Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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. 17o
The Cpital Journal will not ba re
sponsible for mora than one insertion,
fat errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears nS notify ui immediately it
arrer occurs.
Minimum charge, 15a.
"MABTIN" painter. Phone 704. 8 26
WOOD for sale. I'hone 2003M.
WANTED Tattle and
kind. Phono 157(iV.
calves, any
iWAXTKD Secondhand
Phono 1085J.
WANTED Experienced lady for mil
linery Dept. Gale Co. 8 8
WANTED 50 hop pickers, register at
124 6. Liberty. 8-7
200O TO loan on good farm security.
I'hone 2O20W. - 8 7
WANTED Cattle, veal and
hogs. 1425M.
rBACTK7AM,Y new wheel for sale
cheap. Inquire at Liberty garage. 8 7
FURNISHED house wanted.
Call 832.
FOR SALE Elgin six,
Marion garage.
model at
EXPERIENCED lady waitress wanted.
Koyale Cafeteria. tf
KB SALE Baled hay in field, one
mile east of city. Phone like", tf
GIRLS wanted at the Glove Fuetorv,
1455 Oak -St. Steady work. 8 S
FOB SALH Oarage 18x22, gas tank
55 gallons, house and lot 50x247.
1925 State St. 8 8
FOB dress making see M-s. A. H. Bie
dorman, 1170 N. 15 6t. Phone 16081t.
WE make tho beet power prune dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 1393 N. Front St. tf
JAS. LYONS practical painter.
GOOD horse for sale or trade fox milk
cow, and cadi. Call 58F4. 8-7
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J,
1165 N. 10th St. Salem, Or. 8-8
W. F. WEIGHT, Turner, auctioneer,
Why not got him! tf
GOVERN MKNT lonns at 5 percent.
,W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
merce. . tf
FOB SALE Four -oom bungalow with
basement, good location. $1500. F. L.
Wood, Buyne bldg. S-1
FOB SALE 1917 Maxwell, good con
dition, buy from owner, cheap. Bee
it at 292 if. Hih St. 8-8
LABORERS wanted at standard wages
by Oregon Pulp Ic Paper Co., Salem,
Or. 87
FOB SALE 2 hop stoves and pipe,
in good condition. Kt. 6, box 42, O.
W. Eoff. 8 9
AM leaving town, will sell seven room
house, two largo lots, large barn,
chicken house, fruit trees, $1600,
part .cash: rest terms. Phone 1322M.
8 11
WE offer a very fine Mason k Ham
Jin organ, one of the very best reed
organa made, equal jn tone to a pipe
organ, will make special low price
for quick sale, terms. The Wiley B.
Allen Co. 519 Court St. 8 7
WATfTED 1000 suits to clean. C.
Ear Sparks, tailoring and cleaning,
1855 State St. Phone 508. 8-14
DEKOBATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new eolora, Burou
Ooml St. tf
WALL PAPER 15 eenti per double rrl)
erpward. Buren's Furniture Store.
179 Cvuimereial. tf
X Wa bny and sell notes, mort-
41 cages and all kinds of bonds.
s 114 Mssonie Building
St Salem, Oregom
1 lLj i mil w
jf 314 Mason Bldg.
WANTED To bay 200 stock ewes.
P. V. Revolts, Salem, Kt. 3, box
50. 89
WANTED To rent five or six room
modern house with garage. Thone
1013J or 926. tf
WANTED Delivery boy permanent
position. Must know how to run Ford
Apply 135 Liberty St. 8 8
WANT to buy from owner good im
proved 5 or" 10 acre tract. I'hone
14S1B. 89
FOR SALE Good cow, gives 4 gal
lons daily, 4 yeais old. Corner Jef
ferson road and S Com'l St. Come
at noon or after 5 p. m. 8 7
PLAIN sewing at home, 25c per hour.
Phone 796, residence 1120 Chemek
eta. 811
FOR hauling and truck work try the
Farmers Transfer truck, phone 1608
M, 1170 Jf. 15th St. A. H. Bieder
nian. 9-4
TEAM, wagon and harness for sale.
Phone 6jF4 after 7:30 p. m. Team
will be at Cherry City barns Sat.
Aug 9. 8 7
PUON us your order for piano tuning
and. regulating, best or service end
attention. The Wiley B. Allen Co..
519 Court St. Phone 492. 8 7
THERE'S money in rabbits and we
have them. See Cherry City Bab
bitry, 2355 6. Com'l. 8 7
WANTED Ford or Chevrolet touring
car will pay cash. P W H care Jour
nvf. 88
WASTED Experienced talesman for
mens furnishings and general store
work. Gale k Jo. 8 8
FOB SALE Cheut hay baled, 4 miles
east of asylum. 118 per ton. I'hone
32F. 88
FOR SALE Piano, high grade, in
good condition, bargain. Phone 125.
8 12
TOR SALE Cheap, Ford touring ear,
good tires, shock absorbers, good con
dition. Salem Velio company, 162 N.
Commercial. 8-8
FOR SALE Good horse, harness, light
wagon, Btudebaker buggy cheap;
will take good grade Jersey cow as
part. Call room 391 U. S bank. Phone
376. 8-13
FOR 8 ALE Good one horse delivery
express wagon w'th cover. Single set
of harness cheap. Cooloy'a Grocery,
1275 N. Church. 8-13
FALIiS City Logging k Lumber Co.,
Falls City, Or wants men for mill
and yard work. Wages 50c per hour
and up. Good schools and living ac
commodations for married men. 8 9
LOGANBERRY nickers wanted: will
take tack and forth is auto morning
and evening; 2c per lb, good rick-
ing. Phone 373 after 7 p. m. tf
WANTED To rent grain ranch of 150
to 200 acroa with pasture and good
buildings; will pay cash or shares.
Write F E care Journal, tf
FOR SALE Nine room house, large lot
modern conveniences, double garage,
close in, on street car line and paved
street. G L care JournaL tf
FOR SALE Winchester repeating shot
gun, with all lee.'her carrying case
and brass point cleaning rod, $35.
1050 Norway St. 8-7
WANTED 'Why injure yonr roof
painting with coal tar when you can
have it cleaned and painted with a
gua-antoed asphalt paintf For in
formation and estimates address
Frank Mayo, Gen. Del., Salem. Or.
NURSERY STOra? Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery atock for fall delivery.
Also a second hand Maxweld auto
will raile for a good team. Brooks
Nnrsery, Lafayette, Or. 8 29
the old reliable Page fence direct
from factory in car load lots; Per
f"tion Automatic Gates- Milwaukee
air pressure water systema, fresh wa
ter direct from spring or well. L. J.
Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton,
Page fence men for Marion and
Clackamas counties. 818
we furnish wood and tents, store on
grounds, all former pickers, welcome
and new ones aa well, at 60e per box,
114 acres of the very beat hope In
Oregon, register at Adorph jBros.,
State St., or Homer H. Smith, Mc
Corniek bldg. Court 8t tf
Salem, Oregon
LOST Aa automobile pun p Wednes
day afternoon by Willsoa park be
tween Summer and Wiuer streets,
on Court. Finder please leave at
Meyers store elevator. 87
FOR SALE A modern house ready to
move into. Come and look it over.
643 S. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf
WANTED City property, hae a de
mand for 5 and n room bungalows;
wanted several Houses that can be
repaired and made tenetaJde. Wanted
installment property. List your prop
erty with me. H. S. Kadcl'iff, Bayne
building. 87
FOR SALE 2 Fords, good condition,
Capital Ciatage, llerschback k
Sprauer. IS
FOB SALE 1916 l'j ton Eepublic
rucx, guaranteed to be in good me
chanical condition. 170 N. 24th St.
FOR SALE 26 ncres fine laud all
under plow, ber.ring orchard, good
.buildings, paved highway. $4000. F.
L. Wood, Bayne blilg. " 8 8
WANTED Work by man and wife to
gether, berry or Luit picking, or oth
er work together, camp cooking un
derstands farm work, haudy at "most
any kind of work. Call for D. A.
Purtyruun, the Leonaid rooming
house, 24 Jf. Front St. 8 7
FOR SALE 200 icre farm on easy
terms; would consider saiail acreage
in trade. Address Owner care Jour
nal, gj
FOR SALE Or tri.de, by owne-, lot
auxlou feet, 6 room house with bath
and toilet, 3 blocks from car. 416
Masonic Temple. 8-7
WANTED To trade. 74 acre farm for
modern residence in town or a few
acres closo to S'llem. Call at 1166
Fer-y St. g.7
FOB SALE Honso and lot, best buy
m ooutn rsaiem on Jurison St. one
block cast of Commercial. See A. J.
Baldwin. g.n
WANTED Lady to help in general
noose worn on tarrn for man, wife
and child, light work, good home.
Salem, Rt. 4, Phone 12F3. 8 9
WANTED Position in Salem by com
petent bookkeeper and stenographer.
Will substitute during summer vaca
tion Phone 262. ef
ESTATE for sale, all or half; three
hundred acres, hundred cultivation,
balance pasture; good 9 room houe
and 4 room house, new barn, oat
buildings, school on place; aors
prunes, family orchard, good roads,
only $45 per acre, terms. 461 South
Cottage. a-T
FOB 8ATJ3 iModorn 8 room house, B
men ciosers, i lavatories, furnace
heated; will sell partly fu-nUhed;
must dispose of at once. 168 N. 12th
St. opposite supvejie court bldg. 8-11
RETURN ED overseas man desires em
ployment. Experienced salesman both
city nnd trafei.ng, Understands
bookkeeping. Address R G S care
of Journal. g.i
HOP pickers register now. Three
weeks picking, plensant enmp ground
good clean yard, tents nnd cut wood
furnished. Renter at office of Wil
lmet,te Vajlley Transfer Co., cor.
JPerry and High Sts. Phone 1400. tf
$2.-00 TAKES r,; block, with good 8
room hotis-, newly papered, bath, toi
let, electric lights, cement walks,
gflrajro eoo,i barlt) fruit nd Kar,,en
Will sell all or rflrt. Al90 have
"v 4 ruora nouse. owner he
wner nern
niun time only
erty St.
Inquire 1395 N. Lib-
",rEK1ACJiE. 40 acres located about
'' m('tm Salem. Von will nev-
b'-i mm opportunity aain. 24
---s in cuitivati.n, 4 acres of mix
'l fruit; good house and out build-'"f-
A fwA- TimScr for about
500 cords of wood. Owi. "d by a non-
..u.:.i, tnmu cash, balance at 5
percent and 6 por cent or will ex
change for city property. If you have
any thing for sale or exchanzo list
with me. 11. S. lfadcliff, lyBt
building. gy
349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A, BlXX'iv
Studebaker chases for bug, $125
Buick truck, cxpiest body. il0
1917 Ford $450
Little Flanders 20 $250
1916 Maxwell $400
Jirisroe, $350
Saxon roadeter $300
1918 Chevrolet sedan
S fisssenger Ovreland ts tra4 BM Is
1918 Htudebaker $950
lfl'7 Saxon six $700
1913 Overland $500
S passenger Studebaker, $184.
We sell uils, grease and gasoline
Ws sell oils, grease, old auto part
tires and aceeKsones.
To all whom it may concern: Notice
n hereby given that the undersigned
i'Xeeutrix tf the est He of Bicharl H.
Weller, deceased, h.-"S 1'.t day filed her
final account in sard inta'e and that
the honorslde eouny eonrt of Marion
county, Oregon, has fixed and appoint
ed Monday, Srpipinher :h, 1919, at
the hour of 10 o'-Vock a. m., of said
day at the county court room in .the
county court housr, in said county and
tate, as the timo an. I Ue for the
hearing of objections to sink final ac
count and for the sittieon nt thereof.
Executrix of the estate of Kichard
1L Weller, decwd.
Dated Au?wt 4, 1!'19
Carry F. Martin,
Attorney for piwstiff. 9 4
', sleeping Tortus for rent, close
255 tenter St. 8
GXD all around h;rse for sale, at
year own price. 125 8, 13th St. 8 9
WANTED Lead of .lover hsv.
FOB SALE Good young team ef hors
ea, wrifiht about 15W each. Phone
65F5, Dr. Miles ranch.
WANTED School girl to look after
3 vear old baby, day time. Apply
424 8. Cottage. -8
FOR SALR 2 doscn laving hens and
30 pullets. 715 S. 12th St. upstairs.
LOST Package of merchandise con
taining pongee silk, hose and under
wear. Finder call SS;iR. 8 9
WANTED To buy from owner fruit
ranch, 10 to 40 acres, partly devel
oped. 'A 7 care Journal. 8 9
WANTED To Imsc small acreage,
fairly well impro d, not more than
5 miles from Salem. Address with de
scription and terms. Lease eare Jour
nal 8 7
tivation. new house and barn, $75
per acre, terms, 6 p rcent. M. M. Ma
gee, Salem, Rt. a. I'hone 81F25. 8 7
FOR SALE 5 roc-Mi house all furnish
ed and ready to move into at a bar
pain price of $2o.'. See Fred Durbin,
275 State St. S-S
FOB. SALE 5 acres, acres logans,
good rouse anu oarn. i"i nines irom
eitv. A snap at $2000. Call and see
Fred lhirbiu, 273 State St. 8 8
50 acres river bottom in high state
of cultivation, 6 acres corn, 3 acres po
tatoes, 2 acres bouns, 14 acres hay, Vt
grain, 2 acres veget'ibles; good team,
I cow, 3 shoats, 30 chickens, wood and
farm machinery; cooil farm improve
ments. A real snap. mOO. Must be sold
at once.
60 acres, 45 in ultivation, 15 acres
fine 2d growth t'mber, fair improve
ments; I S crop goes, 6000, '4 cash
balance to suit.
80 acres all under cultivation, 50
acre of crop goes with it; the finest
soil in Oregon; location Howell prairie,
fair improvements, $160 per acre. U
nniHt hurry.
Thee are real sna and high class
properties. Our time is limited.
404 Hubbard building
WANTED At $2000 to $6000 a year
and up accounts, bookkeepers, office
men, stenographers, cashiers. I want
to hear from enpnble applicants.eithe;
with or without bookkeeping expori
enes, who ara ambition to get into
higher accounting positions. Our or
ganization, with tho largest staff of
accounting and business efficiency
experts in the world and with reiire-
aentatives throughout the United
States, ran meet only to a very lim
ited degree the numerous calls being
made for high grade accountants,
cost accountants, auditors, junior
and senior accountants. Government
al and business demands have ex
hausted the euprly of trained men
The readjustment of eommo-ce and
industry to a peace basis; tho re
construction end reorganization of
American bosineM along more effi
cient lines, the more scientific analy
sis of costs to meet domestic and
world competition, and the necessi
ty for accu-ate income and excess
profit tax n)iort8 to the government
hnve created thousands of new and
attractive opportunities for perma
nent positions in the higher account
ing field.
Our organization bns been called np
on to help meet this unusual situa
tion and has requested mo to inte"-
view both men snd women in this
community who lesire to qualify for
position through training. This can
bo done while lidding your present
position. Accepted applicants will be
placed under the direct supervision
of one of our staf a ee-tified pun
lie accountant nnd trained in the
speeiul procedure necessary to qual
ify for important accounting work.
A present knowledge of bookkeeping
is desirable, but uot required. No in
terviews will be granted except to
those who state in writing their ngu,
business experience, present position,
education, if posjitle give telephone
number. AH inforintion confidential.
B 410, Journal. 8 7
FOR HALF Or trade, 1M) seres of
A-l bottom land located 4 miles
from Junction City; a good new
barn, 135 acres in cultivation, 25
acres f&eturs, well fenced and or
ffrmd gravel mad. Will take good
city property or acreage in or near
Halem. Pries $11,500. Address G F
Journal. 89
MODERN house, st among beautiful
shrubbery and f'owers, seven rooms,
oa paved street, 2 blocks to street
ear lias, fruit, berries, barn, chick
en house and gamge, 1 13 acres of
ground. Apply owner, 1631 Market
St. 88
A KB yoo a sneecftful salesman work
ins; among farm trade! Or are you
ambitious to tenme enel Do yon
want to earn $251 $350 a month,
wholesaling groceries to farmers!
Hteady demand. Yearly repeater.
Same territory. 7f o, give age, ex
perience, phone number. Car requir
ed. H. Hunting, box 2099, Portland,
Oregon. 8 13
FOB SALE A good Willamette valley
ranch 87 acres, 12 fnil from Ha
lem 2 miles from good town, V4
mils from R. R. station V. to Z
miles to S churches and 3 schools in
cluding h'jth school; mail delivery
twirr ssch dav; telephone; good
noighboTliorid; the bert cold soft wa-
tfT. Pennsd end eross fenced; level
land t s-n-S ash timber, sisin rosd.i
rood buiidssai: with or without crop
and eqnipmsi. Just pot in bum 50
tons tf hsv from 12 acres. This is
one of the best producing ranrhe In
this eosntry; will sell all or a part to
suit parrhsser. if taken at once.
Prank W. Lathrnp, Turner, Or. tf
Food Supplies b Storage Held
For Speculative Purpose,
Washington, Aug. I. (Fulled Press)
With prices generally higher, storks
of food is storage this yeai are much
greater than last year, the federal iradc
commission report id today.
The eommisaivn charged that " appar
ently V these stocks are oeiug held
speeuh-tively for still higher prices.
The excess oa Juue 1, 1919, over June
I, a year ago, was 19 per real iu the
combined total aumlier of the uiott im
portant foods in dry and cold btorag,
the commission said. This did not in
clude surplus army food.
"The fact that stocks of many im
portant food were much larger ciu June
I, 1919, while prices were high, Or
higher, apparently menus that tiiey are
being withheld speculatively lor a
world demand, which is not now here,
but which is expected whe.i hunger
impelled strikers secure higher wages
with which higher food prices can be
paid," the commission wid. ,
Appearing before the senate sub
committee of the Diatrict of Columbia,
investigating the high cost Ot living,
U D. 11. Weld of ruift ii company, to
day denied that tSwift was a memoir e
the alleged "big five" packer toiuGine.
"I waut to Vay," lie said, "that
Swift & company in keen competi
tion with all other packers nnd it is Im
possible to nmiiipuluto the prices of
meat in any way.
"Furthermore, no legislation or gov
ernment interference in coimeclion with
the packing industry could possibly re
duce meat prices. Rather, such inter
forence would be more likely to inuoiise
operating couts and, hence, raise
prices." '
When the 350 editors of the nation1
al eiHtorial association visit ralem
Hundav evening, tnev will be served
with real Holoni nnd Marion county
products. They will eat bread baked
in tiulem. and for drinks they will ip
the product of the loganberry and of
tho apple, loganbeny juice and Applju
The butter will be furnished by the
'Salem creameries liiul the beans will
be the dehydrated product of the Sa
lem KTng's Products Co. The brick
cheese the editors will have served
them will be of fcaleiii make and the
dehydrated loganberries will be of the
famous Hal em Kind's Products com
pany. haeh editor will be furnished with
a menu that will impiera upon him the
fact that he is eating of the product
of Marion county. Alter the luncheon,
there will be rides nnd viows around
Hnlem and vicinity. The lunrheon will
be served i Wi:!r-'r park about 6:110
Xunday evening.
Wage Cut In Shipyard At
Seattle May Bring Strike
Henttle, Wash., Anr. 7. The strike of
1 1,000 men pi the Rkinner 4 Eddy yard
threatened yesterdnv as the resiiit of
a wn'0 cut for 1234 men, was held in
nlieyauce by a special meeting of the
Metnl Trcdes Council lust night.
The men were instructed to enm'm at
work under protest unless called out by
the con-cil, and tho interiinlional offi
cers In Ran Francisco have been asked
to suggest tt course to pursiM . The pro
test carries a retroactive clause dating
from tho time wat'es were cut.
Whites Ouit Wk&Nepro
Workers Return To Jobs
Chicago, Aug. 7. (Failed Prefs.)
On" negro was wounded nnd 550 white
workers ouit their jobs tnilny with the
return it 8000 negro butchirs find hog
semners to their jobs, which revived
race feeling at the stockyards here.
Onsrded by 1200 policemen and 200
deputy sheriffs, nnd with two regiments
nf Infnntry stationed in arnoiies nrr.r
by, the nrtrroes, who had been laid off
ten dnys for fenr of more raie rioting,
began early this morning filing into the
slnnehtrr houses. Every woiker, white
and black, was searched for arms.
Washington, Au. 7. Postal work
era today asked president Wilsoa for
a fifty poreent wae increase.
A letter, carried to the whits house
by a delegation of lost si anion heads,
said the postal wag protilem is fully
as pressing as the riilroad wage prob
lem and sshed thai their case be in
rludi-d whea tho ge-c'nl proposition of
food and living etti's is submitted to
The letter wa presented by E. .1.
Oainor, president of the National asso
ciation of letter i'arnors; Thomas F.
Flsherty, seerntury frsfurer of the
National Federation of Postoffire Em
ployes, and E. J. By.in, president of
the. Kailway Mad imiociation.
The letter nWlarel that while living
cos's in the last five or six years have
inrretised approximately 100 per eent,
postal employes hav-3 been granted sn
average increase of oi'ly 20 per cent.
--. P-IV
fillCai I VI 1J kiinC.uiC.j9
Pwiidle From 46 Monthly
To Only Three la 6 Years
During the woath of July, 1919, there
Delineators for Seplember Nov In
It is a most interesting number showing
Advance Fall Fashions
The New Butterlck Patterns shown in this number
'.vill reach us in a frw days. Tlan your FALL GAR
MENTS early and ketp abreast of Fashions.
A large shipment of New
Dress Velvets have just
You Can Always Do Better At
1 iloooiaoooD g fc:
was 23 arrests mado by the Saltm po
lice for tho following:
Speeding 7 vagrancy 3, selling in
toxicating liquors 1, burglnry 1, polyg
amy 1, drunks 3 suspects 2 larceny of
automobile 2, driving auto past street
car unlawfully 2, introducing intoxicat
ing liquors into the city 1, painting
window of store whereby the interior
could not be seen from the sidewalk 1
and insane 1.
Jo the prohibitionist as well as
others it may bo of interest to know
that tho police records for July of six
years ngo show that the Salem police
force was busy most of the time taking
care of drunken men and arresting men
who were disorderly as well as drunk, j
The record for July lU for the month'
is as follows: Number of arrests d'i
(f which Hi v ere for being drunk and'
disorderly, a for begging end i) for vag
rariy. Tho lines collected by the t
lice Inst month amounted to !)1..W. Six
years ago when saloons were running
wide open in Haleni, the fines for July
amoui'ted to 2i2.IH).
Forest Fire Patol
Airplanes Are Active:
The two forest firo patrol airplanei
which were in Eugene (Saturday re
turned here today on another inspection
trip of tho country ns far south as Med
ford. They remained over night rn Eu -
Y. W.C.A. Sewing Machines Used to
Makc'Trench Gowns" of Army Nurses
t '
1 1
Along wiih gur-. and shrapnel;
oldiers and nurse , auto trucks and
fivid, the sevii'g marhine went lo
I'rance to do it ; art in winning the
It h.n run ncrrily over hospital
Firnirnts, rips ill "O. V." shirts and
klhiVi blouses.
And now it is making summer
Irocki for the hundred of mines
who mii5t stay in France a few
mTith longer as the health guards
of troop still there. One o the
buit little machines in France
Clean-Up Sale
See Court Street Window
gene as the guests of the Commercial
club, being served with dinner at tho
Kainbow, The machines were piloted by
Wut. E, O. Kiel and Hergeant Frank
McKee, who will hold these positions
regularly. One of the machines carried
a passengor, Albert H. Gillie of tne
state forestry service in ralem.
Lieut. Kiol had with him an order
from Major A. B. Smith, of Mather
IFiohl snying that six more plait"
were to be added to Oregon's fire
squadron, and that they would prob
ably errivo by Thursday. Tho plunes
are coining from Faernmrnto, and are
sent in response to I.ieut. Kiel's request
for more uhips in this territory. They
will report to Wulem and then bo as
signed to a putrid.
Lieut. Kiel and ISergeant McKee will
leave Kugeno this morning and go to
lioMdiuiv, followi.'iK an easterly course,
arriving in tho latter place at noon.
I Following a similar couf-e they will
reacn Mertlorrt at night and return to
Hnl,,.m the following day covering tho
territory to the west. The flight to
Kuncno today was made in a direct
course, so that little chance win given
to look out for fires.
I.ieut. Kiel lins been in Salem, since
com ing from Camp Lewis making plans
with Htate Forester. F. A. KII;otr for
patrolling tho state from the Washing
ton boundary to the California lino and
from the Cascades to tho eomt. The
j eight machines, according to the plans
of tho liiuilemii'.t are to be divided
j equally between Halcin and Kosebnrg.
1 i;ii;enc liegister.
tJ rmn ttatnt.
is the one in the picture, which has
Mood for many king war mouths, and
now through the armistice and peace
days, in one corner of the Y. W.
('. A.'i nurses' club at Angers, called
i fl.vtionatcly the "little red hut."
This nurse has ccme in from duty
in the neighboring hospital, throirt
back her red lined e.ipc and gone l
wrk on the fuiiiing up of a dainty
summer gown which she hopes lo
wear in Aiig"'' ui her Lome town
b-ck in the state.