Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 09, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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rwH WiMMV(?jlw t-.wWWwSSswwWvs Jtiii iC 1 V-TV
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The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more thai one insertion,
fat errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first cay
it appean and notify as immediately ii
nor occurs.
Minimum chsrgo, 15e."
"MARTlN" painter. Phone "04. 8 2
WOOD f.tf sale. Phone 2093M. tf
WANTED Cattle and calves, any
kind. Phone 157b VY. 9 3
WANTED Secondhand windm i 1 1.
Phone 1085J. 812
NICE sleeping rooms for rent, close
in, 255 Center St. 8 9
GOOD all around horse for sale, at
your own price, Ii25 S. 13th St. 8-0
WANTED Load of jlover lay. Phone
1045. 89
WANTED Cattle, teal and stock
hogs. 1425M. . 9 4
FOR SALE Elgin- fix, 1918 model at
Marion garage. tf
EXPERIENCED lady waitress wanted.
iKoyale Cafeteria. tf
FOR SALE Baled hay In field, one
mile east of city. Phone 19K4. tf
GIRLS wanted at the Glove Factory,
1455 Oak St. Steady work. 8 8
FOR SALfl Garage 18xS3, gas tank
53 gallons, house and lot 50x247.
1925 Stale St. 8 8
PLAIN sewing at home, 25e per hour.
Phone 796, residence 1120 Chcmek
eta. 811
WANTED (Ford or Chevrolot touring
car will pay cash. P W H care Jour
nyC 88
FOR hauling and truck work try the
Farmers Transfer track, phone 160S
M, 1170 N. 15tli St. A. H. Bieder
nintu 9-4
FOR dresa making see M-s. A. IT T?i--derman.
1170 N. 19 fit. Phone 18081C
WE make the bt ptrwes prune dipper a
Salem Mfg Co., 139S N. Front tit tf
JA3. LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. tf
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J,
1185 N. lth St. Salem, Or. 8 8
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer,
Why not get him! tf
GOVERNMENT loans at 5 percent
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
meree. tf
FOR SALE Four room bungalow with
lasement, good location. 1500. r. L.
Wood. Bayne bidj. 8 8
FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, good con
dition, buy from owner, cheap. See
it at 292 N. Ui,;h St. 8 8
FOR SALE 2 hop stoves and pipe,
in good condition. Rt. 6, box 42, G.
W. Eoff. 8 9
AM leaving town, will sell seven room
house, two largo lota, large barn,
ehicken house, fruit trees, lfiOO,
part cash: rest terms. Phone 1322M.
8 11
MIDDLE aged mm wishes to corre
spond with good neat housekeeper
of about the same age. Address N E
ears Journal. 8-9
WANTED 1000 iult to clean, a
Er.ra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning,
1855 State St. Phone COS. 8-14
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Bnrens
Com'l St. tf
WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll
upward. B urea's Furniture Store.
. 179 Commercial. tf
We bay sad tell notes, mort-
si sages and all kinds of bonds.
gk (14 Mfsonie Building
0 Balrm, Oregon )
ll 114 Mason Bldg.
y ...
FOR SALE about tens of baled
cheat hav. John ?.ak, Rt. 6, box 34A.
WANTED flood Lincoln buck. Chas.
McAllister, Shelburn, Or. 8-13
BUOGY wanted. A. Ha-vtherne, Kt. 3,
I'hone 40P21. 8-11
FOB SALE Or trade, good young driv
lug mare. Phone 14 13. SI-
FOOTDOne bird log. Call Salem Ve-
lie Co. and prove property, 102 N.
Com! St. 8 9
$3250 NICE 6 roim house, eloso in,
Terr desirable loeatioh. See owner.
194" S. Cottage St. 8-11
EXCEPTIONALLY fine piano for less
than i the purchase price. Call eve
nings 1402 N. 16th St. 8-9
FOR SALE By owner at a saerifee, a
20 room bouse close in. Phone 17J7
W. tf
WANTED To buv 200 stock ewes.
P. W. Reyelf3, 'Salem, Kt. . 3, box
50. 8 9
WANTED To rent five or aix room
modern house with garage. Phone
1013J Or 926. tf
WANT to buy from owner good im
proved 5 or 10 acre tract. Phone
1481R.- 89
FOR SALE Good young team of hors
es, woiiiht about iftou each, raone
65F5, Dr. Miles' ranch. 8 9
LOST Package of merchandise con
taining pongee silk, hose aad under
wear. Finder call 883 R. 8 9
WANTED To buy from owner" fruit
ranch, 10 to 40 acres, partly devel
oped. AT care Journal. 8 9
LOST Between state hospital and
Cottage farm, a child's white em
broidered hat. Finder please phone
433. 8-11
FOR SALE A moJern house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
645 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. ' tf
TOR SALE 1918 1 ton Republie
truck, guarantee! to be in good me
chanical condition. 170 N. 24th St.
FOR SALE Piano, high grade, in
good condition, iMtrgaia. Phone !-
FOR SALE Good horse, harness, light
wagon; StudobaKer buggy cheap,
will take good grade Jersey cow as
part. Call room 304 U. 8 bank. Phone
376. 8-13
FOR SALF Good one-horse delivery
express wagon wth cover. Single set
of harness cheap. Coolcj ' Grocery,
1275 N. Church. a 13
EXCHANG E 1 60 acres in Alberta, all
t'oneed; 80 acres in cultivation, house
barn and water; want house in Port
land or eniiurban tract near Salem,
will assume. W. A. Liston. 8-9
FALLS City Logging A Lumber Co.,
Falls City, Or. wants snea for mill
and yard work. Wages 50c per hour
and up. Good schools and living ac
commodations for married men. 89
LOGANBERRY piekers wanted; will
tako back and forth in-auto morning
and evening; 2c per lb, good pick
ing. Phone 373 .after 7 p. m. tf
WANTED To rent grain ranch of 150
to 200 acres with pasture and good
buildings; will pay eaek or shares.
Write F E care JoornaL tf
FOR SALE Nine room house, Urge lot
modern conveniences, double garage
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. O L eare Journal. tf
NURSERY STOnC Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts ajd all other kinds
of nursery stock for fall delivery.
Also a second hand Maxwcld auto
will trado for a good team. Brooks
Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8 28
the old reliable Page fence direct
from factory in ear 4od lots; Per
fection Automatic Gates Milwaukee
air pressure water systems, fresh wa
tT direet front raring or well. L. J.
Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton,
Page fence men for Marion and
Clackamas) counties. 8 18
HOP TiieVers wanted in Mitoms yard,
we furnish wood aad tents, store on
gToands,all former piekers, welcome
and new ones aa well, at 60e per box,
114 acre of the very beet hops In
Oregon, register at Adoiph ;Bro.,
State St., or Homer H. Smith, Me
Cornick bldg., Court St. ' tf
Salem, Oregon
FOB SALE At a bargain, a food row
boat. I'hone 33SJ. - HI
FURNISHED house wanted. Call 852.
Egl'lTV in house, two lois for $25, or
will trade for wood. tVl after 3:.S0
p. m. SOo S. 20th it. 8 9
FOR SALE A modern sin room bun
galow, one block from pavement,
large garage. C D eare Journal. 8-14
ON "installments, hones for the
working man on easy terms. VS. A.
Liston, 4S4 Court St, 8 9
FOR SALE 8 acrs choice berry land.
214 niilcs from state home; 10 buibl
ings. W. A. Liston. 8 9
LATE model 3 passenger touring ear
to trade for desi-able lots. L-43 eare
J 011 mul. Ill
FOR SALE Four ram plastered
house, large corner lot. Terms. See
G. W. Johuson Co , Thone 47. 812
EGOS, EGGS, EGGS Poultrymon I
can sell your egijs and make vou a
profit. Address H T, 2f'4 Uonry" bldg.
Portland, Or. 8-22
from alley by ltligh theater Thurs
day night. Phone information to
1548J. . ' 8-9
FOR SALE 1913 Maxwell 5 passen
ger, 3 new tires, good running order.
Price 150. Inquire Cherry City feed
fbarns. 8-11
WANTED Second cook at Oregon
state tuberculoss hoep;"al.. Pay $60
per month with board, room and
laundry furnished. Phone 433. 8-11
FOR SALE Strictly modern 8 room
home, paved street, ear line, garajro.
A real bargain. W. A. Liston, 484
Court St. 8 9
AUTOS STOLEN Yours may be "the
next; why not haTO theft protection.
See W. A. Liston, the fire insurance
man, 4S4 Court St. 8-9
MONEY at 6 percent interest on ap
proved security. If you want to sell
your liberty bonds rail at 484 Court
St. W. A. Liston. 8 9
FOR SALE 57 acre tract 80 acres
cultivated, Tialanre. pasture and 0
acres of good second growth fir "tim
ber, running water, good 7 room
house, barn; 10 eercs good Italian
prune onchard, some cheiries and ap
ples, hx-nted Hi miles Irom Salem.
Price 9120. W. H. Grabenhorst
Co., 275 State street. 8-11
5 ACRES with house, brn and large
chicken house; 6 lony rows logan
berries, near Keizer school house,
1700. I. M. Wilson Co. room .
D'Arcy bldg. 8-9
FOR SALE 10 acre tract located 4'
miles out, 5 acres of bearing prunes,
good crop of prunes, small house.
Price $3500. W. H. a-abenhorst, ft
Co., 275 State street. 8-11
FOR SALE Hnusi) and lot, best buy
in South Salem on Judson St. one
block east of Commercial. See A. J.
Baldwin. 8-11
WANTED Lady to help in general
house work on farm for man, wife
and clulil, light work, good home,
fialem, Rt. 4, Phone 12F5. 8 9
WANTED Position in Salem by com-
pntent bookkeeper and stenographer.
Will suhstitntc during summer vaca
tiona Phone 2fi2. tf
FOR SALE Modern 8 room honse, 2
linen closets, 2 lavatories, furnace
hentfil; will sell partly fu-niaked;
must dispose of at once. 168 N. 12th
St. opjioBite supveiie court bldg. 8-11
RETURNED overseas man desires em
ployment. Experienced salesman both
city and traveling. Understands
bookkeeping. Ail Ji ess R Q 8 care
of Journal. 8-11
HOP pickers register now. Three
weeks picking, pleasant eamp ground
good clean yard, tents and cut wood
furnished. Register at office of Wil
lamette Valley Transfer Co., eor.
Ferry and High 8U. Phone 1400. tf
2.-00 TAKES '4 block, with good 8
room house, newly papered, bath, toi
let, electric lights, cement walk,
gnrage, good barn, fruit and garden.
Will s!l all or part. Also have large
lot wiih 2 room house. Owner here
short time only. Inquire 1393 N. Lib
erty St. tf
73 PER ACRE. 40 seres located about
314 miles from Balrm. Yoa will nev
er gt this orrtortunity again. 24
acre in cultivation, 4 acres of mix
ed fruit; good bouse and out build
ings. All fenced. Timber for about
500 cords of wood. Owt, d by a non
resident, $1000 cash, balance at 5
percent and 6 per cent or will ex
change for city property. If you have
any thing for sale or exchsnge list
with me. n. S. BadWiff, xyne
building. 8-7
349 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BIXH'K
Studehaker cha.is for bug, 125
Tiui. k truck, expirss body, $200
1917 Ford f."0
L'ttle Flanders 20 230
1916 MaxwcU I00
Prisr-oe, $",0
P-ixon resifcter 300
1918 Chevrolet Sfdan
5 passenger Ovrelsnd to trade for lot
191 8fudetaker f.m
1917 Psion i i 7K)
191 J Overland
5 passenger fitndobskrr, tWf.
We nitt gressr and gasoline
-We seil oils, grease, old auto parts
tires and aceoxkiries.
JLLrwllu yilOuPoiLiL lilUrWlliil
. -
Black (ca
Blade .3)
Through a fortunate "pick-up" of black silks by our New York buyer, just
received by express, we are enabled to place on sale a big line of
' Hi.
Are In.
Call for Yours
WANTED Evergreen blaokhery Pick
ers. Call 7i'Kil. 8-11
FOB RKNT 5 rnoirf huimt: partly mod
ern. Inquire 500 N. High. 8-0
FOB HALE 10 acre, all cultivated,
new 5 room plastered bungalow, good
barn, ehicken house, family orchard;
S acres of four yenr riM ltalim
prunes, 2 acres set to loganberries,
sightly location, good diainaiie, close
to Pacific highway. Price $4500. See
E. B. Grabenhorst, 275 rotate St, 8-11
For aal! 8 room mod-'i house, full
basement, furnace, everything com
plete; roomy ground, eorne lot,
with garage at $3000.
4 room neatly finished house, good
lot, plenty of fruit and flowers, well
fenfl at UO0.
64 scree all under ult:vation, new
buildings, fl miles out a. $0400, terms
20 acres, 10 acres in walnuts, pears
and cherries. 5 acres of prunes and
3 acres cultivated, nrw house and
good well Price $4500.
6 lotj good barn, 4 room house, cor
ner property, will set! rr exchange,
cVpisre lel Realty Co , Phone 470. tf
FOB BALK Or tnde, 10 acres of
A-l bottom land located 4 miles
from Junction City; a good new
barn, 135 acres in cultivation, 25
aeree pasture, well fenced and on
good gravel road. Will take good
eity property or acreage in or near
Ralem. Priee $11500. Address O T
Joarnai. ' 8 9
ARB yon a successful salesman work
ins) among farm trade! Or are yon
ambitious to beme enef Do you
want to earn $250 $.150 month,
wholesaling groceries te farmers!
Steady demand. Yearly repeater.
Same territory. Tf , give age, ex
perience, phone number. Car requir
ed. H. Hunting, box 2fr?fl, Portland,
Oregon. ' 813
FOB SALE A good Willamette vslley
ranch 87 seres, 12 miles from Sa
lem 2Vi miles from good town, Vt
mils from R. B. station to 2
miles to 3 churches and 3 schools in
cluding hh rho"l; mail delivery
twice each day; telephone; good
neighborhood; the bet cold soft wa
ter. Fenced and ercs fenced; level
land 2 ees ash timber, main road,
good hitilrlisrgo; with or without crop
and eqnipmBf Just put in bam 50
tons of hav from 12 aerea. This is
ens of the best producing ranches in
this country; will sell all or a part to
nrit purchaser, if taken at esce.
Frank W. Lathrop, Turner, Or. tf
We are now holding a big sale on
bj than
BEAR THIS IN MIND These silks are not cheap,inferior
stock, but every piece Is of the
PEAU DE S0IE $2.19, $2.39, $2.59, $2.98
DUTCHESS SATIN : ....$119, $2.59, $2.98, $3.19
CHIFFON TAFFETA : $2.19, $2.59, $2.98, $3.19
GROS GRAIN .....$2.59
(All these are full inches wide) '
FOK 8AJri Apple.. 4'hine 80FI I. tf
FOB HA LB 5 acres all cultivated, Vtj
story bitniptlow not all 1 iniflicil; ail
in fruit, cherries apple, peaches and
lirgniiJierrieii; clone to Kiilroad sta
tion. Price 4; 1-17.1. Tcuns oh jini't. Hco
E. H. (Irabcnhorst, 275 r-late street.
8 11
WE enn save you many dollar on
your new pismi. Nomn ieiiiiliful pi
anos at. tiu run in prices and ' ensy
terms. The Wiley J I. A Urn Co., 510
Court St. 8 15
WILL soli a very fine piano, sweet
inne and looks nice, for $250, This is
bargain. The Wiley L, Allen Co.,
519 Court flt. 8 15
FOR SALE 17 acre trni.t located on
main J'acific highway, 4 miles from
Kulivm, 10 acres of Wring orchard,
moMly prmien; house and barn.
Price $3300. See IVd Ilurbin, 275
Stale sit reel. 8 11
W)B SALE C-hcap, 5 rtx-.m hotme, two
Irsts, plenty fruit; no incumbrance.
Phone 12U3. 9
10 acre tract all cultivated, rock
road, eloso to Pa'ifie highway. Price
20 acre all cultivated, 4 logitnber
riea, S acres clierr'es, 5 acres of ap
ples and theme. Good 5 room plaster
ed cottage, barn, chicken house, well,
rock road, close to Pa'ifie highway.
Priee $7000.0
$ acre tract, 1 acre !o?.ibrries, 2
acres of bearing cherries ami walnuts,
good S room plasti-rrd hi".sv, Ham, well
elose in. Pnc $l:'jn. $HiOfl down, bnl
snee t slit at percent ssterest,
acre farm located on Howell prai
rie, 50 acres cultivated, gm d buildings,
located on aiaia Hilvcrtoa rea4 I'm:
$125 per acre.
I acre all ia bearing orchard. I"ric
$000 $100 down, balance to suit at 6
percent interErt,
(Jood 5 room modern Wign!ow lo
cated on South lli';h street. Price $2,
750. 10 acree of bearing Italian prunes,
rock road, good location. Price $5500.
100 acre farm loeted Xit mile from
Salera; buildingv Price "XI0.
II acres of first class 'and, all cul
tivated, house and barn, 4 milis out;
some orchard and berries Price $2,
750 IfTou want to buv o' t:ade sec
273 State streot
T7 Y7 57 r Rla I
i y 1 t v 1 v v ...?
riJ cj ti izs wiHni
11 1 . Msw sa W-s 'W Mm If
i I .
YY ill I I IWIaj
You Can Always Do Better At
WORK wanted by boy 17 years eld.
Can drive iFuid." I'hone 432J. 8 11
LIST your prope'rtv with M)V)V
SKY'. ' ' tf
WANTED 3 horse power motor. iill
7M. 89
FOR HATE H room striitly modern
home, located at 1.170 Ms.te street,
furnished. Price I("K). $1500 down,
bnlance terms at 0 percent interest.
Sec Fred Durliin, 275 Htte St. 8 11
4 room modern bungalow located in
Smith Salem. Price $1500, wish.
5 roam cottage- located in Month Sa
lem; private water system. Price $1000
fl room modern house, 'X bed rooms,
pavei strro-t, east front, lies $5500.
8 room nioil'TB house, corner lot,
paved streets, good locutiou. Price
8 room modern hous" and two fine
lots, paved streelt, bearing fruit. Prict
3 room modern buiua'ow, paved
street, corner lot. Price 1800.
6 room modem house located on
4 mth Commercial street, b aring fruit.
Price $2500.
275- titste street HI
FT PALE 1018 Chevrol. t ear ehep.
CU 343'4 N. iiiil Cottle pt.,
room 1. 8-iI
FOR HALE I)y owner, f.O acre farm,
9 miles east of Salem, new 9 room
plastered house, 'all at !i4 Marine
Ml. or Phone 021 M, M 14
FOR SALE Or rxiheti.-e for eity
property, five acre ehi'-k-n ranch,
two miles east of Hilrm, with spt'le
orchard snd sma'l fruit If Interest
ed, address rimie 1, lion 1 1 It, or call
after 6 p. m. at '.!35 K Nobhill St.,
Salem, Or. R 11
The owners ami t'n' m.ir.gnce huve
authurized the sU', ii' t-i' pn for cash,
in one deed at ouc , of seventeen lots
for $;il(iO. Theo ''! adjoin the Sa
lem athletic grou' is, si (0) hlocis
northeast of Hi cnpitnl hmldin?.
Ia this tract .e formerly twenty
eight ('-') town lots sn! eleven (ii)
of the inside au 1 poor. -t lota have
been gold to the ehoo! board for
$31)00. Tiie remaining lots if taken at
once can be h.id at .'oo per lot.
811 Attorney ior the mortgagee.
, -.jpr- ii w m m as. m u
iilrtnl . i I
W. HEAVER well driller. Phone 827J.
1105 N. litlh ,S. "iilem, Or.
LIST your propertv with SOOOLOF
HKY, ' tf
WANTED Citl for b-iusrwoik; m
cooking. tl , irt'h. Hiuae 1027. it
7 rooms, plastered, good location,
siiieth Hnlem, -hard aurf.i.o streot, co
ment sidewalk, A map. $1100.
8 room modern home t0 baths ami
toilets, furnace, til I c.mnciit basiment.
$1500, $liuio sh, balance to suit.
.K rooni.f, bajeiiun, with Luge lot,
fruit und berries. $2200, $300 cesh, bal
ance monthly.
5 Tootn, strut!)' modern, one of tho
best built houses in Salom. This is
worth looking at. $2750, $ 1500 cash,
balance terms.
5 room modern riUnxi 2 lots. $2300,
too cash, balance terme, New house.
rooms, 2 lots, fruit, at $1400; $"00
eah Iwilaiice $10 per m iith.
4 room cottage. $875: one half caih,
balance to suit.
4 room cottage. $750; one half cab,
balttiu e to suit.
See us if you rsrt to buy a home,
j We have housis at all p'iees and all
j terms.
i scon REALTY CO.
404 ITubhara bldg.
WANTED To leao well improved 5
or 10 acre poultry runth within
mile of ttalem. Give detcriptioa and
rental terms, Kt. 3 box 50, Turner,
Or. ' 8!
FOR SALE- 94'4 teres, nader ul
t : wit ion, new ho-ise and barn, $73
I "t acre, terms, 8 pmrcnt. M, M.
M.igiw, ctalem Rt. 5. Phent 81F23.
8 0
MAKHT IF LONELY For results try
mc; best and most successful "Homo
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
ii::','e oon; strictly confidential ami
niiilile; years of experience; de
scriirtione free. "The Sucressfnl
("ib," Mrs. Ball, Pex 555, OakUnd,