PAGE tfIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 26. 1919. iSJ 5.-r;A -v- ..-tekrf - IjBill UKes -too nell in hiah Sill 5 &s-.Fetter ACksr6"tnoNin to a bi W staWed aW ''' : c K J 1 f 1 E .. . W . WAI.TKR WIH.x H Itov HI SDK I! Til K TWO LKAIU l (.'( M KIM AN'H IX 'II.AUI.FX Illl.I.IXlillAM-H S Tl I'KMM.IS PUOIUVTIOV 111' ' IIIX rltlX" AT UltAVIl Ol'F.H il'sl" li:y .11 I. V crops. Potatoes are nut so favored as a few miles west as here we fiud only J 30 acre with n peas ami no fieljj bean. Fruits are not giveu ruu'h attention' as there is only 30 acres in apples with one aero coining un no ilirrrii-K, no' poachi's anil no iM'ar;. I'ruiifj art not iu ' I'uvur n tlie arrfa"' is only 11. Tlure is oi'f aciv of loianli'rrii-s. In tin- Mi'lianm ilitii.t ixung thei Nintiam, I'. ( . Kreies ksschsciI 11,1)17: i rrs a mailt" h ih ri'i'orj of Birncul-i I lira I u ii J liorliiultural acroaKO fur re- j rfi t tu county a.-sor Bcu F. WVst. As usual in all funning section of: Minion county, tlif laigi'st urrca(;i' ii in oats, II3.. In sjirini; wliat tlusr is: ll.'U neri'a anil ia winter wheat HOI ' showing tliat cuniiur:itivi-ly n.fukini;, tliih Kectiuii mcs into wintt-r wiieat stron(ir tliau a few miles to the west ulono, tlie SuntiHiii. KoKunlienies are unknown in this si'itinii ami the same limy, lie Mi id of peHi hes ami i hcrries as there is no aereai. The uuno industry claims 14 aeres of this section the Santiaui anil three acres are in strawberries. Other ereaj;e are lis follows: liar ley 4, rye 117 corn 87, clover L'iMI, and hny ciojih 0!H). The pot-ito acreage out of the 11,(117 in the district is only lis!. There are no peas in acreage and only three iu field lieuna. The apple STARTS WHO AFRAID OF WORK ? i? i TOMORROW lKW:;7J: , i : r f 3 -J... lr.. .s-" mMsmm. BUAKAT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 i I : Iiaeroap h .14. N. Taylor 240 and Jacob Sienmund L'14. lum-ouinmcr musical tveni rirsi inp west wONLY COMPANY presenting... ....IN THE ORIGINAL ENTIRETY.. .. THEGRBATEST AMERICAN MUSICAL COlirOY with WALTER WILLS and ROY BINDER TWO YMRSn CL08C THEflTREjT? RUNNING OVER. WITH CLEVER ACTS CHIN CrtlN"HAS a Name of M'agic-Music That Is Coolies-Bears-ARealCircusTent-Clowns, Bareback Rioers-Ghotesque Dancing A;Piwit Tom Brown's Clown Saxophone Band teices: ooc. $i.oo. i.r.o. $2.00. box sats beats now at OPERA HOUfeE I'UAKMACY. flliese fanners may own lunds in other districts of the county but this is their acreage owned in the section assessed jby 1'. ('. Kreres. DISCHARGED MEN ARE (Continued from page, one) director of storaire, Monition building, Washington, ). C. The application should athlo ! re iiiiii'd nml must be ucconipauieU by an iil'fidiivit nir.ilc before uuy civil or mili tary authority authorised to administer mil lis. The affidavit must Hot foitli (ha soldier ' record, date and place of his discharge or furlough and aiticiea or kind of clothing he returned lo the gov criiiieut. Officers and enlisted men who have returned the g:is mask or helmet mar mnke aimilur application for these aiti clea and they issued able. The following articles are those to whit-It the aoldieis arc entitled: 1 over seas cap for nil enlisted men who have had Kcriee vverseun, or 1 lint nml 1 hat cord fitr nil other enlisted men; 1 olive drub shirt, 1 service' eor.t and orna mcils, I pair breeches, 1 pair shoes, 1 J pair leunins, 1 waist belt, 1 slicker, 1 overcoat, 2 soils underwent, 4 V8'r stui kiiiKS, I p iir jjovrs, 1 g:ts mask and helmet if issued overseas, 1 bai.aik bog j and it scarlet chevious. FAR M LIFE as it SHOULD Comes Direct From Liberty Theatre Portland It's a Two-Feature Bill --You'll See This, Too M AY ALI in "The Island of Intrigue" Ye LIBERTY MAY ALLISON Special Arranged Musical Accompaniment by "NINA WADSWORTH KAHLER" V T PORTLAND ENDS Lightning Strikes (Continued from pago one) I - UnnnA C.. way of the Columbia water "Kor example," said Newell, "the; The electric storm which passed over power necessary to haul a ton from: this section early Wednesday umo very rendletoii to fortlund would lilt it 2944 nenr destroying the resids-ncc of w. . GRAINS LEAD IN (Continued from pae one) jtion. I., M, Parker owns I,. ('. Neer 3.i7 and A. T. Hunlick owns lilt acres Jnd rents A uiiinbr enf funnels j rent large c rente. Federal Recognition Is Accorded To Guard Units l-'i deial recugiiition has been extended lo regimental headquarters and third pcaiji. The prune acreage is liiH, with 'M acres coming on while loganberries -laii but 411 ticrcs. There ia one tract of '.'I acres in atruv.berries with total of S'l acies for th district. Pickard Hros., ownera of the fantoui Jemy cows nut acres in this see in me Marion district, nml along the Imttnlion lieaii(imrters, aecoruing to a Ninlinm for nine miles, with a width of i letter received todav bv Adiotaat Oen- eboiit three miles there is a section of 7.WI7 acres assessed by Mr. Mniphv. This section also includes Stibliuiity. t)ut of this acreage there is till? in winter wheat, N(W iu spring wheat, lull in onts i iu barley, HI in rye, Il'I i'nf corn, in ciover ana iiiun acres in hav J eral ConOil Klgfriu. This report for recognition of the Thiid regiment, National (maid, ia I:im'iI on an act of rongresH of July 3, I'.'io, anil is eitciuleil to all compai.iea the Third reinment where officers' I have qualified and stood proper craini imtions. The reco!nition dues not as j yet include eoinpany M of Si.iem, but itj lis understood will lie extend, d as souu !us itt officeis qualify. j j When the officeis of the company j ! qualify, the v of all will begin, tisieil t.... ............. 1 ........ ."ii im niMunn.9 u-irni-ii u pii,ui,-ai 1.1 , and officer of the regular ninn, iu pro-! ., - 1 , 1 meet ever I'm won 10 uie lime put 111 i ll actual sen Ire by the hoiue conipatiy. l or com- ipr.nv Ai litis woulj mean aoiiiciiiiig over lJ a mouth fur private and and j nun coin in proportion. feet, or amount to 2944 foot tons, while 710U foot toua are ueded to lake that ton to T'ncoma." Conversely, the power needed lo haul n ton from I'ortli.nd to Pendleton would lift that ton 4S84 feet in the air, but the power needed to. move a ton from Taconm to Pendleton would lift it 7047 feet in the nir. This, he said, shows that about a third as much power ia neede dto huitl freight from Pendleton to Portland as from Peiidietun lo Ta eoma. The actual distance in miles Is 516 from Pendleton to Portland aud Mi from Pendleton to Tncmnn, a difference of Mil miles. The actual distance be tween Tueoinn and Pendleton is equiva lent, in the engineer's calculations,, to 4UU miles f straight level track, nnd if avail-i the distance of L'ltt miles between Port In lid and Pendleton is eqiiul to ZX miles of straight level track. KiinUarlv Newell compiled the differ ences in furor of the water grade be tween Portland and Wullu Waila, Pull man, Oarfield, Oukcsdale and Spokane. Having heard during the week much of the contention that Portland, 100 miles nearer the Inland Umpire, is en tiled to ii lower rate than Astoria, Com missioners Hall, Paniels r.nd Kashnan nnuniiuccil today their determination to visit Astoria. They will leave for the city al the month of the Columbia Hudny morning, probably going by automobile and will spend some time in Ruing over the port facilities of Astoria under the guidance of It. P. Sione, rhairinr.-n.of the Port of Astoria commission. The Colunibin basin rate lu-aiing will' be adjourned from Portland to heat tie at the close of the Monday afternoon session, beginning in Seattle next Tues day morning. Pnget hound 's aud As toria 'a aide of the controversy will be heard there. Myers, who lives between here nnd Sub limity. Mr. Myers said the' house was struck in five different pluce and took fire in three different places. One bolt struck 1 1 the brick foundation and thiew brick into the window where William Myers was sleeping about ten feet away. The '.elephone was pHt completely out of commission and was brought to towi, for repairs. It was fortunate for Mr. iljers that r I the boys were at home a he said it took sii'ne hustling to keep the home from burning. People who 3avv the place Wednesday morning say it ia miracle that some of the family were not killed. v While ('nil Vollis aud Vnuik Harold were coming to town to catch (ho early stage, a bolt of lightning struck near them when they were close to the cov ered bridge across the river and was knocked down aud Frnnli was plckiug berries Wednesday morn- Cl9Wn'c Riirnorl ing. received an electric shock which UIOJlUU & IdlU UdU ,fui!vhreer(.obvie,:iedfor 'ome s"e Prospects Are Excellenl The two children of John Dozler, Wui were in the grain field early iu the morning, were knocked down bv the That the railroad question i. shaping itself in the eyes oa few Mayton peo- lightiilug. They were shaken up" aomc10 " 8 concede?! fact but are none the worst from the shock. Mtiil. , ST. LOUIS PICNIC The ht. I.ouis picrjic which wa, held in Joseph Rubens grove Inst Sunday was not as well attended this year ui was! hoped for, presumably on account of the hot and dusty weather, but those who did attend seemed to heartily enjoy the ihicken dinner and the afternoaii pro gram. The instrumental music by the M. Paul orchestra of young people was fine and was enjoyed by all, likew ise 'the vo cal music by Mrs. Malcolm ilainp of ilrooks, Miss Gladys Ditmnr of Fair field, accompanied by Mr. and Mis. 1). R. Moses with piano and violin nnd Mr. Moses' violin solo. The recitations bv Mrs. Fiank Ma honv and Master Alfred Lewis icceived Harolrt heartv enfores. At a special meeting of the cily e-. cil Saturday evening, the old grnut that was signed to the P. McMnnan coiiip for a franchise to build n railroad through Stnyton, and which hold good till the first day of Januaiy YSM, was transferred to the Portland ii rtnticsit ern, the company that is hulking fir a right-of-way fur a through line from Portland to Bend. O.i notification that the MeMahau company had turned over thi-ii contract to the new company, the council deemed it ndvisable to cull a special meeting and look into the matter. Muil. DS. STARKS STILL BETOETS. lr. Eric R. Htarke, paroled fc'icn eve nly, is still required to report weekly to the postmaster nt Aurora and to the I'nited States authorities at Portland. It has been, given out, however, thst alien enemies are to be released from their paroles, if conditions wnirnnt. The signing of the treaty has mada wbs somewhat stunned. The boys re- The Hon. August Huckeusteiu of ha covered in a short time and tame into t.m as orator of the dav, spoke with his' !' jwrniibli', though Oermnny and the town, ('nil was a little nervous but Prank was alright. The Stayton Telephone office was put out of commission for a i-irort time. Trees and fe ices weret ore up along the path of the storm. H. Van Handle's daughter, who usual clnnuence. I.e. are still technically at war u ;tit Last, but not least, William H. F.gan,!the senate ratifies the treaty. The l:. 8. the mi go of Hopmere, was called upon j district attorney at Portland warns all for a few remarks and responded in his alien enemies however, that they luust usual pleasing manner, giving a remlnls 'nnt consider their parol -s revoked until cense of the progress in this section they receive direct notice from his f since pioneer davs. nervals Star. 'fie. Aurora Observer. jWidely Scattered Army ! Teams To Vie For Track Supremacy In "Wire Meet' Sa n REMEMBER, THE NAME OF TERWILUf.ER Should you ever be called upon to recommend a fun c'lal service. This name stands for courteous treat ment, reasonable cost and fair dealing. License! L.vly Embalmer in constant attendance. TERWILLIGER FUNERAL HOME 770 Chemekcta Street. Phone 721 'ROUND COAST LEAGUE BASES Krnncisco, July 2.I. (I'nited fiist " U-lc(4iapiiic iia.k held will le staged be ' jtwen nine army hospitals tliiougliout ' : the country early In August. The event ; Iwill establish "world championships' ' , , for cripples. compete are: Itterinan general, San Francisco Pre-i jsidio; Port les Moines; Tacoma Park,: D. ('.: Colonia, N. J.; Kurt Mcpherson.; (In.; Vort Sheridan. Illinois; Plnttsliiirg, j ix. Y.; Carlisle, Pa.; Port Mcli.nry,1 .M,I. ) ! Each hwpitnl will hold a mes-t on its, 'own ground and will telegraph the re-1 suits and time f each cellt t the; (fly I'nited Press) iesterdays winners; Portland, halt otnPrl- ""-(-i rinun, esscrauienio. Himie runs: lloiton, Fisher, Tigers; Mulligan, Bees, Th Seala prwtically kicked away the Rame in the first two ianiiigs, which doesn't take from the glory ot buther land, Itearer heaver. Suthmaud pitch ed the first no run, sot hit, game of the eaMa, the McCredi men Winning, II to 0. B II Clymer was relegated 0 the showers for undue activity ou and off the ruarhin line. The Timers won from the Rainii-rs. 4 t.i 1. A rua in the moth won for the Rees from t!;e Cks, 3 t 4. TL. i..l I....... ... ..r .t,s. iiniii,-u mis .osa p:nsi'a, n 'l I I ' D tt whei they JrupprU i..lher f Hue to thejj) Q I Ltt CT KOSSl The events tentatively are. " 50 and 100 yard dash for one legged men. 33 yard hop for one le&geii men. COyard wheel chair re for men with both legs amputated. Baseball throw for men who have lost their natural throwing arm. SO -yard race for men on crutches. Ten'ils and. other lighter athletic compvtiions will be held. The city of power, in the southern part of Coos county, hs just eompleted a public auditorium at a cost of $;0i) iinffjinilnv. m :-Ci WE JUST RECEIVED THEM PIANOS FOR ONE ' Our showing is now complete, the designs are perfect and the finish beautiful, along with these attractive features is the reasonable price making us gbd and proud to show you the line. EVERY SOIII il XI. 1 j J i iV " Pi" hi; l 31- - " ' V'-' 1 V1'-' ii- . r--::-"" ,; 1 - '-' - -- also VICTR0LAS, COLUMBIAS and The EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPHS. We are the first ones to ever retail phonographs in Salem and have sold this line of reliable makes ever since. SHEET MUSIC GEO. C. WILL ' MUSIC INSTRUMENTS Salem's Music Dealer BSIorii. a f, s. $$ Keep'emhTfcsGrde