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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1919)
PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1919. s SPE s PIKS SKVWARD: SPEED STORY SO- Dutiful Daughter Disdains Dares; Declares Dizzy Dives Delightful. (Hy Gertrude P. Robison) "If you're not bluff," aid the office force to me. in the gentle broth erly wiy which office force have of addreiwing society editor, "you'll take nil in that aiiplauc iui write story nixiut it." "Wouldn't it 'be possible to write the story without taking the lidef" I suggested. "I've done it befure with eoticcri.s nitd tilings.' "O well!" agreed the off:ee foree, "if you want to be piker " Which settled it. No one American . 9ini, with "a long line of Scotch and 1 1 i n It forbcara, is going ,0 t-ulled a )iiker. Not if iilie run heli it. ro I wrn,0M'd up my courage in B roll of ropy" &pir along with my pencil and eraser, mi J sallicst forth. At the Ore gon Kleetric depot I tcp.pcd into I teJ-ikonc 'booth. "It's-me," I an nounced intelligently when I reeog nurd the voire at the other end of the wire, "I'm g dug to take a trip wilh Lieutenant ook thi afternoon." "Not in n airplane!" eame the hor rified reply. "Of course!" (I've won dered since, what happened to my tem per that afternoon) "did you upiose I a froinjf (ln imvn mower f lint listen, if they have to dig ie out of the ilobrix and are able to UMemlle my remain, I'd rather be buried in the white niariiiiselte. Ami don't let them curl my hair; It not ibeiug dono this eaon." u the way to Oleott field I con sidered the advimbllity of nrrungiirg for the proper disposal of my person al effects at the office. , There is the In Hi bottle that I iie for tl vnse when ever 1 'ran salvage any flowers; my fountain pen whic h really should be a valuable aouvenir ns it Inn my name engraved on the ilntrrel; nit old copy of "The Outcast 's Prayer'' and a news pnpr print of the late liicufcnnnt t!ol onel Mcs'rno ami a daiiilv large irlmtii ginph of I'optnin Ntufrin, Lieutenant t 'oinptnti, ami a (nil dark officer whose name I could never fiiul out, m board the ship that through! them home. Then them is I Jui I slack of lot ten from France, in the drawer of my desk, J wmrrrely Imped that they wouldn't consider it necessary to rend those let ters at the roroner's inqnet. Koine of the boys were positively childish in their utter iliii'tg;iiil of the censor! At the entrance of the fair ground I found myself in a modernized Latin relet Oobbo position. " limine," aid my conscience. "Iludgo not, " said something eUe liside of me tliut. 1 have nt ninee been able to locttte. A a rule I dislike cuiincienecs, they're Hlwuys "hutting In" when one lcnlt waul them to. This time, however, I surrendered graciously. "Conscience. " snid I "you counsel wisely." And budged." oleott. field lay white and level, Jlkn & silver ipalih in a counterpane of green. Atiove, a rewr tiny clnmt lay on the sapphire flour sif the sky, us tho the girl nugols had dropped their pow der puffs -while frolicking with tho slum the evening before. Lieutenant t ook was milking a limiting- as pretty an, x rare fill a thing an the Inst steps of a good night waltz, and my cour age rebounded. It certainly hnd ticen at the lowent possible elu, and only the thoughts of the cynically inhuman office) foree hud kept jiio from bolting. I'll roufesw right now there' tioth ioil nf 'he hero stuff in my make. up. What-n-or line of work those tlaclie ancestor pursued it is rertnin that none of the-iu were tiht rope walker. If they were, there's nothing at all In the theory of heredity. The faster X K in un itiitoinuliilo, the happier 1 am, and 4 could absolutely live on the wu. ter; but 1 never fail to say a prayer for a linppy death before climbing a ladder to hang a mistletoe wreuth or truighten a window shade. Jt ' just one of the ninny peculiarities, that for lark of unmet hing more tangible on which to jdftre the blame, I lay to the color of my liair. With a kind of lit tle whimper the motor of the plane Mopped and young Mr. McCroskey rsme up to me. "Hitter leave your hat with aonie one," he mid, "aud sign thin" Whetenin 1 igned a fiird that told any one who rami enough to iiLiiwiigaie, uist I, i.ertrinle J'atrieit Kobiaon, Hieing of sound mind, ete., and we were off. We tailed over the field, skimmed for i brief second over the ground, and rose ever so gently into the tuulight. -For a few moments I kept my eye atravght ahead of me, indulging in an Almost pngnu delight in the iudesf-ribable rhvihin of the plane' uiution a it rose in long, an' dulating stride, and then I looked over the side. J-'ar below the land scape lay, a patchwork quilt of tilver and greeu and gold. Gradually my heart lid from the general direction of my knew, up into its normal loca don and never, during the whole f that glorious ride did i exiierieuce the least fear. Inch i saving a great b-al. When anvgne who is so strenuous ly attached to the solid earth ran en jov a trip in the air as much I dul i nut one, tnere can nusviutetv be no cause for fiwj-. Wt were over the eilv now. 8ch little toy city, with its Lilliputian street curs and tin v buildings! (lone was all the grimiicss of the peuitenli ary, gone the glamour of enpitol uud tun aolemnity of the supreme court .iiii!iliug. Seeing it from above, it look ed Tlue a little City of Hope, set ten : uorlv in the most beautiful valley m the world, ginled with blue hills uud purple mountain anil watered bv a winding strip tf sheerest rrvdnl. Avi utors must be the greatest hearted persons in the world. looking nt the earth from (ioil own angle they see how really trifling are all the affairs Mint seem of such great moment to lis. ,Thoy get such n ibmnd, kindly view of .things, observing them from the rlouds that when they watch the hurry anil ceaseless bustle around them, while not in the air, :mhI listen to the heated ur giiinents ami rnther unkind things that persons say a mint emh other, they run I think of how uuinipoi tnut ami alio 'jjcthor hildih it looks from above and ask with the author of the I'uisiiit of Huppini -" Little brother, littl sister, whv D hotf" Above the river liieutenuut "ook shut i'1'f the inutor irlni; enoueh to tell .me to notice how elenitv we emild see into the water. And 1 fbunii inj'self looking straight into the blue ibptlis for a moment and Almost inimeilintelv we were right side up again, mid he was a-iking "Shall we iiirnl downf" I nodded emphatically, not huvinit the least idea what ho mount, nnd we started on our ilownu in il flight. Von 'II have to take tluiiile your m'lf, or usk sum one else it you want (o find out any details admit that de scent; I've run out of adjectives. Ev er so gruilunlly we lost the town, while tho silver puich Hint whs Oleott fielu detached itself from the green counter pane and the trip was over. One could wax extremely philosophienl over an airplane ride, Alone with your pilot, high above the world riding face to laiu with the clouds, ami no sound in all creation but the droning whirr of the inuior; far beneath, the river swinging slowly under the arched bridges, while on its banks the town lion as quiet as a city 'built of ilrenms. Iots of pniiible material if one is in rjined to coin thorn! I've always almired IJoveruor Ol eott; he has a real interesting profile, nnd that affair of the bird bath in Ih il statu house grounds appealed to my fancy, Hut 1 never roi!'!i.od how much my eentitnenlH are shared by oth ers until I discovered what nn honor it is to have nn aviutieu field named after you. I do hope that if I ever be come famous, posterity will take that mean of showing its appreciation in stead of attaching my name to five cent cigar or a vegetable compound. The young flight manager was wait ing to unbuckle the strap nnd help me overcome the difficult ie connected with the current styles, which 1 en countered, as I got out of the cork-pit. Hi fatherly altitude wns quite oblit erated bv a broad friemllv imu. "Like it?" he asked. Like itf Mhnde of Heotch and Irish ancestors, what a question! - Hands in my pockets in the appiov ed Dorothy tiish fashion, 1 strolled in-j to the office with nffe'eted noiichnl .auce and sealed myself at my desk. "Well," said the elfiee force, look i up U"iu then res-pcs-nie Ivpewm- was the ride " " None of ADDITIONAL NEW TODAY BAMY buggy for sale, goo-1 a aew. 1'hoae y .J or call i-it) N. High t. 8 3 ! WAVTKD-PaiiUcr Nfoaday i'Uoae IrUTW or S74W. uurmiif. 8-2 I sfKl'ilAMOr-A god ijme and cash for a auiall firm. K. L. Wood, Bayne Wdg. 8 5 UXST Last riaturday glanses oa Liberty and JsHste. (',! tithl. ir of rimless etween Court 8-8 iXKU Jersey row f.r sale giing 2Vj gnlluus; will freshen ia .Nov. il. A. Terry, 2 miles east -.y!uin. Kt. 6. 8 5 FOIt SALE 1013 model Maxell 5 pa- oniT ear or will exenauge lor mo torcycle. Inquire 2.1.1 ,S. Church. 8-4 CONTINUOUS SHOW TOMORROW H UiJlauiJaLDllUllj- STARTS 2:15 4:15v 6:15 8:15 TOMORROW AND MONDAY Vaudeville M HAhK (Kurd radiators. ' second- huna. tood as new. csaleui Auto lis diator Shop. IMS S. 12fh St. 8 8 WANTKI) To rent, five or six room house in east part of Salem. No chil dren. .Must be good. Call 57 i, 8-2 LOST Veslenlav, some where between the state house and Shipley's siure, L'ibei(y, uumner 111172581. Cull 7t or Hit. . g 2 l-TOR SAI.K -'heap or would trade for a good Jersey l.o.Mr, a buy horse lu good eon lition. No safer horse for women or children to ride or drive. I'hiuie 4."r'U. 8-3 llillllJATKO farm binds in the Suthcr lin valley, Douglas county, for sale cheap. A. P. Hi hrnsledt, 401 Maionic Temple, Hulem, Oi, n-i VK want 2ll more good houses listed to rent and soil. List your (iroperty with us. Laflur 4 Lnf'lar. 4mi llub- burd bUg. 8-2 KA.NCU WANTKI) Wanted to hear I rum owner of good ranch for tale. state cash price, full particular. -i), I. IJiiL'i, .M.nneupiili j .Minn. ti ACb'l S with hiiugalow. ;t miles from rnpitol bldg, on I'ortiand road, t2, 'MM, I :t00 cash, time on balance Also 14 nines on river road, well im proved, .1i)iil). Laflar Lal'lnr, 4il(i Huilibnrd bldg, 8 2 MAIfffY IF IONKI.Y For results, try me; best and most successful "Uome Maker; hundreds rich wish mar lingo loon; strictly confident iul and reliiable; year of experience; do criplioiis free. "Tho ' Suucessful Club," Mrs. Hall, Box .1.0, Oakland, abf. D. ir. MlXSHKR uoiis Hiait CLASS LADIES TAILORING GOOD BUYS ' how n lis, il ve.l the .,il,,,l 4Li-,w,r i' f ullblaine, etc. At bast I su se llial's ' . - ---- - . to r """ "eon u. ! i : . . ... .ii '.. it youisejr. Acrordiiig to everv known Irc( Client what i saul Aviator are alwavs voting and al nosl always good Uniking. Lieutenant i '.Kjl is ii u ekreptiun in the rule, and jit for a nionieiit as the young flight fiinimger was ansnguig the helmet on in.r Hi-mi aim raiinoiiing me to aolil on tu my hair (a though it weren't fast sued ir the roirts!) I hnd a urely fiiminiie desire to know if Uie head gear wire beeomnig. M,,Mieune, with the ur of Hir Wstter Kab-igh, placed a iny Isd.b-r jn one of the wings, and fter a few uiisjielcn remarks, oa my part, com eruing tight skirts, I found ey!M if in the rm-k pit. "Act,"' a Ivis--.! Mr. Mcs"ronkey as he and the nir- I'sn r fastened the wide Kelt about ii-, "as though ynu were in a noe. Hit esily and 4i 't 1e afraid to look out. Jleltir put those gogjles dow.' , , , In-., it's liable to be wiudv." "Al ! Thev I do ,t, because they obey right," I aiiMieicd, restraining ,B '"''at 4hey are told and grow the way ivensh.-liiiing d' 'iie to tell him that w"' niennt to grow. Do yon want I had voted in the June c-leetions. Whv , ,a l""sr about ill" juiiiig nien ins st on a-suiming a gri4l "oh, yes, sr. til IKilIy, wh iiiotherly sir, teirnr iless of the fact j ting int'i a bett r temper. that this ta the dav of naiumal nro- "Well, li.ten." said the Faiiv. "snJi they should have ruaxed. I hnd the most heroic 'e of biav.ido and unri valled fe.u Ici-sucns compos -d for their ole MMidit! But the office force, be ing the olfice force, nnd ossised of no romantic sensibilities whatever, went hack to their Remington and Oli ver as calmly a though 1 had not just risked my life, liberty and pursuit of happmes because of th-m. O well! what els cmild you expert from a bunch of meat Stories The Dew Drops Told 4 oiitiuued from page four) was get will tell : on if ) Be Continued.) Ii Milium mt universal riuht for wo-' I nun, is more than ran understand.) "H'-sdv?"' he siKi-.l. it tlia same tone ' ues ta a y.Mihg-ter when one tf f fi ft I trN., s,f.r i 0j !,, bllt ,,(, rnt; !pv? necp caia icstircis ?) acre tract located 2 miles from Salem, .'111 acres eulti it"'!, balance in pasture and T acres good ti cond growth fir timber, 1(1 ae.iv of six year nt J Italian prunes, 1 acre bearing cherries, some npplcs, running waiei, 7 room house, barn, good road. Itivestigute this, l'rice 100 per neto. 10 acres all cultivated, f o 5 room plastered bungalow, barn, well, family orchaid, " acres 4-yeac old J iiiies, acres loganberries, close to Pacific highway, l'rice J"i'ld. o acres of first clast Ii i nnberry or prune land, located on roik road just off of l'acific highway, 4 miles out. I'riea I000. It) acres nearly all culthated, good bungnlow iisrtly finished, f acres in apples, peaches and loganberries. Price 21100. Hit) acre farm, "O acres cultivated, some fine second giowth fir timber; huiliM"!, close to d'aeific highway. Price s."uH). .120 acre farm 2 miles from Pacific highway, SO cre cultivated, build in". Price Holier acre. 10 acres, 5 acres of bearing prunes. small house, lt cultivated. I lies ., ."iimi. US acre farm located on Howell lira! j rie, .0 acres cultivated, house and barn, j located on main S'.h erlon road. Price i 12o per acre. 10 acres in hearing Italian prunes. 1 ti and year old. I'nce .i.iiiO. I 50 acre tract locale.) 4 miles south I of .Salem; 20 acres -bearing prunes, 5 I...... .... t. .1 I ii i -s u i jiriiis, sumr iiiiiiiii, uuiisi- ivn nam. di ver, rock road, crop goes, l uce 1 ".."(), 5 room plastered cottage. Private water aystem, just outside the city limits. Price flJkH). 'a cash, balance monthly payment. 4 room uiiidera bungalow, basement, bnth, toilet, electric lights. Price ly.'rtH) ii.nj down, J'sIhucc per inonili, 8 percent interest. liood !i room modern l)im ;alow lo cated 17D. S. High tret. 750. t room modern hus located on pav ed street corner lot. Prie $i."00. 5 room uiodera buiigalow liMSted oa pavej street, basemjit. Price I'Jl'OO. Strictly ui nleru room home, 6 bed rooms, Vnnge otjl osst fliont, rmved street, l'rice 'ioo0. Well improved H acre tract, 1 acre of loganberries, it acre ot rherrie and waluuts in full bearing, tiood 3 room house, bam. Price $IikM. HiHKI down, Inlance at (t percent intcrent. I acre all in besring fruit just cut side of the citv l'-ants. Price jii'O. 100 Iowa, balance terms at ti percent in- BOB aad DOROTHY FLUEY A JAM-UP GOOD ACT II BROWN and DeLONG TWO GIRLS SINGERS AND VIOLINISTS Norma Talma AND THOMAS MEIGHAN IN dge LION SPECIAL An AiEiaal Comedy "The Probation Wife" From a cafe girl, to a slavey, to a lacy. See Norma Talmadge as Jo Mow bray, the attractive beauty of the Domino Cafe PATHE WOOD house and S lots, for quick sale l.'iOO. Laflur Laflar, 400 Hub bard bldg. ' 8 2 "I will only say that in my opiniononr wage demands," aaid Lee' rYK KIONT Hinritl house, partly furn I-Jiuil 7 per mentli.. Phone. lDiltlAI. hDSTr-Jnne, a dark Persian eat, white on face nnd legs, Hewnrd. A. W. Co Phone Hill's evenings. Hi I'OH SALK One fresh .lersey cow, heavy milker; one fresh in Oct. 2310 N. L'i nnd Hyde tit. 8-4 WAXTKl) iDeliverv bov, - perinauent position; jntist know how to run r-Vd. Apply N. Liberty St. Mon dny 8 a. in. , , 8 2 rnfiDT imTici, wnuc VUtmi HUUOli 11LT1J In the case of li. H. Wnswam against II. It. Moe and wife, a default taken ami judgment "entered against the de fi'iidunts for 312.75. Tn (lie rase of M. Byerley agaioit (lias. Ii. Hire, a default was taken and judgment entered against the dc fendnnts for till. This im-liidea 2-" at tornev- fees. terest. If vou. want t.i bar or e!l see W. tt CRABEMIORST & CO. j Hi ate treet Esther Mnr MeCracken who i min? Sherman Miw'racken for divorce, skj the court for tin order giving her -."0 suit money. Iouis Weitsenfel has ttied William Shnffer for s;t.75 and 25 attorney' fees. Ho alleges he hauled 53.j cords of wood for .Mr. Shaffer at 2."0 a cord and that there ia still due and unpaid ''l.".". WILLIAM SMEAD DIES. the railrottd workers of the country wilt not Btund for another survey of the en tire wage aituntiun," snid Vvarrcn 8. Ktone of the Brotherhood of locomo tive Kngineers. Faith In President. "I don't know whether this is the president's answer to our statement to him thnt the cost ot living must be low ered or we wou'd be forced to demand wnge incernaes. If it is intended as tho answer, I can see nothing in It that uii'iins R reduction in living tost." "If the government would take ac tion to suppress the prnfitOiM-s to that living costs will leave our nien enough to live ou decently, we would not press I tho railway department of the Amerl- IiiMi declared the wajre. situation ia can! Federation of Labor, declared ttt- now near a break, which may cuuso day official can hold the shop work within a few weeks a strike of oil or-jers from an unauthorized strike, despite gunieil rail workers. There are nearly the fact several thousand wiviked out one million orgnnir.ed worker. yesterday, disobeying order. "If the rest of the 4.)0,000 railway? , . , . . . A . . shop workers follow the lead of aomo of, , '""' T, . ii..- . . i. ii.. j . i i only one of the big rail nnionii to which nines their men who walked out yestcrdav, all other rail union may bo forced into iiuinoiliiite action," Lee declared. Answer by October 1. Heads of the shop men today wen to decide what action they will tako on the special wage commission plan sub mitted to them yesterday by KuITDircC' tor Hines. President B. M. Jewell, president of must have." has submitted the president' specinl wage commission p'ae. "We will wait until October 1 for a unswer,'' said Lee. "If a favorubh answer is not received by that tin or if no answer is received, the matter will be placed before the men by their representative. They will decide what I must be flnnA to irnin tliA tnernfioAa sA J SiZZd, s "Wilinni II. Smead po'se away lit hi home iu Brooks Wednesday Morning nt the age of ,"D years, 3 mouth and 3 days, lie wu boiu iu Oiogou ami ha resided nitir Brooks for tne 12 years. The deceased leaves a wife, one dnughter and two sons. The funeral will be held from the Evangelical church at Brooks F-lda morning at 11 o'clock, and the ervire will be conducted by the Rev. I.ovcll of Kn'ini. Burial will he in the Pio neer te neterv. Wcrvai Star. II tf i3.ZZ d ciZZ6l to the Right II USIC . of a phonograph is pleasure indeed. Jitneys saved and spent in this man ner will add many pleasant hours of entertainment and enjoyment you thought could not NATIONWIDE STRKE (Continued front page one) though we all feel that both Tiesiilent Wilson and Mail Director Hines want to he.p the aien. " I H Want Action. i "We will not be ablrto control the ! en if this ia the answer to our de mands," snid President Lee. "For, vears we've been forced to f$r themj this litand of medicine, which resulted in dclav. They are immune to it now. J I would not recommend such a oluHea to them." 1 have everr eoafidenre ia Fresi-i dent Wilson and Director Hine," id Pr-sideiit Rhea, "but if thi mean they have turned to eongress the mat ter of wage increases, It also mean a. (Ion delav and I fear the men w'il r S3 fun-la Bait and milt strike." I exist so easily. Jazz Your Jazz Day or Night In Your Home See the Display of Graphonolas, Victrola and Edi son Diamond Disc Phonographs. The Phon. O TTT'V T TSTT TTTTT TT rs.M- - ujfri,1; SALEM'S MUSIC DEALER