Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 24, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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(D;e flailnlnlal Journal.
THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919.
' " 1 '" ' ' "i 1 1 !
M m 3K I tr . I
V e Will Save You Money in Buying
Ladies Underwear
Silk, Muslin or Knit
Silk Camisoles $1.15 to $1.98
Silk Chemise L $2.98 to $3.98
Muslin Gowns $1.79, $1.98 and $2.49
Muslin Envelope Chemise .....$1.15 to $2.98
Knit Vests 15c, 18c, 25c, 39c, 49c and 98c
Knit Union Suits 79c, 89c, 98c and $1.15
Also full line of Children's Underwear
You should always investigate all lines of our mer
chandise it will surprise you what we will save you.
f Incorporated
JAKES At sis home en South Winter
street, July S3. 1919, John Jakes, at
the age of 82 years.
He is survived by four ions and two
daughter: Elisabeth Jakes and Theo
dore Jakes of falem, Mrs. Kva Morri-
of Nebraska, liyron Jakes of Marys
villc, Calif., and Lorenzo Jakes of
lone, Ore.
The body is at the Welib 4 ( lough
parlors. Awaiting word from relatives,
no (funeral arrangements have as yet
been made.
I All Around Town
July 24, Thursday-'wclio-Slovah
lmiid at rliaulaiiiiiii.
July 23, Friday I'rlfule Pott
talks at Chautauqua.
July 28, Monday 'Chin Chin'
at Uraud opera house.
July 3U Wednesday Iliinee
at armory given by Elks' lotljo.
Maurice liroujtht back home a Herman
I rifle which played a part lit Verdun.
I Also a wii'Jieil knife eighteen inches in
Vlll'lll7th. H'llil-h UH. tlt.t limlli,tV f
V , i,.i..iri-w-i.-fvi
icimtn. wmcn nn. uu tinitmrtv nf
!iei iiian .nrisoncr who iii'mnllv iimwt..,!
ii nun spilled American hlooih -Needless
to any, Maurice prizes ,thcm both very
Dr. L. B. Bpringer, aonUst, Moore
bldg. earner Court and Liberty.
Phone 114. , tf
Dr, L. R. Springer, dentist, Moore
bldg. corner Court and Liberty.
Phoae 114. tf
niBTflii H -
Try Northern riour. It's Bear,
very eaek guaranteed. At your gro
ws, tf
Wt ny liberty bond. SU Masoulo
Ndg. tf
lUuric L. Rape, who left Salem
with company M in 1017, lis arrived
home from r'rance. ITe spent cluhtcen
months overseas, and sine receiving
his discharge nt Crimp 1ewi htm sinn
ed ii p for a your in the tuntnr friiiis
port ii ivii i'. lie is now home nn a thir
ty dnv leave. As Souvenirs of the war,
r. 4P-- r ji
: itiimNrtTiiii..iiiiiimiMiuinjniiii,Jj,HU 1
Our treatment . o f
our clients is always
equitable. Our fair
ness has been demon
strated. People have
faith in us. They
know we serve ia a
rreditn-Me manner.
Call Patton Plumbing' Co. for your
' repair work. Thone 1U0S, tiO N. Com
street. tf
! The hundreds of tourist cars passing
j through the city daily testily to the iuv
menso tourist trade in t1m west this
summer. The Marion is doing almost a
; capacity lousiness and fhe snnie may
be said of the oilier hotels of the city.
I Tlio tourists are from nil parts of the
jcouutiv but especially front the cen
tral stutoH. They come "not onlyln smalt
I e a 1 1, camping out neur the cifv at
mui in nerce-Arrows Bud aue.li,
bringing with them their biniils and
chauffeur. While other cities nre do
ing much to attract this rapidly In
creasing tntiris trade, nothing has been
dime at Snlcm.
o .
Tor first class work caU Society
Cleaners and lycrs, 1272 Slate St.
Phone 1084.
J. E. Johnson, recently from OTentoaa
has opened up a shop for automobile
painting at L"' 8. Liberty street and
auks a share of your patronage. First
clans work a specialty. . 7
Artlflcl"l teeth, have expert plate
man, with over 35 years eiperlence,
at my office. Dr. I). X. Bcochler. den
tist, S08 U. 8. Nat. bank bldg. tf
General Manager 0. M. Plummet, of
thrt Jntornai-iitnitl T.!viiuf.,AL A. ....:;. .
. t, ........ n t- f I lull,
has arranged with local tnninefs men
ami inieresteii cattle men for a lunch
eon and eonferenee to be held at the
ii anon notm Miitunlav, at one o clock,
for the pnrjMrse of discussing the expo
sition and livestock matters generally.
Prank Krnwn, fhe famous Shorthorn
breeder of Yamhill county, Senators
llimley Vattersun of Polk, "tlrnnt Dim
mick of t'laeksinas and K. ('. Crawford
of the V. X. .National bank of Portland,
are among hte who are expected to
be pre-x-ut.
Dr. Mott, Bank of Oommerce, 407 8.
Dane Hurst hall Thnrorlsy nigbt
given ty Knights and Ladies uf K.-.-nr-itr.
Everybody welcome. 7 24
..Chaxlea By,"wohaa became one of
the prune favorites with the Kalein
theater goers, appears f o have fancy
for the role of the red blooded but lif
rulent and blundering country lad who
makes his way to notoriety iy his vir
ility and genuine manhood, lie appears
In this rolo in the stirring Mm drama
"Jlay tot, Straw Foot" which
i-umes io jne jregon theater Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday. The story takes
him from a country tows into war
camp where he bumps up against a aer
ies of comical and trauieal prijuli
through which he finds his way into
.l..t: i .
ut-iiguuui nine romance.
Closing out our stock of flour and
feed, 254 8. Liberty St. J. D. Waring
Co. 725
Dr. Carl & Miller has opened fcli
dental office at CIO 511 U. 6. bank
bldg. Phone 841. tf
Newrjort flshlnr
eod sliced, lSe, and whole fish 12e per
puuuu, rea coa ive pouna. llttt Mar
ket, tf
How to be ha dot thouah tired, will
be demonstrated by i'harlie Chaplin in
his latest movie nirture "iSunnvside"
beginning at the Liberty theater next
ununy. it is in this picture that Chap
lin demonstrates efficiency by bring
ing in a hen to lay an egg in the skil
let while he prepares breakfast about.
3.-45 a. m.
Bslera cigar rsrtory u now making
T rinrnti" mm HTJtH. o.l.l .1
gar exactly aa they were made before
1. . n , . .
us war. niu o mug mem rennndj you or
-ild time. tf
The members of the IllahM
elub will give one of their informal
dances Thursday eveniii!?. a lnrun at.
tendance is expected. 7-24
Cotton goods continue to advance in
price, according to the latest tmd pa
pers. Amonkeair ACA tickinor is now
quoted 37 -i cents a yard wholesale at
the mill. Milk thread has taken another
advance and warp has climbed the lad-
iu-r ir prices nn exrra IU cents the past
week; Kverett wurkshirts that sold at
Ol) cents ri'tnil tt f..w Y-ii,-a
" .l'"'" H BIO
now iiioted nt $1,13 wholesale. Cotton
uoiiiiuriers win aio tie si-arce as many
mill, huvc already sold their entire out
M. W. of A. and eTn! of A. Joint so-
ciul tonight nt Woodmnn hall, MeCor-
hick mora. Mmoker for the gents, and
An informsl coiifereuee, which was
steaded by Superintendent Churchill,
Attorney Genera! Brown, and Deputy
Secretary Sam Koxer, was held at the
state house yesterday afternoon for the
purpose of discusing the scope end ad
ministration of the soldiers aad sailors
educational aid bill passed at the June
election. A number of important points
were brought up in the diseusJoa. A
tentative agreement was reached by the
representatives present as to the course
of study and the standards fo be re
quired of any institution in order to
bring it under the provisions of the act.
As to the funds, a little calculation
brought out the fact that the levy of
two-tenths of a mill may prove to be in
sufficient to meet the requirements of
the bill. Aa this levy does not become
efefctive until 1920, the probiem of im
mediate funds came before the confer
ence. This is a problem that will call
for an opinion from the attorney gen
eral. The representatives of educational in
stitutions present wero: J. H. llcndrick
son, Northwest College of Law; A. C.
Newell, Newell Tutorial School, Port
land; B. F. Mulkey, Pacific Chiropractic
College, Portland; Mr. Behnke, Behnke
Walkcr Business College, Portland; Su
perintendent D. A. Grout, Portland pub
lic school; Superintendent John W.
Todd, Sulem public Bchools; president
E. C. Sanderson, Eugene Bible school;
Secretnry Jensen, Oregon Agricultural
college; K. W. Onthank, University of
Oregon; Rev. O. Hnwarth, Columbia
University; Prof. W. I. Staler, Cnpitul
Business college, Salem; L. L. Adcox,
Adcox Engine school, Portland; Presi
dent J. H. Ackorman, Oregon normal
school; Robert F. Clark, Pacific Univer
sity; President Epley, Philomath col
lege; Prof. A. A. Kuowlton, Kexd col
lege. """""" """"
The semi annual report of the Mute
board nf barber examiners has just been
submitted to Governor Oleott, showing
that in the six-moiiths period 165 bar
bers huve been examined, licenses be
ing granted to 1411. The board is com
posed of Lee Canficldt C. H. Kelley and
8. It. Howard. They have visited shops
in ubotit twenty towns in western Oregon.
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
Htst, bladder and uric acid troubles tho
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Guaranteed. Three lun, all druggists.
Ush IW tke Cold MU1 M
a general good time. Come and bring 1 perity.
some friend with you. Committee. I
Governor Oleott has reappointed Rob
ert E. Hunt, of Rosehurg, ns a member
of the state, bonrd of veterinr.ry exam
iners, his term to run for four yenrs.
Buy Holsum Bread it ia made in Sa
lem and supports local payrolls. 7-2t!
Eighty per cent of money spent for
Portland bread goes to I'ortlund and
dofracta thut much from Isalein s pros-
4 7-ZO
' ." A marriage license was Issued ye-
Mrs. Leland W. Porter, teacher of terdny to Lloyd T. Kevnolds and ALsj
interpretative reading, expression nndlHiiih Si.ii.v. nf Si.tmn '
lll-Uttliltil, AC ...... .1 on 1 .. t' ... -I I
" K''u"nje vi r.iueron col
lege of oratory, Boston. 544 Center
street, Mnlem, Or. Phone 7(18.
The American Red Cross has to Its
credit in the county treasurer's office,
ts.IHO.44 in rash $1500 in liberty bonds
and $31 in war savings stamps. The
money and securities wero willed to
the Hid Cress by N. (J. Linton of Sil
verton, who died while on his way to
California for his henlth late last fall.
Look our new building over then ask
us nbnut it. If there's anything you
need, wo can supply it.
Dance, M. B. A. Sat. July 26. Good
four nieeo orchestra. Auto leaves Ma-
mhc Temple 8:3(1. 7.25
Loganberry tracts this summer are
In the suit of the Alliancj Trust
oompniiy against Fannie Hubbard, the
Hubbard building in Snlein in wheh ie
located the Oregon Electric depot and
2(K) acres of land belonging to Mrs.
Hubbard was suld at sheriff's, sale on
foreclosure proceedings just one year
ago today. The Oregon law allow one
yeur for redemption in foreclosure sa'.cs
O. J. Hulbert of Junction City an
nounces that he has bought tho A. W.
Schrunk grocery store which was re
cently closed, and with it will place
on sale his own $10,000 stock of dry
gmnls, shoes and furnishing, the sale
to open in the former Schruuk store be
diming Saturday morning. Tho doors
will be open at H o'clock. It is estimat
ed that the stock offered for sale is
11I11111I Ht tihttiit il'iHIIIl A liiriru for..,.
better than gold mine, one interested ! nf cl,.ik ; n'm-kin 1., arrr
observer remarked today. One farmer 1 everything for the opening Saturday
viiy un ine river morning.
road has a 3'i acre tract. He has . I 0
"'""'.v re veil in cash for his lounn- While Dan J. TVv Sr w stfpnil.
berries $i7(MI, mid the crop still coming ling the dinner with W". J. ltrvan nnd
011, with pri s.HCts ,it "11 i .. -i : ! ir tho wi Inter h eilritlir thn aditrntta lit lliu ilinu.
ceipts up to more than Aunt cr,Hauqua, a thief stole his automobile
tract of just one half an acre not so ' near the ehiiutauqua grounds. It was
very far from town was the private recovered this morning at Mission and
-hit ui me wire. so rsr. sue hum ' .Niimtinw
been paid $.1117 for the berries she pick 0
ed from this half acre and the crop is I While walking around the city thia
going strong, with fine prospects of morning, William Jenning Brvan met
realising more than $.i()0 for the season an old fiiend of tho davs when they
as pin money. tmli lived in Sulem. Illinois. This
, 0 Ifrieiiil William H. Norris, receiver
Bishop have omething of Interest for the Hubbard building. Mr. Brvan
to offer yoo. Read our ad. 1 contended that Mr. Norris in those day
T 0 had a sister who wa about the finest
H. L. Clar!r who went to a city hot- looking woman in the world. In speak
pital for nn operation last evening, it ing of the former .lavs back in Un
reported today as haying successfully nois, it developed that Mr. Bryan waa
withstood the operation and to be mak- a guest at the wedding of Mr. and
ii a most satisliietory recovery. iMrs. Norris.
I Why ship bread from Portland. 72(5 Breeder of Marion county hsve ar
J ' 0 ranged for a luni-heou to be given at
Kusaell Brook will lear Saturday the Marion hotel Saturday at 1 o'clock
for New York, where he will sail Au- ami have invited all the bankers of
gust 1 cn the sleimer Rolteidam for the county to attend as their guests.
1 Hotterdnm, Holland. He will at once The meeting is for a discussion of the
take up his official duties a vice con- live stock industry of the country and
sul at Rotterdam with headquarter in incidentally to take up Marion coun
the consul gene.al's office. jty's interest in the Pacific Internation-
0 1 Livestock exposition. Among the in-
I 0fl Purchase your clothe at vite.l guest, who will attend the dia
: Bishop you alwavs keep smiling for ner are Frank Itrown of Carlton, Sena
pou are always satisfied! j tor Diuiiek of Clackamas county and
E. O. Crawford of the United States
National bank of Fortland. O. M.
Plunimer, general manager of the Pa
cific International Livestock associa
tion will also be present.
Dance tonight Independence.
Michigan folks basket picnic at state
fair grounds July 31st 6:3l p. m. 7-2-3
At a regular session of the W. R. C.
tho eommittee in charge of the float
July 4 wish to thank all who assisted
in making it the success that it was.
Especial thanks ia due to the Marion
garage who gave us the use of the
truck and aceorded us every courtesy
thut could be shown. -
Dance tonight Independence.
Save the evening of July 31 for the
Michigan picnic. 7 -5
J. B. Littler, manager of the Bootery,
and family returned this afternoon
from a two weeks' stay at Toledo and
Newport. The coast trip was a combi
nation of business and pleasure, Mr.
Littler having a Btore at Toledo.
The Michigan tociety will hold their
next basket ipicnic at the state fair
grounds on Thursday July 31st at 8:30
p. m, at which time permanent organ
ization will be effected. All Michigan
people are urged to como out and help
make this a delightful evening. A pro
grain is being arranged nnd it is hoped
a special speuker will be heard.
Governor Oleott received a wire from
Medford this morning stilting that
conditions were unfavorable for the
proposed flight of the two airplanes ea
route from Mather flying field to Seat
tle. Hence the time of arrival in Sa
lem is in doubt, though the governor
think they may arrive late this after
noon. Capt. J. P. Patricx, of De Moines,
lown, arrived in tho city today and
will spend several week visiting -with
his nieces, Mra. E. Ilofer and Mrs.
Florence McKinney.
A great deal of solicitude has been
caused among Salem friends and no
quaintaiiccs by a wiro message receiv
ed by Harvey Wells from II. Svkes, nt
Breitenhusli Npriugs. stating that A.
l Banber had disappeared from a camp
ing party in that vicinity nn71 had not
been seen since Tuesday afternoon. S
party of four composed of Mr. Barber,
the recently appointed insurance com
missioner, H. Sykes, Ralph White ami
Herman lloor left this city Suniluy
morning for an outing in the hills, with
the foot of Mt. Jefferson as their ulti
mate destination. iNcar Hreitenbnsh
Mr. Itnrber separated from his compan
ions for a side trip, planning to meet
them at a certain point ahead. But on
their arrival (hero he was not in siulit
and nn amount of searching er inquiry
brought any trace of him. A searching
party was made up and s now scouring
the country in that region. Deputy
Fire Marshal Oilbert Albert has gone
to the scene, with tho understanding
that if no clue to the missnncr man is
j found he will telephone in to Mr. Wells
loingni, ano ir is proname mat atiotli
er searching party will be made up here
10 join tne group at Hreitenbnsh.
Chicago, July 24. (United Press.)
Upwards of three hundred United Cigar
Stores clerks were on strike htro today,
following hasty formation of a union
affiliated with the federation of labor
last night.
Officials of the cigar stores declared
the men were influenced by agitators
and left their jobs without nuking any
for nuil demands. Later they formed a
union, it was said.
Warner's Corsets
Style and Comfort!
They go together in a
Warner's Rust Proof
When a firm adver
tises its goods its the
same as signing its name
to a cheek. You've got to
have the money to back
up the check and you've
got to have the quality
to back up the ad. War
ner's corsets have been
making good for nearly
fifty years.
'Prices $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. aad up to $5.00
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
Phone 1072
Com'l. & Court Streets . Formerly Chicago Store
' !
lr. C. R. Matthis and family of Cor
'vnllis sre gi"t at the home of lr.
J. (). Maithis.
Lieutenant Merrill Lamport arrived
home yesterday.
Oscar tnelsim, who ws In the city
yesterday, went to Silvertou where he
will open a garage.
) Among the recent arrivals at the
Charles Dillingham's Greatest of Musical Comedies
Ouly Company Presenting
Original New York Globe Theatre Production
Two Years in New York City with its Two Years in New York City
Wealth of Novel Effects and Wonderful Scenes, Including the l'liyht of
the Fngoda and Airship Caravans of Pretty Girls Quaint Toy Ba-zatirs
03 lVople; TinglingjJiiigiinn Numbers The Famous Clown Band.
PRICES 50c, $L00, $1.50, (2.00; Box Beats $2.50. "SEATS AT OPERA
The Slogan of Today and of the Future
Ship by Ttucl
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
Prices Reduced
Furniture boi!!ht before the rise has now arrived.
Y3u can save Money by Buying this week
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St Salem.
. MM
Hawley of Baker City, Mr. and Mrs.! Paul Ilauscr, manajrer of the Haus. r
B. C. Weller and B. Weller of Port-1 K""- t Salem, is in town on bnsinew.
land. reports that business is Rood in all
W. H. Bailie of Woodlmm, W. H.'j!" h,'u8et ture iB on.-E..ge
i-iiiirij ui lairn, s?. rv, .Miiroen and I
family are registered at the Blith hotel T CI r- . I n
ilrv 5alem first Ia Buying
-Marion hotel are Mr. .d Mrs. F. W. I today. j 1 IT hZlZHi TUTSI 13 MJEQ
tCl A f'l t TT TTfi T! a w w
saiukuay, JULY 26, AT 1:30 P.M.