Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 28, 1919, Image 1

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    5250 ORCOlAnOSv
(25,000 BEADER3 $AXLY)
Only Cireulatioa ia Salem Gbbj
aateed by th Audit Burej of
Wcs&sr Report
Oregon.: Tonight aid Tuesday
fair except profcahiyt iiicwrrs
west portion; BioJeraie wcisterlj $
! n n m it i H h ii i
"if? H ft f ? 4
SSyt-tvr:?' -
8TAVDS riVS t. . .3
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f 1EIT 1PA1C
rri c nnnni
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Direct Appeal To Public To
Open With Tour Starting
In About Ten Days.
f ; - ;
' Washington, July 28.Before starting his tour of the
umicu oiates, rresiaent Wilson will probably have a
number of conferences with democratic leaders in both
house and senate, to advise with him regarding important
pending legislation. During his absence the house will re
cess, but many committees will be whipping measures in-
i i?T ine senace tne treaty and ieague of nations
ucudte wiu ue conunuea.
Poindexter Offers Resolution
Charging Standard Oil Com
pany With fixing High Mar
ket Figures.
Washington, Jul 2S-(tfnitf(( Press)
Investigation of operations of Pacific
roast oil companies hv the federal trade
commission is provided in a sentito rcso
intion introduced by Senator I'mmler.
ter, Washington, today.
The resolution requests that
pliivse of the oil business, both producing ! Taft 'i
prrsiueni s departure is now
for about Wednesday of next
Iu the ten da.vs remaining be-
expected to
am iiiuiKeting, be gone into with nop.
ticular reference to fuel oil.
In -introducing the resolution, Poin
dexter declared that oil consumers on
the coast. are required to pay $1.8.. a
barrel for fuel oil which is sold in Ncw'
Orleans at 80 cents. J
fore the start, Wilson i
make one or two visits to the capitol to
meet leaders. His visit last Saturdar
was postponed due to the absence ot
men no wished to see.
While he is "on the road" Ihe ureal
dent will keep in close touch with the
situation in Washington and plans will
ue waue w (jive mm reports of the pro-
i-eemogs ana speecnes here so he may
keep his own speeches up to dale and
at the same time be in a position to
advise administration leaders bv telegraph.
Interviewing Democrats.
Wilson was expected to soe several
democratic congressmen toduy. No more
conferences with republican senators had
been scheduled so far as couid be learn
ed. However, there was no confirma
tion of rumors that these conferences
had been definitely discontinued. One
of the last to visitWilaon was (Senator
Spencer of Missouri, who presented Bug-
Kt-diviis jiur iive rcscrvaTions to tne
everv covenant, based on Former President
suggestions and whkh. it was
later made known, the president did not
regard with favor.
Borne friends of the president insist
he will make a statement before he
starts wct, to make absolutely dear his
attitude toward reservations. The White
House has let it -be known during the
Chicago, July SS. Thomas Fitsger
ald pleaded today t be saved from the
gsiluw, tie had onfued to the mur
der of six year old Janet Wilkinson.
Breaking down after eight kours of
continuous frilling, ia which applied
psychological method were need, I'itl
rald told the whole story, even tak
ing detective to the basement in the;
apartment aouse waer he lived and in
the same iuildina where lived the dead
jfirl, and pointed out a coal pile where
he bad hidden the body.
"J you want to lift her outf " ask
ed a detective.
'Sure," he said. But hi aj-ma re
fused- to move.
iitzgeraid, a a sUued confession.
wenea oe otierea the eirl nut .
dy as she tripped through the hallway
and when she refused it he tried to
lead her into hi rooai. . When she
screamed, ho said, he- choked her to
Thousands of persons satLerei! out
side the police station wbene i'ittgerald
was kemt, hissinjr and ahoutinir "I
him," "murder him" and "atrina him
Ouly tkea did he show any emotion
'lon't let them hang me," he pleaded
Fitzgerald, wbo. hU wife declared.
s Bionta.1 defective, was a watchman
at a residence hotel. He had hann . I
rested betore ea eonmlaints of ninihr
mst aaa amoved their children.
Steasda? Msiral MM h
Total Loss As Resst
01 Pipe Break.
AlliffiffiS OF CREW
Rescuers . Face . Scorchisf
Flames To Release lea
0a Biasag Craft j
fcngeae. Or., July 8. No trae hat
yet Wea found of Caarle I Taylor,
ra supervisor who has been lost siuee
Thnrsday in the mountain Bear Me-
tweoue bridge. Bloodhounds were tmt
ea the trill yesterday and a kystematic
seareh U being conducted under the di
rection of former Forest (Supervisor
Clyde B. Beits. Taylor, with a com
panion, went into the mountains Wed
aday intending to return the next day.
Bit companion returned stating that t&e
tw aad become separated.
const, last week that he wws against any coui-
" Inasmuch as the Pacific
iiiiuugn us i.aiiroruio oil fieidi, pro- promise, but persistent rumors tiint he
duces more oil than It consumes, there would agree to a program of iuterpreta-
iur ,nc coair pi n i s exceed- live reservations may make it expedi-
,ent, it is believed to put himself fiatly
ordered, on record
Now Framing Speeches.
Wilson's speeches will bt roughly
framed In the White House, il is said,
ing Atlantic or Oulf prices."
That the Investigation, if
will havo a direct bearing on the Whole
cost of living question was asserted by
Poindexter who said "fuel enters iuro
.... yn. Ul rriT every common-' and will take the form of stnteuienta of
y' , (commission, which, in th0 piesident's
Consumers who have filed urotests onini.m , m,i,. .., .
with me claim that the price ot oil on of the league of nations and the peaee
he Pacific coast is artbitraiily fixed treaty, as ther stand, .imperative.
I.v the Htandard 0.1 company of Cali- These speeches will be varied to meet
forma,' said Poimbxter. "There is no J the Verbal attacks of treatv toes in the
r,H cumiwiuion. ine standard's con- capitol and
nui lias nruugiii u enormous profits.1
.....,.,B i" '." u.v.ueiids in tno last Accordiag to present plans, Wilson
."M-r,eur.oi 10.1 per cent, last year's will not have a special train, but his
profit was M0 .nd an estimate; car, with those of the secret servke
r,o.oP "l0", newspapermen, will be attach-
hose of 1fl will be million, higher In 'ed to rogulnr trainSi or run ,hp hM
the three years when the Standard ha. or KKOnd of ,laiu,. Thi,
Per cm, uivu.enu. prices win mak(, the trip txjtfnsivti Mog,
of fuel ml en the cosst have advanced of th ipwllM win be lmuiic 0 the
nearly hrce fold." Uasw.rd journev after the review of
loiiHlexter s resolution direct, the ,he Paeifie flwt Bt P411 Fnineiw Au.
..,u,ssu,n to pay riei.l.r attention gU!1, 13) it MM B,fure
lJr"' Uie pivsideut m..
if Or. Gary Grayson considers he is
overtaxing his strength. I
House Clearing Decks.
to answer anv new objec
tions to various clauses.
Attendance Daring Week Is
Record Breaker; Return
Next Year Assured.
Tho' Ellison-White ehnutauqun 0f
9X9 did not exactly close in a blaze of
glory, hut it wound up with a broad
mile and a conviction that it had iboca
the (freatest of the series. The last eve-
ft will cling to the memory until
liautauqua come, ain, for it will be
assoeifit-d with the Apollo Concert com
pany, and thkj Company will always be
associated with the "apollophone" and
the saxaphone ouartot the createst
thing of its kind in captivity. Bv the
the saxanhone auarte wasn't
taken into consideration when th Tan
Commandments were issued and it
would be iieitectlr uronnr to fall ,!nrn
and worship it. or it is like nothing in
me ucBvcaa auove or in the earth be
neath. It is espflcially adapted for n
coon rag time, and any man who
caa hear it tar .minute witliout grin
ning had better conduit an uudeiluker
it wie u.per registor the instrument
has a melody like a croupy cockerel,
while the nower notes remind you of an
Oregun Jnin-ble-bee that has strayed iu
to an empty jug from Hurnbrook, t'al
ifornia. The gigantic apollophone caught the
audience instantly with its astonishing
ummes, auu me n ve performer, were
called out agiin and again. Jt is a ques
tion whether the crowd was most pleas
ed with the weird music or with the
dexterity of the players. They are sure
to ibe brought back-to Kaleni another
In spite of the hot weather the ses
sions carried a larger average attend
ance this yar than ever before, and
there has been evidence of genral sat
isfaction with th program. While the
pledges for tickets have not been quite
so large as mUtht lie
have 4)nen s gned up to guarantee the
Chautauqua for snolher year without
the necessity of hard canvassing on
the part of the committees.
Vancouver, B. C, July CS. The steam
ship Admiral Knight of the Pacific
Steamship company, loaded with can
nery supplie for Ketchikan and other
southeast Alssko points, is a total loss
m .nviivc lass oaav. ine r-egun. ftr
' The two bloodhounds belonging to
Sheriff John Orr, recently purchased
trom Joe Keller, former warden at the
state penitentiary, were taken from
Dallas to Eugene yesterday by Deputy
Sheriff Tom Hooker, of Dallas, to assist
in the search of Taytor, The region in
which the missing man it supposed to be
lost is koowa us the Scott, mountain
section and is one of the roughest and
wildest district ia th upper McKcnzie
river country.
Former PresidentialCandidate
States His Position In
Letter To Senator.
fine loot S,r iBthe T ;Recurrence Of Sunday Race
Klne room yesterdaj afternoon off thef , r. . t.
r'raser rival fishtshin. The fir. ... Knr Wl'H I flCn'fi
Is Feared.
user nYm llgnisniD. TUO flte WS
caused by the breaking of an oil fuel
pipe, the fuild taking fire and' seeding
roaring names sxyward. Altnough all
escaped tn safety, the crew of the en
gine room hud much difficulty in mak
ing their way out of the fiery furnace
in which they suddenly found them
selves. One fireuiau, Barnard Nilscn.
was burned ami was sent to a hospital
At midnight the steamer Trliicess Vic
toria, outbound, wirelessed that the hulk
of the Knight was still burning, lying
six miles southeast of the cxiudheads
lightship. A salvage tug was dispatch
ed to the scene of the wreck early today.
it is estimated that the loss of freight
and vessel will total .2O0JKI0, fully in
sured. - ,. ,
According to the officers of t
Knight they were proceeding at full
speed Sunday afternoon, six miles south
west of the Handhcads lightship of the
Frasor river, when the fuel oil pipe
broke. In an instant the engine room
was a teething mass of flames. With
murvelous rapidity the fire spread. The
pilot, F. Keppler, who was at the wheel,
stayed at his post until the fire began
to eat through the deck benctth him.
Then heading her how for Active Pass,
he lushed the wheel and escaped tor
The burning ship wag sniotheied in
Washington, July 28.-Charles E. Hughes, in a letter
to Senator Frederick Hale of Maine, made public today,
declared in favor of a league of nations, but maintained
that certain reservations and interpretations to the pres
ent covenant were necessary to protect Ameriran in
thicago, July 28. Police continued
to patrol Chicago "black belt" today
in an effort to pievent recureuce of
yesterday', ras'e riots, during which at
least two negroes were killed and more
than fifty white, and negroes hurt.
l he trouble began when nczroe, au-
peered at a beach usually used by
httes onlx. White men and bovs wero
said to have thrown stones t negro
uamers, one negro boy being hit on
the head and tumbled from a skiff in
to tho water. When negroe attempted
to rescue him and returned volley for
volley of stones, fights begun which
lasted for four hour, and extended
four mile from the scene of the first
outbreak. The negio drowned.
Another negro was reported to have
sied ' from bullets f u'ed by a police
man, who shot into a crowd of ncirroes
seeking to beat him. Hcore of persons,
including several white women, were
hurt by bricks and tones. Hnveral arum
slashed by razor while many were hit
oy outlets.
(Continued from Psge Two.)
report to tne senate wnat, it any, com
binations in restraint of trade ,or un
fair competiion, baxe existed and do
xist and, if any, effect they have had
on the market price of fuel ail, gasoline
and other petroleum products.
KeeummendatioBs are invited from
(Continued on page three)
Seattle Opens "Safety
firsf Week For Actoists
" With Free Clinic Feature
World-Cruise Of Second
Sir Francis Ended When
Little Craft Is Wrecked
n franeiaco, July 2g-Impoverish
wouaueu in battle, but witj t story
vi Mireuture mat rival, even the ox
pious or Mr rrsncu Drake, from mhnm
league sweches this week, the first or- , .elu 'r"M Wfa,e' 5S-
j , u i n , ,iir ma ill
starred attempt to sail around the world
alone m a little schooner.
The tiny vessel, called ths Kir Fran
cis, rt nes.-ttle four years ago. After
passing through the Paoama cans! and
reaching Bslifsx, he docked hi, craft
Chinese Boycott Cuts Off
Rice Supply Of Japanese
Han Francisco, July 2S. The Chinese
boycott as a protet against the shan
tung award has cut off the greater part
of Japan 's rice supply and is causing
a serous condition in Japan, awording
to Americans arriving from Shanghai
and Tokio today. Japanese prisons and
many of the poorer people are compell
ed to mix potatoes and other foodstuffs
with their allotment of rice, the na
tion's staple food. I
Quotations On Liberty Bonds
Senate Waits For President To
Blake Next Move In Treaty
By L. 0. Martin
(T'nited Pres, Ktaff Correspondent)
wasmngton, July . The senate's
eyes were on the White House today In
expectation that the next important
move in the treaty fight will be made
Whether It it a statement regarding
the president', attitude on reservations,
and explanations regarding Hhantung,
or a reply to his senate critic. on thl
While the senate wa to hear several
der of business was the treaty with Co
lombia, with regard to which Senator
Lodge conferred with Secretary Lansing
last week.
Th house atarted a rush program
of business to elear the way for a re
cess. The president hsd - appointments
scheduled today with these democratic
j congressmen: i
Benstors Thompson, Florida; Johnson,
the i South Dakota, and ftmith. Armozt! aad
Seattle, Wtsh.. Julv 28. With
opening of Sesttle first free auto j Representative Hudspeth. Teias; Saun
waere omcrs may Btveider, Virginia; Howard. Oklahoma; Me
Keowa, Oklahoma, and Champ Clark,
mobile clinic
their ma. hincg inspected for
free of charge, "safety week
ed here today.
example of esreful driving will H
established. It is hoped the reckless
driver will be made to realize just how
unpopular he is with the public.
The Automobile club of western
'Waihington, the Careful Driver club,
the poln-e department and many civic
organization are working together to
make thia'week an impressive one.
Chehali girls hive orginiwd to t
in the war csnsp community serv
ice. Mr. A. B. Nvstrum and 7..
May Meighea have tie work it charge.
Missouri, He i to see Representatives
L'phaw, Georgia, and Htecuer, Minne
sota, also.
Senstor Thomas, Colorado, said it
discussed both the league covenant and
peaee treaty with the president and that
the conversation gave him information
on some points he did not cieariv ow
derstsnd. Thorns declined to say
whether be favor or opposes the presi-j
dent s program.
fienstor S"niith, Arizona, said he did
not discuss the treaty with the preti-
(-ntiaued oa psge three)
and enlisted ia the tfcnsdiaa
Twice he ws, wounded.
Returning frea France, Drake
ntteil hi vessel and started
" oeset Bis ia southern waters,
ana ms utile senoener was wrecked 30
mnes from ima Cruz, Mvt.ua. Be
force he could reach that poit, bandits
rubbed him of his possessions, taking
even at, clothes. At fitliaa Cruz, leach
ed after a terrible struggle, Drake wa,
imprisoned as a member of as anti gov
ernment faction.
The steamer Northland, viaiticg th
port, carried Drake to Kaa Pedro. CaL
and the crew clothed end loaned him
money. Other friends here cam to hit
a distance . he could reach 8et;le.
The Standard Oil eomuaay has re
Joined drilling sear AJeraVa in a hole
that is already 173 feet deep. It it
estimated that thw well will tie 10O0
feet de befjr the nidd:e of August.
, withholding of the French treaty, the
New York, Julv E8. Libeity bonds; president' next move will be tlie sig
3Mi's, WM; first 4', 94.40; eeond 4",.nal for renewed senate activity,
93.04; first 4'4's, 94.80; second 4Vi',j Meanwhile the senate resumed its
t4.04; third 4(4 's, 95.04; fourth 4 V ', . (,Bbt tdar with Walsh, Montana,
93.90; victory 3 ', 99.89 ; 4i', 99.8. discussing Irish freedom Khantung and
Article X. Ths foreign relation com-
Stsy!) mi't'e expected to finish reading the
j peace treaty then temporarily lav it
ABE MABTZN a), aside to take up the Columbian treaty.
More than a score of secton of tlie
ft ' peace treaty have thus far been re
served" in committee by member who
wish to discues them further or offer
Discussion of reservstinns continue-
to be the most absorbing feature of
clok room talk. There were Indication,
The interpretative reservations
gosted by Hughes were;
1 That any nation, after giving the
two years' notice of wlthdiawal shall
cease to be . member of the league
despite any charge of Bon-fullilimcnt of
any international obligation, providing
the withdrawal would not release the
power from any debt Or liability.
2 That questions relating to immi
gration or import duties, when they
do not affect any internntiom..i engage
ment, should bo regarded a, matters of
domestic policy and not within the jur
isdiction of the league.
3 That tho United States under ar
ticle XXI of the covenant (referring to
tho Monroe Doctrine) does not relin
quish any of its traditional attitude to
wind purely American questions and
tlmt the United States may pi event ac
quisition by any non-American power of
any territory or eontrol In tho western
hi nilsphcre.
4 Thut the United States nnutr Be
tide) X of th covenant does uot assume
ny obligations to employ its army Or
navy in any expedition that is not auJ
thori.ed by congress.
Letter Answers Query.
Hughes' letter was in response to a
communication from Uule, in which the
letter asked the former supreme court
jusliie fur his opiuion a, to what rciicr
viilion, to the peace treaty and leag i
covenant should be mads "to safeguard
the interests of tho country.'
Uule sr. id that "many of us are in fa
vor of having the t'nited Btati, enter a
league of nations, provided that in so
doing, we do not sacrifice the sovereign
ty or traditional policies of our coun
try." Ho added that " we believe the
W, -1
7.1 Ji'lS
rffiM j .
Notes On Treaty Reser?;
tent To Hays Atd Sesatcrs
As "Confidetial Asi Pri
vate." . . :
New York, July 28. Former Presl
dont Taft, in a message te ths United
Press, today said that while he doe aot
erne to know how his "-personal aad
confidential" letter, ori treaty regerva-
ttion, were made public, he doe dosir
to have it known that he did not intesd
them to be published. Ho added that
he was sure that neither Chairman Will
H. Hays, to whom the leter, were ad
dressed, nor Henator, McCnmber, Colt
nor McNniy, to whom he staled he sent
carbon copies, had betrayed ais confi
dence, Keplying to a request for a
statement on the subject, the former
president wired the United Press a fol
lows: ,
"Your telegram received, My tw
letter, dated July 80 to Mr. Hayes,
which have been published, bore each f
I them at he head of the letter the word
'personal and confidential.' Those
words, however, have been omitted oa
"There i, plain need for a league of , ln,'lr pnoiicatinn. The letter, wero
nations," Hughes replied, "in order to cU,m'(1 in 'h envelope. The rea-
provlde for the adequate development , n why were two letters was be-
of International law, for creating and rmm' the fi"' one was dictated befora
miiintitining organs of liiternatioiiul jiis-,Mr- 'f8y failed mo by telephone from
tiee and the machinery of conciliation , Xew r" and we had a long roaversa-
ii nd conferenee and for giving effect to ' 015 the subject. The econd il
measures of international cooperation i"ated arter tnat conversatmn. This
which from time to time may be agreed "plains such differences as there Busy
I Ka in I. fn.M . .. A . - M . 1 . 1 .
Up0)t( m .c iuiiii nun uiuii.rr VI ISO res
it Is manifest that every reasonable r,
effort should be made to establish peace , ""''l rbon copiel of these letters,
nromntlv as doss ble End to bring wun accompanying confidential notes.
about a condition in which Kurope can " wnt to fenntors MeCamber, Colt
resume It, normal Industrial activity." '"' McNary, whom I knew sincerely to
Hughes said ho perceived no reason ravr the league unamended aad with
"why these object, cannot bo attained "bom I had had previous eoma.unu-a-wii
hoot sacrificing the essenUul inter -jtion.
est, of the United Htates" and sug "'Vfiw but the-letter are published,
nested there wa a "middle ground be- I don't care to know hww they wera
Iween r. oofness and in urlOUS COmnlll- "'"" F""", so ueirr m nil it
proposed covonimt now before the sen
ate does make such a sacrifice."
Need of League Plain.
that after all the volunteer reservations I league with reservations of a reasonable
drafter have been heard from, Lodge, character which should meet with
aox ano otaer leading renublirsns assent.
known that I did not Intend them to Lo
must take a licht hearted vlew.P"blhed snd that I am sore that nei'h-
of conditions in the world to assume!" Mr,. Hays nor the alor abava
that the proposed plan will guarantee '" nertayen my eonrinonre. I may
neare he said. " Rather, the proposed , ""d that this correspondence with Mr.
covenant should be regarded as a
Reservations Vital
According to Hughes, "the prudent
course would be to enter the proposed
mcr6 nayes organ wun a triepBoae requesl
from him in May lst for enjgerloea aa
to reservation that might satisfy b
jertionsto the league and yet aot re
quire renewal of negotiaton.
will draw up a set.
Yakima, Wash., July 28. A
alleged I. W. W. on the street
here yesterday yelled that
"Ole Hanson ought to be hung
from a telegraph pole," and
Mayor Hanson, who was pasting
in a ear jumped out slapped
the man ta a really nasty man
ner and then climbed back into
hit automobile before the vic
tim could retaliate.
"I have a fight every time I
come to YaVima,"he chirped.
Keirnrding the validity of reserva
tioiis, Hughes said there was no need to
assume that a reservation would lead
u foitnr. nt the treatv ta
j IV IHC ,.,.-t V ......... - - -
compel a reumjiiuii wi w k1"
ferenee, when the reservation leaves na
impaired the main provision, of the
covenant. He added that any nation
making reservation, "i not bound fur
ther thin it agree, to be bound."
Referring to article X as 'trooMe
breeder and not a peace maker," Hugh
Bend Officials Seek Maa,
Wife And Fake !3:
Bend, Or, July 28. Ditlrivl Attoraey
MooresBoday ttarted a Si-arnh for Chss.
F. atohion, said to be a Cfifort hex
er. and Mary Hudwm, 18, whom h ssar
ricd here, according to his 1ainr.
No marriage return has ver lwes
made, and a minister named Jssebsoa,
who performed the ceremnay ia a loeal
hotel, cawnot be found. Th Mapht dis
appeared after living with the kride'a
It I, Idle to aiicmpi 10 coioum ,-, ,i.
people to the making of war in an un-
known contingency when such a w I I n r ' fl.
my be found to be clearly opposed toftHdCfSSU 111$ tlW ILttCt
"Ol course 3 limitation of the oper- 1 Of Recovery, Say Dsdsrs
flint, nt ftHii.ti f In 1 nerind of vesrs'
Ever noticed how hard folks II work , 1 . 1 -nili.i n..r,,.hl t the indifioite Vaarnnver. Wh Jjlv 2J.-Bai A-
at wmethia' mean? Well bet it haini, Milwaukee, Wis. Hpooning in canoes obligation proposed. But, in bit judg 'demon has a fcir chanee to reeover, it
halt as hard os th consumer t psy snd inlets awessible only to canoes oa ment, it would be better that, if article was said at the bespits. tody where th
th war ti on sody waier it I Vr the Milwaukee river must cease. The tr 1. ,.i .iiu.tJ . p-.tai. .,.., 1. ,.!-... ire.taet for H-
city council wa asked to provide a ... . furiix recrired t result f a practical
motorboat for th polic depTtmat. (Contiauti psg tares) . ' jhe.
th dealer
colleet it.
t ' let loose of it after he