Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Thousands of Satisfied Customers
Who have found that they can always do much better in supplying their
wants in
AH Around Town
Slack, B. C. Wright. T. D. Roland and
A. K. Smsth. B. W Todhunter of the
a HHowiHHi
1 eri Vv ;V if VI I JjlA ifj ! f
At the J. C. Penney Co., who carry the latest and best to be gotten ahd have
in the narrowest and widest lasts so that you can get your feet fit as they
should be. J
Ladies' Oxfords
That will please all in Black, Brown,
Grey and White in Military
or French Heels
?2.98 to f8.50
Grey Kid Sioes
Of the best quality and the niftiest
6tyles in either French or Military
Heels, Goodyear Welt soles. The
greatest of values at
White Canvas Shoes
Of all kinds that you cannot afford to
overlook. Prices will certainly ap
peal to you as they cannot be
Black Kid Shoes
In popular shaped toes, your choice
of heels, welt soles. They are very
dressy shoes and are good summer
' or winter.
J6.90 and $7.50
7 - Inco.
naj si so aas filed for record his dis
charge papers.
Limit. Oook will mat passenger car
rying flights this evening 6 to 9, 01
.eott field. Webfoo: Aircraft Co. j
: Lady wanted for kitchen work. The '
Spa. . j
VAN OLKAVB-To Mr. and Mrs Oh a a.
Van Cleave rout) R, HuIimii, Siindav
August 3. isl, i mm, B be called
Richard Merideth,
ALU:f To Mr. am) Mrs. William
O. Allen, 833 Oak street, Nalera, Mon
day August 4 , lUISt, a tun.
Those aoft colhtj you need are at
Two boys 11 Tin j on Saginaw street
fcroke Into the Lincoln school house
last eveuing. Tiny we-e arrested by
the police but as I hoy had stolon noth
ing, worn released, not exactly on pro
bation but with thu police keening a
watch on their doings,
Although announcement baa been
made that the trctuurv department at
'Washington, I). C, would exchange SO
war savin- stnmp. fur a tlK) treasury
ertificate, nono of these certificates
ve as yet been -eceived at the .Sa
lem pe.f office. L ICul post offices are
"t authorized to cash Hie l(i() treas
nry certificates. On an August valua
turn, the cash value of one of these
ertifieales is S3.SI).
SS Keen 'cni In The Circle $$
Wednesday mornlnff at 8:sn vwv
at tlui Willamette eunntiiriuiit there
will he nil operulion of skin grafting
from a uuiulier
hllVD offered to llive a milium i.i.k nr
two of skiu to reli-u-e the sufferings
of little 11 yeur old K-ma King who
was so seriously burned a week or
two ngo. Dr. K II. Thompson has re
quested those who have vnlont
ennio to the sanatoriuin to 'lie there at
imu in order that tho grafting may
all ,bo done at tho same time, lie an
nounces that in remnviiiir a in,.k
or so, the operation will bo painless as
iwi anoMiietic will be used.
Charles E. Archer d. Exalted Euler of
tho local lodge of Klks says ho would
like an especially Inrge attendance at
the lodge mollis Thursday evening. He
ay there will i something doing
worth while the time of any Klk in
good standing.
Word was received yesterday after
noon by the police to keen a look out
for a man by the nviio of Luther Hart
led, who is wanted by the federal uu
thnritie on a charge of defrauding the
government. Hhort'y afterwards, the
police spotted the mnii wauled and
lodged him in the city jail t awnit
tho coming of the Tinnier f..it-.l ....
thority to tako eh.irge of the prisoner.
A mAflMttff wHIl k fci.i .i.i- - ,
- - - mb u-m una evening
ich jiv .Mana
ger MeOroakey to take up voluntary
New Show Starts Today
"In Search
of Arcdy"
Pretty and
Petite as
a Gypsy
Maid, in
oiign liieaire
Three Days
(mediation in labor mat tori. This com-
IllLlttee is auitt,riu,t ... n
, .. .rt,.,-. ,w nroilu a Vdin-
niittee of throe to meet a committee of
j three from the employed whe-eby each
side on labor mattes will have a com-'
'mittee to discuss mitten and especial
ly voluntary medii.ion.
J Tha annual meet'ng of the Marion
;Oouuty Veterans association will be
ui-iu hi oiivenon Aug. 7. An auto truck
will leave the Oregon Klectric, station
Thursday at 8 a. m. Houud 1-mi "yv.
A. Houston, I'r.-s..
Oeo. L. Cooper, district deputy M.
W, A., will bo at Kllverlon i, 1...
Ijust tith.
Special meeting of galqrn
lodgo No, 4 A. i & A. M. this
evening. Wck in the M. M.
degree. Visaing brethren welcome.
Champion Prunes. Wt
market. Ieliver to 1'iies company
plunt, oiinoaite Hoiifiiern l'ae Co .,o..
senger station or plicnw? 204. tf
It pays to advertise. The Home Ser
vice sivtUm of V. illnmette chapter
American Ked 'ross with hcaibpiarters
in the post office building, wished to
find a good home for a boy 13 years
old. Knowing the vilue of newspapers
for spreading all tihnls of news, it was
decided to do a little advertising and
as a result more than ten inquiries
were received, nil 'ffering to give the
boy a home, liusiness wns so gi oil in
rinding homes th:it the mx vear old
brother of thu 1.1 ,.- ..i.i . -
lirought here and I,.' n'i i i,o,'v , ,.
videil w ith a goi .1 !. me,
"Tha Woman Toon Caveat Me"
xtarti .Sunday at the Oregon. 8
New ahlpment of inits; let ni gult
yon, Bishop's.
Word was received todaT that rictif
of way had been -secured as far ns
Aienama fo- the railroad to be built
through the rouiity south from Mt.
Angel. Already several te,t iri;,.
the right of way to the proposed rail
road have been filed in the county re
forder'i office.
Just arrived, fcelta f.ic n mn
1 Tot first claas work call Society
Cleaners and Dyers, 1272 State Bt.
Phone 1684. tf
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
i man, with over 35 vears experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
Itist, 302 U. 8. Nat. bank bldg. .tf
On a charge of unlawfully cutting
hay from her farm, .Mrs. Oliver Bi-und-rulge
swore out a warrant against
Thomas Risley. Before Justice Glen E.
1 1'nruh, Mr. Risley plead not guilty and
demanded a jury t-ial. The ease has
been set for a hearing next Wednes
day. Both parties live about four miles
south of town. In her complaint, Mrs.
Hrundridge alleged that Mr. Risley
had cut about five tons of hay from
her farm and had stored it in his barn.
Lieut. Cook will mate passenger car
rying flights this evening 6 to 9, 01
cott field. Wcbfoot Aircraft t'o.
Dr. Carl B. Miller bai opened his
dental office at 510 511 V. S. bank
bldg. Phone 341. tf
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
Try Northern Flour. It's a Bear,
every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers, tf
Paul Fuhrer, 20, who lives on rural
routo 9, Salem, is paving the way to
become an American citizen when be
becomes of voting age. Ho has filed his
intention of becoming rt citizen and
renounces allegiance to the Swiss fed
eration. He came to this country from
(Switzerland in 1912. Ho will now wait
two years aiurtheu nppcar before the
circuit court and the examining eom-missione-,
when ho will be given an
opportunity to demonstrate whether
he understands what Americftn citizen
ship means and whether he is in all
ways worthy nnd qualified to become
a citizen. t now requires a residence
of five years 4eforo citizenship is conferred.
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arrive quicker?
ship via
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
niH.n..t, I'ttiumii lllSlnititlikaf
We have solved the
pi olden of being ef
ficient and discreet.
At all timea we
strive to perform our
d"!ies in a manner
that meets with approval.
-....Wisling to extend heartfelt thanks
to the kind friends and neighbors for
the kind sympathy and assistance in
I time of our recent bereavement at the
jloss of our daughter and grandchild.
-iiso ror me oeautitul floral offerings,
and especially to the girls and bBVs
who served as pa'l bea-ers. SSincerefy,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith and Mrs.
Mary Hiannau.
Although newspaper reports indicate
that many who have relatives in Ger
many Are nmiilincr innA nnllnlina I. n .
- n i 1 " ' .
eel post, there has been no shiinnents
iuuo ituih ouiem. now ever, -tliere has
been a number nf
and aa to what may be shipped by
pnuTl I'osi.
When it cornea to incorrect and in
complete add-esses, business firms of
the city are the worst offenders, ac
cording to a showing made at the Pa-
leni lOSt office wliero hnni-n.la . ln4
ters are delayed on account of care
lessness in writing sdd-esses. It is not
sumeient to adilress a letter just
"Salem, Oregon." When the divider
or assorter runs through the letters,
one thus addressed is InM o;,lo with
no definite nddre.'s, it is unee-tain
wnicn carrier will le entitled to han
dle the letter. Then td.in l.,t(,.r. . .1
---- -- ------ ..,!... oi an
dressed must all b. assorted over by
all the city carri."s and the nine ni
si route carriers, while all this work
'(Mild be saved if the b.Hnr o,l-
dressed with the street number or the
rural route number. It is the correctly
addressed lettui ht nni. nn v
next mail. Othe-s arc delayed.
Wanted an eneriretle vminor laAv
learn beanty pa-lor trade. Mrs. Keott,
- jugii. 8 6
Not the hlKheat said worfair hut. h
highest worker was found today doing
some work on the Mt-pmft inn rt i
steeple on the Pirst Methodist church.
ne managed to get to tiis .job by first
iluillir some tall i limhinir inni.'tx ih
stwple and then going up a ladder
piaceo on the outs'rte to a platform
Tociea near tne top.
Lieut. Cook will mar passenger car
rying flights thin evening 8 to , Ul
cott field. Webfoot . Aircraft Co.
We buy liberty bonda. 314 Masonic
building. tf
Newport fishing aeason opens; ling
cod sliced, 15e, and whole fish 12e per
pound; red cod 10c pound. Fitts Mar
ket. tf
Hawaiian steel guitar lessons given.
Inquiro room 4, Richmond hotel, Mr.
Heming. 85
After tha session of the city council
last evening, jt was decided by the
committee named to investigate the
telephone question, to meet this after
noon at f o'clock at the office of E.
V. Bussello and g: some statistics as
to what a municipal telephone would
cost nnd some pointers on rate The
committee to handle (he prooaitioii of
a ion,000 municipal telephone is Dr.
. I Heott, chnirmin. Dr. K. h. Utter,
W. A. Wiest, with Mayor Otto .T. Wilson.
ror sale, a modern bouse ready to
move into. Come ort and look it over,
lit") South 12th Bt. V. A. E-ixon.
Lady wanted for kitchen work. The
Diamond T trucks and Farmers Spe
cial, Marion gnrtige, ?33 230 8. Com
mercial St. I'hone SH2, tf
Ca'l Patton Plumbing Co. for you
repair work. Phone IOCS, 820 N. Com.
street. tf
Salem Cigar Factory Is now making
"I.a Corona" and "Little Salem" ei
tfsrs exactly as they were made before
the war. Smokinu them remimt. n nt
old times. tf
The hnirs Of William A. Kitvnn1t
the lumberman whi died recently in
Hverton pooled :tini- lnfcn-t .n,l
nifreed to nay off ill it... ii,,l,,l,t,.,i,..w.
of the estate, rat!nr than to place on
ine marKet me ho'. lings of the estate
in the S:lverton Lumber I
to ti,0HO. In pursuance of this plan,
the following ib-bts nf th .
been paid, and rer.-ipts filed with the'
county eonrt: K. A. Owtfen $12,370.
!M; Coolidge k M. Claine I2S; Wil- !
nam fcrvwe 2t.74 22 and the Silver-
ton l.uuilicr Co. $ii"iit.4.'V.
Lady wanted for kttriiMi rk sn
Wednesday, August 6
2 d. m.
At 1785 Court St.
1 8-room house and
Easy terms.
The New Auctioneer.
Phone 1000 or 1211
Friday, August 8
1 p. ni. 1 mile east of
fair grounds near Tan
siege Nursery, route 7,
box 45. 4 head of stock,
hay crop in field, chick
ens and farm tools.
Watch for sale bills.
Silks for Every Occasion
No wonder markpt. rpnorts inffirtn us that silks
I are becoming more popular and scarcer and higher.
fcveryooay is wearing silk. It s silk, silk, silk
until the demand has outstripped the supply.
We foresaw this condition and prepared for it.
Our assortment is large and our prices are con
siderably lower than they would have been if we had
not bought when we did.
36-inch Chiffon Taffeta $1.98
40-inch Georgette Crepe .'. $1.98 yd
40-inch Crepe de Chine $1.98 yd
36-inch Messalines $1.98 yd
36-inch Silk Poplins $1.00 yd
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
Phone 1072
Corn! & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
1410 C St., Corner 15th St.
Thursday, Aug. 7, 1:39 p. m.
Consisting of---7 roomed plastered house with full
cement basement, cement floored, electric lights,
bath and toilet, large front porch, dutch kitchen,
large corner lot, this is a well built home being only
5 years old. Anyone wishing to buy a home should
not miss this opportunity.
1 Oak buffet French design; 1 Round onk extension tnlde with ped
estal; 4 oak enne soated diners; 2 Oak cane sested kitten chairs; 1
green velour lounge; 1 Kimball 6-Octave organ light oak; 1 lady's writ
ing desk; 6 ouk rockers; 1 baby's rocker; 1 4 hole Orbin DeLuxe range
like new, coiled; 2 heaters. 1 camp stove; 1 oil heater; 1 in. ft. drop leg
extension table; 2 kitchon tables; 5 center tables; 1 glass cupboard; 1
bod, spring and mattress, dresser and coniode; 2 enameled beds springs
and mattresses; 1 high chair; 1 book shelf; 4 rawhide chairs; 1 rug de
sign linoleum, 10x11 feet; 1 Axminster rug, l-.tiiU feet. 1 Brussels
rug, 12.0x5 feet; 1 velvet Rrusseli? carpet, 12x14 feet; 1 ingrain carpet;
4 new windows; 1 gasoline biuip; 1 porch seat; 1 Hugro vacuum carpet
sweeper; 1 cloth wringer; 5 wash tubs; 1 lawn mower; 10 dozen fruit
jars; 40 quaits canned fruit; dishes and kitchen utensils, stone jars
house plnnts; 1 power or hand feed cutter. 1 50-egg Buckeye ineuhator
1 hand garden plow, dry wood, lumber, shovels,
hoes, rakes, spade, forks and many other things too
numerous to mention.
Mrs. Maria Wolters
1410 C St Cor. 15th St.
Phone 510 or 511
NOTE Woodry buys and sells everything. See me
before you sell.
Th imT AT Biv Rim 4tk 1.1. Aim
charge may be as.ired that a proper
.-, wu oe ma le or it if he will
end (H) rents in having it rcen-dol
with the eoiintv recorder. Mrs. Mildred
H. Brooks. 80 far this month the fnl
lowini irmy men have had their di
rharres nvnrded: M. 8. Chand'.e-, O.
K ralmetier, M. M. Sawver, P B
Auction Sale
At Center street feed
barn, Saturday, August
9th, 1010, V 1 p. m.
1 pair of Brown geld
ings, 5 years old, well
matched, weight about
1200 pounds, sound and
broke to work double,
set of heavy work har
ness, new.
Terms, Cash.
Phone 1211.
The New Auctioneer
V. C. Brock, chief appraiser for the
federal land bank of Spokane, is iu
the ritv- this week for the purpose of
investigating about fifly applications
for loans with the Oregun National
ririii Loan association, agg-eanting
abont tl.'H'.OOO. It will be necessary for
the appraiser to visit each pieee of
farm property upon which loan applica
tions are made. Tn reply to a question
as to loans on orchard and fruit lands,
wlii.h are the most valuable tvpo oT
p-operty in the vnlby, it was "stated
that the proportion of loans to valua
tion on this class of property wns
j smaller than upon ordinary farm lnmU .
tne fruit not being considered a fixed
MM Mtitli
Will make Special prices on them for this week only.
75c up.
Good fumed oak roll top office desk and chair
Special $45.00.
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. rommprri.il Rf RaUm