Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 25, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editor n3 Publisher
age or i tie vapita
m mi
V 7
July 23. 1919 TxB
Pcblished Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, j The thousands of persons who will journey over its
j&muuui Mreixues in years 10 come Will 100K out upon some
,of the truly grand scenery of the world. On one side the
'road overlooks a sheer drop of 3,000 feet. Travelers will
;be protected from dangerous skidding by great concrete
j posts and strong cables.
OEEGON laiuuua ivuuiuu I uauy, una mgnw ay is expect
ed to endure lor centuries. Perhaps it is a sign of the
Address All CommanicatioDf To
138 S. Commercial St.
IVIlw. fc Carrier, tier Tear $5.00 Ptr Mont
Daily by Mail, per rear tt.OO
(Corvallis Oszette Times.)
The Gselie-Ainerieao publisi.es a page
uf extracts from speeches by bir Kd
wurd (arson threatening tag. ..ml if she
attempted to enforce home rule ia I re
tail. I. It recalls the sedition stuff. We
think the O. A. is a!lowin; its preju
dices to run iwar with its judj.uent.
an me extracts were from speeches
Per Montk-
4 times, too, in road-making. More highways and better ma,le before ,h0 '" AU ,fc t.cts
WinriPQ nro AamnnJaA iry QMr Tl,... ,1 1J 1 I reftr to sr,,,,B ,hat lister would tt.ke
v..v "v miiutu m t.cij, ocvuvu. junrjr &11UU1U UC CUIl-jin etM. Britain erait.d the
W D. Ward. Kew York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btoekwell, Chicago, People's Gaa Build ng
Sinn Kein
demands fur indpeiidci;ce fur Inland.
stnicted to last
A good road is not only a convenience to the traveler, !That, piUl ,f lnif'i
ti i i. a II j - 1.1 I I- IeiiuVuce. It wants to remai.i a part of
ill 13 dlSU it IllUHUIHeiil 10 Uie lOreSlgm, pUDllC Spirit ana ;the British government and iaU to re
substantial citizenship of the community that constructs l"ai" " ba(il' t,mt ' teateued to
if TKn V,;u: C i i. fS''t for the privilege.
( Pailw Cspital Joarnal farrier boys,re infracted to put the papers on the - Y . , ac. .0w here is smue real aeuiUon,
lot do this, Binaee you, or negieera goiung me pape" uunucu. a nc otciuv; UitlUWiiy ui UlUiaUO IS DtinK UUD-'l'0 "1 l'"iisueu tjv the !Sinii r.
rtk. II tae earner aoa aot oo inn, Biiea juu, or m-Kicua govnug iuo uukhvu. nu. sumv iiigiinnj ui VUiuiuu is uemg uup-1
T. USir lSw& TCta. toiSS , I ica ted in many places in Oregon and other Pacific coast;
run dur-
i nit; the late war and em ulated ail over
. . . ..n I-..-, DknB!".vM .11 nHiiH M-i.vj All Vi V. tun ai HI ULlltTI i CHJiilU LUdM . . . ....
r et dctermun aeier r not we rarrirra are lunuwiud iuiiinwa. v - . . , " . . . , ureimiu. it is merelv a sample of a lot
1 before T:30 o'clock asd a iwper m ee aent you vj ijum meMug u u v iuucj, anu tuc uuiv uciiigl-T UUlL ttJ13 LO lOUm IS Uie len- 'of similur stuff that t-inu li:ier put
... it...... .....
aamer aai nuaiea yoa.
U the only newspaper in Salem whoee circulation U guaranteed by the
Audit Buxeaa Of ClrculatloD .
j ' j " " o xi.iu w .win i.j vii. v.ii w B..."t.ii B..IU null riiiu xtlliers pill
. dency to attempt to improve too many roads at the ex-i""1 ,0 fmh iiies ami hdp Ger-
I e . i.r ... . ' . .... . thi:nv.
pense 01 permanency, vve ougnt to begin to build roads
i tw as they did in the old Roman days to last forever.
The Ore gonian has found something in Bryan's opin
ions to endorse when it quotes him as professing to pre
fer partisan to independent newsanners. If it is true.
r,-, it? p ' n -t tr e m;,i iu I however, that Mr. Bryan holds such a foolish notion it
Iho Uar Savirgs Committee of one of the Middle- j k th w tM gS he advocates stand out in strong
Western states has a lew things to say about good cus-er by Wfly f NJfnut
"When the town is flush with money, almost any cus-1 mo cstion at time, as is generally
tonier is a good customer. But when the wheels stop,1
business can be done only with the man who has cash or
"The man who has something saved is the only good
customer when times are dull. If a man did not save when
times were easy, he cannot be a good credit risk.
"A woman who is a good customer can be recognized
the minute she comes into a store.
"If she knows how to buy, she knows how to save. If
she knows the value, of goods, she knows the value of
credit. If she respects what she owns, she respects what
she owes.
"Business is, done for cash or credit; the other thing
is charity.
"Credit comes to an end when a man can't pay his
bills. Cash business stops when a man can't pay money."
No one with decent pride or self-respect wants to be
the object of charity, yet judged by these standards the
number of charitable- cases in the buying world today is
enormous. ,
Thrift alone will raise the individual from the char
Sty class to the good customer class and keep him there.
T),.1A.. "11 L.L1 . I
i icuy suun we win prouaoiy nave scores 01 am
bitious towns claiming to be the "aviation center" of the
state. But just now Salem has no rival in this respect,
since Olcott field is the only place in Oregon where aero
planes are flying every day, as well as the regular stop
ping piace ior tourist aviators who are now becoming
fjuue numerous.
The state of Colorado is building what the state
Ftate highways commission hopes will prove to be the
most wonderful road in the modern world. It is of solid
granite and is costing $25,000 a mile.
The road will run through the Rocky Mountains.
By Walt Mason
A newspaper headline this morning says, "Order Re
stored in Washington.": Evidently the fellow who sent
out that message hadn't looked in on the senate.
Hunting a Husbana
I am eiixngod to ie married. It is all
so easy. 1 wonder why all girls don't
do it. Jut put their minds on their uit
ask now lodged wish. And It ia an'oinp
liulicil. Mother looks anxious. Often I rnteh
her dtuilving me with puintiil thought
fulnesn. !She hus not seemed hupvy
about my engagement. She has said lit
tle, Vet one knows iiiom Ihiuus Kit limit
I am to meet Jim at the Grand t in
iihI. Mis mother is an itivalM, Mie is
home from the sinntui iiiiu. She wants
to see tne. Will I waive the usual for
iiialiiies to go .to see herf I have never
met Jim's mother. I know she must li?
like him. Her letter about my en yns'
in f 11 1 was so tine, so tender.
Vet I dread the meeting. Will she
approve f Or will she see all the little
tliiims in me 11, at are not w.uthv of
I him -niv .I'iin. Mow I hone thor'will
like me. his Inmilv. That 1 will be one
of them.
It i evening. I have returned. 1
waned for Jim in the (jrent waiting
room at the station. I loved it all, wait
inn 'or hi in, The blue domed roiling
with its inrr'oid "tars. And the hurry
ing people --Mine nnxioiii tatnw im-
the floor; if they have lest a round, they soon bob up for n r,'w hiTr- f
n ti i i " i i i i J .. I'ould open tnv arms to the worried lit-
more. By rortune luffed and Kicked, and swatted on In., mother ami her i.ui.v. i restrained
'mvse t from le mur t ie n .1 iniiii u'l.irn
I knew the porter
Some fellows won't stay downed when they have hit
to get hu train.
I'uiild do it lietlor,
Then 1 saw Jtfrt coming to ine from
the crowd. Jim, tall anil dark, his eano
swinging on his arm. But it was not
he. Only a tall struner. Ho stared at
me with hard eyes. 1 had waited twen
ty minutes. I began paeing the station,
I tried to forget mysolf in the groups
or people, kaiemiscopie in their con
stunt change.
I looked at the largo lighted clock.
We would miss our train! Jt's only a
trifle anyway, I said to myself. He is
taking you. Kor the time let him think
for you.
Men are aneh busy creatures. It must
be absolutely ueieswiry or Jim would
. d Here, ,
j I was tired now. Ho I sat on one of
l the long benches.' I watched listleslv
the hurrying people. They no longer
held interest for inc. A man taller than
the rest, could not even sivo me a mo
mentary hope now. For I knew he was
not enming. i still sat there. What was
the use of going home to restlessness
ami doubt.
Once to fail me would mi-tin nothing.
But this was the second time. Out of
the diiuhs of my iniinl emnc that pie
Hire uf Jim. Jim, as 1 had seen him,
sitting on a lower step of the porch,
Jim lighting a cigarette, the match
trembling ia his hand. Trembling so
violently, that the light flickeied and
was amothered in the dark.
What did it iman I felt tired al
most ulilcr.
1 am home now. Yet, no word. Xo
sign. What can it mean?
Tomorrow Shattered dreams.
Irish Hymn of Hate
God of Mercy watching
O 'er the Irish race
Save our nation's honor,
Keep us from disgrace.
Let thy powerful arm
Higlit o'erthrowing mig)jt
Lead the German armies
In tins glorious fight,
tied of Goodness watching
O'er our country's weal
(live all British soldiers
l uiest Essen steel.
Sioilu those British bulldogs,
Make the cowards yell,
Send th'iu, God of Vengi aw,
To their place in lleil.
"Can You Beat It?"
Yesterday, July 23, 1919, a Mrs. Squires, from out ef town, brake her
glr.s.-ws and brought thcui to us for a new lense at 1- o'clock- (nuoi)
requesting that she may get them at 2 p. m. the same day. The lenses
were of the complicated, kind. The kiud that formerly must le sent to
Portland to be ground. The glasses were ready at 2 p. m., ground from
the rough glass, edged, drilled, In short, "finished" in our own, shop,
which is the best equipped, with all modern and new machinery, of
r.nv shop in the state. ,
We have the only lensc grinding plant in Salem. We not ouly edge
your glasses but grind theai from the rough blanks. We would be
pleased to show you.
You can get better glasses and better service in Salem than any
where else. May we serve you. We are equipped to examine your eyes,
grind and make your ls.saes and give you unexcelled service.
Opposite Ladd ft Bush Bank
I Tobacco Habit
his strongly endorsed idcr.s are about to
be accepted fullv and completoh' wo
man's suffrage and nntinnnl prohibition.;
ile even believes that the whole world
will be brought iuto prohibition within'
his lifetime , and he confesses to ."!' years says Ikistor Connor formerly of Johns
at the present time. lopkitis hospital. Thuusajids of men
sintering from fatal diseases would la
Word was received by Commissioner in perfect health today wero it not for
Harvey Wells yesterday afternoon , the deadly drug Nicotine. Mop the
about 4 o'clock, from a member of the habit now before it's too late. It's n
searching party w ho wore looking for simple process to rid yourself of tba
A. I". Barber, stating that the missing lubaeea habit in any form. Just go to
man had boon located in the heavy 'any up to date drug store and get noina
timber in the vicinity of Bi-eitenbuh j Nicotol tablets; take them as darectci
springs, in Lane county. He had lot;'"l lo; the pernicious habit quickly
his way in senrching for the trail back ,vnnishes. Druggists refund the money
to camp where the other rrembers of," H'e.v foil. Bo sure to read large and
bv Doctor
" - - nauuvini UUOiii W.IIIUUt IOOU. : ,-.". ,u ufjnai .u 1013 yafvi
number of German-Americans who took j Aside from being hungrv, he suffered jit " ' the uuuxor 0f nicotine pois
too prominent, n part in sympathizing .no injury from his experience. One of 'oning and how to avoid it. In the mean
the search ino; partv sent out from here time try Nicotol tablets; yon will b
last night by Mr.' Wells returned this Surprised at the result. I). J. Try.
afternoon, stating that Mr. iHarber had"! 1 "
decided to go on with the party to the naroncss de la Koche, the frenca,
foot of Mt. Jefferson. " j Beatrix, wis killed in an airplane ac-
N'o American of Irish extraction en
dorses any such sentiments ns loose, yet
they are the sentiments of I he leaders
..M .1. . LI- .. T, , ..... . r.
oi mo rutin rein movemeiK. jiemom-jth rW had stopped, and for two I interesting announcement
bennff the odor that ,..nne In n onull .i i . i ., . .. . . , ! i
n - - " ,uav wat nereii nnoor
with Germany, Americana uf all foreign
extraction should be mighty eareful In
not lotting their sympathies foi the land
of their birth get away with their Amer
icanism or their good judgment.
MR, BRYAN vindictive ,nnd in one dramatic erisis.
Be jrenernusly stepped aside, uid throw
(Medt'ord -Mail Tiibune, b'l p.) Ins tremendous personal influence to
Age can not wither nor custom s-tule ward Woodrow Wilson, not on the
Mr. Hnuu's persistent popuiatity. He ground of personal advantage, but mire
the shins, they don't know when they're licked, and take
it all with grins. Soon Fortune weary grows of furnish
ing the gaff, of finding that her blov3 are greeted with a
laugh. She calls off all her bets, resorts to kindly shifts,
end makes those fellows pets, and loads them down with
gifts. Among successful men you'll find a hundred guys
who, floored again, again still to their feet would rise;
l hey u spit out broken teeth like (ireck in Homer's pomes !lia! u''''" nw M ' ii,,k'i h:i t 'y i the ground of mora principle,
until the victor's wreath was placed upon the r domes Me- T V' I ' . l,,, n W"J 8bul,t ""'
4hrL-c l,nt M,f 1, U 1 OOIIH U takes which would have ruined ! pub -j ingratitude of republics. Hut there is
inirikS Hint eH,' RfHt WllO tO the heights arose has had'1"' " " "'' hundred, ho t the; littlo in Mr Itiyan's career to support
his features bcr.t by Fortune's shrewish blows For life'""1'"""1 fm a,f,'"t ""' i,,,ll"'"" trmiition. i fact c ha,-jnd the
i", not SO soft that inv hnnvin J-.v ,..in ,.n.,f,h 1, . '.0 , l "" mnn '" l",,,ir li,V' m"r, ' XXh" ,,"''t "'' ' 'os' I'opi'bir public
lo noi so sou mat anj nunian j.ij can reach the place aloft .popular ...,ti, the rank and f,b, wi,erime i,. 0,0 ro.ii.trv t...uv ,l mn Lrvn
on veivet all the way. e all encounter blows, who take 'rv,'r ho K'"'' ,h' l,0"i'10 1 l"','r ,"d ''k,!iii nni Tart, one whose trage.iv was.
,, ,t,,i n,i lu.ur linn in come i;iiin. i.c ii.tioii iu iiccotiie president, the Ot!l
Because whvf Well, in the first or whose tragedy was , that ho succeed
place Mr. Ilrvnn is a good loser. In the ted.
(Corvallis Oiir.etto-Timcjs, Kcp.)
Hon. William Jennings Bryau was not
with us Hiinduy night, but mellowed au.
genial "Hill came to us and gave, us
a friendly talk from the depths of hib
heart. Ihe silver tongue of the old
days was not In evidence, and the fire
and enthusiasm that enabled hi in to
force a contrary view upon uu unwilling
audience of tiie cliautauqua season, dis
tard aiming paramount issues "iuiper
iiilisnt,' fur instance but Bib the Op
timist, Bill the Happy Ntory Teller, Bill
the Persuader, Bill the Evangelist, wns
with us and he entertained most han-
1 ily the largest audience of the chuutau-,
qua season, probably Suoo being gath
ered iu and about the tout. And he is
even greater man today than when he
led the ttilveritPN, or the AiiU-lmpcrial-'
ists ,or sought to care for the duties of
secretu of state, for he is now jut an'
ordinary citizen trying to give the peo-'
pie the advantage of a long experience'
filled with the defeats that have not
soured him. A mnn who fan endure pre
sistcnt defeat and smile hus in him more
of greatness than most of those who are'
successful for the time being.
Recount Successes. i
Mr. Bryan's opening half hour was
giou out to the joy that is his in hav
ing championed the two great causes
that have now come into public ac
knowledgment as necessities popular
election ot senators, which he advoiatod
twenty nine years ago ,i.ud adoption of
the iiiioiiip tsv. And he took further
pleasure iu the fact that two more e
eident nt Ootov Saturday.
Come and Help Yourself
To our quality shoes with prices that cannot be dup
licated'at the factory today. " r
Genuine Brown calf Florsheim shoes $12.90
Genuine Brown calf Keith Konqueror shoes....$8.90
and $9.90
Genuine Kid, wide or narrow last ....$7.90, $8.90, $9.90
Genuine Black Calf, wide or narrow last
$7.90, $8.90, $9.90
Bear in mind that we sell these shoes from
$8.90 to $14.00 Regularly
These prices good tomorrow only.
Same reductions on Ladies' Shoes
the road to win; some land upon the nose, and some upon
the chin. The weakling rives a vi-11
. . cat") '--- M1IV OttUlO
ms ear, and has a tale to tell of doubt and dread and fe-ir i,ll,r'' 18 " wi,lt ,,u "' ' i'tti criticism f e,t;,er
The strontr mnn trots hU Uft Wo io,u nl,i'!,.u" 'h""At''". "" tMAf- .Iu ,lu: ,M,'n ,,"1- "t-ver mistake, they
. mf(i rr t, ; Tr ""hi ",r". '"r b: .r'-. nm,T. b?v' """' ivaiii,,g
ohm luuuu.-, " u.u a me iiiiii in gei mere in me end. . 1 11 ,no 11
Establiblied 18C8
General Banking Business
Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
ouitll pll.ee .kltllollgh vlctlon .tint both men hmv hc.-n ni..
he tindiiiibte.lly has to pay a iife sinul't,, themselves, both have Jia their dif-i
'" ' 1,x ' always bi-en and is.fereut war, done what thev could, for!
today one of the "plain pe'K" the betterment o ftheir couiilrv.
J moreover ia the realm of political re- Sincerity is the kevnote of it ail. As!
jforin he has always stood lor those lung as 'public man is sincere, which'
principles, which have looked to the is onlv another wav of saving he is hon-
.,-ive.m.-ui u, me iot or rue vcrage est, lie can be fairlv sure of oaving the,
umii. He ha, been a pioneer in the pro I aft lion and resjieet of the ieople,;
gressive movement. And in spito of j whet her ht. cujovs their eouli.Vncc and ,
co is.Hle.it failure, as far as his personal emoloements or not. And this is t- re-i
ambition has been concerned, he hus' freshing and cheering leson. wh.rh re-i
never uvea co.iccrm-d. he has never been news the confidence of even the tuepticj
, embittered: he has newer been sm.-,), in ,,. ,.emM in,tiPe of demo..rnv. I
l I II irTkiQgickntrPfiit
193 I Com'l-over CaUACo.
6. E. Brookins, Proprietor
Faints and S
In compliance with the repeated requests of our customers we have added a
complete line of Nason's Paints, Oils and Varnishes and are now able to sup
PSX0iUTvtf b:St, 9uality (reshPaints- Also the famous ACME RUB
BER LINE. This stock is complete and STRICTLY FRESH. If you need
paint in any quantity for outside or inside use, get our prices.
irri (u
Pvwe.fi n
We have a big
Stock of
Of All Kinds
If you are buying
Dishes see our line
Prices Lower Than Other Stores
Granite ware
Aluminum wa r e
Strictly Highest Grade Stock
All Kinds All Sizes Quality High
Prices Low
Frank F. Ritcher
Always a Square Deal at Richter's.