Km? Editorial Page of The Capital J ourna CHABLE3 H. FISHES Editor and Fabliihar FRIDAY EVfcXING AuyuM 8, 1919 8?tB V4-: 4V Published Every Evening: Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. AddraM All Comnuaieatioiuj To (Tl;c 3ai WMal Koumttl AUEU 136 S. Commercial St. OREGON THE STORIES THE j SVBiSCBIPTION BATES rwii. t r.rri.r. bh rear 3.00 Pe Monti- IHUr ty u, per yr 13.00 Per Month- 45 35e i'LXO. LKAtiKD VY1U15 TiXKUKAl'll BElOBT engaged in making or handling foodstuffs and drinks has1 gone up lately. I here seems to have been more of a boom in them than in almost anv other line of securities, j f PnllVlf inn . a- A J 1 1 ometer. When there is a boom in any line, it means that !t Hi A F.S I III II t that line is making more money than usual. t u vi 1 There is no question that the food industry in general j f VZ. l;as been making a great deal of money. And however the It meat of tho interior.) I men interested may justify their profits to themselves, t mm i mey win nave great mmcuity in justifying them to th public on whom the burden falls. FOBEIGN BEPBEEKNTATIVE3 W D. Ward, Tew Tork, Tribune Building. W. H. Storkwell, Chicago, Paopldi Oat Building rku'DailT Capital Journal earrier bo.vanr. instructed to put the papera on,Jh rmh. If the carrier doe. not do this, mieaea you, or neglect, gett.rg the paper J. yon on time, kindly phona the circulation manager, a. this th. only way ",n determiss whether or not the earriet, .re followmg ln.truct.ona. Phone II befora 7:80 o'tlock sad a iper will bo sent you by ipoeial meesenger If the atrrier hae.mi.ed yoa. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ( Lj the only newipaper in Salem whoaa circulation U guaranteed by tho j Audit Bureau WI irtrcuiauuu Despite all of the talk eminating from Washington and the promises of congressmen and senators that nrof it eers and high cost promoters are to be hunted out of their DOLLY MEETS THE WITCH "Sh ssh, " nuiil a.unil. it rather sharp voice close 10 Dolly's oai. IVIly wus aitti ; oil an old piece of ruf, lus- YOU NEED NOT SUFFER FROM CATARRH But Yen Mutt Drive It Out of Your Blood. Catarrh is -annoying enotfrh when it chokes up your nostrils and air passages, causing difficult breathing and other discomforts. Real danger conies when it reaches down into your lungs. This is why you should at one realize the importance of the prop er treatment, and lose no time ex perimenting with worthless reme dies which touch only the surface. To be rid of Catarrh, you most drive the disease germs out of your blood. Splendid results have been re ported from the use of S. S. &. which completely routs from your blood the Catarrh germs, for which it is a perfect antidote. If yoa wish medical advice as to the treatment of your own indi vidual case, write to Chief Medical Adviser, 42 Swift Specific Co., At lanta Ga. , il.v pulling up needs and glass out of an. j You heard what the Witch saiuj ha. i j , j ,,. . , . . i . , . , 1 ""' """u li;tcn. Mio hail Deceit Her; is sne reaiiy a wimu wnispi-icu uum mv as tunc ians dim imiuMit-u Lue puuuc is sKepucai. a lew 01 tne- Cr,,r. t,. i... ,.., i,..i ;,. ,..i.. Doiiv. in tne garden, .' "' root 111 !T!lr,1,'n as s l,,n- si ronsetited to ailow, "She really is the W iti'h umw, .nrt tresis you want your ueauuui, uw- the onion patch, after the worst enemy the whule garileu has. til garden to he nreirun Dy tlu wickea ii i j. ,t . . . ... . . iverv eireiullv slionuir Lpi whnt !ie lou innt not tool any uiv tor ner nor uneiiiv, you musi vi " r.v. n Uie pieseni SllUatlCin tne COUntry at large Will be ShOW jwm'uld pui. up anu I at she hoi.:.I letlau of her family they are the Huns ernss and every speck of root, and then. lUSt hOW much entitled to thpir lobs sr. thp vnrinno law; 'alone. Mio was or- natch botheivj bv of the irarden tiiey would destroy ev-'you must burn them, jitter that, be more dubious ones are even predicting further increase they hd at iasi in the cost of living. One thing can and will result fromih,'r to "f" COU RT-M A RTIAL REFO RM. ' One new article of war and changes in thirty oirs have been recommended by the special board which has ken investigating the court-martial system of the army. The report of the board will soon be transmitted in full to congress for action. Secretary Baker said, in speaking of tho matter: "It may be said that the board, upon the whole, finds no radical defects in the system, and it attributes the ereater part of the just criticism not to inherent faults in the system itself, but rather to the inexperienced persor nel called upon to administer it at a time of stress, whe.i the great thing was to get 4,000,000 men quickly in shape for the fighting line." . . ' Undoubtedly most of the mistakes made in the cor . .. r tut., n.v.,. c.mi-nn hnr it" Will duct of tne war arose u um wu'"' - be a matter of popular feeling that the new court-martial proceedings shall be definitely outlined as to make a sun liar misinterpretation and injustice unlikely to occur grain, whatever the conditions. t It is time, of course, that except in isolated cases, no soldier not guilty of some misconduct suffered punish ment, and that the way for a soldier to avoid unpleasant court-martial proceedings was to behave himself. Nevertheless, punishment for cruelty or misapplica tion of the army rules should be as drastic as for military offenses on the part of the soldier. It wou i d have a heal thy tendency to put a check upon any "inexperienced personnel" in future. FOOD COSTS AND STOCK MARKET. The, assertions of food-manufacturers that they are not at all responsible for the burdensome food prices would be more convincing if it were not for the tell-tale Almost without exception, the stock of corporations RIFFLING RHYMES By Walt Mason makers of the nation. Cnno-rpss has tho rwm-or tn vomriv " k:?a uf "" KxA t0 havo 'r .11 . , " . " . "I . . y lectiy e-iOioss re..l... Jrrt as he r.s me aouses ai least paniy responsiDie tor tne present high flawing at them wnu the lined potato prices. Now let us see if it has the inclination to exercise j11'. ,, ' shln voice that power and let suffer who must. lM;". matter! !.ed imiv. With the excepton of one closs of fools we have laws to protect the pubic from the recklessness and thought-i small voice Ifssness of irresponsible individuals. The lone exception ito.,,rt'.:, ; n i e -i-.. ..i. ,1 , "nut r.niv i u'e ituhence ui proper punisnment ior tne lunatic wno drives his car over the roads with glaring headlights, or a blinding spotlight with total disregard for the safety of others. A fe wjail sentences might remedy the situation to some extent. lOnKmj; at larounu out not neeiiig any body. Re careful of niv roots,' ' bail, tho "You are cutting tlie.n all EXTRA CAR NEEDED TO FRIENDS. The town is full of friends of mine, and when I leave mv tree and vine to walk around a square, they greet me with a cordial smile, and seem to think I'm well worth while, and smooth and passing fair. I often wonder how they'd act if I disclosed the doleful fact that I was busted flat, if I put up a hard luck tale, and for a bunch of bor rowed kale should straightway pass the hat. No doubt the cordial smiles would freeze, and I'd be shunned as though disease had marked me for its own; and men I cornered would exclaim, "That I may play my private game. I need my every bone." And punk philosophers will Fay, "So runs the weary world away, and friendship is a snare: well fixed, you're greeted with a grin; but when your bank account's fill in, you're turned down every where." When I go forth to work my friends, the sacred Jtoon of friendship ends, and that is right and just; they cannot love me or respect, if I surround them and collect their hard earned stoiv of dust. I have good friends on even' block; 1 meet good friends where er I walk, but they would turn and flee, if I should try, in friendship's name, to work some cheap leg pulling game, and that's as it should be. Interest Shown In Convention Trip Indicates Big Show ing From Salem. Athe the monthly meeting of th. Elks lode last evening it developed that so much Intercut wns developing in the mi until statu convention ol' Elks to he held at Kliimnth, 1'alla next week, that it wi; found iieceaaary to arraiiKo (or a second l'ullnieii to accommodate the Sa lem delegate, wifoa and frienda. ilenee tliis iiiorniiiK (Incur Mteelham uier, (Inert or of the hlks' ba ail , made a 1 1 ii iLji nioii t m for another l'liliiuan and those wlio wihIi nccoiiimoilatioiiK ehoiilil at otieo confer with him ut the ('oniincr cinl club or with K Coolie I'tutou. leleratea aiiointed to reiiiMe:it the Snlem I. nine at the meet were auiiiiiiuceil last evening ly (harles H Archerd, exalted ruler, as folloivs: 1). (1. liiaei, Mam Muuui'ig, S. K. Ivimliall, W. I., Jones, Walter 1.. ToO:v, W. U Keys, I. II. D'Aicv, tWar Steelhinii niei', August n iickcsieiii, K. Cooke Tat 1 ton, (leorne K. Ilalvorsen, V. 1. West. II. Snulhwiek, Kuj;eiie Kckerlin, lioy IlieUs, K. A. Kert., M. (i. i.'ooicy. Ii"l eit W. Hiiiin. K, A. Crosmii tind Walter I,. TiM'e, Jr. A special was bestowed last eveiiiui; unoii '.. Cook rut ton anil V. said I must lie verv fill to claw out nil the urusa. He said tint was worse than anvthiii visv in tlio garden, and if I found a iv with tiiese lone, white roots I must leave the least little tiny hit of it,' explained Dolly, adding, "Billy k.iowii, because he is a Cuited States .School (.'.vrden Army soldier." (ir'll. W..II ..... J.,.. H l.a... 1,1..., applications assigned to the Biember ' ,,.,,,,', ,,';,,,,,,.,,,,. l.,,,,, shipeommittee lust evenin for invest'-jon. ;(ho kl,ow ev.r; ta.i.n. Why, T1 j , . . a little grass can't do nnv harm. Look " c... aiall and fine the root. a. and don 't sup rything else. Kemeinlicr what 1 say. .careful where you throw the ashes." follows: W mar Clarence lllundeli, H. E. Alaurer, 11. V. T 't B'al;roOrR0 lc- how thin the blade, are. You .:,FTn '; .Cr.ry 0i D?h.' poso such little tl,inKs ean hint those Esliolman, It. D, Oilisnn, Liifreno Kcker lin, Leslie Dancer, Charlei L, George, yr, P. George, O. E. Prima ,8. II. Bout son, N. Digeruess, J. AV. Welch, 11. Du val, R. Q. llendorson, postmaster at Chemawn, and L. O. Curtis. McGregor, Iowa Madge's cheeks colored so prettily at the thrill of be ng lost iu the eluiids thnt Clifton P. Oieson, youthful aviator,, propose'!. They were married the mxt day, Frank Wullier Portluni has pur chased a ID!) aero, farm netii- Ijluiidun from Jacob Oirsclilicrger, paying 2l, OUU for tho pluea wliiuli his son will run. HUNTING HUSBAND BV MAY DOIIOLA8 ""jaimws u. ' .,' "'" " """" "" ; 11 I r. ta it i r ". - . -V vv., ! , ' --- V - : ! . : . j jr rv -a,p. n iri-sris CONTRASTS As we sat eatiiiir our picnic luuciiOon, 1 heard a shrill cry. 1 slipped from niy placo at the rustic, table. Only a tew sleps, and I saw liltle Tod doubled over. t nun his II nil blond flowed. "Ilattie, llnttb !" I called. Hat, Or. Hixby and Coiistnuce liiglil mine rtinnintoHiird me, "It 'v little Tod," I said. What happened next would have been iii'iav if it hud not been pathetic. When Constance Pwijjht nw Toft with the blood slreiinnnir down from his A. Crosslin in eoiileri im; i.pou eat h an . buliy nrm, she cried, ' Help me. till, honorary life niembei -ship in the lntljie, , ,,lp in, , or I nlii.ll" elm covereu as mi appreciation of their Ions and j;,T eyes with lier Inu.R tShe slirank I'aiilil'ul seniec for the welf.iie of the ay. .She continued io moan, loilue. j l'r. iiivby was knees in a sec-'e membership lluil weie otetl , lllu upon favorablv were T. H. Kuy and l.n ! ,n hi liini, M.-s Lime," lie said, mar Too.e. .Mr. Tooe, is the oiiii(t'st v, hile I make a tecnatptet. " member who has ever been voted A lifcj (..veil ia flint nit m '.it of friijiit. with iiieiiilM'rsltiit in the Salem lodL'e. ' i;m itirnl, nf .ilnnmro T henr.t rr. With the iuitintion of i members ln-i nix,y murmur: "How eool ihe lsl" .i. : i X T-,l If .Tn, ML- U h.,Kl K ' U,K , u i T. . Creede, Oerald 'Wi, R. K for '"mi 'T , "", . . 1 ' '.lt:k-, tin n tri-onr. ni.n nf itnitecniRnr room. I don't like their odor much, either. Of course." the oice raid, in a smooth, but. disagreeable way, that Dol ly would have called " hyproeilal '' if she had known what the word meant; ''of eonrse I don't want to si;y a word nf,n;nst the onion or any of the other vegetables In the yt'rden, but I trna peo le ni'g'it let k-i-.e i her thiiigo grow here, too. 1 have n friend who toid mc that he and his whole family were noed up jvtst hoed up like that nfter they had gone to housekeeping and were grow iiiy in tho finest manner. He and a.iout u. of his children wore Ihe only own who escaped. The itst were burn ed." "Burned," cried Dolly; "Oh, how dreadful. But who areyouf'f "You wouldn't know my name if 1 should tell you; but if you look behind you, you'll sec me." Dolly looked. At first she didn't sec anything, but after a moment oi two la-; .tor, she saw, sitting on the very edge of her piece of rug, a tiny tlinijr that i 'linked like a very old woman woaiu! li nk if you saw her through the w ong' .vol of an opera glass. Sic was not u I pretty old woman, either, like (liam-j my. Her hair was verv untidy, nad her eyes kent looking iirujnd ro-.llei.sly. nut the woivt thieg was her mouth. j she hail long teeth, like wiw-teeth,! .sticking out, and she looked iry cruel. "I nut sure I never stiw you tet'ore,"j said Holly, "and I don't see why you wr.nt nie not to cut the grass-n t'l weeds, Hilly says they Hit Kill nil our nice vegetables." 'Nonsense," said the li'Me obi wom an, very idiarply. "Don't yon mind what Hilly says. Even if you do pull up the grass you can have a few of the roots they enn't do nnv harm." "What's all this what s tii this?" !::::: : v, ! I t. 9'; "S i . i i ft fin in Vw I n -laid lit . ;,,i;" &9 A KEEP YOl'R SHOES HEAT r-rr.iturY coeomxioNi lift. Ut.1.11 I BE A LEADER "A mm tii t'iu kidrr ttftt kti wktli nmmutuy td lii rann iio"-Ei, An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing, your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Wit ,tUW ' 5 P& fftifjf fZthft famr;-. 1 ; tsb iHit'iwi 'M-aintmaaint Praliititl'tti Oregon Agricultural College Trin for kidnihip in Ihe Industrie! and pmrrisiom u follow! : ?nrfTMi?MiS.,?,R,lSi'LTUR"' C0M"K"CB. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC. :.?AT'ONAL ilucTION. CIVIL ENGINEER INQ, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, MbCHANlCAL ENGINEERING. CHKMICAL ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL ARTS MINING ENGINEERING, LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE. The College le.inint ineludei tourw in Enilnh, Kronomic. Art. Mnthemstlct. Mtxtern Lnufej, PltyiK.I Etiuc.tton, Induitrtal Jtwnsltim, N.iunl Science., ond all tuentiali cf an aducttln! Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 IT..-.; Li.i,, mhi h. ...TiVr ffcrri nr.Si firstflrrrf fw.-tl -.Jim, ,1.1 a m...,.., , . ,,,,,,! 'itni.m'n' - For Collete Cat.lot;. Illur.ted Booklet and other information KlJreaa THE REGIS 1 RAR, Orelon A(riculttiral Collete, Corvallta .it- fc".l-i:M i P. y'ffrTTfi,;fiiWi (JttW 1JJU, IS. I :?:&: sr. n i . ih.) l.k.lir.i In ut nvmi 'l nil Sitl ,iMI iiwliri 1 if l .. t . i It .. II.. MJt.1 No. Slid. It. 1. O. E., is now ne,r the ,,t(,k ,,,, 1.KI, xhv ci rliy to tv L,I,,,lv 1" "'r , '"T T l:,i. mark 1, mei.iliershi,,. itl, 27 ...ore! ,1 ' i ' And he!"" .h" newdrop Fairy Queen. said a verv stern voice suddenly. 3c.. hi must have air." In a few moment 4 the flow of blood was stopped. Ilaniet had l.iounht a Imwl of water. The dtetor mil 1 hnd Imthetl the lmov's arm. "1 must hunv him right over lo my i.l 1 ice." sum !'ie .or. You and Mrs. Wilson conic with me. He'll lie all rihl, Mrs. Wilson," ho suit! in a re assuring ton to Harriet. Harriet decid ed that she would go home at out to hircpiire thiuifs there for Tod s arrival LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18GS General Banking Business Commencing June lCtli Banking Hours will be from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. The poor flavor of com mon tea is made infinitely worse by the puckery Ustc of tannin tannin, you know, is what they tan leather with. Good tea costs more per pound but less per cup. So what's the use? ' Cl,!11i.,Y. T". :,. U C. '.fast that at one of the eorno lca Uaa en two wheeK A the .U tor re practical economical tea of JM;V';' '.,,,l"y ''""iu ""v IZX In ic k!" The warm Id 1 flowed tti.-o rue. 1 felt I could po threiijih The licit ten mi uite, were trying; er,e. I ateMi beside the dortur an he -wcd up the wouud in Tail's arm. "(aat Hhe looked like a amnll tluindtt storm Her brown were drawn down in a f.own. She slumped her foot. "Witch," he snid in a very fiight euiiij; kind of voice, "begone." "i shan't," aid the ngy littie old woman, angrily. "I'm no aubjert of vours, anyway. I shall May hole just as long as there is a piece of my root in this garden as big as a pin," she unnrled. "Get to, Pi.llv," Miid the Queen. "Work hard and fast. Hoot up every bit of that crass and ar up the least bit of root. Then you must bum everv speck of it." "Ow iw screamed Ihe out worn She looked white and hken. 'I 11 tliive you over," John t'liiew. The doctor lifted Tod In his trm. "We'll hrintf him back to the faun In a few minute. Hat." I aid. The picnic wan broken up. Dot Frai ler was Indolentlr piling the tin cup fcf wn yf pnK. rf, into tho empty luncheon basket. Imark Constance Pwiht looked rather tool j A( .M ttir. , i felt lather ish. She turned her beautiful h.uel eves i w )k H() wol,llV- ),r. Bum. i,,,,,.,, , to Or. Ilixby. "May 1 go witn yoat j,,,. .;tU 4 nic '.... t hi, red i-own he asked the .Itvtor. "Mi. Be win .,. . .,.,,, . , ....r." he rather curtly. 1 tliotit;ht. "I've If f :et thin bov fixed mo a fuaf i can." "funic on." he said to me. I cauuiit a aim' in tnose beautiful eves nf t'liMtawf llwiytit a 1 paed her. It was a hxik af jealout. 1 held the t'ttlit ns we sped otor the load t.t l'r. Hixltj ' place, We I'ro- e slowl . vn- lavvr, o liar rie . I held T"d in my arm. Hi curly bend had fallen 1-a. k. lie last asleep. Once the doctor ltx.kcd at ti. An ex this country. There ai (our fti'ortt of S hilling Tea .!ri. Cejlen- India. Oolong, F.npli'h bre.kfL All we quality, in pan. It. ft mi linetlmouttit 1 prm.f linkage. Al rtn tr vn taker. A Sifu'Ji'iiig & Co 7-.-o Tcrgct If Buy At Home Wc went Mjj)rrii;oi j ,tl1 no, p(l,nT,,in,t cine over ner t!.e err. f I? hi ml nrJ touched the baby's Wusiod hair. His tnitf. ni just fluked my check. We said nothing until we r.'anten tHe Wilson farm. A cam lr. U.ioy lift ,d the burden out of my arms. "Mar I come to see you!" ae asked as we na ked thr.iuth the gate. I noddtd. "Yet." for ftrachow i felt w AitTV that words were hard to w.y. As I went up to my room I heard hi voice and Harriet' ia the kali. (Te-iir.rrow A New Friend.) ' m f13 n ACQUAINTANCESHIP AN ASSET BE known at your bank. You will find us willing to know you here at the United States National. Instead of merely walking in and then out again as you deposit or v ith draw fundstell us of your business, of your plans and accomplishments. Our service can be made to more fully conform to your re quirements in that way. Introduce yourself the next time you have occasion to come in unless we already know you. illll UnitedStales 7- 3 pt ' -7 M :iUB:JUiij; .2331 CJt - . i av . 1 1. i 5alem i ! Oregon. I if-ji u r?v rs Job? rinting PKCXE 193 Tha QuFckent r Press 1 S3 R Com'l-over Gala & Co. 0. E. Brookint. Prosristef