Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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An Economical, Delightful, light Ftace to Trade.
Smocks and
Regulation Style Middies. Some With Laced Front, Others
In Deep Yoke Effect
Charming New Smocks, Lawns and White Cotton Crash,
These Are Better Than Usual
Our Underwear stock offers hundreds of suggestions for the
underthings to wear with any sort of frock. Charming
Silk Camisoles to wear with Georgette Crepe, Voile and Lace
Blouses. Nightgowns and envelope Chemises for traveling
and vacation days. You will find the prices more economical
than you expect.
Women's Mid-Summer
Silk Lisle Knit Underwear
Mediizn weight but not too beavY for
Summer Wear. Union Suits, Bodice
Style. Extra fine.
$125, $1.50, $1.75. $2.75
, VESTS-50C 75c, $1.00
416 State
more clever than ever
in the role of a madcap
heiress who runs away
to become a Gypsy and
peddles hats
in ,. ,
"la Search cf Arcady"
Adapted from the story
Nina Wilcox Putnam
Now Showing
- Now Showing
BLIGH Theatre
Possible flitch Forseen In
President's Plan To Appear
Befre Congress.
HcLonghlin Eliminated From
Newport Tcursey By Yeshell
Wellington, Aug. 7. Fresident Wil
on will confer tuts today with-the
committee of cabinet member and I
other high government official who
drew up the recommendation on which
he ia lining his food price message to
Although the purpose of the ennfor
enee waa not announced it ia believed
Wilann intended to read to these offi
cial the message he will present to
ennvreM at 4 p. n. tomorrow.
President Wilaon'a appenrnnee before
centres may be delayed by the ab
sence of a quorum in the house.
Calls hare been aent to about 250
members by both republican and demo
eratie leaders, Init there ia a possibil
ity that a roll call tomorrow will show
more tliun half the members vacation
hill The situation ia causing leaders wor
ry because Representative Hlmiton
Texas, is determined to have quorum
here tomorrow. I'nder the rule of trie
heue the roll must be called to see if
there is a quorum, and should I nnnrum
not be found, adjournment or arresting
When the body begins to tiffat)
and movement becomes painful k
is usually an indication that th
kidneys ara out of order. Ke
these organs healthy by taklni
Newport. "A. I, Aug 7 Maurire Me
Irfiughliu, famed 'comet'' of the old
days of international tennis eup com
petition, la out of the Newport Casino 'a members is the only course.
Invitation tenni tournament He an The president 'a mene i practically
lt out after a hard tch by 8. How ! t?? !' V,,MM, Mat
' . ' , I tt is sent to tha printer,
rd Vnahell, a man whv despite long; Win hopes it waa so id, to have
year of play, has reached the nrmt law passed greatly extending the
ten ia th national asiuviatiun'a rank- authority of the federal government to
tng but one. It required five act for!enpi with the whole living cost aitua
'Voshell to defeat the Californian, jtion.
Mrloiichlin ' greatest weakness was The president wishes alto it was
Kis pronenens to smath overhead which hinted, to have measure pnssed design
generally resulted in out. el to reach the small individual pro
Today the rmmd before tbe aenii- fiteer. Thia, it la thought probable,
finala will bring together Clarence would reach th retailer who extort
Oriffia and Yoahell; William Tilden. an excewive profit.
It and Kirhard Norri William II; Carrying out ct hit program, It wat
William M. Johnston and Wallace uaid would require enactment of three
Johnson. lor four additional laws tiy congress.
Th world" ttandard remedy fot kldnay,
Bvat, blacldat nl urk acid trooWaa,
Pamouf alnca 1696. Tak ragukuly
kp in good health. Ia thra aU, all
druggists. Guaranty a rapraawotad.
Uofe to Um bum CM MU m baa
Utnili liVUUi Uialltf
- 4,
Communication were received by
Governor Olcott yesterday from two
more member of the Oregon legislature
regarding the special session. IKeae
were Henator F. H. Porter of Llna and
Senator M. I. Shank of Skeimna sad
Wheeler. The former ia unqualified ia
his support, while the bitter is opposed
to serving without pr.y, holding that th
matter of woman suffrage a of suffi
cient importance to warrant tha (tat
in going to the cx'iise of the acisloa.
However, ho ngree to serve It tt fi
nances of the state are In inch coadi-
tion that per diem cannot be paid. tto
suggest tlmt if the session ia called
that it be after hurvest season.
Following tlie issuance of blnaka for
classification, Deputy Secretary hozer
ha received retarn from nx instlta
tion of the state that are opeu to re
turned loldier nnd sailors. These are
Willamette University, the Captial
Busine College, Knlem; I'nilomath
college, rhilomnth: F.ugcne Uusiuc. tol
$S Kff n 'cnt In Use Circle $$ S$$ Keep ThMn Home $$$!(rEo've;XhIke-waikcer Be".,
Vm thit it th
hoc tltat give y oo
"Extra tervice
every nrp com-
fort everv minute.
Whvf Bnairtc
it i iu.irigii to
tart wit 1 Our f
irtt conuJcTatioa
hat a!wy beca
tO put illtO tVtrj
BucaHKHT Army
choc: tot matr
UU, w h.j!cljci;(cj
workmuitbip nd
It li ligmficaat
that the Bvct
HtcuT Army Shot
k wura by thous
and of men is all
Wllklofllfc. They
hire come to p
precute hi vWU
tng comfort, ia
ttlvety feel, it
ua!itic. And o
will you ooct
yoa treat your fret
! BvctMicaT
ExeluslT Agent
S57 iUt f.ntl, EAlem, Oregon
kSinufaoturen BUCKINGHAM k IIECHT Baa rraaciac
In It compliation of statistiea as to
it beueficiaries. the industrial accident
commision ha found that ent of a to
tal of oti3 women who bave become
widow sira-e the estabhshmtnt of the
department, only 3 have ic mucricd
The act provide that when a widow
remarries her monthly compensation
(cases, though she 1 allowed a lump
sum of .1("'0 on her mnrrii.jo, w'm.c is
there are children Ihcir paymenU are
IVllowing a Informal conference
with assistant of the Attorney lien
rral' office esterday, the liblie Per
vice Conimi.'ou h announcrl a hewr
ing to be held in I'onland August 27,
for the purpose of investigating the
authority of the recent adance in tele
phone rates. The commission hat receiv
ed a copy of the new schedule, whieh
in uiany insane makea radical ad
vancc and a! feet almost every town
i lithe state, but there i nothing ahoot
the schedule to indicate precisely
when it was authorized by the I'ontrass
ter ticneral, nor wis there errlvd a
Copy ef the specific urdrra ii!ied in
connection with it by the Attorney
(ieneral. Prominent attorney of Port
land h gone so far a ta tste that is
the absence of aucb copies the j'hor
ity of the Khrdui it ia questiun aad
COMrU MENTIS Lieutenant La
mar Tooxe wno arrived ia Kalem
last evening after an eventful two
yeara ia the eervie., a group of friends
and relative gathered at the -Marion
hotel last night and enjoyed Ji delight
ful dinner party. Cuvera were laid for
"Mr. and Mra.Wjl;cr L. Tooxe 'Sr..
Captain and Mrt W'lter L. Tooie Jr.,
and tmall aoa wa ter U Tooze 111, .Ma
jor aad W rn. Carlton tmith, Mr. and
Mra. Tom Campbell of Herxoiston, Ore
gon, Bert Cohea and Lieutenaat Toote.
Major Umith, Mr. Cohea and Mr.
lajnpbell were all member of the Dint
division, the ame in which Lieutenant
Tooxe and hi tw'J brother, Leslie,
aw eervico.
I Tha lecture tour which haa been ar
ranged for the lient.'aant ia the inter
leat of the woman 't building at Eugene
jw-Ul begin next ek with Rose-burg
as a protiaole start ii.g point. Ini eve
ning he will be ono of about 40 new
member to be initiated into the Salem
lodge of Klks.
Mr. II. V. Miillean ia apendiajr a
couple of week at North Heach, Wash
ington, a the guest of Misa Julia
Chemin at "Chcmin Cottage" at Beach
Mr. and 'Mra. W. H. Lvtle of the
Court apartments, have left for a two
weeks tour of Washington. Seattle,
akunia and various Sound point will
bo included in the t ip.
Mr. and M, Knietv J. Baker and
three children left yesterday for Ta
coma after a viit with Mr. Baker'
sister, Mr. K. T. 3vne.
After a -brief visit n Portland, Mr.
f. E. Hchafer and Mrs. C. P. i'ashatt
have returned home.
Mis Leora Morris and small aephew
Gordon Marris, have returned to Port
land after a two :iionths visit with her
parent. Mr. and Mr. Ben Morris of
Salem Heights.
Miss Olive Brickes, Miss Lora
iBrockes anil John Prockes of Amity,
are guests at the home of their brother-
in-law and (later, lr. and Mrs. J. u.
Mias Margaret Legge is enjoying an
outing at the Lee cottage at Sea-
Mr. and Mr. B. C. Rowland are in
iht city from Denver, Colorado, n the
gueat of Mr. Howlsnd' mother, Mr.
H. J. (loode of yv J'ar. They plan
to remain three weka,
A "Health Pag 'ant" is tie newest
PHducton released "by the pageant
and drama department of tha Y. W. C.
A, under the title of " Miming liod-
deas" it was prei'ted laat week by
the girla of the west side branch of
the Y. w. C . A. at a private estate
in Van Courtland park, New York
tha Idea of the pageant -which was
part of the program ef the social edu
cational department wa to present in
aa allegorical way the various things
that make for good- health and right
living. Proper foods, exercise and
clothing were symbolised in a very at
tractive wav, "P.esh Air" we a
breezy little figure made chiefly of
balloon and Dubblea. ilest was a
somber person in trailing' veil of grey.
Mia Clara Hacketf. who wrote, I'm
turned and produo-.d the pageant any
that the girls who presented it took a
keen interest in it's teaching. They
were particularly interested in the va
rious kinds of clothing and shoes which
th character of "trood Taste" pre
scribed. They were -'ager to understand
the kinds of food vhieh made for the
beat health, and how to piesent them
re the greatest advantage.
Mia Eunane ' waa among the
ataay members of the younger social
t who enjoyed ride ia the "Web
feet" hvst week.
Mr. and Mr. Jo'ia E. Karle,
South 15th street, are being showered
with eongratulatinu upoa the irta ot
a daughter, last Tjeiday..
Mia Sylvia White, who has been
spending three week in Tortland, re
turned to her home Saturday evening.
'Oregon, who haa been visiting her
granumotner, Mrs. a. jones, reiurnro
to her homo yesterday after spending
four wceka in Sam.
la th Indian tribe one find the
'Medicine Man" one versed in the
lienUng art ef roots, herbs, leave, ami '
barka. Ju these he Jim-over emollients j
astringents, laxatives and tonic, alij
of which are preps red and offered to j
sufferer among th.' tribe. To such !
good, old fashion"d roots and herb
Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Com
pound, the most efficient remeel- in
the world for female ilia, owe it sue
cess. For forty fiv year it has been
restoring the women f America to
health, until it i now recognized as
the ttandard remcdv.
that patrona are justified in refusing
to pay the advance. All interested per
sons in the state are invited to attend
the hearing in Portland ad undoubted
ly there will be a wide representation.
Should the Com mission demonstrate that
it hat jurisdiction in the matter it i
assumed that thev will restore the
schedule as euth.irijed bv them last
May. i
V. T. Stone of the Fish and Came
Commission a a visitiw at the ntat;
honse recently, in eenferenee with of
ficial with regard to the propcwcl
construction of a power 3am at the end:
of Link River la Kfamath eennty t"
furnish power for the California Ore i
ton Power Company. It ia aliown tv
Mr. Stone that if the dam is construct-j
ed it will flmnl the land of the Ktam j
nth Wter Vaersj Association and ru a
l cm.
Always a Winner
A Thorough-Bread
(Capital Jonrnivl Special Sc. vice.)
McAlpia, Or., Aug. 7. Must every
body 'a trraiu is being cut Bud harvest
time will Boon be here.
John Heyrman and Verbeu blioc.nuk
er culled at the Peterson home Friday
Miss Mabclle Morley is visiting at her
grandparents at Bunimit, Oregon.
Mrs. (!. E. Givcns and Mrs. Ore. Class
uer visited Turner folks Satardny,
Mrs. Anna B. Peterson, woo has been
ill for sometime, was opcralnl upon at
the Willamette Sanatorium in balem
Wednesxlny morning by Dr. H. O. hick
man. She is reported as doing nicely.
O. E. Oivea of this vicinity has rent
ed the Oeorge Givcns place of Turner.
Loganberry picking in the Lents yard
wus finished Thursday afternoon pick
er were getting a little shy as usual in
the wind up, but Mr. Lenta Lr.s harvest
ed an' extra large crop this ycai.
The evening was joyfully spcut by all
the pickers, a bonfire was built all
gathered, stories were told panics play
ed and songs were sung, lee cream then
wa served. A greeting song was sung
by the MeAlpiu. girls,then all parted
and wished to help Mr. Lent next year
harvest his trop.
(Capital Journal Speeial Service.)
Fairfield, Or., Aug. 7. Mist, tiestin
Mahony, who has been attending art
school la Ban. Francisco, ia attending her
vacation at home.
Kulph DuRett and wife nmdo a bus!
ne trip to Portland last Thursday.
John F. 'Wehruin will bejjia thresh
ing in this section Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs, Charles i.erin ere
spending the summer at W. M. Ma
hony 'a. Mr. Zerxan, who has been in
the army service since the woi began,
is honorably discharged. Ihey ejipect
to make their home iu Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward t.nsey and fsm
ily of McMinnville spent Sunday U B.
J. J. Miller'.
Ivan Stewart of Conallis a week
end guest at F. R. Pu Hette '.
Joe Cochran spent Sunday ia tsalem.
Miss Bertha Luthy, who hns beta in
tl Kerf Cross service in trance, is
- ending this week with her sister, Airs,
p. B. Du Rett.
Mrs. Howard Blivea and little dvigh
tir are making a two weeks' viait with
her mother, Mrs. Smith t-t ilopewe'i.
Arthur Hrook was a weeaeud vitor
at P. A. Ditna'.
Pes Moinea "Tickle toe Tom,"
braaen burglar, broke into Mrs. B. W.
Thompson's residence but after tick
ling the feet of her two daughters1 to
see if they were arloep, fouad them
awake and fled.
$$ Keep 'cm Ia The Circle $$
Deals In Real Estate
Fred Burrell to J. E. Wri'lit, M 1,
block Walnut GrovL adiiiliou.
Fred 8choll to Henry Stahl, lets 3
and 4, block 109, Hubbardt addition.
Anna B. Hofcr to G. X. Ely, lot 2,
Grabenhorst Fruit Farm No. 2.
C. H. Evans to J. P. Aspiugw&ll, CO
acres in Mr Swick claim, 7 t) Lj toOOO.
E. A. Kurz to Margaret E. bmith,
10.59 acres in A. Ccrey clmm 41-7-3 V.
T. H. Hunt to J. H. Blnko. M.Zb acres
in N. Coffey clnim 81 81 W.
Salem Brank & Trust Co., to K R.
Schram, lot 7, block 3, Burm.gton addi
tion. J. W. Baker to E. R. Schram, lo ,
blovk 3, Burlington addition.
K. W. Potter to L. W. Potur, part of
lota d aud 7, block 19, J!ub lidl Annex.
Katharine I'pmeyer to R. 0. 1'aulus,
lot 3, block 2, Daks addition.
Aug. llilfikcr to O. 11. Uilfiker, 48.34
aces in J. Martin claim 71, ami 7.V-8
seres iu L. Suvae claim 40-7 -ii W.
A. E. Cheuowilch to J. 0. Jkltzcl,
10.43 acres in A. F. Puvidsou claiiu, 17
8 3 V.
Los AnjC'ks Lo Angeles claims the
world's heaviest band, it i the po
lice band of 32 members, the lightest
member weighing 00 pounds. Total
weight 3'i tons.
Sau Angelo, Tex-is. The air ambu
Innee has arrived. When I-ander Wil
deii wa accidontal'v sliot at Victoria,
friends bundled him into an airplare
and flew to a hospital in Waco.
Don't Let 'em Roam 4 $
AT no rime is the tire question
. more important than when
ordering a car. The buyer who
specifies Firestone Gray Side
wall Tires has taken the short
cut to permanent satisfaction.
He has escaped the costly period
of experimenting.
No more convincing proof of this
could be desired than in the
mileage records of the Gray
Sidewail Tires during the past
year. Your dealer knows.
Most Miles per Dollar
eople's Cash Store