I PAGE EIGHT. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1919. ! I A 111 D 1- ! li -s. I I It ! s a r Where You Are Treated Right And where you know you are getting good merchandise, and are sure you are getting it at the least money. All who have traded at the J. C. Penney Co., know this beyond the shadow of a doubt Especially does this hold tnip with stthtq As we are the biggest shoe on iooiwear. Fme Brown Kid Sioe Pearl Grev Kid Shoe Here is one of the neatest shoes you can One of the biggest favorites we have find. AH kid leather, French heel, Good- &d this summer. To see it is to desire year welt sole, wing tip. A beauty at lt French heel, imitation tip, welt sole. A bargain now at irr! $10.90 , AD Black Kid Shoe nTfnril One of the best- wearing" and most n. , , French or Military heel $?.98 to $8.50 $7i0 Grey doth Top ,BIack Kid Vamp WliJf f ovo A shoe that 1S very Popular and a bar nine tanvas oaoes gain. Have rubber tipped military or In a great variety of styles and quality French heel at prices that will surprise you. $5 50 V 77JVT ' ii i i luiliilll i I All Around Town - COMING EVENTS July 5, Kri.lay Private Pout talks at rliaiitouqiiii. July 118, Monday 'Chin Chin' at Grand opera limine. July 30 Wednesday iJniteo at armory given liy Klka Icdi). WALLACE HELD IN "TOU'IIE riUD" LU)YD COMEDY W. E. CROSBY TENOE 6INOER DANCE AT STAYT0N TONIGHT HUNT'S 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA Aula Leaves Masonic Tempi at 7:30 Rouudtrtp 50 Ceuts. Try Northern riour, It's a Bear. ' " - ry tack guaranteed. At Tout to tr VCT liberty bouda. 814 Maatmle Wdg. tf Dr. H. O. Epley, preaideut of the lo cal rhaotauqua association, save 4hat arraneuicuta hate alrradv been made fur bringing the KIIimib White ehau- tmntfU. In KjtUm ..ii v.. t . l . . - - '-.iix s.nxM-iiTH-ii ior aim tne gen l h,,i h V, "I"'"' .11 ! b. ti. .. ,k7. ,2" "t.. ... r,,ry NOT B- m mmm . mmm a uuu mi n. . i i ii o . FLYING STUNTS BY leasure buyers in the country we Incorporated says the program this year was one of im,i rviMiiy immnccii programs the Kllimm White people Lave ever present ed. Boy's play suits la the Lee Uuion ull furtho KruwiiiK ehild Hinhop's. Dr. Mott, Baui of Commerce, 407-8. If ArttflciI teeth, bare expert plats man, with over 35 yean eiperlence. at tnr of f icn . Dr T) Y Tu,...,i. j... jtiit, 308 U. S. Nat. bank bldj. ' tf I Dance at Query 'g hall at Liveeley I'tnlinn on ut. nixbt July 2t. Hefresh j motitB nerved, flood floor, good imiaie. j 7 21 ! Biuiiioaa houaee baring stamped en velope, with the three rcut stump will have until July 31 to turn I linn to the local pimtnffire fur redemption at full lvalue. Postmaster lluekratein says. Ouring lli, month of August they may l redeemed at the valuation of 75 i'er rent. TV, a biv . , - I UO YOU rUl Ktshnn'M ftyla1 VA..M in... ..... 1 i J V . . " '" " u"" ror flrrt daa wot call Society I itinera and Uyera, 1278 State St. Phone 1684. I J. E. Johnson, rocently from oversoaa ha, opened up a shop for automobile , painting at 220 S. Liberty street and :sks a share of your patronage. First I class work a specialty. 7 29 j Prof. J. A. Ollleeplo, for 20 year, and over superintendent of the Ne braska State ni.t'iltitn ti... .1 1. bus aaiu rousented to rome to Salem ... win g,ve a punne lecture at he U.. " , 1, '"iiespie lf -'" you. R.,t. free and no r. i 7 2tf A luaa appeared at a store at Brooks few dava au u !,,,., ..........j just a trifle queer. The sheriffs office mn. urn ana nowers and Smith wen out and got him. After consider able questioning, it developed that the man was an e.cnur fr.,. ti... asylum at Vt Htellacoom, Wn. Household IOnrt tar .!. n J- . ''r- Jennie Wrld.idge will be " M4V. uwui VI ."a,e iuda.v, Joly 2 n, m k ltn)t iZ A BETTER .RACE SATURDAY, JULY 26, COOKE TOOT! " " PACE; AND FREE FOR ' ' ' in i to I rade will save you a lot of money Dr. L. E, Springer, aent'jrt, Moore bldg. eorner Court and Liberty. Phone 114. t Dr. L. B. Bprlnger, dentist, Moore bldg. corner Court and Liberty. Phone 114. t Call Patton Plombing Co. for your repair work, rhone 1608, 220 N. Com. Hreet. tf o Hatchet handlee to the number of 17,rlOO are offered for ml,, hv h ... eminent at the fixed prir of four and one half eenta each. Ther are in Chi- cago, Why ahip bread from Portland. 7 26 o Dance, M. B. A. dat. July 26. Good four piero orchestra. Auto leaves Ma sonic Temple 8:.'l(l. 7. 25 Mra. Lncy Johnson proprietor of the Hlem rooiininir hnuw dm fv.i.,m;i utreet, broke her arm a fvw days aco wiuie cranking an automobile. 0 Save the evening of July 31 for the '.M-uiim pinue. 7. Salem Cigar Factory U now mailnf U Corona" earl "Utile 8nlein"Ti "I Corona" unit "l.ittU h.i.,. .. ff&ra exaetlv . tfcnv WA.a t. - " j mitv ...nun uniurc the war. fmoking; them reminda you of old timet. tf 0 D. II. Talmadire. who tin. lllalsey Knteepiine for the past vear. .1.1 1 ' - "';" mat ne iiitemln to ,lipo " m intereat, there and return to iSa- - r For you at ., , lib in J 4.v.:u!c.on robes rend our ads. Big Jitney dance at fair pounds, Sat. afternoon and evening, (lood floor good music, o . Michigan folk basket piculc at state fair grounds July 31,t 6:30 p. m. 7 23 The funeral services of John Jake, "o uich at tne ae or w h h..i.i Salur.lav morning at 10 o'clock from nev. i,einn.t 1'orter, pastor ef the (First Christian church will condor' j the services, llurial will be in the Odd . now cemetery. Big llUiev danew at f.f. at. afternoon and evening. Good floor R'uu music. 0 . "Doea the TUtb of the I. B. & A o,uar with Mt. Sinnif Hear Prof i L . ' tt K' 1 ''""" wrencHfd A. Oillespie, Moose h. "undTv f'' lh, n,orni"' AI,hou'lh ,h' July 27. 3 n m -";J 1W ' "t prions, it is thought thlft ' ' 0 -".Mr. IVrkin, will not o able to work I. T. Wedei. n w. , .... v flr ,Mr"l "'. M"'.r'!y .r.tM V h'. - JurrZ.. "V"! Y ir. , DAY'S RACING WILL BE MIDSUMMER RACES OF OREGON HORSEMEN'S ASSOCIA TION AT OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS O. E. Price and family are home from a Tjcation rK-nt " at Seaside, where they found the weather and aur roundinga very pleasant. Kdmund A.'Aldrich. son of the Kev. end Mrs. H. X. Aldrieh. 34? Myers street, arrived home yeMerdav, after tea months with the 121st engineer in Franre having rMi-.J Vim 4 ...t.. Thomas T. Shell, a merchant of Wal- iowa, was in the city yesterday visit ing friends. Thirtv years ago, he was a neighbor of .J. E. Seott in. South Da kota. Miss Buth Howard of Tatbot return ed home this morning after a short vis it with her uncle. E. T. Busselle returned yesterdav af ter businesa trip of several weeks in Idaho and eastern Oregon. Street Commissioner Walt S. Low and party will leave next Mondav for a two weeks outing at Breiteiibiish. IHnald Milea returned vesterdav by auto from a trip to California. recovering and(Out of danger. In the accident which demolished his automo bile, he luffcred from a serious nerv ous ahock beside a serious injurv to his tongue. Cloeing out our stock of flour and feed, 254 8. Liberty St. J. D. Waring Co- 723 Dr. Oarl & Miller ha opened hlj dental office at 510 511 U. 8. bank idu. Phone 341. tf 0 Newport flshlna aaason nruini- Kn. od alieed, 15c, and whole fish 12e per pouna; rea eoa lOo Dound. Fitta Mar ket tt 0 The police are of the oninion that T. X. McPhcrson. the man who nrnntor? tn end hia life in the cold clear W ilia 111 etite and wrote hia friends about, was not quite so anxious after all to nuit all of a sudden. After auittinir work for W. L. trailer, ho lost nft iim in cashing his cheek for S0, but in writ ing of his intent to leave iho rl,1 he did not inclose nuy money. Hence juiw at present mere is no special amount of searching along the river. With tO in his Ilocket. thi oliininn I. that he just left for parts unknown to Ket auot ner joo. o w.waw VI Htviicv OLTCLl fa 1 VI It 1 .. . . I'll in ii i uroan go? to rortinud ana (IWrftcts ,thot much frnm iSlim' perity. 726 Attomev P. J. ITiinfv fc.. nm-mA t.i. offices to room 301 Hank tf Commerce 1 none dis. 7. m Special communication Pa cific lodge No. .- F. ft A. M, Sunday 1 p. n fj attend funeral of our late, Bro. A. J. Strung. Visitin; brethren in vi.id to attend. J"b' NOW that th wtrA Anntrftl uai-A I. Washington, D. C, has granted retro activo pay to telephone employe", the girls in the local office will come in for some ready money. The back pay Will be eStiniHtOil On ttia nmmoif na.,i. was drawing. It is figured that it will run irom fa ior tnos wno wero dra ing the lowest pay to higher amounts. Frae lecture VWi,in that . - - j w.. wv..um- eth the world, topic of Prof. J. A. Gil- 1. K. i ..-it 1 ... .. . . im at .uuusu nan 011 in lay July it S p. m. 7.og Walter L. Tooze a.nnnnnrna that til (HI0 has been rais.ul in i).a puniMian put 011 by the Klks for tho Salvation army. Tins amount is the minimum Sl.'l""' A1111'8"11". Turner, Wood silvi'r," raised the .piota assigned them. Chester Alnrphy, own "ic uuiHiing useu ior tiiauiuar- icrs, gave tho use of the store room free for the cnusn. o F. A, Leei haa a 6. acre rhurrv or. hard included in his prune iarui on the Jefferson way about five miles south of Salem, Although this is regard ed s S bad cherry year, his receipts acres amounted to 21.u. ;ror last year, on the aaim. trad hi. receipts were l;tn0. The price re'eeiv' ed this year was 10 cents a pound while last year it was eiht cents. 0 Under the auipicea of the Marion county Holiness association, a ctiuip meeiing will bo held at 14th and A streets, fsnlem from July 31, until Au gust II. There will be nmrninir uruvcr I meeting at o'clock, preaching at' 10 0 clock in the morning and 2:30 p. m. and at o'clock in the evening. Ail ministera and laymen who arc intcr isted in the salvation of s. uls are aak ed to cooperate. The association offi cers are A. Wells, president; it. K. 1 ' eii.ocnon, vice president : W. .1. Jolm- 4 Son. secretary and 1. (!. l.ee. Infurnia tion may be had from A. Wells, grounds, , While assisting in removing some of the large pillars in .the Hughes build ing formerly occupied by the Sjeneer Th. car loTZ Three car loads of rork How long does a pound of tea last? ! Depends on the tea. Fine tea has more cups of real tea-flavor to the pound than common tea. ' On the other hand, you drink more: it is so good. Think this over; and try Schilling Tea, the fine practical economical tea of this country your money back (at your grocer's) if you want it There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, . English Breakfast. All on quality. In parchmyndined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco the Valley Packing eompany in the construction of its plant just north of Salem. It was shipped from Jersey City, -V. J., at a cost of 8S00. There "has also just been received for the packing house plant, a Kewnnee Inde pendent water system, which will be most complete and modern independent water system n the valley. It includes a pneumatic pump with a capacity of MO gallons a minute and a steel tank 28 feet long with a diameter of seven feet. The roof of the plant will be com pleted by August 10, while the stock yards and viaduct scales, machinery and equipment end refrigerators will be placed Oct. 1. Tli owners of the Valley Packing company announce that the plant will be ready to begin operation by Nov. 1. The grades of those who took exam inations for school certificates June 25 are being sent out todnv bv County Superintendent W. M. Smith. For those taking the examination for a one year teaching certificate, an average grade' of 75 is necessary before the certifi cate will be issued. For those stund ing the examination for a five year certificate, a grade of 83 is necessary and for a life certificate, an average grade of 83 per cent with none less than 70 is necessary. The certificates will be issued upon request if made within one year. Constipation causes headache, sal'ow color, dull, sickly eyes you feel out of sorts all over. Hollister' Kocky Moun tain Tea will banish constipation, reg- unte yur bowels, purify your stomach You'll feel better all over. 1). J. Fry. Oklahoma City. James Frederick, white haired negro, chnrged with gam bling eoulda 't tell tho judge ,jut where he was raised. "It wasn't in tha Uni ted States,'' he said. "I think it wns in Texce." WOUErl OF MIDDLE AGE How Lydia E. Pinkham't Veg etable Compound Relieves the Ailments of Change of Life. ' During Change of Life I had hot flashes, riizi'.y spells and every month I waawuawiui misery I had a constant dull pain, and would always feel tired. I suffered in this way for five or six years and was treated by a physician and took different remedies wit boat benefit. Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Com pound was recom mended to me and I took it, and I believe I would never have been well if it had not been for the Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am recom mending your medicine to all women ail ing aa 1 was, for I think it will carry thera safely through the Change of Life, and relieve the ailments that coma at that perio. i."-Mr. ALEXIE C. NaNGLB, Galatia, III. Women whosuffer from nervoasneas, "heat flashes," hack ache, headaches, and ' the broea,' should try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink hatn's Vegetable Compound, and if com plications exist write the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mas The result of their 40 years' experience in such cases to at your service. ! t" x W I it -.-"""'( ill -- AT 1 :30 P. M. ALL PACE. ADMISSION, 50c; GRANDSTAND FREE. ' .. JITNEY' DANCE AT S P. M. The New Figure as designed by the arbiters of fashion is very rhape !y in contour, with a decided curve at the waist. Though the outer garments appear straight, the frocks really fit at the waist line. The modeling of your figure into the new lines, which after all are nature's lines enhanced, will depend entirely upon tne snaping of your corset; tnereiore, it must be selected care- tully. We have many excellent corsets, but we call your particular attention in this announcement to Warner's Rust .Proof, a corset designed on lines ad apted to a figure of the average size as here shown. There are so many good things about Warner's corsets that we might talk on indefinitely, but we will name just two the shape and the guaranty.lt is Accurately Designel and Guaranteed Not to Rust, Break or Tear. Price $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 ,$3.00 up to $5.09 "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY Phone 1072 Com'l. & Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store TENNIS PLAT RESUMED Boston, Mass., July 25. With a clear sky and a light breeze, play was to be resumed in the tournament tennis matches at Longwood cricket club here this afternoon. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. MONDAY. JULY 28 MID-SUMMER MUSICAL EVENT Charles Dillingham 'a Greatest of Musical Comedies Only Company Presenting mwkimm With WALTER WILLS and EOY BINDER Original New York Globe Theatre Production . Two Years in New York City - with its Two Years irr New York City Wealth of Novel Effects mid Wonderful Scenes, Including the Flight of the l'agoda and Airship C'arava is of lJrotty Girls Quaint Toy Bazr.ars 3 reople TiuglingiEgiing Numbers The Famous Clown Band. ' PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00; Box Seats $2.50. Seats on sale at Opera House Pharmacy The Slogan of Today Ship by Willamette Valley Transfer Co, PHONE 1400 Prices Reduced Furniture bought before the rise has now arrived. You can save Money by Buying this week at Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store 271 N. Commercial St Salem. SEEN THIS YEAR ACE In the iScw England sectional dou bles, R. N'orris Williams 11, and Wat son Washburn opposed Josiad Wheel wright and X. V. Oreenough in the fea ture match. Williams and Va"i!ur were sKght favorites. and of the Future Ttftsx!