THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919. PAGE FIVE. THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY I JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARIEENI IS THE BEST SELLING KEDIUS1 IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EATES: Bats per word New Today: ach insertion le 5e 17e One week (6 insertions) One month (2ti insertions). The Capital Journal will not be re ponaible for more than one insertion, tat errori in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertiwsmcnt the first day it appears and notify us immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 13c FIRST class room aud board close in. 495 N. Coin'l. 1'hone 1446. tf WE make the best power prune dippers. Salem Mfg Co., 131)6 Front bt, tf HOOFS cleaued, painted, patched and tarred. Phone C. C. Kays at 164S. 7 27 JA8. LYONS practical painter. Fhone 704. tf FOR KENT 16 room house, ery reas onable. Phone 173" V, tf W. BEAVER well driller. Fhone 827J, 1105 N. 19 th St. Salem, Or. 8 S W. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get himf tf WANTED Late model Ford touring, 1308 H. Com '1 St. 7-21 WANTED To rant furnished house. I'hone H23R. 7-24 YOH SALE Man's wheel price 12. S4ti N. High. 7-24 FOR SALE Cauary good singer. Fhone 151 W. 7-24 FOB SALB dty owner, strictly modern 5 room bungalow. Tel. 159.HM. tf WANTED Modern 5 or 6 room house unfurnished, permanent tenant. I'hone 43M. tf WANTED Experienced salesman for men 'st furnishing, shoes, etc. J-23 care Journal. 7-25 TWO stray horses, a bay and a sorrel, . on Dunn ' farm, Bt. 1, box 72A, Sa lem. 7-25 HERE'S a bargain, a fine E. S. How ard piano for sale for 1-00 cash. Call at 519 Court St. afternoons. 7-29 IjOST-ack of halters, rope and afraps on Dallas road. Call 21.WM. -. ,. ' 7-26 WANTED Good shotgun re peater preferred. Ben Wippor, Tur ner, Or. - . . . 7-20 FOE SALE 6 ft. McCormick binder, good running order, price S5. Fhone 351B. 7-24 FOB BENT Sleeping rooms and furn ished apartments. Inquire 152 8. Church. 7-25 WANTED Loiran inciters, 3 cent per box. AV. L. Pray, Phone 1 12F3. 7-24 WANTED 100(1 suit to clean. C. Kara Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1855 State St. Fhone 508. 8-14 DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new colors. Burens Oom'l St. tf WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Huron's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf FOB SALE A good Deering binder, even foot cut with tongue trucks, ' $125. F. M. Cook, Turner, Kt. 2. 7 24 .A NEW mandolin hnrp for sale, latest improvement will sell cheap if taken oon. 12S0 State St. 7 24 FOR RENT Nice, clean furnished rooms close in. Phone 824W, 292 N. Church St. 7 4 FURNISHED house wanted, 6 or 7 room mqdern furnished house. Will lease for year. Call 2213. tf FOB SALE Three young O. I. C. brood sows, have pigs Aug. !. $75 aeh. C. Muller, 1 mile south McNary Station. 7 20 k Ws buy sad sell notes, mort- gages and all kinds of bonds. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS - 814 Msaonie Building Balm, Oregon BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS A -j XTrci , a xt a i f i ! i, v i. nk i LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY imtKii uall,. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 314 Mason Bldg. FOR SALE Baled har in feld, one mile east of city. I'hone l&Ft. tf HAVE good cow to trade horse. I'hone 2GFS. for work 7-26 FOR SALEChoap one bay mare. 1S25 8. 13th. 7-26 ABOUT 50 rabbit for sale I'hone 1217, 403 N. 20th. ' cheap. 7-24 LOST tPuppy, part Airdale and part rat terrier, near fairgrounds, reward if returned to 12i8 N. Church. 7 26 WANTED Girl or woman to assist with liht hoascwork. Fhone 972R. 7-25 50 ACRES 1 mile from town, extra fine bldgs, a bargain. Laflar & Laflar, 406 Hubbard bldg. 7 24 FOR SALE Fresh Durham cow, five years old, will sell or trade for beef 'cow. 715 8. 12th street. 7-25 FOB SALE 3 acres good oat hay in shock $15 per ton. 2217 Fairgrounds road. 724 FOB SALE Evenrude motor and row boat, motor just overhauled, will sell together or separate. Call 52F11. 7125 LOST Bag of bedding on road be tween Junction City and Salem. Bo ward. Bert Godfrey, 2519 W. View Drive, Seattle, Wash. 7 24 LOST Bag 'containing 5 bathing uits at Wheatland or Salem on N. Winter St. I'hone 938J or leave' at Busick grocery. 7-24 I HAVE a Ford roadster delivery to trade for a 5 passenger Ford, or oth er 5 passenger ear, will pay differ ence. Write Auto care JournaL 7-29 A GENUINE Cliickering piano, rebuilt and in fine shape, will sell for $250 cash. Bee Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court Bt. Call afternoon. 7-29 MEN wanted for sawmill and yard work. 'o chargo for wood, water or rent for families. Steady work. Ja. Colo, Dcvitt, Or. 8-2 WANTED Neat woman for house work, no heavy laundry, house mod ern. Phone 36F11 or writ Et. 3, box 187. 7-24 WANTED 50 loganberry pickers, 10 days good picking; 10 minutes walk from carline at Salem Height. B. Cunningham, Fhone 21F2. 7-24 LOG ANBEBRY picker wanted; will tako back and forth in auto morning and evening;' 2c per lb, good pick ing. Fhone 373 after T p. m. tf WANTED 3 young men a salesmen and collectors, permanent positions with good chance for advancement. See Kincaid, Singer Shop, 337 State St. 729 WANTED To rent grain ranch of 150 to 200 acre with pasture and good buildings; will, pay cash or shares. Writo F E care Journal. tf WANTED Wood chopper, $2.50 up per cord, good eamp gropnd. Enquire Blessing's cigar store, A. J. Ander son, tf ! FOR SALF Nine room house, large lot modern convenience, double garnge close in, on street car line and paved street. G L eare JournaL tf WANTED To rent by respectable cou ple about Aug. 1, small furnished house or finite light housekeeping rooms, down town location prefer red; no children. Address P B X eare Journal. 7-2H FIFTY women wanted in preparatory and packing department. (Sieu ly -work nnd gind wages. Apply at once Salem Kings Products company, Front and Market streets. 7 26 FARMERS ATTENTION We handle the old reliable Page fence direct from factory in car load lntsj Per fection Automatic Ges Milwaukee air presrare water systems, fresh wa b'r direct from spring or well. L. J. Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton, Pae fence men for Marion snd ClaokamM counties. ' 8U 2 LAIfOE lots nice house with own wa ter systtm, $2100. Very pretty 4 room bungalow at $900 Verr fin home with abundance of fruit, $2700. 5 room bungalow oa N. Cottage $2(Wi 5 acres all. cultivated with some lo ganberries, Tery good building $1000. 64 acres all nnder cultivation at bargain. Square Deal Realty Co. LOANS - 6 rfi , 1 1 1 l A T i i v n v n ks w m i Salem, Oregon KHAKI colored tent for rale, in first clas condition, !Cxl6. Thane 1431. tf FOR RENT 3 room house, modern conveniences 2 lots with fruit nd growing garden, near Kings plant. Friee $10. CaU 3u. tf 10 Loganberry pickers wanted; picking. Fhone 10SF4. good 725 WANTED loganberry pickers, 2 pick ers to finish season 3 cents a box, shack, bed and stove furnished. I'hone Marion hotel. 7-24 WANTED First class solicitor, mar ried man preferred, references requir ed; salary and commission. Box 16, Salem, Or. . 7 24 FOR SALE Jersey and Guernsey eow giving 3 gallons of milk per day, teat C.l percent. J. D. Waring (o. -. G(X)I) 4 room cottage. 3 blocks from State street, corner lot, east front, S50, $20O down balance like rent. Laflar & Laflar 406 Hubbard ildg. 7-24 WANTED iBright, keen salesgirls and office girl; office girl must tie sten ographer and have had some book keeping experience. Applv in person. H. W. aud M. L. Movers'. 7 21 WANT to secure a I'OO loan on aere ai;e security worth $2."00;nlso a $1000 loan on a $2500 resilience with large lot. Both parties ore very reliable. See me at once. Socolofsky. tf FOR RENT 8 rooms, toilet, sewer and electric Hunts, $12 per month, 1215 Marion St. 5 room furnished flat, no children, $15 per month. John H. Scott Bealtv Co., 404 Hubbard bldg. tf TO EXCHANGE 320 acres partly im proved land over in the stock coun try of eastern Oregon, on daily mail route near railroad, for small tract improved or partly improved land in Willamette valley. For interview ad dress C. T. Jones, Salem, Or., Gen. Del. 7-24 OLESON'S AUTO KCHANGE 349 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK USED CARS BOUGHT FOB CASH OB SOLD ON COMMISSION. 1917 Ford, first class condition (450 Light Buick four, express body $225 1918 Chevrolot sedan 8 (passenger Ovreland to trad for lot 1918 Studebaker $950 . 5 passenger, light Studebaker four electric starter and light $500 1917 Saxon ix $700 1915 Overland (500 We wreck autos for their parts, this enables you to got old ear part at . a bargain. Cush pries paid for junk ears. 8-passengor Studebaker, $180. We cell oils, grease, old anlo part tires and accessories. PHONE 068 SEALED BIDS INVITED . Concrete bids will be received by school district No. 21, Marion county, Oregon, dVr the laying of concrete sidewalks at the Lincoln, Grant and Highland schools. Finns and specifi cations aro now on fibj with the clerk for examination. Bids will bo opened at the regular meeting, August 12ih, 1919. The riL'ht to reject any or ail bids is reserved. A certified check f or 5 per cent of the amount of each bid must accompany same. Addresj all bTH-s in plain envelope, marked "Bids on concrete walks," to W, II. Biirghnrdt, Jr., 371 State street, Salem, Oregon. 7 SO NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERXM ENT timber, general laud office, Washing ton. D. C, June 27, Ima. .Notace is hereby given that subject to the condi tions anil limitations of the act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat, 218), ond the instructions of the ecretary of the in terior of September 15, 1917, the tim ber on the following lands will be sold August 20, 1919, at 10 O'clock a. m, at public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Ougon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, salo to bo subject to the approval of of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if ! is not approved, other wise patent will issue fur tho timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citi zens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporators or janized nnder the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon spplication of a qualified purchase, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sepa rately before being included in any of fer of a Isrger onit. T. 2 N, B. 3 W, . 11, NW mvi, red fir 810 M cedar 55 M, SW4 SW'4, red tir 740 M , none of th red fir er cedar to be vild for le than $IJ50 per M. T. 9 8, R. 2 E., 8e. 15, NE4 fir 1690 SI., hemlock 270 M., NW14 -NE'4 fir 18O M, hemlock 150 M, SE'4 NEW, fir 1770 M, hemlock 250 M, N'E4, fir 2390 M., bemlock 200 M., NEV4 NW'4, f!rfj30 M hemlock 130 t.. NW14 NW'V4, ill 1760 M., NEU K, fir 1170 M.. hemlock 120 M., VW4 SEVJ, fir 1630 M, hemlock 50 (mininratrix of the estate of Edward VI., HE SEVi, fir 1190 M, hemlock Iwver, dc-eased, in the eounty 30 M, S'vVVi SE'4, fir 790 M.. NEW (court for Marion eounty, Oregon, and 3W, fir 19".0 M, NWyt BW, firi.d art has duly sot the time for 2100 M.. KE'4 8W14, fir 1050 M, hearing objections thereto, snd the fin SWV,, fir 1250 M, none of the , -vlemtnt thereof, for Monday Au fir to be. sold for less tha (1.5H per M, g,t IS, 1919, st the hour of 10 o'clock and none of the hemkek to be sold for .1. m. 0f swd day in tho court room less than 75 eent per M. T. 0 S., R. 3 'f,f M-,j ,t Sal, in said eounty E, Sec. 25. HW14 NWy,, red fir K ,, ,tate. M., SEW NE'4. red fir 359 M, 8WH i iiti th; nth dr of Juir. 1919. NK'4. red fir 500 M none of the red , EMMA L. DWYER, fir tr be sold for les than $2 per M. Administratrix of the estat of ES CLAY TALLMAN, Commisser, Gen- W4f( p. l,jet, deceased. 1 eral Land Office. US CEX30KSHTP ENDS ' Whingto, Jul 24. War time ea jb'e censorship, established May, 1917, land exercised by the nary department, ended last niht. The department which i hand'ed upwards of 400,000 word a idar and employed 1-05 persons i said to be fhe only military organization which made money for the gevera nieut. , WHY PORTIAM) BREAD? SALEM BREAD IS THE BEST Notwithstanding the facf that there are four well equipped bakeries now operating in balein producing bread of a first quality, a local eoccera has de cided to import and advertise a certain brand of bread from Portland. Thi concern relies upon the uport of Salem people in the successful con duct of its business, however, it pre sumes to send eighty per cent of the money spent with them for bread to Portland, instead of selling Salem bread and keeping the money in Sa lem where it belongs. As our prosperity depends almost wholly upon that of Salem, we appeal !to the people of this city to demand Keep jour money at home and pre serve vour local pavrolls. - CHERRY CITY BAKERY SALEM IJAKINO CO. PEERLESS BAKERY. Salem Bread Is Gccd Bread WANTED Woman for general house work, 464 N. Liberty St. 7 26 FOR RENT S room modern house. quire 1481 S, Cottage. FOR SALE 1913 Excelsior motorcycle fully equipped $60. Lloyd E. Eains den, 387 Court St. ' 7 26 TINNER wanted, state experience. Si verton Blow 1'ipe Co., Silverton, Or. 7-30 HAY BIDS INVITED The undersigned will receive sealed bids up till 5 o'clock p. in. Monday, August 4, 1919, for the purchase of 30 tons of grain and Vetch hay, crop 1919. The eity reserves the right to re ject all or any part of a bid. EARL RACE, 7-2S City Recorder. EXTRA GOOD BUYS 14 acre orchard, 4 room cottage, barn and chicken house near fair grounds; la a dandy buy. Pay $700 and take I'R- time on the other half. iNear street car. Good 5 room house on good treet, one half acre, fine family orchard, 4 $1400, half cash. Is worth I'R while. 5 room modem California bungalow on Ferry St. ready to move in at $1400 half cash. Is hard to beat. 8 room plastered house in S, Salem fur $2200, $.500 rash, balunee like rent, with fruit, berries and gariien. Is a snap, 7 room modern bungalow, new, up to dnte in every particular, for quick sale $2750, $1500 cash, balance 3 years. Lo cated near fairgrounds. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard bldg. FINE 5 room bungalow South HMh St. all modern, bath, cte, $1300 for quick sale. Laflar & Laflar, 406 Hub bard bldg. 7-24 GOOD BUYS 10 acre tract, 20 acres of prunes, 5 acres of pears, some timber, pasture, good house, drver located 4 mile south of Salem on good road Price $16, 500. 7 room modern home located two blocks from the state house. Price $3, 61 10. 5 acres of good berry Innd located 4 miles south of Kalem, all cultivated, good location, rock road. Price $1000, 10 acres nil cultivated, 5 acres of bearing prunes, good crop, Laiahce of land would make first class prune, lo Hiinliorry or strawberry land. Price $3500. 160 acre tract, SO acres bearing Ital inn prunes, 20 acres cherries, good prune crop, balance of land in timber and pasture, good house, barn, stock, machinery and household goods goes. Price $45,000. Good 0 room modern bungalow, lo cated nt 1290 N. Winter street. Price $1700. Good 6 room modern bungalow close to S'hool and carline. Price $1300; $"(M) down, balance to suit at 6 per cent int. Well improved 10 aero tract, good 9 room modern house, bearing fruit and walnuts, close to carline, sightly loca tion. Price $10,000. 6.80 acre tract, nearly all cultivated, good house, best of noil, several ehick enhouses. Price i750. Terms. 17 aero tract, 10 acres of bearing Or chard, mostly prune; house and barn, located on main Pacific highway. Price $."i50fl. Terms. 363 acre farm, 200 acres nnder cul tivation, balance timber and pasture, house and barn, located near Silverton, about 12 miles from Kalcin. Price $190 pur acre. 10 acre all cultivated, good 5 room plastered bungalow, barn, well, 5 acres prune, 2 acres in logans, 4 miles from Helcm. Price $4500. If you want to bnv or sell, see W. a GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street 7 26 ADMINISTRATRIX'S FINAL NOTICE Notie is hereby given, that the un--, dersiirned tin ma L. liwrer. inmirustra jtrix of the estate of Edward F. Dwyer, 'deceased, filed her final account as d OLD ELEVATOR WILL BE MOVED TO R1VER: Fleering Mill Unit Goes West To Make Room For New Paper Plant The old elevator building of the fluring mill on Trade street between Commercial nd Front streets is about to go west for the remainder of its career. It has already been raised from its old foundations and as soon as the new concrete foundations are ready at the foot of Trade street, it will start on its journey of about one block. The new foundations will be built high-enough to place the building above the average hij;h water mark. Excavations are now under way for the erection of the main building of tite Oregon Pulp & Paper company's half a million dollar mill. As soon the old elevator building is moved, actual construction will begin. It is to be of two stories, concrete facing 80 feet on aud with a depth of 275 feet. As soon as the mum building is fully under construction, the order for the immediate shipment of the heavy ma chinery will be givcu. According to Joseph Kastner, suporiutendcut of the mill, the machinery for paper making is so extensively that it will require close to 30 cars for the shipment alone and the freight bill for all tho paper inn king 'machinery will run in excess tf $48,000, ull coming from Nc"w York. Mr. Kastner fays the paper making machine is most complicated, that' it is constructed with as much caro as a watch and that the machine ordered for the Salem mill in every respect includes ull the lutest ideas in the making of such mueliiuery. From the time a log is stalled into the process of mulling paper out of wood to the time it is turnel out as real ptv per, the time required is only one hour. Tho big machine feeds fust and from the time the pulp goes into the iiiachino to the time it is turned out as paper, there is required but two minutes. Mr. Kastner, who was formerly super intendent of the paper mill at Camas, ond who has had un cxpcricuco of 23 years ia paper making, is now a perma nent resident of bulem. 11 o rccenn, purchased the F. G. Bowcrsox property in Murningside for a consideration of $7000. Government Will Resume "Trust Busting" In Fail Washington, July 24 (United Press) Attorney General Palmer has tet t rest reports that prosoeution of anti trust eases would be allowed to drop. The government will resume "trust busting" in October where it loft off at tha outbreak of the war, officials said today. The easo against the alleged steel combine is the first docketed for argit- Uicnt before tho supremo court when it convenes in October. It was moved for ward at request of the department of justice. Similur suits, now pending, probubly will be moved ahepri also. Indications were also that the attor ney general expects to look into the affairs of the meat packers. Ho said tho department has about completed i t k examination of testimony taken by the federal trade commission and probably would hnvo "something delinite to say about August 1. ggested Single Union Ut Coast Ironworkers Is Up For Decision In South Sen Francisco, July 24. Whether or ot iron workers cf the Finnic, coast will be considered as one big union a establishing a basic wage for the imlug, try is a question before the conference of shipyard workers, shipyard owners 11 1 1 1 iiileriil.tin :ul heads of menus to day. The reply of the em'i.loyers to this propositi is awaited beore iuiUier propositions ur presented. The meeting is seeking to set a basic n;;e for the shipbuilding craft. A basic $1 per hour is asked by the r prisenta tives of the workers. Those attending the conference state it may two weeks before un agreeme t is reached between district meti.l trades council delegates and the employers. Such sn agreement will then bo referred to the various I locals for approval. j International heads of nine iron bih steel workers uniii.m are hereto under- j writu the agreement when rem lied. 1 . The Use Of Kerosene Means A Cos! Kitchen Most women dread hot summer days'1 when th kitchen becomes as stifliog as a furnace. It is plain, hard drud.iery 1 to hang over a cot) tov as f he ther 1 mometer mounts higher and higher. Many women have found by putting in a kerosene stove that tne'r kitchens are kept coot and eomfortaMe even in the hottest day in umnicr. ! But f he ami of good kerosene,' s ich a the Standard Oil company's Pearl i Oil, has many other advantages than j that of keeping the kitchen cool. It is, easy to handle - far easier than cither j coal or wood. Furthermore, it makes 1 no dirt or dtst which musf be cleaned! cip continually. It light at the touch of a match, so there is no waiting for j ihe fir to come up. Pearl Oil burns up ebsa and produe- j cs no odor. It is refined snd re-resfincd by a special proccs which removes the ; impuritien. Wherever it is bnaght in rhe eity, in the country, in the moun tains, or on the rashor it 19 always he stme high quality kernel. It can he b mht everywhere In 5 gallon cans, tt in bu!k at slight saving cost. Torgct If Bay At Heme pecia! bale Wash Dresses and Wash Dress Skirts it THE FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE Our entire stock of these unparalleled WASH DRESSES and WASH SKIRTS Have been specially marked at prices that will close out the entire stock YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY In spite of rising markets and an absolute knowledge that we shall pay more for these garments next sea son we are following our "old policy" CLEANING UP TEE SEAON'S LLNES-CARRYING NOTHING OVER. Thru these times of "High Costs" We Are "PLAYING THE GAME SQUARE" You Can Always Do Better At iiiiftiA ttAAAAlAAAAllli RICICEYNEWS. (Capital Journal Special Boiviee) Bickey, July 24. d). A. Harris has rented his farm to A. W. Binogar. Mr. Harris will speud the winter in Cali fornia. Mrs. C. Howard of Portland spend ing tho week with her mother, Mrs. C. Clrinim. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dickinun ero enter taining their daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. A. Molar of Portland. Mis Hanoi Harris recently received a (leruian helmet nud several French shells from (France, souvenirs of the present war. ('ougratnlii(-ions are being otetided to Mr. nud Mrs. T. Ie Knutis by tlu-ir friend owing to tho arrival of a lit tle son. Both mother and son are .doing nicely. Andrew Parson has punhused a Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fiouiingt of Portland are spending their vacation encamped at the L. Dickman re.-idi nee. M. M. Mngco ninde a business trip to 4 rooked Finger Tuesday. Mrs. .lames Biullong recently ref ura cil to Portland after a brief visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Diekmnu. Among the summer guests at the Tliomns Wallace residence worn Mrs. Wallace and daughter of Washington and Miss Bowers of Florence, Oregon. Halem visitor Haturday won) Orven "See all the rest; then come and buy the best" Izard Gas Generator Makes Gas from Coal Oil No Odor, Dirt Or Labor No oil cans used to squirt oil to generate with, sim ply turn a valve, light a match and leave it alone. Placed in any range, hcatirg stove or furnace. Ab solutely safe and fully guaranteed. Cheaper than coal or wood. K.M.JENNINGS. General Sales Manager - 19:5 Fourth Street. Portland, Ore. Stale and County Distributors Wanted Fryslie and E. Lewis, Mr. snd Mrs. K. Wheeler have as their guests this week f heir sons, Rob ert and Kugene. Miss Meryl Whitney returned to the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.. Whitney after spending several weeks in Haleill. Dr. and Mrs. Morefield, accompan ied by Mrs. Ackman and daughter, Dorolhy, mude a business trip to ( rook cd Finger recently. Miss Hazel Harris who has been spending a few days with her father, l. A. Harris, leff for Kerry, Oregon, Wednesday where she will visit her sister, Mrs. A. L, linker. Cluster Horner of Oimpsnr M, who recently arrived from France, h;is been Hie guest of his bro'hePj W, O. H"ri'cr ll'tre h one; hz(c, cVprncbbb treat met that relieves itchir.ij torture ami a';i.i irritation almost instantly w.d l,!..t dc.inne and ajotlie lie ,n- AiinydrumjutbT u 3"or $1 bottle ofZcr.ioa!idai:ply itsdi-cctfd. Soon you wiil (rid thai irritation, pimples, 1.1. cklu'-fl.!, eczema,!;!' tdie.riniiworm a-d similar skin rrot:b!rs will disappear. A littla Zcnio.tho ivnetratii'R. satis fying liquid, is all that 13, fur H mi-dies must skin eruptions, make 1 in wift, r.mootli ur.d healthy. R. V. K.i-.e 0.. Cl-vl nid '' jj 5lop licking Shin J