Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 08, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"; . - 7 fWI - - ; . society t
I r' I I , ! j
KY-... 4 - T
No 11 o'clock hunger
after this
" In ftwm Honey t"
is mnmvY
When it's watm weather and you don' t want to eat
a lot of heavy food-then an Aunfjcmima breakfast
fills the bill better than ever! For these golden
brown, tender cakes "stay with you" when a less
satisfying breakfast won't, and you don't get that
starved feeling along towards noon.
Just the breakfast for summer, because Aunt
Jemima Pancakes are famously easy to prepare,
too. All the ingredients come ready mixed in
the flour even the sweet milk (powdered). The
simple addition of water makes perfect pancakes.
Get a package from your grocer. It makes deli
cious muffins, too.
HE home of Mr, TTnasru Hulsey
was the seeae of very informal
.ffasr Wedneslsr evening when
she entertained in Honor of her iiter,
Miss Lorayne Cho-nlcy. formerly of
n Francisco and now a a.re at Wil
lamette sanitarium. Th.i looms were
beautifully decoratid for the occasion
Sad the evening wp.s pe t with games
and musie. Twenty gu"' were pret
est. En route to Lang Beach California,
from Portland, M-. and Mrs. George
,W. Cocswell of Hutchinson, Kansas,
arrived in Salem Tuesday and are via-1
itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. J
SLindbei'k on Chemeketa etieet. j
Miss Lora Purvine we t to Portland
yesterday on a combined business and
pleasure' trip. She will return tomor
row. a
Mrs. J. B. Little- inHitained the
missionary so?bty of the First Mcth
uiist eh.Tch taia'wc.'k. A most enjoy
tle afternoon was spent ctursting of
a brief busings meeting ind social
Dr. Israel Sedgw'ck, state chairman
of the American women ' hospitals, is
in receipt of a telegram from national
headquarters stati.ig that the cam
paign to raise 'i"v000 tvr Serbian re
lief has been sueeewsfu!. The entire
amount has been subscribed, and it is
now possible to send two mobile hos
pitals, nurses, pbysie:an sna meciieai
supplies' to help war stricken Serbia
combat epidemic The fiiet contingent
sailed from New York a- me time ago.
and by completing this fund relief
work in Serbia can be ..rried on for
a considerable timo.
Guests at the John H. Albert resi
dence are Mrs. F. A Wiggen, a promt
seat matron of TppeniiJi, Washing-
toa and her daughter, Miss Mildred
Traman Jforthup, whs holds an im
portant position with th Treer Tool
firm of Portland, is visiting at the .
Ii. Purvine home.
Another Salem boy to return from
o rerseai ii Frank Boaebrengh, who has
telegraphed hia parents. Mr, and Mr.
W. W. Rosebraugh that be has in
leaded in Mew Ya'i. Hi is one of the
meny who left with company M tl't
tVsrritM Hit. Aunt JnslKI Mull Onrtitr. St Inqih. Mtnouri
You See What You Buy Before Payinsr Buyinsr At Home
If You Take But One Plunge
It WiH be Worth the Price of Any One of These Suits
Ertraordinary qualities in Wool Worsted, Jersey
Knit, Bathing Suits, for men, in solid and combina
tion colors of black, purple, red, blues and greens,
sizes :$ to 52 $3.23 to $1.25
(Continued from page eae)
than from those of years ago when
long complicated sentences were in
Physiology will !iereftei be taasht
from a text book entitled "Healthy
Living." The matter of health in the
new text books will be presented ia.
more practical way,
Spelling will bo learned from the
Sew World' Speller. In addition to
giving a list of words to spoil, there
will be a special (.tinly of word build
ing and the calling attention to special
siiellin? and the etymology of the word
Writinff will not be changed. The
regular Palmer system w;ll be contia
led as nothing has been presented that
was regarded as n nr.) rnvemeut M
the Jhilmer system. Very little change
have been made in the tcirhing of his
tory. Ueoraphy w.a be n.ttih the
only with hucr maps.
Constipation tipsets the entire y
tem causing ser ous ilinesee to the
human family. . Don't worry Holae
ter's Rwky Mountain Tea will driT
out eonstipation, regiilut the bow a,
tone the stomach, purify, eltaa.
Without nil give it thoro trial. 39e.
D. J. IVr.
Mixed Out ton ami Wind in spli'B
did qBlitii, gimd fombiuatins
of ceWifs, mt"n 'AH to 4u
fa.oo, ta.s, f iai, 13.00
Liu tie Artment of Men Cot
ton Knthing Suits 60 to 81.50
liny Bathing 8uit at -
IZe te 11.15
Sizes :1S to 46, Short Skirt, V Neck, Sleeveless. Extra
pood, Woo! Jersey Bathing Sutis the kind that
would cost double our price on the markets today
in black, purple, green, blue and cardinal, trimmed
with white, yellow, orange, green and maroon, at
from $3.63 to $6.43
Children's and SI Ins' Bathing
Buita at .... ,30c te fl.84
l.aii.i g SIjws, low and liish
iof ...,..., B4 60
Rul'U-r and Kubbet fci
wcr of iaT stylos.
.. 15c, ax4 toc
Suit Bags .... ..grx
4 v-44-ee--44
J.Vtl I lO'Kfc
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Dear Let 'eaRoaa J$
For Women, Misses and Children
Every day brings new garments and accessories from the market centers of
the country to the various departments in this store devoted to the wtftttng
of women, misses and children who desire to have quality garments as well as
to practice real true economy. ' . v
The Latest Arrivals are
which are attracting a much deserved attention. A wealth of styles and values
worthy of commanding your immediate interest
in styles so varied that each personal individuality will find a suitable and at
tractive model and at a price much less than one would expect to pay for these
superior dresses
The line comprises styles cleverly designed in a wide selection. The prices are
reasonable and the quality is high. New models are arriving frequently..
of wonderful variations of style features, made of Georgette Crepe and Crepe
de Chine. The newer shades are French Blue, Sunset, Fekin Blue, Jade,
.Taupe, Sammy, Liberty Red, Orchid; also White, Flesh, Navy and Black. All
priced reasonably
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
Sacramento Woman Says Tan-
; lac Made Her Feel like
New Person.
"It eertainly ha paid me well to
stick to Tanlac, for five bottles have
really and truly made me feel like a
now person." said Mrs. J. W. Warren
wife of a well known Southern Pacific
railroad man, residing at -611 29th
street, Sacramento, in telling of the
benefit she has drived from the med
ieiae, recently. Mrs. Warren was born
la Sacramento. Sho has always lived
here and has a widi circle of devoted
"At the time T bcfrati taking Tan
lae," she continued, "I was so nerv
ouj and weak I couU hardly get the
children raady in the morning in time
tot school. I had aa awful time with
my stomach for -everal months and
we all run dowa -a every way. I had
to appetite and what little I did ent
would ffennent and b!oat me up until
I was miserable. There was a heavy
prmsure around mv heart all the time
with terrvble paius that made me so
faiat and weak 'hat I eould hardly
jet through with my housework. 1 was
ia rich a bad condition that I could
hardly hold out to go dowa town and
do a little shopping, 1 was so weax
and run down that 1 stent about all
my time on the porch ad ia the yard,
hoping that would help a-e. I would
get up morning tired and nervous and
foal that wsy all day.
"My husband persuaded me to try
Teniae after reading a testimonial
from a lady who had been relieved of
troubles similar to mine. My fiist two
bottle didn't seem 'O h"! me im.fh
but I stuck to it, thiu';in :t "litis! be
go. J or so msnv s-.'iWi't ny ,t hid
helped them, and liter finishing the
third bottle my i.nprot-ie'it wm veiy
rapid. My stomach as n t ijiv-n n! .1
particle of trmih'- sin'rt t ! I"' l thut
third bittlp and I vr p;t anv-
0'ii a no1 vervl mix. an, n it ilie
leaM bit nervous ny more nr! have
more strength than I have hsd in
months. Whv, just vestertfar 1 mowed
the laws, both fnn- and back, an-1
stood it fine. Last uuday, after spend
ing the day at the park 1 cooked din
ner fur twelve penile, tel!, when bed
time came, 1 admit I wa tired, but
not the simc way I bad been before.
It was that tired feeling that makes
one lie biwn and iWp like a child
and not the kind that mVet one feel
weak, nervous an I re?!es. when 1
weighed alout three week ago 1 ha
were lattr transferred. He wu recent
ly with the army of oc- tpati)n.
(Continued from page one)
ians 8king that they modify the de
mands upon Hungary and threatening
to withhold food supplies if the request
is not complied with, according to Vun
na advices reported in an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen.
Washington, Aug. 5 Senator Thtian,
California, has keked President Wil-
Uoa' aid in obtaining for United States
Spanish war veterans be given leave of
abense with pity while attending the
Don't lot your children suffer. If
they sre fretful, peevish, puny or cross,
give them Hollister' Rocky Mountain
Tea a harmless but safe laxative for
children. 33c. D. J. Fry.
Klamath Falls Elks initiated more
Ferdinand's Life Threalctca.
Budapest, Aug. 7. King Ferdinand
of Rumania postponed his arrival in
IHulapcst, it was learnm today, upon
the discovery of a plot gainst his life.
Kananiajts Warned.
London, Aug. S. -American officials
have se:it an ailirastmn to the Unman
Relieve Your
For 25c.
NR does it by improving
digestion, assimilation
and elimination
the logical way.
March, who wa called before the
committee again today, aid the generall
. . 1 1 J V. nttatwtnnn,) "if H
. v-.u v. .. r j .. Spanish war veterans a railroad rate of
" K " fc , I t. - ,BinJone cent per mile to' and from the con- than SO candidate, at their larf meet
ense essnewe had at the oeg.uning, p Ban ' ing .,,4 will tak. 1 larger cl., A-
ne'eaplaincd that the actual author- i Francisco. Phelati ale. urged that fed- gust 12, the last before the .UU -ied
strength of the' peace army jnder'tral employe who are member, of the venUun. ?
the war department plan woum oe oo,
000 men, beside 600,000 to 800,000
youth available under the military
training provision. .
Senator Thomas, Colorado, said today
that if the wr department estimates
for elothing and feeding soldiers were
to hold good, the cost of living would
have to be eoatddered reduced.
Senator New and Chamberlain be
lieve that preparedness is essential and
that In addition to the physical bene
fit of three months' rigid wai school
ing for every youth the nation will
benefit in aa economic way.
'Senator Sutherland, West Vlrrtntn,
suggested s one year enlistment m the
Rnn as a mean of traimna a reserve
March today also urged the commit
tee to reieet a succcstion for a perma
nent general staff which, he predicted,
.will be made "with great iorce nd
The oroeosal, he said, wouid mi an a
ehief of staff once named wonld rve
until h died or retired and all other
general staff officers would do like
"It i imperative," said March,
"hat the geaeral staff officers go nock
to the fiold service every lour years
and get ia touch with the men ol the
army. It would be very b4l to build up
an army bureaiieraey."
B0L5HEYIK control
(Continued from paje one)
NR Today Relief or No Pay
There ar three vital processes of
human existence, the dineeilon of
food, the extinction of nourishment
from It and the elimination ot the
Let anything Interfere witti these
processes, let them be Interrupted or
Improperly camel on, and ucuicss
or some aina iouows.
Poor dlirestlort and assimila
tion means failure to derive
full nourishment from food and
that in turn often means im
poverished blood, weakness.
anemia, etc. Poor elimination
means an accumulation of waste
matter which poisons the body, lower
vitality, decreases the power of re
sistance to disease and leads to the
development of many serious ills.
Kheiimatism. due to some interfer
ence with the process of elimination,
failure to get rid of certain body
poisons, cannot be expected to yield
to any medicine that tails to correct
the condition responsible for It. Could
any reasonable person expect to rid
himself of rhsumaUo pala as long a
Paniel J. Krv
rheumatic poison la allowed to re
run In In the body.
Think of this. It explains the sue
reps of Nature' Remedy (NR Tab
1-Iii) In so many eases where other
medicines bare tailed. Thousands arc!
uainK NK Tablets every day and et- "
tind reuer. iWriy pay nve or ten
times a muclr for Uncertain
things? A 25o box of Nature'
Remedy (NR Tablets), con
taining enough to last twenty
Ave day, mint help you, muiti
rive you prompt relief and at-
Ufactonr. bentlio or cost voix
And Nature' Rmiltf t tint nnlv
for the relief of rheumatism. It Im
proves dlirostlon, tone the liver, refi
ulates kidney and bowel action, im
prove the blood end cleanses the
whole ystem. You'll feel like a new '
person when you've taken NR Tablets
a week. You've tried the expensive
ijiedldne and doctors, now make the ,
real test. You'll get results this time.
Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) is
sold, guaranteed and recommended by,
your druggist.
i.t isrsxxsaca
-I have been p nsrinst it for pes
3 veara ufferiii from pain in y
stomach and side until I was coei(ler
inu giving up grocery business.
IWtors and nn-dicin.1 did net help me.
I heard of Msyr's Vei.-:ful Uvmedv
through friend in Buffalo. The first
die gave me more benefit than all tht
.imediria 1 had tak.-n b, fore and am
1 .11
gamed six pounds and lave ginned
almut that much more by tHis tme. Any
way I have mproved so much that siv
friends are often waking of it. 1
da "t have th.it w sry look in my eyes
nor that tire. I, worn m.t feel:n any
more, and I am m.ire grateful than 1
can (Hit into nr.' (or ahirt Taniac
has dime fur me.'
Tar.lae Is mMd in Salera bv Ct. P. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Brag
Co., In Mt. Angel b'v Bea Gooch. is
Gervai by John Kelly, ta TutncT by
H. P. Cornelius, is Woodburn by Ly
man H, Shorey, ia Silvertoa bv Oe.
A. Ptcelhsmraer, In Gate by M.a. 3
P. McCnrdy, ia Staytn by C A,
Bfaachamp. in Aurora by Anrora Prog
9 ore. In St. Paul bv Gmeeteria Stores
Ce.. ia Penald by k. W. Johnson, te
t-fferwsa by Foshiv A Msena, sad Is
Mill City by Mirksteria Oro Co.
life." It s.mi;. harmless prepa
ration that remnvvj the catarrhal mu
.... Ima the iats'iiiaJ tst and al-
lav the iafiarema- --i which causes'
practically all stow.n-h. liver and inti s j
tinal ailment, in-lii'Vi.,g nppeadieitis. j
ttne ibvw wiil eonv:n.-e or money re- I
funded. -T. . Tcr- and druggist ev- !
Wash the affected
Surface with house
hold ammonia or
warm salt water; then apply
mews YAPmm
"YOUR B0DYGUARD"-30.t0'.tJfJ
''It's the Poles of the peoplo I kinp in
For 1 am the ilm tr of lWt mid Shw;
"And I serve t'ac living ami not the dead,
With the W st nf leather, wax, ni.il.. and
I can sew en a me or nail it fast,
And do n gwrl job lied iiiak" it ItiM.
There is anthine side about nliut I
caa ill
lKitbt not mv statement fur work
proves it true.
I can give yeu a lift too in Uu- nie
Not only you but your family and wife,
A Krei.t rrary patients enmc to mv oor.
Worn out ar.d run (Dm, beside fi-.i"g
Though I dea't nw pouitjee, pUtM r or
I ure al! sick shoes ni n.f ttcr how HL''