly convalescing she is now able to sit up Tor a little while at a time. Mrs. Mary Billings will leave RundiiyJ for Corvnllis for a visit with relatives ami friends. City Council met in regular session Monday evening. An ordinance for of Aumsville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cnplinger. Mr. nnd Mrs, K. A. LewU and' sobs, Bobbie and Nile, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. . Mage, and daughter, Margaret, V. A. Harris, Frank Harris and Owen Fiyslia motored to Crooked Finger to help the young people of the Crooked Fingrr wclcomo . Clyde Lewis and, bis Jiido hornet with nu old fashioned charivari. Miss Fanny Bowers is thi guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. W, 1). Ho.ner are at some of Kingwood street was passed! home again after spending some time and Btrect commissioner was entered to 'at tne Leach. go ahead with it. Regular routine busi ness was gono through with, Chester G. Murphy of Portland has bee i in tho neighborhood, looking over his holdings end calling on friends. . Troy Wood of Portland is homo for a vacation. He came up in his Ford bug. In additoin to chicken thieves in the! world some of West Baleni citizens have found out there are also vtgotable light fingered gentry. RICKCTNEWS. (Cnpitirl Journal Special Service.) Word hits been received by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whitney thnt their sou, Ed ward, has landed in the United States Dr. and Mrs. I.ane, Dr. and Mrs. Morefield and their son and nephew, and Claude Grimm left Tursd&y for southern Oregon on an extended fishing trip. Mrs. Ada Gardner of Sulem is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. . A. Lewis. The sympathy of the neigiiboiaood is extended to the relatives of Mrs. Jos. Rogers of Portland in their bereave ment. Mrs. Rogers used to visit here nnd was loved by all who ki ew her. Mrs. Bertha Carlson hiis returned to) her home at Aumsville rifter spending sonic time with Mr. and Mrs. la. M. Majee. Miss Hnzel Harris returned from XesKowin Khnrsdny where she had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Hine-gar. Quality Jewelry Here you will find thst fineness If quality whieh marks jeweiiy of the better kind. Largo assortment of carefully chosen end desiinetive designs. Utiok for the name HARTMAX BROS, oa the box, tnen yo know vou have the best. HARTMAIM BROS. CO. Jewelers and Optician Northwest Corner of State and Liberty Streets H.,11,.. Ilr.. O Ti. n.11..' IfUC Flouring Mills operated and owncl bvl'-P sr"' ' """ .. tini, Swecnev . hnv- fa,,. flnUW Arnold Kruger un-1 w.fe of Washing orel:llntiini f,ip thnn.llincr tht. cr mkutlton, D. t erop of tlii sectin-i of the onn!v snd''1 Kiugwood. the threshed grain is ii beginning to come inti the mill here ia a steady strcttiu. M.wt of the wheat in this sec tion is bought by the local millers sad but verv little stored for spreuintinn. The crop this yenr is one t4 the biggest harvested in the eooiitv in ticaut rears. the fancv price x-t bv tSi coTernment , having caused the fanncis to nuke k UV 1 Ii" P,, ll UnnsA special end.-aver to raise bij crop. rClgtl li " VUJ viw are the guests of his parents Mr. J R. Bedford has gone fr a two w.eks visit with friends rf lanil and Astoria. While in t'ortland she will be the guest of Mrs. Geo. Fratiire, at the Br.x.ks apartments ad in As try Salem First la Bayinf ruit Wanted Get in touch with us before selling your PRUNES, Italian. APPLES, fall and winter varieties. BLACKBERRIES, evergreens and Himalayas. PEACHES, yellow free' stone vari eties. Salem-Kings Product Co.