PAGE 6IX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 23, 1919. Don't Excarlmsnt with Catarrh; t Often Leads to Drd Consumption Yob Wa Never B Cured With Sprayi and Douches. Catarrh U a condition of the blood Mid ctn sot be cured by local appli cations of sprays and douches; this hi been proven by the thousands who hire vainly retorted to this method of treatment. Caurth should not be neglected or experimented with. The wrong treat ment is valuable time lost, during which Hie disease is gelling a firmer hold upon its victim, .and making it more difficult for eren the proper treatment to accomfflish results. Though Catarfh mes its first ap- oearanc In the nostrils, throat and air paiuf a the 4iH becomes man and more aggravated and r finally reaches down into the tin K. and everyone the alarning con dition that results when the lungs are affected. Thus Catarrh way be the forerunner of that most dreaded and hopeless of all diseases, consumption. No local treatment affords perma nent relief. Experience has taught that S S S. is the one remedv whicli attacks the disease at its source, the blood, and produces satisfactory re sults in even the worst cases. Catarrh sufferers are urged to give S. S. S. a thorough trial. It is sold bv all druggists. You are invited to write to the Medical Department, for expert advice as to bor to treat your own case Address Swift Specific Co, 254 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. f GUIS STIFFEN III FLYERS CUT GAPERS 5Eli PRESIDENT DENIES HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLAUSE ON SHANTUNG Wasliinfjton, July 23. rremdent Wil son today issued a statement denying t lint In' was iT"insil)le for the Mian 1 itn settlement, a reported in printed Sliitl'tttl lll'K. The statement folulwn: "The presidenfauthoriic the an nouncement that the statement car Tied in several of the papers this morn ing that he originated or formulated the provision with regard to Shantung in the f-reaty of pi-ace with Oermany la altogether false. " Ho enerted all the influence he was at liberty to eiereise in the cireuiu stances tu obtain a modification of It In-ill and believe that the ultimate jtiuu of .luiiau with regard to (Shantung i will put the whole matter in its true ili-ht." A statement from the white huuve explaining the administration a am tude on the Shantung settlement has been expected ever since it came uu dcr attack in the scnafc. r . X 'JIN I 1 1 m mi I V - X sfltn 'I MSSfa mi 1 1...'. 4mA. -.-"SJTi ,2isaajfc 1 . - "V III I III! IIIIHII ii fll 1 i ! I i i j i II I I i Plf I if! if l! 1 (Continued from page one) t tie lane in whiCi the jo'emor s rldiiiiT, took an up s'dc down dive of a w th'u iinii feet, ij; Sif.njj itself and Addition Of Star Twirler Thrn!1-10 ""on 1 " S"1V M 1 I ine army aviattirs wno were due I early yesterday afternoon, did not ar j rive until after 6 'clock last evening, j due to unfavorable firing conditions Trade Nearly Clinches Leal By H. 0. Hamilton ( Toiled "Press staff eorrespon-lcot) New fork, July 85. The National k-afiie has made antther contribution to Joha M.if'-raw's stiuxule tu wiu peunaut. Venterdav I'hil liouglaiui, one of the and especially low clouds. And for the same rea-son, the trip to Portland was delayed several hours this afternoon. The governor was not the only state official who was favored with airplane riding- this morning, as Dr. B. B. Lea .Steiner, warden of the state penitea Itiury was given breath of fresh air from above. And so was former state treasurer Tom B. Kar. Mr. Kav how- This iMirro Aluminum Kettle HAS TEN SUPERB FEATURES The smiling face of this splendid Mirro Alumi num Tea Kettle is matched by a utility and durabil ity that make him a lifelong kitchen friend. Here are the ten big features: (1) The highly ebonized, sure-grip, detachable handle. (2) Handle ears are welded on an exclu sive Mirro feature. (3) Spout also welded on no loosening no dirt-catching joint. (4) Slotted ears permit handle to be shifted to any desired position without coming in contact with sides of kettle. (5) Rivetless, no-burn, ebonized knob. (C) Quick-filling, easy-pouring spout. (7) Un usually wide base quick heating and fuel saving. Alco prevents flame from creeping up around sides. (8) Famous Mirro finish. (9) Beautiful Colonial de sign. Also made in plain round style. (10) Mirro trade-mark, stamped into the bottom of the utensil. Star features (2), (5) and (10) being exclusively to Mirro. Mirro Aluminum, with its unusual features, is sold at a price that is truly moderate. Come see it for yourself and learn what a different and better line Mirro Aluminum really is, through and through. ; Visit our housekeeping department for any and ill kitchen needs. . RAVL.FAI1KERHARDWAREC0. Cor. Court Com'l. Sts. Phone 191 Everything in Hardware and Auto Accessories :.eS, queers m me "?. was ir.ueu .ver, wa, second in his family to take to the Oiauls by the Ouua, who ook- k rU, MrJ Ky iend in return Dave Roberton, outfielder. tbe ,hrUU of ,i1)lan, ridin Iast rrt. Iteeeirtly Branch Rickey traded 1 Frank wi(h Umrr (,m theTior for Snyder, one of the be-t catchers n jtll0 sir()iane ownei br , iovtl tompaf baiJvall for fred hehupp, a useless. Among othera who now have had the pi u i , r -,. . . .1 , i 'brill, of airplane ridin are Mrs. P. Kobertson will fill a hole in the Cub, . E- j.-uiierton. .Vfrs. W. A. Pettit, L. E. outfield very nicely, but IVed .Mitchell Kastmaa of Silverton, Julian Hur negleeted to state what he expects to I roujfhs Hnrv Harris and P. E. Kuller do to plug the hole wade .through the j ton W uf XoUi4la. .... Aviator Klmer Cook has proved him- Tho deal should practically eiuch the Lelf , m0Ht Mt4etory pilot and here pennant for the Oaaiits. 1 he weak "pot (after he will be plaeed in charge of on the '.New ork elub has been it;the ,U11C 0WncJ by ,ho j.,, eompanT. pitching tatf. m-nton and Barnes haceHe is a former Salem high school st'u worried along with pructica ly the en-,dl.nt ,uil live!( with hij in Polk tire burden on their shoulders. j county. He wa, on the front firing the ;ianti not a whit, for he has not played ibull for a year, declining to re port to iNew York. Douglu has bi'cii a anderer aiuec he first entered the National league. Kirst with Brooklyn, he win traded to ( hii-ago several years ago anil thru spent a teim in the minors before re luming to stardom. Ifis refusal to keep in condition was his main trouble and he Keeins to have overcome, that. line when the armistice waa signed last .November, flying one of the swift Spa ds. "IRE GOOD THAN ALL OFTHE REST" This Is What Farmer Says Of Tanlac-Gains 15 Pounds Had Suffered 25 Years. "You may know that Tanlac is doing me a lot of good or 1 wouldn't have coma nearly twenty niile to get thee three bottles I am buying now," said Samuel Bacon, a well known and pros porous farmer who lives at Boring, Ore gon, while in the Owl drug store in l'ortluud the other day. "I have been trying for twenty five long years to find a medicine or .L.. I.I i r i ucni 911-111 uiai woiiiu overcome uit toneeiisus ot opinion was turn ttio . trouble," he eontinued. "and Tanlac prune nureagn in this county is ufli-jj, the only thing that haa ever done cieutly large to guarantee, through pool 1 ma any good at all. During all these ing of interests uf growers here, to se-jyears i suffered terribly from rheuma cure top price for prunes, ami kIho tuatltism in my back, and there were times the business is big enough to warrant When I was in such ibad condition that the erection of a packing plant by mem- I couldn't turn over in bed, and after born of the association. sitting down for a little while I could As son-, us the present emu is liar- bardly get up again. My kidneys both- vested the prune growers aieto per fect their independent oguui.atiou and proceed with plans for future huxiuflsa. Douglas County Growers Kept Own Organization Rosebuig, Or., July 25. Douglas county prune growers, at a mecling held here yesterduy, voted 1 1 hold aloof kn the Oregon Cionem' aiochitiuii, recent ly organized s , stale wide concern, and to continue "thiur count) associa tion. It was stated that the Duuglus county prune gruwers huve no paiticn 1 111 opposition to the state-wide associa tion, but believe that it wouid be best to give the question deeper stud and wutch development before absnduuing their present plans. NEW ASSORTMENT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S II II U ti l T ILrl S LI! $3.98 to $4.98 m ALL COLORS EXTRA FANCY LACE CAMESOLES NEW AND ATTRACTIVE $1.75 OWE IN AND SEE THEM Extra Values CHILDREN'S HOSE 25c to 40c 15! NORTH COMECIAL STREET 3..Hioh quality , DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS One visit to Salam in eyery 40 yean ard, owner of "Vive I.a France"; Sen is the average made by Mrs. WildaUtor D. H. Looncy of Indepeudence, one Haekett of Anaheim, Calif., who is inj0f the oldest breeders in Oregon; Frank the city today accompanied by her son. Doefler of Silverton, who paid $jl00 for They are on their way to Yakima, Wn., a young Jersey eow at the recent Curey to visit relatives. Mrs. Suckett is a j 81llc who lla fil,c Jersey herd; dauriitar of Willin,., fir.,,j i W- Kinety, pioneer Hereford breeder , ui jiui-n-uy; ine .weivinney Drotners 01 Didn't Care What Happened "I became a physical wreck from stomai-h trouble and was a fit subject only for the operating table or grave yard. Beib discouraged, 1 gave way to drink, which made things worse. I Turner, also Hereford bredcrs; K. A. llt 80 1 li,,n't care whut happened, Hoover of Gervais, one of the leading, and wanted to die. Mayr's Wonderful swine breeders of the state; Frank Remedy has cured me of evnrvthiiur. tsrown or 1 anion, famous for Ins Niort horn herd mid president of the l'neific was born on Howell Prairie. et Together Luncheon Of Livestock Growers . International Livestock exposition; Ken A get together luncheon of the Mar- for C" h' Hawlpy 8,1,1 'n""' I. L. Fat ion county livestock growers in the in- t T.T terest of the Portland Livestock exposl-lo. Crawford. vie.nraill..nt ne rti ir,.i! I intestinal ailments, including aopendi un, win oe nem at the Marion hotel to- ted Stntes National bank. Port bind. c,,.,!'- :me !loso wl" "v,w, ' oneT O. M. Plummer, general manager of the iZlf- J' ' Frry ai Am now in fine condition and feel !!. years younser." It is a simple, kam less preparation thrit remevea the ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation whieh eana es .practically all stomach, liver and morrow noon. Among the gneits will he Oyjil pjk- Pai-i'ie I'lternntinnnl. M ft HOUND COAST LEAOUE BASES (By United Press.) Yesterduy 'a winners: Oakland 2, Run Frnncisco, Yeruon, Los Angeli.a. Home runs: Hchlck, 8eals; Bohne, Lane, Onks; Maggart, Shelly, Hi es. The Beavers had to be suti.ified with four hits off Jim Hi-ott, the Sculs win ning 7 to " The Ouks two two guinea from the Bees. The first was captured six to two, the second 11 to 8. Arbuckle's gang gathered in their third straight from the Haiuiers, 10 to 4. The Angela finally stopped llin Rona tors by steady pltchiug frob Curley liiowu'a to 2. TREE 1 1 SAVK MAIL ORDER POSTAGE-BUYING AT HOME ORMULA OR REGKLES If you freckle easily, this is the sea son to prevent their appearance or re move these unsightly defects. Here is a good old fashioned formula which does the work. lerisil1o, 2 ox. Oatmeal, 2 table)Hionfuls. L'se as directed in every package of Derm illo. This formula can be used freely, as it is absolutely harmless and will not stimiihte or produee a growth of hair. Mix it at home then you know you Imve the genuine article. Do not accept 11 substitute as there is nothing -better, just as good or jut like it. Try it to dnr and you -will be delightfully sur prised. Your frcrklcs and tan will dis appear as if by magic. The fiist appli cation will aitonish you. This splendid formula not only prevents and removes freckles and tan, tint beautifies as well and bringi to any skin that rosy white velvety softness so much desired by everyoue. No other freckle remedy dos this. It is also splendid for dark sal low nkin, roughness, pimples, fclaek-h-a.l. sun spots, wrinkle., chapped skin, and puts the bloom of youth on your cheeks which will cbuv admira tioa everywhere. You will look many years younger and have a akin every one ".hist loves to touch." j X(TK When asked alout Derwillo ;one of our leading druggists said: ("IVrwiil is surely a wonderful aid ,ia removing- freckles and taa. It is awar ahead of anything we have ever mild b.fore, and we are authorized to -refund the money to every disnktia'ied 'fun baser. SYe womM nut peimit the 1 ue if our name unlets the artii-le pes ,eed unusual merit.'' It is sold in this city under a positive money refund guarantee bv all department stores and druggist iiii'luiting 1 he Fry and the Perry drug stores. ercd me a great deal, too. and I would often have to get up four or five times during the night, and the pains 111 my duck were so severe that I rare ly ever got nny step. My appetite was very poor, and vrhat little I did force myself to eat would give me indiges tion in the worst way. I lost lot in weight and finally got so weak and run down that I could hardly walk or stand on mv feet. "Hieu I heurd about Tanlue thru my daughter who had been greatly benefited iby tnliing it. In faet, she was so pleased with Tanlac that she bought me a ibottlc of it and told me that she thmtght it was the veiy thing l neeueil. Well, -sir, 1 .began to feel stronger and better in every war be fore I had finished that first -bottle. I have taken three bottles so far, and I ent so much tlint I actually get us'inmeit of myself sometimes. What I eat agrees with me, too. and I never Imve a sign of indigestion now. I have gained fifteen pounds in weight, and feel like a different man altogether. The puius have left my iback, and my kidneys seem to be in" first class con dition, and I never have to get up dur ing the night any more. 1 am also free frum rheumatism and in fact.vl feel better in every way than 1 have for many yenrs. 1 tell you, this Tanlac is a good medicine, and has done me more good than all the rest of the medicine nut together I have taken during the Inst twenty five years, ami 1 think that is any its g a good deal." Tanlue is sold in Salem by Dr. & C. Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug Co., in Mt. Angel by Ben Oooch, in Oervais by John Kelly, In Turner by H. P. Cornelius, In Woodburn by Ly man n. Shorey, In Silverton by Oee. A. Steelhammer, In Gateshy M.a. J. P. McCnrdy, In Stayton by C. A. Beauehamp, In Aurora by Aurora Drug Store, In St. Psul by Oroeeteria Rtorcr Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in Jefferson by Foshay It Vacon, and la Mill City by Mnrketeria Ore. Co. KEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY "Athens the vtiolct crowned," a book of travel through historic Greece by Lilian Whiting. ' limitation practically applied." by Harold -Jlaeon Wood. "The amazing Argentine" a new land of enterprise by John Foster Fra ser. " Amerieaniaeil socialism," Yan kee view of capitalism. This book shows in a fascinatingly clear and noa technical style that socialis 111 in a true American ideal, ibr James MacKaye. "The riddle of the Purple Kmper or," the disappearance of the precious jewel which was stolen from one of the sttcred Idols some vears before. A tale of baffling mysteries, by Thomas anil Mary Hansaew. For the Children "Work a lsv doings" br Kmma S'rl. "Blue bird for children." by f?cnr gette (.ehlane. "Winona of the campfire," by Mar garet Widilemsr. r.ight thousand pound? ef Imps, the liISerop 011 the farm of Hamitt broth ers of Lsne county, have been contra-1 ed at ") cents a pound. Re-id. nts of the, lower I'nipqna river a.-ar R.Hd.vort re demandisg that Oniglas eountv construct within a Tear a highway to the eountv seat. ?; Salem Sample Store J 141 North Commercial Street i106 CfouS' th,7 cominS here for real bargains in Men's, Women's and Children s Shoes,. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, bint Uses and Bags. Knowing wTiere and how to buy and using immense quantities for our chain of stores enables us to get and make a lower price. Below a few items for your comparison : Men's Outing Work Shoes 1 Men's Dress Pants JjaJ$ Greys, Browns and Stripe Worsted.! $1-93 $3.00, $4.00 to $5.50 Men SffSnki SV?LSuitS Men'8 Dress Shirts $2.69 and $2.98 No collar, with soft or Laundered Same in Blue, $2.93 Cuffs 75c Men's Work Shoes Black or Ten Blucher Men's Athletic Unions $2.85, $3.25. $3.85. $4.50, $5.85 75c, 85c, $1.00 Boys' Chippewa Tan Women's White Canvas Shoes Outing Shoes, 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 Plain or Cap toe, Medium heel $2.45 $1.59 Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants Women's White Canvas Sizes 6 to 15 Mary Janes or plain pumps with J1 4Q Rubber Sole SUM Boys' Knee Pant Suits - Greys, Browns, Blues and Mixtures omen g Brown Vamp Lace " ti Qi in 18 AS bnoes, Cloth top to match, Louis ' 10 or Military Heel Men's Dress Shoes $4.98 Browns or Blacks, in various style M . , T?, . TTT" toes and leathers Ie" 8 BI h!te $3.45. $3.98 .$4.50 to $6.50 Cotton E' 2 pair Men's Khaki Pants nu i n , Cuffs and Belt Loops Boj VE c?" Metal ci cc ffi nc English Shoes 165- ls $3.65 to $4.45 Men's Heav? Blue Bib Overalls " Boys' Tan English Shoes $1.60 to $1.85 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 Men's Cottonade Work Pants ' $3.95 to $4.65 Stripes and Greys Whip Cord Pants $235 SI .98 Corduroy Pants ..:...Z . $3.75 C. J. BKEIER & CO. YOU DO BETTER HERE FOR LESS HW HMtMi