Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f oi errors in Classified Advertisements
Kead yur advert seacnt the first da;
it appears and notify us Luiniediutely if
arror occurs.
Minimum charge, loo.
"MARTIN" painter. Phone 704. 8 26
TEST for sale. Phone 2209.
8 6
FUIaXISHED house wanted. Call 852.
"WANTED Motorcycle sidecar; must
bo low price. 204 .State. 8 3.
fN.K'E sleeping room for rent. 712 State
St. 8-6
EXPERIENCED lady waitress wanted.
Boyale Cafeteria, tf
CHrLBREX eared for 9:30 to 11:30 a.
in., 2 to 4 p. m, lO.i.'JW. 8 5
FOR SALE Baled hay in field, one
mile cast of city. Phone 1M4. U
ROOFS cleaned, painted, patched and
tarred. Phone C. C. Kayj at 1648. 8-d
FOB SAW) Jersey cow to be fresh
oon. Phono 80P1L 8-5
FOR SALE Young Jersey cow giving
milk. 1092 Bcllcvuc. 8 5
0IRL8 wanted at the Glove Factory,
1455 Oak St. Steady work. 8-8
FOR SAL10 Onrago 18x22, gas tank
55 gallon, house and lot 50x247.
1925 State St. 8 8
WE make the best power prune dippers.
Salem Mfg Co., 139S N. Front St. tf
JA& LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. . tf
GOOD horse for sale or trade for milk
cow, and ea. Call 58F4. 8-7
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J,
1169 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 8-8
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer,
Why not get himf tf
FOR RHNT Large front loom euitaMe
for two, board. 461 if. High. Phone
1627. tf
FOR BALB 2 hop stoves and pipe,
ia good condition. Rt. 6, bos 42, G.
W. Boff. 89
J1AKY buggy for sale, good as new
, good a
N. High
Phone 952 or call 280
St. 8 5
EXCHANGE A good borne and cash
for a email farm. F. IV Wood, Bayne
fcldg. 85
WE offer a very fino Mason & Ham-,
lin organ, one of t lie very best reed
organs made, cquul in tone to a pipe
organ, will make special low price
for quick sale, terms. The Wilev B.
Allen Co. 519 Court St. " 8 7
MEN wanted at tile works near fair
grounds. Apply Salem Til k Mercan
tile Co. tf
FURNISHED housekeeping and single
bed rooms for rent. No children. Call
afternoon 715 Center St. 8-6
FOR BALE .Building 24x36 and small
lot cheap. Phoue 1058J or 102F13.
WANTED 100(1 suit to clean. C.
Er.ra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning,
1853 State St. Phone S08. 8-14
DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best
made; beautiful new colors. Burma
Coral St. . tf
WALL PAPER 15 cent per double rcll
upward. Bursa's Furniture Store.
17 Commercial. tf
ME.f wishing to better their condition
and become expert cost accountants,
putoli accountants or auditors will
do well to answer this ad, giving
address, telephone number, and toll
what experionce you have had in
accounting. P. O. Capital Journal.
We bay and sell antes, moet-
cages and all kind of bond.
114 Msonie Building
8a lev, Oragorn
cur in salem always
5 - FARM
! 314 Mason Bid
WAITED Good Lmeoi buck. Chas.
McAllister, c-helburn, Or. 8 5
(xviit t.i moou rann, level, near
town. l!ox o, Tu:ufr, Or. 8 a
LOST Monday pair baby's shoes,
white top. Phone Huo It. 8-6
FOR SALE Elgin sax, 1918 model at
Marion garage. tf
$1000 For sale oa easy terms, or
trade, house llbl S. Liberty St. Own
er 273 Dixon ft. Portland, Or. 8 5
GOOD Jersey cow for sale giving 2'4
gallons; will freshen in No. D. A.
Terry, 2 miles east asylum. Rt. 6. 8 5
FOR SALE 1913 model Maxell 5 pas
senger car or will exchange for mo
torcycle. Inquire 233 8. Church. 8-4
FOR SALE Cheap or would trade for
a good Jersey lerer, a bay horso in
good condition. No safer horse for
women or children to ride or drive.
"Phone 45F14. 8-5
TEAM, wagon and harness for sale.
Phono .-F4 after 7:30 p. m. Team
will be at Cherry City barns Sat.
Aug 9. 8-7
PHONE us your order for piano tuning
and regulating, best of service and
attention. Tho Wiley B. Allen Co..
1 C19 Court St, Phone 492, 8 7
THERE'S monev In raliliits and we
have them. See Cherry City Kab
! bitry, 2355 8. Com'L 8-7
FALLS City Logging It Lumber Co.,
Falls City, Or., wants men for mill
and yard work. Wages 50e per hour
and up. Good schools and living ac
commodations for married men. 8 9
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; will
take back and forth in auto morning
and evening; 2c per lb, good pick
ing. Phone 373 after 7 p. m. tf
WANTED To rent grain ranch of 150
to 200 acre with pasture and good
buildings; will pay cash or shares.
Write F E care Journal. tf
FOR SALE Nine room house, Urge lot
modern conveniences, double garage
close in, on street ear line and paved
street. G L ar Journal. tf
FOR SALE Winchester repeating shot
gun, with all leather carrying case
and brass point cleaning rod, $35.
1 1050 (Norway St. 8-7
HOP pickers wanted; we pay 60o per
I -box and furnish yoa tonU, wood and
straw free. Write and register now,
I stating the number of pickers in
your family. E. Clemens Horst Co.,
I Independence, Or. 8 6
LAST CHANCE The federal apprais
er is here appraising He will not be
here again before Noveniber. If you
need a fedoral farm loan any time
before January first file your appli
cation immediately. A. C. Bobrn
stedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem,
Ore. 8-5
NURHERY STOCK Italian prunes,
grafted walnuts and all other kinds
of nursery stock for fall delivery.
Also a second hand Maxweld auto
will trade for a good team. Brooks
Nursery, Lafayette, Or. 8 28
tit isrjra.
fetrtion Automatic Gates Milwaukee
air pressure water systems, fresh wa
ter direct from spring or well. L. J.
Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton,
Page fence men for Marion and
Clackamas counties. 8 18
HOP pickers wanted in Mitoma yard,
we furnish wood and tents, store on
grounds, all former pickers, welcome
and new ones as well, at 60c per box,
114 acre of the very best bops In
Oregon, register at Adoiptt jllfos.,
State St., or Homer H, Smith, Me
Coruick Wdg., Court St. tf
WANTED A five or six room bunga
low in a good location. Have a client
that is going to buy this week. If
you have a property that you are
wanting to sell at a reasonable value
list it with me I will have him con
sider it. i
80 acres of first class land located a
fow miles cast of the city, all in
iKivul.inti. (No 4tfher (improve
ment) will sell in 10, 20 or 40 acre
tract. Land adjoining sell for $200
per acre, you eaa bay this for $165
tat small troct or good city property
small tract or good ity property.
List your property with me. I want
a numbee of installment properties,
eity or farm. Tell yoor wants to H.
H. Radeliff, room 4 Bayne bldg. 8 5
$$ Keep 'cm la The Circla J?
Salem, Oregon
WOOD for sale. Pejb Jt'9M.
WANTED Cattle and eaive, any
kind. Phone 157tV. -5
TWO heifer ealv, for sale. 2640
Brooks ave. Call evenings. 8 6
WANTED 50 hop pickers, register at
124 S. Libert v. S-7
$2000 TO loan on good farm seeuritr.
Phone 202tiW. 87
WANTED Cattle, veal and stock
hoys. 14J5M. M
PRACT1VALLV sow wheel for sale
cheap. Inquire at Liberty garage. 8 7
WANTED-Two pounds of good coun
try butter a week, spot cash. A. K.
S.vanson, 1757 Waller St.' 8-5
FOR dress making see M-s. A. H. Bie
derman, 1170 N. 15 St. Phone 1608M.
WANTED Man end wife, man to
drive team and woman to pick ber
ries. Rt. 1, box 40, Turne-, Or. . 8 6
PLAIN sowing at home, 2"e per hour.
Phone 796, residence 1120 Chemek
cU. 811
WANTED Woman for horse cleaning
day work. Apple 125 N. Commercial.
FOR hauling and truck work try the
1- nrmers Iransr. r truck, phone 100S
M, 1170 .. lota St. A. II. Bieder-
man. 9 4
iFOT'ND Soldier's 'dentitfh ation tag
with name "Huzh B. Smith." Own
er may obtain saoie at this office by
raying for this notice.
AM leaving town, will sell seven room
house, two large lots, large barn,
chicken house, fruit trees, $1600,
'part cash; rest terms. Phone 1322M.
FOR SALE Good cow, gives 4 gal
Ions daily, 4 years old. ( omer Jef
ferson road and S. Com'l St. Come
at noon or after 5 p. m. 8 7
EOP pickers register now. Three
weeks picking, pleasnnt camp ground
good clean vard. tents and cut wood
furnished. Register at office of Wil
lamette VaJley Tranwfer Co., eor.
Ferry and High Sts. Phone 1400, tf
STOCK for sale 4 irrsdn Jersev rows:
1-II Wl.it.. l orUn Kan. . nVnia
$1 each; I broadcast seeder; 1 reg
istered Jersey, fresh this month;
must be sold. this week. H. H. Stock
well, Rt. 1, box 73, near Knowles
station. H
WANTED Small furnished house by
reliable couple: no children. Call
Richmond hotel, room 4, Mr. Ylem
ing. 8-0
$2500 TAKES block, with good 8
room house, newly papered, bath, toi
let, electrie lights, cement walk,
frnrage, good barn, fruit and garden
Will sell all or part. Also have largo
lot with i room house. Owner here
short xiine only. Inquire 1395 N. Lib
erty St. tf
FOR SALr5 Hardmnn piano, five pas
senger suto, roll top dek and chair,
typewriter, lounge, 5 foot wire fenc
ing, chicken founts, green food chop
per, lantern, washing machine, molo
trap, garden tools also lot of tools;
leaving town must be sold. G. A.
Wood, 745 N. Church street. 8 6
olescns auto exchange
849 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
1917 Ford $450
Little Flanders 20 $250
1916 Maxwell $100
Let us paint nnd repair your car.
Brisroe, $."0
Saxon roadster $300
1918 Chevrolet sedan
5 passenger Ovreland to trade for lot
1918 Studebaker mo
1917 Saxon six $700
1915 Overland $500
W wreck autos for their parts, this
enables you to get old car part at
a bargaia. Cash price paid lor junk
S passenger Btudebaker, $180.
We sell oils, grease, old auto part
tires and accessories.
20 acres on highway, no Improve
ments, 10 acres under cultivation, 10
in timber. $125 per acre, on half east,
"balance terms.
60 acres, 8 mik-s out on maia ait
way, all under cultivation, fans ap
provements. $10,000.
100 acres, all voder cultivation, 1
acre family orchard, fair 8 room aoaa,
good soil, woven wire fence.
60 acres, near Marion, 45 ia cultiva
tion, 15 in timber, fair improvemeata,
one third crop with. sale. $'1000, $1500
cash, balance terms to suit.
40 acres, the rx-t farm ia tk val
ley, pnai family orrhard, good im
provements, land ia high stt of )
tivatioa. $11,000, $7000 each, balance
7 acres, 7 miles south, i cleared,
mall bourn good chicVen houses, good
water. $I2'I0. Cash. A good buy.
O'-j acres, on good road and street
car, 35 large bearing walnut trees,
'herries, apples, piums, all kinds of
small fruits, 1 acre logans, t acre
vonng prunes, grKd houne and barn.
Priee $7500, $2W0 cash, balanee long
5 aeres, 3 mile ont, 2 acre prunes,
fine family orchard and berries, fair
improvements. $2300. A snap.
10 acres, with fin 7 room aoose,
nice family orchard, water piped to
low, god chicken house and barn.
$-'52.V). half cajrh.
404 Hubbard building
FOR SALE Or expanse, fine 100 1
acre a:fs:fa farm (Idaho); 124 acres
W pkusel. Cottage Grove. E. Bust.
Ha'.sey, Ou 8 5
FIRST class carpenter just ia from the
east, wants work, ran handle any
kind of a jo.b. Address ,N R rare
Journal. 8 5
FOR SALE Or tn.de, by owner, lot
50x150 feet, room house with bath
and toilet, 3 blocks from ear. 416
Masonic Temple. 8-7
WANTED To trar!e. 74 acre farm for
modern residence in towa or a few
acres close to Stiem. Call at 1166
Fer-y St. 8 7
FOB BALK House aad lot, best buy
in South r-aleru oa Ju.tson St. one
block east of Commercial. See A. J.
Baldwin. 8-11
ACTO roadster for sate er trade, a
bargaia for the srty with cash if
takes before the 7th! See at 725 8.
Commercial. 8-5
WANTED Lady to help in general
aous work on farm for man. wife
and child, ltglrt woik. good home.
Salem, Rt. 4, Phone 12F5, 8 9
A BARGAIN 1917 Reo 5 pass, auto,
five good tires, perfect condition;
will take Ford 5 passenger as part
pay. Salem Velie company, 102 N.
Commercial street. 8-0
WANTED Position in Salem by com
petent bookkeeper and stenographer.
Will substitute during summer vaca
tion. Phone 262. tf
WANTED Whv injure vour roof by
painting with coal tar when you can
have it cleaned ml painted widi a
gua-nnteed asp'nlt imintf For in
formation and estimates address
Frank Mayo, Gen. Del., Salem. Or.
ESTATE for sale, all or half; three
hiimtred acies, hundred cultivation,
balance pasture; good 9 room house
and 4 -oum house, nv'w barn, out
'buildings, school on place; acre
prunes, family orchard, good roads,
only $45 per acre, terms. 461 South
Cottage. 8-7
57 acre tract located 2 miles from
Salem, 30 acres cultivated, balance Id
pasture and 9 acres good snond growth
fir timber, 10 acres ''f mx year oil
Italian prunes, 1 aero bearing cherries.
some apples, running water, 7 room
house, barn, good, road. Investigate
this. Price $160 per vto.
10 acre all cultivated, ro.l 5 room
plastered bungalow, barn, well, family
orchard; 8 acre 4-year old j.itnes, 2'A
acre loganberries, close to Pacific
highway. Price $4 300.
3 acre or first cms) loganberry or
prune Wad, located on rock road just
off of Pacific highway, 4 mile out.
frie $1000.
10 asre nearly all cultivated, good
bungalow partly finished, I acres in
apple, peachea and loganberries. Price
$twgl ..jiit
140 acre farm, 70 acres cultivated,
som fin second growth fir timber;
build V". close to 1'aeifio highway.
Prie $8500.
320 acre farm 2 miles from Pacific
highway, 80 acres cultivated, build
ing. Price $40 per acre.
10 acres, 5 acres of bearing prunes,
small bouse, all cultivated. Price $'!,-
98 acre farm located on Howell prai
rie, 50 acres cultivated, house nnd barn,
located on main Silverton road. Price
$125 per acre.
10 acree in bearing Italian prunes,
6 and 9 years old. Price $5500.
50 acre tract located 4 miles south
of Salem; 20 acres bearing prunes, 5
acres of pears, some timber, house and
barn, dryer, rock rond, crop goes. Price
5 room plastered eottnge. Privnte
water system, jut outside the city
limits. Price $16K). cash, balance
monthly payments.
4 room modern bungalow, basement
bath, toilet, electric lights. Price $1500
$600 down, balance $15 pur month, 6
percent interest.
Good 5 room modern bungalow lo
cated 1795 8. High street. Price $2750
8 room modern house located on pav
ed streets corner lot. Price $2500.
5 room modern bungalow located on
paved street, basement. Price $2200.
Strictly modern 9 room home, 6 bed
rooms, junge lot;, east ffront, p&'ved
street. I'nce I jow.
Well improved 6 acres trsct, 1 aere
of loganberries, 2, acre of cherries
a ad walnuts in full bearing. Good 5
room house, barn. Price $4iKK). $1000
down, ibolance at 0 percent interest
1 acre all in bearing fruit just out
side of the city limits. Price $600. $100
down, balance terms at 6 percent in
If yea want to bnv or sell sw
275 Stat street
0m AALH A good Willamette Talley
raasa 87 acres, 12 mile from Ba
les 9 mile from good town,
mil from B. B. station V, to t't
mile to 3 ehorehe sad 1 school in
eludiaf high school; mail delivery
twice each day; telephone; good
aiM)orkood; tbs beet cold soft wa
ter. Feaeed and eros fenced; level
land I acre aaa timber, main road,
goed" buildiog; with r without erop
aad equipment. Just pnt in barn 50
ton of hay from 12 acres. This is
on of th best producing ranches in
this eonntry; will sell all or a part to
soil purchaser, if taken at ones.
Freak W. Lathrop, Tarner, Or. tf
Om Mara 1 1 Mt4lM.ll Mr.
Gees Aa prise hj Aola.
BKJGCS 1 BUTE CO, b lita&dmr.
tTt H swUmtm A w.. PartJnri.
This is the BIG OPPORTUNITY to practice REAL ECONOMY. If the
riven of Salem understood the market conditions and
shirts would be sold in less than an hour.
Tomorrow Oftly $1.50
These middies are made from the best quality of "MIDDY TWILL" manu
factured by the two leading Middy Makers of America.
High Grade Kid Gloves
Small and large
sizes only
Bert W. Macy, eiry attorney Is home
from a ten days vacation spent in th
Elkhorn valley on the Little North
fto-k of the Santiftiii.
Lee Gilbert left fhis morning over
tho Oregon Electric for Heasido whore
he will enjoy an outing of two week.
Paul Hauser left this morning for a
visit at tit Haueev store in Covallis.
Among th recent arrivals at the
Capital hotel are V. Murray and I.
Murray of filvwton; ' J. M. Pry, IIo
kins; Robert Dale, Recdnport.
The following O-Vftoniau are en the
register at the Blili hotol; Mr, and
Mrs. Htirlaml, Att,ria; Mr. and Mrs.
II. P. Kendall, fiilvi rton; M. M. 8tine,
Silverton; B. W. M.inkers, Btaytonj B.
Hiitchiiisoii, Klain.tt',1 Falls.
Keturncd service men were honored
Thursday evening at Rochester,
Aberdeen pioneers, numbering moro
than 100, enjoyed a pirnin ut the or
chard of Mr. and Mr. William Irvine,
FOR 8ALB tMndirn 8 room house, 2
linen closets, 2 lavatories, furnace
heated; will sell partly fu-nihcH;
munt dispose of at once. Hit N. 12th
Ht. opposite sifp-c nc court bldg. 8 11
RETL'lHv'EJ) overe;is man desires em
ployment, Keriineed salesman b"th
city and traveling. t'nderstands
bookkeeping. AiMieen R G 8 care
of Journal. 811
WANTED At $2000 to $0000 a year
and up ancoauts, bookkeepers, office
men, stenographers, cashiers. 1 want
to hear from capable npplicants,either
with or without bookkeeing expnri
rnce,. who are aniliitiiiui, to get into
higher accounting positions. Our or
ganization, with the largest, staff of
accounting' and Imsinen effipiency
experts in the world sad with repre
sentatives throughout the Knifed
Slates, caa meet only to a vary lim
ited degree the numerous calls being
made (or high grade aocourrtantft,
cost accountants, auditors, junior
and senior accountants. Government
al and fctuiineas demand have ex
hausted th suprly of trained men
The readjastmeat of eommcr and
industry to a twae basis; th re
constractioa aad reorganisation of
American bnsinen along more effi
cient line, th more, scientific analy
sis of eont to meet fromentie and
world competition, and the neceasi
ty for aesrat inenme and excess
profit taa restart ta the government
hav create thonaands of new and
attractive pportusitie for perma
nent poeitieaa ia tk higher account
ing field.
Our organization has been called up
on to iu'ly meet Ibis unusual situa
tion and ha requested m to inte
view both men ind women In this
community who desire to qualify for
position through training. This can
be done while h'lding your present
position. Aeeqed applicants- will be
placed sinder the dirnet supervision
of ons of our af a ce-tified pub
lie accountant end trained in the
special procedure nnceuary to qual
ify fer impoetant accounting work.
A present hnowtcdt'e of bookkeeping
is desrablo, but not required. No in
terviews will t grarKed except ti
those who stale u w-iting their age,
business, esiericne, present posiLion,
edocatioa. If posjible give telephone
nnmber. All inforliition confidential.
B 410, Jonrnal. 8 7
Extra Special to
Clean Up
You Can Always
1 . u i
HooodIooods fBy
Women From Alt Over Meet in Paris'
These DaysU. S. Well Represented1
1 i
iszv': Ui-
tVv" " -
Pasis, June 20 (y mm') Women
have been in Paris tlice last few
months (rom all countries on all
missions. So per'iaps no one should
liave commented on the purposes
which brought Mary Anderson here
from Chicago and Kie Siliiitideimaii
with her from New York.
Put there was something "differ
ent" about these two American wo
men that made them stand out from
the jumble of diplomatic women,
royalty, writers, war workers, women
investigators women with missions
all of llicin, Paris is full of them
they m ike Paris one is tempted to be
lieve. These two arc simple, itraifihtfor
ward, jolly, informal, tusiues wo
men. They wore no uniforms, not
even a badge or ribbon of decora
lion. And they stayed only a short
time. Indeed they must be several
weeks back in America now.
They came to Paris for one pur
pose; to represent the women's labor
party of America in the peace confer
ence. Their object was to see that
women laborers the world over who
had had such a big part in wiiniin
the war, be given a fair representa
tion in the peace document that ended
the war. They saw officials and com
mittees, attended meetings and roa
ferences. They cmmilted with labor
leaders from all the allied countries.
They did not stir without a couple, oi
interpreters, fr they eixouriicred a
different language with every inter
view. They were given f.carings before
august hoilics and bcf. re ?mal! croups
of political potentate. They were es
pecially interested i ; getting the view
point of women- -voirtcn from Eng
land where Ihcy topped both going
and coming, an ! womrn of France,
and women froi America.
It was their American friends who
brought them to the IlotJ Petrograd,
You See What You P.uv V
the future outlook, these j
Do Better At
LAST $1.79
" '-.11 J
' in t.ca '
the Taris hotel for American women
war woi Iters maintained by the
Y. W. C. A. Here they met Mary
Ditigman, the Y. W. C. A's director
of industrial work with French wo
men. At once there was a great deaf
the three had to ta!k about Miss
Dingman took them to the munition
factories, now s:hanging from their;
munition nuking status to peace time
industries that include everything
from ribbon making to satiar;e manu
facturing. In the munition centers"
the Y. W. C. A, has had dubs for the
women during war times and theso,
clubs are still going on for the tarn)
womrn as ihey turn to the pcaie ot
They iddrested some of thee
French working women groups, at th
Y. W. C. A.'s clubs, telling them the
history and aims of the women's
trades unions in America. Their re
marks were translated to their
audiences and the questions of their
audiences translated back to them.
One noon they went to the bigpea
of the association's Paris clubs. Th
members are clerks in the business
houses and stores of the neighbor
hood and they came in hundreds tn
the little club. Miss Anderson and
Miss Schneiderman couldn't talk with
the girls so they danced with them.
Afterwards they told them that they
crime from th business women of
America in the Interests of working
women of every country.
Miss Anderson is assistant in the
Women in Industry section of the
I'uitcd States Department of Labor
liiid formerly was a national orcan
irer of the Women's Trades Union
l eague with headquarters in Chicago.
Miss Schneiderman is president of
ihe New York Woman's Trades
I.nion League and has been connected
Kiiit the International Ladies' Gar
meiit Workers' Union,
rr PnyinV Ii'i v