Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Three Separate Lines Of In
vestigation Now Being
Traced Out.
Cal, Aug. r. (Cu'ited;
i'riss.l-Two men sustH-cteJ of Bavins
. , , ... i I In audition the lWw iork clubs
had rliBc connection with U.o loii.b ex ) . , . , , . , .
. . ... , , .... . ... attorney declared tbev would today
plum which nearly cost the . He u At-, i,.Ulm.tion to .- v.. Joh "
..n:ey Oir W. Uwler ami wife, from rillg fr..r in mtfin
......is u ....- -ni-nuu 'tween Mavs and the laukees. If thev
Mi !y pursued by four deputy aiu riffs,! ....eceisful thev ulaa to start the
lt vas anuouneed toda ly SuCriff : atar jiurler todav against the !St. l.ouis
Join, C. Cline. . 'Browns. . .
lavestigatura this tuorniiii; fouud the) Uohnsnn has called ott the lueeting
to men. who had been u-'uer survell of the club owuers set for today. Th
. ..
rime aiuee tney reported i.os Angeles, eiutj. owners were to pas iiuai juag.
s wek so left here in au aulo.i.obile nient in th Mavs controversy.
. .T !,.-. i . i ii ...
uiLrut. I
- 1
Tim.- ti.oi.i.,1 tA Kivn-.i.lu nhA
they passed through', rurin lit hijih J
H'ed toward Imperial valley, ilexieaii,1
Lower California, is iM'lieVid to be
Uieir (Urination.
"Keep goiiin until you i;,'t (hem,
w.i the instruct ioii Cliue gne lit dep
uties. The orde ri sisjuif io.iat in view
of the fact that extradition t;atii
" Jl'J"'o are saiu to l.e to:..si;lorMl
by, the Mexican (joveiuiuetit as not uof
in effect.
r'ederitl authorities, headed bv t'nit
States Attorney Kobert O 1 aiinoi
Special Aitent 0. 1 Keep uf the depart
nnt of justice aturted to check up on
every railical known to be iu tins ieia
ity. They also went through the rec
ords to ohtuiit a list of all ernuii.ali cou
Aiet'ed while Lawler was federal at
torney here , and announced they will
determine the w hereabouts oi each man.
Police centered their ctloris on the
theory that the parly responsible wns
iutcicstcd in & compaiatively iicent
civil suit, fought with Rrcat bitterness
nod in which Lawler was til. attorney.
I -I
Thev predict arrests niav lo iiiado, to
At the hospital today, reports .were
t'ifit both Lnwler and his wife are tesr
in(I as comfortable as could be expected.
Physicians said Lawlor U allowing
wonderful courage which, they didarc,
is a great factor in his favor.
McArthur Keeps Eve Upon
Chamberlain's Senate Jab
Portland, Or. Aug. fi. The,
Journal's Washington corres
pondent reports that Congress
man C. X.MeAi'tlm- has piactie
ally decided to anuouiiee him
self as a candidate for the re
ublicnn nomination for Vnited
States senntor to succeed Sen
ator Chamberlain.
Sacramento, Cnl., Aiiif. !.
Prisoners in itho county jail
displayed rare genius today.
With a tube fif een feet long,
made of jipirnlly rolled sheets
of newspaper, thev were con
ducting gas fron a jet in the
forrido- to on of the cells.
There they hnd a perforated
tobacco can doing yeoman ser
vice as a gas r.inge and were
eookitig dinner when deputy
sheriff happened by and com
mandeered the outfit.
$$ Keen em In The Circle $S
From Palestine
Arrives In
Lr HAVsT, Jtlnf 1 " : TUis little
town that juts out oirr Hr miju, is
the meeting place of the !.; t the
earth, two women oi.e ,ii:r-ruan
and the other F.mdili. n uc Imn aci
iS as hosteiits lj .-t n.i.cti.ii;i
Cicr since the rirly v:.r "laii.
They are Mi Ja;e I!(in of
Richesier, N'. N ., r,u! N!i- Leslie
Harpham of Io ido'i. lii? are in
the uniform cf Hie Y. V, . C. A. One
is the Arneroti nit eostrire. The
other is the Bri'ish. Tugelher they
nut the BH;ih-American Eiue
Triangle cluh for women. It is the
otilv oTganizatioB ef it
kind in of
Fr nee
ir nil r: if
I. i i -if K- '- ' ' r- - --'.'s.. t -
1,1 ,1 . . " - h . . . k.
, i :' - ,"- ! . 9 r ,
, i ii.a i.Bl J ,.i ,- -,.tt a
New York. Aue. 3. Chnrires that kei
in fiiiatirmllr interested in the awner-1
ship of the Cleveland euit. the
1(VUD VI 1111 11 HI la lll ni:ill. 1 "M .
t .. k. ;.. ...... ;
fronted Kan Jolnson head of the Am
eriean lea"iic todav. The accusation
was made by Lieutenant Colonel V. L.
Houston, half owner of the New York
Yankees, who have started a fight
against Johnson, follow nj his action
in suspending Pitcher Carl Maya.
. . . .
tr jonusoncan ue proven to nuui im
. . . . t . . i . l
interest in tne t leveiana cluu tt muv
be necessarv for him to resign. Tin
liublie, it is believed, will not peimit
him to remain as bead of the league.
Huston declared he would weiiuine n
suit in the courts should Johnson care
to go that far. In that ease he pointed
out, James Jhinn, president of the
Cleveland evluli, and others uf its
board of directors could be .summoned
l0 tou ),. ,i,e. kmm. of ,lu, tnull,r
fim.llllfl- HIBIIIIM
litMliilU tjlllViW IU
cmcm cmmiv wirirr
(loveinor Olcott will delnei the ad
dress of welcome to the .Natiou.il Kili
torial assoc iation, which wili .peml ! ,,pv!,r before congress w'-thin a few
three hours ia Salem Sund.i evening, j , lays to recommend action with refer-
Aicording to present uriaugeiiicnts. ence to the food situation.
the editors numbering about li.'.O will! P'"''!'"- . Iti t iiit
,,,, . would rcutiest new le;islation to cope
arrive iu Snleni at b:oQ o cWk andli.j, Wi ,,ril,w .
will be met at the depot by citizens I Attorney (Jeneral Palmer today said
with uutos. he repn-ted to l'resi lciit Wilson that
Thev will be fiisl taken to V..!Woii I rn,ir( i"'hitiery of Tlie depart-
Park and served with n lunch, o:. of en- i ',,,t .i,,'"., has been set in motion
tirelv S n im.di.cts ..ml S.:le,n f lOwn
fruits, following the lunchtuu ll.e wn:
. in in in iiir iu'ii iivvu inn n ... . , ... .
. " ., ., , ..president recompvuilntions for
iven about the cty and !!"! (,,, (,oisti ,,r,pa-ed bv a
of the f.uo couutiy suioiuiid.og ;mith,e ()f eMn w'rmht,n ailll
bo dv
the city.
Governor and Sirs. Olcott hive ar
ranged to aecompav the edUois on
their trip to C'rat - Lake,
From the Commercial club a culi hax.im.t meetini
been nimle lor nulos for use i.uoul two
hours. Sunday evening. Those who are
willing to aid i ii entertaining the vise
tors me asked to notify tho Comim rcial
Portland To Bay Three
Cars Of Surplus Foods I
Portland, Ore., Aug. 5. Tho city
commisisonpis decided today to buy two
carloads of bacon mid a earload of ens
ued tomatoes from the surplus army
stock at San Francisco.
The bacon and tomatoes, which are
expecled to arrive here within four
days will be sold at cost in nn effort
to reduce the cost of living for Port
land consumers.
A local store has offered to retail tho
food without expense to tho city, even
donating the wrapping paper.
The council instructed one of the
commissioners to visit army camps on
the Pacific coast and secure additional
food in enrlond lots.
The V. R. Dennis Construction com-
ipany of McMimiville and C. V. Cook of
.Sheridan were awarded the contrnet for
'paving Hhoridan streets at aproximale-
2 iT yar1-
or Archangel, Everyone
Time at the Interallied Club
n :.
v t i. t i. A j J
Their viitnr?' book shows the
rceoid of lluir cetcrtai-iincnt of
group af'cr gr up of nurses ami
oilier wonHTi war workers comt'ia; in
varying r.nmU rs front Kti- -ia, Sr
bi.i, F.i:H!:nia, liai, Filoiei a, Malta,
IVct.iir, jDn.biV, hfyfU -VlvjP
lamia, Aii TeIu n,i! CMi'taitireiplc
Prtt.-tically ail of their gtiests are
I-tigli!l. ("anadiar, Ai!rr.lii;i, or
Aricrican ;oncn oa their way
Thev cotre to the "Interalliej Oub
as it i Icnovm, after weeks cf hard
travel and fi-.d iii it Uieir firs'. plnpe
lit :t
wrmh, clunliness, fcomehkeness ,hat
and gio,l food. .
CouuUlc Ore., Aug.
5. Harold Uow-
ell. a 14-vear-old boy was bound over
to the grand jury jrattajr on
i hold, 16.
I Carroll Warden
19. who was taken
into custody at the name time young
Howell was arrested, was reWased upon
the jee omiueadatioa ef District Attor
ney Hall. - .-
Samuel Whetstone .gunsmith testi-
: ,j ... 1 .11'.. .....1 iniii.a it fi.iariiiiy
that; In hi.pii,,. the builo, which
killed. the leuthold girl was firod by aorester tlliott, atatins tk-t iu re
Stevens rifle which was found in the,s,K(US,. to the representations niatle to
! possession 01 itoweu woeu arresuii.
I laiastm; 'idenee ngainst the boy
: was introduced by John lVuthold.
brother of the murdered girl. He tes-
! tificnl he had exiwniited the ground at
the naene ef the killins. sifted the dust
...j .... .l... .... -,i;. . (,11"""'
aim i-rr i a ... .. -v . (t;aitu( SJ .,;,,! w,iBt .
and had found two copper rartridsesj
.... :..... .v.. .-,1., ,
mai m- i-i'. i- . t
mi ' . .. 11 .1.. .A nnl
me n -jrar-wm --iiii n.i .
! sign of fer or even nerveilsness at any
. .1...:... l.tj I,,., nil
time during bis hearing
In,, nf P,
r ..
I I ,
I MM tit Prnfirtwe yum -
Washington, Aug. .". President Wil
s.iu lule todav let it W known he will
!agiinst fm.d hoarders and profiteers.
Pnhner said he presented
to the
government official? of which he has
been acting as the head.
Palmer coirferrc 1 with the president
for nearlv nn hour after n general cab-
i'oUowiug this th. resident went in
to conference witu Julius II. Ilu-nes,
wheat director, wi'h whom he was toj
discuss lwssibilitv of bnnein down!
wheat prives.
"We presented to the president a
memorandum in which we stated what
the gvoernnient is doing and what it
rnposea to do under existing laws,
said Palmer.
We made suggestions regnrding ad
ditions to laws to cope with the situa
tion. "Tlio now lnw..'Coinniciuled are de
signed to have an immediate effect as
J'nliner said tho Lever act and other
food laws are the stitules under which
agents of the department of justice are
acting. Ho said its penal section pro
vides ample anthorily for the depart
ment of justice to act against profit
eers and hoarde-s,
"We are investigating to the limit
of onr powers and hope to teach a salu
tary lesson," said Pkla.er,
Three wonien did all shocking of 8.1
acres of oats and 20 acres of whent,!
beside handling the hay ciop i. ml a
dairy business on a farm near fehctidun.
They could not get help.
$$ Don't Let 'en Ream J$
: e . . i .t 1 ' S i."
rw t.A photo, u j
Tne, club is not only fV.r pcip'e
Msiig Uiri)Ut;li l.e Havre but is aUo
I t any uomcn o allied couu'ric in
Lc Havre Aad i!ii rcmarluLit ihih
l ii wi even stop wi:h a wmai
inc:-Vr-iiip I.ais. There is a 'T.-a
I'o-im" club for allicJ I'ddieri in l.e
Havre. N
Tre r.lu? T.TT;;!e center has 'L--niar.ji
r'uJo ;i;s-,n it at ail hour, of
the da and niht, for train i a;r1
ship? c ;n i icr no sl-ejKTig rules. I i
S'.'-V-uis words It is fr : ..n
P ia " V '
w r -i-;
Ff.J.p. Tft Cpl T
Salea Wi&ia Comin Two
Days, Is Advice.
At twB oMoi k this aften.on the ex
pct-W wire wan received frtui 3iajor
i0'1 f Mr .vi "M. V Mate
the aviation authorities they woutd 41s
pateh a major with a jsquaunu of six
pluucsto .Snleni w-itlun the next two
days. Tins .gftfyiug uemsi aeeuis to
make rertaia the permanent -cataulish-nient
of tin- Oregon fire bt.'.toL with
This afternoon Mr. Klliott and one of
, y.i.. ..- . t i .
illH-T IUF lilltniC BI1U lltlS'lMir2 1i
ma k e
au air survey 01 iiousmI touiitv.;,,,- r.i; ii His,.liniiii
and investigate the flyii g f , t nose -
Till" forestry office now k;U a com
plete, though tentative map hf the four
patrol district covering wc.tcrn Ore
gon. The northern distiiit exiemls
I from Salem uorth to the vu iuilv of
Portland, west to the east line of Tilla
mook county and east to the vicinity
Bull Run. in Clackamas. The (tfeenrt
extends from Salem to Eugene, west
.i.. ( -..i.,.. r r
.. ... . ... ... ...
lllldlll IU1II1 1-irn.in nun 1,1 H.IIII.H,
and east to a liBe rrom Mehiiiua to ros-i, , , , . .. , . ...
., , , highwar tMitween Hood River and the.
ter. The third covers the tcrmo.y be-1 ,o bp wAff f(lf UtA
tween Lugene and Roseburg, west 0rsl.rface
Scottsburg and east to Oak Kidge. The, A;nti1(,r important protect oo which
fourth extends from Roselmrg to Mi1"'! bids were received today is the 11.8
ford, taking In C.rnnts Pass, west to the j , Tmt i.tween Athena and Milton,
west border of Douglas and east to BoUl!i I'matiHa county. When this is eom-
Mountain in Jackson county.
As. blocked out there is iipioximately
200 miles in each hf the ciuuits to be
covered in a dr.y's lcisusely fl int..
F'ys Peorle Iniured When
Electric Trains Collide
Sausnlito Cal., Aug. 5. Vive per
sons were seriously injured and a score
wera bruised aud.ahakea up when the
Northwestern Pacific's San Kufael
train crashed into the rear of that ruil
road's Manor train in the local yard
early today. Both trains were crowded
with early morning commuters, houm)
for San Francisco.
Two of tho five seriously injured may
be fatally hurt. The five were rushed
to the railroad hospital here.
Ituning into an open switch, the in
j coming Sun liafael train went on the
track oil which the Manor train was
I standing while its passengers were
; leaving. The mistake was cliseovercil
j too late ami tne crasii loiiowou
The injury list would undoubtedly
would have been higher but for the fact
that most of the commuters bad
alighted from thu Manor train. Both
trains were electrically operated. Sev
eral cars were damaged in the ciBsh,
Part Of Trans-Continental
Air Fleet To Visit Oregon
Kan Franciaeo, Aug. 5.- Four army
airplanes from Kllington Field Texas
leave late today to continue their cross
country flight throughout the west and
middle west. They will fly to Oenver
via Keno, Halt lkc and Crnnd Junc
tion ('(do.; thence' to Pueblo, Colorado
Springs, Oreely, Colo.; Cheyenne, Lin
coln Omaha and Kansas ('ity.
From Kansas City the four planes
will tour the Dakotas, Montana, Wash
ington and Oregon returning to San
Francisco for the start of the trans
continetal dash to New York.
A gentleman who advertised a cow
for sule in the "Ne,v Today" columns
of the Capital Journal yesterday, tele
phoned this aftern ion peremptory or
de -s to stop the ad It scnn that he
sold the cow advertised and another
one last evening and was being wor
ried to distrnctioii 'y many other per
sons who also wanted to buy cows.
That good old standby rice, is now
taking its Bland among the articles
of food which were once almost luxnr
ie. It wasn't so .i.any years ago that
rice rctuiled at a'.out three or four
cents a pound. It is different now as
grocers have received ipiotat ions fo"
December delivery naming the Japa
nese style of ric at 13'i cents a
iioiunl wholesale. I'l.is is ju-t about
the present retail price. Soap aho con
tnii.'-s to advance in price.
Mrs. 0. N. Thomoson, living about
four miles uoitli if the cily just
neros I he -oad fro-. the home of Spsk
cr rVevinoiir Jonci, '.reuhf suit in the
court of Justice Olenn K. I'uruh
against the Silvert .n stagei for dam
.ages to her auto susiaiiie't aw.ut rmir
(or five week ai(o. he alleged that at
Market and Capitd street the riilvcr
iton tnge -an into her car doing consid
'erablc damage. Justice I'nruh has tak
!cn the matter inoier advisement pend
ing the iibniitting of briefs hv at'or-
neys.for both '.! '. It seems bat in
aitempling to dd :.' on car the driv
er of the ilvcrto.i singe ran into Mrs.
Thompson a car.
Card have been received announc
ing the l.ir'h of a son to Dr. and Mr.
If. M. Slater at Tt'-oina. Mrs. Mater
iwas Miss l;ugi"fi'e M'-rs, rormeily
s-rMary of the wMcr boa d in tiic
state engineer's off cc, ami Dr. Slater
has lieen eonnecteH with the base bis
pital at Camp Lew it, and i a hom of
Judge W. T. K'a'er of Portland, for
rneriy of, Halero, The child's nanie is
Wo!.on TaTior.-! iter.
Senator Alex Ifollctt "ssyi lie isiliutt. rfat - Gir.
skiving the large crop of pea "hes I
be has ever grown, about 2ri.si0 boxc.
Today he has ten pickers buy in his
PaYiTMr MtfmM A
Grading Bids Are Opened
By Commission.
Portland, Or, Aug. 5. The first
state road bond, o-it of the $10,000,
900 authoriwtien tf the last lrgista
tiiro were sold today by tho state hish
wav eoniaiis-sion; An installment of
Uoo',000 was sold for 99l.'no. a dis
count of $i.rtHiS tt a syndicate com
posed of Carstetis ard Karle of Seat
tle; W. R. tVai4ou, Hanker. Trust com
pnny of New YorS and the Northern
Hrust com pnny pf Cliieago.
The Iwnda bear 4V per cent tnter
est. F.i'ht bids w.'re submitted. The
cond highest wi'S that of the I'niou
Trust company of Spokane, itSS,,r0O.
Bids were suAihi'tted on 40.S miles
f hard surface navmnent, 26 milea of
.rniliiiir .mt liiur it:imi7i i ir 4
j.,,,! m brid-es. Th- bids are being tab
ulated today, and the awards will not
be made until k rrow atte"iHHHi, in
all -probability.
The largest paving project for which
bills were called, ;s for It.S miles be
tween Astoria and 'Seaside, which is to
receive federal ail under the post
road act. Clatsop county will also co
operate. With the exception of a 10
mile st-cteh between I'eer Island and
nca-ppoose, 111 olMiiibia. fount?
are torn t tue last (Mi on tue t oinmm
f .... ... .4 .... i. ......
, , ,.
pleted there will he a continuous pav
ed highway from Pendleton to the
Washington state line, on the "oad to
Walla Wallu. Other projects. On whioh
bids were received today follow:
Fight miles betveen Cnrvallia and
Monroe, in Itenton count,
Four and two tent.-, miles between fia
leni and Brooks. Marion county.
Two miles between Tho Dalles and
Dufur. Waax'o county, -
The largest grading contract to he
let is in Deschut's county, between
Bend and the Jefferson county line,
2.1.fl miles. The county will coope-ale
to the extent of 't.1,000.
orchards. He figures that the price
will average along netween li." to DO
cents a box. Lust year his total crop
wns 5000 boxes, wVle three yea-s ago
it wns 14,000. He -y s he doesn't ever
want such a large "-op again as it is
too hard on the tiees. In his orchard
there oro ,H) acres and he grows 37
varieties, he says.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hartwell of tils
city and N.. Kenyon of Kugene, made
up au automobile party stinting nut
this afternoon for an -outing trip to
Newport and vicinity. They havo fit
ted up a 1-UO poiyid Overland truck
With lied nurl nit h"ccRTr ehmffeqitlp
inent, including supplies of gasoline
and oils. They will travel leisurely,
camping by the wav, and on reaching
the seashore will make up their own
hotel' and lunch coin. to, with no tips
for waiters.
The Jones Brothers, vlnegni piai.t at
Yakima will use 12,000 tons of cull up
pies this seiitvn, pluuuiug to make
1,800,000 pillions of their product.
Buth Law- failed to break Lie, Amerl
con altitude record when her gasollnp
j supply became dangerously low nt the
8,000-foot level.
101 acres, giu.d soil, well drained, on
good road, close lo Salem; 70 acres
in cultivation aal'tuco brush pasture,,
well improved; $1!(0 per acre, worth
20 acres cultivated, -7 acres fruit,
mostly prunes; house and barn, 3
miles town, only .'IN00.
7H7 acres cut over, excellent pasture,
best soil, rolling; spring water, log
house, barn; 20 per acre, terms.
320 acres grain ranch, good black
loam, 2!'0 acres cleared, 30 grub oak
pasture, 70 acres A 1 clover, family or
chord; 8 room modern house with own
water system, good barns; if you're
looking for a snap, here it is. Oood
road 4 miles town, at IT-'") per acre.
Sell half.
f.S acres, all tillable 4 cleared, 13
Stump pasture, 20 acres beaverdam,
good barn, h use. MolM).
o Acre 2Vj miles Salem, good soil,
small lions and barn, wsv psvnients,
I'i'i acre? dirk loam, 8 a-rcs clear
ed, balance stn.np pasture, I sere besv-
cnlain, faiuilv oichurd, i room house,
ru, other build. ng', , milu town,
onh :i70.
i acre 1
miles Salem, best soil,
berries, 3 a--res
well. 2.-.0O.
primes bouse, burn.
II) acres 4',j miles Pulcm, red shot
siril, 3 acres loans, t room liouw, barn;
stock and eq iipiuent and li acres com
and 1 acre polaioc, goes at 'i."iuii,
10 acres lust loganberry lnd, all cul
tivated, rock read, 3 miles Salem, 1 1: T,00
liasy term".
lliiv right
3 41 Ptafe
"n" Teirr-fi? Innrrnl
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white .No. 1 2(fi.2.04
Wheat, lower gradti oa sample
Oats, new - 80c
llav, cheat, new ..." 17
Hav. oats, new sf((20
llarlcy ton - $sfti,.jO
(Mill ma 4.vi
Creamery litter iX,(n Glc
fork. VwU ac4 Motto
Pork "on foot 2le
Quick Reference To Firms That Giro Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller BIcct We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salea Electris Co., Masouie Tempi a,
Kaexille, Iowa. Bloodhounds, on a
trail foltowiuf theft ot a picture now
dynamo at Olmits, stoppi'd ana i:red
"treed" in a cornfield. Tue sheriff
dujf up ii quart of whiskey,
Bakersfield. Cal. Aitor sentencing
0. F. Cobaugh for drunkenness, Judge
Thomas suspended sentence when Co
baugh confessed that it u a terrible
ordeal to get iu suck condition via the
two per eeut beer route.
$$$ Keep Them Hose--$$$
Call 398. Highest prices paid fox
junk, second hand goods and machin
ery. Be sura and. call 398, get the right
prices. The square deal house,
271 ChemekeU St. Salem, Or.
- 4e--S' - -
Kxpert machine shop aervice hy Mr.
IVrgman at high school machine
shop, 12 years experience. Gear cut
ting a specialty. High class machine
tool, (jiiivk service. Phone 446. 8 IS
PR. h. HALL WlLSON-4spe-cialist
in the Modern Scientifie
Ai.plicalion of Glasses for tho aid of
vision and the relief of Fyestrain and
Headache. Office closed (Saturdays.
Office 210 11 U, B. Bank building.
Phones, office 145; res. 1244,
car of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ok
Uai medicine whioh will cure any
knows disease.
Ones Sundays front 10 A. VL
until 8 P. M.
133 South High St.
I Bolcm, Oregon J . . '..Phone 232
, t t t T T . T . . . f VVTTf Tl
k Undertaker '
152 North High Street
Vcul, fancy
Cows ..
, Sfr'Vje
Spring lambs
Kwes ...
. 4(g).'
Shocp, yearling .. 79
ggs and Poultry
Rggs cash 43c
Hens, live 25c
Old rooster - I5s
Broilers S3m'i5e
New potatoes 2I4f
Ureen onions don 40c
Onions, per reek $4.2j
, Halt
Peaches 7ocl.00
Watermelon. U V4
Oranges $a.o.(a00
Lemons, box ;.aU(y,8..'JU
Bananas MiC
Hss.ey, eitraeted 20e
Cantahmpea - 13.00
Bunch beet - - 43
(Jabbngo 3'iC
Head lettuco - - oue
Carrols 45c
P.etall Prices.
figgs dor.en 50c
Creamery butter 70c
Ciiimtry butler ....-... oOv
Flour, hard wheat $J.1D( 3.2C
Portland Market
I'orilci'd, Or., A'tg. .1.- I it(tr, city
creamery (iOftjCle
I'.'ggs selecled local cx Slfeobc
Hens 27r-i 2Ho
Broilers HL"o ;30e
Cheese, triplet 38( IOk-
Receipts 32
Tone of lom ket steady
timid to choice steer Ilffi l2
l air to good steers $'.(i I'l..."
(ornuion to fair steers 87(ii,59
Choice to good eow and beifert
Medium to good cows and heifer)
Canners 'fa 8
Bulls to. 7,."i0
Calves t'Mn !)
lteccipt 1.12
Tone of market 'lower
Prime mixed ' !.7-"fo '2-
Mediom mixed $2 1 Co 21. .ei
Hough heavies 421.,jO'( 22
Pigs ti'X'i 19.7..
Bulk $21. ".0
Sheep 2!'0
Tone of market steady
Prime Iambs 11.50(ril2
Fair to medium lamh 8..)0(all
Yec.rling fr.0O(fi.7.50
Wethers tiJUXuJ
Ewes $0.31.17
, .," , a
-XUia Wt
127 Kortk High-
We will pay yon mor aA for yoa
household goods. Got our bid feeler
yeu sell. Peoples Faraitmr and BaiaV
ware Store. 271 N. ?. 6L Flooi
NO CASH K EQUIH ED Goed evereoai
shoe and suits, all kinds of Ban
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, seat
ing stoves, gt stoves, suit case a4
1000 other useful articles to sell at
trade. What have yoaf The Capital
Kxchange S37 Court St. Pilose 4k,
TOTTH used furniture, stoves, earpett
and tools, as we pay fair prises to
everything. Call 647
2S5 N. Com 'I St.
Hats Blocked
I RENOVATK, block and trisi Ud'uM
and men's hats at 1917 prices, aud
better work; material ij in-arc, hats
aro expensive, what's the aaswerl
C. B. Kllsworth. 4j Court Pi,., Sa
lem, Or.
SO year experience, Depot Niioaa
and Anierieaa fence.
Sizes 8 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, et.
Loganberry and hop hooka.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, ,
230 Court street, Phons i2iV" -
J. A. Rowland Furniture Sl::l
Buys, sells and exchanges new aael
2d hand furniture. All kind f
repair work, light grinding, fills j
and brazing a spacialty. Bigkj
prices. 247 North Comttfertial
Phons 16. '
SALBM B0AVKN0ER earbag ant,
refuse of all kinds removed oa areata
ly contract at reasonable rat
Cess pool cleaned. Dead animal tw
mofed. OMic phone Main 187.
. . 11 1 ..! M
On Oood Buol Estate ffoeurity
THoa. k. mnn
Over Ladd ft Bush bank; Baism Orefoa
ent Interest. Prompt sfrvlss. It VI
years time. Federal farm Inaa
for sale. A. C. Bohiostedt, 401 kta
sonio Temple. Salem, Orego.
INfTBATTC'E COUNT iuFot free la
formation about Life Insurant seel
J. F. Hutchison, dist. Inasagsr fa
the Mutual Life of N. Y., offias
371 Stats St., Salem, Or. OM
phone 9ft, residence 1.1B8. tf
Our Prices are Kight
W. M. ZANDLER, Proori-ts
1253 N. ciuiuruer Street, SaleM, Oswfasl
mowers ground br machinesy; ail
kinds of grinding, lock smitBing, sa
brnlla: recovered, light repairing sf
all kinds. a47 Court St.
McCornsck hull on every Tuesday;
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. .'
Kuatz, K. R. k 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon drape camp No. 1380 meet every
Thursday evening in Met ornosk kali
Elevator cvie. Oracle, Mrs. t'j
rie E. Buna, 618 L'nioa St; Tes
dcr Mrs. ilelissn Pcrsoas, 1411 HV
4th' St. Phone 14,'ICM.
bly .No. H meets firt TBtimay f
each month at 8 p. m. in Maxowe
Temple. Olenn C. Niles, M. A.j C. A.,
Vibbert, ecrttary, 340 Owens street.
Oregon Cedar Camp Ho. 52l0,mets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in AlcCornack building niiTt and
Liberty streets. V. M. Persons, V.
C; Frank A. Turner, clurk.
eorncr Commcrcit' and Trale atrest
Bills payable mesthly ia advance.
Out of 00 student in tie pnarraaey
department of the l'niverity of Wasfc
inglon tli is year 30 sre woraea.
To replace the old building roreatrr
burned, the school district of Empirs,
in ( n-t county, ha voted lands or