Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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uction oaie:
Tuesday, July 28, at 2 p. m. One House And Lot at
. 1225 Norway Street, Cardweil Addition.
Just off North Capital Street, 1 block from street
car line. House is strictly modern, Bungalow style,
4 living rooms and bath room, full sized basement,
house has sewer connection.
Clear title, Abstract furnished.
This is a very nice little home weQ located.
NOTHING" like owning, your own home and stop
paying rent. . . '.,"-
Reason for selling, am going to California to
TERMS 100 at time of sale in cash or bonds;
balance, $20.00 per month; interest at 7 per cent.
Tor Further particulars phone J. H. Davis, 818.
iU i. " .
Charlie Chaplin
Tho committee of nine members op
pointed by (lovernnr Olcolt to invest!
tftite the dtidustiiiil accident eouimis
ttioa met ut the state him e this uiorn
iuj; in prelitiiinnry session. Organism-
Lou was effected by the election of A.
O. Hixou as chairmaii and Kobt. S, 0 ill mr.ln, Asloriaj Fred S. Bennett, l'orl
secretary. The committee spent the laud j R Murdiv, PortluKd; M. 1'.
itiorning in seitregating the nialter, to Rice Roburgj Airs'. Clara K. Westcott,
be investigated mill at o clock this pi,,,. Marviu K Holland, KuKei.e;
ftrternoon convened for the actua bus- T ,
iness before them. In this committee Wilson, Joseph; Amjr Rothcluld,
the employers are represented bv P. ' "! laml;i Jtl ' B' .X a,llc",' " "".V
A. td.utv and A. CI. labbe of I'orilan.l i W M- llv,M Ashland; Albert H.
and A. 01. Dixon of Kussene; the em- Kmel, I'ortlund; Laura 11. M. i'el. rson,
p'oves be Frank (Ireeu and J. H. ' fortlund; (.'linrles Marion Jolmson, As
ntooks'o'f Tortlnnn aitd Sandy McLaiu 'tui in; J. A. Ostioni, Astoriuj .Normal
of remllcliin; the state at large by Ktiykendiill, l'urtlauil; l'ercy (i. Me
Robt. S. 41111 of Portland, '. K. Apper-Whiiiney, Portland; Hurry K. Spalding,
son of McMinnville nnd II. J. (iverturf Salem.
or' I'eudletou. '
I Governor Olcolt has joined v.itli Rlato
me weohiy rt.oit ot (lie inuusirini ,
jcident commission shows that there .
-e,e reponeu uiruugnoui ,ue state a
twin or om iicci'ieuis, lour or wuicn ,
, ..! kiu ; I r i
resulted fatally. They were F.dward
Strong, miner, Tnkilmn; Wm. Wanks,
t,ii,boil,I..P prHi.ii,l. All,,., v..Ur
Woman, Kuluma, Vn; W. J.. Wrick-
land, laborer, Klamath Fills',. Of the
total number 4!H) were subject to Ihe
p ovisions of the conipensatioii act.
The public service Commission this
morning received a copy of the annual
report of the Southern UVitie system,
trie tigures in which indicate a large
Infeate in both traffic and iu upcr-
Cancer of Nose Cured
Prominent Resident Certifies to Cure
By Or. C. 8. Stone of Salem.
Sivlcm, Ore., June 5, 1911.
To Whom It May Concern:
Fn, T ,ni.n'
.i.h a cancer on myiose. I fully
I7.ea it was constantly getting wwsi.jnexr. genera, nieciuig ol toe . ..n.io-,-j
and after KuIt considering tae dangersito
nf n,,..., T n.,....l.l.wl ... ,.,l.,, 1.
treatment of Dr. S. C. Stone of Si.lcinJ
tiregon. Tlie doctor gitve iuc a liijiiid :
to apply as directed for several dues
and then a simple ointment, anil in n!
tcw (tats tue cancer came out anu ileal- i"e irrcj;iiiiiiiiii-.i iih- imm j..unau-.i.j .- --ii - j ....... i.,..,,, nlm
ed up nicely and has given tni uo iiiore I Amouf other sints to be taken up by I isl ralor of the estnte. jfiimily of Han Fram-ico. Other visit
trouble. I cheerfully recommend Dr. the eo liltee will lie the failure tot !'" w- O. Fcinsoghty and party
?itone m..l his treatment, ii? litn.n is'make full aiiiuial reports; uileged .lis-j 1 he estate of Lotus rorcic,. ,as been
sear Cervnis on Route 2. " "elimination between large and smail t'pp'aised at tj.'l.:i.l. It consists of one
(Pigned) J. H. IIARSKT. empl.ivers in the matter of reacting the '"t ' W'oodliurn ami cash in bans.
, I compensation act; the charge tiiat tlie'Tiios. Hunt, Hchuinan Campbell ato.
',.",, , , 'cotnipission is imdulv inflm need l,v ror-i v-' ''"Hier were apprai rs.
I will be based to ref-r vu to lo.'ir.v ,. . . ., ; ,, .
,. i i tv .i n poratPins: details of the Dibbern case;
oH,"n pie whom I have rect.itly cured: i,,,;,,!;,.,;..,, ,,v.., the.,. -i-' August 30 hss beet s-t by Jad-e
of cancer.
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Consultation and Advice Tree
Stone's Drug Store
- Salem, Oregon
Phone 85
157 South Commercial St.
Snaps In Second Hand Motorcycles
1913 TWIN EXCELSIOR $50.00
1911 TWIN $10.00
m Court Street Salem, Oregon.
The New Auctioneer
'ating expenses,' The report is made out
to the Hid! of December, 10IS, and (he
totals are of interest. Aiming other J
things it is shown that the total ill- '
vesiinent in road and i!uipnii lit I
amounts to 12' .Vi.'t,702 ; .misei ilune'Hts i
ph sicul properly frbl.ti.vM"-; stocks. :
hoiiils nnd other investments $T:i4,li
17."; tot-il current assets $l,:Ht,'J47;
total tintid itisli'd debts-4,9")7,S07; cap
ittil stmk 'J7,M2.!M)5; total cuire'it
liabilities 4-1 .-,:47:t,:4S ; total unadjust
ed credits $7(i,(i:!'-),7U.
W. S. Noi-vicl, sinte water ecumuis
siouer of Ari.ona, is speudinsj the day
in the office of State l-'.nniiioci' Cuiiper,
'lookiiif over the water laws of Oregon
and studying ndiuinisliativii inethods
;with-B view to incorpoiatiiiif them in
I Arizona w here the water ilepai tmeut i
15 comparatively new.
The supreme court yesterday an
nounced the names of the (ireoo i law
students who tucceded in passing the
examination held in the latter part of
May. Theru were 27 aspirants in the
group, 17 of whom wore successful. The
nst is as folluws: Juhn Leonard Tuo
Forester Klliott and Uistrict Forester
CVoil, of Portland, in a request to fed
,.... B..,,oril ;0, that r,i siroluue natiol
. .. .,..i i: 1 1 .. ,
" " "1 1 ""
of T 7 .I" fU"!1'"1,
usit disastrous fires in the timbered.
"" l 0,"S"- ' "''ig, to Col..
n- n- Arnold, commander of the uir
service division at San Fianci.c.o, they;
euiidi;; sized the constant nienaie of fire j
I and the great assistance that might be1
rendered by airplanes. It is anticipated'
jthat on the representations of Coionel
j Arnold the Washington autliontUi. will
,,, - favornble consideration to the int.t-
In a prolonged session yestctday
eruoou at the stale house, the touimi'.tee
icuurgeu wiiii uie nivesiigawuu 01 iu-;
I administration of the industrial acci-
. . . ...... . -
dent commission utiiiieu its nieinoa 01
: procccdtirc, held u brief conference with
the members of the commission, ap- or ins soul for one yeur after the dnte
pointed and nb commit tee aid adjourn-jof his death, tho sum of 100.
ed. The sub-comniittee is composed ofj Ho then wills to his daughter, Ku-
Chairman A. C. Dixon, Kecreta.y itobert'KPti'o Bondeau, tho aum of , and to
w m:ii T n ti,,.w ..,.1 iv..i.r her children all the bi:lancn i,f I,',. m.
i.j. v.,.., ... ... ...v. .
suit the ore pxnee.ted to meet within 30;
rcal-juays. Emulate plan, and report to the j
ne nent 111 rornaiui. wiie u line r.cis,
(kf tlnd Coin 111 1 1 1 (l Wl 1 lte fit 1-ailllll'l At -
tomeys King and Keeley, who have
maile general anu sweeping uiiegaiions.
as to the work of the commission, to
present in writing stiecifie instances of0'
the r.ititter i,f iuri.diction over tiie liavi
... .
gable water of the tinted Mtatcs; ami
t invnti?non or imperrei-ttoi in xir'
impel fe-ti..in in the comn.ation en '
(self. ' '
In the course of ils work tiie "i-necal
n .it. . t....:r- t.!.
cuuiimttre iI'Uj the entire work-i
I,ng plan of the commission, with a W tl,r"1- V'1' . estate were male on
!to getting ut 1 v.rv posfli!,le cause f "n5"rs of the eoort : . " I
idi-wtisfaetHW in (baling itl, fU,iis.l ,h" of K1""' c.euii. r agaiast!
To this. end they will
sk the gov-rnr
!(,. ( (-
nov "ei.s neci.Mrv to pr.rt'iire
witnesses and bring complaints Winn
the body iit proj.erfc.riti.
As so many members of the local
Klks lodge will travel by automobile
to attend the state ron volition at Kla
math Falls, it is probable - that those
who go by train will emit hive with Al
bany or onto other lodge for a spec ial
eonch or train. Inquiries seat out by
August Huckeatcin indicate that the
;r at majority of the Uiyj who are f ijj-
uriug oh attending, e sport to mae the
trip by auto. "-.-,-,'
A group of about 150 students from
the s'aie normal s-hool arrived by spe
cial train from Monmouth this jnoru-
I nig, under the care of. I resident Ack-
erinaa and Prot, Butler, of the history
1 1 department. Ihev have wen muk;irr a
: tour of the various state institutions
as well as the eapitol and supreme,
i eourt.
I Geo. PeFFCidine of Lcs Augeles, own-
1 '"r and manager of a srnng of scllirg
latencies of the Western Auto Supply
' cotiiptii.y along the Pacific coast, pnss
icd through the city this morning by
autoiind'iie on his way to visit the
'agency at Seattle. He was aci oinnaiiicd
j by his wife and other parties.'
An extra force cf asi-als is now
at work at the maty library getting
out the orders for neve hnnki for the
! vrrieus school, districts of the state.
This will reipiire from 3'i.thiO to 40,Ooil
The grill and dialing room of tin
Marion hotel have been bul'.'iii" with I
s iciability,. enterprise und ciar smoke j
tins altiriioon, as they are entertain
iiig Hiniiiltaueoiislv the millers and
warehouse men of western Orosoii, and
n h'v kiouP ('f representatives of the
livestock industry, alon with u nuiii
ber of bankers from I'nrtland and Sa
lem, us well as -beoc'ters for the coming
show of the International Live Stock
associatiim. A number of questions of
importance in connection with the in
dustry were formally discussed at this
meeting. Atiionn; other thittKS brought'
nut was the fact that a wide spread
interest, is beinii taken in the matter
or pure bred cattle in the. Willamette
valley, and that the fame of Oregon's
breeding stock lias none far beyond
the confines of the slate.
At the Elks danca to be given next
Wednesday evening nt the armory,
(hero will bo the usual 15 piece orches
tra which furnished such inspiring uiuh
ie for the other two dunces given by
the Klks. This will be their lust dance
of the a-nson, ns the state convention
of Klks will be held at Klamath Falls
'beginning August 14 and continuing
three days,
E. 8. Cor.tes has purchased a 25 acre
tract 4'! miles southeast of Salein
from F. A. Meier, at a consideration of
.t.'HMM). The tract is partly in orchard,
with a home. It lies close tn other laud
owned by Mr. Coatee. A fi.Sli acre tiai t
in Murningside has been purchased bv
Hayniond Pettigill from M. L. White
sell .for 2i00. Both sales were handled
by H. Orabenhorst & Co.
The last will and testament of O.'ivler
Thribaudnu, w ho died June JO, l!l,
hi; been filed for record in the county
clerk 's office. He disposes of reni
property valued at $12,000 and pcisomal
property of a value of about (.tin.
The will was made l i V.m. appoint
ing his wife, Mary Thribaudnu us execti
tor. She died in 1911 and 110 other
aft-.executor was tppointed later. He wills
to his daughter Agnes, known as bister
"v.. , . ..,,,,,. ,,u,: num ui t-iow.
.To another daughter, known as Sister
u..k:.. ir. 1 t 3
llui,, ugei, tue sum 01 .uu.
r or masses to bo said for the repose
II,.,...- 4,l,li. -f ),- fi,.. iv .
T"ie. in a later eodieile. In: rhaiiires
.hi- and gim the daughtei, nL7L, UZ, IClXnZTtZ
' - -
...c msi
er iieain, n gM s to Her children.
xr...i,:. !.....,.. i o ,,,,,
- .., ..- , i:'vi.:tn,s inoni rt with the influx of auto
The eslato was valued at .ba'ti, A son ; tourists. A number of prominent anil
" aunic naiin'. Aiatliias I.cin.ie of
I I .. f. ....I . u.. t
:'"' - ",.B" " "'"".tie, i'amp Lewis nnd other points
- ------
"tnte-f John Helferty wh, died July
. ..t-. .,...,,,,
John H. Krrhs
md if, to ri-coviT,
l-'4 3 4 and costs.
lot on Oxford street
in N"h Hill wns sold for f5 .S.6i. Tlie
; plaintiff in the rr.se was the pur haser. I
I ' Ihe nuit of Lizxie Owens and Bes-, 4c
sie Ha i lee aginit Hi nry Fav.k and nth- 4c
i rs, s'vn bits iu Nob Hill were sold,
nnd the plaintiff was the bighft bidiW'41
at tf!71.i2. j$
In the cae of Liias Kefoland ani.inst:
Maitin Chri tendon, involving t tuit ofjt
;i5.!2, a-.d also other co.t. lot 4 It, 14c
blink C of tlie t.orth aid" of Silverton ' 4c
w is sold to A. E. Trg"mon for i".n. i,
?f Doa't Let 'em Roaa $$i
f $ Keep 'em h The Circle ?$
Sheriffs Deed Conveys Big
Builds; And Acreage To
Trust Company.
The enrtain has been rung down on
the final act of what m;,;ht be term
ed "The- tragedy. of the Hubbard build
inS." " -
"For a rheriff a deed to the property
in which is located the Drcgim Klectrie
depot was filed tixlay with the coun
ty lerki office for official reewd by
hieh the Alliajiee Trust ccmpany of
Portland lon-ouir the owner not only
of the Hubbard bidding hut of 202
acres of the finest hind tn Marion
county, both of which were owned by
Khnnie K. flubbard.
The report of the sheriff states that
by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court, iip'in mandate of
'lie state supreme court dated May 31,
l-ts, nnd on a decree of foreclosure
and mortiraiies executed by Pniinio K.
Hubbard, the building and 202 acres
were sold to satisfy judgments held by
the Alliance Trust company.
At the sale made by the shctiff July
2t. l'HS, the Tr.-.r: company wag the
highest bidder at S4,51!U0." According
to the Oregon law, in case ot foreclos
ure of real estate,: there is one year in
which to redeem, and until the expira
tion of one ycitr, Hie shctiff 's deed is
not filed. The date for redemption ex
pired Thursday of this week. And with
the expiration of the one year, the
building and -iTj acre farm becomes
the absolute property, of the Alliance
Ti ust company, as the case has already
none to the supreme court and the sher
itf's sale was made upon mandate of
th;s lusher court.
The records of tho county clerk's of
fice show the following liiiation:
Aug. 1H, HI 15. Complaint filed against
Mrs. Hubbard by tho Alliance Trust
Sept. l.'l, HM5, W, H. Norris appoint
ed receiver for the pron'tty at a sal
ary of $t!5 a mouth,
1 h. 2it, HMti. Motion made to set
date for trial.
.lime 20, lillii. Cnse n trial.
Aug. 2.S. id HI. Case on trial agnin
ausj cunt in tied for .further testimony.
Oct. 1, l'Jlti. C-nj'e taken under ad
visement by the eour(.
Dec. 21, HUH. Decree given against
Mrs. Hubbard in favor of the Alliance
Trust compnny for $71,515.5,i and costs
Dee, 2t5, llliti. Order issued as to col
lection of certain rentals.
Fib. 17, 1917. Mrs. llubluird through
her attorney files notice of an b.'ieal
to the supreme come.
August 1, 1017. Reports cf receiver
filed from month to month.
April Id, 1'JIS. Mandate of supreme
court setting forth the interests of the
Alliance Trust company, awarding it
7H,."il5..r)5 and stating the secondary
interests of John Havne at 150(1 V.
S. National bank at $1241 and Welch
Hint. B-14S.05. Aim allowing the Alli
ance Trust company attorney's fees of
May .11, HIIX. Decree of supreme
court officially filed with county clerk
July 24, H1S. Hubbard building and
the 202 acre farm sold at public sale
by sheriff with the Alliance Trust com
pany (he highest bidders at X4,'il0.40.
July 24. 191!). Kxpiration of the one
year allowed for redemption.
Roy F. Shields and family left to
day, for a vacation of two weeks at
tieoige K. 1ove, one cf the officers
of the Ace Aircraft 0. of Portland
will come to Halcm tomorrow to look
over aviation matters.
Karl Withvembc, who has been cm
j pinvefl at Klamath f alls for some
imoiil lis past arrived yesterday and w ill
- . . J
spenn a row iiays in town.
Joha B. Hhultr. of Albany is in the
.city today on a tuisiness errand,
Among tho guests at the Capital ho
,p loday are ti. L. Haves and family,
J- McDonald, and Ralph Peterson, all
.... K j .,,, ,,
fereaee. of sto.k men, held at the .Ma
rioI n(l(l, ,olnv
' i,-,. .;,... u;n. .l- if...:... t.
' .!. i i in urn .finiiiin no-
I'''' rp.e,,tly n.ls his capacity taxed
wealthy peodc have bi'en recent guests!
from Portland; K. (1. Crawford and
wife, Portland; A. Kupeit of Kupert
& Co., Portland; AL C. M Iner and Ceo
JloliV.1 cf Toledo, Ohio.
W. y. lragr returned thi morning
from an exteinli'd tour in Washington
on business connected with the' Dra-
. 1 1 '
ger rrmt Co. He visit-! Tacoma, Heat-
4 Missoula, Mont., July 2(1
(Cnitcd Press.) With o"ie Mna
tana town practically destrnyrd
by fire, aid with 14 nc fires
reported todav, the fire utita
tion was ciinsiilercd ly goteru
oietit fun s! sTi-e oficii.l.s at
hcad'piart rs here to be growing
sti-ail.ly wow this afterncou.
Nine buildings at H. Ig latins,
40 miles i.orth of Missoula and
iu the liCjirt of the Flathead na
tional f'n t - were dci-tiivrd
win 11 tlie f.itest ire there b.-,!
through the lines and swept
about the town.
Only a lank, one store (.nil a
hotel are 1. ft standing.
Portland Judje Proles
Details Cf Kiln Of
SsaBBoy By Playmate
Portland, July 26. Judge Kaniler
of juvenile court today questioned J
C. McCaulev the father of I'rsnk, Sied
7, who was shot to death be his piav
mute, Ceorge Miller, 10. The judge nl
so planned to question the Miller boy's
mother if her nervous condition per
mits. "I believe the boy 'a story tbat k
killed his playmate by accident," said
Judie Kau.ler, "but will reserve my
decision until after ipiesftiouiitjj the
victim's father."'
J. C. MeCauloy has declared It would
have ken impossible for (he Miller
boy to lift the Met 'aider buy's body
through the trap door iato the attic
The Miller boy undressed bis play
mate's body and bathed the wound bo
fore he hid the bodv awav.
Covernor Olcott routined this noon
from Portland where he flew bv air
plane yesterday in company with Lieu
teiituit E. C. Kiel of Matin r living
field. The trip was a trifle lo iger than
the previous one on account of t.ikinp;
the weswnrd route. There wus nothing
to irntr the pleasure of the flight for
the governor, for although tiny took an
altitude of about 4W0 feet they en
countered no crouds. Tho governor in
dulged iu the novel experience of pilot
ing the machine for a part i the dn
tnuce, under the couching ot Lieutenant
Kiel. He found the manipulation of the
pluue surprisingly easy, but ! tho air
currents hud made the upper stratum
very "bumpy" he was glad to turJ the
levers over to the pilot after a snort
time, not caring to taku any chances on
trouble. He hud considered the mutter
of staying by the pluue through the en
tire trip to Seattle, but lifter arriving
at Portlatut decided It advisable to re
turn to Salem.
Af.er their arrival iu Portland there
was spectacular display of Hying over
the field. Mrs. 1'etit, who accompanied
the other plane to I'orllaiid, took the
trip wiih as cool u nerve as any member
of the stern sex, and evinced tho great
est plensuie, declaring it was tint most
wonderful experience of her life. n
on' point on the trip her pilot look hot
for a climb above the clouds.
New York, July 2d. An unofficial
American altitude record was held to
day by lioland Kohlfs, test pilot tin' the
furtia engineering corporntiuc.i, who
flew to a height of 31,000 feet ut Mine
out, L. 1., in one of the new Curtis
Lincoln, Neb. "Mountain ciinury"
whiskey lias nppetired bi Nebraska-. The
"stock" looks like .whiskey ((ltd the
sample given the farmer, laslm like
whiskey, but the other eleven bodies iu
the case are pure prohiilition products.
$$- Don) Let em Ream $$
$$ Keep 'era In The Circle $$
50 acres, all cleared, best valley loaut
35 acres in fall grain, 5 room house,
good barn, well, 4Ht miles Halcm, Only
7.31 acres, black gravel soil, creek
and well, V; miles Salein. 1100.
30 acres dark sandy loam, 25 cleared,
5 slashed; house with sleeping porch,
large barn, gnrage, 1 mile Jefferson;
ciiHh price $200 per acre, or trade for
good acreage near Salein.
600 acre ranch, 2Vi miles from rail
road town in Douglas county, on Pa
cific highway, electric line, milk route,
mail route, 150 nere cleared, 450 acres
pasture, well' fenced; 6 ram house, 2
barns aad granary, spring tit house,
family orchard. Htock and equipment
and some grain goes, owner to settle
with tenant. This is a bargain at tlS,
000. The toil on this place is good, no
40 acres cleared, best valley loami 2
aires prunes, 2 acres other fruit; 8
room house, 2 .barns, silo, well; 4 miles
from ljidd nnd Hush bank. Price ll,
000. K7 acres, 12 miles from Lebanon, 35
acres cleared, 5 acres cut over and
young timber, old house and burn, rail
fence, sprini; and well, 'J200.
40 acres cleared, red soil, rolling; 18
acres 6 year old prunes, 2 aens other
fruit, In'ge hnu and barn, at school;
fl',4 nijlcs from Salem. Price 7500. Kee
fur KKXT HITS, 3(1 Stale
LARUE lots nice homo with own wa
ter system, 210(1.
Very pretty 4 room bnngalow at OOtt
Very fine home with abundance of
fruit, 'J700.
5 room buntjow on N. Cottage 2000
5 acres all cultivated with some lo
ganberries, verr good buildings
I (100.
(14 acres all under cultivation at a
i'lpiare Peal Realty Co.
Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white eti.lO
Whsat. lower grades oa sample
4c ' Oats, new .. fe
Hay, cheat, new l.V" Ifl
Hay, oats, new $i5(!t.'l7
I'.arley ton 4(150
M ill run l.'!C44
Butt -rfat 60c
CicafO''rv liutti-r , OliiJt
Perk, Veal and Mutton
Fori, on 'out - 2Ge,
1 V
Quick Reference To Firms That Giya Serrice On Sborl
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
. Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salera Klectrio Co, Masoaie Tcaiple,
Edouard de Billy, former French
denutv hiiih commissioner to the Unit
ed States, was killed in Franco a few
days ago ty a fad from nis norse.
Republican leaders in the house have
agreed on an investigation of the oper
ations and expenses of the shipping
board and emergency fleet corporation
-- --"
Call 398. Highest prices paid for
Junk, second haul goods and machin
ery. Be sure aad caU 398, get th right
prices. Tho square deal house,
271 Cherueketa St. Salem, Or.
i --
h'xpert machine shop service by Mr.
Bergman at high, school machine
shop. 1l' years experience. Gear cut
ting a specialty. High class machine
tools, tjuu-k service, Phono 440, S 15
J c in list in tho Modern Scientific
Application of Glavsns for tho aid of
vision and the relief of Kyeatrain and
Headache. Office closed Saturdays.
Office 210-211 IT. tS. Bunk building.
Phones, offico 115; res. 1244.
Radiators, Fenders and (las Tanks
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
All work guaranteed, 19S 8. 12th St.
Salem, Orejron. 8-1
cuo of
Chiueso Medicine and Tea
fins medicine which will cure any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. M.
until I P. hi.
133 South High St.
Salein, Oregon Phone 239
k 232 North High Street
Veal, fancy '. : 22c
Steers ,. HP
Cows 6fT7Vie
Spring lambs .- . lOullle
Kwes - 4(j!fte
Sheep, yearlings - 7e
ggs and poultry
Hggs cash -
liens, live
Old roosters -
Hadinhcs, ttof.
Potatoes ...
New potatoes
Ureen onions dos
Onions, per ar.vk
I rut
Oranges ..-
Lemons, box
. 42c
... 15s
. 45c
. 75ct&1.00
,-,-., 2 (XI
Uetiey, eztraeted
Bunch beets
- 2(g3
Head (cttuco
Carrots 15c
Retail Prices,
Kggs dozen - 50c
Criaincry butter 70c
Country butter 00c
Flour, hard whciit $3.l0(u 3.25
Portland Market
Portland, Or., July 2'i. Hulter, city
rciimi'ry 5H(.ilte
Kggs s"l"cted local ex 4(lSc
Hens 27f(i .'He
Hroilcrs 'iKn Me.
Cheese, triplets 37ffi 3!e
Heceipts 70
Tone of market steady
(ioud to choice steers l0.50fK! l.';0
J'nir to good steers t'C'i Ht.50
Common to fair steers 7((v7.50
Choiro to good cons and hoifcrt
sr 9
Medium to good cows and heifer
5(0 9
('miners 5(ft9
Hulls Ifu7
Calves tWn 15.50
Ri-ceipts none.
Tone of market higher
Prime miti'd f '"Ci 22.25
Mi ilium iniied 22,.Vito 22.7.V
llnuyh heavies $22.511(11 2.75
Pigs 2t)i23.
Ilnlk 22.75
Heceipts none
The of iiiarki t steady
Prime lambs 127i 12. ."i0
Fair to medium lambs 3f?18
Yearlings rf,:H
Wethers 5'ii7.50
Kwes 1'37.51
A Act
aui a V-
12? North, High
.Maim IF
Ws will pay you mer cask tor yea
household goods. Get our bid fcefonl
you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hards
ware Store, 271 N. Ooa. St PkeM
.. . -ja
NO CASH R EQL'IliED Good ovc ret
shoes nod lints, all kin.ts of Bratta
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat"
in; stores, gas stoves, suit cases a&4
1000 other useful articles to sell of
trade. What have yout The Cap tl
Kxchsng. 337 Court 8t. Phone 493,
YOt'R used furniture, stoves, earpeti
and tools, us we pay fait prices los
everything. Call 847
2S5 N. Com! St.
Ilats Elocked
HAT BIAICKIXO I clean and block
ladies' and Men's hats. Just le
eched a hat renovating machine. 1
gets the. dirt, Try it once. O. B,
Ellsworth. 411 j Court St. Salem, Or,
50 years experience, Depot NatioaaJ
and American fence.
Sires 20 to 58 in. high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete.
Loganberry and hop hooks,
Salem Fence and Stove Warki,
230 Court street, Phor.9 i24.
J. A. Rowland Furniture Stcra
Buys, sells and exchanges new saw
2d hand furniture. All kinds ol
repair work, light grinding, filial,
nnd hrn7.ing a specialty. Kiffet
prices. 247 Nerth Commercial .
Phone 16.
. j i m
refuse of all kinds removed on montt
ly contracts at reasonable rates
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animulj re
moved. Office phons Mais 167.
On Good Real Est ato Security
Over Ladd k Bush bask; Saka Orsjoa
cent Interest. Prompt service. MHI
years time. Federal faira loa bo us
for sale. A. C, Bnhrmjtedt, 401 Mm
souie Temple, Salem, Oregoa.
INSURANCB COL'yCti- For li its
formation about Life Insiiraaes ass)
J, F. Uutchason, dit. tnasager for
the Mutual Life of N. T., offltfa l
371 State St., Salem, Ore. Wfiss
phoae 99, residence Ltstfl, t
Our Prices are Right
W. M. ZANDLER, Proprietor
1255 N. Summor Street, Salem, Ort
mowers ground by machineiyj all
kinds of grinding, lock smithing,
brolla; recovered, light tepairinj sf
all kinds. 317 Court St.
McCornack hall on eery Tussd
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. J.
Kuutz, K. B. k 8.
ROYAL Noighbors of America, Ores
I gnn (Irspe camp No. 13K0 meet vJ
Thursilay evening in HcCornaea hall
Elevator ae-vice. Otaclo, Mrs. Car
rie K. Dunn, (1(8 L'uion 61; reot
di"r Mrs. Melissa Persons, 113 M
4th' fit. Phone 143011.
. . 1 j
r-N'ITKD ARTISAXS--Car''tal Assem
bly . 4 meets first Thursday '
each Hiixitli at 8 p. m, iu hlaooatf
Temple. Olenn C. Miles, M. A.; C. A.
Vibbert, a.'critnry. 340 Owens street.
corner Commercial and Trale street
Bills payable monthly in advance.
' Plimis 0fl.
Out of 80 students in tnc pnarmi'.T
dcDartinent of tho Universitr of Wash-
inj'on this year 30 are women.
To replace the old building reeent'y
burned, the school district of Knieire,
ia Coos county, has vote! fonda
7 I
Wnsjc increases of apprniimately 10
pcrfcnl have been granted by the lil
pmg lioard to employes of veeel.-t oper
ating fiom Atlatitift and gulf ports.
Queen Matie of Koo.niaiila hvs as
cept-d an iuvi atinn to apeah btere
the Women's hristian Cituenship con
ference at Pittsburg, Nov nibei SI to 14
Terget li" Bay At fcs