PAGE TWELVE. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1919. WAR HEROES, TEETH, EISH AND BIGAMY Intimate Glimpse of Men and People in France After the Bis; War. t X 13-pound Cotton Felt Mattress $13.00 1 - 35-pound Silk Floss Mattress $22.50 Special Toledo Range , $61.00 I Library Tables $7.50 Up Extra Special Copper Boilers $5.13 : Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. Do you want your Freight and Ex press out of Portland to arrive quicker? SHIP VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 - IS YOUR BUSINESSS PROTECTED . You have locked your money in a safe, placed your automobile in a garage, but what have you done with your business. It represents MONEY and is MONEY and therefore should be locked up with an adequate and comprehensive ACCOUNT ING SYSTEM. Let us serve you in this capacity. Public Accountants Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon. LEAVING WOODBURN. Kev. B. V. Ktilly, who hits been pastor of ft. Lulie's church, preached bis firo Get Your Digestion in Shape Many ailments are caused by stomach weakness. Faulty digestion leads to biliousness, sick headache, dizziness, sallow skin and eruptions. Maintain a healthy condition of the stomach and you will get rid of the chief cause of your sufferings. Do not neglect the laws of Health. Keep stomach, liver and bowels in order by timely me of mm well sermon lust Sunday nutl departs thin week fur his new duties as chnp lain of the Mnrjlhurst Cuthulic Nor mill school, ni'Hi' Oswego. Hit health would not permit liim to retitiu the pas torate ltt'ru. Never wan priest no well liked hero as Fr. Kelly and nil are snr ry "to lose him, nt only those of tho eliurrh lint tli whole liity.lmlepeu dent. By Houry Wood I " ni t ! l'tvus Stuff Corresjioiiilont.) Faris. (By Mail.) letnils have jus! been received frulu Lille 1111 wuat is fun M'ierod without iitctioii the iri-atest t-oiitritiiintiun " made to the war liy uny one single family. The head of tins family was Monsieur Vi nhee, a fnriner living at Keniitighe, onr Ypres. At the outbreak of the lie was the father of .'Si! iiviiio rhil d'-en, fourteen girls ami tweutv two jlinys. Of the latter, during the course jot the war I'll fuuiiht in the French r.-.iiks. mr inene twenty ,t!intemi were killed mid three were erriiaiii'iitly (lis ehari;i'il a the result of wounds nim ting them fur further S r lee. Still nn- ln'r was v.ounded four times during the war. In I !' 1 7. the widow of one of the sons, Alfred, was also willed duriiii, ihe bom bui'diuciit of unkerciio. Fdio ieft five orphans. Biit even before this, Mon sieur Vanhee had already giion'up his life to the (lermtins. In Ortolu r of J!W h had r to l.ille with one of his daughters to celebrate Ihe Iiirt!id..y of a relative. On his return ho , the two wern niulit by a German patrol und ludli A winner of the Croix de Hurt ro when only three and a half years old i the uuiiproiiehnle record of little Roge, Ibioux of Snint Ihe. 1'ra :ee. Kogcr is now eight year old ami has only just received the war decoration, hut his ci tation mentions service that he per formed nearly five years U(jo, when the tiorinnns rushed into his little home town out on tho French Alsalinn bonier. Little Ho'jer flatly refusei, to have any dealings with the enemy. Though just a tiny tot he resisted the presump tion of the Prussians who tried to make friends with him. But Kngor wouldn't lie won over, lie refused eun to sr.y "boa jour" to the enemy and now wears the Croix de (luorre for his stern liess in the face of the enemy "ad -j vnnces." . tiveucss where doughboys arc lOnecrned., France has found still another means of living up to the national motto, "Liberty, Kijuulity, Fraternity." A, simple "poilu," a private soldier of thej second grade with nothing to his pari ticular credit other than thai he repre -I sents the great niass of the "poilus" of; Francohas been named a candidate, for; the French academe The "fortv Tin- ' mill!,, la ' ' I....-.1 .t.l...l .-.. ni!i I K..I, I i..,-. ' Jofi're and For It to their numbers but it remained for the League of Foilus an orjjr.u.iition of French veteran:., to really undertake the dciuoeiatiziag of the military branch of the most fa man. of France 'a intellectual organizations. The league has nominated Louis Arnould Oremilly, one of its members, us fundi-j date for the, seat now vaci.nt iu the; academy. j I Approximately four thousand army j dentists in a combined ntlack on thej jaws of nearly two million dougaboys succeeded in rupturing 67,loi leetii dur ing one month alone. All records I'or tooth extractions in the A. h. F. were, broken iu that mouth when this enor mous number of teeth was removed from the aching of America'! "over here" heroes. - Fulling teeth was not the only oei upa- tion of the heartless army dentists, for; during the same mouth 7li,no' tidings were put i'l. The chief dental surgeon of Ihe A. i. F. reports that during the course l hostilities seven army dentistt, were killed by shell fire and thut over Jurty were injured. t Advice to prospective bigamists. Be fore becoming a bigamist, it witl be advisable to win honors on the field ot battle if you would escape the penalties of tho law. . . I The French military court has justj pardoned a aoMier bigamist. Jean Allele's home is in Coimnines. Iu 1910 he married Mile. Meurchiet und lived , , . . , , ., , hnpnilv with her until August, 1914, Travel by air routes and avoid the 1 .. , . ,.. .:..' mien nr wan cumu iu iiiu congesting of the already overworked rnilrotuls. That in substance is the plea now being innde Ivy aviation promoters ill Oeriuaiiy. Time schedules of (ioinian passenger-carrying air services, have been received in Paris. Extensive ad vertising of the air routes is being car JONES KNUTSON KILLED loues Kniitson, 17 years old, was al most instantly killed Friday night near his home, one half mile west of Needy, when Ihe automobile in which he wus riding turned over while pass ing a binder driven 'by Harvey Hilton. His ihal( and neck were broken when he was pinned under the cor. Iliivmer Frcdf richaon lit years old, win willi Kiniisoii In the cnr. The boys did not nonce the binder until almost upon it and tinned to the right to Miss it. The cur went into the ditch along the roiid nml, in leaving tlui ditch tinned Wit, Fredei ichson wus not in- juieii. Is ii ut son mi a son of ('. (". Kniilson. The bodv was taken to Aurora, Funer al s.-r,ee were held Sun, lav anil liur- iol was in the Swedish ceoieleiy nt Hallow. was wounded three times and was twice1 cited for the Croix de Guerre. In 1P1V, while on convalescence leave he met Mile. Detruit, and soon afterwards,' married her. lie had passed hiniseif as; j unmarried, and until the end of the war, i ..ii ..ti in ... .. i , , . in" III wen. iu-n vwihc im- nii.n- iici UN, I in imi ncis in me iiro.eei iiuiui- . no. t i . .. , , , i tice, und soon thereafter All e. Abelu mc nut the ndvBiidnges of seroplane tra- ,'. , i . i 7 . ., , . . . . 'seeking her lung-lost so diei hus.iund. vel over that of trains, and uructicullv , ... , - A ., . . r Htm liim Mint n1u,i f, nun wifil II. ... ..:...!... 1 ID ' mi;iii( I hit jrui'in ni f;ir I lie i nil I imiiB a chance to rebuild and to repair the a... tv ti.i.l II.m i.n.l urn.,. According to the time s. ho.lule " re- r"""'r ?,","l"';"l,,c' ,Wifc "Ul,"1l.'7 D"e eeivel her,, , civilian aic service! wn 0,,'r '"M'l'V lo reestablish her has been established between the Berlin niul tlm iiilloK fif lliiuihiirir Ttiiiillvor. vv,.i .....i .,,i,... ' viction of tin ... ..v....... ...... , .,.. ....... ... the lurger cities. found him. ,' tjhc also fiund wife liiumber two. Wife number two i.greed .that her claims on Abide were indeed I home. The court martini couldn't bring themselves to brave soldier. officers tho con- J. C. PENNY COMPANY TO OPEN 75 NEW STORES IN THE SPRING OF 1920 Large shipments of salmon, better known to the American doughboys nsi "goldfish, " which were destined to be; consumed by the A. K. F. tire now beingi ahippeil lo the Italian army of ovi iipn- tioii in the Tyrol. Great quantities of. Approximately t seventy-five new -the sustaining but uiiH)pulnr food were stores will be opened next spring by on hand lit the American win chouses in the ,1. C. Penny company. This is the Marseilles when the war ended. With largest number of stores thut this com-, the rapidlv diminishing demand of thell"l.v has opened at one tune and is A. F.. F., much of the canned s.ilmon hus " ",s progiessive forward step that ttic orita luxation nas ever ihki'ii aim I PUM'S Ur...l S.l. ml Ant MHclM In iIm WnU 6M nmmkmn. In kasas. lUc. 1S. Koikhuid. Me.- William Htowell lias a cat which indilies tor linn mi the local gulf course. The cat chases the ball and Is by it until (slowoll catches up. The transport TlmmnH left Snn Finn eisc.i Friday with 711 recruits for the Amen, nil iiriiiy in .Siberia. li. A. Booth, stale highway commis sioner, killed a rattlesnake on the Pa eifie highway near Ashlund and took its eight rattles n few days no. been reshiened to Genoa mid llience ov erland to the Italian front. Tin Il.iiiniiS,m'1".'" ':' '!','" like the scorned American " goldfish,' a food which long since lost lis nttrne New Fall Woolens HAVE ARRIVED They consist of the best hard fin ished worsteds, blue serges, and the very latest in overcoat woolens. As this line must be seen to be appre ciated your inspection will prove time well spent. Owing to our buying at a time when woolens were cheaper we are able to make either suit or overcoat at a very reasonable figure. D. H. MOSHER High Class Tailor to Men and Women Court Street ft . linnnels for rendering ervioe to the liutilie. It means the re sumption of expansion which was re tarded due to i noses brought about by war. This menus increased piirchasie power and increased prestige iu the mercantile nun ket. Tne .1. '. Penny company whose business was started ill U'l- as a part neishlp, was ineoriNirated ill III 13 under the laws of I'tnh. The company at the present time operates one hundred and iiintysmen department ptotvs in L'.1 slates, and is toe largest chain of de partment stores of its kind iu the world. The growth of the company has been steady since the inception of the busi ness. All sales are for cash, and the satisfactory profits have been in a large measure due to their ability to turn their enpital frequently on this basis. At the present rate the company's vol ume of business in 1919 will exceed L's,tlOll,O00.IUI. , The business of the company is un der the luauugi'inent of the same men who have been at its head since its inception, mid the policy of making the manager of eac h store a stockholder in the business insures the permanence of the organization. The :) IHMi.onu seven per cen? ciiniiibitive preferred stock sdd recently to their New tork and Chicago brokers will be offered to the public as an investment. The execiitiie offices of the company are maintained in few York Pity. Buy ing ofiices are in New York .citr, St. Louis and pit. Paul. The company until the last few years oioriitrd their stores almost exclusively in the west, but the j owning of seventv five new stores is i ii i ',ni 'lvance guard of a Ion" line of er a nenri in .. .,,;...,. ... . i. t. n . li ti I t I 1 mmiiuii in leniii iiiuu i mwr. rcess'ic MHYHitflna s laicsi iiic- V 11 I A' t Some fu to tinea llauvrlh-lluliui $ur. Famed 'Frisco Tea House Loaned By Its Owner For Hayakawa's New Release Manv of the scenes tare are in a tea enrden and tea omise M. llsgawawa. owner of the .lspaiicm-left-garden in tiulden Gate Park. San wean to ocean. An article by Mr. ,T. C. Penney in the August number of the American maga , , . . , , , n - . . uouun ' in. iuimiiiii linn .n. ,. , , , . .... -m miiiiiiiiiiii.... 1- 1 ..c- nutstde Japan knew Haynkawa sod. vouno man tt-c I .1., ... i.;. ... iTsurn Anki his wife, in Japan years J,,,,,,,,, wha! M, ,,,.,,,,,.,, for itiU ,sgo, and volunteered the use of his.,,iv, 11(ff ,if, ,,nthllslm. BONNXY FAMILY 'KEUNION plnee for this and other produetiniis of llnvaKawa. j L i- -l:. . 1. . . i . . i. . ! r.iriT isi-uiiT was omiicii si iMreciori Wort!ngtor,'. "d.s,K...I by M. llagaw. Tw rMmjM1 f . & families -i... ... ,.. ,...,,. irili , V., , x,tu,.r J..I- I; .k appear in several of the scenes of "A Heart ta Pawn" to lie shown Sunday and Monday at Ye Liberty theatie. A beautiful Nii.i,neiM musical liromain lawn at Mr. ami Jirs. J. M. W. lion ney , the old hmuestisad. Th't seemed to all the erfi t place for uch a meeting, the old hoin has been sold i - -J5i. : I 1 r P!ake our store your store. We carry a complete line of Victrolas, Pathes, Victor and Pathes Records. There is nothing that will bring more pleasure to the home than music. The Victor and IT Pathe machines are two of the best. Victor Outfits: 1 Victrola 1 20 Selections Oil V 200 Needles RJ Pathe Machines Play all makes of records better. You have no par(s to change. The Pathe machine is equipped with the wonder-1 ful Universal Reproducer. s Pathe Outfit: 1 Pathe l Y it20 Selections 0H1Y 200 Needles WfiJy Him '1Ji; 1A i'.i-Kit'li'-t H ! -;: Ml!... uiu2i mm y 1 1 1 $108.50 Trade In Your Old Machines as part payment on a new one. We will allow you all it is worth and give you your terms with in reason on balance. Four Stores . , yf) 1 - i A !J . -i- t--j'e! Baby Sleeps at Night whim ttw fomm-h work4" naturally And boweis move trpely. Mn. Window iS . -up i rtpe iii rwommentlrti ft quis.k W nwrrmrirn mwA tvtoc. diwrrrxien. con(tpon, flitul-wy. and mlpr aw oeden. Help bbv'sdipT-ttt v ivltt MRS. VINSLOVVG SYRUP nH fKC th hflth-huiiHimif t:tp that 4 tow . Nthwi brttcr tur irt-ih: ttrae. Thw rwMly eonrams no rr'i.i . narmtic, !- i4i m any twr4.;ui UtftSa ot th wynahtv' i4r- " At mtt druggi it. .. i it . . ... iu- .nr. nun .urs. ,i. m. , jioimey, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hull, Mr. and -Mrs, h. Hall, Mr. mid Mrs. Cieo. Bnn ney, Mr. and Mrs. '. K. Tyler. Mr nnd Mrs. Hartley ilnnney, Mr. and Mrs. 1 11 II . - r . j mil runnier, Jir. nnu -Mrs. jtiirry t ry ler, llis. IJnwena Bonney, Mrs. Maude iSfott. Mrs. Meier lnvls, Mies Lnuri j .Homier, Miss Ethel Bnnnev, Miss Ina 1ionney, Mrs. Carrie Vomiir, Frank Hiuiney, rraiiklin and iliarleg Tyler, Kuliert Mentt, llertn Ilnnney, artha Ty ler, Leon a and iSenle Benney, Rny ltonney, Uarth Bonney of The Ualles. Doris and Alv linvin, Dornthv nnd Harry d'rycri Jr. Woodburn liidejieud-ent. . 'President Requests House lorostpne Recess Period Washington, Auff. 1. Fresi ilent Wilson has nsked thn house to .postpone its propos ed recess until definite Be-1 ion, is taken upon his recommen dation regarding the railroad wnjfe situation. . The presi dent's request was contained in a letter to Speaker Oillett But three vai-aneies remain unfilled in the faculty of the Hood River city schools. Nearly nil the forest fires in, Idnn and Lane counties were set bv 1 Becuuse of a possible wheat short age France may again lie put on Dread rations in (September. Ir. Malcolm McKinnoii, a prominent pnysuian Dr .-na 1'uint, Iilaho, was lightning, aoeording, to htate Forester killed Wednesdav evening w hen his ant. Klliolt. ...t..nj .' ir-: crnitiiiiu lll-HT JlUIUt-S. J. C. Perry's. i , . - I w Vl U'UiV H Will k vi , r""K,Hl ly - Hsd.r!h,d wdl ,,, !, Bew hsnd,. and Knhter for this engsgcnient eoiiie made ihe ilsr one of pleasure is well as sailnens. The latter would un- willingly slip into our minds at times yet it seemed everyone was willing to add their l:t to th; pleasures of the iar. The dinner was indescribable, as it was just goo l, which means more than one can dosrnhe. It tin served aiiout l p. ni. and Ihe afternoon was spent in good old time visit with music, from toe vii-troia. The oldef guest present was Mrs. Kmi!y Bmyle. of Fortland. a tousia of B. t. Bonneq." is JS yesr old. An additional guest was Mrs. James Acre, a friend of Mrs. Frver, from the getting together of all who tould Walnut Creek, CaL Othera" present DIAMONDS For the past few years flismonds have been steadily increasing ia value snd in a very few years more, really good diamonds will be sesiee and far more expensive than now. If yu contemplate buying a diamond do it at once. We have a number of excellent values. It will L a pleasure to show them to you. HARTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers and Opticians Northwest Corner 0 State crd Liberty Streets 1