Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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aft )Jt jft sft )Jc )ft
Thta weeto'i drapery special, white
I'uteU curtnins with renter valniioc.
'Regular ,1.75, . $123 pir. Ifamil
Kitr's. 8-1
Deeds for right of way to the Port.
land Southeastern Kailway compnnr
J 1
b ive been filed with the eouuty record -
- j "mil,, II I'ni l I 1 1 IS UTII W11 11 XI 1 1 111
er's offiee. Tliis is the railroad that is, lio.ne, the b(st thing to do is to at
a iitn..aa ,',, tiiiin in .tin 'tl. ,4VMMiOliee niititV tinliin k ivnit n nn rt i.r a Vna.
..,,...-, , ,.,v i.iiiui '",
Atig-1 through Stayton and then
contuiue south and ,ist a-ro the
mouiuuin to Bend. .Kight of way deeds
n.ne ueeu ineu y 1111! -unronu wnere-
nils have been 11
fidod by F. and
L. M. Doerfler, 1'
ries, J. Hehulte,
;. It. and .1). McKlhnncy. 3. and A.
Vo, V.. V, and M. Sehott, fi. anl K.
.Snsbauer, A. and B. lieiif, J. ,1. and S.
it lum mid C. 1'. Dnr.it.
This wee-lr.-s drapery special, white, '
Hutch curtain with center valanee.j Wlllard Storage Battery Serrice gto
Regular $3.73, $2.23 pair. H:,,il-! tia will move to 23s .. High alxiut
l"" s' . S I .Sept. 1st. Yours for better s-rviee. 8 30
A meeting of those who employ con
iderable labor and also of those who
a,re empiti.U'd, ia announced for .Friday
evening at the Commercial eliili, to be
held under the auspices of the Com
mercial club. The meeting wiil be held
f r the purpose of considering volun-
tary nwHlintiou in labor trouble. Kv
ecy effort is being made to Tiring to
(tether the employer and the employe.
This weed's drapery special, white
lk...k enrtnin wi). ..... .)...,.,
Jular $3,3. pa,
n a-l
It is well known that northern and ! ished information regarding same.
n irthensterii Montana has stiffen"! j o
from a drought the past three yenrs Autotnobilints who are riding just for
od that iinny farmers this yesr will good ioml, w.iuiil do well, to keep
not harvest enough grain to pay for nw:iy from K ,!a. The Kad iu this -e'd.
A letter was received this nioi n-: tion is now buinir torn uu bv Hie (kiknr
l.ig lit the Commercial (lub from a
Horllck'S tfie Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes.
Per the past i- v. y ars diamonils have been steadily inereasi:ig in value
Slid in a very few years iinlrr, real.y imkuI diamoiids niil l,e scr.ire and far
irm-e cTpensive than now. If you contemplate baying a diamond do it
at erne. We l.ae a nnulor of em-elleiit values. It will be a pleasure
tv nIiiih' them lo vou.
Jewelers and Opticians
Northwest Corner ot State and Liberty Streets
Tomorrow and Saturday
Jr' ' sV
re Deal Sanderson,,
s woman livitg near Malta, Montniia,
' stating that Jh hopetl t ctuie to the
Willamette vallev to live but that . fhe
i. i i. ... i : . i . ii
jjjjhad to reut at first as sbo could not
j appose or tier oju acres M 4ana nor
u.e rs,.s ana Jarm,ng uiaeuiuery.
Here is another suggestion coinUi
from Miliee lnsiidiiuaiters luo to tlm
fact that, things ure happening and
one really did happen last evening,
if parents are to tlo the right
' "'l" "'t "P"at with the
, TU -iiuirestiriii llna nun ! tlisf
1 i " "1 . 1 ...
- .-, 1 ........... ...
I,,r""-V n lrl or 1,1 J4 yar wa
; almlt , mM 0(,(l fr()m ,',,
They had both been missing about 24
hours wfore the
Indiee was notified.
In 0no en-xi the father was too hnac
( s v. mmwm 'jmmmm wa aTl'llj H
t mtr t ii x r i i-': i
and I'. Welter, M. j to look after his child ami in the oth
K. and R. Weber,- er the mother didn't know what to do.
The two children were found and
oroiiuin 10 uie ionee station Miortlv
,. . , , ... , ,
at ler he p.d,ee had been notified and
both locked up in the city jail last
Housekeepers who have read dis-
,,,.. ...,. . "',' ' 'rc-
in 1 was announced that the govern-
ment would sell its surplus supplies
of groceries at retail will have to wait
a little while longer A , gust Uneke-
stein. KKistmas er. snid hut no on ers
or inlurmation re.nr.lin. this action
of the government had been received
here The dispatch from Washington,
J'. (... VHXn tho in Tnrmrtt nm tlmt tJm
Uverm.Tont would ,i... ,T. i ... " 7
I i:. i .. ' n- '" '
grl" 7 !?
.OOSiaje mill niiiiiCV ,nliF ukama n,l
itliat all mail enrriers w-fntM l.u f.1Fn.
" .u.E Hint
11 liner construction company. It is this
eouiany that has the contract for
paving from the bridge just across the
river, towards Dallas through the Kula
seel ion,
Tae "deadmau" at the gravel pit
near Tndepenileiiee gave way yesterday
ninl us a result, the main mast that
rrirs the bu.'kct was broken nnd
., ,, ,
gnve way. Now the work of paving
m the Independence section will be!
dl,iUX0(i uutil " .kadinau' ' is prop-
Prl-r l"1"''''1 ' otner main mast is
secured and put ia pasition. Thig will
delay work of paving biw .being done
-t i,in,i.,.,,. t... t.: . t
.,,,1 i. : ..i, t), vc
e,)nstni(.lio C),,,,uriv between Mon-
, ,
",om" Rl,a Jmlependcneo.
' "Wcbfoot," the airplane of the Sa-
t . .
J(,m nng (oiupauv nii),i,, t)( vnvagc
yesterday to Kugene wilU Pilot Klnier
Cook and Fred K. -Mangis as paswnger,
ia about 03 minutes. The distance is
estimated at about 80 miles. The plane
left the ground at Olcott field nt 1:43
yesterday afternoon and a wire filed
at Kugene at 2:311 o'clock said the
Iplane was hovering over thnt eitv.
i.Mr. Mangis said the air was very fine
i,:,,..i .1 o,, ... . ,-i
ral 01 u'unn .mill leei uniii
, f(.lv , ,,ovoa Corvallis. Then due
lo ,lln'ents between the moun-
n'nn- " I''tv bumpy for about
' '.'r,n" v"JV ""'"" a"
; ' . "
Judge Daniel Webster, department
mmi tun P ,!. n k tJ -Jl t
says the national encampment will be
, r,, ,,,,-, in,- yMl A ji, Ut ITVLUn
held this vear during the first week of
.September at oiun,bus, Ohio. A. state
rmllmader. the judae will att I the
encampment. .1. H. Watson will go a.
representative. Others who will attend
:.. .1.. 1.. . j u. , . .
. ' " ' U" ' lU,Z """ r" r" ueoa,i
Memners of the National Editorial
. ...
r" 'au"n "'"P? v.s.t on
, me evening or Mimlny, August 10.
,,v R ll.'H TTIO rwlltnl-a ffiim n,-,,.. u- V
1. ' , ., .. ' . I
nhi.'h the editors from everywhere
will be shown about the city and slate
institutions. They will arrive on a spe
cial train from I'ortland at 0 o'clock
in the evening. It is planned to take
tin 111 all to the slate house grounds
where luncheon will be served, after
which thev will be shown about Xn-
lem products only will be handed out I
to the editor and also Marion county I
fruit, espeejally peaches. Arrangements I
for a proper reception to the editors j
are beinf made under the auspices of
the Commercial eluh.
Adjutant General Stafrin. Maior
Hall and Lieutenant Colonel W'oolpert
in Hr.rfrl.,.l .... 1:..
... -. .,,,,,1,, IWirtl f 1 1 'ClllfcHB n
meeting of the general staff.
Two bicycle "bugs" the Goeimer
brothers, (mh and William, arr.vod in
the eity recently in course of a wheel
tour of the eoas! country. They hnvejgon. for the county nf Marion and to
been addicted to long range nicycle,me direct -d 00 the 2tth day of July
work for years, haviei? traveled some
thing like 4o,(MK niiies over the last
ern part of the country, carrying lln ir
camp ontfit with them. Iniriug the j lay of April. P'l!', in a rertaiu suit
past yesjr they covered about TiiiO tlon in mid court pending, wherein
miles through the coat region, and at jtleorge llurvey was plaintiff and Tex
the present lime they aie looking for a nn itogers and J. M. Koget. her
place to locate in Orrgor, which has ', husliand, and J. fi. A-hl y, ere de
impressed thern more fsvoralily than I fndanls in fir of pla ntiff and
ery other section. In the course 0f against said defcudsn's lexiinna l!og
their travels tber o'-i asionai'v amuse i''.-s and J. M. IJogers by which e".-u-
t tiotriaul i-ftm Ik., b ..l.ll. .l.t. . 1- I linn I n i ..j,m it, 'i n : ! C(t til .11 lhi i.r- Ci
" - j uijiii- w:m violin
recitals, cartoon work and innH-raina .
ti"n. Through the itnitation of Hie
L- l. - I . I . . . i , . .
r.iss roue Tiiey nave arrneaci to sloti
over in Hrilem and will aeiwar at m
f1 tt-Z'-n lheter in team work Mav
and Saturday nigh!. '
; STATE kousl :
. rt
The aiuuslreiKirt of receipts aud
expenditures of tin' corporation depart
ment has jut bea Issued by Commission
er N ouKleruiau, showiag tlast tUe total
receipts of the department for the "year
ending June 3oth amounted to --',
1176.81. a gain of $24.M(.34 over the
record of the predion Tear. The oper
ating expenses of the department for
the year amounted to ele.M4.SO, whirh
is slightly loss than for the previous
Governor Oleott has recently received
word from the two Laue county eua
tors, Walter B. Jonej and John K. Bell,
I that they would endorse a special session
jof the legislature for the purpose of
ratifying the woman suftiage aiuena
nieut. ' "
Superintendent C. V. Courtney, iii4;!.7."i chains t a stake; thenee north
charge of the state lime plant it Hold 77 decrees end SI minutes west 4X02
Hill which has been operated largely by chain to a stake; thenee north 2 de
piiM.ii labor, makes the statement 'thai 8 a,t 2i.5ti chains; theme north
unless the farmers of the stale furnish 'r'.-f rlia", to "kf: 1','
linger market for the product the
. iilutit will be closed down permanently.
In order to warrant its operation there
(should be a production of from 40 to
joO tuns a day, but so far orders have
Ibeen too email to Keep it going t"
'ttuuously. It is now shut down ti iiio -
: rnrilv, with orders for 4iM) to.is of lime
' to be delivered in September, When the
! state took over the enterprise it was
! represented that a large p,ereentuje of
pffstern Oregon lands wero in need of
' line and that an immense t-)iimtro would
jbe takea from tlicflold ITiU plant,
j Chamberlain "B Tablets
I These tablets are intended especial
'ly for stomach troubles, biliousness and
j constipation. If you have any troubles
of this sort, j-ivo them a trial and real-
lie for yourself what a first c!as med
icine will do for you. They only cost a
Planes For Forest Duty
Leave Tacoma For Salem
Replying to the governor's telegram
of inquiry nsto the patrol Hirplunes re
quested for the Oregon forest service,
Col. II. H. Arnold of Mather flying field
wired late yesterday tfternoon assuring
hiiu that two planes would be sent to
Salem for this work.
This morning the governor received
a wire from Major tienernl Johnston at
t'anip Lewis stating that two plrnies
had bocn ordered south from theio, and
Ithis was followed bv n message from
Lieut. K. ('. Kiel, stating Ihr.t he would
I lenve with the planes from Taeonia at
! 10 o'clock, expecting to arrive in Kulein
1 about three o'clock this afternoon. No
' details wero given In either of the mess-
' "Kes, but it is assumed that at least one
of , the maeliines will be establibhcd In
tins etiy and will work out froui licio in
fir(1 .tet0
While Hlatc Forcter Ellioli has no lu
tin.utioa as to pln, he staU. that it
would be logical that one plane be
placed in Buleni and one at Kosebnrg.
Tho two could thus cover in the ordi
nary radius of flight the principal tim
ber areas of Oregon.
The Joy of Living
To eniov life we must have good
health. No one can reasonably hope toj
get much real pleasure out of life towit: Lots 1, 2 ami 3, ration ), mid
when his 'bowels are clogged a noodlot 1 of section in in T. 8 8. H. 1 west
share of the time and the poisons that 1 of the Willumelte meridian in Marion
should be expelled are absorbed into
the system, producing headache and in-
digestion. A few doses of Chambcrlami
Tablets will move the bowels strength
en the digestion and give you a chance
to realir.e the real joy of living. Try it.
Band Concert Prcgrani For
Friday Evening Announced
Friday evening is band concert night
at Willson park, and Oscnr A. titeel
htimiticr, director, announces the follow
ing progrnm to begin at 8 o'clock
I March "I. H. H. Cadets
..( asev
Overture "Aurrah Wuiina" .
Waltz "Adlyn"
Iiitermer..n "Husse" ...
Overture "Poet and l'er.snnt
Vocal Holo (selected....
VK11 ppo
Mrs. William I'riink.
Melodies from "Faust" donned
Selection from "The Chimes of Nor
mandy" Laureiirleail
March "Chicago Tribune "....('numbers j
"War Hpimgled Banner",
t-s if reduce Inflammation
by cold wet com pres
ses apply lightly, without
"TUUK OUUTtoUMKW -vr,v','v
Lame Shoulder
This ailment is usually earned by
rheumatism of the muscles. All that is
needed is absolute rest and a few ap
plications of ( hamberlain a Liniment.
iTry it.
Of Real property on foreclosure
Notice is hereby Kivcn, that bv vir-
tt lie of an rxe-tit ion duly i-sued out of
, the ein uit ci urt of the te of Ore-
l!l!, Usin a j j'Unii'nt and decree duly
renderetl, entered of rerord and dock
cted in snd by said court on the 15th
i ' ' I" illsHer Inn
'ertv in said exe.ut.on and hereinafter.' . " ' 1
di s- rllied to pay the sum due the plain -
tiff of one hundred and ninety four'-
snd i lou (ISII.O!)) d'dlars. with lit-
terest tkereon at the rate of ten per
cent per snnooi fmm the lth day of
S.'ptetnlrt-r, 1 I , nntM psiid and the
further mm ef fifty five and (K 100
vf "3.0V) dollar '.iotin v fee to
gether with the costs sad disburse
ments of raid suit taxed V fourteen
and 50 1 00 v$H.30t dollars and costs
and expenses of -ad execution. 1 will
on Saturday the Jota day of Angvst,
Is lit, at the hour of tea Vkwk a. .
of said day at the west door of the
eouuty court lum-e in Marion county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for ciwh in hand on th
day of sale, alt right, title, interest
and e.'tate which said defendants Tea-
anna Rogers and J. M. Borers, and all
persons claiming under them uW
ijueiit to the execution of plaintiff's
mortgage deed, towit: bcptcaiber lb,
191.1, in, of and to said prcmisi here
inbefore mentioned and described is
said execution a follows, towit:
Traet No. 1. Rcginng at a point
S.S2 chains south and 20.91 chain
east of the northeast corner of auc
tions 9 T. 8 8. R. 1 west of the Wil
lamette meridian in Marion county,
tregon; thenee rtinning south 1 de-
zree west 4.il chaiaa: thence kouth
"''"HS 4J "." "us . 41 J
to the plaee ot ln'umnnig, eoiitmuaiit
1S3 acies mure or less.
lraet .No. Also coiinneiie :s at a
point 17.4,'t chains south 20H e'haina
east of the northwest corner of the
southwest quarter of section 10 T. R S.
j i. ,v(Vit ,,f ti,e Willamette meri lian
in Marion county, Orogun; thenee west
t-.i0 chains! thence north H.39 chains;
thenee smith 77 degrees 34 minutes
iHist -t:l.t2 chains to the plaee of be
ginning, containing 20 acres 'of laud
in Marion eountr Oregon,
Tract No. 3. Also beginning at the
southwest corner of AVm, MorKvV 1.
L. V. in T. 8 W. Tt. I west of the Wil
lamette meridian in Marion county,
Oregon; running thenee west oi roils.
and It feet; thenee south .'17 rods and
1- feet; thenee east f2 rod and .14
fi-ot: thenee north 37 rods and 12 feet
to the plaee of beginning, containing
12 1 II seres more or less.
Tract No. 4. Also hogiiming at the
southwest corner of Win. Morlev's and
Margaret Morlev's 1). h. ('. T. S 8. U.
1 west of the Willamette meridian, Ma
rion county, Oregon, ruitnillg thence
south ;t7' rods to the north lino of
the 1). U ( of Imvie Niiupsnn in said
townhip; thenee east 13 rods; thenee
in a northwesterly direction to the
place of beii lining, containing one
acre mora or less.
Traet No. 3. Also beginning at the
northwest corner of the (mrtiou of the
1). U !. of David Rimpson nud wife
claim No. .VI in T. 8 H. 'K. 1 west of
the Willniuette meridian, Mjuioii ooun
tv, Oiegos, us set apart to .lulian A.
Simpson; running' thence south on the
line between the lands of W. ,1. lluin-
phrey and W. 8. Taylor 14 rods;
j thence east 70 rod
thence north 11
rods, thenee east 70 rod to Hie place
of beginning, containing sit acres
more or less.
Tract No. 8. Also beginning at tho
nortfcenst corner of the laud owned by
Benjamin Stanton and the southwest
corner of bind owned by W, ,T. Hum
phrey, being in the west line of the
I). Ij. ('. of David Simpson and wife in
T. 8 R. I west of the Willamette
meridian in Marion county, Oregon;
running thenee south on the west line
of the I). Ij, l", 80 reds; thenee east
8(1 rods; thence north 80 rods to the
smith liue of the Wm. .1. Humphreys
land; thence west 80 rods to the place
of beginning, containing 4(1 acres of
Tract No. 7. Also the west one half
Of the following iem'ruiel premise.
county, Oregon, containing 100.04
i acres wive and cttcpt the following
; doseriWd tract towit: He;iiining at
the northttest comer of Benjamin
lanlun luml; thence north with Dav
id Simpson's line to the Wm. I'allon
lauiT; theme east along the said rat
ions line to the southeast corner;
llience south til Benjamin -t u 11 1 oil '
northeast rorncr; theme wel to the
place of beginning, containing 5.1 acre
and 133 rods.
Maid sale ieing made subject to re
demption in the manner provided h
Holed this 2filh day of July. 1019.
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon.
By O. I). -Bowers, deputy, ' 8 28
110 acres, 4 miles Suleiii, good soil,
good location, 70 acres in cultivation,
hulatic.e brush pasture, tillable, well
and creek, buildings worth $0000. Only
$IW) per aere.
50 acres best valley loam, all clear
ed, good house and burn, 4 miles Ka
bul, cheap at $H()00. -
20 acre, all cleared, 9 acres fruit.
1 mostly prunes and logsns, improve
rs.! illielils, .'j mile, town f.tvMI.
nrri" "'i "''' i town on rsil
's.y road, loO acres in cultivation, 450 a'res
Itimber and pasture, good soil no rock,
1 house, burnr finiiinitnt uni nUn a Int
0f stock, hay and grain. This is con-
veniently located ami is a snap at $10
per acre.
25 acres cleared, 7 acres fruit, good
.barn and bouse, all equipment, stock
and crop goes at $!!i,
42 a res, cleared 2(1 in year old
pruues, 8 acres in strawberries set in
prune rows, good hape; this Is all till
able aud will make an excellent orch
ard, very cheap at $.ViOft. See;
For renl estate bargains. HH State
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white 1.10
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats, new SOc
Hay, ehi at, new $17
Hay. oats, new sr2"
. .. K30
, MllJ 'u 4.)fja44
.Ilutterfat . ...
; 62e
1 Creamery botter i.,fiMc:
Pork, Veel M MattW
I'urk on foot 21c
Joanna! Want A
Quick Reference To Firms That Giro Service On Shoi,
Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe
. . Keconunend Oar Advertisers.
Mssonie Tcuiple,
Salem Electrie Co.
Edouard de Billy, former French
deputy high commissioner to the I'uit
ed States, was killed iu Frar.ee a few
days ago by a fall from his horse.
Republican leaders in the house have
agreed on, an investigation of the oper
ations and expenses of the shipping
board and emergency fleet corporation
Call 398. Highest prices paid for
Junk, second hand goods nd machin
ery. Be tare and call 398, get the right
prices. The squar deal house.
271 ChemekeU St.
Balem, Or.
- Tt-
----" ---
Export machine shop service by Mr.
Bergman at high school machine
shop. IU years experience. Gear cut
ting a specially. High class machine
tools. Ijuiek service. 1'hone 410. S15
DR. L. HALL VlLSO-Mpc-2;-5'
cialist in tho Modern Scientific
Application of Glasses for the aid of
vision and the relief of Kyestrain and
Headache. Office closed f atiirdays.
Office 210211 IT; 8. Bnnk building.
Vhnnes, office 145; res. 1244.
Radiators, Fenders and Gas Task
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, 198 S. 12th St.
Salem, Oregon. 8-1
caro of
Yick Sa Tong
f Chinese Medicine and Tea Cfc, T
I Bai medicine which will cure any X
known disease.
Open (Sundays from 10 A, 1L
until 8 P. M.
133 South Uigh St.
Balem, Oregon Phono 233 i
251 North High. Street
Veal, fancy : 22c
8tners . 7(?9e
Cows 6fi7'ae
.Spring lambs 10(,olle
bwes k0M
Hheep, yearlings To
Eggi and Poultry
Kgns eash 4,1c
Hens, live 2.rM'
Old ronsters : 15
Hroilers 23(tV
New potatoes - "Vi?
Oreen onions dos , . 40
Onions, tier stick : $4.25
? nut
Peaches -
... $5.75ftr6.60
.... $7.5U(ft'8.50
Oranges .
1cmoiis, box
Bananas ...
Uabey, exttMted -
Bunch beets
$2(0 3
. 4i
Cabbage . . .
Head lettuce
Retail Prices.
r'gg dozen
Creamery butter
Country butter
Plonr, hard wheat
... SOc.
.: soc
Portland Market
creamery !IO(o6te
Lggs selected local IX 4G(i4J9c
Hens 27(i 2Hc '
Hroilers L'L'tailOc
Cheese, triplets 3S(!i 40c
Porllund, Or., July 31, Butter, city
Itereipls 7t
Tone of niuriut steady "
(iood to choice steers $lldi IJ
Pair to good sieers t'.Hn 10 'HI
Commen to fair steers $7ot7.50
Choice to good cobs and heiferi
$('! !
Medium to good cows and heiferi
Cnnners $"(o $
Hulls $Ko7
Calves $t"'t IJ.oO
Itcceipls lu2
Tone of market lower
Prime mixed $22. oO
Medium mixed $2I.7.V& 22
Itough heavies $J2'L'2.2j
Pigs $H."iO(o 20.23
limk $22
licceipis m
Tone of uoirket lower
Prime lambs $II..W 12
Kuir to medium lambs $S.:io(aH
V curlings 'i.-Vi'If. 7.S0
W ethers $5(W 7
Ev.es $."..1o:j 7
Mais US
127 Korta High -
We will pay yoa mor essh for yet
household goods. Get our bid befer
you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hard"
"ware Store, 871 Ji. Com. St. PhoM
shoes and suits, all kinds ef ml
al iustruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases
1000 other useful articles to sell ot
trade. What have yout The CapitaJ
Kxchango 337 Court St. Fiona 48I
Y0TR used furniture, stov&i, earpeta
and tools, as we pay f.lir prices foe
. everything. Call 947
2S5 N. Coral St.
Hats Blocked
HAT BLOCKING I clean ena blee
ladies' end Mea'e bats. Just re
ceived a bat renovating machine. II
gets the dirt. Try it once. C. B,
Ellsworth. 43 Court St. Salem, Or,
60 years experience, Depot Natioeal
and American fence.
Sires 26 to 58 in. high
Taints, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works,
250 Court street. Phone f24. -
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, tells snd exchanges ?w aa
2d hand foenituro. All' kinds ol
repair work,' light grinding, filing,
and braning e eieoialtv. Bltfbt
prices. 47 North CaOmlial M.
Phone 16.
8ALTOI 80AVENQHR garbage a
refuse of all kinds rcitued oa moat
ly eontracte at reaaonble -ratae
Cess pools cleaned. Dead anlmal re
moved. Office phone Main 167.
Oa Good Real Bslate Soearity
T1I08. K. FORD
Over Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Orefoai
cent Interest. Prompt seryioe. 84 4
years time. Federal farm loan boedt
for sale. A. C. ltohrnstedt, 401 liew
sonie Temple, Sulcm, Oregon.
formation about Life Inearanee ee4
J. F. Hutchfiaon, dist. manager fe
tho Mutual Life of N. Y., offiee
371 State St., Salem, Ore. Offiee
phone 09, residenre in6 U
II 1 . ,11 J!
Our Priees are Right
W. M. ZANDLKR, Prepnetor
1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregnsl
mowers ground try maehtneey; ail
kinds of grinding, lock smithing,
brella; recovered, light repairing ef
all kinds. i1 Court St.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday;
at 8. Walter Lcnon, C. C, P. J,
Kuntz, K. R. fl.
ROYAL Neighbore of Americe, Ow
gon Grape camp No. 1360 meet nrf
Thursday evening in McCornaek hail
Klevator se-vice. Oreclo, Mrs. Cr
rie E. Bunn, flts Union Stj reeo
der Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1113 il
4th' St. Phono HliM.
L-MTKD ART1HAN Carital Assea
blyo. 84 meets irrt Thursday e4
each month at $ p. m. in Mascwie
Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.J C. A.
Vbbert. secretary, ,ttQ Owens street.
eorner Commercis! and Trale itreett
Bills payable mnthly la advante.
Phooe 0fl.
Out of 60 students in the pnarwMJ
department of the University of Waaa."
ing'on this year 30 sre women.
To replace the old bnilding recently
burned, the school district of Empire,
in Coos county, has voted funds oj
Springfield, 111 City fathers say lacy
cannot distinguish mother frc:n daugh
ter. Ileiu-e, the curfew will not ring to
nii;lit. Present styles are re ipm.sililB,
they say.
Pes Moines. Iowa. "Smoked g'awoe
we. gulta have V" waiici Pee
Moii;eS bootblacks today. ."-!-.( Winghse
igirls insisted eu ank'c ti.ttoes well as