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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1919)
PAGE EIGHT. :7 j: , r A . COMTN-Q EVENTS fjl mmtmam BEMBMW i SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919. Trade 11 Is A Pleasure to Where You Are Treated Right And where you know you arc getting good merchandise, and are sure you are getting it at the least money. All who have traded at the J C pm.. rl i this beyond the shadow of a douht Es.;all a! .TV:, ? Penne.Co-:.kAw . - r-.v uovo uum irue witn hiHtiFS July 28, MondiT -Chia Chin' at Grand opera house. July 30 Wednesday Uance it armory given by lkV kdje. ! ; Fine Brown Kid Shoe Here is one of the neatest shoes you can find. All kid leathpr. French Wl r.nnJ- - j - y a year welt sole, wing tip. A beauty at 8.50 All Black Kid Shoe une oi the best wearing and most Comfortable shoes to be gotten. Imita tion tip, welt sole. Have in either the French or Military heel $7.50 White Canvas Shoes In a great variety of styles and quality ac prices that will surprise you. Pearl Gre? Kid Shoe One of the biggest favorites we have had this summer. To see it is to desire it. rrench heel, imitation tip, welt sole. A bargain now at $10.90 Oxfords. Of all the desirable shades of the sea son, White, Grey, Brown, Black, from $2.98 to $8.50 Grey Cloth Top 3kk Kid Vamp A shoe that is very popular and a bar gain. Have rubber tipped military or French heel $5.50 . , ' 1 11 T"rr- --1 " ii i mil r r i THE I AH Around Town I mini 11 IN "YOU'RE riKjJD" AN O. HENRY STORY LLOYD COMEDY W. E. CltO&BV TENOR EIIfGER iMIM A81IM Knwlnml l..,. !.. . ,...,,,, B Jlu,t ruiurn- f(t from a two wooka vacation spent at INcWIIOrt. Tiler w..rn .. ..:..j .... lh 1... .' : "-.-l-'ii uu J ' v J. v. uochtal mi Miss Th.. .., "'": Y """ "iT aim round the roads in excellent condition. ! Pyrex Trauspar.nt Orenware, erye on tho table in the vessel you rook in. KMiioiiucal, sanitary ami mitmruotorv. Hill Iiiip on display at Hamilton ail) tourt St. ' av.v trf Northern riour. if a Bear, vary sank g uaranteed. At your gro' If Touight, dance at M. B. A. new Che- jnawa. d fmir liw r,.h(.arIl Au0 loavca Masonic, Temple N:HO. iK)uii E. Eastman, one of the proiul- Ill-lit business i,i..,t u:t. .... ; , , , '" "" ion OXper- n-iiced the jv, of ri,linS in the air with Aunt... L'l . ' " ...... .... ,,,., vOK front Snlem ....riiun in njjht niuiuleii an,l return aitninat tho siml 1.. 11 " "iinuea. ti ' ,H'"H" h ln08t I'litliusiastic over ninnner with which Avia tor Cook handled the Curtice piano or .'onny as it ig generally known. ""' '".V'"K Mr. haetnian to Silver on and Wk in the open highway of he air, Lieutenant Cook hue earried IJ pawenifere for an overhead view of Malem, and all commented most onthin m.Hhcally over tho eaM with which the aviator handlo his plane and es pi'cially on the eareful manner with winch a landing was made. f 0 We mv Khart. .. - - -4 v.fc an jnaeomc 0 BOT'l Dlav milt. In n. T rrj, ..11 r .1 . union 'HI for the irrow nir i-hiMn;ui 1. Dr. Mott, Bauk of Commerto, 07 8. tf Arttficl"! teeth. mn. With iivnr .IS I . T rinriente. ".ln?.0.,?Loe- D. X. Boochler. den. tin, 3US u. 8. Nat. bank bldir. tf Dr. Stone has moved hi fir Com. Wt. ter campaign ia Europe. There wilr loon be offered at auction m,HH) pound, of mutton, fre,h frozen and 8,-. IWXUHX) pounds of pork. The onlv die-' jcouraging feature for the "ult'imate1 consumer or average citiren, i, that ' ids will not be received for amounts ' le than 50OO pounds. j 0 ' Or. Stone hu Com. St. i o IeJJCt at Query 'g hail at Uvealer station on Sat. niah J.,lv ?ii M..rk 1 :ment served. Good floor, good music! j 7-245 ' T O I 1 ror first elaaa wort ceil Society RZX' 1272 8ta- I J. B. Johnson, recently from oversew t ha, opened up a ehnp for automobile ' painting at 220 S. Liberty street and asm a share of your patronage. First clase work a ipceialty. 7.09 D. I Howard of northern Mississippi who made his home in Kalem a few winter, ago, i. again in the eitv, at tracted to ihla ..I .L. ! . .. . r " ",B worm Dy the f,n Wlamette lummer climate. This ia Vr l)A...r. t 1 l - -.-.ii 9 .lourin irip to oalem. Each tim v. v.. . . u. . " . . - u reiurnsa 10 I -.1 ti.ue reiuruea 10 . J , . "Ffwuing ine win . iuAKv. iar. iiuwarit has ex tensive cotton interests in -Mississim,; 1 0 Prof. J. A. QlllasnU fv on ..... , r-t v ""perinrenaent or the Ne braska Slat il..l,;tn ... .1.. has again consented to come to Salem itP a jiuuiic Ji'cturo at itlie Moose hall HnnHnv Tnlt. or tome ind hoar wW Pp niu: has to tell you. Seats free and no col- lA.tin - 0 " If you have ilml&n. - - , " HunuiVBl BMJI your plane at the airplane service sta tion of Oswald & Savage, on South ( oinniercinl trcet, tire medalists. Vor this puternrijitMw firm :. .... -..-.i- is 19 inn uiiiv pro- pared to care for automobile troubles, .. iints esiaoiignca the first air plane service station in the city. Tak ing a peep into the future, tlio firm Heckled to get in 011 the ground floor for the Cnmino- i alem now hns about the most acUve aviation field in the slate. There is a Salem company owning an uirplane, and thero will be continual flights l.y army flyers, all of which will create a demand for airplane supplies. Hence the establishing ,by Oswald & Savage f an airplano service station. o - .w. BAin. Ill II III II T , 1 . .. the late Mrs. Jennie Wil,l,i,i 1M tM ralt" of ia I. B. S. A on sale Monday. Julv 2S. a T-.n ,.'luare W1,h xlt- Hinuir' Hear Prof. Bush street. 7 .. ttllit'pii Slooso hall Sunday, o- 7"-8 July 27, 3 p. m. ,7.' Dr. 1. R flnrtnlTAf. IUU a a I 0 ... i--...o"., u-ui.n, aaoore bldg. eorner Court and LibcrtT. NEW Warner's Dust-Proof Corsets FIGURE As designed by the Arbiters of FasUon is very Shapely in Con-' tour, with a decided curve at the waist Hough the outer gar ments appear straight, the frocks really fit at the waist line. The modeling of your figure into the new Ikes which after Sii are nature s lines enhanced will iWnfl . . -"I" viiiuvij UJJUU UiC vouch W of m conel lierefore. it M be selected carefully. We lave many txceLenl corsel but we call your partMar attention in ft announcement to Warner 1 Rns Proof a corset designed on Hnes adapted lo a figure of tie average size as here snown. There are so many good things about Warners corsets that we might talk on miennitely, hut we will name iust two-He SHAPE and the GUARANTY. It is ACCURATELY DESIGNED AND GUARANTEED NOT TO RUST. BREAK OR TEAR. PRICES $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. $3.00 AND UP TO $5.00 OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST If Tj Wit 0 Proof .Hi GALE &CO. Phone 1072 Cora'l. & Court Streets Formerly Chi Stnm - o v viviv ii Jhone"ll. tf Dr. Carl B. MlUer Has opened his Jental office at 510-511 U. 8. bank Dr. Tj. R. BnrlnffAr HAn.i. , . , V I MVUbMH, JUUUrO ou.uor ouri and Liihnrtr k.. in bldg. Phone 311. tf "See all the rest; then come and buy the best" Izard Gas Generator Makes Gas from Coal Oil No Odor, Dirt Or Labor No oil cans used to squirt oil to generate with, sim ply turn a valve, light a match and leave it alone. Placed in any range, heating stove or furnace. Ab solutely safe and fully guaranteed. Cheaper than coal or wood. a M. JENNINGS. uenerai Sales Manager VM Fourth Street. w Portland, Ore. State and County Distributors Wanted Oiiy Q. Emery, guperintendent of the i'liiiutim,ua f,)t n. ,, W,(k) h.ft thj nftcrnoon for his homo at Hood River j lie will Ktny with the Kllison-White ehwitaiiqna service until Auuust "2 elosinif al Round Tp, Montnna. Mr' jKinory sny,, ho l.ns the divided ,11110 two puits, living seven months on I hie Hpiile riinrh at Hood Bi,.. 0...1 jKivinK five months to siiporiiitendinir einutmupia fr KllisnnAVhte. Next Kverett Wn. Me ha, Inen w li l'; ', ,, "Into for the pnat three years. Alderman Til mi fifth wnrd, who has been .ill for the I'usi iwo weeKs with inf n-imntor- NeWDOrt flshlnir uicm ...... i tf eod aliced, 15e, and whole fish 12c per i r vu vuu xuo pouna. JJUtS -Ma' let. tf 0 feeling soinewlin road to recovery. TT - . .... rlieumatium, is reported todav to he can work ,. .h.- i f.6"-..?.' i at better Bud on the Winter clothes will be furnished. Cnli i .V. . In! Hm ik,i m: .. !. ... I I... i,wr oijieo in post 01 rice I bldg, or phone 3:12. 7 2!) Pyrex Transparent Orenware. .r-e on the table in the vessel yon ,k i. Kcononucal, snnitary ami satiafMctory. nill line on tlnnlnv . n.i.,,iii Court St. ' " W Mr. nd Aim. o. 11 ttih. iinte m,,rticin,, , diro,.,r. r ut'incKcia t. rhone 724. CU Patton Plumbing Co. for yonr fonaif work. rhnn IfiiW pjn M . - mvw. .uu . 1 . 111 . itreet. e Why ahtp bread from Portland. 7-20 0 BMem OKar Tactory Is now JuaWng . nu untiH oaiem ' el- jars exactly ..... . v 1 1 u umiia uoiore 'he war. Smoking tkem remind yon of kill tlmna - o- Tha cost of high Uvlng baa been aiiiin Siven another jolt, for now comes the announcement throimh tho 8nlem jiest office that airplane postage is lust to be the same ns postage on earth Heretofore, it has cost 13 cents to send a letter W ... ounce or fraction thereof. X0w it has come down, as you raav send votir let ters by the air route for two cents an Ounce or fractinn 4.... i;i. dinary common postal rates. Xor Is if necessary to hnv ..;..! I "I'Mll nuiHHiiri nt.nnp as heretofore. Any old kind of " pinniii n mi ntiiri'ir m. ....... i WATEE DECLARED IMrUBE Aecordiiift to reports tho city water in Kilverton is causiiiK somo litllo ainrm. Ir is said (hut authorities hnvo declined it impure after analysis. This it. due, it is believed, to camps looaU'd ulong Silver creek nbove the intukc. There was time when the Hilver creek water was liroiioniiced to he nf the tiurutt the Ktate and no reason can bo assignee ror the present condituvn except above stnted.r-Nilvcrton Tribune. COMFORT QUALITY DURABILITY REASONABLE PRICE Leave nothing to be desired in our "Made to Order" glasses. Perfect fitting is guaranteed. DR. A. McCUUOCH, OPTOHIETRIST m'5 kalem Bank of Commerce Building SHIPPING CHEESE of those ft day and it is of tho finest i i . . , Ijjnuie. -liiey are behind wuh orde,s In an interview with P. D. Mcintosh,! which shows that Jordaa cheese is h, do nril. t'l'r aitl fhna molrn. iLA linm.J Ui. r. -1 '"IU IUU IHli, I t, Ai. 7; 'a tmp wili Bituwor. You muv Mnd JUtLV ,bw"f Co. U l.j.enled paokae.. m the"' do7ot r I l.ilii.i(r a pavuiK plant at Kola, nre exceed 30 inches in ie.h " mratorv in ..... . .: . li t I"??- H " u,lll""l'"l the con 1 - ! 0 r,,ll'nr bejiins with the ;! on the west end of the big bridge Thy c-mnpany will Inter install at Rick- reall. Jt will lnk ii. , .. k.vvt riigine xor uriviujj. M Pvtwt IV.11.M...... ' ..i.ui vyenwara, serve !'n the table in the ves.el yon cook in jhconoinical. sanitary ami atisfac:o,v. rii II linn nn ,li.,,l. .. n .,. fourt St. ' ' """""on 30 Now U the time to U m . i mutton, fresh fn..n. -v. I t ch...., .1.. " ' Pur .... . Krrmnent u now ad Attorney p. J. Kunt has moyed hla offices to room 2li Hank ef i ommerce 1 hone 34M, - i Special commiinlcahrn Pa cific lodite No. if , F. A. M. Sunday 1 p. ir. fa attind oncrai of onr 1st Bro. A. J. Stmnff. Visitin- hrfltlir,.n ' I.! I III vi,.,1 I., .x..4 n , I I aJ - .il.uu. 20 free leoatint vi. .v.. , . ' - "i- oTvrcvni' I eta the world, topie of Prof. J. A. Oil- lesblA tti M ...... lii , , . . I , v uau otinuay julr x7 1 3 P- s 7 26 o I v-rt'uinir fo n." . . Z Z,.l i"1 "fnrf awiey .pent for were intended for a 'detract. ... mu"h , 'I kl'""' " We will counsel you nhen yon need cur assistance. We will serve yuu courteous ly mid - faithfully. We are trained in the most modern methods of our ecien tific profession. mnni-L'er and chose maker of the Choose Factory last week, wc kariied that business has been exceptionally iioud with them. Tn .tuna f.,..i. ., . .... --. ,ui imj sliippin 10,000 worth of tno product to Los Anjjeles and will ship a carload this week to San Francisco. The rnpncitv of the plant is 1000 lbs.! The election at Pressor, calling for a bond isio of 1200 for the erection of a school building, passed without a' dUaenting yote. iKeep Them Home: a - vv a,uM . t mm . victory Ito Overcoiei Ik M1H ai .,1323 , 41 Even our Faith. What is a Christian's Faith? Come and hear what the Scriptures say. ioose nail. SEATS FREE. un.,July27,3p.m. ivu COLLECTION Subject of Lecture by Prof. J. A. Gillespie m Of Omaha, Neb. The Slogan of Today and of the Future Ship By Ttfttcfe Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 " ,M Prices Reduced :: Furniture bought before the rise has now arrived t You can save Money by Buying this week t Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. f