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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1919)
5250 CIRCULATION (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Cireulatioa. ia Salem Gaar anteed by ths Audit B urea a of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY KEW3 SEBYICS WeaAer Report Oregon: Tonight ard fatur- dav fair west portion, f a.r and cooler at portion, t.eni!e wet ertv wiida, ON TRAINS AND "! 6TAXDB FITS CJkST FORTY- SECOND YEAR 174.-EIGHT PAGES. SALE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY E5, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS A I i (1 It WM tip Oil 10 4 'i'"'TIZ ADOPTION OF RESERVATIONS HELD LIKELY Senator Fittaaa Asserts Treaty's Fate In Hands . Of League Foes. INTERPRETATIONS AND . EXPLANATIONS FORSEEN Speech First Admission Of Strength Of Demands For Reservations. Washington, July 23 (United Press.) Admitting t lie possibility that the ten ate may adopt reservations to the peace treaty, Senator l'ittman, Nevada, ia speech to the senate toduy, dcclaivd the treaty') fate rests ia the hands of those demanding interpretations an explana tions. l'ittman' s speech is the first admis- siouby un administration senator that the demand for reservations has any real strength. , "If reservations may be made that we 1iave a right to feel certain will e accepted by ail the other nations with out involving reopening of the whole nutter of pence negotiations, in my opinion such reservations will be p proved by two-thirds of tho seua'.e,' mi id I'ittnmn. League Is Safe. "The fate of the league of nations does not rest with those senators who would destroy or emasculate tiie cove mint but with those who fuvor the loKgue, but who now have in mind rati fication with interpretative reserva tions. These senators have nenriy all indicated they will not do anything knowingly that would result in dustrmv tiou of the league of nations. They me moved by no such desires. They me urged simply by fear lest Mmo mis understanding should arise in the future through indefinite language in the body of the treaty. "Tho vital question is whether quali fied ratification of the treaty will send it back for re-negotiation, and if so, what the probable result of action will be. "If it is necessity that the treaty be approved by the senate, it is equally necessary that any amendment or res crvt'-.)i or intesjirctution added by . any other government must receive sen ate approval." Japs Beady to Counter. Warning that counter reservations may be' made by other powers, l'ittman said: "Japan's most bitter fight nt the i'uiiiu'U abe. wah to tfrant the lt-ague of nations jurisdiction to prevent the TTnl ted fttates, Canaili and Australia from (Continued on Page 5.) FLYERS CUT CAPERS OVER SALEMTODAY Governor And Others fen IMing Rides Through Lowering Clouds. Delayed since early this moniicg bq low hanging cloudn over the central WiUamett valley, Lieu tenant E. C. Kiel and Sergeant Frank McKee, arm' avlatcis fly ing planes from Slather Tieid to Camp Lewis, hopped off at '2:30 this afternoon for Pottland carry ing two passengers. Governor 01 cott wa in the plane wiili Lien tenant Kiel i Mrs. W. A. Petit, wife of a Salem press correspond ent, rode with Sergeant McKee. Between dodsring aut iinobile en earth pad kcevrg t;ack p' sC-Tcra1. nr plane in the aky, the avc-age ciVizi n f 8aim was kep, r.-t'y hii'T this morn in j for the tw- army jn':t from - Mathei f'eld n! .h "Jenny'' ':wnfd (y heal company we'i j'i'i', .-, .pe- al eihibitinn for tL'i jpe.-ijl kenvf.t it fl(L. folks. After making sewv.I flights ev-r . the city, the army ;.vii!r-, J.ient. i' Kiel and Seri-ra! Frnnk McKe. r.'w with aviator Llnir t'-ok ij ia i'i in regular army t'oriiir.tiiri. And then the pla-c that camel oOv ernor Olcott proceeded to give onlook ers a few thrills. The vernor and Avi n'or Kiel played hi !e and seek with t;ic cloud. And tii-n the y'ti-r looped the loop, and prm- ede I t '. i ; sever a' -times. To a.!. I few n.v;t thrills CHAUTAUQUA OFFERS ' ' wwwsww- . - ... v-'l-'-:, y n 1 A f-cf. l W x If you want to compress a tribute to imer aud His band into the small- est pesdibJf siace, hero it is. Cunera can tak a specimen of modern dis- jointed, crazy ".laj: ' composition thu m,.t arivriililA iiroiliic.t of Amen-1 can eivilixation and render it in a iAhir Hmt is toleriiblp to a cultivated i musical instinct. He did it last night; and along with it a number of other reiuarkable "stunts ' such as the Ue-1 seriptjon of the jaunt of a couple of hoJos by brake beam steerage, the morning concert of a barnyard popu lace, a hunting scene, a spectacular representation f "The Forgo in the torest" and i description of tne last stand of Custer, including the tom-tom l still working, aud he will tell one of nd the Indian war whoop. In the mat- (he lest stvries of the war ever heard ter of rendition and technique the Ci-in America. mera band is the equal of onything j Hy way of enteflaiiiiueiit today there roade out of brnKS, as was shown in j will be the two Regniers a pair of some of the comic and fantastic per- the most versatile impersonators that formances that set the audience wild 'have appeared 'in the past decade. In with laughter. (eluded in their program is a series of Tho trombone solos of Director Ci-j tenor and soprano solos, piano and mera were among the most pleasing trombone numbers and drnina-tin read featuros of the program, and even more ing. Missouri Senator Presents ; Tentative Reservations To Peace Treaty To President By L. C. Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, July 2o. With reserva tions to the peace treaty the absorbing topic in the senate today 's develop ments centered interest still more on that subject. They iMvluded: 1 Announcement by Senator Spencer Missouri, that In' will present to Presi dent Wilson ut the White House loduy a set of five reservations to be made a part of the treatv, with the claim thi.t f . league, 2 Introduction by Speucer of the official text of China's protest at Paris against the .Shantung settlement and her reasons for demanding abrogation of the treaty of 1915 with Japan. 8 A speech bv Senator l'ittman, Je- vnda. silmittinir for the first lime from the administration side of the seuute the possibility of adoption of reserva tions. Bieneer, who was one of the presi dent's reimlilican callers todav. said that his reservation program consists of five clauses which he declined to make'.. ... public in advance of the conference. l. inns, Hie uocumeiii pur into inc record by ISpeiicer showed, driiianded iibrugation of treaties mid notes ex changed with Japan in 1015 regarding iSlrautu ig, including Japan 's note prom ising return of Shantung to Chins under certain conditions. The Chines grounds fir the abrogation demand weie five: Because the treaties attempt to uc-ai with matters whose .roH-r delermiim - tio lis entirely a right of the p. ace con - ference. ALLID OFFENSIVE TO SUBDUE HUNGARIAN RED ARMY LOOMS IMMINENT Vieaaa. July 23. ( Delayed. 1 Start of the allied offensive against the Hun-''before the woman was struck, leaving gurian red army appeared imminent to-! a streak of burnt rubber on the pave dsy. ' A number of allied officers In-Intent from the tires. Hcrsbcrger pro spected the Hungarian white army at .tested to the police that he was tiavel K.egedia, with view to cooperation. ' iug only 20 uiilea an hour. Aa eyewit- The white commander, Admiral Hortly.j received the entente offi.ers, who Inter; went to the front in the region of the' Tin? river, where the reds nre now at tacking the Rumanians. The Hungarian red army, which allied forces are expected to engage, consists; for driving an autoumbile in s recslese of eUbt diviiO's, totalling 00.000 front j maneer. la the machine with the speed line nj MO.'Ksi reserve trooj.s. There ling driver were his d-ughter Slid Miss are also liw cavalrymen. Material In- Bessie Voler of 221 Eleventh street. ?iVi ns Vsl m.kinii runs tvn P li. lovri. whfl w the accident, told 12 iueh'mort.r,.' airplanes, in moni t Lnarv .r(,r..l Mhlnr l-o,-. PRIM PEAT TODAY i enjoyable were the vocal (Tujuumi or lludamc fafarelli, whose- levering f Bohemian folk songi wsi inot utiique. She was recalled to the platfort i peatettly. , Tu outsianauia' res lure louixni w be the reminiss-euecs of 1'rivate Tea the nervy little K'Susian who aw '"two years -uf hWl5 and same back with a sniR-. Kverybody knows ivi- vate rest uiu;!m Jus juimuauie wru ings on the war. d he' will prove vast ly more interesting on the platform thun in priut. He has been gassed and pretty much shot to pieces, and is minus a part of one luug, but the Uuns didn't get his -bump of humor, 'flint is Because they rontraveiie the allies' formula of justice. Because they violate the leiritorla integrity and political independence of ( huia, guaranteed in conventions be tweeu Great Britain, France, Kussia, the United Suites and Japan. Because they ttrc negotiated in cir cumstanees of intimiilutiou and under duress of the Japanese ultimatum of litli. Hecnuae titer lack fiuulilv. beiuir ho regarded by Japan wlio sougni to make them final by negotiating betoiu l.liina4 u,,),,. r,ompn.ny, Akron, lihio, that was suffered to enter the war ,n set of B eollnjMi(m sf Chicagoans had been secret ogreemeuts. named to fix amounts to be paid fam- The Chinese charged that instructions lli(,s of tnfl 39 (1(.S(l ami injurt., i th0 issued to the Japanese minister ut I'e-! re,.CI,t blimp tragedy here, king in 1915 just before preseulntion of Tho Hnoueeinciit, made by G. M. the famous 2 I demands on China proved stadelman, vice president of the tire that "Japan s dominant aim in the war Ponll,anv declared the eompnny will pay was the strengthening of Japan's posl- wiih,,t" rcaUtancc any amount the com ; " eastern Asai by all menus within , llcr, Pow,'r-" China was purposely kept out of tlie;bu, mvf, 01)I,ortunity "offered war iu August, 1014, the delegates l charired. so that Japan miiiht hue uu! opportunity to get possession of Kiuo;t,M1)l)t, of it0)ttr, ju,s, Henry Hor- P10W inilhhaTu ll.ail KUHS gy ft a . ... uver rortiana woman Portland, Or., July 2'. Mrs. Sarah Auinand-oii of hixty-Hcvciith slieet and' Thirtieth avenue suffered injuries which uisy prove fatal last night when ihn wfi. run ilimrn liv tu Bulnmnbill I . j j H(.rsberxer Oi' Hubbard, ; 0f who wM tr,voU wcst oa i)ivlgion 1 . . k ,h wem she was crossing the Hilt) seventh street intersection. - The victim of the accident was drug ged a distance of 50 feet by Inn speed ing; autoist, according to eewilncse. Both her Jgj were broken end she suffered interns! injuries. According to eyeaitnestes the ma- Ichi' skidded a considerable dbdane ness to-d the officers that the men was driving fast that he was unable So stop the machine within a di.'laiice of M feet. He was arrested" by Motorcycle Offi cers Scott and Xorene and locked up - ithe p.Jicc thst HersWrger was driving i it lR.t ( Uli'fS .1 tlOll. t the liH.C FIRST AERIAL -! MAIL STRIKE x CALLffi TODAY Postal Pilots At Ecbsst Park Field Refuse To Hake Flights. DISCHARGE OF FELLOW AVIATORS PROTESTED Type Of Planes Proriddls One Cause i Of Grievance. Birdmca Declare. ft LSVESUOATION ASKED Washington, July 15. An in vestigation of the charges that the postoffiee department failed to provide mail aviators with modern safety dewier is asked in a resolattoa introduced a the house today by Representative Raiuayer, Iowa. Ramsyer also asked complete investigation of all aerial mail activities of the department. Xvw York, July 25. The first avia tors strike in Ijistory was under wsy here today. A score of aerial mail pilots, follow ing rejection of their demands for im mediate restoration . of two of their number, discharged by the postoffice department, failed report for woik, at Belmont Park, L. I. . ' . . The discharged men are Iou Smith and Hamilton Lee, who were relieved from duty after they refused to carry the New York-Washington raaii Tues day. They ulleged the weather was bad anil that the machines furuinhed them were in dangerous condition. It is wi derstood the postoffice department con tends the planes were safe and that (Continued on pag five) Commission Will Decide Damage Claims Result From Chicago Blimp Fall Chicago, duly 2.1. (United Pres.) A new departure In settling outside of court for damages done in grat disas ters was seen today in the announce- ' nt of 0ffic;aiH 0( the Good car Tire I mi,ion ,wAn on. Families, however. I are not required to accept the amount, Mvt t,IJioua court proceedings." House systems, expert mnrKeiing serv- ,,;..: t,tch I,.. o,M....t..d.l"p,, in vr"' states and uniformity jner, John H. Wigmore, dcau of the N'orthwestnrn University Law school, and John J. Mitchell, president of the 'Illinois jruui - Mi" t,m,... ;t" tragedy occurred. but th' bUl aint. remarked TU1 Moats th ' OtbeT dT. Wht ' th tde Ol S fUT AEE MARTIN V T rl i lL V WW I II I 'I I i VfVl I ..1 I Flxin' an ruto may b jues work wrap far summer. Southern End of County Is Greatest Producing Section For Prunes Statistics Show la Us section of the eounty around uraer there is disposition to go into Turaer taere is disposition to (O into the prase business, as out of th 12,""'iin acre assessed by George Farris, he found 664 acres ia bearing prunes and -2-9 acre coming oa. In th matter of grains, the section goe strongest into oats as 1.106 acres are ia oats, 785 in winter wheat and 301 acres ia spring wheat. This is a pretty strong proportion of spring wheat compared to winter, as in the Howell prune assessed (IMrict, wita I.V2U acre, there are 3102 acres in winner wheat with on'y 99 acre in pring whwat. la this Turner section or tne county aaeaaed by Mr. Farris, there is 6 acres ia fcarley, 121 in rye, 181 in yorn, 1W it clover, 101 in marsh hay and 118 ia other hay erops. Potatoes claim 86 acres, field peas 4, field bean 41, and other crops 70 acres. There are only 11 aires of non bearing apples with. B7 already bear ing, 12 acres in cherries, 8 in peaches and a pears. There ia one acre X Knglish walnuts with three eoming on, 7 acres in straw berries anil only 50 acres in loganber ries. The etiensive land owning farmers in this section are J. K. Whitehead 200 acres, W. J. Donham 3M", 0. E. Feller 207, C. 'rUmscyor 80, J. P. Naderman .t4, Ida linker 26 .Min Ahrens 340, . M. Htaplcs 344, Anhur Awards 200 and Henry Whipper 2it acres. The district nwssed by (leorge Pal mer inclndes 80S7 acres and .begins about one mile south of Roseilulo and extends into the Prospect hill section, Kant Independence, stopping north of the Aukcny Jiill. Here we got into the midst of the prune section of the county as out of the 80S" acres in the district, 1822 are in hearing prunes with 477 acres not yet in bearing. The loganberry is also receiving some attention In tin see tion along the Willuimsttc river fcouth of Nr. lorn m Hi acre arc in bearing and 9 not Tt nrodueinff. Winter wheat is given but little at - tention here as only 175 acres are in thri grain whil spring wheat claims r . . ... SOCIETY TO FIGHT National Marketing Commis sion To Urge Passage Of Kenyon Bill Washington, July 25. Formation of a national marketing commission to press for enactment of the Kenyon bill to regulate the packers a announc ed today by -William Kent, former con gressman from Culitornia and now a member of the United Hiates tariff commission. A nation wide campaign to counter act propagamla against the Kenyon inensuro will be begun at once, Kent said. In addition to pushing the Kenyon bill, the aims of the committee, as out lined by Kent are: To create enlightened public opinion concerning waste and unnecessary ex pense in handling and distributing farm product. To promote anil roster proper mar- seting orifanizations, staiKUirikizatinn to,of sjricultural products, proper ware in method by states Inaugurating In ventigation aud demonstration work In marketing. "We start with a splendid back ground of popular sentdment which merely needs to be organized," Kent declared. " Kecommcnilations of the federal trd commission have been en dnru tftlifir fnrm. Inhnr. pnninm. 'pm and civic organizations of the eoun !" I In ait'lttinn in Kent. hn ia chairman. other membera of the committee in clude: Mrs. Florence Kelly secretary of the nationsl consumers' league; Jackson Q. Ralston, counsel for the American federation of labor and ('. I), tin it tif fin, chairman of the farmers national committee on packing plants and al lied industries. Practical Joke May Mean Death To Bud Anderson Vanconver, Wash., July 25. Bud An derson, once contender for the light weight championship of the world, lies a hospital here todav near death as the result of a practical joke. while working at the Htarnliier ship yard. R. B. Martin, a fellow worker, turned a compressed air machine on An demon. The air tore the ex-fighter s chest madly and poswbly damaged a lung. Anderson collapsed immediately when the air gun beasn its work. LEAGUE TAVORS LEAGUE New York, July 25. Oscar R. Htroiis dcltred here last night In a speerh that the League to F.nforee Peace is in fuvor Jof the league of nations covenant as it now stsads. oats, one in barley, 7 m rye, bi in eorn, e elover 9 in Halta and 70 acres m hay crop. So peaches are found in this section. There are 17 acres in tearing applea, 44 nonearing, and 28 acre in penrs with 44 acres coming oa. Blackberries are credited with acies, walnuts with on acre wUth 8 acre non-bearing and three acre in other kiuda of fruits, it is in this section that are found sevoral largu hop yards, with a total acreago of 3116. fciied iKeck has the largest hop acre age with 271 acres and T. A. I.i.esley with 56 acre. George R owns 30 acres of laud, G. W. .Noble 2l!t, and II. I'. Mint estate 202 acres. Jiutt south of the district mentioned above, there is a section of 15,104 acres assessed (by K. P. Sye. It is along flic Willamette river between the An-1 keny hill, into the Jackson hill' section and south until within two miles of Jefferson, la passing south on the Lib erty road from tWiom, there is first I the Liberty and Kocdale district, then the Prospect hill district, nil three go- ing strong in prunes, and then this Jackson hill section. Jt is not so strong for prunes, as out of the 15,104 acres, there is only 0 acres in prunes, with 87 not yet ibearing. This aeetloa is more or a farming district, a the stcrene Ranted at present is s follows: Winter wheat 1 100, spring wheat 1029, oata 150)1. bar ley 128, ry 30, eorn 442, clover 145, alfoLfa 8, wild or marsh hay 159, and other hay crop 1303 acres. - There is, out of the 15,1D4 acres in this section, 60 planted in potatoes, and 47 in field beans. In bearing ap ples there is 33 acres with no young trees coming on, 3 acres of cherries with 21 acres growing, no peaches and only one 9ra of pears. Growers hen do not care so much for loganberries as only 36 acres are in bearing with but 2 acres coming on. A few of the larger land owners in this section are W. K. loty 212 acres, .sim i turn a It l II J-K !Jnn lominases o.v, a. h. wrreu n.., I K. B. tNichran 2H2, J. T. Beekwitlv 250 and W. E. Vincent 218 acres. ! Agricultural Bill Minus vetoed Rider Is biped Washington, July 25. Presi- dent Wilson has signed tho ag- rieultnrul appropriation 'bill, it was announced at the white houso today. Tho bill first pre- seated to the president was ve- toed because it contained a rid 4c er repeaHng tho daylight say-. 41 ing law. 4'ongress eliminated it hi s provision, Congress Urged To Provide $1,500,000 To Assist Epidemic Crusade. Washington, July 25. Congress should immediately appropriate 1 1,500, 000 for fighting influenza recurrences which medical authorities say are prub able, Representative Fcas, Ohio, was to tell the house today. Fes and Senator Harding of Ohio hove introduced measures embodying the recommendations l'Vss made today. "Tho last epidemic caused 300,000 deaths and a total economic loss of nearly I l,UU0,00O, according to figures compiled by the American Heiliial as soeistion," Fess said. "The all important thing now is to find a cure. This will require expensive research and I propose that the mon ey shall be expended under the direc tion of the public health service. "There is a general belief ia the medical world that the second and third years will show frightful after effect miles specific remedies can be found. 'But the appalling loss of 58i, IKXI lives five times our loss in the war with assurance that the plague will appear again, is enough to arouse us to immediate action. "It is generally believed that suc cess will follow the efforts of the med icsl world in its fight against the epi demic, just as in the cases of yellow I fever, tvphus, diphtheria and other i ...i. r..- it IIIHIH'I l If. Fos read to the house a letter from Otto P. Geiaer, secretary of the Amer- i'-sn Medical association, which stated that mortality wa forty percent above the normal death rate Hn the years f ter the previous influenza epidemics. Medical authorities, Oeier aantitteit. are still baffled over the origin and cause of the disease and stated that the "possibility of the discovery of any real antitoxin for influenrji is wholly dependent upon the discovery of the B'tual germ causing the dis ease." An Investigation has been ordered with the view to appointing a pott master at Kings, Valley. I461 acres. Tier are 699 acres in one in barley, 7 in rye, 67 in eoi Mil GROWS DEFIANT OVER SUITE STAIi Lcire Resolution Asfe Teit Of Triangular Agree toOCUMENTTOBEHELD UNTIL TOUR FIKEIID President Planning To Reiicr Pacific Fleet At San Francisco. Washington, July 23. lfeWpeiit in the pence treaty fight today indi cated President Wilson is abandoning his conciliatory attitude toward e- gress. The resolution which Senator Lodga offered yesterday In. the scu-te asking Wilson to produce the Biiliidt TrutV Ameilcan defensive agreement, Mt with a rebuff at the White House today although it has not yet bon voted oa by the senate. It was stated at the White House that Wilson, would not take this document to the eapitol until he'reture from hi speaking tour, probably six week hence. Preparing Address. Tho president is preparing an address to be delivered when the putt is pie sented, it was said. President Wilson, nccordiirf to call ers today, said he will probably bo i Hayi Francisco, August 15 wbih; ! new Pacific fleet is there. The dtte of the president's detmilnvo from. Wnshingtitii Is still misecitmia and it is not known whethvr the prcidjt will lenve in time to Spcnk On th to the coast or will lnase scenes his return. Hetintor Lodge nt the end of a hot senate debate yesterday, offered a reso lution demanding thr.t th troaly b given the senate at once "it eoiiipaumo with public interests." Other senators charged that the president violated of the French treaty provision who. he did not present it nt the Slim tim as the peace trenty. Conferences Resumed. Tho president resumed conference with republican senators today, inviting Spencer of Missouri and Wtirreu of Wy oming to the White nue. Hpencer is understood to 1 on of the first senators to receive th Taft letter recommendation reservation t the league covenant. The president is fciving attention, it was said, to senate requests for infor mation about pence negotiation. It a necessary for him to locate paper quested in a large mass of material h luought back with him from France. The date of the president' projected trip is still uncertain, although indica tions nt present are that he will not start before August 10. Term "Murder" Not Original WUls Rl...(-ervr V IUIlHUHOVtlUIl lMJt PsycholgisL Mount Clemens, Mich., Ja'y 25. (United Press.) The expresaio "war is murder" was not original with Heaiy Ford, nor could he be called aa nreh ,,t because he said it, Bishop fHiarks II. Williams, psychological expert, said on the stand in Ford's millio dollar li bel suit against the Chicago Tnbuuo today. William said the exprcssio wa used by Carlyle, Kmerson and othef writer. "Do you believe Mr. Fold' stafs ment that's a man who finds a way teaching politicians will bav anaiio discovery comparable to the lveatia of the steun enginef asaed ahw"- Stevenson of the Tribune. "That is a position I am taking my self," the witness answered. Yon ran t expect me to j arc anarchistic winch 1 yswi see 'eve." He snid the statement "uoo t any man for uot wishing to be -di."r," was the comment of ma-J sons opposing conscription. "Which comnisndmeut says TVa -halt not kiiri" , "That depend upon which vcrsiou C the bible is quoted." FORD S DEFINITION Of WAR KOTHiHG HEW (Continnel oa page six) f -i i 'ht es-s. . of t je aeoijent.