Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Prime Investment
THE PHEZ CO., Salem and Olympia, 7 Coupon Gold Notes
5601000 Authorized $500,000
Redeemable in Two Years or Any Interest Date Thereafter at 103
Price Par and Accrued Interest, to Net 7 Per Cent
This company has demonstrated its ability to successfully establish a national market for
Northwestern products Through well directed sales and advertising policies, The Phez Com
pany has made its fruit beverages Phez, Pure Juice of the Loganberry; Loju, the Logan
be rry Beverage; and Appleju, known and sold throughout the United States.
It is generally recognized that The Phez Company, through its efforts, has created a mar
ket for loganberry juice and loganberry products which did not exist a few years ago.
The Phez Company is capitalized at $1,500,000, of which $1,
OOOtfOO is common and $500,000 p referred. Common stock issued
and paid up $780,609, leaving balance in the treasury.
At this time $100,000 of the preferred stock is being taken up
by the officers and friends of the company.
Purpose of die Issue
The money provided by thii note issue, together with the $100 0OO from preferred
stock, in to retire rxisting indebtedness of the company, which now stand in the form of
commercial Inona from blinks. Conservative in their management, the companies whieh are
being consolidated in Th Phei Company have hesitated until now to borrow ill the open
money market until they had first demonstrated the success of the industry.
Security for Issue Protection to Bond Holders
As determined by luJlXXZy fettle llia,',n ,lf" f ,h 1he dull maintain a, .11
and Kan Francisco, June I II9 $ 98;,(l'i9.B3 ' Umft B,1 'KI1 and unincumbered assets at least ttinl to
Liquid Assets three times the outstanding notes of this issue.
Consolidated report, as of December 31, IP IS, by .. , ... ...
Whitfield Whitconib & Co., certified public ac- - lU ,hu" "'' lq'l at least equal to 1U, time
countants Portland l,O78,S40.00 the "mount of notes f this issue.
Total Assets , 2,0,Mt.M 3,t h" Bot I"""' UT '' mortgage or other incumbrance
TOTAL Or PRKSENT ABSET8 IS N"EARLY FOUa TIMES against any of its assets, except ordinary commercial loan.
Kariiings of the Consolidated Companies for 1918, 4" "ut-M ut "' u'. leielare any dividend on .
. availablo for interest charges were in excess of .....$120,000.00 common utoek in excess of 6 per cent.
The Pho Coiiipiuiv is the owner of modern plants as follows: Tbse stipulations are all provided for in trust agreement executed
loganberry Juice Plants No. 1 and 2, Sulem; loganberry Jui.o ,,v Tn" nn t'ompnny and filed with Title ft '"Trust Company,
l'luiit Woodliuni ; Appleju l'laiit, Ulynipia; New, completely IVtlnud, Oregon, when; interest and principal of notes will lie
equipped Jelly, Jam aud 1'rescrviiig l'laiit at Halcm, paid us due,
. ' Because of the security of this investment, and the attractiveness
of the notes, there is every evidence that the issue will be over
subscribed. Those interested should telephone or wire us at our
expense. .
, After a thorough investigation of the security behind V.i;,
these notes, we purchased the entire issue for our ac
count and unqualifiedly recommend them for investment
Horticultural Society I
To Hold Annual Meetii? :
i h AstonaNext Week
The St!h annual nieelin r of the Ore
foa Horticultural society is announc- i
Wd. It will be held at Astoria Aug. 14, j
'13 and IB, The. program of the meetings
(will begiu Thinsdiy afternoon, Aug.'
14 with an address of welcome by the
mayor of Astoria and a rcspon by
.1. O. Holt, malinger of the Kugcue
Fruit (irowers I'niin.
The welcome from the titto board of
horlienliuro will b. inhvercd bv lres
ident CIisa II. I'nrit of Sulem. the ad
dress o ttlui atto'iiooii will be given
by (iovemor Oleolt,
The Friday miriiinjf session will be
given to disouss'im of the cranber
ry industry and its by products. Also
bu'd be
if you knew what a
great army of people
uscPOSTUM instead
of coffee.
For more than twenty years
has been winning its
way by its flavor and
healt'i values.
Boil 15 minutes after
boiling begins, and
you'll have a snappy,
invigorating drink;
No Raise in Price.
Sol J by grocers, usual price. U arvl isi
to truck gardening and marketing.
Friday nfternoon, Au. 1.". will de
voted to visiting iinncries and the
c aside.
The Saturday pr-gram will include
an address by II. 8. liile on the future
of the fruit jiice industry and an nd
dress by K. .1. d inis of Kngeno. on
horticultural develijuneut through the
highways of the s'i't".
Ilohert ('. Paulns will spenk Sutur
day on ".Fruit outlook and marketing
problems." Otluv addi-cascs for the
final day will lie on "Selling apples
foe cash," by C. V Malhoiif, and
"Will cooicrution 4olve our problems"
by A. H. llnrris.
Stockyards Workers Of
Chicago Ask Higher Pay
ruieugu, Aug. fi. (1'niti,; l'ress.
The first battle for a ko increase for
HO.tUlO stockyards workers emlovid in
the score or more packing hnusrs here
was to be ncil here lodnv.
Yesterday representatives of the
t'ue kingtown employea tu,u packers
they vtunted a L'U to "hi pci cci.t in
crease in wr.gcs, but di niai ocd at the
isame time that meat prices i.ot be
rais.-d to provide revenue lo niect the
wage dciiiands.
, toiinn was umierway loiiay to Ucci.le
. whether they will strike io force their
(demands in rase of refunl eu the part
.of the packing house to gr.ml the do
i muuds at once.
ASS!rai8 HADEj
Organization Of Board Of,
Aldermen Is Once More j
Made Complete. j
. . t
, Hie work of a in -mb.-r p; the eity
counril depends largely on bi toi.imit
I fee assignmeata. A majority W tin or-'
diuaiiees, as well tl otliei liiisiiit-s.; ui:it (
ters, are all assigued to eon:mitt,H for!
(report and as a general propOMiion, the
j rvport of the roniiiiittee is m-toi.tt i by
the rouncil.
Many rouncil matters are iuso rter-
;red to towmittee with power to act and
this, r course, giv.- the cOi.,inntte full'
authority to transact tiusinoa Hiiliout
agi-.in referring it to the council.
To a large extent, in the transaction
of city rouncil business, "the cii.niinan
of a committee mukea the . pti t ami
speaks in defense of any aciion tukt-n
by the committee.
The assignment of eui h i-ouutilmun is
as follows:
W. A. N'icst( chairmun of ways and
J means; also chairman rules uud ordi
.nances; other committees, bend.
l'aul V. Johnson chairmau couiiutt
I tee nn lights; Other assignments, fire
-and water, public buildings, liceu.-es.
' H. II. nndorvort rhairui.tii co..iiiut-
tee. on bridges; other issijtunu nts,
I health uud police, revision ot uii.tutes,
; streets.
' F. I.. 1'tter rhnirmnn heulth and po-
I lire; other committees, reviaion of niiu-
utes, lights, printing.
B. W. ISimeral ehairninu fuc and
water committee; other assignments,
chairman ordinances, accounts ant, cur-
Ireut expeuses, sewers.
1 Gerald Vollt chnirni piuu.bing
committee; other assigninents, ptii.ting,
j rulea.
A. 11. Moore chniriiinn roiiiuiiliee on
'sewers; other assignment, licenses,
health and police.
Kdward St-hunke rhnirmun accounts
and current expenses; other (oiuuuitccs,
ways and meaiia, parks, ami.
George K. Halvorsen chaiininn com
uiittee on licenses; other ccmimt.ccs,
ktrects, bridge.
O. I.. Scott rlioirinnii public i.uild-
iiil's; other ussicnineuts, wavs aim
melius, parks.
Walter F. Bui-kner chni.iu.in com
mittee on streets; otker con.niittee.-i, fire
and water, bridges.
James Mc(.'lcllt;nd cluii ra.a :t cnimiiit
tee on printing; other coiniiiitlcos, pub
lic buildings, plumbing, lights.
Harold linger chairman committee
on revision of minutes; other align
ments, accounts and current expenses,
sewers, plumbing.
Kobert Craig chairman committee
on bund concerts; other tissigunicnt, or
dinances, chairman committee o i ;iiiKs,
The Modern Way of
Practicing Dentistry
Fouad.r ud ELx.cutir Hed at tk. E. R. Parker System
' "D EGISTERED Dentists using the
E. R. Parker System, practice
dentistry on the same principle as
a leader conducts an orchestra.
A good orchestra consists of
violinists, cornetists, trombonists,
clarinetists, flute-players, drummers
and all the rest, and when they play
together the result is harmonious
melody. dilparker
No man can be a complete orchestra by himself.
Following that simple idea, the E. R. Parker System
recognizes that no man can be a complete dental estab
lishment by himself.
And so the Registered Dentists using the Parker
System are men who have been trained to do some one
kind of dental work particularly well by doing much
of it.
The kind of work your teeth require is done by the
dentist who is trained in that kind of work, just as the,
man who knows how to play the violin is the man whd
has been trained to play the violin in an orchestra.
Thus the dental work done under the Parker System
is as good as can be done anywhere.
And the prices asked for this kind of work are more
than reasonable, for specialists lose no time, and time
saved is moqey saved, and this saving is shared wiih
the patient.
If you think that Dentistry under the Parker System
is done the right way, come in, have your teeth ex
amined free, and learn in advance how little the price
.will be for having your teeth properly cared for.
Wallace Hylander, Fred G. Bunch, Ray J. Greer
Registered Dentists Using the
303 State Street, Salem, Oregon
look int.'
California Gets Battle
Colors Of Ninety first
j Saernuiento, I'al., Aurf. (!. Iiivision-
,al colors of the Niactr firtt (Wild;
I u-... .i;. ... i ' .i . . I
J " I m i-uiMi ni - in ie 'lie JonM'!I
jof ilifornia, ia a -ordiince with a rule
jthat thoy go to the state fnrni-Oiinii
jtlic greatest quota "f the units person-
I Ailiutsnt fienenl Itorree hs boca
ottfie.l by Mai.ir Ceneml William If. j
.lohason, commanding l ump U-wis,
W. that the Ninotr fiist divi.ien
keatkfUJirtera IH-un.it and the auidon
ft heibUrter troop i: be feiwsid
ed L tii state eaiotot here. '
Tcrget It" Buy At Home
SaJea $ a Good Phce to Tra4
Commercial Qub Asked To In
vestigate Charge And Cor
rect Impression.
Chester (i. Murphy of Tort land, who
is well known ia Sulcm as the owner
of valuable real esuite in the business
iffiiii nf i... .,:.. - ....ll. p.. .... .
i ui i. -Mm i rout -rio.ooo
io f UMUHitl, d also consiilerable real
estate in West Malei'i, has been visiting
across the river and is inclined toj
think West Salem is iit jotting a fair I
deal. He write. th Salem I oniinercial !
niti as totlovs:
"I was in Sale n Monday
over my interests utter an
from the slate of a w-nr. nml while in
West .Salem where 1 am heuvilv inter
CSti'd, I tli.st'uvereil Slllnno the nrnmi. .
Iient citizens ther -, a f'-eling of dis-!
trust of 8a!em especially of your or j
ganimtioa and'of the real et:ite men.:
uev are uuuer n-e iieiier ttiat your
'rj.llli.atlntl iM til,, rent ...I n i.. !
are kuockinc Wet Salem, advising!
new comers not to invest there. under,
the knocking ilogau of hiiih tales and i
iiilIi water. I
"We all knew of diirsc. that those
rumors aumetiiiies ;fut from uothing.
Howoxer, I though: you ih.uiid know of!
the same for the d oilj'e pmpese: !
"To slop the rinior, if there is no!
truth in it, and to immediately, lake j
i'l's t,. put a si.i, f.k the praJtfee if i
i miy ir-.nn ui ne rumor.
"It IS aillllitte I. I tliinL f h I i...
are no higher in Wet Salem than in
s.llem. Knrthenuore.-West Siilein is pac
niif its Inn and retiring its bonded
in.l -liiedn,-, and ,,, , , i-on-Utlier-'d
with high water for a nuiuber of
"0.1 hi n . '
Inuuirv at a n-pniur of real
offires fait to rmfiim a.iv of Mr.
yorphy fea,,, a, t j,t. knm-king of
Vi.--.-t Sa'rm. A in t-i Mfrt ,.r Br
r.-s-,. .-,., ,.;, .J,. riv,.r ( ppk
! a d :i-i', i He rxeoidt of the
1:1 1 -e rf ! iKiir eountr give
the t.; rate i- S:iI.h ih .-.t?.pet $100
a',n, i I, '.- f, West Sa-
1- 'i il : 4Pt per l h ,.. ,.,! xaloe.
!l w -er, the a-s i e-t ia West Sa
lem is made nn a rural basis, much
lower than assessel for a citv like Sa
lem, and this difference brings the as
sessment of the two localities aunut
on an eipinl bnsi.
T V. Met'rnskev. mnnnirer of the Sa
lem rommercial club, is preparing t
circular letter to be sent to real estate
men in which the tax rate is shown in
a number of the ci'tes of the north
west, showing thnt Salem and West
Salem nre under a ate that is much be
low the average.
Wife Sse!dns Divorce
Foils Hubby's Plan To
Disappear With Auto
Tearing that the husband from whom
she was. seeking a divorce might re
move his personal properly from the
county beyond the iurisdittion of the
court, Esther May Mi-s"racken of. Or
ville secured an 'n junction preventing
Sherman O. Jlct'racken from selling
'his Scripps-Rooth nulo, or disposing or
incumbering it ia any way, or of dis
poaing of his Hrsonai property,
j Her fear that hi r husband mixht
leave and take nil his possessions with
him was bused on a letter which he
had written Aukusi L', and whieh is in
.part as follows: "1 fully expect to re
sign the position Wednesday nuinnig
i and be nut oY her" by the lust of the
I week. Some things 1 am going to keep
(and send to a pla-e for safe keeping
nun me rest i will leave for vou nnd
you can come and get them.
"I do not expect to sec you again
and I think 1 have aeen you for the
last time and you have pr'obabtv seen
me for the last time."
The Yakima American, an nfteimuti
daily, made its first appearance Friday.
Dr. A. L. MeClanahnii id alls to mnke
the trip from Yakima to Cle Elum,
where he will deliver the Kmancinntinn
day address Monday, by airplane.
I Portland, Or., Auj 6. Twelve ineif
jber8 of the legislature from Miiltiioui
jcouuty met last uil.t and agreed
j attend a special session to ratify tti
, national suffrage amendment, sliouk
jone be called, at their own expense, j
j Three other member of the Mult nt
mah delegation w'.m were not presoa
jam willing, it wis stated, to folM
I suit. ;
j If the special sos-ion is called I. (!
(I-ewis will introduce a resolution eul)
Emitting to the voters a liroKisal to r
jmovc the capital from Sulem to Porj
jland, he announced. j
s Iewis also divlarrl his iutentioa of
introducing if the legislators meet, at
act to give cities power to regvilak
iciepnone rules.
! -
MhV' " teiMnra, 1
9iQ ciif-ijoar-'round soft drink
The first man's drink was wafer and
of the natural drink of pHmitive man
the acceded drink of modern America
a beAeraewiih real food value.
A healthy and subsfaniial drink at:
th soda ftn(aiutor vith lunch al ike
m the ice-box at home.
K .fees ar ir..j .;. r ' -
Iiltinwiicr IJoch,
hles,h. Uh,. K.H1-I.ANU. UKJ.
Dan. J. Fry,
- r .
:V Ji .
- ; -