Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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- if 77 ; $M
T nil!
Ldiional rage or iiie
Ki.ut aa j Fauliaaer
July .10, 19!;
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Adilrest All CommanicatioBi To
138 S. Commereial St.
! As for recent crimes against Americans in Mexico,
jwhile many of them have been of such sort that the Unit
k d States is bound to take cognizance of them, others have
ibecn plainly such irresponsible acts of individual bandits
: as occur every day in this country,
j Possibly intervention is necessary and inevitable.
But there is no reason for blind haste.'
j The American people have just emerged from one
:var. Do they want to plunge right into another? That
35 is the question which every American who is justly indig-
par.t at Mexican outrages snould ask himself.
! If there is to be another war, let the nation be per
fectly clear about the matter beforehand, and go in with
its eyes open, being sure of its grounds, knowing that
r. pny cpitd journal earHc bo?. m ,.n.ctn .o r tb. the j g "o otner way and ready to stand the conse-
jorch. If the earner duei not do tint, Biisset you, or neglects gettirg the irer isl. I1US.
k. ... i;nJt!v ntinnii tH eirc illation nmnaspr. iii this it the only way1 .
we mi determine whether or not tho earriert ero following instruction. I'houe j
tl before 7:30 o'tluck and a lper will be mnt you by ipeeial messenger it the j
Mirier hai Biiseed yon. .
CJIt. hr Carrier, ner Tear t'i.00 Tcr Monti
Pally by Mail, per year-
I'er Month..
W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btockwell, Chicago, I'eople'i Oaa Building
(Written fir the I'liitcd Stat
fcehool Harden Army, Di part
ment of the Interior.)
,,s i ,.. .,,
tl t
Ths QuickenerPfcss
193 N Com'l-over Gale & Co.
G. E. Brooking, Proprietor
U the only newBpopr in Salem whoee eirculatioa i guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
Win. H. Taft says he has no idea that his Dersona'i
and confidential letters regardinir the Leaeue of Nntioir. ith.'
would be published, evidently not desiring to interfere
Hornier president shows how litt p hp Vnnws nf r,vntn fr0' '"Is"1 as
J....i:i... : i.; ,., A, ' " " r"-"vtw ,ell ,, tho ,,
yfilraTStStirifc io"ts i exuecung men UKe Lnairman llavs and sena-iB-t .m.u,.i, t
itoi'S of thp I,Ofl(rp Shprrtinn Pninrlovfn nUV,,. i, . i I'niti-d Sinti-s lia.
Part I. The Very TaU Fairy, I
"1 ri'Mllv think our gnrden is the
nicest ilaci in the wi rld," said J H I ly. I
It dii li"k very pleannt in the early j
iiioniiiii;. IVilly's brnthrrt had woikinl .
very hard, helping the yardmer. The I
Sanlener had grumlilid l.eeaute an I
muih mure jjrourd put into the!
.irdMi jli-s year than usual, t ut liub i
:md Hilly had heard a reat deal abi-ut i
Unrdeiiini; ill aehurl and they ti-nl t"id !
Iii iii t li t- oit lil (In niiii-h nt' the ufk. '
liieir leather had tnld them al"i'it
people i'ar away Hluewere s!a:v;ri;j
in e of the ill-eat war. All the men 1
It is just as well to keep cool about Mexico.
be necessary to adopt more drastic and decisive measures places him before the public in a more favorable light than
toward that country; but let there first be a definite, dc-jever.
tailed marshalling of facts.
Thorp w nn nuestion that conditions are pretty bad
down there, that there is much disorder, that the Car
ranza government has fallen short of its duty, that Ameri
can citizens have been abused and killed. These things
have been going on for years and we have always thought
that in time the United States would have to intervene
and take Mexico under its wing like we did Cuba and
Porto Rico for the protection of our own borders and to
the ultimate benefit of the Mexican people. The question
is, however, whether conditions have grown any worse
under Carranza's rule and whether the situation is hope
less without American intervention.
The worst thing about the whole business is that it
is so difficult to tell what is truth and what is fiction.
Mexicans are such notorious liars. Sometimes Americans
sojourning in Mexico, lie, too. There is always the insist
ent propaganda conducted by American business interests
that, want intervention. Senator Fall, who is vehement
for resorting to arms to restore and maintain order in
Mexico, has been forced to confess that he is mixed up
with the affairs of Villa, the most notorious disturber of
the peace on the Mexican side. Of course, it follows that
Senator Fall has a personal interest in intervention prob
ably because of business or property interests on the
other side of the border. Every now and then a cam
paign of anti-Mexican publicity breaks out. Almost any
news item from Mexico, or the Mexican border, however
innocently veracious it appears, may have been "doctor
ed." The papers feel obliged to publish such "news." be
cause it seems true; but they cannot tell.
lil. 4.U 1 i. i j . .. i" '"e-e iMiiiurie nan own eiiuiieii to
with the regular course of legislation. In this belief the!fit. there had .,nt bee,, , .ay
iia.ml. mid mnv the wo
ttle children rnuld mf
eat. The peeple of the
1 promise I to help, an
t 'it, 'iL u i p .1 i i. , 1 I evervitiui wim nan auv gnu, nil was
iaitn with anybody if they believed that a political ad-'"ik'" garden. The m-booi Chiid-n
rnnfinrrt tti.lj U.. .1 llinil liecn nIIiiuoiI tn iw.i vnentif lute
UuutKc vwuiu uc giuiuru uy uicaium; it. Anvvvav. tne cn-i . v , ;-r
ivnvU;. . .re t. , . , , , , to ,. u,u n;i,t nu.sed nianv vegetables. The
""v irire r-iiair snows up entire v to the ci-pM nf Tr Tnff anr? 1 uirls and Ihivh had all winked tni-t'ther
in tlu gardens. Iho girls were learning
how to can vegetables fo that there
would be plenty for next winter.
H.d and Hilly were leaders in the
I'nited States school garden army, and ,
they had listened eagerly when their!
teacher read to their company a mcs- I
aa jo from iStvretaiv I.nue.
Bab copied the message because he I
wanted H'atherbob to hear it. And, I
then, too. ISnb wanted little Dolly, who
told him about the Dewdrop Kairie-s,
to know thnt Wecretniy Ijiue, from
hi office in Washington had sent a
special JiieiHafle to the "Annv in the
This is what the secretary of tho
inlerinr wrote to Bob and Billy, and all
the other iboya anil girls in the I'nited
States, and Uawnii, and the Philip
pine Islands
"A million and a half of you ans
wered the call laxt yeur; there should
be five million this year.
"The war is over; but the world is
only beginning to be rebuilt. In many
pints of Kuroie. farms mid the men
to farm them are. no more; yet the
world must be fed.
"Pood is the hey to most of the
problem of Europe. The I'nited States
Some day the plain people of this country will rise
up and demand that this custom of the corporations rais
ing the wages of employes and then levying the increased
expense and more, too', upon the public has got to stop.
And they will stop it.
Used to be said they never lynched a nigger in the
northprobably because there were no niggers in the
north then.
The finest summer resort weather in the world right
ere in the Willamette valley.
By Walt Mason
At first 1 did not seem to miiiil. My
engagement to .Jim I broken. Hut I
had dune the right "thing. The con
leiousncss of this upheld nie. My feel
ings, ton, were in lenh. I felt as if I
could never mil for again very deep
en ro again verv iieeii v.
Everything is going upBut good used cars. Now
is the time to buy a good car.
One 1917 Reo, four cylinder five, good tires, in
perfect condition, only $675.00
One Overland must be soldwhat will you give?
One almost new Ford Roadster, looks like new
runs like new, only .$430.00
Why pay for an advertised name We have the
Bethlehem truck in sizes 1 1-4, 2 1-4, 1 1-2, 2 1-2 and
') 1-2, with the same specifications as other Internal
Gear Drive Trucks, at prices from $400 to $700 be
low other prices.
Repair Shop and Service station in Connection
- 162 N. Com! St.
Joanne, in pink fluffincss, shaking out
a delicate perfume nt ench step And
using those, thick eyelashes to the most
advantage. 1 noticed again her love
ly altitudes the gracious curve of her
as she leant her fnee on her hand. The
tilt of her hotd like a dainty canary. I
The fllender ankle that was "not at all !
hidden, lint now instead of entrancing!
me, she tired inc. It was nil so studied.
riven tne twit ot her writ as she put
s.-hool garden army has it in- its pow
er to ibe a biir help to the nations in
have been as tall as Holly's longest
finger. It was a lady fairy, dressed all
the task of feeding the world. in light green. The dress was very
tardea ;-dded to the nim.r planted j tight fitting and had a long . train,
last year means another step toward j Some pointed green feathers were in,
lasting peace. iher hair. Her hair was a beautiful
"The boys and girls who have lib- light gold color and as soft us silk.
eriv gar tens in HUH, tbe garden army
officers who assist in keeping the army
efficient, and the tea'hers who direct
the work, will render a patriotic ser
vice to be compared only with that of
the men who won the war."
Now after Dolly had heard the mo-
!sac, which Fatherlmb said was fine,
she went into the garden.
I "I wonder if everybody's garden
I has Dewdrop Fairies in it,"' said lol-
Iv to herself. "They make it so in-ter-
with a lift of her wing like eyebrows.
" Everyone is so wonderful to me. Men
are . always aending mn ctiuily and
flowers. And then 1 have so ninny in-
back her hair. ivitations. You don't care for men,, do est ing. " Dolly was verv proud of her
And I had admired her! Taken tier! you. Miss Lanef" she ended. '""H "' wn'lor if J" shall see
a, my first model when I began hunt-j' r lirtrntA to this 80rt of thi for one taday. I wonder-"
iniv a knu nun In ..1 F ..... .... a , B lliilttr irauM tiutra u.imi nn " vpritiil.kV.
Hul I knew all this is nut' luwsible. i 1 1. t,i. 1 ..'i.. ..i, i.i:.. ' ihulf an hour. T wanted to shake her. I :n f ul, t,,i ,,, :, ,i, ,,
whole sliainf let Tom was attracted, almost ,;,low " ' " unworthy thought, Dut lerv person for whom she was look-
cnptivateil. He followed eoeh gesture f should like to flirt with Tom. Make ing. She was sure at once thnt this
Admiring cyoJ. .him give her up by fair mean or was a fairy. It stood .inst iby the side
(piite badly, Mis Tno," foul. Then she would see that there is 'of the path. It was not standing still,
legnn callm? attention to mvlone man that could live without her. our was moving geniiy lrom sine to
I thought as Tom left he felt almost ! side, without taking its feet off the
as I did. I'erlmps I am mistaken. ground. It was very graceful, and very,
1 oiuorrnw The kv bcains to clear. 'verv tall for a fsirv. that is. It must
"But you are looking well," I said.!
llnw eiiuld f help itf she asked
iii lured
tor, when J woke todav the
world seemed to ache. 1 saw no Jienu- j
iy ,n the sunshine. jy room with its with his eves.
one wiuiiow nuil well worn furniture " Von look
secmcil to stille Lie, .Toninw. I
Lassitude was so heavy on me that white fas'o and circled ove
mn u"i cure to rise. At last, ns I
sat at my window looking 'out at lhc
stray pnssem by, the hot tears filled
my eyes. saw a girl hulking up into
the fnee of a man with that iiinnisluk
able look. The tenis splashed down.
And tram the liegini.ing .1
.1 III lis I had t'ir:,t ...!, I,, ,,i
Jim, n luuuhing, iimcking Jim, leak
ing nt me with rut her weary eyes, at
the station. The green count', y iitifold
; 1 si befuie us. Jiiu as ln.st, poliie but
seaieelv ii.ter, stcd. Jim, til hmeh and
ilii'iiei, polite, ii, iih hnUinl, but still
with the weary look in l,ase dark
evi .. Tlie I ' n . t Tree Inn, ri'id these
words t liri r I had oM'iheatd. "Hv Jove,
I think she V n plucky litile thing! "
Then the ride back to' Merle House ill
JiaiV motor. The beginning of it all.
Jim's interest. And my confession. The
ferry which seems so long ugo. And
Jim's t'usi li- warm noun niv lips.
Jim in the starlight tall and straight.
And uow.n ast emptiness surround
ed me. I must do so, net king. Do nonie
thiug at once.
".Nirn, Won't you help me tie up
the asters?" it was mother's voice. I
!.i;!icd some cold water on my red
eiehils. I dabbed some ponder on my
"You aro right about this garden,"
nid tho fairy. "It is a very nice gar
den. You should be proud of Hob and
Billy for working so hard to make ev
erything grow. And you needn't won
der about the Dewdrop Fairies. They
are in every garden if people will on
ly look for them. Do you want to look
into my dewdrop? "
Instead of pouring the dewdrop out
of a watering pot, this fairy held it ".n
her hand. It filled her hand quite full.
It looked like a bright diamond. Dolly
looked into it and gave a great start.
Yoil will never gues what she saw.
Sho saw many men with red brown
skins and very black hair. They hai
feathers in their hair. They were danc
inlg. Besides seeing them she could
hear music that was not like any uiua
ie she had ever heard before. It was
mcstlv thumping, like a dium, but
there was a kind of tune that the men
seemed to be singing.
(To he continued
I have a large and costly car, upholstered in the rich
est plush; and when I wish to jaunt afar, I ought to get
there with a rush. It truly is a gorgeous boat, and should
with ease my pomm haul; the man who sold it sprained
his threat explaining how it beats them all. But every
time I take it out, it gives me naught but grief and toil;
the carburetter has the gout, a cylinder starts pumping
oil. And while in agony I try to find what makes its
works complain, the cheap tin cars go whizzing by, their
drivers grinning with disdain. My tumbril cost 4,000
bones, and every tune I'd drive she quits; she coughts andKj" '''ij.j,'''1 .1,ar,, e"r"''
backfires, heaves ami groans, and throws a hundred kind'h.tuieing
t f fits. And always when she sheds a sigh, and leaves lnch1;1 i', '"J.1'-.
Ftranded far from home, the cheap tin cars go whizzing'b,,,.u j, anno up tonighif 1 want vou
In? 'mil li?rlf tm rrfivnl rl'isr ftnil Innm I'm nftun ctiilljiiJ' it 'two to be fucn.K"
Vllll S.vl I O t U o. ' V ..v ivuilll A V- I. ll t'..v !
is my fate to have a car that will not run; and all the
cheap cars in the state whiz by, and have all kinds of fun.
With patience I could bear my load, and make some show
ing, too, of glee, if I were stuck upon the road, and there
was no one to see; but when I feel the motor die, and know
I'm stalled for half a day, the cheap tin cars go wlm7;ng
by, so insolently blithe and gay!
I m
"I'o. I'oiu,'' 1 said, though.
pi'i-tii-tty aware that this is '!,nu
ay of helping mc. He knows all about
utv bi.J, en engage, unit. He wants to
he oat of nil self.
Jeanne came tin:
ost People Don't Think---
Those Who Do Save Money
I 5
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$1.00 $ 52.77 $107.10 $163.11$ 220.82 $ 280.2G$ 341.50 $ 401.59$ 4.(59.59$ 536.55$ 605.54
-. 't, tin
ssAii "riii .M i
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Commeiicing June lGlh Banking Hours will be
No other way than
the Grope'Nuts
way con process
-hcatend barley
into such tempt
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,THTt''s a Reason"
it nn
$158.34 $321.47 $4S9.52 $ G62.65 $ 841.02 $1,024.78 $114.19 $1,409.22 $1,610.14 $1,817.14
$4.00 j$211.13 $428.65 $652.74 $ 8.60 $1,121.43 $1,36646. $1,618.90 $1,878.96 $2,146.88 $2,122.90
$3.00 :$257$S15.88$1,104.45$1,401.74 $1708.02 $2,023.55 $2,348.61 $2,683.50 $3,028.93
$1.00 Will Start You
Salem Bank of Commerce
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.