THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1919. PAGE TWO : society : By GEBTETJDE EOBISOlf The Balem unit of Americaa War Mothers will hold their regular meet ing tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Commercial club auditorium. All " While They Last members ore requested to 4e present. Mrs. William Retzer has returned from aa extended visit with relatives ; in Fort Townsead. I ale of Blouses ... MUs Anna Mowlcn of Portoit, Mich-1 igao, ig a kouse guest of Mrs. Bay L. Make them yourself while your wife is away flumJEMJHA rbhkhhb When you want an easy breakfast, as well as a mighty good one, make Aunt Jemima Pancakes. No expert knowledge of cooking is needed all the ingredients to make the best cakes you ever tasted come already mixed in the flour. Even sweet milk, in powdered form so that you add nothing but water. In half a minute ycu arc sitting down to a big stack of piping hot, brown pancakes that sure do "hit the spot." Get a package of Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour from your grocer today. "I'se in town, Honey V CMnrtifet lilt. Awt Jmlui MIIU Oxnwil. Bl tawh. MlaMUt 15 j ALREADY In THE ROlM SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE BUYING AT HOME TURKISH TOWELS FOR A THOROUGH RUB-DOWN AFTER A COOLING PLUNGE Did you see our windowful of Fancy Towels? Big, thirsty fellows, full, from edge to edge, with the vivifying element that only awaits application. They are pretty, too, and the only reason we bought so many fancies is because they are really much better values than we could get in plain whites. Colors are 1 pink, blue and yellow. 1 1891 Plm'n IV.,... fan., EY 18x35, Plain Weave, fancy stripe......50c 18x36, Fancy Brocaded 60c 18x38, Brocaded, rood value 65c t 21x37, Pretty Brocades 95c 22x12, Fancy Striped, extra good 75c 21x10, Brocaded, very good $1.00 SORENESS In Jotntt or mus cle, giy a brisk BiaSMg with VICKS VAPORU YOUR BODY6UARP--30r-.60f.fl.20 est 1 For JOUR CHOICE OF ANY STRAW HAT IN. OUR ENTIRE LINE We are determined that all Straw Hats must go this season regardless of their value. Sailors and Soft I Straws of all kinds and shapes, some of thtm priced i ud to $125. none reserved. All sizes. 6 .1-4 nn tn 7 .9 Y:ur choice at $1.00 f l.irge lot good sailors, each 50c I 1 ALL rAnAMAi-HALF PRICE Many Candidates Mentioned t To Succeed Baom As Trexy' fan Francisco, July Wi. Inte rest in tho Pacific, count league pennant race ii loKfi today and attention la now being centered on the presidency race, following the resignation of Allan T. Uauin. Among the rsiulidntcs mentioned are Harry Williams, Lo Angeles sport writer; Rd R. Hughes, Rnn Francisco sport writer; William 11. McCarthy. San Francisco clibmnn; Judge Thomaa P. (Ira)iam, San Francisco jurist; Chas. Uoescnian, president of the Sacramen to Club and Frank. Woodward, diree tor of tho Oakland club. TAN. RED OB FREcklXS SKIN IS EASIXT SHED To free your summer roiled shin nf its inuddinea freckles, blotches or tan, tho host thing to do is to frca yoar.iclf of the skin itself, lliis is asily ac complished by the iim of .w-.linary met coined wax, whi'li of course run lie hail at anv drug store. Vre at miit a you use eoltl ercam, w. -.ting it nf in the iimriwng. Imnieiriitely the offend ing surface skin begins tt, csnic of. in fine powder like particle, j the entire outer sarf (-kin 'a absorbed without the least harm er incinvtn ience. The second 'a r of s'.tn now in I ev dence presents a spot'.eM liitenml ai d spark bug beauty ,bta. liable in nc ether wae hie ounce of nun.-oliit I wax usually is suffiei "it to complete ly renovate 4 bad . ipb-xion. " FOLK 18 CUTTINQ HAT Pulla, Or., July 14. Polk 's big hcut harvest is on in lull ll;.t in praetieally every mcliiu this week. A tlio (grain ripened rapidlv during the warm weather of the ptat few weeks the harvest is a few days earlier than had been contemplated by the big wheat growers. The crop this rear will be i"ne of the largest ever harrested in I'ulk county as several hum. ml more acres were plowed and sown to her.t !u,t fa'l on account of the hih price iaurcJ t'ae farmers by the (toxeruu.ent. Threshing will begin at an cirty date. The threshermpB are experien. mg a lit le difficulty in ohlaiaing he!p but e Hct to ha"P their full cres by the time the s-'awia opens. Waes iie at tra.-l i e ibis year aid a number of Jerks in the Mercantile establishment ntend ti h ml thir va.uli-; in the harvest fields. t armer. .... I At a social meeting of the W. C. T. r. in Portland Wcdnesdur, Mrs. Ada j Jolly gave a talk on the W. C. T. U. j jubilee drive." ISbe referred to the era- j sailers who initiated the work in 187o ! and to Frances Willard who devoted her life to the work at her owa expense The fruition of this long effort is reach ed today in national prohibition. The effort is to win l,0t0,000 mem bers and to raise $1 each for the dif ferent departments of work. A large fund is set aside for the working wo men of whom there are 14,000.000 in our country. Work for tho foreign wo men and their children, instructing them how to care for their little ones and also the moral education of all The youths, boys and girls, is also a de partment for which the fund will care. Keailipiarterg are to be established in Washington D. C. ... late arrivals in Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steelhaminer, brother and sister-in-law of Oscar Steelhaminer, sec-1 retary of the Business Men s league. 1 They will make their permanent resi dence here, Mr. Wteelhanimer having accepted an important position with tho Valley JItrtor company. ... Reverend J. H. Buck, who has fceen enjoying a vacation at Frinco Rupert, B. C, returned to fcnlem today and will resume his pastoral duties at Bt. Joseph's church. Mrs. Oeorge, K. Terwilliger, who has been 5n California for the past sovernl weeks taking- a post graduate course in embalming, has returned home. Yes-, trday she went to Portland to meet her son, Orley Leffingwell who, with several othor Salem boys, stopped over for a few hours on their way to Camp U'wis. He has just returned from eigh teen months service in the A. . F. having left with Company M, and, with the othera in the party, is awaiting his discharge at Camp Lewis. Mrs. Rubert Kji.kin and Mrs. S. K. Pnrvdue were iPortlnnd visitors yester day. ... The Misses Ksther and Margaret Hal rorsen of Eugene were Sulciu visitors yesterday as the guest of friends. Professor Florian Von Karhen left today for itrin through 1 hi I las, Mc- Minnville, Sheridan and Amity, in the interest of Willamette university. CLOVERDALE NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service) Cloverdale, July 25. Walter Blaco hn his new bungalow nearly complet ed. The loganberry season is half gone and yet the fruit is abundant on the Vines and pickers are busy from day light till dark. Olin lladley, ho hat been doing re construction work- in France, arrived in New York July 3 and ia expected nome any day now. The new Friends minister has rent ed 1-evi Flif let s residence and expects to move his family in the last of this week. Ivan Hadley and his cousin from Ta eoma accompanied by Oscar Fliflet, 'pent last Tuesday at Silver Creek falls. F. A. Wood and sons bonxht fine new binder last week but Monday the team ran away with it, smashing it up a bit. O. W. Farrig and wife motored to Belknap Hprings last Wednesday to spend a few weeks t. A. Wood and family weie ia Ba lem last Saturday. Mrs. M. Fliflet ' father and her three sisters from Wisconsin arrived hero today to make her a visit. Cools the stomach, washes out the bowels, drives out impurities, helpt the liver1 it's Ilollister's Boeky Mountain Tea. Take it ones week during hot weather and see how happy and eon-1 tantfA v.. it 'II Ha 'I - T.l. A- T.l.l-.. 1 D. J. Fry LARUE BEATS BAKRY 100 Wonderfully Attractive Models in Silk Waists INvo fortunate purchases of sample lines of choice crepe de chine and georgette waists, to which has been added a number of much higher priced waists from our own stock, make possible an offering at this time that will make it well worth while to supply your needs for ome time to come. All Wanted Shades. All Sizes. AH Perfect Garments High necked, low necked, round neck- The colors are Flesh, Maize, Rose, ed, collared models and some with Grey, Blue, Orchid, Sand, Navy, also no collars; some slip-ons. White, Coral, Green and Liberty Red ? An Unusual Assortment An early selection is advisable, for these are Wonder Wasts at I 9(Q. Silver produeers of the west are P'O" testing against negotiations the treas- i ury department is reported to be con sidering for disposal of 100,000,000 ounces of silver te England for coin age purpose at il an ounce. ITS UNWISE ta nut off to-day's duty WttQ to morrow. If your stomach la acid-diaturbed taka liKlQiQS tho Hair aid to digestion comfort today A pleasant relief from tho discomfort of acid-dyspepsia. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNt MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION DAVIDSON'S IDEAL BREAD White Whole Wheat Raisin DELICIOUS and APPETIZING TRY IT! And Be Convinced On Sale by The Peoples Cash Store - 178-186 North Commercial St. Phone 453 You See What You Buy Before Payin? Buying At Home Oukland, t'al., July 24. (United: Press.) Tho fat lj-.rue Jim Hurry no here Inst nipht ws awarded to Larue.; The bout was generally ronecikd to be' a citrus. Jimmy luffy took the dcris-j ion from Jimmy Marshall in the semi final. 1 m i One dollar a box is the average) price being received by Axhland peach growl ers lor me earn- varieties. GR OCE RIES FREE! WITH EVERY $5.00 ORDER WE WILL GIVE A QUART JAR OF V0GANS MARSHMALL0W WHIP FREE! Watermelons on Ice, per pound, lc Cracking Good! 0ST TOASTIES 3 times a day Best of Corn Flakes Sauer kraut, 2 large cans 25c Marshmallow Whip, pint jars....30c 4 Rolls toilet paper for 30c Rolled Oats, per box ....30c Royal Club Asparagus, can 40c Mt Hood Bleaching soap, 4 bars2c Pearl Barley, per pkg. 15c Mt. Hood Pummice soap, 3 bars 25c Mt Hood Tar Soap, 3 bars .23c Rex Amonia, bottle 10c Council Vienna Style Sausage,- can - - He Council Hamburger Steak, can 14c English Walnuts, lb - 43c Council Corned Beef Hash 14c Ed 15 o as r ai UJ m r a Comb Honey 30c Picnic Tlates 23 to the package, per package 10c White Crepe Napkins 40 to the package, per package 10c Red and Green Peppers, per bottle - 15c Lee and Perrins Worcestershire sauce, per bottle 32c Rolled Oats, Premium, pkg 33c Folgers Golden Gate Coffee 2 1-2 lb. can $1.33 Marshmallow Whip, qt. jars 50c Mason quart jars, per doz 98c Graham Flour, 10 lb. sack 60c N o-Vary Grocers THE QUALITY STORE Phone 409 383 Court St.