Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 09, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Country Entering Period of
Great Business Activity Is
Indication Declares Clews
J "'VI. '
Should take no chances on your Vulcanizing. Tires
are too expensive to be entrusted to inexperienced
hands. You can be sure of Satisfaction if you bring
your work to us. No "Half Baked" work at this shop.
Monty's Tire Shop
157 South Commercial Street
New York. Aug. 2. The cautionary IHxi.0siO, compared with $:',IW(,WO,000
seii provisions m
(Continued from &s aine)
f t ik. if ,- ' ,A.
If you have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery around
the farm you need ono of these Mackluea.
Ask your dealer for Information, or write the
475 East Main St., Portland, Oregon.
As we da it
......n... uiu hivo new, ii, cilia
down tire expense to an as
tonishing extent. Don't scrap
your old tires. Send them
here. We will vulcanize and
repair them so you will not
have to think of getting new
tires for a long time to come.
attitude assumed in thee advices for
the at three c.'s his been a ui:i .
n ! mstified br rreent events. Vntnps lmva
Uoen considerably unsettled and fell
several points, rtuin.r, that the federal
: reserve bank would at:i strjw toward
restricting peeuia:i:) nrbd the de
cline; fear of such a.'t.ou h.viug tyite
a much effect a thj a iuality would
probably have done. As a lesult spec
ulative ardor on tin, bail side was ma
tero'ly Icsst-nod, -ml l.-p 'Cation on a
larger scale than fi.r w veral week
, followed. There was v-x'.'y no change
I tn rl.e ecncrsl siin.-iti-.o nu tk.
!safe decline, except thiil in face of such
i rigid nioneturv Imitations it wa uu-
iHte to push the advuire further at this
jtiine. While the technical position of
the market ha been somewhat improv
,nl by the liquidation, still there is as
I. vet no real foundvion for resuming
jlhe rise.
Activity in Business
The country is just entering the per
iled of greatest bin'iiess activity; the
j harvest has begun in earnest) and
i funds will be ia di-naii' fur moving
the grain, fruit and ccitt.n crop dur
ing he next three months at .cist. This
j harvest will prove an iiiiu.t'aMy prof
jitnble one for the iirrjeultiti't:! districts
1 in spite of wield fai'ing toii.o.vhut be
llow expectations. Western merchants
lanil eastern inaiiuf w!uivi alike t;!l
I feel the cunseipietit stimulus in a lafg
er ilemaiiil for a I neeesst ii mi.l ,..,!
:Z:iZl 'Mxuriiw. It iiiust bo remembered enter-
i"1"" " ii-vivni(; "iiuny now ventures
Ure startiiiK; old roiieenis are eularg
' ' kl r improving !!ieir plant; houses
ami office huiUtin ate beinu started
;n n kidniiiK seal,-; almost overnixht
I we have bccuine 'he second maritime
j power in'tlie world (n fart far from
jheinjf properly ap;'reeiated); our ex
port Irade is (iroi"l! at a falniloun
'rale, and our iron 'rade has scarcely
had time to shift from a war basis to
ja peace basis before ;t finds itself tax
led to meet oncoming oiders for b(5t)i
domestut and forei.i tn.de. Demands
for hipbuildiiiji, itotuol'i'ea, construe
tioti, enjjincerinK and export trade are
already taking Ml) per cent of the steel
output and will iiwi reouire more. As
yet the railroads have iiot purchased
supplies with any freeili.m, and their
demands for rolliiijr stock and oilier
equipment will p.i,c cm rmoiis owing
to the urgent nee 1 of replenishing af
ter prolonged wur strain also a period
of enforced deprecation and starved
improvements. Sh..;iKI tl.o "latus of the
railroads be fully restored as to earn
ings, capacity and credit a ureal de
velopment may be looked for in this
i III mirl uti 1 i.iiti.u. ...I.I..I i .
M-niinui, Tiiiii-'i uwinir in nn-
wise legislation and brh control has
-JaJ"''ilo little or no progress in a decade.
The railnmd s.vste :t of the United
.-Mates was prolm'ilv never so far be
hind in public cffiiiency as at present;
.. ai"l 'or 'his condi'iim tho uountiy lias
practically '" "'"k uninlellig..t and unjust rep-
n-"i-n mines wno prererretl catering to
public prejudice rather than public con
venience. Giving Credit to Europe
ltonewed wcaknes in foreign ex
.linn go impressed Me financial com
munity with the necessity for prompt
action toward financing nr export
linde. The demand for merican urn.
duels is pressing from ail parts of the
in December. It is estimated also that
expenses wit be f '.OO i.OnO.tNJO le
than in the fiscal vear ending June,
l!jy. when the 'inure touched H,
dW,(tOO,iHH). This 'J a very substantial
reduction in eipeavi which should be
carried to a aiitl farther .degree, aiuce
they are stilt ninnir at over eight
timea the expense ra:io b&fore the war.
()f course, the pre-war loel will not
be seea aaia by the present genera
tion, the advance in government sal
aries, trie widenin of itovernment ae-
tivitiea the niaintenancu of a lartrc
military establishment and general ex
pansion of the cnunt.y, ;il meaning !
permanently h glicr expentea. everthe
oss a further cut in taxation can and
should be nis.lo.
An Unsettled Murket
The general drift of the market is
downward owing to uu'avorable eon
ditiona in call ni.mey, ;n foreign ex
change and in th 1 labor situation.
Mouth end transactions caused a tem
porary flurry and call loans touched
If per cent. That the mney outlook is
causing great eon-ern to the authori
ties is no secret, us warnings by the
federal resorvt board have beea given
out more than once. There is uo for
that money will nut be i; i'lfl, clout
supply fur business purposes during
August at least, but t'-e moving of
ero-.s will c :t'se htnvy withdrawal o'
funds, and this is wha1 the banking
people are looi'.r;' i-ir'vura o. The only
rcRson wly the av rket holns up as
will as i' does aftr smh e l rolonged
ndvanco is that people with large
means are not anxious to take their
profits owing to the hi'h federal tax
ation. If it were not for this unique
feature the floating supply of stocks
would of course be jfrcatly augmented.
However, wbile 111 biir people are not
"heavy sellers, it is obvious thev are not
buyers at this lcvl. No doubt rallies
will take place f ro u . lino to time, but
until the money supplies increase it
would seem advisable to get Out of
debt rather than to create fresh liabilities.
Th.- new ejiir'ie issued in July
"ore unusually hotivy M minting to
about .!7U,0(U,)t'll, compared with 15
mn,uon a year t.;.'. Tho dividends and
interest distril ,1 in Almost are fig
mod at t'bout :!ll(l,PO0 as against
tHI.".,7H0,SI0 last vear.
Average New
Yorker" Given
French Cross
Taris. (By Mail.) The services that
the "Average New Yorker," over the
military age, rendered tf the front in
r'runce, have been rneoininod by the
I'leucU urmy in the award, aunounced
today, of the Croix do Guerre to Ster
ling K Jleardsley, a New Kork cotton
broker. Heardsley served for nine i
crials arc upon ail hi .in mis and in. months with the American lied Cn.ss nri
an ratiteen workers in the fighting
none. Marshal retain wi. th
Mil,l. shipments of fot..t and raw ma
torinN are uinin mi on i n ...i. ,..! ... '
171 I-Vry Street. Salem.
-reusing senie, iinports increase very
lowly, and our tuhings of foreign so
curiiies in the shape of government
issues nre totally ini'dcp-ute to affect
the linlame. If we ;ire In soil
H'lits ituil do our bi' limard the reha
I in 1 1 1 ii i ion nf Kttrope, croiii; must be
.ivon mi ii large scale. Ii is estimated
I that within the ne twolie nientlis we
islmll have to allow credit of at least
.fl.nOii.iMKi.oim t Kiiiopian buyers. Now
of his citution.
Cnptuiu Beardsler gained the nick-
our stir-i name of "The Average New Yorker"
in the press dispatches. The idea eon
, voyed was that Heardsley ' situation in
jlii'e lit the time America entered the
, war wks about the average of thiiiisnndN
of New York business men. He was a
outside the league of aahona eovesant
It is the provrsioa transferring Ger
maa ngnt in Miantuug peiiusuia to
Jaa. The language of this provision
"Article Germany renoun
ces, in favor of Japan, all oer
rights, title and privileges par
ticularly tho' concerning the ttr
ritory of Kiaorkow, railways, mines
aud submarine cables which she
acquired ia virtue of the treaty eon
eluded by her with China oa jlatcb
6, WS, aud of all other arrange
nieuts relative to the province of
"All German rights in the Tsing-tao-Tsinanfu
railway, including all
its branch lines, together with ita
subsidiary property of all kinds,
stations, shops fixed and rolling
stock, mines, plant ami material for
the exploitation of tho mines, are
and reniMii acquired by Japan, to
gether with all rights and privi
leges attached thereto.
"The (iermsn state submarine
cables from Tsingtao to Chofoo,
with all the rights, privileges mill
properties attaching thereto are
similarly acquired by Jejuni, free
and clear of all charges aud encum
brance!. "Article 137. The movable and
immovable property owned by the
German state iu the territory of
Kiaochow, as well as all the rights
which Germany might cbuiii in con
sequence of the works or improve
ments niudc, or of the expenses in
curred by her, directly or indirect
ly, in connection with this territory
are and remain acquired by Japan,
free and clear of nil charges and
"Article I'iS. Germany slut II
hnud over to Japan within three
months from the coming into foico
of the present treuty the aieiuves,
registers, plans, title deeds and
documents of every kind, where or '
they may be, relating to the admin
istration, whether civil, military, fi
nancial, judicial or other of the ter
ritory of Kiuochow.
"Within the same period, Ger
many shall give particulars to Ja
pan of all treaties, arrungomeiits
or agreements relating to the rights
titles or privileges referred to in
the two preceding articles."
This, declare its critics, constitutes a
theft from China of territory s,olcn
from her in 18t8 by Germany and puts
the I'nited (states in the position ol
underwriting an illegal transfer, fhey
insist that the control of tho nulrond
from Tsingtuo to Ksinanfu, a distance
of miles directly into the hcait ol
Shantung province, gives Japan a
stranglehold on the whole province with
ita 40,000,000 Chinese.
Administration forces reply vanously
that the whole province is not affected,;
but onlv about one-seventh of it; lhat
Japan has agreed to hand it all back to1
China soon, and that in any evrut, Pres
ident Wilson, while not liking the settle-'
met, wns forced to agree to it by sheer !
weight of numbers against lulu.
Drain Crank Case Often
to Keep Tractor In Good
Condition Say Experts.
Correct lubricutiou is one of the uioetj
important factors in keeping a traitor:
iu good condition so that it wiil con-!
siiine less fuel, tnft longer and vnik!
most efficiently. Through iu bouid of'
hibrirntion euginers, the Ktauiinni Oil
(toinpiiny has determined the best grade
' w C - , : -j-j
Go Easy on the Starter
Once in a while your engine balks, and you
step on the starter again, and again
That's just what you should no t do.
The wise car owner raises the hood and locctes the
trouble. By doing this he has saved time, and- he's
voided, useess wear and tear on his battery
Watch your step, and you'll find it is a lot easier
to keep your battery charge up to 1.285 where it
ought to be all the time. Drive around and we'll te'l
von how to ret the most out of vour battery. As!:,
when here, for copy of the booklet '"The Wl.
the Millard.?
Dcgge & Burrell
Auto Electric Shop
Phone 203 418 Court St.
We test, repair and re
charge storage batteries,
and always carry a full
supply of battery parts,
new batteries and rental
j i n ki i it''--v.
Why Boys Go Wrong
Nine times out of ten what we call "Bad Boys" are
those whose natural boy energy isn't given a helpful
The "good boy" is the contented boy, and the
contented boy is the one whose mind and muscle is
constantly occupied.
Your boy's standing with you and your neigh
bors lies in your hands. To make it one of which to
be proud let him
Lloyd E. Ramsden
(hut the war is end I, private and' not lir"kor- ovpr had been twice roti;sedt' Zerolene for every type of tractor
Any Trouble
1 -V fA"
li-M Tl
The Battery Shop
li.iv eminent agencies sh.mid piovide re- 10 "art Wl,tf a,ul rhil
jiii i. reveial important lorn i have been " ouiigiu i.ioeriy imiius, son-
,uiudo to foreign count i-es, and inure j tribulod tu the wclt'urn orgnuiziitions
jure to follow. This week the French I '""I j"iod iu various "win the Her"
null a
j--. .n.i'. iii i.i. iiiii in i u 1'uiii.eiiipiat-' ii ii m -s.
in ,ih,iiic .i" u tic usury notes nut siuiu lniw this w ork did not suf
111 n i III mil w i k!v tiatlllitv of fien him H'ld an h nbtuinixl n Mnml.
iiioii.iHiO for tho pu'po.-c of liandling siou with the Kod t'ross. He suiled for
" .,.""".tv !,,'.v l,:llH "" France in Januiuv, 1918. Two months
,., no , ,n, tint,-!, HMtry. Tnls , h . fc y f , fc
pliin shoiil.l nfinr.l ii i .. an.i ' -
if so, the unine menus cvi' I e adopted
by other nntionalitii . Hi lnun is now
seeking fiui.nriiil aii. It s underslinid
'hut local bai.kers a:e a'ouul nifreed up
oil a plau for stabiliii i; ave' tinge, and
that its aaiiouiiceiiiont will not bo long
Bailroad Outlook
Tiiiiisiicliuin in ra.lmal shares eon
tiinic upon a limit, d s, at nminly be-1
en one of their sMbilisMitiou bv gov- I
engine. JSot oulv must t.ic mnii.tor
use the oil best suited for ins niuthino,
but he should also give pnrtiru.ai at
tention to the way in whie.li it is useu,
The object of all poner plant ma
ehinery is to develop the most pwer
with the least fuel ,and tho least pos
sible cost for adjustment and repairs.
To make this possible, the engine must
have an efficient lulu Seating system.
offensive the Geriuuu armies had ever and the oil in the avstem must aiwnvs
ntteinptod the Soniiuc drive of Match,: he in a clean and efficient condition.
1918. I Particular attention must be paid to
Heardsley hud never made a rup of ! draining the oil from the rrank case at
i Involute or performed any kitihfu la-'regular intervals and cleaning of both
loir in his life. Rut the night he roach
od the front on top of a rnlliig soup
kitchen he started tu m-our mts and
pans, lie explainer! thnt ho "jusl fig
mid out'' Hint thev ought to be clean.
That inula the eueiiiv airmen mine
frank ease and oiling avstem.
The lubricating oil must be ehr.ngm
fieipieiitly fur several reasous. The oil
after a time will wear out. or, in other
UrKenaie Highway (pen aud iu
good condition. Eugene to Biue Kiver;
fuir condition Pine River tliioiigu Mc
Kenzie l'ass to ISisters.
Willamette Open fur iiinthines be
weeat Kugeue aud Kigdon. Tassable
for wagons across sinnniit.
Pnntinm Wagon Hnr.d -Ojiea and In
fair condition from Foster to summit of
Cascades. A few machine have erossed
after it Iihb leen in the avstem f"r
einniont eontrol and guarantee. This ou r lu re his soup kit. heu was net up eertuin Icnulh of time. The luol wfilcu
state of iiioiliu . li,,ee.', en t Ins! , ho luul to sloop in a damp, rat in I est condenses In the tyliuil.r works past
indefinitely. H,.f ,. the end of the , a itt collar. Next day he art to aork! the piston nogs, thins down Hie o,l and
i . 7 . ; i " "" . to make rorree, cocoa Mid aoup bv the
lie returned to thei- own.-rs in accord !il, t... .i . i i. i. , . .'.i, u;
...... !... -..,..... ,1 .
words it will lose its lulirieatiiig value , ... "
... ... . ., . bv this route.
orations between Graut.s Tass and the
Rogue River, detour over rouh rod
the north side of the stream is n,ee
snry. Three Rivers Open between V.illa
iiiina and Tillamook. Very rough for six
miles through the (irando Ronde Indina
Reservation; here for several days after
heavy rains it is prnetieally impassible.
Construction work betwem Dolph and
Hobo makes detour down the Little
Xestucea necessary.
Bamlon Gold Hcach Ojen and pass
able for light cars entire lenf,lh.
Polk County Fire Warden
Takes Journey In Plane
Barlow Oiien between Puml? . and!
Waptnitin. In good condition Sandy to!
Twin Bridges; poor Tslu biidgos to'
gallon, i wo weeks later whoa he took his
clothes off fur the first time since his
arrival, he realised. that he had become
mice with the pledge made by J'resi-
ii-nt Wilson wlion raker, ovci by the
eO l-Mllllvllt Thi .tiutui.a v...
in rouditieus und.-r wl.i h the loa.U i " (I"' '1"'" , .
w ill operate in future. They will no I '"' his smip kitchen in ( om
longer be niulor wiit cetru'. .Some of ! II"HW '"r , months. Theu he had
the operating inuoxnimrs inlrodiicel orders to move t the Marne. He set
by the governinoii will temain, hut "I' n'f kitchen iu Chateau Thierry,
uinuy will not. The pubiic is disappoint 1 Forced out of there, he weui on to an
od aith government nise i.-i ment which 'other town whore he foil'id a hospital
" doubled charges .md I 'lived the arr i full of wouinied with (usiif fieient modi
vice"; mi the cau. of government ! .al sis ff. He si-rubbed floors and aid.-d
onerliip is at a lower ibb-than forjti,,.
ui-riy Vi.i's. toi, f v i ' i-in iit coi 'r il
s line roiis i..-, n, J a'l.l i ti.ers lost bv
iclinng.-d methods of roiifnii and otvr-
j alien. To a large rx-eut 'the former ; , hi.ngo-Kdi'h Alio,' t-i-iae oec
.. . , """ i'ikki'- i,,,, in,. ,,1r , ,res inc iw in in a to
........ . 1.- in. iiiii-inrr uic riiailS lie
allowed to advauv run suf fieioni !y
iu cowp,-n!Ui Tor 'ni'ttsscj ciuls. li si..
nut Vol determine I. but something will :(,,; j, ,
unie io ne none i take 'tie nla.e of
ifivt rnnient toainnl.e ii nr.lor in re
(Capital Journal Special Scr ice.) f
Inllas, Ore., Aug. P. Hen. W. V.
. ... .-. . . ...... P llll,. nt tllia .IIT k
destroys its lubricating va'ue. The ne. t,T "'"'i ,,ur ,0" vr11 o ' 1 M.c.:." . ..." S
piniiia. i f. v-.v
Eugene-Florence-Open and in peT-lF,r" wr" h'a county made
tuanent summer conditioa for the entire' tnP 'roplaae from Saleiu, Monday
rr,te lo,r " 1rKe amount of the timbered
Me.lf.ird Klamath Valle-Oi.cn and in ,rr ln" Pn" Bl " "' '-
i fair condition antire h'sth, with nn-
or changiug the Oil is partn-iitarh nr
Ji-lit when It lfome contaminated with
furoigu mutter, such as cu.buu, which
forms on the under side of the piston;
silica, or dust, which enters Ihc ciankl
case throagh the breather pipe; aad
oxide of iron, which comes from the
wear of the hewing surfaces of the aio
tor. The presence of this f'Uein mat
tor iu the lubricating nil is intended
to form a film between all moving parts
such as lie.-iimi;. logons, riuut and
din-tors a! operation! ami Mrved. cylinders, taking the wear instead of
morons rongh places due to heavy traf
j soup Rn.t rot foe
the side."
from his canteen
" w tc 1Ml uu w'ore raj mg-lluving At Home
,ea' thi-ator. A few short ,ve. ks ao she
j is a ehoek renin rirl ie a loop nmol.
was pi, ked from h.i;iur.-u in a
Iwauty contesi ai d msde goo.L
is good condition as
, Important new isil
is therefoie i pros-
tut n the tea is
ehen tiikoa nvc
rosd legislation
i-e. t.
Ooyemruent Econcmy
K'cret.ny i;:iiv :,,!,, , n-.oir.ii;ing
s'atem. nt of tress ,ry c,.i,dit:or the!
should be kept in mini, (iovcrxircnt
.''eniH. Imve doe'-i.ed to a marked ex
ten', amounting in June to onS- sol,.
yiccs VAPGaUEi
Wash the arTceied
siKfjce with hoas
h"ld amieonta or
warm aalt water, then apply
the metnllic bearing surfaces them
selves. It is, therefore, cheaper from
cverv stsi:dH,int to wear out itii.ricst
iug oil tlu.n metal, aud if an engine is
to deve'op its amxinmin power aiol show
a low frhtional re-itiicc in the oear
ma silt f:n s, f!u lubricant nui?t le kept
clean ard It must have its n,!ix,,mim
lubriesting value.
The S'.andnr.l Oil company is per
forming a valuable sr"ice in teaching
the oporntitr of a traitor the to.rect
niesns of litbrk attni his rngiie. The
I'omtiany is interested not so tuu-h in
selling merely a gallon or a barrel of
tubrii atintf oil as it is in Saiiinj cor
reet grade Z.'fo't ne in the psrticnisir
type of m..or f.-r wai.-h it is tr..nu
fs, turcJ. &ali3
lor states that the plane be was ia
made a trip of 90 miles ia it) mlnm
which he considered Kn.c speed t-fter
Anns Creek Oi.cn ami in eenerally yennt the monntainoua wction of
good condition. ' , Polk '0,""y ' '1"K '--rest fires ia a
Crescent Citv-Brookings-ttH and F,,r,i- Hc tWn ,h k'T reached M
in fair con.lit'hm entire length. Has ''"' f 7000 feet and that th
some rongh platen. i'"""1' nrf,""c Mi,w "" of ,h"
Grants Pass Crescent City-la fair:"'"'1 i-'K
ton.litiou between Grants l'ass and Cres;
cent Citv. Rough on Oregon Mou,.1ain:
and fair from there to Waldo. Califor
nia side in good condition.
Vld port -Alsea Open entire
' he has ever aeen.
Mr. Fuller thinks that the aoroplana
twill prove a valuable aid ia locating
i forest fires and io patrollinu the tnu-
ruut(. bored area of the state and ho;s'S that
and in passable condition. The
outh from WaldjMirt by Yahatt
road;'" B,'ar ul"r" Jth-iie can be r-
,,.1'ciire.l lor tins county as some of the
Cape Perpetna to Ten Mile Creek is."""1 "",wr "lp ru"r 'ai.a
open and in fair condition. ' ,ithi'i the county s bonnnarios. At proa
Ridd'.e Tillor-On and in fKht con enl '" of ihp iuaohn.es that is located
diti-.a for entire length. T"nl oi -etion of the
Cottaae Grove-IHsston-Oien and in,,'"un,r-v '" Wlt1' thi aorviee the daa
gond condition b,-toen this paint .id'" "f dwaK"' fir,'
Bohemia. No d.-taum wistibV. V.ajons. Krla,'.T "at,ceo.
au get thn.i'iih this rad.
Paeifie Highway J pea an", iu excel
lent conditio. i ex opt whrre ions-true
lion wi.iS is in pr..gr.'s, betwien Med
f'.rj a.d ?'.!. !e. I: i.M- i.,f javiiig op
Horlick 8 the Original
Malted Milk Avoid
(tuitationt & Subs tit Jtca