Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 23, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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How Much More Tobacco
Will My Heart Stand?
A Vital Question for Every Man Who
Smokes or Chews to Answer.
(Continued from pse on)
May Ooxt a Life to Find Out
By Experiment
Tke heart of every user of tobcu
tear a double burden. It does its al
lotted task and then -.fight nicotine
for supremacy. Aa long as the heart
wins he lives; when it loses he dies, but
before the final victory of nicotine
you pass through many stages of de
cline and decay and suffer many Jiangs
Bearta are like human beiugs some
are stronger than others, therefore
one hefu-ts will stand more tobacco
than ethers, but there is a limit to
-what any heart ran stand. The man
who puts this additional strain on bis
keart a dozen times a day by smoking
eSgarettes, a pipe or cigars or chew
ing to W oo is taking a madman's
ekanee with health and life to lose
and aothing to win but the chance that
ae may lose them He is indulging in
a eostly babit at the expense of pre
eiona health. Ask any doctor anywhere,
and he will tell you that using tobacco
is injurious and that it is far better to
qait Hie habit than to experiment to
find out how much trtbaceo your heart
will stand without serious results.
But the thought of quitting is un
pleasant to most men even to those
who know that tobacco injures them
;and to really quit takes ruore will pow
'er than they have and causes more
suffering than they can voluntarily en
dure. To quit the habit, make it easy
for yourself by getting Nicotol tablets
and taking thorn as directed. The habit
really quits you and its departure is a
pleasure equal to its indulgence.
1 If you want to know how much es
licr it is to quit the habit with Nicotol
than without it, go twenty four hours
I without tobacco and note what an ef
: fort it costs yon, then begin using it as
: usual and take Nicotol tablets. At the
, end of a week discontinue smoking or
chewing for a day and it is probable
! you will have no desire to resume. At
least your desire will be greatly di
I minished and another week or wo
, should make it not only possible, but
(a pleasure to quit.
Manufacturers' Note Nicotol is sold
: under, the positive rguanetneemfwyp
j under the positive guarantee that it is
not injurious; that it contains no nab
! it forming drugs; that it will help any
man to throw off the tobacco habit,
.and that any druggist will refund the
: entire purchase price if it fails. It Is
dispensed in Salem under this guaran
! ty by D. J. Fry and other good drug-gists!
White Whole Wheat Raisin
And Be Convinced
On Sale by
The Peoples Cash Store
178-186 North Commercial St.
Phone 453
Eugene and other points in the Willam
ette valley experienced a thunderstorm
today of the middle west variety. A
bolt of Khtn:ng struck the steel bridge
here, putting it out of commission. An
other sidintercd a flagpole just as a
steeplejack was preparing tc paint it.
The rain fell in torreuts for. a short
period. Then the clouds cleared away.
Vessels in the Willamette were forced
to remain at their berths. The lightning
damaged the bridge's electrical mech
anism. It flashed down to the bridge
pavement and consumed a pile of briq.
H. E. Henry who was preparing to
paint the flagpole lost his job.
''It's a hunch for me to quit the
business;" he said.
(Continued from page one)
"Vt'bitnov who is in a class by himself
1 in rapid fire impersonation presented
the finest type of monologue ever heard
in Salem. A chameleon would have gone
'paralytic in the attempt to follow
I Whitney in his lightning changes from
' a gnshy, caokjing old maid to a " rouirh
neck" jus-t out of Sing Sing. The play
I ''Turn to the Right", is equally divided.-between
laughter aud tears and
j tense drama; and to present it faith
fully is not only a grilling task but
displays genius of the highest oriler.
The chautauqua is fortunate in secur
ing such an attraction.
Today there is a combination of en
tertainment and education that will em
boss the date on the calendar, with the
Recital Artists, Mary Adele Hayes ami
Elsie Mae Gordon furnishing music and
impersonations and with Bryan and Ida
M". Tarhell filling up a long evening
I with lectures that will deal with the
'greatest themes now before the world.
It should be borne in mind that in or
der to make room for this great even-
jlng's work, the ission will begin
promptly at 7:30, and ticket holders
are urged to be on' hand promptly.
Miss Tarbell who has recently return-
'ed front . .the . peace conference, will
speak upon the work of that body.
,Mr. Bryan will begin his address about
it o'clock, dealing with the problems
i-of reconstruction and nobody will bo
interested in knowing when his lec
ture will close, for Bryan' faculty
for holding human interest is euqal. to
his vocabulary.
But 19 teachers in a necessary force
of 45 have 'been secured for the Marsh
field citv schools.
Mr. Wells of Petersburg
Tells How.
! 'f
; ill z 4
to v- ffl
Petersburg, Va. "For twa years
iny daughter suffered from a weakness
ana pains in ner
right side; at times
she was so bad she
cou'J not do any ;
work. For twt j
years she was at- h
tended by the beet j
physicians here, and
both agreec that I
she would have to ;
be operated on. I
suggested Lydia E. j
Fiukham'a egeta-'
ble Compound, and j
at first she refused
to take it, but finally consented. From I
the very beginning it helped her, and
Bow she is entirely well, and telling j
everybody how much good it has done
her'-Mrs. W. D. Wells, Z North ',
Adams Street, Petersburg, Va. I
If every girl who sutlers as Miss '
Wells did. or from irregularities, painful :
periods, backache, sideache, dragging
down pains, inflammation or ulceration
would only give this famous root and :
herb remedy a trial they would soon '
find relief from such suffering. j
For special advice women are asked to
write the Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of forty
years experience is at your service.
(Continued from page one) j
About 10 per cent of the 19,532 acrei
is in winter wheat, but oats is the lead
ing crop with 2735 acres. Spring wheat
is credited with 532 acres, barley 39,
rye 240 and corn 288. The acreage of
potatoes in this Waldo Hills section:
around Macieay is oa wmio only z acres
are planted to field beans.
It is iu apples tin. t this section of
the county excels as here wo find 386
acres in bearing with 139 acres coming
on. It is an old time cherry section as
the acreage is 102, but only one acre
coming on. Pears claim but 19 acres
and no peach acreage is reported. .
Prunes are strong around Macieay as
Boys! Make a Hit for Mother! H
Otoen Letter
3 ll
fee M
Founder aad Executive Hed
of the E. R. Parker System
From Dr.. Parker
The Dental Office using tHe E. R. Parker System, which has been
established in this city, is the outgrowth of an idea that came to me
over a quarter of a century ago.
I was a dentist, with only two hands, and my professional ability
was limited to what those two hands could do. ,
I saw that I could do no more with those two hands in a dental
way than Rockefeller could do wilh his two hands in an oil way.
And so I began to use my head.
It was as plain as the figure 1 that by training one man to extract
teeth, another to fill teeth, another to make artificial teeth, and so on,
and then associating these men in one office and having them work to-
f.-ll-er, there was no limit to what might be accomplished; almost no limit to the reasonable
prices at which fine dentistry might be done.
It meant that materials and supplies could be bought in great quantities at wholesale, and
the saving could be taken off the bills which the patient pays.
It meant that no time would be lost in operating, and a saving of time is always a saving
of money.
I carried out this idea in one office and it worked worked better than I had ever hoped.
If one office was a success, why not two or ten or twenty or any number?
So I began establishing offices using he E. R. Parker System as fast as I could find compe
tent dentists to conduct them, with the result that there is a Parker System office in this city.
This briefly describes the E. R. Parker System, based on the idea of lowering the price of
dentistry by doing more of it and doing it better.
No charge is made for examinations of teeth, counsel or advice.
You are invited to visit this office, where you can see what modern dentistry has grown to
be, and how little the price will be to have such work done as your teeth require.
Registered Dentists
Using the
303 State St., Salem, Oregon
Wallace Hybndcr
Fred C. Bunch
Ray J. Greer
S3 - '
FOR the saving of the mothers,
and the health of the growing
child the LEE UNIONALL was
THEY can be washedare fast
dyes,' no special care need be
taken. These garments are large,
roomy and made for the healthy
and growing child.
BOYS' SUITS cost real money
today why spoil good clothes;
they are so hard to clean, and
are sure to be pulled out of
shape in the joys of a healthy
STOP1 Think which is the most
comfortable, economical, and
cool for your child.
The Boy of Today is the Man of Tomorrow-Cive Him his Chance to be
THESE have many new and good features manufactured into them;
the drop seat, among the many, and have plenty of pockets. Extra well
stitched and made full and roomy Heavily reinforced at the critical
Priced at $1.50 Each
Kaynee shirts and blouses for boys, in the sport blouses; the best and
most economical garment made for the boy.
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
Salem W00ltl Mills Store
.. . M inn 1 a. II . ilJ
TIM'ro IS an arongB OI iws oraring wuu aim in iafi ram jrom mr i;tna 01 ids
1 07 acri'g iioii-bcuririK. There nio nine e'Ay !u;i n it t nir nt tlm city conioirvi.wn
aero of w&lniit with 8!) nut yil itliic-1 line and extending four or five miles:
iintf. Loganberries receive, but lituo at- eimt ami sunt lien nt until within four
! teiition aa out uf the ll),r5 aciee in this inili H of Turner, there in a necllini
section, only CS aero are in producing' knuwii an Enli-wood. It is that part;
loana. This is somewhat of a straw-j of the county in which tlio fivo nnd ten
berry dintriot as 61) acrei are reported, acre tract people live who go into the
The Waldo Hills is a section of big fruit business. Farther nut, in develops
fcriim. Ainonjr the extensive lund own- into a regular farming soctioii. j
eri rcporfed are the following: Edith There are 10,4(!3 acres in this dihtrlet,
ialdo 940 acres with none at all in assessed by E. E. Mntten. The acreage'
cultivation. Hhe lives in 1'ortliu d. Jucob In gruins is 1435 in winter whoat, 73
Fox 2110, Frank Fatten 20, F. W. l'riemjin spring wheat, 1001 In oals, S in biir
282, Win. H. Howd 210, W. J. ll;im- ,.y, 14 in ryo, 431 in corn and about
phreys 3.i, 8. Mnrtin Jr., 2.",0, Chas. Ifim) acres in liny crop,
I'-wrse Jr.. 312. i. V. Enff 30, E. O.J Fotutoes are credited with 277 ncres,
Bimeral 205 Alf Ilersch 318, O. L. Mar-, fi,., v,,itm 3 ai r, and field beans H9
tin 322, Hsvrvoy Taylor 424, C. T. Gil- acres. There is 153 acres in bearing
ber 383, Hefmun Riei k 338 ami E. W.j applet with 13 acres coming on, 11 acrei
l'oners 334 acres. tin bearing cherries, six in peaches and
Out 011 the Garden roud from Halem, MM ;,t prunes. Rut the prune interest
- i
are growing as 112 acre are not yet in
There are 20 acrei in bearing walnuts
and 30 acres in young trees. Ihe Infill,
berry i planted to the extent of 172
acres. Among the larger land owners
here arc Charles Caplinger 814 ncres,
t'lii'ford Hrowu 208, J. M. Nirholn 1)2,
H. li. (iesner 21rt, 1'. F. Killien liH,
Henrietta McAdams 113, Jacob Htunffer
1 10 and H. It. Hill 105 acres. This is
district of fino homes and einalL fi.rmn.
In Joints or mus
clm, give a brisk .
massage with "
The maintenance of
rigid high'standards
is difficult, but
absolutely necessary
in the production of
Buy it fresh and warm
from your grocer