Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 31, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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J rerf'ntrct:on rlimiv Ther is nu-h a
Used for 70 Year
Thru its ok Git-iixKhn i
youthful axirici hss
demand for the graduate of the I'ui
venjity of trrefia in the work of cor
rective gymnasium and phyweal w jrk
for woou-n that it cannot ie suppln-d.
One of the futures of the new wo
men's buiid.njr will be the complete
euijHtn-nt fur this work.
A guest at the 1. O. Holt residence
is Miss Alda Hutchinson of Vancouv
er, Washington.
Mr. C. O. Rice and daughter, faro- ;
line KlisaMh, accompanied by Miss
Kl.rrene i'uauinham, are Portland
visitor. Ue-fore returning home they!
will take a trip on the Columbia high-
way. !
Preparations are under way for the
picnic to be (riven by the women of the '
First Presbyterian church and which
weather permitting, will be held at the
state fair grounds tomorrow evening1.
The women are requested to be at the
church at three o'clock md the men
are to bt at the picnic grounds
that evouiiij?. A largo attendance is ex-
rtimintd ur.ai yo nh iws
fccorae but a fticirory.
I'ht soft rrfmed, pes !y .
white rpearan- it
of Ikauty with you ,
for many nf "
9f Mtr:.,'.Cy4:f;fr!
- " iv.i V . . t ... n 1
.Salom hat not let tho iithi'r ' lca
tiiwttd in thrt vnllpv im hv im-p:.?h-
- " . -
ii. C'urvulh is tho latest victim of
tho cjmUviiit ami in oriUr that the
itr way have a permanent and eon
Yruieiit landing field for aviators, a
Jroj,'roiive JxhIv i f women kuowD as
the women's auxiliary to the Corval
lis 4'uniuierciiil flu's lias taken up the
mattvr of sttidWni; the various phases
of the situation ami of enlisting sup
eriors ainii)f the club women of the
city for thw s ;mv. TIh'V ptoiioso to se
fure the liest possible landing field
and liojm to be able to tmt it in shnpe
and have it iu reiulini as fur all avia
tors who mar chance to stop there, nf
the near future.
In anticipation of the nroiHiseiV meas
tire of tho Mather field autlioiities to
send eighteen pliines to assist in ar
my reerutiiift iu yrejjon, Corvnllis wo
men propose to have their field ready
so that thair. city may receive the ties!
Hs,lln publicity and consideration
from tho aviuturs. The plan is unuV
niably a iukI one from an advertising
Standpoint as well as for frncticul
Mr. aud Mrs. J. 11. Davis of Sulcin
and daughter, Mrs. H. K. l'almer, dt-
Sarted Tunsday evening for lxitijr
stsx'h, California. Dr. aud Mrs. War
Ten, lit. Dnvia of Strnsrnore, California,
H. 10. lalmer and Miss Abbio Davis
loft yesterday ly auto, with California
as their ultimate destination,
first, however, to Portland and The
I-tolles, and Inter to Crater Jake.
Miss lavis, who for several years
lias been an instructor iu the Lincoln
school, leaves to accept a position in
the Long ilhwh schools. The many
friends of tho ilravis ami Palmer fam
ilies will tie grieved to hear of their
Intentions of iiiuMntr tho southern
state their pcimuiicnt home.
Mrs. Ida Huunell and Mrs. Murie Col
lin left yesterday on a trip through
the middle west. They will stop iu sev
eral cities in Montuna. v isi t injj with
relatives ami friends. Their ultimata
destination is Oskuloosa, lown, where
they will end a visit of indefinite
length before returning home.
Mrs, William Sacked and son Clar
ence, of Anaheim, California, who are
making a tour of the northwest, have
left JSalcim for Nenttle. While hero thoy
were gucs'a of Mr. and Mrs. I.. P. Alii
Tieli nnd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huckner.
The Racketts were formerly residents
(it the city aud 'have a number of
fiiomU here,
The motor pnrtv eomnsed of Mr.
and Mm. V. i. Shipley, Mr. aud Mrs.
J. W. Uovoridie, Mr. and Mrs. t II.
Vleniinjj of Portland and Mrs. Kdwnrd
aw and sin f lloud I!iM, have re
turned from nn ptijoyiiliTo week's out
ing at MeOredie Springs.
Function in the interest of the wo
men's building at Kugene are being
held regularly in the principal pities
of the. st ale. '.Home of the most inter
fating features of the proposed liiiild
lng are tho Kymnnx'niin, swinimiutf
Ji(d, droHSing rooms, aswnrhly rooms
and in rooms. The gymnasium in
clude a visitor's gnllerr and rooms
for the eornvtive gymnastics for which
Oregon lincnme known in this work
under the direction of Dr. lWtha
Htuart, now head of the lined college
Mrs. Oillinghain and Mrs. Campbtdl
will bo hostesses for the C. W. U. M.
of the First Christian chun h Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Camp-j
bell, -III .North Hummer street. I
Mrs. Burns' Letter
Here is a letter that is certain to
prove of interest to people in this vi
cinity, as cases of this sort occur in
almost every neighborhood, and people
should Know what to do in like cir
csmstances:: iSaviiiiiiuh, Mo., Oct. 12, 191(1.
"I used a bottle of (liaiuberluin 's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about n'ne
years ago and it cured me of flux (dys
entery.) I had another attack of the
same complaint some three or four
years ngo and a few doses of this rem
edy cured me. I have recommended
Chamberlain 'a Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy to dozens of people since 1
first used it."
(Capital Journal Special Seivice.)
Dallas, Or., July 31. District Fire
Warden W. V. Fuller of this city with
a largo force of men succeeded yester
day in putting out a dangerous fire
that wus started the latter part of last
week several miles west of Dulias by
lightning. Tho fire was but one of four
in Tolk county timber that lightning
caused, tw0 of them boing less than
half a mile apart. Mr. Fuller states
that nil the fires in the county are now
under control and that no further dam
age is expected from them. Tho seeno
of yesterday's blnzo was on proper
beloiging to tho Hpaulding Logging
company at what is known us the old
Reynolds camp, Part of tho country
was burned over two years ago but
! enough brush and fallen timber was
left to cause a nasty blaze thi.t tuxed
the efforts of the fire fightets.
Wt wilt counsel you
when you need our
assistance. We will
serve yon courteous
ly and faithfully.Wo
are trained in tho
most modorn meth
ods of our scientific
' Jj nr!!rTiitrttsi :
use 8 mm
Dry Goods, Millinery
and Shoes
Now on display. You are welcome to look them over
Double Tipped Fingers, white, black and colors.
Black with white stitchinp, or white with black
stitching. Excellent quality, fast colors. Clean up
of odd lots of silk gloves, at 50c pair, and 15c pair.
Beautiful shades, knitting worsted, zephyr, Shet
land floss and silk mixes.
Black Cat hosiery, fast dye, best on the market.
Ladies fine lisle, regular or outsizes, 75c and 50c pair
Children's, same kind at .rJ5c, 40c, 45c, 50c and GOc
R & G. Corsets, the best popular priced corsets in
all the most wanted models.
240 and 246 N. Commercial St.
if Mlii
August 1-2, 1919
We want to cut down our immense stock before we take our semi-annual inventory early In August And although the prices on shoes are soaring
(some lines have advanced 50 per cent since January 1st 1919) and bid fair to continue to raise. We are so anxious to reduce our stock to its 1
lowest point before Invoicing, that we are going to make some
Big Bargain Bulletin
Ladies $5 to $7 Patent Pumps ,to Close Oat $2.95
This iob lot of pumps in Cuban and French heels, all sizes in the
lot, some have buckles, some plain, most all Welt Soles and actual
ly worth $5 to $7.
Ladies $5.75 Mahogany Brown Calf Oxfords, Pre-Inventory
Price $435
Have White Neolin Soles and Rubber School Heels, very ,
Big Girls $625 Brown Kid Oxfords, Go at $4.85
Have leather soles and common sense heels, neat, trim, yet easy.
Ladies' $8 Red Cross Brown Calf Oxfords, Military Heels) $6.35
High grade goods, all sizes, are now really worth $9 a pair.
Men's $13.50 to $15.00 Stetson Oxfords, During This
Sale Only $10.95.
Either browns or blacks, Kid or calf, the very elite of styles
Men's Brown and Black R.&B. Oxfords. $8.00 to $1025
Men's $325 Elk Outing Bals Black or Brown at $2.59
Some places are pretending to sell these "cheap" at $2.95
Boys' $3 Elk Outs; Bals, Black or Brown at $220
Fine Summer Shoes for Boys to play and work in
Boys' $1.45 Brown Casvas, Rubber Sole Shoes at $1.15
Good heavy soles and very easy for summer
Boys' $1.45 While Tennis bee Shoes at 95c
Good heavy, canvas, black rubber soles.
Misses' $2.50 White Canvas Ankle Strap Pump, 11 to 2 $1.95
M'ssps' $1.75 White Canvas Ankle Strap Pump, 11 to 2 ....$1.45
Missed $1.75 White Canvas Two Strap Pump, 11 to 2 $1.39
Child's $1.75 White Canvas Ankle Strap Tump, 8 to 11 $1.33
Child's $1.50 White Canvas Ankle Strap Pump, 8 to 11 $1.20
Child's $1.15 White Canvas Ankle Strap Tump, 8 to 11 $1.13
Infant's $1.45 White Canvas Ankle Strap Pump, 1 to 8 $1.10
Infants' $1.25 White Canvas Two Strap Pump, 1 to 8 95c
There ull be a great many other specials in prices both in Lew
Shoes and High Shoes. Many will be offered at $1.00 to $2.00
Below Present Day Costs.
. Slaughter the Whites
Lots 182-288 Ladies' $6.50 and $7 White Nuback Lace $4.35
French and Military heelsnearly all sizes. An extra good bargain
Lots 185-184 Ladies' $5 to $6.50 White Fabric Lace Shoes $3.35
All sizes, French heels, Reignskin, Nile cloth and Polar cloth
Lot 183 Ladies' $4.50 an $5 White Canvas Lace Shoes S2.89
Good Sea Island canvas, French heels
Lot 295 Ladies' $525 White Sea Island Lace Shoes $3.85 .
Light Hand Turned Soles, Military Heels, Excellent Summer Shoe
. Lets 287-291 Ladies' $5.50 White Cloth Lace Shoes $3.85
Military Heels, Neolin Soles, Dandy Growing Girls' Shoes
: Lots 283-284-286 Ladies' $3J5 ami m White
vCanvas Lace, $2.65
Low heels for big girls or ladies, very comfortable
Lot 282 Big Girls' $3.45 White Canvas Button $1.95
Sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2, heavy brown leather soles. Just the thing to
wear picking fruit. Only a few pairs left.
Let 919 Ladies' $3.85 White Canvas 2 Strap Pump $2.35
Light Turned Soles, Covered French Heels
Lot 472 Ladies' $425 White Sea Island Colonial Pump $2.90
White covered square buckles, covered French heels
Lot 545 Misses' $325 White Reignskia Lace Shoes $2.60
An e.vtra good white shoe with white soles and heels, sizes 11 to 2
Lot 647 Child's $2.75 white Reignskin lace shoes $220
Same as above lot in sizes 8 to 11
Lot 0541 Misses $2.85 White Canvas Lace Shoes $2.10
Splendid style English last, leather soles and heels, sizes 11 to 2
Let 547 Misses' $2.50 tee Canvas Lace Shoe:.$1.95
White Soles, English lace, sizes 11 to 2
Let 0647 Child's $2.15 While Canvas Lace Shoes $1.70
Same as above in sizes 8 to 11
Lot 650 Infants' $1.65 White Canvas Buttons $1.35
Turned Soles, Wedge Heels, sizes 5 to 8.
Lot 650 Infants' $1.45 White Canvas Button $1.15
Same as above in Sizes 1 to 5
Misses' $1.10 White Canvas Pumps, Rubber Soles 89c
Child's 93c White Canvas Pumps, Rubber Soles 79c
At the Electric
167 N. Court St.
J. B. Littler & Co.
Sign "Sho
" "ii im 1 11 "