5250 CIRCULATION (23,K0 EEADEE3 DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit B urea a of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS 6EBVICI If Uuv Oregon: Ton":ji! and Friday fair except sharers and thun derstorms extreme estjitefn fir tion. cooler east portion; nitd erate winds tn-st'y westerly. m m a i fin rt (I ri : FORTY- SECOND YEAR PACIFIC FLEET, LONG Or, REALIZE Great Armada Passes In Re view Before Secretary Dan iels Off Diego Harbor. A-Sr San Diego, Cal.. Aug. ?. i V a icbo.; jut) jacuic new, a rtuiii last, it cn the job. The Priifie coast' dream ot a jell' oration, her iusistont demand of two decades und her great expectation m the past few weeks, were all realized shortly after 9 o'clock this morning, when tho newly created western arma da, with its new commundci, Admiral Hugh- Rodman, on the brulgo of his flagship, the New Mexico, wun, ma jestically past iu review bcior Secre tary of Navy Josephus Dai. uls. The cerenmny marking the official entry of tlio fleet into its newly assigiKu home waters took place off Coronado .beach, just outside San Diego harbor. Following the review, in which tho fleet steamed past the Montana, from which the secretary of the nuvy lia8 broken out his flag, all of the vessels with the exception of the giuni ('tend naughts, entcrud the harbor und took up anchorage positions. The six drendnanglits dropped their anchors off Cnronado Islands and will not attempt to enter the hnruor, despite the endeavors of Sun Dieguns to have at least the flagship, the New lie xico, berthed inside. Admiral Rodn.s.n gave as his official reason for keeping his first line ships outside the fact, that the harbor would be pretty well filled with smaller craft of the fleet. Naval men, however, put over quite a bit of fleet propaganda by letting it be known tlmt the commander was di&im lined to take Kny chances until congress has seen to certain harbor Improvements, w.ili-h naval men regard as necessary ut Han Diego. This same condition is said to exist at a number of other 1'iicific const ports which will be given a long distance look bv the big ships and a hint to have their congressmen get busy if they desire a closer view. The fleet completed its rendezvous, following Its trip through the i'aiiama canal, off tho CoMmado Islands yester day. Following a busy day, in which the finishing toltc lies were uddrd to the shins' holiday get -up, anchors were hoisted at 7:30 this morning i.nd, mov ing slowly off in the direction of San Dii.un. 17 miles nwrev. the various units fel of tli,.ir ll,,tt..,1 nine, a the hi-nd the line being fanned bv the six Sportsmen 's club on Labor Day. Vnl . ger was offered "diUfl and has accept (Continued on page six.) 1. UNITED STATES FACING REVOLT DECLARES PLUMB Author Of Railroad Control Plan 'JftPC NtriYfi Than Ildll OCC! lliJie llldil n Sees More 11 Mere Unrest Washington, Aug. 6. (I niled Piess.) filcun E. 'Plumb, author of the "Plumb plan" for railroad control, ap-j pescing before the house interstate com merce committee May, declr.red It Is re. oil and not simply unrest which (OH f r ents the Vnited States. "It is not unrest that confronts us," d, i.'red Plumb. " It is revolt bectuse of industrial conditions n0 finger to In lor.e.' I 1 umb asserted that "organizi ii hibor. no;' realizes that further ndva.iics in wi j;es at the1 expense of a cost ot liv ing exceeding tlu. w vtlue lire wholly futiir. To roircet tl is vicious system, t,c interests of bo! i consumers and pro ducers must be iotected, that tlie Teal incn-rcsr in c .- u .... . , , , . . , i i ,i i i ofi, i...l wilh evidence connecting dim with 'he :.!' human effort should be reflected."""" t-iuc.lr in increased earning power of Band Concert Program For Friday Evening Announced; The following is the program for the band concert to be given Friday even ing beginning at h o'clock from the band stand in Will-on park: March, Hail to Did i.lory Jewell (Selection, l.ndv Luxury S hrneder Walt. Visions of the Past IJHinsn (liy Rccj iist) Oavwttcs. St' phanie . - 'zibuika Selection High Jinks Clark Vneal Solo Mrs. Wti. Prunk s.. r.. rn.de- Wavside ( hapi-1 .: Wilson Overture. Golden !ceptre.... hlein -reil March. Tromlione N ctiun t baiol-ers f-tar Spangle! Banner NO. 1S3.-EIGHT PAGES. I) AS FACT TODAY m COMPLETE FOR V. SALE OF ARMY FOODS Buyers To Place Orders At Post Offices Or With Mail Carriers. Washington, Aug, 7. Plans for the sale and distribution of surplus army food to the American people "through the parcel post system ore now prac tically complete and gales will begin immediately it was- announced today by the postoffice department. Buyers will place orders with local postmasters or letter carriers, it was stated, in writing, in duplicate. The cost of the nrticlo plus the postage charges will be collected at the order is placed. the tune Postmasters will order from distribu tion depots, which will be 'located so that consumers will be within the first and second parcel post zone so far as possible. The orders will then be mailed from thee depots. The policy of "first come first serv ed" will be adhered to throughout the entire operation it was stated. It -is anticipated that more orders will be received thau it is possible to fill. Postmaster General Burleson has ob tained temporary authority from' the interstate commerce commission, it was stated, to raise tho weight limit on MUcel post to 125 pounds in order to take care of some of the heavier ar ticles to be sold by the government. The regular weight limit is "0 pounds. (Continued on page six) Kilbane Offered $10,000 To Meet French Chairman New York, Aug. 7. Johnny Kill world's featherweight champion, litis been offered lo,omi Vah'er, the French to meet Benny chnmpion, in n-i eight round bout bciore tne .iwarn .nose Vila produce ana in tne increased cost of the eiVniiioditv.'' 1,0 Willl!(1 '"' commitiee that the V rMiorma holders of liberty bond, in j the .. lined States will look askance ut uuv .liui c to umcn.ittee a six per vent return on railroad securities, siic-h as ba, heta ptt)MK wliile liberty (lmnd l,uvers get but hj to 4' per cent.' iteferring directly to labor's railroad Plan, I'lumn sain: The vast arniv of proilci'-eis for who-i 1 nppc-ir urn imt divided but cuoie before you ns a united force, pro fou idly convinced of the economic (Continued on Page Six.) nftMD DT H WTCD CIIPfrT uuiuu i itu l Lit guiji cuv i LEAPS TO DEATH WHEN CONFRONTED BY POLICE I.c.s Angeles, t'ul., Aua. 7. With Charles Mofiuire desd from an eleven story leap efter he was confronted dynamiting of the home of Os-ar Law tier, an attorney. hv fnnday. anttinn ties are today conn mieg uicir wnesu - iiratiOB of his prs.inie connection witn( tt,e case in tne iupe oi n in-many iciearitcg n nee mcv-.,,-,,, ,.r,ni ,mic, t , , persons have been under suspicion for i , ,r . . .... M -(ir.ire leaped' to fci. death Smmedi - atelv after being told that a grand jurv indictment of him would be 'sottglit tcl.iv. This followed discovery 1 0f ci.lnr-cc that McOwire purclniscd idvnnmit re. ent'v end eviden -e of en- miiT toward Ijiwle-, who r,ppin.id M- .Owiie in a will ec.ictrst suit. VetHrirce was aiant chief engin- jeer of the puWie service nt;liti l"rd He was in the hall (f jtiti.-e when he fc,i4.l Icpe i. broke. y rn-hed to the window Every bone ir. his l"dy and tas SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST DREAMED Who Wants To Own A Gold Mme With Loganberries Paying Dividends Thus!j Here is the champion logan- 'berry story of the season. - . J. II. Huffman, living north of Salem on thj liver road in the Keiaer boDorn, from his three and threi fifths acres loganberry tract, picked 4li,- 4;!4 pounds. For this amount tif logans, he was paid $3711.7, The yield per acre for this one crop alone was 1U:U. The acreage and number of pounds picked is vouched for bv Mr. Hoffman. Fred K. Man- gis of the firm of Mangis Bros. vouchci for tho amount, as his cheek books sh-jw that Mr. Hoffman really was paid 714.74 fur berries from the one j tract. Mr. Hoffman lives on the road to flpong's landing and his tract is about opposite the Blake home and not far from the Lachuiund tract, it is of a sandy 'nam and especially adapted lo loinbcrries and strawberries. SHOP KEN'S STRIKE TIESMMTS Rail Freight Being Accepted Today Only As Subject - To Delay. Chicago, Aug. 7.- -Kuilroad freight was accepted by the government's lines today "subject to delay on 'account of strikes, " on orders issued by It, Jf. Aishton, regional director. Officials of striking shop men re ceived the niiiinutic?iiient with enthusi asm, declaring it presaged a complete t it'll j In three day. K. A. Milroy, assistant district at torney, today was to question other union men in his effort to obtain evi dence with which to prosecute lor al leged conspiracy to tie up government ri,uid- Denver Mca to' Strike Denver, Colo., Aug. 7. Six thousand railroad shop men here plan to strike at Jo. a. in. Friday. Similar walkouts i throughout the lio:y Mountain region are expected to lollow. Spokane Shops Hit Spokane, Wiisli., Aug. 7. Six hund red shop men stru l; at the Ureal Northern shops at Hillyard, adjoining Spokane, at i a. in. today. This brings tho total of raiirund workers now on strike hero ta well above LiWO. I ine ureat Jortjeia car men cany in the week voted not to atiike but reconsidered yesterday afterauou. Food BUort in Iowa 1-Vs Moines, lona. Aug 7. Iowa faces a perishable food shortage be cause of the railw-iy shojnneu's strike, le Moines wholesa'e dealers declared today. Ues Moines wholesalers arc already almost out of potatoes, vegetables and fruits, they said. The meat supply is also running law. At local railway offices it was said several ears of men's and vegetables were (tailed ea ruV here. Severnl rail roads have emba.goes on pcrisiiaide shipments out of many punts in the state, officials said. Tacoms Workers Quit. Tnconia, Wash., Aug. 7.- Twelve hundied shopmen htruck at ) o'clock today at Cue Northern Pacific ahoja at plunger in the Pacific until the Japanese South Tacoms. At Atlburn, looo nien!,,,.,, ; getthd. Hawaiicn ter iiory of the Great Northern walked out. Gen-; j uow a Japanese colony, aad t'a.ifo eral Manager H. B. Failing of Hie Wl ;i,ia in fa,t becoming so. A reuieay uiust waukee csvsteui said ruu'idhouxe mi n ou eight of the It divisions were out. Car men were also out on ini.uy of ;i,e di visions. Seattle Promoters Seeking , n ItT'U II L ITldltU rUl IlliiiC ifiCCildil c l. l ' S'-i,t!le, Yvn.-ti., Aug. t. Loeni ,. , . imoters are making ai effort to pro iaud 1 U Franci-co to meet .either 1 oung Hector or Ole Anoerson, the pic k of the northwest lici.vye,Light. 1 Anderson holds win our Hectoi. A return match between the two lO'-al ton s has been proiwspd, the win .er to eet the Raa Franeiaco boxer. i m hicaso The res en Walter Finne gan 'e Ooiy t icr of shoes ben he went to t'i police itltion nas bec iuse t th w-,uM:i't fit w h iM :p men hr They strapped him of everything met. I eNe. JOSEPH IW iMIilliltlT III BUDAPEST Allies Delegate Governmental Authority To Archduke Say Reports. RUMANIAN KING ALSO SEEKS RULERS THtfONE Peidl Police; Allies To Enforce Treaty. London, Aug. 7. (Unitwi Press ) A new agency dispatch from Budapest today said the now Hun garian socialist government ha4 re signed and that the allied mission lei delegated : goverrmcntal au tiiorlty to Archduke Joseph. Paris, Aug, 7. (United Press.) Julius Peidl, premier of the new Hnn gariau government has been overtluown the pencp conference was advijed today. The report stated that Archduke Joseph had established a government. The coup d'etat by which Peidl wr.a overthrown was carried out by the Hun garian police, it was said. There was i.o disorder. The police ariested the members, of the cabinet while tiicj were holding a session. It was held by the peace conleienee todnv that the Kumnninu ultimt.tum to the Hungarians, demanding surrender of iNaterje 'h, upsetj the reparation terms of t'n Austriaa treaty. l'r nch diviskr.s iii tho Orient, it was iMtYuetl todnv. I .e been ordered to Budapest iu e;so the Iiumuiiiivn force do not leave as ordered by Hut allies. A small force of American tronpn. under Cnntuin Novcs. toLithcr with minor detachments of Frcnih, linllsh und Czechs, are now uccupiiij iud pest jointly with the Huniauiun.s, ad vices to the peace confereiKt said to dr.y. The peace conference was advised that the Hungarian social -demociats, rep resented by the Heidi ministry, lind appealed to the allies not to permit Kumninau ocenjintion and establii nmcut of a react ioiiury government. Tne Ru manians were reported today to be pit lagiug Budapest und the surrounding country. This action apparently had been tak en after the Rumanian hud notiiiiu the ila Italians tln.t inasmuch m, the minis too terms embodied iu the Uumauion iiltiinatiini had not been accepted, Ho inanlmi forses wonl cross the Imnnbc. (Continued on page three) SENATORS REJOICE OYER HEW PROCR Establishment Of Pacific Fleet Means New Era 0a Coast Say Scons. Wnshington, Aug of r. Pacific fleet 7.- K.-tab.isl.i.ient prove o tlce greate.t- benefit to the (ti"i(i nit, s nntoiM and representative! from roast stiites declared today, j scfc "The I'aeific fleet means the lrfLtcdjf recognition or ine i acme coasi un.i ine imoorlance of the Pacific Ocean si, ate- (.jciillv and coinincrciully," said Sci.i.tor Phelaii. Cat. "There will alwavs be be found in diplomacy id l-gidatlon. Hut nobodv will listen to you m.less yon are strong." Senator ChHmberlain, Oregon, siciu: "There isn't any question but that Secretary Danie ls is doing Hie .lght thing in dividing the fleet aad putting uart of it on the Pacific coast. The j whole Pacific coast line is prc tie ally unprotected, except at Bremerton, ob- 'solcte fortifications at the mouth of j the Columbia und incompo te ones at! San Francisco. The fleet v i II aiforcli the people of the const a fe chug of se-i , urity. It will help stabilize conei.,ions and thus increase the coast's prosper ity." Se nator McNarv, Oregon, ud: "We are very glae the government has seen fit to give in aclclcd protection. iu this way. It will have a great talne ia brir-.mg the ercst and t'.ie wet tn - eeth.-r ami crei.ling a inoic hani ceii,. is " . I i (Continued on page three) 7, 1919. IllCl RAILROADS Al BIG SYSTEMATICALLY PLUNDERED - 1 Evidence Against Chicago White Rioters Presented Chicago, Aug. 7. -Evidence against white rioters five of whom confess ed late last night waa to be present eel to the re -assembled grand jury to day, following ita strike" yesterday because, its members said, evidence against negroes oniy was presented by State)' VtcVorney K,oyae. IKI JBE Yonng Man Returns From Cruise Abroad With United States Navy. The beautiful blue Paaiibe river waa most awfully muddy where David Howard saw it. The Danube has sev eral mouths as it flows into the Black sea. but the cargo rhip "Western Al ly" on which )-ounj Howard was serv ing barely three months ago dropped unehor at the main mouth of the gieut rivur, where it is 1 anked up on each side to force a current through the snnd bar where the river pours, into the sen. David Howard 'vent into the nnvy whea but 17 years old last August. He returned home last Sunday with his cUs. hnrge. In the om! year 'a time, he has traveled half w.iv around tho world got acquainted with Ifumniinn soldiers v.-li ci ns he savs are halt boisheviK, vis iled (s-iustnntinoiile and the. famous island of Malta, rvubled till over the rock of Uibraltar with a bptiuish prize fight thrown in for jood iueaure. He is the sou ot Mr. and. Mrs. . ft. How ii tel. Tho Roumanian ex-soldiers are a prct ty dirtv and ragged looking lot, ac cording to young Howard. Many were (jflrefooled as they Worked on the docks and clad in .gunny sacks, isoine wore moccasins! made out of gout skins. As tho month of the Danube is not so very far from Kuia, mod ef the Koumnn- lans who had served in the army had become bolsheviks. In t'nnttnntinopl? young Howard not ed Hist the average Turkish citizen was a pretty tougli lookiiiif proposition The Turks he said "were a Jiard look ing bunch." At (librultar, where the cargo ship was stationed fur ::() duvs, the sailors had shore leave every other night. It was near Uilun!t:ir that he witnes.sed a genuine Np.mish hull f ght, paving OO cents admission. It was at this one fight that he saw Jo horses killed, f bulls kilied and two torrenclors injured. Just to tense the bull into a gcHid fighting humor, horses are led into the arena, Howard snid, with the eye band iged next to the bull. When the enraged bull saw the horse, the torreoclors wc .lid skip out ami leave the horse to be gored to death. Young Howard also eonfiiinii the as to the general ili feeling shown be tween Knglcsh sailor, known as 'lime juicers" und the buys of the American navy. With the bus from the French j navy there was al'vays a friendly feel litigant when a bunch of "lime juic ers'' and Aiiiericti: j.ukics met on shore leave, there was generally a fine tehnnie for a fights-Howard said Kng lish tars were jut a little too slow I with their fists and for this reason I the American boys always came out oct nhen lucre uas a scrap on. ABE MABTIrf Who remembers when Hi 'only noise mm- that marred th long. aiepy, huinmpr . ,,roT(lire, r t a n k for improvirjf 47 miles iift''rnoecns wu th' oedisionai ratue o'iflf r,)il( ov,,r ((ie t,lmmit of the nunm celluloid cuffs or a buggy tti.nin'jta-ln( a, a post load. Tins project call" a'oiind f "Milkmm hardly cvfi marry, fr La.,e county paying half the e it m tln-y see .) uinny women eariy la th'.g,,,! (),,. jjovernmeni and Mate "3 r inorniH1, " wnz a dariu' statement o' cent each. Th estimated cost is cr,- Lafe Bn.l, t '.b y. Ii"". PRICE TWO CENTS Big Financial fully Wrecking Roads Is Charge Made By Plumb. By LC. Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Aug. 7. Charging a "systematized plundering of American railroads," Glenn E. Plumb today told the house interstate commerce committee that the fourteen railway unions had summoned a national con ference on railroad control to meet in Washington. Plumb said the evidence upon nhichl Those Invited to the railroad erjfeo ho bused his charges that bij; based his charges that bill linaneiaVn,(s ,ie ,nK,, ,re! interests had wrecked loada would be reserved until "it could be properly prepared and submitted to the jury of congress and public opinion." Plumb is the originator of the Plumb plan of. railroad control, whi h too em ployes bio demanding, uud is acting us attorney for them iu tlu-ir campaign. MAYS FREE TO PERFORM FOR YANKEES BY TERMS 1 OF COURT INJUNCTION New York, Aug. 7. Armed with an injunction issued here Inst night br a, justice of the New York supreme court. . i. - A : .. l ........ i ' cue iii-M j ui A nuicicctcii u ngue i.iiae-ii' bull club prepared today to cniry its fight on Han Johnson, president of the j wrecking and looting of the New ork, league, to tho lost ditch. The nijunc-iNew lluven mid Hartford railroad, th tloa prevents Johnson from mtcrfuingj Chicago and Alton, the rtock Island with Carl May pitcher recently pnr- system and the Frisco lines art not spo rhased from the lloston club, and also rudic examples of the highway roobory restrains ther American U.iiie clubs to which the Americ an nntwi hn ben from declining to play with tho Ynn-1 subjec ted as to Its ptiblio transportation keen. It has been intimntid that an ! highways. Lending directly from Wall effort would be mado to boycot the! Street and from the banking bflwe Yankees if they asked nn injunction, controlled directly by the Morgan tni agniiist Johnson. j Rockefeller groups, these facts show Following issuance of the icstrii'.ning that there has proceeded a systematic order, Colonel Jacob Ruppeit and Uou-j plundering of virtually alllif the publia tenant Colonol Huston, owners ot thej transportation highways of the ti.iitet club, sent telegrams to every club own ' stntcs. rr In Hit American league, inviting! "We believe that a conarc3ional In them to a conference here next Mondav,! vesti.'iiti'in will reveal that no nne rnll- at which they proposed to discuss "the case. Jehnsoa also was invileii to at - lend. The injunction will be argued the ibi.V't following the proposed meeting. Ma- s, it was stud, might In one f the games today against l!ie Ht.) Louis Ilrowns. That inattei is uj to Manager Hii(;gins, Colonel Kuj -port . did. lie has been told that he may work Mays at any time. DEPARTMENT HUNTING FOR PROFITEERS Thousand Agents Spread Over Country Today Searching For Evidence. Washington, Aug. 7. Kvidet.ce against the packers will hi- print ed to the grand Jury In Cluugo, . which meets It threa weeks, Uuiteo Btatei District Attorney Ciyuc of Chics go said hera today. By Ealph F. Couch (t'nitcd Press stu'f corres)iident) Washington, Au. 7. An army of more than 1'tOO ants and employes of the department of justice today plunged into a nation wide hunt for Eugene-Florence Highway To Follow Jrow Pass Route Portland, Or., Aug. 7. The state highway comniissiii has definitely lo euted the Kugcne Florence roB'l, lecting the Low Pasj route in Lane county. Commissioners Thompson and Booth voted for the selected route which ... n,.n..,l her 4 h.iirnmn Itenson. whoctei in the camoa ,'n tomorrow, when favored High Pass because the engin - cer reported it would be 1 12,0 cheaper. The other commissioners adopted the j low I'ass rouie nt'eause mev ew. it will serve the mo-t people. The rosd, as now located, will connect wilh the j Pacific highway south of June tiUB. TI... ...n,,n;u;.,n h, iTia kfince tvel ,, . insirm'ted the engineer to OX TRAINS AND KIW STANDS ri VI C-ST Interests Wil Frank I . Walsh, former Joint chair man of the mitiona! war labor board; Joseph W. Folk, former governor rf Missiiuil; Raymond Robins, John I.ind of Minnesota, Edward F. Dunne, for mer governor of lillinois; Dr, Howard W. Bcuinis, Felix Adler, tiovcraor Allen of Kansas, Julia I'. Lrthrop, kwid f the children's bureau of the depnrtmeut of labor; Judge Walter Clark, North Carolina, and Dean Herman Heaaetdcr, of the Vniversity of Cincinnati. After annouueing the eaafc.-erc I'liiiiib mid; "During tnis week there bus come in to the possession of the railroad broth et hoods and ten affiliated railway la bor organizations of the American Fed eration of Uibor a set of facts never spread before the American ponpio or submitted to the jury of public opinion. These facts tend to show thai i roi;d system dominating auv part ot the ( i;j4,(HHl miles of railroads In the uaiiea ihiatcs but has suffered and is sufferlns a degree if not to the snme extent from carefully deliberated manipuia- tins f ,c sort that imve wniaco mu ruined the railroads I have mentioned. t reveal with tmpicasu ine vvia ' ,,f the words recently u'terrd befersa (Continued oft pae three) OF JUSTICE evidence to gain wholesale conviction of food profiteers a id price gangers. Spread over every section of th Cnited States, this force of investigat ors bctaa work under orders of 2UO federal attorneys. I'nited States Biar slia!s and deputies will help. Aai-ist-ane-e is mailable fr'u a corps of train ed agents of the fe-icnil i radct eomuii sion. Attorney ticn -r-il Pa'mer waa ia his ottice here today directing t'a woik. Fiisf arrests are expected within a few days, it was nid at I a.mer a af- f ie p. Convicted profiteers may face jail terms under the utr time food control aits which gave l'-i!mer authority to loicbr the "clan up" in tclogiiiiiea ba sent to all federal district attorney lute yesterday. With the opening of this eampacga today I'.dmer took the f rst step plaa iic d by the governilieect in an citcnsiva ec'iiomy offensive lo reduce liviaj costs and curb Iioa.diug and manipulat ing of food stocl.i. ' Acting under I'alner'a orders, th ! second step was lining taken in New York, where Attorney I. J.' Krese.l be gan organizing a f 'ice to move ajrainst jthe big packers f..r alleged viotationa of the anti-trust U.vs. j President Wilson will take the third 'he adlresma congress on the need for . new and permanent legislation to re. I - - (Continued on page three) STRIKE PROB2 ON Chicago, Ang. li. Federal investiga tion tsis under'i!y here today inio ti ciiusi s of the strike of nboul u'J.IMO rail way slioimeii in the Chicagc, (Jij'.rict. The men, deptrtnn-nt of j'isl'.te ufrHH declared, quit work without wnction of the grand lodge of th- uni.ia. Al.'eg'd weirk of agitators will be hmkfd int, it wsis ."aid.