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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1919)
PAGE THREE. Advance Fall Showing These New Arrivals Offer you the First Op portunity of Seeing What Dame Fashion has Decreed as Correct Styled for Fall Wear. The Showing Offers a Fairly Good Collec tion of Advance Models in Exclusive Styles that Will not Fail to Appeal to Women of Discriminating Taste, NEW FALL STYLES IN SHORT AND LONG PLUSH AND VELVET COATS ALSO SHOWING THE NEW FALL . FUR PIECES ?W h J. , 416 State Street Telephone 877 CROWDS SWARM (Continued froui page ene) EXPERTS AGREE that Zerolene holds better compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts, deposits least carbon. There is a consistency of Zerolene scientifically refined to meet exactly the needs of your car. Get a Cor rect Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, (California). R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt., Standard Oil Co., Salem. CABARETS HOLD (Continued from pago one) enough to satisfy the most talented, joy chaser. Prices of food have been tousled to meet cxpeasea. Sonic enter tainers have received the blue envelope tiut there is some optimism over the future. And liquor is not unobtainable to a good winker. In St. Louis tl.ev havo pooh-poohed at prohibition, i'aharets lire gliding lonff, peddling two and three quar ters, adding entertainers and catching' the night hawks. Theaters aro doing an increased business. ! Baltimore's cabarets are operating at about half speed with watered beeri and soft drinks. Food prices are in-j creasing. Many saloons have turned in their licenses. Cleveland theaters are speeding up ; bat fifty percent of the cafes there : t have closed. Some, however, are mak ing good on a soft drink basis, with strong food prices. -Entertainers entice Mue. vimago's cabarets are not closing. Crowds are placid, but are satisfied 'with better, entertainment and highor food prices. "Lobster have grown cheap ;cr. Community singing bus helped 1 some. ! in Pittsburg the cabarets fought , back feebly and most of them have I been closed for some time. 'Night res taurants there are doing a poor Busi ness with prices increased. Theaters are doing well. Hotels aro reaping a better harvest, with dancing permit ted. Xonr ibcor and fancy soft drinks are more popular. Kiwi Francisco saw only one cabaret of importance closed. After theater crowds,, however, havo vanished. Cafes arc making a strenuous effort to keep the white lights burning. BRYAN BLAMES SALEM (Continued from paj;e one) the same time he had urgent requests from his democratic friends to speak on the silver issue at Cincinnati and Mem phis. He said ho finally accepted tho Sa lem invitation and his reception was so cordial in Oregon that he just continued to speak, keeping in politics t.nd finally landing oi the chautauqua platform. Salem, Marion county, ill so held a warm place in his heart, the oiator said. For it was Siilcin, Mr.rion county, Illi nois where he attended school and where he uiVt a woman "who became ins wife. After leaving Salem, III., they went to Nobraska, Mr. Bryan to congress and then he enino to Ralein, Oregon, and since then, he has been in the rjublio eye. The dinner lust evening at tho Marion was rather an' impromptu affair. He was scheduled to arrive in Salmi at 8 o'clock in the evening but he traveled on a night train from Ashland, arriving here in the morning. But his friends here did not learn of his presence until later in the day a Mr. Bryan went to Tualatin to visit a cousin. This morning, before leaving for fit. Johns, ho was taken about the city and shown the Hiez plants. Ho expressed pleasure in seeing the brewery buildings converted into plants for tho manufac ture of soft drinks. Postmaster August Huckestoln pre sided at the dinner given li.nt evening. Short talks wero made bv Judiie Will tarn Galloway and John H. Albeit. Miss Tnrbell was also a guest at the dinner and spoke briefly as to conditions in i ranee. FALL REVEALS (Continued from page one) - great reform that have boon. Or about to be, accomplished fa this country, and from the slownex of their evoiution he pointed to the need of patience and faith in J ling w:tb the world problems now bo i ore us. It took 1 years to get through con gress legislation providing for the di rect election of senators; it took IV years to establish a workable income tax; woman suffrage has boon agitated for 50 years, and the prohibition issue ha been before the nation longer than that. From the success of these reforms Mr. Bryan hopefully predicts the ulti mate solution of the tremendous prob lems of reconstruction and of world peace. And the most hopeful feature of the feature -of the situation is the fact that both the great parties at smaller factions hava been able to get together on them. In the latter part of his address he dealt briefly with the questions of the day the ear of the returned soldier the building of national highways the squekhiug of the profiteer, who has been the darkest blot on the history of he war1; the government control of pub lie utilities, and greatest of all, the evo lution of genuine popular government. A delightful feature of the afternoon and evening sessions were the concert numbers of the Kecital Artists a trio of musicians who represent 100 per cent pure enjoyment with their violin, piano and fluto selections. At the evening F FOASTI 1 1$ A substantial dish that .furnishes full food value, in a more attractive form than usual. A "different" com flake from the old-fashioned kind, and one that excites favorable comparisons. Most popular of corn foods. obligations, etc "I have very carefully refrained from aligning directly or i;,iir"rtly witn any of tho so-culled factions in Mexico. "If Mr. Villa could convince rue that he was in position where, if not inter fered with by this government, he could .restore order and maintain peace and ' i hi : . - . i , , , jv.uri in jjuraicu, HU Wilis woum De in a position to and would cive me satis factory assurances that he desired and would perform all international obliga nuns, as wen as me nr.nonai obligations to protect foreiirn citizens and proiicrtv investments In Mexico, I would without hesitation public ly in the senate or else where, lay before the people of the Uni ted States such assurances and flank Iv and impartially advise them from my knowledge of Mexican affiiirs ns I have heretofore done, just what I thought was best for this government to do in Mexico." Hunt then discovered the letter to ilia evidently had miscarried and wrote Fall that it appeared L'arothcrs had intercepted it and a copy had been obtained by ('arrnnza. Fall replied lie regretted Hunt wrote to Villa, but he could do more than call fyr explanations. A few dnjs later, rail wrote Secretary Lanting that Hunt's mental condition was not what it might tie and enclosed eopus of his correspondence with Hunt. The Joy of Uring To enjoy life we mustBave good health. No one can reasonably hope to Sft mueh real pleasure out of life when his bowels are clogged good share of the time and the poiwrns that should be expelled are shuoibed into the system, producinjrheadache snd in dijrtion. A few closes of Chamberlains Tablets will more the bowels strength en the digestion snd give you a chance to rca'iz the real k.v of living. Try it. Salen s a Good Place ta Trade New Today 8 i - j"" - - v. v " i . rx .- ..' a ... - T ',' ... 5 I ? v i h v li I ft r ho l la ii n Ml IV ' 4 LOUIS raj LOUIS BENNISON The Smiling Gun-Man in "OH JOHNNY" In which the last laugh is the Best Laugh CHRISTIE COMEDY EDUCATIONAL YE LIBERTY COMING . From farm hand to merchant prince a visit to the fairies how to win a maiden's lovehow to be hap py though hired also A REVELATION" Of Farm Life as it Should be by that Master Teacher YE LIBERTY Starting L Mi y v Sunny Problems Keep Kool LOOK here. Would you want to wear a heavy Union Suit under the hot summer sun, when you can get cool, light underwear? THE MAN that is dressed for this weather is the man that is the most successful and happy. Happiness is a condition that comes to you when you are comfortable; you cannot be comfortable unless you are properly clothed. ' PURCHASE ANY OF THESE AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY. ' i r w? ( I V- r? i J SAXON KNIT, very fine rib- bed and finished nicely. B. V. D. s of the usual quality and satisfaction. ROXFORD t'MOX fjt'lTS are the favorite of careful dressers. ' CHALMERS Vnderwear are of the best standard quulity and workmanship. ATHLETIC t'MOX 81TTS made roomy and eomfortablej do not bind anywhere. HATCH ONE Bl'TTON Vn ion Suits, are something new. Ask to see the new font una. COOPERS BENNINGTON made with the spring needle as sure rou of service and comfort. THE comfort and health you will find in one of these under-garments mean the difference of success and failure. IF you cannot attack your daily problems with a clear mind free from all disturbing elements; you are that much nearer failure. ' Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron. SaSSISSSSMHSSSBSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSstSSSSSSSSSSSSBSai Salem WOOleSl Mils Store "IP" Jt Tins MAKES THB CUEL STAY IN YOUB HAIR SUNDAY I r A 1 111 a , At I I Ml tunrNAl m i m xrTeeTto:i Tho silnierine method of curling the hair is unusually popular just sow, according to the druggists. This, is largely due to the warm weather and because women are now spending so much of their timo out of doors. Liquid Isilmerino not only produces f-ho love lliest, natural looking curls and waves, but it keeps the hnir in curl no mntter how hot or how moist the day, or how Tiard the wind blows, It in simply wonderful how this harm les liquid J'onvcMs the s) raigtest, lankcHf- hair into such pretty curly locks in a single ninlil. All one need do is to wet a clean tooth brush with liquid Hliiieiine at lieiltiiue, ill aw this through the hair, and in the morning she finds her hair has dried in juxt the sweetest waves anil crinkles. A few ounces will keep the hnir curly for many weeks. It will also eep it beau-f-ilully soft, silky and lustrous. session the star attraction was Miss Mary Adole Hays, in a series of soprano solos that captivated tho throng. The beauty of her high notes was remark ably brought out in one of the operatic numbers in which she contended with the flute. Jn the upper registers her voice actually showed purer than the flute notes. Today is to be made mem.iiable by the appearance of Cimera and his noted C'.eclio Hlovnk baud an aggregation of artists from the lurid of music and ro mance and tragedy. Cimera, who is classed with the great directors of the day, is himself a trombone artist of tho highest type, and will render solos at both the afternoon and evening con certs. With the band !s Msdam Cafa- relli, a dramatic soprano of operatic fame, who will contribute a series of vocal numbers with band accompani ment. Chamberlain ' Tablets Theso tablets are intended especial ly for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. If you have any troubles ,of this sort, give them a trial and real lie for yourself what a first class med icine will do for you. They only cost a quarter. Y7A8HINQTON AGAIN QUIET romorrow and Saturday E: 5 1 1 ;; Hi ,1.1 WALLAGt: R&TD' 1 1 M .r; t ifl ' - ;3 ! Washingioi , .T:i'v 24. Police officials toiky sniil they Ih i-vid riots were .it an pud here following a night of calm, during which armed soldiers pa trolled the streets. The numb' r of fatalities rear lied six with the death in s hospital of Louis lluvlicek, marine private, who wr.a shot. ORENESS la Joints or mus cles, frlv a brisk musses with VICKS VAPOHUSU YOUR e00YCUAR&"-30'.tO',7L2O WAI1ACE RED "You're Fired" AN 0. HENRY STORY VV. E. CROSBY Tenor Singer LLOYD COMEDY PATIIE REGOpsJ ?$5 Keep Them Hose $$$ Tcrgct It" Bay At Home mm