Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Imparts the Touch of Prosperity
ipeed and the
-FlC Of
Forty-eight hours after cattle are
purchased by Swift &. Company they are
hanging up as meat; within two weeks
the fresh meat has been sold.
This speed means money in the
pocket of the one who raises the live stock
and of the one who eats the meat It
means a rapid "turnover" of capital and
investment making possible the trans
action of daily business on a narrower
margin of profit.
Speed permits Swift & Company to do
a successful business on a profit of a frac
tion of a cent per pound.
Such speed, with its rapid turnover
and smaller profits would be impossible
without the efficient organization and
wide scope of Swift & Company, the results
of fifty years' experience in handling meat.
Do you believe that government inter
ference with the complicated and efficient
machinery of the packing industry can
be of any benefit? Experience with
government regulation of railroads and
telephone and telegraph might suggest
an answer.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
. Iiliii
. . ijji
If SNDST SDOOUCTS 1 c ' lllil
1 CENTS If .0 FOR TMI I hrJftJ1!
Is uvt animal f feu:--; ?,j;ar..!
It.M cents ron iasoj a
tiPtNSis and fought II
. fcAi m.ht
r .t
(Continued from paj;c one)
and fair feeling. Tiie wost wilt feel
more ii'iiliitl i! this added recognition
of our rapidly growing section."
"The navy has at last realized the
nceossity of defending our Pacific
shores," said Representative McAr
thur, Oregon. "People iu the east are
(retting away from the nloa that all of
the nation lies east of tho Alleghany
mountains. I hope the fleet will be
kept there."
"It means a new day for the west,"
Mid Representative Albert Joiioson,
Washington, "and assures that we may
tarry on our greatly increasing com
merce with confidence thnt it will be
(Continued from page one)
place the food control act after peace
is ratified.
Long before eosigress acts, it is ex
pected that profilers will be arrest
er in many section of tho country.
The section of the food control act un
der which Palmer is acting provides
"that any person who wilfully hoards!
any necessities shfill be fined noj ex
ceeding f000 or be imprisoned for sot
more than two year?, or both."
Justice department Officials arc con
1 vinc.cd, they said today, that strong
sentiment will back them in demand
ing jail sentences for thoso ronvicted:
and that no court would feel content to j
let off profiteers With fines. Ak do
fincd in section number six, "necessi
ties shall be deemed to be hoarded with
in the mo&ning of this act when ether:
"A Held, contracted, for, or' ar
ranged for by any person in a quantity
in excess of his reasonable requirements
for use of consumption by himself and
Idependents within a roa wimble time;
I "B Held, contracted for, or ar
ranged for by any manufacturer, whole
sale, retailor or other dealer in a quaa
tity in excess of the reasonable recre
ments of his business for use or saic by
him for a reasonable time, quantities
seasonally throughout the period of
scant or no production, or,
"0 Withheld, whether by possession
or under contract or arrangement from
the market by any person tor the pur
pose of unreasonably increasing or dim
inishing tho prices."
Section number 7 provides for the
conrtemnntion of hoarded supplies and
their sale in the open market.
For anti trust work Palmer Jiow has
a balance of nearly (100,000 nndr an
appropriation which bceamo available
July 1.
(Continued from page one)
Thnkrworkers Union And
Loyal Legion Battle For
Bellingham, Wash. Aug. 6. Building
operation were at an end here today
as a result of the bitter fit;ht between
the TimberworVers Tnioa and the
1-oyal Legion of Loggers and Lumber
men for control of the northwest woods.
Lumber dealers refuse to supply the
local market nntil the boycott by local
unions against the Bloedel )onovan
company products is lifted.
This company precipitated a strike
a week ago by discharging two em
ploycs who refused to join the Loyal
Legion, a war time organization of em
ployers now backed by the employers.
The Timberworkers' 1'nion, backed
by the A. P. of L. which called the
strike, obtained the support of all local
unions who refused to handle timber
products. The operators in return un
ited and declared that they would sell
no more lumber in Bellinghani, suf
ficient business being available else
where. Appals to labor organizations in
other cities aro being made by the tim
ber workers, who declare that they will
shut all Atlantic and Pacific ports to
the firms who are fighting them.
Bandit Uses Carbolic Acid
To Intimidate Fair Victim
Astoria, Or., Aug. fl. Dispensing
with the time honored revolver which
is generally used for such purposes, a
lone bandit today held up Miss Helen
Callahan cashier of a local moving pic
ture theatre using carbolic acid instead
The robber threatened to disfigure
tho cashier for life unless she gave him
all the money in sight. Hhe did. The
bandit escaped with $140.
Allied Troops Expected
To Enter Budapest Today
Berlin, Aug. 6. (United Press.) Al
lied troops were expected tu arrne in
Budapest toduy.
lMspatehes fro that city reported
clashes between, the Rumanians and the
population of Budapest.
Reproving tho Rumanians for break
ing their agreement, the allies informed
them energetic measures would be Inken
if they persisted in occupation of budn-pest.
Kaiian demand for 500 hostnges as a
guarantee of safety.
F&ce Delegates Disturbed.
Pnris, Aug. 7. British and Auieilean
peace delegates were, highly disturbed
todny over the .Rumanian disregard of
allied instructions, tho occupation cm
Budapest and the presentation of na ai
timatum to the Hungarians, It wus
thought further action might be neces
sary to dissuado the Rumanians from
their present policy.
(Continued from page one) -
Least Carbon
Zcrolcne, scientific
ally refined from se
lected California crude
oil, gives maximum
lubrication with least
carbon deposit. Get a
Correct Lubrica
tion Chart for
your car.
itada ore
R. U. CAMPBELL, Special AgU Standard Oil Co, Salem.
The Rumanian threatened they would
carry off livestock, food and other ma
terials, despite the fact Ifudapest is
Bearing starvation.
London, Aug. 7. King Fcidinand of
Rumania will arrive today at Budapest,
where he is expected to Issue a uroeln-
nation outlining the future government
of Huncarv. according to an Exchange
r i D .
Telegraph dispatch from Vienna.
Rumanian action against Hungary
came to a climax with the announce
ment yesterday that an ultimatum had
teen presented in Budapest demanding
'he Hungarian, surrender large ijuanti
ties of war and other materials. Brit
ish and jAmorii-on representative! in
Budapest have protested against the
ultimatum. The allies also hate oidcr
el Rumanian troops to evacuate the
Hungarian capital. Allied military de
tachments are reported to be on the
tar to relieve tin- situation.
Ferd'nand Offered Ciown.
Berlin, Aug. 6. The Vienna c.rre
enendent of the Zwoelf L'hr Blatt re
lrted tu.ay that counter revolution
ary government at fcegedin had of
fered tli- Hungaian crown to King
Ferdinand of Rumania, pointing out
tlitt a anion of Rumania and Hungary
possibly would save for Hungarian ele
ments the parts of Hung-tiy which the
allies owarded to Rumania.
The Rumanians have refused the Una
tho bankers of Missouri by Elihu Root:
'Surely some provision must be made,
to prevent the continuum c of the
steady progress toward bankruptcy of
the ruilronds which charadeiizcd the
decade before the government took pos
session in 1917.'
"It will reveal thuthis Interests are
ngnin Kilt he rill ir their forces of private
end secret control, and seek after hav
ing gained from congress saiu lion to re
habilitate their railroad propertits at
public expense, to begin and follow
through its corrupt And wicked cycle
the systematized plundering and looting
of tho public interest in the nation's
In s letter written by Chairman Cum
mins at the senate intersttae commerce
committee's direction, Wilson was told
that Director Hines has authority to fix
both wages and rates ami that there
foro no action by congress Is necessary
to meet the present emergency. The
letter was a refusal of President Wil
son's request that congress authorize
special wage commission.
"The committee recognizes the grav
ity of the situation," the letter to the
president said, "and earnestly ii -.ires
to co-operate with you in bringing
about the proper solution of ti. 1 diffi
cult problems which confront I ., com
mittee. "It feels, however, that r.m'ss hr.e
already given you complete :i I plenary
authority to deal with the Msting sit
uation and that addition!.) I. elation nt
this time can add nothing c. hatever to
your power in the prev siS. Tiit di
rector general can fix t:,u wages ol all
men employed in the transportation
service and it seems to be clear that it
is for him to sar whether the compen
sation of the men should oi should not
be increased, lie has all the available
legislation which can possibly be se
cured and it is the view of the commit
tee that he should act in accordance
with public interest and his own judg
ment. "The director general abo has the
absolute right to initiate rttes foi the
transportation, and he can kdvance or
lower them as he msy think necessary
or wise to meet the requirements ( the
transportation systtn H h: charge,
and morover, he can pot the new iates
into effect whenever in his judgment
they should become effective. "'
"If the romniittee felt that there was
any Hick of power on your part of on
the part of the director general, it would
be quick to art; but inasmuch as it cas
perceive no want of authoiily, it has
reached the conclusion that (;o addition
al legislation is required to meet the
particular emergency which you have
Pointed out."
The Store for Men
VPO re ai e i
i uu can aiioru me connort
' of these shirts. THBY are fresh.
new TTtPrrhfinrlisfi nnrl nvo ?n tVia
, j - ....v.....uv, .."I Ul v All liiV
jaiesi biyies, ana come in a a02cn
different attractive patterns.
3 DON'T buy clothes on the
"trust-to-luck basis" if you buy
at BISHOP'S you are not taking a
(0 VrS-'J WE can fit you with ease. Th
(mv'" in roomy, maae
' '-VA for comfort and service.
YOU canr.ot, and should not do without several of these shirts, as
they are real bargains, and a preparation for the future means,
dollars saved to you. , .
WE have a TELEPHONE call 166-you can shop" by phone
safely at BISHOP'S the goods are of the best quality only, and the
salesmen will fill your wishes the same as if you were present.
$2.00 Up
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
T"- : ; : : :
Salem WOOlSH Mills Store
From Oilfields, Ciilif., comes the fol
lowing lefter, addressed to tho Kulera
Commercial club;
"Home years ago I purchased some
slocks in the (iolilcn ltul,- Miniug i
Milling company, to locate at Holn'inii.,
Ijtue county, Oregon. But the office
was located at Hulem an mailt up
mostly of Hitloin people.
"Would you be kind enough to In
form mo if such a company is still in
existence, Or wnaiever inrorniuiion yon
iiiiv knriw "
Inquiry at tho office of IT. (i. Uoyer,
county clerk, and a secrch ot the pub
lic records, develop! the fact thai the
Uolilca Kule Milling Minisg comnny
was organized in Kalem January 21,
1U09 i..l (h;it it fili'll itn f C t II- ll h (if
incorporation February- 17, VM'i, with
Wilihim Wccnier, vviiiinm ians.ng aiiu
Z. M. I'l'.rvin as directors.
The capital stock was to be tlOC.OOO.
In oidcr that all miht have a rnnre
to buy stock, there was to tie issued
j ooo OiiO llun. til fivn ceiit each.
' Prnin iIiimk who are familiar with the
company, it is learned that for several
years the work of mining was delayed
on account of patents, but the early
tronlilfta fi floure .1 nnd a fine plant
erected at a heavy exiicnse. The plant
was operated electrically nnd is located
on tno lime river not far trom the
Lucky Hoy and tho Bohemia gold
mini's. For severul years there was an
out put of from to IJ.'.UOO a
month lit gold ore, but when Hie war
cumo on ihhI labor trouble begun anil
other difficulties, the mine Has closed
down and has remtaiiiod cIommI. How
ever, there has been recently an effort
mudi'to revive the plant but notaing
cn'i be learned definitely.
Clcvcliind-llabit git Charles Thom
as a ducking. .Who a his f Hernia motor
boat went dead h slid under, discov
ering too late it was not an automobile.
"Forget IfBuy At Home $$$-Kecp Them Home$$$
Horlick'sthe Original
. Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes
with a
dish of
th best
com flakes
WOOL SWEATERS a nice showing for Ladies.
Girls, Coys, and Men's nice patterns and colors, rea
sonable prices. ' t-'
MINERVA YARNS. The best to be had. Beau
tiful colors, a good variety, knitting worsted,
zephyrs, Shetland floss and silk mixes.
OUTING FLANNELS. We advise you to pur
chase your fall supply of us, and as soon as possible,
present wholesale prices are higher than our retail
prices. Nice, white, outing flannel, yard 25c and 20c.
Nice colored outing flannel, yard ...25c
NEW FALL MILLINERY Buy your hat early
and get the full good out of it, nice, stylish, ready
to wear hats, well selected from all the newest mod-
240 and 246 N. Commercial St.