Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE 6lX
Oh! IJiave not
the money to
i ?
Da tie Usual This in aa Unusual Way.
IN other words, the long and exceptionally good service
these clothes will give you is added the distinction of be
ing decidedly better dressed.
VIRGIN WOOL means that the life is still in the wool;
while ALL WOOL is misleading, in that it may have been
made up into many suits and still be all wool.
WAIST-SEAM models in single and double breasted and
suits for the more conservative men.
Full Range in Models, Fabrics and Moderate Prices.
$35.00 and $50.00
We make the complete
suit, taking your measure
and cutting the gaols to
your measurement
Only the best of linings
and materials used.
Moderate Prices.
Salem WOOlefl Mills Store
J 1
Buy Shoes Now
Coming to the Oregon Friday and Saturday
...:. 7
IHed from accident and other causes .'I
Killed in action
iHed from wounds
Iicd In airplane accident .
Died of disease
VYuuiidod severely
Wounded, degree undetermined
Wounded slightly
Musing In action ...
. 1!
Killed in Action
A ii I ii ii C llauer, ineKiir Hond Ala
William Benjamin, lllouni field Nr J
Hen ( Hill, llceoriili Id
Curl C Mann, II .! v prinjt N P
William A Vtmu. Wichita Pulls Ten
Herman Chios, slnnewall Tcnn
Died of Wounds
y fled K Keller. Munlmttnn Kan
f,;t Piank A MiMcr, Baltimore
Corp Hiuid r limp, Ilajjerstown Md
Km nk W George, Homer City Pa
Dniiirniro I,avndo, furl laud Me
Hansom J) Hirdsong, Lanes l'ralris
Alvin A rtolm, (uk Mill Rta T
Daniel J CitlliaiK. Rochester N Y
Cornelius lnley, Jersey City X S
Hitihhh Potli, Wittenberg Wis
diilm M Jni iilihOH, Kcblisviig Iowa
William It IdHwil, Hand Ark
Charles M Towns.nd, Mount Tploa
Diixl from Accident and Other Causes
Karl S KleineH, .VicKeei Hocks Pa
Hoy Nnow, Agra Kun
, Privates
Arthur B ftiiiigliiu,tn, Kiins, City
Itoseoe K tirolT, Clnremiuit III
Kugeue R Hayes, l'restun (in
Kdwnrd i Johnson, Konnewiek Wit
i'oter J Muhinc-, Newfoundland
George VV i'faff, Ulympin Wash
llauer, 1'ii'd J-:, Nokuniis 111
John II llennott, Tyrone i'u
Kdmond Hugold, it ii it l cv
ALliert V Crouker, Mini I mi t'nl
Prank A King, Mnrysville Kun
John V Trust, I'liilndetphin l'a
Died from Wounds
l.co V MeCalie, Purest city l'a
Hoy. K Header, Wellington' Mo
l.ouU A .Schichtoi, 8t J.ouis
Died from Airplane Accident
Ruitou K Hocker, Kansas City Mo
Waller II Hi-hulie. k..niU.,n'li III
Died from Accident and Other Causes
t apt John T llrooks, Minona Wis
Hat Kraneia T Hnirnii, I'levcTiiinl O
Curp Henry Nflnn. (jtiuimi III
fcriuo I(iiier, lVtvrinrg liid
Clarence A Auekeriuiin. KnlninfiAa
Kuitene A Taiun'jr, l.ocll Maia
Newton K lrant, I'nion City l'a
Hoy .' (jtv Caleici 'ul
Churle, F William, Mukegou Midi
Died ol Diaeaa
Charles .S Clark, Herwyn 111
.lame Kny, Newark N J
Kininuna I. Iliiriieci, 1'ark KidKe III
Musician Homer Jlonrr, Miami Kla
Walter Oivhid, Sillieo To
Arthur II Hunter, Columbus lnil
Kilivnrd J 'Halter, Toutnnooli III
Morris M J)iinuiiii, Oiria .N Y
K'tnil lliiiHa, Jtr.iui w 1 Wiit '
.Mm I.oiuaj, Hon Air Va
Chuvn.:e J, Kuasell, l'fljiloloe Mian
John J Tyler, Auburn IN V
Ka in tie M Wliitt'iiidon. M rinn Mtn.
tioil Md
Thomas II J'lall, (;iady Ark
Oklahoma City, Okla. 1'niiU eomu
' K ' Okliihoiiia. Jiimen Wi'kiu eul
lei'led $1."H).5D fioui Direetor Hiiies for
a iiir lost in a 1'ullniiin. Wilkin fuiled
to get -'i0O a'.ked for mental anguish.
Chieimo. ' KverythiiiK plav ia goiii(!
up, no I iiem you had lietter pay your
wile $10 Instead of ,' a.iiil v'udiie
Kwunaon in l.ooMting John Bulat ali
mony ayiuenta.
Rapid Decline And Record
Transactions Feature Day
On Exchange.
Kcw York, Aug. 5. fceusutional Ue
I'linea in the 'atork market eontinued
today nt the olcniiif. SidUrs took the
ceutor iiiiined'ately at the ta-t of
trading and iirf.'eM were hiinuncred
downward rutlilesa'v.
Several reason were ascribed for
the aiidden drop iu iliarea. Tlio "ail
roud aituntiou was peiuted to a the
most firobnhlo lo'ution of the whole
nrtnir, lint the eoUKreaaional investijia
tion into various tiunni whieh are hold
ins up tho fost nf liv'.nir wai also
I'nion Foeifie opened at 123, off 2;
New Haven :W, ' f( 8 4; Keadinjt SI
off 't; lew V'rk Central 73, off
I X; Soutliem Tiiflf'. 9.i. off 3: Htudo
bnker 101, off 2'a. Meiiean Petrole
um 17. off V'i.
United IStutea Steel was unnWo to
reeove- from its wenKnem and wen
ed at 103V4, off 1. ,
In the first kill;, hour of tradinc
many apceuWttors dutnped huee bloeks
of stoeks on the m.-irket, aolling at the
hiRlieat avuiluble .-ico in an effort to
save soniethinit out of the wreck. I'ric-
ea broke under Hi burden more than
o dinarilv would have been tho ens.
In tho first hulf hour nearly .'100.000
share were turned over. Marginal dent
niK were hit bard. One firm reported
its marginals calls , nt out last niylit
we-e tlu largest in the firm 'a len veara
Bulla qiiieklv Kid led up evervthinu
offered in a vain effort to halt the
downward trend. I'atra ai were tak
en with Crueible to keep that atoek
from descending under yesterday' low
but it was futile. It dropped below
At 11 a. in. nenrle iiOO.000 shares had
changed hands an I the pace had not
Flashes j
WaahinRton, Aug. 3. The I'nited
States can withdraw from the liaRUe of
n. lions at any time it noes fit, David
Miller, adviser to the American Jientc
commisaion, declared in au official
meiuoraudum on the withdrawal provis
ion presented to the aennte eomuiittee
by Senator Hwaason, Virginia, today.
W'asliinirton. Aus. 5. The United
States did not send 'an airplant of its
own i,4'nsti tile lierienn lines um.. u
gnst J, IU1H, Colonel Mason (1. iT.lriek.
i.niii.-i' ruin ui nit mr iui'viir. iinnrn
ioid the apecial house sub eoninutteo in-
I vesiiuaiing avintinn toitay.
'Diirinj; the fight of 1918 wo needed
"7l'0 airulauea and nnr tnt.il ntitninori
j from this country wtjs only "2d," he
said. "We had to get the rest l'iom the
allies. "
(Continued from page one)
Samson Seive Grip
! Marshall N. Roach
Distributor for Marion and Polk Counties
Washington, Aug. 5. 1'reiUut Will-on
late yesterday went to the oiiiees
of the fedsra! tradi eonitnis-iioa. Com
nuKi-ioner Colter is a member ef the!
committee that !ih b.-ea imiuiiieg into
th hn,'h ecmt of living prulneiu, prt'jiara
t iry to S'jlitiiitling a reiwirt to Ue presi
d-ttt and hi cabinet. Tha nunwitf of
Salesroom ia
: LIBERTY GARAGE, 414 Ferry Street, Salem, Oregon.
New York. William DiekMiii'a wife:
went to the rountry and he uiuldn't!
awaken by kiuiM-lf in time tu i(aeh!
court, lilt tub! the imbre. IU
for fnrti., t dealing charged wita apied !
Washington, lnd. Lightning btrnedj
Ciuigo Neililor'a left aide I rum Ins
head to his feet, tre off both bis ahoei
and binned a hole in oue fool. j
Chicago. l.e Kmnt, 13, dieamej ha!
"as uutM.le wauling in. He found he.
was uiiataken when he piekid hi.iiai'lf!
up I.- low his .-eroud atuiy wii.Uow auf-'
filing with a broken rib. j
!.. n'iec, Crd. lutrodiieing the'
substitute robin tu aiug at dawn. Pred
Cook ia the inventor. It 'a an eianii
elot'k that atarts a phoongrapk to jait '
the sleeHr fruia hia eoueh. j
Denver. Colo. The eost J high liv
ing reeeived another aetbaek here to
day when Java tipplea joined dugh
uuU iu the ten eeut ela at ri stall
Denver, Colo. A oir.rriagc It ense
has been taken out here for Kdwaid (I.
Nnle and Kliabeth Hammer.
Two Days Only
0 5
E c
3 o
- .5 M
o u S
E 2 0
Comedy and Scenic Too
Today Tomo row
viae menna to cut living cosfa.
The president is devoting Ms tntire.
tune to living costs problem, it was sta
ted at the Whito House tod.iy. Con
fereiwea with senators about the league
eovenant and peaec treuty will bu de
ferred until aome plan for lowering
priees is evolved, it was ar.id.
The president wasto eoatu witu At
torney General Talmer following the
general cabinet meeting toduv. 1'almer
hafbeen direeting the aetivitii s oi enb-
1 in-1 meiribera and high officials, endea
voring to bring down the ecst of living.
Later, it was announced, the pi est
dent was to confer with WIieuT IWetor
Julius II. Barnes. He will be nsktd. it
was intimated, about the desiiahilitT of
having the government piiiciiase this
year's wheat crop at guaranteed prices
and re sell it on the market at A lower
Both the president and his advisers,
it was learned, consider speedy teflon
imperative, in view of the vntion wide
clamor for relief, and are laboring to
force an early improvement in tlic sit
uation. Passible plans of action, suggested bv
cabinet nii'uibeis and high government
officials in closest touch with domesti6
affairs, where whipped into shape for
presentation to the president and hii
cabinet at ai earlier eonfeienee. This
conference had before it the repoit of a
siibconiniittee composed of Federal
Trade Commissioner Culver, Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury I.eftingwell
and Rail Direetor Hines.
The subeonimitte was named at a
previous meeting to sift through plans
offered and discard those eu which
there is least agreement.
Julius H. Barnes of New York, wheat
director, aud Governor Harding ol the
federal re-"rve board were initd to
today 'a conference.
Barnes, it was learned, was io be
iiir,?ed on the feasibility of h.. . Ir.g the
government purchase the prccnt year's
uraiu crop at guaranteed pruta and re
sell it on the market at a lower figure.
Bread, the department of laber re
ports, sells for nine to ten ceMs a loimd
in most cities. It is argued if tins piir
ran be rnt to five or six cents other
food will drop ill sympathy.
Governor Harding wi.a to be ikkei
about the advisability of reducing the
volume of currency in circnlaiion, hich
officials say is twice that of pie-war
days. They argue this is one of the
chief causes of hinh prices.
Tiie president, it became Vnowa to
day, is giving actions consideration to
the rival of the price fixing and profit
limiting functions of the f'-od adminis
tration r.ud the wnr indut:.ea loard,
now inoperative for lack ol fuuiis al
though the laws which enaLlel I hem to
operate still are on the statute Looks.
The federal trade commission, it was
said, has production figure on f3',
00MHK,noo worth of eommodiUea, in
cluding bread, flour, canne.i good and
other foods. These figures were nsed
Yes, Madam, it will pay to borrow the money
and buy a pair of shoes now, as the interest on money
is not nearly so great as the advance on shoes. Did
you ever pay $2 for $1.00 interest in two or three
months time? No! But you will on shoes.
1 Note these prices and think it over.
Ladies' Outing Shoes, 12-inch top, regular
$14.00, special - $10.50
8-inch top regular $10.50, special $8.00
Black kid pumps with attractive buckle, reg
ular $9.00 special $7.3')
Nubuck pump medium heel, regular $$ special $6.50
Nubuck oxfords, regular $8.50, special J...$6.75
White ostend, regular $7.50, special $6.00
Fine kid oxfords, brown or black, regular $9.00
choice : ....$7.50
Did you know we carry orthopedic shoes? They cure
broken arches or prevent same. We have these shoes
in black or white while there is no better fitting
shoe for those who have foot trouble. Ask any one
who has worn them, or come in and let us show them
to you. Our price is from $7.90 to $10.50
by the government in price limiting'gn-.ins aud thus responsible for bootting
luring the war and wj II form the ot.sis the cost of living, were to be made to
of any action growing out of the pre
cut limitation, according tu ol'fici.iih.
The president, it was leainid, hopes
to present definite reeoiiiinenUutiuns
within a few days.
New laws may he asked fiom con
gress where existing legislation in con
sidered inadequate.
Th president, accoiding to his advis
ers, feels that natural economic laws
are responsible for high prices in part
only. He believes, they Buy, that nat
ural conditions are aggravated by com
minations profiteering, apeeuii.lio.i and
He ia said to believe these artificial
conditions can be broken down bv fed
eral action anil that their exislenee Is
the house today by Representative Mo
Culloch, Ohio.
The grain corporation, tiiiougk ita
complete control of the market, has in
creased wheat price as high us thirty
cents a bushel above the VI. -6 guaran
teed price, and the transactions have
resulted in a profit of nearly 424,000,
0U0 to the government, he dcilared.
"Mr. Barnes in his letters to me, ap
parently boasts of hia profits u.- a rooo
business achievement,' 'said McCuilneh.
"He asks 'don't you think it ia good
business to make profit on your tura
over' and apparently is out to make
a record for himself.
"His action is as fnr front wlat con
gress intended as auythiug could be.
$$ Doa'l Let 'ca Rcaa $?,Torget If-Bay At Home
responsible for much of tho unrest andlWe did not only intend that no profit
dissatisfaction. should be made but appropriated tl.-
Bcpcal of tho wheat price guarantee I UU0,O00,000 to re sell tho wheat to the
is scheduled to be discusaeil h the eii-j people at lower prices, the government
ate agrieuliitral committee siinrtly, with to absorb the loss,
senntors from agricultural stales ap- "The profit, Mr. Barnes admits, is
parently widely differing. in addition to all the expenses 0t' the
Chairman Gronna, Xorth Dakota, fa-; corporation, which are very latge."
vois repeal on the ground that the farm- j The house today will be asked to
er will then' get higher priees for whent. i order an investigation of hih ugar
Senntors Norris, Xebraskn; Capper, prices, with submission of the rraotu
Kansas, ami other members of the com-. tion of Representative Titikhnm, Massa
mitte, declare the farmer will loise if ehusetts, favorably reported from th
the government minimum piii-c is re
Charges that tho goverr.mrnt ilself,
through the I'nited States grain corpor
ation, which is marketing the nation's
wheat crop, ia guilty of profiteering in
interstate commerce committee.
The object of the iuvrMijalion,
which will I conducted bv tie federal
trade commission, will be to bow there
is no justification for the present prices.
If You Havent Tried
i i a i
Now's thetime-soys
There never &
was such.delicious
corn flakes.
1 . Jf- 4 Ft. r y ""