Editorial Page of The CapiialJouma CITISIXS H. FISHES EX. tor and PnMiiher Tt'EPAY KVl.vINU August 5, 1919 TO TO Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, j certainly mean that the chances of war were minimized Mm me pruspecis 01 eoniinmg ana regulating war im mensely increased. Such a scheme will mean that at last a long stride has been taken in the effort to put the col lective strength of civilized mankind behind the collective purpose of mankind to secure the peace of righteousness, the peace of justice, among the nations of the earth." Address All Communifitioni To (Matin Attal Urarnal IALEM 130 8. Commercial St. OREGON 61'BSCKirTION BATES tV.w. fc Carrier, cer Tear .$:.00 Ttt Month- Dally by Mail, per year- -$3.00 Per Month- 45e -35c i'l'LL LfcASfcD WIKE TKLKUKAl'll KEPOKT FOEEION BErRESKNTATlVES W. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. W. II. Btockwell, Chicago, People's Ou Building ! Daily Capital Journal earner boyi.nre instructed to put the paperg oa the north. If the carrier doee not do this, misse you, or neglects gettirg the paper kt too OB time, kinllv phooe the circulation manager, m this ! the only way we tan determine whether or not the carriers are following instruction. Phone II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be tent yoa by epeeial messenger if the airier hai missed yon. THE AIRSHIPS AND THE FORESTS. TOMORROW can THE DAILY CANT All JCUSNAL U the only newspaper In Salem wboee circulation U guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation ROOSEVELT ON THE LEAGUE. There has been considerable speculation of late as to what position Theodore Roosevelt would have taken with regard to the peace treaty, and particularly the League of Nations covenant, if he were living today. It is impossible, naturally, for any living man to say precisely what he would have thought of the document as it is drawn. As to his views on the main principles in volved, there does not seem to be any occasion for doubt. Mr. Roosevelt had written a great deal in favor of a world federation before the war. In October, 191-1, three months after the war broke out, he wrote an article Cor the New York Times which includes these passages: ' "The one permanent move for obtaining peace which has been suggested with any reasonable chance of attain ing1 its obiect is bv an agreement among the great powers, in which each should pledge itself not only to abide by the decisions of a common tribunal, but to back with force the decision of the common tribunal." v "The nations (members of the league) should agree to certain rights which should not be questioned, such as ter ritorial intergity, their rights to deal with their own do mestic affairs, and such matters as whom they should or should not admit to residence and citizenship within their own borders." Recommending, as part of the League organization, "An Amplified Hague Court," he maintained that member nations, "should agree not only to abide, each of them, by ihe decision of the court, but all of them to unite with their military forces to enforce the decree of the court as against any recalcitant member. Under these circum stances it would be possible to agree on a limitations which would be real and effective. As for the results which might reasonably be expect ed for such a League: "It would be impossible to fay that such an agreement would at once and permanently bring universal peace, but it would certainly mark an important advance. It would N ,V- IJ ! 1X3 '1 Vivian Maptin VIVIAN MARTIN in HIFPLING RHVMES By Walt Mason COURAGE. Sometimes things seem all disjointed, in this weary path we tread; we are galled and disappointed, and we wish that we were dead. And it is a foolish habit, letting briny teardrops start: man should never le a rabbit; he should have a lion heart. If the lion heart is lacking, he can Ptill pretend it's there, and his burden blithely pack ing, show no symptoms of despair. I am prone to vain repining, when I strike a vein of grief; it's my nature to be whining, and to paw around and beef; but by long and earnest practice I've acquired a cheerful front, and 1 chor tle when, the fact is, tears would seem the proper stunt. Iet the tinhorn griefs assemble, they will think I'm not afraid; though my rabbit heart may tremble, I'll pretend I'm undismayed. And the bluff will work, I'll bet you ; and 'twill work as well for you; don't let worry scare or fret you ; face the beast, and mutter "Shoo !" Nerve's a thing that some inherit, easily all ills they've dared; but we show a greater merit who pretend we are not scared. When the R-:4 successfully crossed the ocean she set a new forest problem before the United States for solu tion. The great non-stop flight marked the beginning of ihe true development of air-craft building for travel and commercal purposes. From now on it will increase in vol ume steadily. Every time a dirigible is built is requires eight pieces ii wood for the propeller. Those propeller blades on the K-..1 were each seven leet long, but much more than a 7-foot strip of wood was required to make each blade. It means much cutting, trimming and testing before a blade is perfected which will stand the terrific rates of revolution required. Much more wood is also required in airplane con struction. Nothing has been found to take its place, nor is there likely to be, according to experts. These ships are to be made by the million. They will be used all over the world. There is sure to be a big drain upon forest resources. The European lumber market is scanty: large forest areas were destroyed in the war. It is largely from the United States that the supply will have to come. Already the conservation cranks are excited and are demanding a new national forest policy which will conserve our tim ber resources. Anyway it gives premise of a large and increasing demand for lumber and that is a condition which Slip 5 nrncnuntw tn tho Pomf n n.thwni.f Af. . ! "Oh, wo don t mind, because we ........ ..r v v..v uwiivHwi unou iaitci (Written for the United Statee f Uww thH, 1K11,le ,ike m whntever we awhile we out here may be in a mood to talk conservation I s-ui ourden Army, Depart- t mav bf flllieii. ah the melon family i at the present time the general desire is to get out some of the vast amount of money now tied up in lumber, taxed havily but bringing in no revenue. POTATO WARTS. THURSDAY "An Innocent Adventuress" N TRAVELOGUE THE REGO PICTOGRAPH The Department of Agriculture is engaged in a cam paign to iliminate potato wart. We hasten to offer co operation. ; From personal experience with warts, in early boy hood days, we unhesitatingly offer the following method: Take a bacon rind. Rub it over the" varts vigorously a few times, and then bury it in the ground on the east side of a house where the water drips from the eaves. If this does not cure the warts within two weeks, potatoes must be far less amenable to magic than human beings. ; THF CTADIFC THF t UiL OlUiULU I1IL XfZ . r,r DtWPSTOlD that!" I think that in n horrid name for a pretty uice fruit like a watermelon" ,!lill Dullv. me nt of the Interior.) THE FAIEY WITH THE PIKK VEST "Hello,' he sail. Dolly looked up, for the voice seem ed to come from a place near the tup of her head, lie was sitting on. the fence. He was the lurgest of ell the. Dcwdrop Kuirics she had aeon. He wore a dark green eoat and hia trousers were the same color. H'.s vest was the love liest shade of pink deep and bright with large black buttons down the front. Dolly thought it a very hand wine uit. "I don't live in your garden," he said; "'hut the Fairies havo told me to much about you that 1 thought I would pay you a little call this morn ing. " "I'm very glad you did," snid Dol ly, oho was noticing that his face was almost as pink as his vest. "Well, 1 think it is a fine thing for little girls and iboys to have gardens, and as you seem to want' to know all about the things that grow in your garden 1 thought perhaps 1 could tell yon a few things. "Oh, 1 even know vour nume. Did 4 popular. 1 am sure vou like muskmel ons. And then the cueunillier is a dis tant relative of oua," too-you like cu cuui'her pickles, 1 know all little girls do. ' ' "1 think I like all your fumily," snid Dolly. "But I am sure I like your owi brothers and sisters best of all. it does seem dreadful to eat your friends, though, doesn't it?" "Not at all not at all. That's what we grow for. Well, gaedby. Iek ever your fence once in a while and 'wateh us grow.' " HUNTING AHUSBAND BV MAY DOUGLAS The trade unionist Bolsheviks are modest. They only ask for a third interest in the railroads they are op erating. But if this was granted, in ninety days they would strike for another third interest and then demand full control and ownership on pain of revolt. This is the propaganda that is being preached in every labor union hall the Russian form of government which turns ihe nation, it's industries, wealth and government over to Ihe workigman, barring all other classes from participa tion. In this railroad proposition the leaders show their hand for the first time in this country, except for sporadic outbreaks like that which occurred in Seattle and several Canadian cities. What are the rest of the people going to do about it? Are they going to allow the revolutionarv h""0 of us eifih "" ""in gooJ ' i'"ssion that is wrong. propaganda to be preached from the platform and in f".V, ,hillk what yu can be," widely circulated publications until bloodshed and revolu tion follow as the natural sequence? While there is no danger or this government being overthrown at this time ,h' i""k v,,t' l. i. j u.. r: i Dolly carefu umtw iiuuuic mny uc piwcmeu uy ueaimg uniuy wiui ' ,Tospive at the the agitaters who are sowing the seeds of rebellion. dark green and some of us have stripes i thought: "Suppose this was my garoVa of ditfi'rent shades of green. Do you',.,, ... , . ... , T . , know that one kind .. called - The Oeor "" l,abvf I,ut 1 Put ,ue Kattlcsuake' because it is striped Srn'a That was not to be. When nil the flowers were arr&ngeil in their ,iars nml bowls, It was ; o'clock. Harriet was through her chores, too. "I want you to go over the houso with me, Sully, for you haven't had a real look at it yet," said Harriet. The house is an old farmhouse. ceilings aud large, muuv-Wiudowcd rooms give it an open look. "We had very little money, but I difl wunt it to bo attractive. Jack and I painted the hideous old woodwork white. It was some job, too." The furniture was inexpensive, but well chosen. No mahogany, but dull, unpolished ouk. Windsor chairs and a square oak table in the dining room. The sideboard was a high oak dresser. Effective blue plates stood back against the wall. The sitting room had wicker furni ture of a lovely soft gray. "I Iwught it unstniued, 1 painted It and made the cushions. And I covered them, too, with that stunning chintz," said Har riet. "Yon are the cleverest thing, Hat," I said. "I'm awfully glad you like it," said Harriet simply. "Now I wnnt to talk about you." (Tomorrow The Adventure.) FIRST IMTRESSI0N3 How nico it is tp wake iu the country. To hear the pleasant country sounds. I pulled up my shade, mid looked oat to the blue mountains that seein so near that I (ould almost touch lliem with jtlie other side of the fenee was cover- "" " " ed with tig vines that scorned to grow tliroetioM. The leave were that you don't grow in our gnf'n- goig t0 live in thu present, one day at I Ta,,,ia lumberman, Why don't you!" l.tiiMH. And trv to fort tlmt th.ie i:tiuihrr ou the Cai "No; I grow on the other si.lo of R f tu tBwe was , though others bid higher lor I e ieuce. lou see, vuur umoi-ii an n ,. - , . ; ,. ; iL i,,,iiv 1 sl'Pped ou my morning 1 l .,fj .1 ..,;.;, ,innt Wn "iid white ifiiighum. On my way down--! . ' 7. ill TrZ. hat 'ir. I nfet Vrriet 's hirtJd. Al- . t "ited States Senator. Jones f Wash- been ealled r Iv-I don't know why. I though I like his hearty manner, his onthnwl his bill for a pm Thev sav we don't get along well with 'nice brown skin, aud fair hair, there la f" ""'ri' """"'e w an addrcr to other plants exceut our own family. 1 something I do not like about him. Yet :f Bellinglium chamber of corn Well, we. are pretty big. Of course, we I cannot put my finger on it. It uiayjuu'rct' have to have plenty of ruoni Vecuuse : only be a first impression. A first 1m- ivrong. I linwr Jogmg eaup What a nice breaktust that oue !;"" llML" " "'' o fct. Oer- 1'ruit with cream, vellow white cieam,ima,n- Mooie at 1 ten ming, who will fur that is a luxury. 1'reshlaid eggs toast 'sl' lo-s to the .V:i!ock Lumber corn hot and buttered. And such coffee! 1 1 '' Brown with thnt rich color that comes onlv when thick cream ia put witt it. I . Tl' " ,,u" n"f assoera- Harriet's little countrv ifirl ck'are. on, mee'iu;- ia t:vi.,ue, chose Frank i. rosi or tnai citv president and '"Xnw Ri-llv." said Harriet Uhe is C'ark I'c-i.pii Hi'Bett of fceattie M the only one who ever calls me thaD.f1 'cretary-trensui. r. "I've trot niv moruine rnorea to do. I said lKillv. nimh Mixr.led. "Just look over the fence and see if you know me," saia tne xwry wiin Dolly carefully put her foot upon the rniii,KA nt tho bul titm nf thn board fl'ence. and peeped over. The grouud on wny the dishes. U;.. mm.A mn ).... .ULan LLilia at ttiniich S7n.. i... tnlrA n l.nnb utlfl lm Alll 11 ll I 1 ll l.T 1 I", 11.1. .1 if, , '"'K '"' !". "1 " Kl J""' K" Oy SUCH Organs OI ine lllSn IvepUDllC aS me Western they had i.een cut into fancy pattema ejry yourself. with a pur ot scissors. Freeman, at Seattle, published evidently by "reds", and the Irish World of New York, recalls the rabid utterances of the German-American press of this country before the war. The attempt to embroil this country in a quarrel mm BSEBSBSBSBa In ninoni? the leaes she saw a lot of l;e, griHxn obiwte shaped like egtis, onlv ever so much bigger. "Oh, I know! " she cried. ' 'You avre the Fairy of Ihe Watermelon Vine." with England seems to be backed by the same people and! ;E,;,y,.'.xji t publications that were so active in the pro-German propa-i haven't eiW of r 'family on this side gantla. It is altogether too bad that the Spanish-American ;V7Vw l enegade Dev alera was not caught and hanged along with to they have to have a peat deal of lmf ntVia. i-m'tnv. tn Vio Alline t- "n...,, tl room to run about inf" V . i i iV l" , ; t , . S i. vai,Y,"c"u "Do pumpkins run?" cried Dollr, iiuuiu ik Muppvu wo irt'ianu ai once wnere me ingusn authorities may deal with him, since a more dangerous agitator never visited this country. Practically all his adherents in this country belong to the pro-German ele LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18G3 General Banking Business Commencing June ICth Banking Hours will be . from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. "Do thev run! 1 should say why Wt ym remember Uinderela' l'umpkia Coach t Didn't it run " "Oh, but the mice pulled it," said Dollv, wiselr. 'It didn't ran by it self." "Anyway, pumpkins do run at leant the vines do and o do water melons. Vou see, we grow so fast that many of our family arewe!!, you might sav 'removed' while they are quite young." "You don't mean killed?" said Dol ly, quite shorked. "I wouldn't go so far a to say that." said the Fairy, "but we know the strong-i,h' w ofow.r tM. naai lort-u inai grvai ocean nas ever seenana jciimate . and ;t take s qu,te a Americans realize more than ever the value of the Pan-i'"" lThTpiinIsh0t,hft vou ama canal, ihcre "are the kind that ripen cai!y. trihi-r south ther raie those b A press report from Medford says that Governor Ulcott has quit flying at the expressed desire of Mrs. 01 eott and that he will not go up in the air again, "at least 1 until the next session of the legislature." Now just what ; does he mean The Pacific fleet is now in the Pacific Nine men walked eight miles from at stalled Don er Salt Lt,ko tassenee I'll be much happier if you 'li let!""1" " I !. cw, Lot., and rcportei then 1 11 feel l "" were wiinoui looa. me help you," I said; heloi-ging instead of company." "I understand," stvid Harriet. "Yon can do up your room, and cut and ar range the flowers Oh no!" she went on, "you'll have your hrnds full if yon do that. You eaa range around the gaidea. Cut whatever you like. Take that basket and ray garden hat." I caught myself whistling asl "did up" my room. Making my white bed ia the big airy room was aoon dona. I flicked off some invisible dust from my little table and dresser. Then with Hat's garden hat on my head (a nice big one with ribbon strings that were supposed to tie n. the flow er basket ia one hand, and little Tod hanging on to the other, I made my way to the garden. Such a nice old country flower garden! Not at all like Merle House. Ne evealy clipped hedges here, ne gravel walks, no half hidden statues. But musses of holly hoik,, pe tunias, asters and chrysanthemums. I clipped, clipi-ed. Little Tod walked be side me, chattering fast, aud once I mv finirer. I noured the wr.ter into my washbasin. I took my first country riaying with an "unloaded" gun, the bath shivering ia the cool, clear wat- j 8 year-old son of Georgo Petorao of er. When 1 had slipped off my night-i Hamilton accidentally killed liis. uaby town. I felt 1 had slinced oil" with it .""tor, who was sleeping in her cab. sh you would. Hut I don't !,y old skin. I had put uiy Buffering; you y behind me. For in this two weeks I am1 om or .in,uno i.y nana t, Uolc, was highest for try to foriret that tlu-ie is:1"""" ou uie i amp iwis sue, - uai(t iiiuiigii ouiers oid nigner lor individual drc?s of 1j1o ' rt"- Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be youra if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL The world's atandard remedy for kidor. hvi, btaddr and wric acid trouble, tb CMmica of rite and looks. In as ainoa 1694. AB dragfista, thm size. ' - i - , btreet car strikes and race riots could be robbed of jthe middle of the is.mmer. our sds half their terrors by uniform laws prohibiting the sale L'r'm1'''! or private possession oi iirearms. pr,ad out. sotre of n a soiidt" Job Printing PH3XE 199 Tfcg (jaickener Press 1S3 1 Com'l tvtr CskJtCo. 0. E. Brookint, Proi-ietaf A-