THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, 1919. MM t FOR THE tfc'W v j ! ii PAGE TEN Announcement ... "BEGINNING AUGUST 4TH Samson Seive Grip AND BEEMAN GARDEN TRACTORS WILL, BE SOLD BY !; Marshall N. Roach i i : Distributor for Marion and Polk Counties Salesroom in LIBERTY GARAGE, 444 Ferry Street, Salem, Oregon j at YM A Should take no chances on your Vulcanizing. Tires are too expensive to be entrusted to inexperienced hands. You can be sure of Satisfaction if you bring your work to us. No "Half Baked" work at this shop. WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS . Monty's Tire Shop 157 South Commercial Street h ALBERT L. CHOUGH ZditorlZotor Service Ountma CiJct PrrtTti Copyright 1919. ty TX Jt i (caM. "Getting Up" On 12Xr Car Technique ot To B Perianal. Hav9 Thi j, ywf. BM,f CHbkb.Td,Cf, RECE1VES "" commend motor cr t,fil ?rref Information, from Uiom who or publishing houaoe that make a specially of automotive works and lZ?it:rUl0eWbK"!1 ",t U,h U,w"- Tb Za hookdealer U h X . b". ,Ut'? eUl0K 0D fil not- will send for them. o that thoTln hr' Whi"? h9 " '' le Ubrarie., Specially ca book, and H W'?mU,li,,,?S- en? wM stocks with motor cb!. m t b. S H0k- in n'W ,"'t "n' or ill adr!sed pur men? .n l " PTlodira!, centum djirt- f , m ? f"' ,hereln U- ,n B'",erl ra"ier more up to date toan tbat taumLr of dm?it 8 n!8,0' elw,rKal w to he had from a kbly hJT iPUr ,l,e,Pr u,omob,le troctlon books are prob- caragix; r.K iv hurse: STAHLK pr before tolll:nr, it In order to Minln out aollrt pa -deles. Water thun prepan-.i and protected from the a1- wii; Vp(p m good condition for a lonf lime. C I,l'Til At riON IS WKAK "T . M. I. A&Liif llna It rii unu to a car to keep It in a liable where! uuiaoH are aopi 7 ; . " - " V . H ' V 1 t U 1 nun Vody llnwh iu kp a car In uch : Biirrountiing-s. as the luxtre of the Viirnlfh la uulvkly dlinnind by the aitwiioma gut, vlucli u always prev ent in the air. If tli etubie la well Venttllifi anil nil nt iiioma are kept removed, the effect may not- tuoe aei tou but, If tb kiarA ifnnt Uirv Htitl Itnul ,.lBn UA, will nnd the re.njlt. nut at all aatla- wctory. 1 1 1 KT 1 1 f t 1 WATKK YW KtlJ.INO HAITMUKS T. (. C HkH! In tllAH- Itwilla.l In Rluan, or rain wa;er iuutM In Klam uu.l kept In t'.Kht y corked kIiiim Jara, ium mr iiiiinir b oraae tmtt&rleiT T. Mi-K. wrKi: (j.-ragjonally, whou cllaiblnc a very lurd hill, uii hlKh er. my !uich Ujjin to nll. un,i Iiiiim to do o 'or aometiine. Till to lm " more f'i,n,,.n' kelf. Will it Jo any liarm? '-ri Ve., it win finBny ruin tke aurfacw of our cluU'h, whatever kiad It may br. When ellpplii rom. "'' you Miou'.J at oaec )nfi n!o eevead pea i, whhh no allpplng wUI arobalily e ci;r. You alionhl ai ace ar-rt:Un eauau thl Klip pia ana elanin.ite 1U JnMilllciint apruur liliauic. II! -..dvised lubr:ra. tlea ! oihrr f.uii.y condition of ihe frlctional surfaoua niuy bo causlnit lkeallpln. 3 MOM hie fmnay) I UP pa ) I Any The I 263 It neccseary lo collect fresh ram water, euoh time tho iMttterr reunire flllliVB, or win it .kti from one tane 0 another? AnawiT! Yen, tf freshly fallen nowr only In used and the ruin water I collected only after rain ha baen fallliiff for itome'lnie and the rooft have beon wahed clean. In order o avoid traee of metal, waler that a been In contact with tin roofi or utti hould br avoided, the Urlp from elate, tile or ahinirie roof Ik !nK preferred and It 1 .well to run !' ".nturu! water throurh filler pa f Vuesttont of general inlrretl t wmltnH$ lumn, ipact permitting. Adiren AlHrt L. CtougA, car 0 thi Jit MAa) AHi.i; HdVMO t' XIUi: .llioi 111,1: 1 . )k: I'! ase explain why ! Ikere 1 o much mure ire trouble n I euminer than In wlnu-r'.' Awt: a.d, lonn d.:.. taace driving U more x 0111111..11 ln timmer than in 'winter in J epi-cii iv Is tke most prullll" cauan of lire (a ! urea. The avera dally inlieaav 1.' greater In summer than In wlnKr aad tire trouMrf tfecur clocer tonlh. r, la point of lime, even if no closer leaether in point of mileage. Co rneated repairs nro likely not to hold la ket weather, while they are com eereilrely reliable !n cold weather. 1'eaklleee enow and Ice cover many akarp objata which, If exposed, mlejkl cause punctures. Many earn are aot need In the winter, but their Urea deteriorate during that eeaion, ad tnally h'lve out during the -tin- er ariving scaNon. vil( 6 atuicered in (ai Many Conditions (Continued from patfe nine) TO IS. KVSVf . BATTKKim IVHTAU.KD Battery Shop N0BT1I COMMERCIAL STREET I et The Capital Jourmal do Your Job Printing You See Vi hat You Buy Before Paying-Buying At Home wken full demand" niwort themselves. It in quite evident therefor that the luiine money market is facing all the st ruin that it will he able to bear; and t Ii lit . while the banking situation ia sound, the limitations of credit must be kept under constant eoiiniilerntion, if forced liquidation and unpleasant eonsfl- iienees areto be averted. Good Autumn Trad Expected. While it is well to keep theae warning i)!iiala in mind, it is equally necessary hold one balance and not lose sight tho brighter side of affairs. The business outlook is unqiiCKtiom.hly (food, and the country is Aurvd of at least year of great prosperity, beyond which no olio ran calculate in these iiucertain times, 1'eaoe and hiie have taken the place in the public mind of war and despair. Tho whole world has shifted its point of view j the very unrest which minks the disuse beiiiK an accompani ment of the new forward movement. At home tho backhono of our prosperity is I lie farmer, who favored by a romhina lion o fliili prices and abundance is enjoying the ue of mine money than ever in his hMory. The farmer is not lunch of an investor, and Kt present even his borrowings are small. The re sult is that fluids are accumulating in country banks, to be rcdepoMtcd iu the cities, where they serve to relieve it rain that otherwise would be more acute. The lit;, icultral districts will, however, be much heavier purchasers of nemn nnd luxuries than usual, thus slimuli,t-i-qr interior trade in an unusual degree, rinandal Conditions. 8tork Kxchaiiijo activity continued Uhm a liberal scale. !Sme specialties I such as the steel, oil ml leather issues , started on a fresh sdvunce following previous liquidation. The potential buy i' K power in this market is still very lari!'". y?t discrimination in purchases, whether for investment or speculative purposes, is more and inure necessary. As said above, the limitations of the nioncv market require conservative op erations, and such advice if not heeded thrci.tss te bri-i the upward niov. iai nt to an abrupt termination, P. me 01 t&o industrial specialties have enjoyed vcrv! marked adiances, based upon Hrtu.k.1 and net nnticipnted pn crity. lot these fuorit,-s there has been a Very and active market for many weeks; the' west bring particularly liberal buyers on both iavcatntent and smcui. tuv c count. It is quito likely that many of theee issues have fetched their aeiiith, for the time being nt least. There are number of meritorious minor issues which have escaped attention and fail ed to improve correspondingly. The ame ia true of the railroads whose con ditions have bettered nnd whose pros peets are brighter; but their advance hag been strictly moderate. Public util ities are receiving more consideration, apparently on the growing belief that they are bow likely to secufo better treatment by the controlling authori ties. Our Foreign IiirestmenU. Government bonds, domestic or for- eift, show little change, American and Hritish issues alike having failed to advance with the establishment of peaee, Thie failure it probably due to tbeir huge mass, and to the fact that neither country has yet materially re duced expenses; also that local finan eial institutions which subscribed re help the government are steadily mine ing their holdings by distribution among investors. An interesting fea ture ia the frequent offers of new for eign issues at this center. A number of neutral countries siul a few of the belligerents have put out loans vaiying from "3,li)0,lilH) to 50,000,l)uu which werg taken with surprising prompters They are sure to be followed by other applications, not alone for overiinicnt purposes, but r. Iso for private enter prises. It will be interesting to see how deep the American i ivcstor will go into these foreign ventures. Probably they will be confined to those having foreign connections or interests here. It U not likely that the average American in vestors, especially those of the interior, are vet rtrcoared fn trust their mu-irv abroad very freely. Opportunities at) omo are uy no means lew, sua 10 muse ready to go outside, Canada and bouth America will offer pnd indiicemcntv HENRY llKWrt. OREGON ROADS. (Continued front page sine) No detoura possible, Wayuas ran get orer this road. Pacific Highway- Open and ia ex cellent eond.tion. except where con struction ia in progress, between Med ford and Kiddle. Because of paving op cratmns between lirants Pass and Ro gue river, detour over a rough road on the nurth tide of tke stream is neces sary. Tores Riswrs: Opea fcetweea MRr u fs.s? 1 rr H FisMn? Information. Plumbing and Water Systems Installed by G&ABE& BEOS, 141 South Liberty St., Phone 660. Also agent for Talr banks-lions Gas Engines. na and Tillamook. Very roiiKh for six miles through Grande Konde In dian reservation; We for several davs ufter heavy rains it is frantically im- mssaoie. construction work between Uolph and Hebo makes detour down the little Nestucca necessary. Bandon Oold Beach: Oncn and t,.,. alio for light ears entire length. Salem's a Good Place to Trade These bulletins are issued weekly by the forest service, and report tie fish ing conditions for streams in or near the national forests of Oregon. Only streams near which field men in the forest service are stationed are report ed. . Eagle Creek: Good catches of rain bow tnniit nrn tWirttr maila Alntio tjiLflA creek, fcortween the - mile and 6 mile -...- T I 1 U .. L- I- 1. J 1 I'uBiB. iieac-iieii u r.tiie erces iriux via Bonneville. Fish aio biting woims and salmon egjfs. ' Rogue Blrer and tributaries: Luiht catches of small trout are -being made at different points, mainly in the small er creeks. Reanhed by auto by way of (rrants Pass. The wenther i generally toe warm for good fishing. Souaw Lake: f. nn,l iMiti.l, n Batl. em "brook trout aro being made at the west and north ends of the lake. Roach d iby auto road from Sisters to Suttle Lake, by way of Bend; and by trail from Suttle lake. Jl ires STANDARD MAKE 3 these Tires are all New Fresh Goods and NOT re treaded or so called Rebuilt Tires. Firsts Hon Skid Snciuls Tubes (luartn- xOuaran- Guaran teed. "teed. teed. 2x3 lli)0 2.9o 30x3 11.00 410.50 2.35 30x3 & 1,1.25 " )3.93 - ?.H9 32x3to 17.05 J5.00 3.00 31x4 22.70 10.85 3.68 32x4 3.35 3.7 33x4 24.50 2.1.20 3.85 34x4 24.05 23.S0 8.05 3tix4 20.50 4.95 34x4 to 33.45 4.80 35x4 34.75 4.05 30x4 to 35.50 20.00 5.10 37x4j 30.50 3.23 37x5 43.30 0.20 1 Special Prices on CORD TIKES Goods Shipped C.O.D., Express or Parcel Post Money Refunded on (mods Re turned lutnet Within 10 lys. . MALCOLM TIRE CO. Commercial and Court Sts. - Salem, Or. . Hire Creek lake: Good catcher of rainbow trout are being made in this lake. Reached by wagon road r by aiUo road anil trail bv way of Sisters or Bend. ' S"Hlww Elk Lake: Good catches of eastern brook trout aro .being mad here. Reached by auto by way of Bind or I Tine. , Deschutes River: Good catches of rainbows and Dolly Vardens are being made at Crano Prairie and rringle Falls. Ben'ched try nuto road by way of Bond or La Pine. Odell Lake: Good catches of rain bows and Dolly Vardens aro toing mado ty trolling from boat. Benched by tuto road by way of Bend or Crescent. Crescimt Ljike: 1Good catchesj of rainbow trout aro being made here by fly casting along shore line from Jiont. Reached by aiilo road by nay of Bend or t-reseent. Lost Lake: Good catches of redsides are 'being made, at outlet. Reached bv trail or wagon road by way of Bend. Cultus Lake: Good catches of rain bow trout are beini; made hue. Reach ed 'by auto road tiv way of Bend. Wtliln ciitBkifi if tG Walla Walla tied. r:i .tt 1 near iuiuuii uii a looiiog, eiaiirie viai lace 37 years slipped, fell into the stream tnd was drowned. Holiday Jaunts to Lakes and Woods ! You young fellows' who think a day in the country is worth two in the city who are keen for swimming, hunting and fishing. You need a sturdy, comfortable, easy running Harley-Davidson Bicycle It will make your trips short and increase the pleasure of every outing. It is a brother to the Harley-Davidson motorcycle Vou know what that means. Bring your father or bro ther with you when you come to see the new models. Harry V. Scott 147 S. Commercial St. S,m Francisco. rvrscrvaiico amT f.'iith in prayers for a child filially wca for Jlr. and Mrs. Paul llu'oer. After three cliildess years a babe, a bright foundling, was left in their doorstep. AIRPLANE THE TRANSPORTATOIN AGENT OF TW ENTIETH CENTURY 4 . . 'Im Tranfportd tion - jfxhe Ri tu re ... -'"' rt , j ' 1 IE S ' 1 g" J I lK .'V s-?V f 3, kLSL :J. Si- t - n 1 - " - "i' Map iiowinc Exposed Air Laner. Air Poutex Tronrportefcioo vf khe,$n$vrbr New C.RR. Locomotive -fixm the Angus Shops ', "Unquestionably, we. who have rassed through the Mone. lironw. ron. Steel. Steam and Gaso ! :ie Apes, are now on tbe threshhald assaaslaBi care had to be taken to avoid the mrst danterous enemies of the airman mist and fog, not wind. The difKrulty uf using air service ; romiucrrijiliy. say the transporta ;t'i!n exptrts, is its excessive cost, j tut iudtfir.ff from the rate of prog ress in eeronautics this may soon J! overccme to a great extent. At i present, owirjr to engine difficulties, j sir service stations would have to ' i maintained at frerisicnt intervals. tnd, to m;:ke air travel safe, gooj iiiK-'irir place al-out a quarter so 1 .on in s:xe. -with a surfere of levl. r.-irn sot must be provided rltren milis or so. Th hrst frrent tran portation concern ir North America to cen-id- ?T e.1-' t luhlro nil- iri i, -l- ways w-M and sea was taken ; Canadian racifie Railiav n-hi-v, h. As trier defined, an "Airwa" nrjLlivd fur -i-,,i. . :l to operate an a;r line. It is pic nnr. every vm ci liter unneii. an Airwai is tr;ins-contn:ental or. coastal air ff . new Atb, A of A,r." are designated "Air Routes" An a, well Vtand Tand SVi h - .id a prominent o lu-ul of (ne Aero .airway is a beit 80 miles wide; an ,U vast engineering jiH w.i t 4't imn t df-P "" wttte. Several ! resources should Sb?e i Mer ,h Jtecently. at the .vocoad fan a.rways and air routes were mapped held fearlessly wherthe Aee of Mm-rican Aeronauts tor-Rres. m oot for the L'n.ted States and i A. which 21 . AU-atmc my. WMutm ai AirKn-U ln selecting .thesujiejijor. has iully arrived" e 1