Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"" " I ii iimi r
Recognized by
the flavor
' J 1.4 i 1 V-V
i 3 k ltd JsL
2 r-rr- iiSS?
ii i t -n - --vr liiaiinrn i iwniMttnn i liiairtinmn i n.. mji iiiih
There U no ml liking RAINIER
SPECIAL once 70a tute it.
That unmistakable, very unusual
flavor enables anyone to distin
guish it from any number of up
posedly similar products. No
other beverage can be like RAI
NIER SPECIAL because the
process is an exclusive one we
control the patents. To secure
you must call for RAINIER SPE
CIAL. Drink it when you're
thirsty. Order a case for home
use to serve friends the soft
drink that really satisfies.
Ralmlar PraJucta Company, Seattle, V. 3 A
Manufacturer of Ruwr Special, Rainier Beck.
Malt Rainier, Rainier Canal, Syra aa4 Deae
tur4 AlceW.
An ti. njsfi AAAA AAA A vh A,A,'A A A AAf '
The Rainier Products Company relieves retails and consumers of the necessity
of paying Revenue Taxes on Rainier Beverages to paying all taxes thereon direct
to the Government.
LANG & CO., Distributors, Portland, Oregon
Picketing of thipyurd ln lAt, An- drouth stricken state,,
gele was ordered stopped in junction ! .
proceedlne, directed ugauiNt strikingi The French company which hold the
unburn and individuals, j concession to tunuid under the Knlish
I channel to Kuxlund was authoiizid to
Offer of KrnR land, in Minnesota l,x;' rim"" " ","w .""W"' .
t . nominal rental of one rrnt an aero1. J"?!, .!1-?ring 'r J,my
was wade to owners of livestock in,lB'u;a i.'",-, eompaiea wnn
tor it year aiio.
sat stop- Start
The trials of driving in the traffic
prove the quality of Red Crown
gasoline. Look for the Red Crown
sign before you fill.
plainer niaj
vr t v j
KotMug like. Plain Bitro Phosphate to
StwiigtJien Weak Nerre snd
Increase S.rengUi and
According to a noted i'rench aiient
it, the most effective remedy for
nnrvouniesa, insomnia and ailments due
to dotiletod nerve forep, la a form of
orifiuue ilic)Iintc known among drug
Kit in this country as Hitro I'hot-
H i diK rihed a a siilwtancc which
i "imilar in eomiwjition to the ihoi-
Jphorus natiinilly found in the fcraia
nerve eells and beinc ensilr and
quickly aaaiuuluted, the work f cre
ating nerve force, strength and vigor
hegina immediately it U tuken into the
human nvatem.
There are many report of astonish-
mg ri'Hiilta frmii it, ue. ime allowing
remarkable improvement even in stub-
lnrn cases of lung ..landing nerve weak
ncss. As there are many kinds of nhoa-
gdiatea, euro should be exercised to pro-
cure ine genuine U'tro t'hosihate.
TL 11. CAMPBELL, Special AgU Standard Oil Co., Salem.
Ohniltrtd f
Samuel CocrVyn
prwmcni a
We Want
Biackbenies (Lawtoas) 8c lb.
Evergreen Ela&bcrrics 7c lb.
We furnish boxes ancl crates, or w
luy them in buckets or anything
you bring them in. Cuius and see ui
before you toll.
AT .
Thuisday. Friday. Saturday
('annne from paje ene)
it must, if possible, W settled b, foie au
tn inn.
Of interest to kcr host ef irienjs
sjaaafl the Tonr.ger fct is falim wiil
be Iks reernt departnre of Miss Ira A.
lisrwrer, daughter of KMrtarnt4'.ve
aaj Mr. W. C. llawley, for Iutlia,
IreWsa, for an indefinite slay with
frvaa. Miss Uasl-y is the guest for
rh wyage of a r?iughter of Senator
FtatnW of Florida. Airs. Kl etc her of
Flaristsj MeniEyiig them. The partr
sail4 fraai New York the last week
of Joty. Kiss llawley, who has beea
oaa J ks popular maids of Wahing
ta s)txy -at the national cspitol the
pea fww years, is hoping for beneficial
erf! following her recovery tross in
flneaza. Mr. aad Mrs. Charlr II. Fisher mo
tore aaae yesterday from Eugene,
waera they were the guests of friends
over the week end. Mrs. Fisher left
last night for Rvseburg, uon receiving
word of the illness of her mother, Mrs.
N. L. Owens, who makea her home in
Rosebnrg. ,.
a .
Mrs. George II. Rodger is being
wek-omed back to Salem for a fort
night' sojourn, having e.cie up from
Astoria the first of the week. Khs
was accompanied b n. hoogers, whj
returned to the coi-r. city yesterday.
Mrs. koclgers, who !ia (pe:ied up her
Sulem residence during her stay, will
doirbtlesa be accordf-.! much delightful
attention in the way of informal en
terta:ning during her vUit here.
Mrs. L. G. McClaren left esteiJay
for Camp Lewis to join her husband.
Sergeant I G. JlcUuren, who has just
returned from France. M. end Mrs.
MK'laren will make their home in fort
land as soon as the sergeant obtains
hi release from the service.
a a
Mrs. Charles K. Soaulding left yes
terday for .Newport where she will en
joy a two weeks o.i'ing.
a a a
Mr. ami Mrs. (.'luude Lynch of D.'.
las spent Hunilny iu iS-ilrm as tue guests
of inends.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. T. . Tcclhaire have
returni-d from a two weeks visit at t'av
cadi a, Mra Toothacre, who is president
of the Xorth Salem Woman 's club, wi.-l
b hostess for thy club members at
their August meeting, to be held u-'it
Wednesday at her noine on North
Church street, is planned to contin
ue the novel fentiiro carried out
several recent me.'tin'.s. when 'he wo
men of the club, at the invi'atiou of
the management, hnvi visit",! various
industrial centers of the ciy.
a ' a a
Of timely note in connection w'th
the arrival in tralem Sunilny of the
delegates to the at nni.il t iliimuil as
soeiation will be the group of members
or the .League or Amencii let Wo
men, who aro to be numbered urn hi,;
the visitors. They wi'l be g.eeted upon
their arrival in Fortlnnl and extended
a cordial welcome to Uregou by iovaal
itrominent Women of the-stuto also
lanemtier of tip lue, liiclntliiig Mrs.
Nkrah A. J-.vans, -irs. Ji'iiinc Kemp and
Mrs. Edyth Toxier AVenthercd. -When
the association met in Fort
land, just 20 years ago, Mrs. WcrS
ered and Mrs. Evans were at the head
of the reception eoiiiml,.,.-, end wotk
ed out many details wh; h fere the in
centive for writeup for tirejoii in eaat
em papers. The women of the N. E. A.
are always a leading "factui. Mrs.
Weathered has attended m.my of thei:
annual meeting.
,' 'v
Mr, and M14, Rv Khi.s'.'. nad chip
drea are passing tVir vacation at Nos
kowia. a a a
Aong the vacationist plmnirg to'
return home fie lutter )iar; uf th
week from the const are lc tui M:t
Rov Jturton, who have been Jomicilc i
at Newport.
a a a
Of interest to their aleTi frirr.ds
ill t the fact that Mr. and Mrs.
George Gerlinger have returned from
a few weeJts stav at Rainier Jiatioe.i1
park. They were accompanied by their
daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Gerlinger usu
ally pass the winter n l'ortland, spend
ing the summer iu their attractive
cou a try home near iallas.
Clyde B. (lancer is si o inline a few
day in Tacoma visitinir hi parents.
Mr. and Mrs. K. r. t lancer.
a a
Miss Mildrcil Brst'.burr hiis returned
to l'ortland after trending the week
end in Nalem n the guest of her imr
enta, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Bradbury.
Miss Bradbury, who graduated from
the Salem high school with the clans
or 1'Jia, hi'ltls a pns.non now with the
Mimnus 'layers l.asky corporation,
I aramoiint Arlcrait I ictures.
A Halem vUitu!, must enthusiastic
over He rhnrms of the capital city and
the aiirrouiiiline eountrv was Mrs. '.
H.l'restun, who. as the gueat of Mrs.
i. I. Forte-, has bo n M-endivif the
past week in the city viewing the dis
tinctive feiiUu-t'", agricultural and
scenie of the Will-metre vsllev. Mrs.
I'resron hss maje her heme for niauv
year iu 11 tinting! n. West Virginia,
where she hns Lai jharge of a large
and enteq.n-iiig tjfeteria. which she
sold just previous to her departure for
the western cas!. '.iss,-s,d of a enn
siderab'e and vervutiU necutive abil
;ty, Mm, I'rcs .'on has interested herself
will be domiciled in thei" cottage for
a few weeks. Mrs. .Pan Fry Jr., aad
Mrs. MiP.oa Meyers are a'so plaining
to join them fir a abort stay.
Mr. Frank Jordja aud dii'hter.
Miss Helen Jordan, f Seattle are be
ing entertained in t?a)ea as the guests
of Mr. Henry V. Meyers. Mr. Jor
dan and daughter are 1 request v siton
la eAalem, their arrval bciuc invari-
jatdy marked by numerous tocial atten
Itiuas. Couiphmrntiiig Miss Jordan,
Mrs. Meyers will be hostess tonight to
a few friends, a ho iave been tiidden
informally for an evening of dancing.
-a a
Mis Gertrude Rcbison went to Port
land yesterday for a short stay as the
guest of frieads at Laurelhurst park,
bha will return ham tomorrow.
a a-
Mr. and Mrs. Jeha Caughell expect
to leave tha latter part of the week
for the beach, their first destination
feeing Facifie, City. They will be gone
several weeks.
a a
Mr. R. E. L Kleiner is spending
the summer wwks at Neskowin. IShe
will remain through the month of Aa
gvst. a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Ttulph Glover and
daughter, Maxine, were among the 8a-
iem motorists, waj enjoyed the t olum
ina highway trip Sunday. They will
leave next iatiird:y for a weeks vaca
tion at Cascadia. Accompany! ug them
on this trrp will bo .Mr. aml -Mrs. Ron
ald Glover.
"Soon after my husband's death 9
years ao I wa taReo with typhoid
fever. Kinee thea have sufficed from
stomach and liver trouble and consti
iwtion. I have doetored a great deal
without' benefit. Mirce taking Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy three months ago
my .bowels have moved regularly and
I am feeling fine again. 1 am now a
happy woman." H is a simple, harm
less preparation tint removes the ca
tarrhal mtieus from the intestinal tract
and allays the in i lamination which
causes pracOally all stomach, liver"
and intestinal ailtn -nts, including ap
pendicitis. One doe will convince or
money refunded. J. C. Ferry and drug
gist everywhere.
Von Hindenbarg Plans To
Lead New Peoples Party
Berlin. Aug. 4. Mttihal Von Hin
denbur plans to twnw k.ulersliip of
a new national le-iples party, t3 be
extremely conservative in ch truster, it
w:i retiorted here today.
The state triibunul appointed to in
vestigate responsib.U'y in tho wn'
and try those girlty Is expected to
present its preliminary reports soon be
fore the national ass-.nrily at Wtiinnr.
Socialization of elec'rte. power j Pints
was ilieing proposed lethy in labor circles.
,i,,i- V 1 t " I"' Vir """' 'I'-' MnasemeVcf different
in r formed me," Mid I owe- orphanages at one t'n.e or another, in
rene. that they cannot get cars. One addition to h t uj been lest met or in
man wmte that the entire output .f hi 'an eastern celieg- f.r a number or
mines f,T this Year h:id been contracted years,
for; that ho has plenty of l;,l,or, but Though she left fer U Aryicle
Hint he is unableto get enrs. this ainrnina. it is unite prrtatitc' that
"If this sitiintliin doesn't
Mis. F-cs 011 Cisy return to Oregon
Warehouse High and Ferry Sta.
Office 512 State St Salem, Oregon
iniiiers win tie nut or worn and nst!w:,B 'h0 mtentu u of hca!:ng perma
winter mills ill ahnt dnwn. ,,i,in. .. 1 ncntly. iiiavniu, h as she as so very
.u.. ... ... ..
-ui ai.-iKiiaie aim icrritile snrfernn wii,
' llinfceoch says he fear the inal r.rob
Inn is hut i,n. nf s numln r uf domestic
rpicntions which will soon a.il taeiu
selvesto the worries of eniigre.-s.'7
lie predicted a stroiiu tiinvemci.t f.ir
nr.tiiinaliMttii.a of Iwth mini" arii rail
mads, such as has developed in Kng
invoramy iuipresiH-1 with tregun as a
home center.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. IW Fry Sr !'J leave
tomerrow fur Xc.'-iein, nhrre thev
Avoid liaitatiaaa A f abatitataa
How I Nursed :
My Baty Lonqer
THE happiest davs of my life
were those w hile I nursed my
baby and knew that 1-1 alone wis
making him grow stron: ind well.
Then came the days when he
seemed hungry after hi nursine.
and my heirt sank. But the doctor said "Don't worry. We ll
just idd a little more nourishment to his diet with one feeding a day
of Nestle' Miik Food."
So after all I wai able to nure him
th full nine months and when ws
weaned l:im and changed entirely to
Nestle s h didn't seem to notice h
You see. Nestle is really jusl pore,
tweet milk but changed into a pow
der so it t eic t digest, and iih
none of the germ dangers of raw milk.
To that they add jut tlie light amount
of sugar and ceical and you siiiip'y
add wster and boH-aml watch jour
bby thrive'
I know th Nestle Company will be
pi id to send youenongh fn twelvefeed
ingsiad a Mother's Boik by specialists
on how t take csre of your baby, if
youViil till out and send tlie riupon
below. They want yoq to fved .ur
baby with health sod fupiiK-, ice
KcstU-'i it pure p'lk in powiier term thtt it tlre,ty moifica an sot war
rctuiie the further aJiitiea of ar.ili. Alwtyt jr ana tale, always mutum,
an 4 fi oe- hum the Unf m ot home moditicanon. Nestle 't uat nooa the teat f
tJiree c!ieritiont tnd aai udey lit U'iU utit if iny Saj, taW is c warU.
FREE! Enough Ncstlti's
(or 12 feedtnis. Send the
2C9 Call Bldg., Kan Francisco, Oil.
l'lease send me froo your took aad
trial package
NC-4 To Be Exhibited la I
Various Cities Of fairy
Washington, Aug. 4. The navy sea
plane MC-4, which made tho first trnns
j Atlantic flight, wil start on nn exhibi
tion tour about bopteiubor 1, asstant
Secretary of the Kavy Uooseielt an
nounced. Tho plane will leave !e
York for Portland, Maine, unci later be
taken down the Atlantic const to thp
Gulf of Mexico and up tho Aiibsiwyppl
A two year automobile trip about tho
T'nitcd States wns started at Yakima
by Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Steele. .
Salem's a Good Place to Trade
Among It nurses released from active
service at Camp Lewis were Alias Myr
tle K. Kays and Miss Elizabeth Self
of Port'tiiid.
King fieorgtf of Great Britain He
given royal assent to the peace iiccly
with Gi-rniuiiy.
Whitman college, at Walla Walla, has
offered discharged service men the op
portunity to cuter the collego at half
Democrats of Yakima arc nlannimr a
banquet for William Jennings Bryan,
Unless your food I digested with
out th aftermath ot painful acidity,
the joy i taken out ot both eating
and living. -
ar wonderful In their help to the
stomach troubled with Over-acidity.
Pleasant to take relief prompt and
mnLTK. tj tvri , at aunst
Passing the Word Along
THERE'S a good fellowship between
car-owners which makes everybody
anxious that the other should get all the
benefits going in the handling of his car.
That's why there is so much mouth-to-mouth
advertising of Firestone Gray
Sidewall Tires.
One man tells the story of the better-than-ever
work he is getting this year
from the Gray Sidewall Firestones. The
other buys a set and so the good word
passes along.
Result wonderful and constantly grow
ing numbers of this tire all over the West
Most Miles per Dollar