Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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District South of Roscdale
Leads County in Production
of Prunes Reports Indicate
Its not the bottle that you buy
The inside is the thing to trg
And in the amber flow of BLITZ
You'll find a ht of difference.
YOU folks who like a friendly drink
one that agrees with everybody
should meet
t A
& Utt
Ml P'
The drink that fits
Blitx is nu.de to
to mtvo you. It is
brewed by n ex
clusive process that
gives ou ALL the
LIFE of the tasty
mult, 'hops and
Is Uotti.ks
On Draught
The name of your
local dealer appears
just below this ad.
Tell him you want
On Draught at
Gideon Stolz, Distributor.
Albany, Or., Aug. 6. The esteem In
avhieh tho late Dr. J. L. Hill, prominent
Albany physician for almost half 4 cen
tury, was held in this ieinit j was
Shown by the presence ol' hundreds of
people from Albany and the surround
ing country at hia funeral ycsUrdny
Afternoon, by tho wcnlth of floral of
ferings and by tho sincere manifesta
tion of sorrow on every lin'nil.
Tho funeral was held 'in tho first
Baptist church hero, and liic sei vices
were eoudueted by Dr. George H. Vaung
Jiastor of the church. The burial serv
ice, at the Masonic cqmetcij wai con
cluded by the local Masonic lodgo with
Judgo L. L. Kwnn presiding.
County J initio W. B. Bilyen, an old
friend of Dr. Hill from piuueei days to
the present, nlao' delivered a eulogy, at
the grave. The pallbearer weie Cir
cuit Judge Percy R. Kelly, M. Senders,
"Walter M. Parker, fleorgo W. Uine, Ed
mund Dorgan ani H, A. Murphy.
Third Division Leaving
4 Occupation Zone Today
' Colilcnx, Aug. 6. Tho Third division
ras entraining for Brest today. The
First division will follow on August 15,
leaving only 8000 American troops on
the Rhine.
While the general iai)veioa is that
the greatest prune district in the coun
ty is around Ijbertv aad to Root dale,
the fart is, the greatest aeieagc fu the
county is just south of Bost-dute to
ward! the'Ankenr hill.
In the report of Julia Cornlortn, just
filed with Assessor West, there is given
a t acreage of 1-"'- bearing p.-uaca with
420 acres non-bearing in the uistriit of
about 30 sections lying just south of
Stilem and extending one mile south of
Yet in the district south of Roardulc,
extending to the Ankenr hill, there are
1822 acres in prunes in liearing w ith 477
acres not yet producing.
However, taking tho prune district
just south of K;lem as a whole, in what
is known as the red hill country, there
are 3074 acres in boating prunes with
X!7 acres non producing. This is almost
one-half the prut.e acreage of the conn
ty. In the 72t8 acres in friut and f;rnin
in the district just -south of Srfiem, in
cluding Kosedale and Liberty, t'ueie nre
only 237 acres in winter wheat and 222
seres in spring wheat Oats as usual in
nil districts is the heaviest grain crop
with 348 acres.
Li this district bnrlev is credited with
i."" acres, rye o acres, coin 20, clover
120, alfalfa 34 and liny crops 414 acres.
This acreage is from the 7Ju6 assessed
! bv Mr. Cornforth.
This section of the county adjoining
the south limits of Salem is strong; for
all fruits, r.s out of the 7200 acres n
cludcj in the report, 101 uie in bear
ing apples with 13 non-bearing, 121
acres in j'herrics with 39 no:i bearing,
17 acres in peaches with 27 not yet
producing Und '2Z ac.es pears with
mine eoniing on.
(By Vuitod Press.)
Yesterday's winners: Pan Franeisco,
Los Angeles, Salt Lake.
Justin Fitzgerald stole second and
third and pranced home on Doll's wild
throw to the hot corner in the 11th,
winning for the Peals over tho Tigors,
5 to 4.
Heavy hitting by the Angela eject
ed Kremer and R. Atlctt from the Oak
land mound. The seraphs flew awuy
with the gnme- 17 to 2.
A. rise into the ether in t fie ninth
inning by tho Senators gave the Bees
tho 0ening routes', 4 to 1.
Neither Portland nor Seattle lost yes
terday. They wero traveling.
is strong for prunes with 4:1- acres in
bearing aud 27 routing on.
la the Garden Head district east of
Knlcw there are 172 acres in logsus. The
district around Uarion ha uot as yet
felt the impulso of the loganberry boon
as but ii acres are' in. bearing. In the
district betwen the Aukeny hill aud
Jef fvrsvn, there ere 36 acres of logans.
AumsviUe has but one solitary acre
while in the forks of the Ninthim tnd
Willamette rivers, there ia oniy 7 seres
in loganberries. The Stay ton section
has but one acre fauu.ua vlna.
Secretary Of Navy Would
Merge Pacific And Allan-'
tic Squadrons.
Los Angeles, t'nl., Aug. 0. aited
Press.) Two jirent naval juices to he
known as Auierirnn fleets numbers one
and two, readv for cpiiilk cfi'ative
service on either the Atlantic or Pacific
is what Secretary of the Navy Daniels
believes shoud be the Amoiicaii naval
"To my mind. there shoulil bo no Pa
cific fleet nud no Atlantic fleet,' the
secretary declared today in an inter
view just before leaving for .Sin Ineiro
by aiitootnbile. "It should be Ameiican
fleets number one, and number iwo,
entiatlv divided ami caitiihle nf t4itr
This district ia giving some attention' ;,.ky tMtteA from one CMft to
to walnuts as while but ono acic is pro- or,or j, occa,iOII arises."
during, 77 acres are coming on. "Ever since mv first visit hc:e, I
Loganberries r.re cultivated in this havo felt that thoncifie east, U'lause
district to the extent of 332 ceres, f mnnv ndvantages which we all know,
while a little south towards the Ankeny should 'have a much greater idiuro of Mu
hill the growers arc not so strong for naval establishment," Daniels eontin
thia berry. The section just north ofVd. "There should be lnrLer naval
Salem is strong for lognns with 408 bases, more drvdock ropaii stations,
ucrcs in uennng. jiowcu rruirio sec- larger training stntions and an equal dl-
tiou has 13."i acres in lognns, whilo tho
Silvertnn district has but 48 acres.
Seotts Mills is strong for prunes but
cares little for bigaus ns there arc but
1 4 acres bearing and in the section south
of Silverton and east of Howell Prairie
! there is but enc acre In logons.
vision of the grett American fleet. This
is a great climate, you know, a fine
place for men to live and pronpet; and
the commerce of the Pacific litis : tre
mendous future and a splendid present."
Discussing the plan for Iho estnb-
'second Annaiidis
- ?
New York, Aug. 6. Liberty bond
quotations: 3Vj K9.78; first i 94.06;
second 4's, 93.18; first 94.S0;
second 4Vi's, 93.3; third 4vt', 9.1.08;
fourth 4V4's, 83.36; victory S-Vs, 39-8
4's, 99.88. -
The Mt. Angel district is not adapted, iKhiiiment of
j to loganberries as there are but six on t)l0 fmt Dnniels declined it wm
.acres in cuitivauon. in mc iin , matter which is yet to lie taken up
j district, including St. Louis and Oer- with 0ffi,.ins 0f various Piu ilic coast
I vni, there are 1H9 acres of loganbor- H(J g,,id ho proposed to study
ries. In the elosc-in Woodlmrn settion )lie nilttt-r while in the west and eon
jthcrc arc 124 acres in logans, but iilUir lha milnv .dvantnges the west has
' around Hubliinify there is no interest in j0 0f fcr
lingua as tho record shows but S acres. I , , , y
. St. Ifiul and the Champocg districts ft !:
are weak on logons as thore are but 17
acres in that section. Tho Buttcvillo Aa- Vnrrm
and Aurora section is into tnc lognn- A ViVUJl Ul luil St
.... A J$1
berry business to the extent ol ii acres,
Around Monitor thero arc only four
acres in logans. I
The Waldo Hills section around Mae- Editor Journal: I saw in tho Pacific
lesv has not as vet climbed into the Homestead of July 31 that Kd t'ary
ff(P V 1 TL T" 1 CC loganberry band wagon as tliete are but of Tarlton made the remarks that
bP lveeP eilllQ lDetffCl6 W M acres in bearing. But Waldo Hills "The dairyman who says he is mnk
TT r I ing money under present conditions is
- .nut keeping cost records or else he is
eithe- n fil or a I nr.
Now 1 have been dairying for the
past 20 vears ami J cnn prove that
l thero i just as in a ll nuuifjv in dairy-
ling now as there ovef was before,
j Mr. Cary may call me a fool fur mail
ing that statement but I have one con
'subitum that tine people ho pa'l
from SHOO to "lO'l for cows at Mr.
t'a-y's sale are bigger fouls yet if there i
i no money in dniryiii;. and why i it!
that Mr. Vary is at ill keeping cowsf
Wh don't he Sell otit altogether and
quit the business
llh.NKY J Ay I r.T.
Silverton, Oregon.
18 cents
a package
Cmtli are old vsry
whorcm teimti Kemlly
pckmf of 20 ci Jarvrres or
(tt pmcktt JOOcifrntf)
in a tlmmn-ppT-eor9n4
carton. W ilrongly rKom
mwtd thi carfeii for rim
bom or office spp'7 or
whmm yom tnfl
R. J. RctmMs Tetncc Co
WaMtosfSaJcas, H. C
CAMELS are in a class by themselves easily the
most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you
ever smoked. You can prove that I Simply compare
Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at
any price 1 Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis
faction to the utmost test I
Mad to meet youf taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how
liberally you smoke them I The expert blend of choics Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full
bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mad. Every
time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I
Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any
unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they art
In feet. Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so
many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons,
premiums or gifts. You 'Q prefer Camel Quality I
Tmui jrlX "'Wmii' . .... i "3
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Cooper and
son Kenneth and Mr. and Mis. T. H.
Cooper motored to Salem yesterday
and ont the day with relatives and
friends in tho eatu ay city. Hioy were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Conger.
('orvallis Times Ouete.
W. A. Longworth, who with the
Metropolitan Li fa Insurance company
in Siilmn, motored to Kugene last night
and joined Mrs. L"ngworth and their
family, who had Come to spend the
week' end. They ill return home to
night Kngone Kejiter.
Miss Kthel Yates, formerly domestic
science teacher in tin local high school
who had bepn visiting with Mrs. Carl
K. Wimberly. returned to Salem this
afternoon. Mis Yates will leave for
Billings. Montana, in about a week,
here she will be employed next year.
Rom-burg Review,
Mr and Mrs. Charles O. Miller and
mtl ,tiiiuhi..r. l.o' Irene, are here
spending several da. s with Mrs. C. T.
Sawv-er. Mr. Miller is manager of the
' . . .... L i . . ..j . v
Marion noTPI in rMlO'in inu "HI lirrc
st the Osburn abo' t six years ago.
Kugene Rcxlster.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Oarrisin of Ss
lem, who sjicnt'the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Liiermore', left yester
day for their home. Mr. (iarrison is an
engineer for the , Southern Pacific.
Kugene Register.
.1. B. Littler, a prominent shoe mer
chant of Kalem, an 1 his family were
in Kugene Sunday and Sjent the day
Kith friends here. The trip ws made
by automobile. Kuj-ne Kegiater,
Boston Rostainants jhee are cut
ting blueberry T'ii'S in'o seven pieces,
ea-h pie- selling for fifteen cents.
I r.liicl.erriei cost 20 cents a box. One
box makes three cits.
1 if
ix used-
IHE razor Lincoln used was not
i 1 I 1 unlike the man himself in outward form, .
f . 1 unassuming, and yet an instrument of ex
quisite balance with a time-saving length of blade,
a fresh, keen-stropped edge for the work in hand and
a y "ondrously even temper.
One pictures Lincoln as full of affection for this honest
blade despite the fact that his deep-furrowed face was
not the easiest to shave. The only things that
Lincoln's razor really needed to lighten the patient
morning task were the safety and convenience of
the guarded, double-edged blade of the
A Real Rdgof' made Safe
The time-tested heft, the splendid
temper and shape of the razor
Lincoln used but It won't cut your
face. Furthermore, it's the longest.
Strongest, keenest, best-tempered
blade on earth, with more shaving
mileage than any other razor. And
when this two-edged blade has dulled,
keep it for sharpening in a spare
moment. You can strop it -f you can
hone itwhy throw good steel
away? Seven million shavers have
seen thft good sense of adding all
these extra advantages to the
acknowledged good points of their old
razor. Go to your nearest dealer and
join these seven million practical men
Bed Cross Pharmacy, S86 Stats
Ward Drug Co., 444 Ststs
Bay Tj. Firmer Hdwe. 201 N. Com 'I
Dr. Botone Dmj Stors, 211 N, Pom 'I
Capital Drue Store, 4n5 Stats
Brewer Drug Co., 408 Court
Central Pharmacy, 410 State
Hatiser Bros., 373 State
Watt Shipp Cs 1?6 S. Commercial
Silem Hdwe. Co., 120 X. Commercial
Schaffars Drug Stors, 130 N. Coni'l
11? "
3 111 'J .
Si -
V"- ,.
Geo. W. Btoelhammar, BiWeiton
Hlmer 0. Olson, Silvsrton
Ames Hdwa. Co., SUrerton
0. M. Wray, Hdwe. Co Silverton
Nieks Hdwa. Co., Bilvcrton
Fuller Pharmacy, Dallas
Staffrln IMig store, Dallas
Dallas Phannaey, Dallas
Craven Hdwe. Co. Dallas
Guy Bros. Hdwa. Store, Dallai
Lilly Hdwa. Co., Stayton
Daniel J. Fry Drug Stors, 208 N. Coni'l Slopsr Drug Co., Btayto
Perry's Drug Store, 115 B. Commercial Beaachamp's Drug Store, Stayton
If you ars s Durham Dnjdcx dealer and wish, to have your name added
0 the above list in subsequent advertisements, send your name and address
to this newspaper aud write tho Durham Duplex nzor Co. for a free window
Greatest Slwvind Mi A nv rriV"
This Set contain a Dwrham-DopW Haw with an rrthr
white handle, safety guard, stropping attachment and pa(tT of
S Durham-Duplex doubla-edfrad tthxl ( 8 ahavuig di;a) all i.ia
hsndsoms Uiailiar kit. Set it from y out dealer of from us tltteet.
Additional blades 50 cents For ' ;
a package of 5
StVlctormSt. 17 Church St,
Toronto Slisflisia
A. Ploio A C. Antr CRntr.ntiita Ftt'.rt
56 Ru it Haradli. Puts ViaK M,,ni 5, Mtlaa
Chicago t'nnine 'acre fought a los
ing battle with tuo high cost of liv
ing. License xhowed i-'miO fewer dns
in C hicago today th'in a year ago.
"Cleveland, Ohio . -Police are looking
for a woman with a gem of a smile.
Mhe is wnnted for picket picking. Hlie
wenrs a dmmond in her teeth.
more clever than ever
in the role of a madcap
heiress who runs away
to become a Gypsy and
peddles hats
"In Search of Arcady"
Adapted from the story
Nina Wilcox Putnam
Now Showing
Now Showing
BLIGH Theatre
Announcement !
Samson Seive Grip
and r'i'im
Marshall N. Roach
Distributor or Marion and Polk Counties
Salesroom in
LIBERTY GARAGE, 444 Ferry Street, Salem, Ore-i J