Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 09, 1919, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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Church Notices
Ttf Methodist CaurcU.
Sunday services: Sunday school, :43
a. bj. Other service at camp ground
Foartesnth and A streets. 1 "reaching
Wednesday evening at the church our
a. at. John W. Todd, supertstetucat.
will woJeoaw vi&itur sad strangers.
Meruing worship at II 'clock, kibci
to the children on "LitUe Caadiea,"
followed by regular morning neia!e.
district elder will briuu the message Bev. H. N. Aldrieh will spoik. it the
Prayer aeetina Thursday. Iu.a The Old Peoples Home at S p. at. At 7:00
following ttabbatfc the usuu service
will be conducted at the church. W J.
Johnston, pastor.
Scandinavian Methodist Chuich.
Fifteenth and Mill streets. "What
"Will It Cost to Establish the Kingdom
of Uod in America?" wili be the rob
p. m., the r:p worth League wut noia
their devotional services. The juniors
will meet in Epworth hall with air. Hu
bert Wilkin in charge. The seniors will
meet in the lecture room with Mrs. V.
B. Paronagiaa conducting the seiviee.
At 8:00 p. m., John W. Todd, in his
iuspirstonal war will conduct a thirty
jeet of District Superintendent Bev.' one minute song service. The songs and
land's sermon Sunday aiternoon at 3
'clock. The Swedish language will be
spoken. Sunday school at 2 o'clock.
This is a church where people of every
ereed and of no creed are welcome. We
will be gladto meet strangers. "Open
house" Hundsv from 2 to 4 o'clock.
Salvation Amy.
Open sir meeting on Saturday at 7:50
p. m. Salvation meeting In the hail at
8 p. in. Special meetings all day Hun
day in charge of the young poopic, be
ing the Sunday school anniveis&ry com
mencing with open air on State street
at 10:3 0a. m. Holiness meeting in the
lall at 11 a. m. Sunday sehoel at 2 p.
m., songs, recitations, testimonials, etc.,
"by the children. Y. P. L. at 6 p. m fol
lowed by open air meeting at 7:30
o'clock. Salvation meeting in the hall ment."
st 8 p. m. Everybody cordially invited
to all our meetings. Oapt. and Mrs.
Hunter, officers in charge.
hymns will be such as you will want to
sing. The Rev. J. C. Picaerton of I-os
Angeles will give the address of the
evening on "Inter-church Work Move
ment." This will be a union meeting
of the Salem churches.
Leslie Hetbodist Episcopal Church.
Corner South Commercial and 2tcyer
street. Horace N. Aldrieh, pastor 9:45
a. m., Sunday school, with classes fori
all ages, E. A. Khotcn, superintendent;
11 a. m.. public worship, with sermon by 1
the pastor, theme, "Obedieneo of Mind
and Heart." No evening services as
this congregation will join in a union
meeting to be held in the First Meth
odist church to be addressed by Rev.
J. C. Pinkerton, D. D., in the iuUreit
of "The Inter-church World Move-
Court Street Christian Church.
Corner North Seventeenth and Court
Streets. The "Summer Slump" cam
paign is progressing and hotter attend
ance result j each Lord's day. The jun
ior'departmcnt wilt be in uha:go of the
Bible school. A special program will
le rendered in the opening exercises.
Wonder which elusa will be banner
class 7 Short talk to children by pastor
before sermon. The sermon, "Tho
Church- of the Hour" is the second of a
series you will do well to hear. Junior
C E. at 6 p. m. Young Peoples Society
of C. E. at 7 p, ui. At 8 p. w. wo will
join with other churches at the M. E.
church in a union' meeting. Thursday,
8 p. m., prayer meeting, i'ublic cordial
ly invited. B. L. Putnanr, paitor.
Church of Christ Scientist.
First Church of Christ 8ciontist. Sun
day service is held at 410 Chemekcta
treet at 1 a. m., subject of Biiibe lesson,
"Spirit." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet
ing at 8 p. m. Reading room, 203 Ma
sonic temple, open every day except
(Sunday and holidays from 11:45 a. m.
te 5 p. m. All are invited to our erv
ice and to our reading room.
St Paul 'i Church.
Seventh Sunday after Trlnityr T:S0
B. m., holy communion; 11 a. m., morn
ing prayer and sermon. No evening
services in August. Everybody w.
coma, Chas. H. Powell, rtctur.
Union Church Mooting.
A meeting of all of the Protestant
churches will be held Buuds-y evening
in the First Methodist church to hear
an address o'n the subject, "The Inter
church World Movement," to be deliv
ered by Rev. J. C. Pinkerton, I). D.,
state secretary of California, for this
movement. All persons interested arc
urged to attend.
South Salem Friends.
II. E. Pembcrton, pastor. 3outh Com
mercial and Washington streots. iiible
school 10 a. m. classes for all. Dr. Miller
superintendent. Meeting for woiahip
with good singing and gopel pretching
at 11 . in. No evening mealing today
as we are cooperating in the meeting at
teut on North 14th street
Quln&by Park Camp Meeting.
The camp meeting of the TJuited -angelical
church will continue in session
over this Sunday at 0,uinnby Tark ix
miles north of Salem. A large number
of ministers and visitors are camped on
the grounds. Rev. A. R. Schmallo of
Hillsboro will preach on Saturday ev
ening. Sunday at 11 a. m. earnion by
Hov. B H. Neibel, D. D. -Hairihburg,
Pa., at 2 p. m. Dr. Noibel will deliver
the annual missionary sermon. The
closing service will be held at 8 p. m.
Rev. H. H. Farnham of Portland will
be the Bpeakcr. There will be no servi
ces at the local United Evangelical
church this Sunday. At Aubum the re
gular service will be held at 3 p. m.
Jason Lee Memorial M. E. Church.
Corner of Winter and Jefferson Sts.,
Thomas Acheson, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a. m. classes for all acs under
the care of capable teachers. Tublic
worshio 11 a. m. subject: Echoes from
the Centenary Celebration. Epworth
leugue service 7 p. m. Young people of
Associated Bible Student.
Meet for regular Sunday morning
study at Moose hull, Court and High
streets, from 10 a. m. to 12 n. First
lour study, Sixth Vol. Second hour.
Tabernacle Shadows. Pruf. J. A. Gil-
losoio will eive a public lecture iu the north Salem cordially invited to attend
Ball at 3 p. m. on the timely subject, There will be no evening service in the
"The Heavenly Treasures "and Who' church in order to join in the church
Gets It." This" is n subject that is be-' federation meeting to bo held at the
ing lots said about lately, t oino and First Methodist at 8 o'clock. Player
hear what the Scriptures sav who gains meeting on Thursday evening at 8
this great and glorious prize. Seats; o'clock. We extend a cordial invitation
freo and no collection. Public is most to the public to coino and worship with
cordially invited.
Come End bring your
Catholic Church.
Cornor Chemekcta and Cottage streets
Masses at 7:30 and 10:30 a. m., be.ne-
Sermon by th
First Baptist Church.
"Mountainside or Flowerpot Chris
tians" will bo lr. O. F. liolt s morning diction after last mass.
topic at the First Baptist church. The pastor at last mass, "Christ's Propuoey
question of one hundred per cent Allien, rjver Jerusalem." J. K. uuc, pusiur,
canism and one hundred ptr cent Chris-J ' " 1
tianitv will bo disenssed. Service at lit nAVAI ft KVVK ITFMS
a. m." The evening topic will be: "The UUATttUJ lUilliJ UL.il Id. .
First Question Ever Asked br Man, a
Vital and Timelv Question Today."! (Capital Journal Special Service.)
Service at 8 o'clock. Sunday school, Wesley Prince, who" bas been filling
:4j a. m. Young Peoples meeting, 7 j the Presbyterian pulpit in Donald for
m Midweek devotionr.l service eveml weeks, preached his farewell
Thursday evening. 8 o'clock. A eordial sermon Sunday evening to a Urge audi
welcome will be civrn to visitors and'enee. Ho left Mondny afternoon for
Strangers to "11 these services. a few weeks' visit with Lis parent's
1 brother and sister in Michigan after
First M. E. Church (which he will returnto San Francisco,
State and Church streets. Class meet-; where ho will take up his studies again
ing at 9:15 a. m, Sunday school, :;. at the San Anselmo theological emi-
"7, w-here he still hss one year before
STATEMENT completing the course. Mr. Pnnce made
Of LM Buh, bankers, of 8alm, 1 many friends during his stay in Donald,
county of Marion, state of Oregon, j who wish for him in his future earcer
showing the amount standing to the j as a minister of the gospel abouadant
credit of every depositor July 1, 1919, j success as a soul winner for Christ.
Oregon, where he will be engaged the
remainder .f the summer.
Memorial services were held ia the
Msrcabe lodge of Donald ou Tkaisday
afternoon ia memory of Mrs. Frances
Pi-mice, late supreme reeoiuketper of
the Maccabees.
The Sunshine class of the Soiday
school gave a farewelljsarty ia boaof et
Mr. Prince on Thursday evening. A
short program was rendered. Befresk-
meats. of ice cream, cake and coffee
were served. The evening passes off'
pleasantly by those fortunate enough to
be ia attendance. The eluu presented
Mr. Prince tlO la appreciation of his
efforts while here. Also at that time
Mr. Winchell of Portland, who was ta
attendance, gave 5 te help along1 the
good cause. Fifty dollar was gives
Mr. Prince, besides Mrs. Mercer do
nated the ate of a room for him while
here, all of which Mr. Prince appreci
ated highly.
Mrs. l'erkette and son, Lynn, went to
Salem Thursday morning.
' Miss Ruth Yergen was a Woodbura
visitor on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. and
Mrs. Manic have moved out ta the
Smith wood yard to be more convenient
for the. men folks, who are incline tim
ber for Mr. Smith. About fifteen men
are now engaged on this troct, which
means many cords of wood will be
ready for shipping right away. All
ready some trouble iu securing empty
cars wast enough to supply the differ
ent companies who are shiping from this
part of the country.
Ralph and A. L. Con net t have pur
chased s lot of timber from H. N. Smith
and are getting that out as fast they
The Sibley yards have shipped three
cars the past week. All of which has
a tendency to liven things up around
Perkeite finished his loganberry pick
ing on Mondav, realizing about 5 tons
off nine acres at (160 a ton, making a
pretty snug sum of money off nine
acres of Willamette valler land.
Mrs. Bert Lander and hzbe went t
Hopmere Thursday morning to be gono
for a week.
Mr. Murray of Buttoville was a Don
ald visitor on Thursday. .
Messrs. A. L. and Charles swan of
Chauipoeg were Donald visitors sn Mon
day, . . "
C. . Espey was unfortunate, eaewigh
to get his new ear considerably smash
ed up on Monday. Mi. Hcgcdorn was
driving the car and iu some way lost
control, running into a telephone post.
He was bruised up somewhat but aettu
er he nor the car were seriously injured
The little folks of Donald are hng
a good time Thursday eelubratiug lit
tle Georgia Lamb s birthday. A party
being given in her honor Uat afternoon.
Mrs. W. J. Dawes and daughter were
shopping in Woodburn on Wednesday.
Ethel Bixel had the misfortune to
lose (10 of her berry money on Tues
day. We can picture the visions of all
she was going to buy witii that s)10
sad the disappointment ia losing it, aft
er working so hard to earn it.
Mrs. Nicks of Portland spent Tues
day with her daughter, Mrs. Mirnn,
near Champoeg.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawes enteitained last
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Beers and chil
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Bejuli Of Mo
Miss Helen Hopkins, who has been
visiting Idell Lamb for several days left
for her home in Portland Wednesday,
accompanied by Miss Lamb.
Mike DeSurt and son, Hal, of Salem
were in Donald on Tuesday.
Earl Carver speiit the weekend at
Mr. and Mrs. Bass of Kroadaeres
were shopping in Donald on Wcdnes
Mrs. Mercer, Mrs. Kirkland of Port
land and Mr. Young of Canada were
dinner guests ttt the A. E. Feller home
on Wednesdny evening.
Mr. r.nd Mrs. MeElwnin of Champoeg
were shopping at the Johnsort store on
who has not made a deposit, or wao
sas not withdrawn any part of his
Acnosit (commercial deposits), princi
pal or interest, for a period of more
tfcaa seven (J) years trnmeaiaiei; p"i
ts said date with the name, last known
sirs. J. P. Fall was Woodbura visi
tor ou Thursday.
M. J. Hunt and Wayne Ailea of Sa
lem were Monday visitors to Donald.
Miss Kilrourse of San Francisco, who
nlr nt residence or postoffice address h. been with her sister. Mrs. A. J. Rich
f such depositor, and the fact of ai'ifor some time, made a trip to Fortbind
deaih, if known. 0n Friday before leaving for her Cali-
Kostner, Mary C, Salem, Oregon, $20 ; fonii, homl
Lavey, p. V. .., '-5 otsie siree,
... .
MartiB, Mrs. Alice, eaicm. i au
Cherry City Plumbing Bad Heating
Co, Salem, 7.34.
Wann, T. W. Salem, f 1C.S.
Prate of Oregon, County of Marlon, ss
I, Wm. 8. Walton, being firt duly
sworn, depose snd say upen oath, that
I am the cashier of l-add rrnsn, t"
em of
of Oregon
Mis Juanita Mayer of Fortlaad is
stopping short time with her father,
E. C. Mayer.
Ira Smith went to Portland On Wed
nesday to visit his father, who has been
in the hopital for several weeks. He
reports some improvement.
A. E. Feller is running his thresher
Salem, county of Manoo, state 'U time these days and reports grain
gon; that the foregoing state-jfne 'or the valley, averaging from 2.
went is full, true, correct and eom-jto 40 bushels per acre
tilcte statement, showing the name,, jjrs. J. C. Moore was taken to Port
last known residence or post office ad- on Snndav and placed nnuir a
drrsi, fact of death. If known, and 4o..,or earc f;he seems to be suffer
the smoont to Mi ercfiit or ears Qe-
jwsitor as required by the provisions
f chapter 14S. of the Oeoirst Laws
f Oregon, 191".
Subscribed sni sworn o before me
15th day of July A. D. W.
Kotary public for Ore".
Mr ewwniwon ri';re No-r. S3, 1919.
July 18 25 Auj 18
in from a genera! brenkdcwn.
Mrs. Chad i ma of Portland was visit
ing her dangMT, Mrs. Kersmith on Sat
Mr. and Mra. J. I Eirsbeek, Mr. and
Mrs. Hoskins and Charles Jun of Port
land motored out Sunday and spent trie
day with Mrs. Riesbeek's parents, Mr.
sad Mrs. I.e.
Eugene Flynn left Monday for Dee,
(Capital Journal Special Rervice.)
Dallas, Ore, Aug. 9. Mr. snd Mrs.
I. F. Yoakum, Misa flallie Smith, Miss
Maude Bnrnes and J-awreHeo Smith re
turned Wednesday afternoon from B 2
weeks visit at Newpot.
Jack Eukin went to Portland the
first of the week for a short business
Walter L. Tooiee, Jr., returned Wed
nesday night from a several dayi busi
ness visit to Peirtlsnd.
Mr, and Mrs. (Wr Wnyter nd
children left Wednesday morning ior a
weeks outing at Nye Beach.
Hon. W. V. Fuller was a Ccpitnl City
business visitor the first of the week.
Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Talbott and Lt
Steele Evans were Falls City visitors
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rich returned
the first of the week from a short out
ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. Fred
Rich at Newport'.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chapman and dsn
ghter, Barbara were visitors at the Lin
coin couaty beaches this week.
Hon. T. J. Craves county eommiuion
er from McCoy was in Dallas Wcdnes
day looking over eountv affairs.
City E gineer H. M. Budgets was a
Capital City visitor Monday evening.
Mr. Rodger was formerly a resident of
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Lougliary and
family left Tuesday afteinoon for a
several days outing at the Tillamook
county beaches.
Mr. snd Mrs. Lew.A. Cates were Sap
it::! City visitors the first of tiie week,
Mr. auil Mrs. Cate hsve just returned
from an eite : aiv trip through Til!a
moeik eoonty .
Mr. snd Mrs. W. L. P.'hrrB snd famil
and Mr And Mrs. N. L. Guy sad elil
ren ret'irned the first of the week from
a trip to Crater Lake.
fc Js VisT iJsi . NrsZ3' -r-
dBBlnBBBsBisBBBJSBv BTsM'-l I" Ull II fSBtir llllsl
Owing to our shortage ef floor space it becomes necessary for us to close out several patterns of steel
ranges. Included in this GREAT SALE are about THREE CAR LOADS of RANGES. These ranges were
all bought at the old price. So it puts os in position to save you several dollars on each range.
ft f :"1 '
Regular $101.50, 20-inch oven DeLuxe Q'Jf QC
Steel Range, now p DsOO
Regular $98.50, 18-inch oven i7Q QC
DeLuxe Steel Range now v 3OD
Regular $96.00, 16-inch oven, C71 AQC
DeLuxe Steel Range, now ? vO
Regular $93.50, 14-inch oven, Jq ff
DeLuxe Steel Range now pUiOU
Regular $85.00, 18-inch oven QK
DeLuxe Light Steel Range, now ipUO.Ou
Regular $75.00, 18-inch oven, laC?fi A(
Dixie Steel Range, now OXJ.HxJ
All ranges have polished tops, with or without Sanitary Leg Base.
1 i
4CTO rirrt 9
Wm srsBs"w ysy ssr
Aiserican Soldier-Students
Marrying Many EngKsh Girls
London (By mail) American 1
dier students t British universities are
doing something 'se Inside studying
They are negotiating entangling alli
ance fcet ween U. r. mala tiitiwrny snd
the ifenne-r s-i if Britain. In other
words, they sre marrying Kuglish,
Seoteh, Irish and -Velsh girl wherever
thny happen to hi qirsitiied by the
army edueational lUthnri'.'cs.
Aeenrding to the ' Amer'ran Soldier
Htudcnt,'' the or);an of t!ie stuiient dc
Isj'hment of the U. 8. B'my in Ureat
Brttsin, tea siarnages w ih British
girls have oecurrel smcn ; the dctarh
aieat at University College, London,
while other detarhnen at Oiford,
Cambridge, and cls.'Wbei ' are not very
far behind. There v beten sit and
evea hundred Araeriean students rn
London, and Edinburgh has nearly a
many. Nine weddings ar reported
from Edinburgh, Md there is hardly
a town ia whu-h student hav spent
the last three months that esnoot re
port aa Anglo Aireriean vtdiling.
$$$ Keep Ttem Heme ?$$
Prunes Ia Polk Orchards
Hanging To Trees Keayily
(Capital Joornal Rpeeial Service.) s
Dallas, Ore., Aug. . The pranes in
this sertirm of the eonntr which uur,llj
begin to thin themselves si thia tine
of the eaos sre hanging on the trees
unusually well, considering the hot, dry
weather of the past month and the
grower are predicting a iaiger rrop
thaa was at first estimated. In hot
very few orchards the thinning is ex
ceeding that of former years snd thr.t
proeess i gng on mostly in orchards
that are well along in years. I'rune
! growers give as a reason the hanging on
jof the primes in dry weathrr ss in the
' present case, the good caie and cultiva
tion of tho orchtrds.
Grower are beginning to sign up
ipirkers for this year's crop sud it is
predicted that there will be a scarcity
of h'-lp onrirg ine isnm r-x" n wnn n
sua!!y begins sbout the l.'th of Hep-terober.
Dallas Aviation Officer
Arrives jrcni France
(Capital Journal Hiiecial Bcrvice.)'
Dallas, Ore, Aug. 9,-First Lt. fileelft
Kvans of Uncle Ham 's aviation service
arrived in Pallas, Mondi.y for a short
visit st the home ef his mother Mrs.
Kred Talbott on Washington street.
Lt. Kvans ha been la service in j
Frr.it'' for the past 111 months having
left this errantry m a a member of a
Portland company of the Third Oregon.
Ho wa transferred to ths aviulion sec
tion shortly after his arrival in France
and after a eimrst of severe training
wa r.ttached to French homhlm'
squadron which operated ju the Uc.'nno
of Verihm, snd a number of other
prominent cities in the northeastern
part of France, wher-i ! saw continu
ous service nntil the close of the war.
Lieutenant Evans was Injuied m a
fall with L plane n Frtnce a few
months ago and is still nndei a physiei-
ans orders, lis has ts report to the ,
government hnspital in ban Francisco
about the inth of ths month ai m
which he will probably be given his dis
charge. Lieutenant Kvsa has many interest
ing experiences to tell sbout the fight
ing in the air in tits b..ttle sone, he
having seen more sriee than probably
any other Folk eour.tr boy in the air
Hocking word of Uxir sod, Mori is
jZ.'haer, of whom they have heanl no
I word since the boy lt tho home of S.
! Homlevedt, at C!;'!?((od, Oregon, iicf
jle-.ving horns i:'il 30, Mr. a"d M:'
, W. Z,i hrner, nl ilubbiir:!, are offcrin., n
ii ard of t2H li anvone who ran .ev
them information that will ciilMo them
tn locate the bov once more.
I No rca"on, except that he wntd t"
ixrure an eilucation and i believed to
havo thought . that his parents would
not assist him, is known for the sudden
disappearance of thf? boy. While, st the
Uondeveilt home his deportment woe re
torted as very good. While thcia he
expressed his intention of finding omn
fli.ee vtliere lie could sork his "vnj
through school during tho coming win
ter. Tii.il the boy is mistaken in hi. idea
thut ho cannot get an education si
home is evidenced by the announcement
f his father thnt if his son will re
turn he can have all of the advantage
'f a high school course In Ms home
town. Desire tr know that the buy 1
i.fn anri if. get i hcnlth is the thief
reason Mr. and Mrs. Zciner have in of
fering the rewiinl for in'Vrointion ss to
their son's whereabouts. They auto
that if he will let them know wlie.e he
is, but does not wlrh to return home,
they will not compel hiin to do so.
$$ Don't Let 'em Ream
$$ Keep 'em In The Circle j$
Xt T
tmUki t3l "v
We Want
Blackberries (Lawtons) 8c E
Evergreen Blackberries 7c L
W furnish boxes and crates, or we
will buy them In buckets or anything
yea bring them in. Com and see u
feefors yon sell.
Warehouse Hli.h and Ferry Sts.
Office 5 12 State St. Salem, Oregon