THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22. 1919. FAGE FIVE. -- THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY I JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVXBTISIXO EATES: Bats per word New Today: Xaek insertion ,. . le - 5 . ITe One week (6 insertions) One month (2t insertions) - The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, foi errors in Classified Advertisements Bead yonr ndvertiteo-cnt the first day It appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c FJKST class room and board close in. 405 N. Com'L Phone 1444, tf WE make the boat power prune dippers. Salem Htg Co., 1396 N. Front bt. tf BOOTS cleaned, painted, patched and tarred. Phone C. U. nays at low. i zt JAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. tf FOB RENT 16 room house onalble. Phone 1737VV. very reas tf W. BRAVER well driller, lloi N. 19tU at. Salem, Phone 827J, Or.' 8-s FOUMV Auto license. Get at Journal office by paying for this ad. i tV. F. WRIGHT, Turner, auctioneer, Why not get hirnj tf FOR SALE Or trade a big draft horse Call 1106 Ferry St. after 6 p. m. 7-22 YOU SALE Baled clover hay. Thone 70F32. tf FOB SALE Buff bantam chickens; 1 heating stove; 1 extension table. 200 N. 15th. tf 40 ACRES o heavy timber land for sale or trade; will take good 5 pas senger auto. 200 N. 15th. tf FOB SALE Cheap, nearly new Kim ball organ and Edison phonograph. 451 8. 16th tit. 7-22 WANTED 1000 suiu to clean. C. Ezra Sparks, tailoring and cleaning, 1855 State St. Phone 508. . 814 DEKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful sew colors. Borens Com'l St. tf WALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll upward. Bur en's Furniture Store. 179 Commercial. tf FOB SALE By owner, modern 5 room bungalow, 'built in china closet, book cases, desks; cement walks, full base nient. Phone 1598M. tf FOB SALE A good Deering binder, seven foot cut with tongue trucks, $125. F. M. Cook. Turner, Rt. 2. 7-24 A NEW mandolin harp for sale, latest imnrovomcnt will sell cheap if taken eoon. 1280 State St. 7 24 FOR RENT Nice, clean fumislied rooms closo in. Phono 82 4 W, 2'J2 N. Church St. 7 24 MEN wanted for lumber yard and plan ing null, ray 4a to au cents per nour, Apply td a Placo 403 State St. 7-22 WILL pay tip to $25 rent for modern 5 or 8 room house, walking d'stanee, reliablo tenant. Phone y3.t. tf FURNISHED homo wanted, 0 or 7 room modern furnished houe. Will lease for year. Call 2219. tf HERE'S a snap. 1017 Maxwell j.evfeVt shapo inside and out, owner living town, $".. See Watts Wood, new Pohle bid:;, Ferry St. 7-2-1 FOR SALE Ford worm drive' truck, 1917 model, good condition; also al most new 1 ton Maxwell. Call at new Pohle bid',', SVry St. tf BARGAIN 1-0 acres, 83 cultivated, buildings, spring water, in prune belt, $50 aere; 200 acres timber, 12, 000 cords, $40 acre. Roy Ohruurt,Sa 1cm, Or. " i INCREASE four worth, fine little 5 acre tract for sale few miles from Salem, house, barn,' well, garden, straw berries, raspberries and flower., 444 ears Journal. tf We buy sad sell notes, mort- fages and all kinds of bonds. HAWKW8 ROBERTS - S14 Mfsonic Building m Balftn, Oregos BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS j) mw WE LOAN MONEY FOR LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 314 Mason Bldg. Salem, Oregon POUND Purse, at band concert. Call 7-22 2c93M. FOE SALE 16 oz. duck army tent in good condition. Phone 220AJ. 7 23 WASTED Late model 1308 X. Com 1 St. Ford touring, 7-24 FOB SALE 6 ft. MeCormirk binder, good running order, price $35. Phone 351B. 7-24 WANTED To lease modern house, eiffht rooms or more, with garajfe. Address L care Journal. 7-23 LOST Class pin '19 numerals, initials E B on back. Return to Journal. 7-2' BARGAIN -100 acre farm close to town fair improvements, $4200. F. L. Wood Bayne ildg. 7-22 WANTED Neat woman for house work, no heavy laundry, house mod ern. Phone 30F11 or write Rt. 3, box 187. 7-24 FOR SALE 7 room bungalow east Sa lem, block from car line, $2300, easy terms. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22 BARGAIN Four room house, bearing fruit trees, on paved street, close in. ''00. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 7 22 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and furn ished apartments, inquire 1.). n. Church. 7-25 WANTED Logan pickers, 3 cents per box. W. L. Pray, Phone 112F3. 7-24 EXPERIENCED male and female sales people wanted at Shrunk' old place. Cull at onee. 7-23 WANTED Logan pickers little and big, Mondav, good pay; eome on ana get it. East D St., M. E. Getter. 7-22 WANTED 50 loganberry pickers, 10 days good picking; 10 minutes walk from carline at Salem Heights. B. Cunningham, Phone 21F3. 724 FOB RENT One large furnished housekeeping room and nice sleep ing rooms. Phone 1525. Call 255 Cen ter. 7-22 LOGANBERRY pickers on Grabonhorst tract 2 miles out on Jofferson way. Will pay 3c, 10 days picking. G. T. Moisan, 1480 Broadway. 7-23 FOB SALE Or will trade for good house and close in acreage. Twenty thonsund capacity saw mill with timber and donkeys. Price twelve thousand dollars. Address Timber care Journal. 7-22 WANTED By an up to date roof man your leaky tin, rubberoid, shinglo and grnvel roofs to paint and repair. Now is the tiuu? to prepare for the rainy season. All work guaranteed. Examination and estimates free. For quick results address Frank Mayo, Gen. Del., Salem, Or. 7-23 1'iYE room cottago for sale, modern in every particular, also full cement basement. Inquire 1015 Shipping St. 7-22 LOGANBERRY pickers wasted; will take to nnd from yards; 2c per lb. good picking. Phone 373 after 7 p. in. tf WANTKJ To rent grain ranch of 150 tn 200 acres with pasture and good buildings; will pay cash or shares. Write F E tare Journal. tf POlt SALE One bay horse 9 years old weight' about 1000 lbs, sound and true. Inq lire P. Arata, Rt. 9, bnx 90B. . 7-23 WANTED Wood chopper, $2.50 up per cord, good camp gropnd. Enquire Blessing's cigar store, A. J. Ander son, tf FOR SALE Nine room house, large lot niode-n conveniences, double garnge close in, on street car line and paved street. G L care Journal. tf CENSUS clerks, (men, women). 4000 needed. !2 month. Age, 13 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examinations, write J. Leonard (former government examin er) 13S2 Equitable Bldg, Washing ton. 7 22 FARMERS ATTENTION We- handle the old reliable Pa?e fence direct from factory in car load lots; Per fection Automatic Gates Milwaukee air pressure water systems, fresh wa ter direct from spring or well. L. J. Davenport, T. D. Allen, Silverton, Pas fence men for Marion and Clackamas eountiea, 8 18 UMRS-GX FIVE YEARS. WE AL- WASTED To Phone .8238. rent furnished house. 724 rK SAIJ-i -Man's wheel price $12. 724 M6 S. High St. LOtT A "0 liberty bond, 4th loan. No. 11O72O70. Finder phone lo27rt or leave at Bush 's bank. ' 7-22 WASTED At 435 X. Liberty St., a housekeeper, care for invalid lady. Eay situation for right party. 7 22 DRIVE wheel to binder put ia wrong car at Purvine s Monday by mistake Will party please leave at Purvis Implement shop. . 7-23 FOB SALE Three young O. I. 0. brood sows, have pigs Aug. 15. $75 each. C. Muller, 1 mile south MeXary Station. 7 26 LOST Sat. ladv's brown leather purse containing $3 in silver, near depot or 12th St. ear station. Return to Jour nal ottice. Kewara. i -J WANT to secure a $900 loan on acre age security worth $2300;also 1(HH) loan on a $2500 resilience with large lot. Both panics are very reliable. See nie at once. Socolofsky. tf FOR SALE Leaving for California and will sacrifice modern bungalow, small cash, or bouds or thrift stamps, balance monily same ns rent. Hence hold goods, stoves, tables, chairs, shades etc. J. 11. Davis, 1000 S. Com St. T-23 TO EXCHANGE 320 acres partly im proved land over in the stock coun try of easlcrn Oregon, on daily mail route near railroad, for small tract improved or partly improved laud in Willamette valley. For interview ad dress C. T. Jones, Salem, Or., Gen. Del. -724 GOOD BUYS 50 acre farm all in cultivation, mod ern house and large barn, 5 miles out on good road. $10,500. 78 acre farm, 65 acres cultivated, 13 acres pasture, good buildings. $8000. 100 acres, 40 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber, good 8 room house, large barn, spring water piped to buildings. $5000. 31 3-4 acres, 2-8 acres peach orchard in bearing, 3 acres timber, $11,250. 105 acres, 30 aerea cleared, 30 acres easily cleared, family orchard, T room houw, barn, spring water. $5000; will consider Salem cily projierty in ex change. W. li GRABENHQRST & CO. 275 State streoet 7-23 A GOOD ONE vet ousy or you lose, ou seres u good innu, wiia xunn nuiiumx, mini- ly orchard, 45 acres in cultivation, 15 acres good iinioer. vne tniru croy goes for $0000, $1500 cash, remainder $300 per annum, at 6 percent interest. This is good loganberry land and a splendid buy. SOLD BUT HAVE MORE We sold those two splendid bargains on 23d street. You let a good bargain get away from you. Wo have a new 5 room modern resi dence and two lots in iNorth Sulem for 2500, W0 cash. That is a good buy. We have other houses for talo from SilO up on very eav terms, JOHN li SCOTT REALTY COJteprt Africa Brags 404 Hubbard bldg. OLESGN'S AUTO EXCHANGE 310 N. CUM. V. M. C. A. ULOl'ii Uf-'KD CARS BOUGHT FOR CAU OR HOI. I) ON COMMISSION. T.M7 Ford, first class condition $450 Light Buiek four, express body $223 laiH Chevrolet si'dnn 5 passenger Ovrelniifl to trade f'T lot ly 18 Studeiiaker $!tf0 5 passenger, Hi-'ht Studcbakcr four electric starter and lights $5'J0 3f)17 Kaxon six fiUO 1915 Overland $'00 We wreck autos for their parts, thi. enables you to get old car parts at a bargain. Cash price paid for junk ears. 5 passes ger Studebaker, $180. We sell oils, grease, old auto parts tires and accessories. PHONE 6C8 SEALED BIDS INVITED Concrete bids will h received by school district .No. 21, Marion county, Oregon, tfl-r the hyi'fc of concrete sidewalks at the Lincoln, Gr&r.t and Highland schools. Plans and specifi cation are now on filo with the clerk for examination. Bids will be openc'l at the regular meeting, Aogust 12th, zens of the United Slates, associations 1919. Tho riht to reject any or all of such citizens end corpora.ions or bids is reserved. A certified check for gnnized under the laws of tho United 5 per cent of the amount of ea.:h bidj.States or any state, territory or'dis must sreompany same. Address all bTils jtriet thereof only. Upon application of in plain envelope, marked "Bids on i a qoa'af ied purchase, tho timber on any concrete walks," to W. H. Burghardt, legal subdivision will be offered sepa Jr., 371 State street, Salem, Oregon, jrately before being included in any of- PERSONAL Among rccp-nt guests fit the Jiligh hot-l were Mr. snd Mr. II. B. Sdioff of Portland; Geo. Zoorkvist, Silverton; C. H. Grntze, Tillamook. The Mise Margaret and Eerther Hal vorsen of Kugene are amsng the arriv als in the city teday. A. Krickson and R. W. Pwavie of Portland arrived in Snlem todav and; 2100 M.. Hr.'4 V4, fir IWO W., r rp.ri.'opo.t ai (h Hliirh kntel. Ther'VVi SW'A, fir 1250 M., none of the 11 be Iwated here for some time, hav in? a contract on one of ths state in stitutions. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. MHIer of Albany were recent arrivals at the Capital ho- tl. Try Salem first Ia Bavin? MOTOR HITS MACHINE T. T. Wdel Injured In CcSs- ion At Capital And Union Streets. T. T. Wedel of Salem rural route 7 was seriously injured last evening hen his automobile was struck by the Palis City motor car of the Southera Pacifie at th crossing of Cstpitol and Union streets. Mr. Wedel, who is a son of F. B. Wedel of the Deaconess hospital, was severely injured about the head. The automobile which he was driving was thrown to the side of the road from the force of the collision. The report of the accident coming to the city council was the cause of im mediate action being taken ouce more to compel the Southern Pacific to in stall safety devices including a wig- (wag signal at tma most dangerous crossiug. fouietime ago toe city brought a tion beforo the public service commis sion to compel the Southern Pacific to install signalling devices at Capitol on Union street as several accidents have happened there the past few years. It is known to Southern Pacific officials as tho most dangerous crossing between Ashland aud l'ortiatnl. .Notwitustanil mir this fact, the railroad attorneys made a sueee-sful fvht before the pub lic service comiu'ssion, and tho city est its suit Although it is generally known to auto drivers as an unsafe and hazard ous crossing, in the report of the com mission when it decided against the city the following iB stated: "From an examination of the records and from personal inspection of the site of this c rossmg, we are of the opinion that insofar us the physical conditions aro concerned, it is one of the most open, crossings in the city of Ntlcm. The city couueilmen do not agree with Commissioners Fled (i. Buchtel, II. H. Corey and Fred A. Williams who signed tho report June 11, 1919, and for that reason a motion carried at tne council 'last cven'iiuf providing that the city bring suit against the public service commission requiring it to va cate the order refusing to establish signals at this crossing. Those most familiar "with the cross ing state that the real danger is from the Falls C'rty motor ear as nono of the serious accidents have been from regit lar trains. As the matter now stands, the question of signalling devices at Carritol and Union streets will be tried before the circuit court. The ttoutnorn Pacifie has at all times fought every effort to secure protection at this crossing, all of which caused Alderman Vandervort to refer to the public sor- vic commission as tho "southern l a m m f ff fOUTtfJ UIICOIISCIOUS On Road; Sheriff Probes Centralis, Wash., July 22. Slicrlfl John Berry Is investigating liio story of Miss Ha sol overly of Ccntralia, who was found unconscious at night on the Ihighwny. I She said she had fled from an auto- mobile occupied by a man companion, and had been overeomo by exhaustion. , llor hend wits bruised. 7,000 Yanks From Brest New York, July 22. Tho transport Ameiiea arrived today with nearlj 7'i0 officers and men from Brest, including the famous Sixth i :fantry, complete. There were, also nearly 9H0 hick .and wounded on board. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN M ENT Umber, general land office, Washing ton. I). O., Juno 27, rto'nco is hereby given that subject to the conJi tions and liuiitatieus of the act of .Tuno 9, 101(1 ( VJ S'at., 218), and the insl ructions of the s.-cri-tary of the in - tenor of September 1;, 1017, the tim - ner on in.- nuii( iu u" August 20, WW, at 10 o clock a.m., at pub ie auct.on at the United Stat. bind offico at Port and, Oi.'-gon, (o the hiehe.. hi,1,le, .t not b's. th th. SU- praised value as shown by this notice. sale to be subject to tho approval of of the secretary of tho interior. Tho purchase pr'n-e, with an additional sum of one fifth ef one per eent thereof, boing commissions allowed, must be d-pnited at time of sale, money to be returnod if sale is not approved, other - wise patent will issue for tho timber rwhich must be removed wuhm ten 'years. Bids will be received from citi ju fi-r of larger nnif. t. z h., a. J w. S.-c. 11, N'VY',4 SWy,. red fir 510 M., cedar 55 M., SV 8W, red fir 7t0 M., none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for le! than 1J)0 per M. T. 9 8., R. 2 E., Si-e. 5, XE!4 NEW. fir 1090 M., hemlock 270 M NWli -NE'4. fir K0 M., hemlock 1"0 M., SE!4 NK14, fir 1770 M., hemWk 250 M., 8WV4 N'F.'i, fir 2390 M.. hemlock 200 M.. NE'4 XW14, fir 630 M.. hemlock 130 M.. N'Wt4 NW'4. fir 1700 M , NEV, SKvJ, fir 1170 M.. bembxk 120 M., SW SE', fir 1030 M., hemlock 50 M. KEVi SEli. fir ll'JO M., hemlock 3o'M., SW14 SEV4, fir 790 M.. SK'i .HWV, fir 1910 M., NW14 SW, fir fir to be sold for less than $1.50 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for ! thsn 75 cut per M. T. 9 8 , B. 3 E.. Sec. 25. KW4 -VW',, red fir W0 M., SE14 JTE'4, red fir 350 M, SW NE14. red fir 500 M, sons of the red fir to be ild for Ies than $2 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, Gen eral Land Office. 8 16 For Decree From German py Easband Opens Today San Francisco, July "2. With the wife ia the case frankly declaring her love dead, and with the htu-band mad ly is lov with hrs wife, the interest ing- von Brisckea divorce suit eame to a hearing today U the court of Super ior Judge Flood. Mrs. Milo Aberereaibie von Brisck- en, a San FVancisro beauty of Virgins stock, is suing the exbaroa Wilhelm von Brisckea, alleging that she is en titled to a divorce bccHuas he was con victed aa the brains of the Germaa spy system in the west. Von Brinckcs is serving a term in the federal prison at MetXeill's island. The attorneys for von Brim-ken threw oot the hint before the trial opened that von Brinchen would not contest the sait provided his wife would consent to allow their two chil dren to ber the name of von fcrincken This is the final chapter in a romance that deeply interested socetr on the coast, the ex-baron was as handsome as the brde was beaatiful. At that time the German lieutenant tore none of the odium attached to that class now. Mrs. von Brinckou stood firmly by her husband through his trial and un til near tho closo cf the war. When Germany was beaten and the baron's big estates were confiscated by the rev olution, and the baron was imprisoned, the present suit, was brought. Von Brineken fitrured throughout the Hindu plot trial. He. was also mention ed in connection with explosions in Canadian tunnels. He is now pressing an appeal to the president to escape deportation at tho end of his prison s- ntenee. Ho has fcrsworn allegiance to Germany and chosen tho United States as country and fenrs, ho says, thnt for this act Germany will mistreat him. Deals Ia Real Estate P. G. Bowersox to Joseph Kastor, west half of lot 3. Moraingde uddition Salem. Anna W. Cross to II. U Eerry, lots 9 and 10, block F. Simpsons addition; $800. Nan E. Dolmar to C. W. Gill, lot 11, Garden Home Tracts; $1000. Alois liananski to Frank Massu, lot 1, Wuldo Hills Fruit Farm too. 3; $4130. A. L. Oolton to A. DeGuire, 2.8 acres in M. Morrison claim 26-6 1 W. Emil Forctto to Lydia J. Little, f acres in A. E. Neil claim 9 1 W.; $1000, A. E. Chcnowith to W. B. New, 39.94 acres in A. P. Davidson claim 17-6 3 W. V. 0. Hevcns to C. E. Bevins, lot 3, section 35 9 W; $250. May Eastman to R. L. Cox, lots a ,d 2, block 3, Bishops addition. L. N. Childs to C, Blundcll, lot SI, block 6, Burlington addition. Henry Kirkwood to Margaret Are- luirt, 148 acres in William Phugey claim 09 5 2 W.; $15,000. Stephen Polrus to O, A. Smith, lots.12 to 17, UolliBter Annex No. 2, Stayton; $3000. Insubordination Casse Of Bigbee's Release, Report Los Angeles, Cnl., July 22. "Iutub ordimition " was tho retisnn fivon by Uiil Clynier, K -fit tlo manngrtr, for tus pending idefinitely l.ylo lligbee, con sib-red Seattle's best pitchi.ig and hit h:t;- I'"''5"" circles say Bi'uefl anil ,iymer illtven t u-un j;--i mi uti-nn too well and Bighi-o objected strenuous ly to some of (.'Winer's orders. BRYAN LAUGHS AT DEFEAT Eugene, Or., July 2U Wiiliam J. Bry an gave a ehulty and noli political nfter ii,,ni.'r talk at Uio lion I (j.lioiii lit noon yesterday tho chamber of commeico hav ing to idered him a luncheon.' . Promi- : Uljnt democrats and repubiieniis were U,, attendance. I'rocli.iming iiim-ej k , Htrog pftrtian, Mr, Bryan cited history i to show thut neijier party has bucu aWe (o Mur wrcrk tfco M ,t m I J ,B (,(intr()L , ' ,. JIr' Ji""1 Pr0V,;d t0 tkU. '""" Resent that ho is a good sport by laughing at his own defeat. Jr. Bryan said thu fact that he likes cherries has enk. d out since he canio to Oregon and lie lias been loaded down wiik ift of, (quantities of tho choicest varieties. Hoj i sunt '"J'here is no cherry liko tho Ore-j 1 ;,u i berry, and 1 liml y nit epplxs i thoi I f;. a tt world." I i u K,,i,ko to a lurw udii-nce at the ' huiitiiiiriua tent yesterday iifternoo.:i and left Inst evenisi; for UoMihurj, ((..LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS New York. Ju y 22. Liberty bond quotations 1 p. m.: Vi'n, dJJji; first) 4's, 92.70; second 4'h. U'l.lM; first 4ls,i 9I.H0; second 4 '4 's, 93.72; third 4 ''&,! j 94.88; fourth 414 's, 93.40; victory 2 99.98; 3's, 99.90. W. II. Kaufman, Bellingham, convict ed r.nd Bcnteneed to serve 5 years for espionage, has In en granted a new trial liy the United States circuit Court of Sp-l-esls. - Umatilla eounty is harvesting an n-j iiciialiy Inre efp of wheat, but reports from Pendleton aro that there will be no shortage ia farm hands. Tho Standard Box k Lumber company; at Hi liofield. Or, is preparing to rebuild following a fire tlmt destroyed j,uU,'if f et of lumbi r "d th- scwnml, plaui g mill and rxiw 'h'-ns. 'Torget If Bay At Home Tomorrow's Big Sale Children's Play Sets These sets consist of a very practical double apron that completely covers the dress, and are made from high quality light percales with a sun-bonnet made from the same material. Ages 2 to 10 years. This is our 964th WEDNESDAY SURPRISE. I'hey were bought 8 months ago on a low market, and bought then to sell at special for D9 cents, so you see this is a big value. TOMORROW ONLY fT"' !""" t - visst viihis You Can Always L HoooiioooDG 4 Naturalization Formula Received By County Clerk V. (I. Dover, counts clerk, can now adminiter the oath of forswearing aj- legiutwe to foreign governments in proper form to those who would like to become real Americans, ns this morn ing he received from the-.U. S. depart ment of labor full instructions for prospective Amorienns, During the. past year or so those who wished to forswear allegiance to (ler- many or Austria-Hungary named the present government over there, as the expression "present government" cov ered all kinds of governments. Now however, allegiance can ibe far sworn as follows: For Germans, ex cept Poles and German Czechs, allegi ance can bo forsworn to Germany or any independent state within tho for mer bound of the Urn-man empire. Those from Austria-Hungary may now forswear allegiance to Auslria Ilungary or any independent slate with in the former bounds of the (former Austrian-Hungarian empire. Austrian Poles and Czeclio-Hlovaks are exempt ed. Russians sow forswear alliance to Russia or any government within the former Ttuwian empire. Poles renoiinco allegiance to the re publiU of Poland while the Cmecho Hlovaks mention the Czechoslovak re public. The title of tho present ruler of Bulgaria is Boris, scar of Bulgaria. Governor Hart of Washington if plun u'tifi tn issue an executive order plac ing tho eight hour law In effect in slate inslitutioiis. FIND DAIRYING SURE - f X. '" 7'trV Wr"""' truiAn ft ' I t V LL-- JJJ't&r cfeip i r :n C" t.;o;- I - ' ' tn flct.ii .rir. w-3-i ha in Irvt ple,art 'nnfn to i awaited thousimds of Cun.t-lian r jMiet. The returned vetcrun have round homes in tho great mixed f wins wtintfv cpeticd up fcy the C wan Nationiil Bailwzy -rt ths f-w.i-: River vallsy of Man'-toha nnd th '-"Tnit-in, I'r.nco Ati.Af mnA t .r' f'.pr llisLrVtS 'A Faski'U-liewan. and ars itropAritiR tiM-n-ns rialrvvne.-. Cana-Iii one n' the dairv fitsm of tiis wo'ld 4-v so kico Wtl; for Instance, was mi , port; .ir fifty ars, or mora thsn , l.'.'t- '.I M eo-t-ift. r.f tutier srirtqaa : lrcm vasterD laiiaoa. in lanvir". Mt-t ttported 17ft car. of ! Ntter. or more than 4 ! roun:s, to mitcra Canada, and csr- I ricd oJ the honors in th Canadi- t t Do Better At ; HOW TO LOOK AND FEEL BRIGHT IN HOT WEATHER When depressed by (ho heat and yon want to freshen up for the afternoon or ovening, just bathe Iho face in a lo lion made by dissolving aa ounce of pure powdered" saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel. You will find this more refreshing tbaa an hour's rest. As a wrinkle remoter tho axolil' lotion Is remarkably successful. Its action is almost magical. The deepest furrows, as well as the finest lines whether due to age, illness, weather or worry are immediately affected. Er larged pores are reduced, f hubby skin is "drawn in," facial contour is improv ed wonderfully. The simple ingredients of eourse can be had at any drugstore, and you need not hesitate to try the lotion, as it will not harm any skin in the least. Despite the fact that tho beer indus try no longor exists in tho United Stale the demand for bops is exceedingly strong. Less than 2000 bales of hop of fall growths and qualities remain ia Oregon. SORENESS In Joints Of mus cles, give a brisk massage with "VICES VAP0PJJ! YOUR BODYGUARD" -30r-.60MT.20 ROAD TO WEALTH --pr 3 3 Cw.Tl-l "r I"'". . '' 'iA r t f r 4 foCJeviirX. ,,.; , ,.n; ;n ts. t-y..j wiu t i, -j ie f.-,r buiu-r mors than a fonth o!.l v.1:jh it was nidged, 1. prices bro-ight ni-cut ly the w .Id shortage, and the bitf returns t) fiinn..r pcoSting through their jtovernmen t-n'-i-'d co-operutivo c. - .rv.-r as hE nia-ie auirymn a io'A to agri-nUuial w.ealia a. m ev r the bennnza crops. 1 'lovemtneiit loiiiis to farmers, ii for the purchase ;,f cattle, m-j of animals on! .:ie'l'-e,l th' ' far.T: fnr,. ,A 1 Inn ,. .a more nan CO In yc.'.r and helped bm.t - . sn:u rJ dairv prouucx.on nun I, .nin... tn n tA-j .luartt-ty. lo- '.-eutive fffjinenrs in Saskstche- - n miw- "".' ', ". , ,.,,i.,m. f : farmer, incn-as-u ul- ;'; I ii..ii.- mere Vi M0 vet c n and j sn v U nt dutdtnd -: -.. !-- farmer ihWt- eA'iy