Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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L!T your property with SOCOLOF-
WANTEIV Ford Chevrolet touring
ear will pay cash, p W 11 care Jur
nyL " I!
tATrou if w i irr in r.rn i btitmt le tut ptct en i ivr
JUUiUUiL HAiU ill yiXAivllliLill U IQLfiUI lUJLJJLtU
Bat per word New Today:
Hack insertioa .
. U
. 5
0e week (I insertions)
One month (26 insertion).
The Capital Journal will sot l re
sponsible far more than one insertion,
fe arrora in Classified Advertisement
Bead tow sdvertifcement the first day
It appear aud notify u inunediiteljr ii
arror oeears. "'
Minimum eharge, 15a.
MAKTIN" painter. Phon 704. 8 26
WOOD lor sale. Phone 2093M.
WANTFJD Cattle aud calves, any
kind. Phone 157oW. 8 5
TWO heifer calvs for sale. l40
Brooks ave. Call evenings. 8-6
WANTED 50 hop pickers, register at
124 8. liberty. 8 ?
2000 TO loan on good farm security.
Phona 2tl2li vV. 8 i
WANTHD Cattle, veal and
hogs. 1425M.
9 4
I'RAlCTKJAliLY now wheel for sale
cheap. Inquire at Liberty gnrago. 8 7
TENT for aalc. Phoue 2209J.
FURNISHED house wanted. Call 832,
1X)ST Monday pair baby' shoes,
white ton. Phone 14031:. 8 6
Marion garage.
u'x, 1918 model at
IS'JIOE sleeping room for rent.
fl2 8tate
EXPERIENCED lady waitress wanted
Jtoyale Uafoterin. tf
FOB SALE Baled hay in field, one
mile east of city. Phona 19K4. tf
ROOFS elcanod, painted, patched and
tarred. Itoue C. J. Kays at 1648. 8 6
GIRLS wanted at the Glove Factory,
1435 Oak St. Steady work. 88
FOR fiALB-HOarago 18x22, gaa tank
Do gallons, house and lot 0Uxif47,
1925 Btato St, 8 8
FOR dress makinz seo M-s. A. IT w;"
dorman, 1170 N. 15 St. Phone 1608H,
WB make the best power prune dippers.
Salem Mtg Co, 1396 M. Front bu tf
JAR LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. tf
GOOD horse for sale or trade for milk
cow, and eadb. Call 58F4. 8-7
W. BT3AVER well driller. Phono 827J,
1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 8-8
W. F. WRIGnT, Turner, auctioneer,
Why not get hiint tf
FOR SALE 2 hop stove and pipe,
in good condition. Kt. 6, box 42, Q.
W. Eoff. 89
1AM leaving town, will sell seven room
house, two larjie lots, large barn,
chicken house, fruit trees, $liiod,
rart cash: rest t"rm. Phone 1322M.
WE offer a vary fine Mason & Ham
lin organ, one of tho very best reed
organs made, equal in tone to a pipe
organ, will make special low price
for quick enle, terms. The Wiley B.
Alloa Co. 519 Court St. 8-7
FURNISHED housekeeping and single
bod rooms for rent. No childre-u. tall
afternoons 713 Center St.
FOR SALE iBuilding 24x36 and maH
lot cheap. Phone 1038J or 102F13.
WANTED 1000 suits to clean. C.
Ezra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning,
1855 State St. Phone 508. 8-14
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful now colors. Bnren
Oom'l SU
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double rcll
upward. Buren'i Furniture Store.
179 Commercial. tf
We boy and sell note, inert-
fages and all k:.nds of bond.
s) 814 Mfeonia Building
0 Balm, Oregoa
buy in salem always
Wj w4 waMrmi "
314 Mason Bid,
FOR SALE Or nrfcugo, fine 100
acre alfalfa farm (Idaho); 124 acre
HO plowed, Cottage Grove. K. Kurt,
HaU-y, Ore. 5
FIRST las carpenter just in from the
east, -wants work, eaa handle any
kind of a job. Addreaa N K tare
Journal. 5
FOR SALE Good cow, give 4 gal
lon daily, 4 yeai old. Corner Jol
' fereoa road aud S Com 1 St. Com
at noon or after 9 p. n. 8 7
WANTED Man and wife, man to
drive team and woman to pick ber
ries. Et. 1, box 4C, Turner, Or. 8 6
FLA1X sowing at home, 25e per hour.
Phone 790, residence 1120 theme
eta. 811
WANTED Woman for house cleaning
day work. Apply 125 N. Comme-rial.
FOR hauliog and truck work try the
Fanners Transfer truck, phone 100S
M, 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Bieder
man. 9-4
TEAM, wagon and, harness for sale.
Phone ti,F4 after 7:30 p. m. 'ream
will be at Chorry City barna Sat.
Aug 9. 8 7
PHONE us your ordor for piano tuning
and regulating, iest of service and
attention. The Wiley B. Allen Co..
519 Court St. Thone 492. 8 7
THERE'S money in rabbits and we
have them. See Cherry City . KaD
bitry, 23ojS.CoraT. 8 7
FALLS City Logging A Lumber Co.,
Palls City, (Jr. wants men for mm
aud yard work. Wages 50o per hour
and up. Oood school and living ac
commodations for married mon. 8 9
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; Trill
tako back and forth in anto morn'ng
and evening; 2c per lb, good pick
ing. Phone 373 after 7 p. m. tf
WANTED To rent graia ranch of 150
to 200 acres with pasture and good
buildings; will pay eash or ehare.
Write F E care Journal. . tf
FOR SALE Nine room house, large lot
modern conveniences, double garage
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. G L care Journal. tf
FOR SALE Winchester repeating hot
gun, with all leather carrying case
and brass point cleaning rod, (35.
1050 Norway St. 8-7
WANTED 'Why injure your roof by
painting with eonl tar wnen you can
have it cleaned and painted with a
gua-anteed asp'ialt paint! For in
formation and estimates address
Frank Mayo, Gen. Del., Balem. Or.
HOP pickers wanted; we par 60e pw
box and furnish you tents, wood and
straw free. Write and register now,
stating the number of pickera in
Tour family. E. Clemen llorst Co.,
Independence. Or. 8 6
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery stock for fall dolivcry.
Also a second hand Maiwcld auto
will trade for a good team. Brooks
Nursery, Lafayette, Or. . 8-28
the old reliable Page fence direct
from factory in car load lot; Per
foolion Automatic Gate Milwaukee
air pressure water systems, fresh r
ter direct from spring or well. L. J.
Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silvcrton,
Pago fence men for Marion and
Clackamna countiea. 818
HOP pickers wanted in Mitoma yard,
we furnish wood and tents, store on
grounds, all former pickers, welcome
and new ones as wolf, at 60c er box,
114 acre of the very beet hoj in
Oregon, register at Adoiph tros..
State St., or Homer H. Smith, ilc
C'ornick bldg., Court St. tf
WANTED A five or six room bunga
low in a good location. Have a client
that is going to buy this week. If
you have a property that you are
wanting to sell at a reasonable value
list it with me I will have him con
sular it.
ftf acres of first claw land located a
few miles east of the city, all in
fcillivain. (No pther (improve
ments) will sell in 10, 20 or 40 acre
tract. Land adjoining sell for 200
per acre, you can buy this for $165
for small troet or good eity property
small tract or good eity property.
List your property with me. I want
a number of installment properties,
city or farm. Tell your want to H.
S. 'Badcliff, room 4 Bayne bldg. 8 5
$$ Keep 'm la The Circle $$
Salem, Oregon
wiudm ill
8 12
l'hor.e uKoJ.
unery iHpt. uue io. oa
LIST your property with SOCOLOF
6KT, 341 Hate. 8 6
GOVERNMENT leans at Percent.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
merce, tf
FOR SALE Four oom bungalow with
basement, good location. $1500. F. L.
Wood, Payne b'.A. 8 8
FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, good con
dition, buy from owner, cheap. See
it at 292 X. Huh St. 8 8
LABORERS wanted at standard wages
by Oregon Pulp & Paper Co Salem,
Or. , 8 7
LIST vour "property with
SKY 341 State.
iFOR SALE 200 ncre farm on easy
terms; would coiu'der small acreage
in trade. Addresj Owner care Jour
nal. . 8-7
FOB SALE Or tn.de, by owne-, lot
SuxloO feet, 6 room house with bath
and toilet, 3 blocks from car. 416
Masonic Temple. ' 8-7
WANTED To trade, 74 acre farm for
modern residence in town or a few
acres close to Stlem. Call at 1106
Fer-y St. . 8-7
FOR SALE Hons.) and lot, best buy
in South Salem on Judson St. one
block east of Commercial. See A. J.
Baldwin. 811
AUTO roadster Tor sale or trade, a
bargain for the party with cash if
. taken before the 7th. See at 725 S.
Commercial. 85
WANTED Lady to help in general
house work on farm for niau, wife
and child, light work, good home.
Salem, Rt. 4, Phone 12F5. 8-9
ft. BARGAIN 1917 Reo 5 pass, auto,
five good tires, perfect condition;
will take Ford 5 passenger as part
pay. Salem Velio eomany, 162 N.
Commercial street. 8-6
WANTED Position in Salem by com
petent bookkeeer and stenographer.
Will substitute during summer vaca
tions. Phone 202. tf
ESTATE for sale, all or half; three
hundred acres, hundred cultivation,
balance pasture; good 9 room house
and 4 -oora house, new barn, out
buildings, school on place; acre
prunes, family orchard, good roads,
only (45 per acre, terms. 461 South
Cottage. 8-1
FOR SALE (Modern 8 room house, 2
linen closets 2 lavatories, urnare
heated; will sell partly fu-niahed;
must dispose of at once. 168 N. 12th
St. opposite sivpte no court bldg. 8-11
RETURNED overseas man desire em
ployment. Experienced salesman both
city and traveling. Understands
bookkoeping. Address- R G S care
of Journal. 8 11
HOP pickers register now. Three
weeks picking, pleasant camp ground
pood clean yard, tents and cut wood
furnished. Hrgister at office of Wil
lamette VuJ'.uy T'rnnifer Co., cor.
Ferry and High Sts. Phone 1400. tf
STOCK for sale 4 grade Jersey cows;
150 White Leghorn hens, your choice
1 ea-h; 1 broadt-ast seeder; 1 reg
istered Jersey, fresh this month;
must be sold this week. II. II. Stock
well, Rt. 1, box ".'!, near Knowbs
station. 86
2."00 TAKES block, with good 8
room house, newly papered, bath, toi
let, elect rie lights, cement walks,
garage, good barn, fruit and garden.
Will S"ll all or part. Also have largo
lot with 2 room house. Owner here
short time only. Inquire 1395 N. Lib
erty tit. tf
FOR SALE Hanlman piano, five pas
longer autn, roll top desk and chair,
typewriter, lounge, 5 foot wire fenc
ing, chicken founts, green food chop
per, lantern, washing machine, mole
trap, garden tools also lot of tools;
lenving town must bo sold. Q. A
Wood, 715 N. Clu.eh street. M
349 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
1917 Ford 450
Little Plander 20 250
1916 Maxwell (400
let us paint and repair your tar,
Briscoe, ')50
Saxon realtor (W0
1918 Chevrolet ednn
5 passenger Ovreland te trade lot lot
1918 Studobaker 1950
1fl!7 Saxon fix 7i0
1915 Overland 1500
We wreck auto for their part, thi
enable yoa to get old car part at
a bargain. Cash price piia far junk
5 passengT Stddebaker, 1180.
We sell oils, grraae, old anto parts
tires and aec.snries.
PlmabUiK n4 Vier Sysft.i. 1 !.
by GRABEB BROS, 1 11 Sontb Liberty
Bt, Phono .',0. Al eot for Fair
banks-Morse Cm Engine.
' Is mmm siTlir1aii
WANTED Exper'i-ed salesman for
tea furnishings aud general store
work. Oale t v-'o. 8 8
FOR SALE Cheat y baled, 4 miles
eaM of asylum. 1 S per ton. Phone
32F2. 8 8
FOR SALE A modern house ready to
move into. Come aad look it over,
645 8. 12th St. V. A. Erixon. if
WANTED City lo.ierty, have a de
mand for 5 and room bungalows;
wanted several houses that can be
repaired and made te.uetable. Wanted
installment property. List your prop
erty with me. 11. S. Radeliff, Payne
building. 8 7
WANTED At 2000 to $ri000 a year
and up aeeounts, bookkevers, office
men, stenographers, cashiers. I want
to hear from capable aplic ants,eithe:
with or without bookkeeping experi
ence, who are au-'Uitiou to get into
higher accounting positions. Our or-gauir-ation,
with the largest staff of
accounting and business efficiency
experts in the world and with repre
sentatives throughout the I'uited
States, can meet oi.ly to a ery lim
ited degree the numerous calls being
made or high (grade accountants,
cot accountants, auditors, junior
and senior accountants. Government
al and business demands have ex
hausted the suprly of trained men
The readjustment of comniee and
industry to a peace basis; the re
eontruction end reorganization of
American busineti along more effi
cient lines, the more scientific analy
sis of cost to neet domestic and
world competition, and the necessi
ty for accu-ate income and excess
profit tax roiports to the government
have created thousands of new and
attractive opportunities for perma
nent positions in ihe higher account
ing field.
Our organization has been called.up-
on to uclp meet this unusual aitua
tion and has requested me to inter
view both men and women in this
community who desire to qualify for
position through training. This can
be done while lidding your present
position. Accepted ajplii'anta will be
placed under the direct supervision
of one of our stat' a ee-tirica puo
lie accountant and trained in the
speeial procedure necessary to qual
ify for important accounting work.
A present knowledge of bookkeeping
is desirable, but not required. No in
terviews will be granted except to
those who state in writing their age,
business experience, present position,
education, if possible give telephone
number. All information confidential,
fl 410, Journal. 8 7
57 acre tract located 2 miles from
Salem, 80 acres cultivated, balance '.a
pasture and 5 acres good srtoiid growth
fir timber, 10 acre t.f fit year old
Italian prunes, 1 acre bearing cherries,
some apples, running water, 7 room
house, barn, good road. Investigate
this. Price 160 per vie.
10 acres all cultivated, f o.id 5 room
plastered bungalow, barn, well, family
orchard, 5 acres 4 year old .ti nes, 2
acres loganberries, close to Pacific
highway. Price 4r00.
5 acre of first cbisj legnnberry or
prune land, located on rock road just
off of Pacific highway, 4 miles out.
Prico 1000.
10 acres itrarly all cultivated, good
bunualow partly finished, I acres in
apples, peaches and-Jogaiubcrries. Price
100 aero farm, T") acres cultivated,
sums fine second growth fir timber;
build'laUs, close to Pacific highway.
Prico H.")00.
320 acre farm 2 miles from Pacific
highway, SO acres cultivated, build
ings. Price.40 per acre.
10 acres, 5 acres of bearins prunes,
small house, all cultivated. Price t-V
98 acre farm located on Howell prai
rie, 50 acre cultivated, houso and liarn,
located on main Silvcrton road. Price
$125 per acre.
10 acres in bearing Italian prunes,
6 and 9 years old. Price .r),r)00.
50 aero tract located 4 miles moth
of Salem; 20 aere bearing prunes, 6
acres of pears, some timber, house and
barn, dryer, rock rond, crop goes. Price
5 room plastered eottnge. Private
water system, just outside the city
limits. Price ilW'0. cash, balance
monthly payments.
4 room modern bungalow, basement
bath, toilet, electric light. Price IW0
$000 down, balance $15 par month, 6
percent interest.
Ooed 5 room modern bungalow lo
cated 1795 8. High street. Trice 12730.
I room modern hoiuie located on par
ed streets corner lot. Price t2500.
5 room modern bungalow located on
paved street, basement. Price 2260,
Strictly modern 9 room home, ( bed
rooms, jnftge lnt east front, paved
street. Price 5500,
Well improved 6 acres triut, 1 acre
of loganberries, 2V4 acre of cherries
and walnut in full canng. tinna
room bonne, barn. Price HK. I000
d'wn, balance at 8 percent intereet
1 acre all in bearing. fruit just out
side of the city limita. PrUe I'WO. 100
down, balance terms at o percent in
If vou want to buy or ell see
tTK State street 8!
FO ALB A good Willamette valley
rsack 7V4 seres, 12 mile from Sa
lem 2 mil's from good town, H
mi' from R. R. s'ailon V, to Vk
mil to 8 tknrchei and t Schools in
cluding h'j;h school; mail delivery
twice esch dar; telephone; good
neigV-horiOfMl; the bet cold ifift wa
ter. Fenced and eroiMI fenced; level
land 2 we k timber, m-iin rnsd,
wd build;rs: with or without emn
and Jinitiffiet. Just put in barn 50
tons of ha (ram 12 acres. This is
one of the b !roo'iee rsfuhes Is
this conn'ry; will all or a pTt to
Siit pniaer. if a'en at or.ce.
Frank W. Lsthrop, Turner, Or. tf
These middies are made from the best quality of "MIDDY TWILL" manu
factured by the two leading Middy Makers of America.
See Display in Court Street Window
While they last $
High Grade Kid Gloves
Small and large
sizes only
FOR HAIiE Tiano. high grade, in
good condition, nargani. Phone 1-3.
FOR SALE 2 Fords, good condition,
4!apital tiarae, JterselitmcK,
Sprauer. . 18
FOR SALE 1916 lMi Hon Republic-
trues, guaranicea lu oe in gnua mr
ehanleul condition. 170 N. 24th St.
FOR SALB26 acres fino land all
under plow, bearing orchard, good
buildings, paved highway. 1000. F.
L: Wood, Ifciyne blilg. 8 8
WANTED Work, bv man and wife to
gether, berry or fniit picking, or oth
er work togi'ther, cuinp enukiiig un
ders'ands farm work, hndy ut most
any kind of work. Call for I). A.
Purtyman, the Leonaid rooming
lioiiMt-, u. F.o'it St. 8 7
We want good gnin farms or fruit
farms. Have several buyers arriv
ing in Salem tli'K month. See us for
quirk, sntisfn'toi y results. John II.
Srott Realty Co., 4114 Hubbard bldg.
75 PER ACRE. 40 ncriw located about
.'t'lj miles from Snlem. Vou will nev
er g't this op;wrt unity anin. 24
aero in culliviilijn, 4 acres of mix
ed fruit; good house and out build
ings. All fenced. Timber for about
500 cords of wood. Owned by a non
resident, HrOO cash, balance at 5
iiureent and 6 pr cent or will ex
change for city property. If you have
any thing for sule or exchange list
with mo. H. H. Uadcliff, Hay lie
buildinif. 8-7
NKW 5 rom eott-i.jp, 'bath, toilet and
electric lights, North 23d St. $I3.")0,
tako a look at it.
New bungalow, 5 rooms full base
ment, srrecned porch, large lot. This
is motW-rn in every particular. tiVlO.
New 5 room eoi'igc, brith and toi
let, two lirts. A Janily home, 2o00.
7 room good ho.isn. large lot with
fruit and berries $2200.
8 room honse, mil basement, two
bath and toilets- this modern, close
in properly at t'WOO,
(let our term on the above, they are
all good buys. J.din 11. Scott Realty
Co., 404 Hubbard bldg.
SUITE of 5 rooms to let in the Brew
er building, 405 Court St. suitable
either for tffieo rooms or for flat.
Phone 14 or M.". 8-
FOR HAIiB Or exchange. )V) a're
dairy farm I ni:l. from Philomath,
Or., 130 acres under cultivation 30
acre in oak timber, live crock, g'.od
bnildings with s lo. I'nce It'i.d'iO
long time on . frr"d payments.
Will accept op to t.VaiO in suburban
residence prorcrty as part payment.
By iwncr. Joha'j. Cuimr, Harris
burg, Or. J
FOR BALK r tnde, 10 seres of
A 1 bottom land loeatid 4 miles
from Junction City; a good new
barn, 135 eern in cultivation, 25
acres pasture, w-ll fenced and on
good grsvel road. Will take good
sity prifpcrty or tc-eog in or near
faU-m. Price tll TW. AITdre. fl F
Journal. . 8
HOME for sale, 9 ?oom house with ev
ery t. nvf icnro, riot water heat, all
Jinds of fruit," ga de ii and berries; 1
S"re on paved street nfar car line
sud Sfhocl, beiitiful cronmls. For
!imitvj time pri- of i)f, terms.
Phone owner 2H1. 8 6
Extra Special to
Clean Up
You Can Always
MODERN house, tut among beautiful
shrubbery and f'owers, seven rooms,
on paved street, 2 blocks to stroet
car line, fruit, berries, barn, chick
en house and ga'uge, 1 1-3 acres of
ground. Apply owner, 1031 Market
St. 88
(Cepitnl Journal Special 6ervice)
Hnael - Oreon, Aug. 6. Hen Wilson
and Dory Ward rciurncd recently from
lone, where they have been at worn.
Wrm. Hudson and J. Collins made two
Hp last month to Ocean Park after
Miss Helen Mclntnrff and brother
Dave, and J. llen.lamin Wilson motor
ed to Corvalli Sunday.
Mrs. Kate. .Ilasher of Port land na
been staying with her sister, Mrs. Ma
tilda Vnii Cleave daring the berry pick
ing. Mis Mildred Williamson went to
Siavton Thursday to visit her sislor.
Cramlpa Peterson wont to Hhaw In
day to spend a few days with his
Ralph Ilnrvey departed Sunday eve
for I'ortlnnd, en route to h's home near
A little s.n arrived aSlnrday evo to
make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Ciias.
Van Cleave.
A. Weinert went to Wilhoit Ppriir s
Sunday to seo his wife and daughter,
who just came fro ii Portland to spend
a week there.
Mrs. Kirkpntrick and son, Elroy,
from Dallas and tho I'atton family
from Hilvertuu spent Sunday at the
W. l. Davis home and celebrated the
birthday of Mrx Kirkpntrick and Mr.
I hi vis.
Mr. and Mr. Car! Johnson spent Sun
day at Wilhoit.
Hev. fl. M. McDonald, r. Fisher and
daughter Emma, an I Carl Morris were
gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. O. (J. Looncy
for Sunday dinner.
7 h
We Want
Warehouse H:h and Ferry Sts.
Office 512 State St. Salem. Oregon
1 o7S
Do Better At
Edgar Johnson unit family, Robt.
Johnson and Miss Hilda Williamson
took a trip to Wilhoit Springs Sunday
A surprise party was given In honor
of 3'rHiik and Lloyd Rape Saturday
eve, at tho homo of their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Fletcher Rape. About 25
guests were present and all had an en
joy ablo time.
Miss Hilda Williamson vixited her
aunt, Mrs. Peterson of Oervais at tho
Willamette sanitarium Saturday, whom
the latter had an operation performed
Mrs. Oenrge Pannenter aud daughter
Margery, drove to Gervais Sunday.
Mime Ella Iter.-eman, Violet Wilson
and 'Emma .Fisher, Messrs fl. ,M. Mc
Donald F. W. Jones and Carl Morris
attonded the tiiiloa C. E. meeting on
tho Willamette g-nnnds Sundny eve
ning. Chas. Zeiliii-ski Sr., now owns a Velio
Mrs. Adah Jones n'.f nt tho week end
with Miss Myrtle, t'artright in Port
Mrs. Kate Byn a and mother, Mr
Kate Hasher, Mrs. Matilda Van Oleavo
and Mrs. Louisa Johnson dined witii
Mrs. Ellen Van leave Fridny.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Cleave have
sold XO acres to J. T. Van Cleave and
A!r. lingers of Kilverton visited hi
father, Dan Rogers, Mnndny.
Mi'rle 'hapmiin is working in east
ern Oregon.
New N'enls Bid
$15,000 For Two Beavers
I'ortlnnd, Or., Aug. 5. The New
York National league club has offered
tn.OOO fr Pitcher "Red" Oidliam and
FirHt Ttnseinnn Hlue of the Portb.rd Pn
clfie Const league team.
The Heavers won't be, sold u-itit next
soring, if at all.
TT ru1 IT1 H
Blackberries (Lawtoss) 8c lb.
Evergreen Blackberries 7c lb.
We furnish boxes and crates, or we
will buy them ia bueket or anything
you bring them in. Come and see us
before you elt.