Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    "age of The Capital Journ
Editor and FabliihM
July 22, 1919
WWW w " j
Published Erery Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.; the Treaty of Versailles and the covenant of the League
. ,of Nations, as the reader might infer, according to the
Addrew All Communications To xr Vft. uTn-lrl U ,.. f ,li:
130 8. Commercial 8t
uew iorK nona. tie was not deaiinrr in mrt.icn .-ir with
the T Cr croc iha Ii'nnvoo 1iq Prnnrlnnnn L n U L
H li Jlrtiltl fnUn Jimtrnnl " - iJoh,nsotns. the Shermans, the Hardings, the Poindexters
VLUC AiUUMy mhUU Will UUl and other opponents of President Wilson and the treaty
J i Viat Vino hoon f fl mn,1 irt Pnm'c. k1Ua,..L V - 1 J !1 J .
oheuoj,' Aiumtu in x ana, oiiiiuugii ne lias uescnueu
jtnem and analyzed their motives with startling accuracy.
451 The quotations in question are from an article pub-
swished by Alexander Hamilton, July 22, 1795. The treaty
was the Jay Treaty, the first foreign convention negotiat
ed oy me united states government. The president who
inent m-in nf th rnuntrv tn Rinrtrput lncrnnriprrv hnca as!
j -w oo O J i
the national drink by expressing his preference for it j
over grape juice. .Now on his present trip through thei
w : :n.. i i: i : j ,i
Oregon has reason to treat Bryan kindly and extend its
warmest hospitality whenever he honors us with a visit.
run- ti rrrir. ner rear $3.00 Per MontB-
DUy by Mail, per year
Per Month-
W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btockwell, Chicago, People' Ou Building
iwas made the victim of the partisan assaults to which
ITT Mi r l n .
fore a.
iiuauiwu iticiicu uo vjcuie vasningion. in oraer
Uilr C.pit.1 Journal earrier boy.,ar. inrtmeted to put the paper. o th. " UC l Uie Correctness OI tnese
j a- .1 nnlo. oottinff thu imDer I Pilot fit nnsS thpv n 1'B tnlfPn fpftm tVlo Oflifir. f Unm Unn.
1, II toe earner ooe not u mm, uur is-v.. - r-r- . -4 --j cuhiuii vi iiuiiuiLun
la jo on time, kindly phone the circulation manngrr,
can actprmme wnutner or noi me ro
II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be ent yon
carrier hai mimed yoo.
U the only newepapcr in Salem whoee circulation is guaranteed by tke
Audit Bureau Of Circulation!
(in the Jay Treaty were not momentous; but in view of the
(state of the new Republic and its necessities, it was of the
ggd$mmmmtf& utmost importance tnat tne treaty should be ratified. Yet
tutln'ir own
'rt is only to i-oimult tin' liNlnry oT nation to j r .-i vo tlmt p pry country,
I ull i.i.,,'. i'k i-nrni'il hv tlif puMciicr of men lio, net niitcd ly nil irrcfc-iilar
nn.l.ifi.,11 M-ruoli' imtliihu which tlu'V iiinmino will contribute
daui'CinPiit unit importance.
It in to have Ucii cxm - tcil tli it t sncli men. count iK more on the pii.
ion tluiu on the reuM.n of tloir fellow ciliens, nml iintieipatinj Hint the
i.ip uihiM hnro o Mt rtii'irlw with nreiiiclieen. would be lisoi.eil to Illlike
an niliance with popular dinconlent, to nourish it oii'l to press it into the
crvi.e of their pniticulnr views.
It ns nlso known licforehand tlmt H'rrtnnl and pnrty rivulsliij.f of the
,iriost in'tive kind would assail whatever treaty niiyht lie made to difi(race.
if posnilile its oi(jnn.
t'pcui (ui.h mi occasion ux tlio treaty, how could it happen otliprwim' than
taat lierwnul cntnitv would he unnxunliv biiHj', enterprisin( and inali;;nantf
1 ' '
From the combined operation of thee different rimae it would have
Ueen a h i it exiei liiiiou that the treaty would be Reiiprully cuiitemplnted with
enndor and moderation, or that rcamin would reuulate the first iiiiprmtaionn
eonrornlng It. It wan certain on the contrary, that however eiceeptiuuuble !tn
true character nitwit be, it would have to filit it wny through B mas of
nrefonnble opposition,
It wan certuiu that it would become the instrument of a lystemulic effort
HUtiist the National (iovornment and it Bdiuinialr.itiouj a decided eniiie of
oartv tu advance its own views at the hanard of the public peace and prosperity.
Before the treaty w known attempt were made to prepossess the pub
lie mind BL'iiinst it.
Before It was published at large sketch, calculated tu produce false
Impressions, was bunded out to the public through a dlum noted for ho
tilily to the administration of the Government.
1'missnrte flew throngh the country epreuding alorm and dincontcnt;
the leailem of club were everywhere active tu eine the pussiuus of the people,
ud preoccupy their judiiieiits against the trnaly,
It cannot be doubted that the real motive to the opposition wn.s the fear
of a discussiim; the desire of excluding liht the adherence to a plan of sur
irii-fl and deception, .Nor need we desire n.v fuller proof of the spirit of
pirtv which has Htiouibiled the opposition to the treaty than is to be found
in the irciinistances of that opposition.
The author of these comments was not dealing with
we see that the same kind of influences that were at work
then are at work now and are at work in the same wav.
Issues change, but politicians remain politicians and
pontics remains pontics regardless of the fate of peoples
whose future is hanging in the balance,
By Walt Mason
I had a little field of wheat, five acres and a third;
through winter storms and springtime heat my vigils were
absurd. I thought the climate should be run with my small
field in view, with just enough of wind and sun, and
timely rain and dew. In other fields of great extent the
wheat of neighbors waved; I didn't worry worth a cent
if they were lest or saved. The only wheat in all the land
for which I cared a whoop was that, by idle zephyrs fan
red, before my humble coop. I trembled when the sky
v.'ius blight, for fear a drouth would come; and clouds
would fill me with affright, lest wild tornadoes hum. I
kicked if there was too much rain, and jawed the brood
ing sky; and I would grumble and complain if days were
hot and dry. I ragged the wind in heated terms when it
came from the west; I dreamed of bup.s and army woims,
and ewrv oilier pest. My
There are so many conflicting versions of the nation's
war debt that it is just as well to get the matter straight.
This debt is not $1)0,000,000,000, which is according
to common impression. It is not anywhere that much.
The government actually expended, for war purposes from
April G, 1917, until June 30, 1919 the close of the last
fiscal year, a little more than $: 10,000,000,000. It must be
remembered, however, that $9,000,000,000 or more con
sists of loans to the Allies, nearly all of which is perfectly
good. The $9,000,000,000. therefore, is not a liability but
an asset. That reduces our actual war expenditures to
twenty-one billion dollars.
Of the latter sum, about $9,000,000,000 is taken care
of by current taxation. As a result, the actual war debt,
estimated at the beginning of the present month, is only
about $12,000,000.
The war is not over yet, at least from the standpoint
of expenditures. It will still cost many hundreds of mil
lions to bring the troops home and cleanup all the odds
and ends of expense. But against this continuing cost
may be set the large sums derived from the sale of ships
and military supplies. The government may get enough,
or nearly enough, from these sources, to pay all the bills
coming due from now until the war and navy departments
are re-established on a peace basis.
Making due allowance for the possibility of keeping
troops in Germany for a longer time than anyone antici
pated, thus postponing demobilization, and also makinc
liberal allowance for other unforseen demands, it hardlv
seems likely that the war debt at the close of the present
year will be more than $15,000,000,000. That is one of the
smallest debts borne today by any of the big powers. It
is absurdly small when measured bv the resources of the
United States, especially when we consider the proportion
of the other powers' debts to their resources. It is prob
ably ( per .cent of our national wealth. We could nav it
off in three years, if we chose, without breaking our necks
financially. . .
Frank Davcy, who for several years
has held a position an bookkeeper1 at
ithe atate penitentiary, has accoptd a
Bela Kun has been deposed again, indicating that his p,"sitio'1 in. V d,aims ,1,''r,0"mt ot
, , . T , . TT. p . , the industrial accident comuiiBsiOB, pre-
career is about as variegated as that of Villa, the pictur-; fming thia work to that at the prison,
esque Mexican bandit The fact that his name would v' v im prison office iii b
i f, e , , . , , .. i taken bv J. 8. Murray, the assistant
seem to fit one of our new temperance drinks better than bookkeeper.
anything else shouldn't necessarily be held against him. j "'
A Hungarian bolshevik isn't hardly worth a name anyway, j 1!.
oruor Olcott that the board has teea
in adjusting the dif-
a and
the decision of the arbiter the la-
rs have resumed their occupatioa.
is the first instance in which tho
fln.aid has been called upon to act.
Italy's new premieres named Nitti, and the Italian & '.S?
Tin V inrnpnf 1C coin hn in toirn fVin Tiffi nnlii-vir Wa Jl..-.. : i,.lQ,wl li.,1
1 k rnitf wif I 1 1 1 v v w . x. w u k'uiu KiK, iit AUVVri Ul 11 it LI 1UlH.y, MCK'n'" uwiiiinis " jintiwuu, y
f"iiowT.riteua'p.oo;worKS s edited by Henry Cabot Lodge, now a ; don't know what that is, but it can't be as bad as the nutty j1"'
a by ipaeiai messenger if the! senator in the Congress of the United States from Massa-'policy which proceeded it. n;L i
Compared with the present treaty the issues involed
Hunting a Husbana
Attorney General Brown has receiv
ed information from Washington with
regard to certain tracts of kind fraud
ulently acquired by the Hyde licnsoa
operators years no, stating that th
secretary of tho interior Tia sustained
an or.br of the general land office ro-
dii' not V"''''K approval of exchange of one
null 10 . l.tl . iwiniua iui.ni. aim biiuui
.1 11 III.'.-
I can !
Oougliis count v. The Western
Lumber company, to whom these lands)
something something that
quite dare to say.
Jlerle has just left me. Now I r.m alone in mv roon
I I. : .. ,i . ..t! .... . . . . . .
coimuic hi uc uaiu .still leei tne strong pressure of Ins i, , i i. ... -,.,,1 t.l f..
my doubts cud foreboding dropped hands. I ran still see his f.ue looking! '1C or of revocation, but this appoat
away. Our hands met. I lorgot my down into mi'ie. I can almost hear the I hu -bocu overruled. This would oeoux to
nurpose to question him. To weight his unqioken words. jopen the wav for the state to eventmil
wonU.to see if they rang true. Uis per- e how ri.liciilous! 1 have know this ly recover title to large ureas of laud
sonality, quietly powerful, piiVd.Ud nie. inaa barely three weeks. lie can not involved in tile HydedVnson opcra
1 only kuew that he was here agin;.. I cure. Ami If Yes, I like inm. tions.
cared not for what he hud uone. Thei Then mv thoughts took a new turn.
present is mine. My meeti g with Tom, good old Tom.
1 liked the way he talked, blowly, this morning,
almost hesitatingly. Vet ud he saidj "I ay, Sara, he begun, "I'm lu. a
was worth listening to. l!ut of L( n Ijrutten hole. Jeunne thinks I've beeu
missed what he said. It was the sound j flirting with you, the house party you
of his voice; the resonant timbre tliBtJknow. and she's nut out. Huvs I uu i't
held me. I had to make myself li.-ieu
to the words, the moil nin;:a.
One thing 1 noticed. A little thing.
As he sat on a step of the porch lie
lighted a cigarette. Mis fM(, illumi
nated !.y the ini',1 tiiefs of the nii.icli,
was laik and at.ou Hut the linnd that
held t'.J mutch ;ru."b:d. It feint. kd
so icUntly that tli rulch flickered
ami went ou. lie muttered something.
hulf indistinct. lie struck another
match. That little incident was so un
important. Yet whv out of our whole
evening does it stand out so clearly, so
significantly I i
s he left nie he took both mv hnnds
'.ii his. lie looked down at me a mo
ment in the starlight. He hesitated.
Then he dropped my hands nnd said
a hurried good-night.
I felt after he left me t.iat there was
really care and all that. You help mo
out. Won 't youf ''
" What do you expect me to do any
way," I asked, "go and tell Jeanne
that you never did flirt with mo in your
life? That I'm not worth flirting with!
That you treat mo liko youi maiden
Aunt Rebecca "
"Now Sara, don't get huffed," said
Tern. "Von 're clever, you can do it.
I'd do as much for you!"
Tom has a nice way of looking at you
out of his eyes. Like a. collie when he
likes you. He's rather hard to rufse
things to.
"Very well, Tom, I'll do my bestt"
I said with a shrug.
Tom's ipile was really worth the sac
rifice. Still another problem to settle.
(Tomorrow Tho Champion.)
State Kngineer Cupper has roccivod
application from the Talent irrigation
district in Jackson comity for tho cer
tification of I'ljiMM worth of bonds for
further construction work. The district
has already issued bonds to tho extent
of $175,000. The Squaw creek irrigation
district has nlso applied for the certifi
cation of bonds to the extent of $15,
000 in addition to t8,000 already ia-sued.
(Continued from page one)
The late Governor Withycombe prohibited the show
ing of the "IHrth of a Nation" during the war ostensibly
because it would offend the patriotic blacks of the coun
try. Actually, the action was taken in response to a par
tisan desire up here in the north to oppose anything that
gives the' southern people deserved consideration in
any respect, a slowly dying legacy of the civil war and
the political strife from which it resulted. As a matter of
fact the colored man of the south couldn't have his pat
riotism offended because he has no patriotism. He is
just plain "nigger" and probably wouldn't know whether
patriotism was something good to eat or drink if you hap
pened to speak to him about it. Now there is a series of
race riots because the negro has bt'en getting too much
wheat is harvested at last, it attention as a soldier in various ways and is "swelled
't Vj 11 . It
lived through rust and blight, survived the torrent and
the blast, and filled my bin all right. And I'd have had
?s big a crop if I had let things slide, if I had raised no
yelping yawp, and had not wept or sighed. I worried o'er
that field so much I aged a hundred years, and now I
hobble on a crutch, and see how vain we're fears.
UAlH.mM.tgfl.llM )
up , a condition tnat spells trouble, lhe race riots f o -
low and the "nigger" is whipped into submission. The
southern people know how to handle the negroes, and the
"Birth of the Nation" gave an excellent insight into negro
character and southern life after the war, and was the
most stirring and popular drama ever enacted on the pic
ture stage. The fact that it was not historically correct
in all details was no excuse for its suppression any more
than the fact that it was not complimentary to the south
ern negroes. Narrow political prejudice inspired it$y
Established 1868
General Ranking Business
Commencing Jane lGth 'Banking Hours will be
from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
Senator George Chamberlain is especially concerned
about the rights of the soldiers and is going to see that all
courtmartial sentences are revoked, etc. By the way the
isenator runs for re-election next year and the returned
soldier boys and their fathers and mothers, standing to
gether could elect or defeat almost anybody. George is
certainly strong for the soldier, and naturally has a right
I to hope that the soldier will reciprocate.
Wm. J. Bryan will lie remembered as the first prom-
worse for tho I'nited States than Is the
league of nations."
Tlmt the treuty provides so nia;n
commissions to curry out specific parts
I l "f trims the ba;;in. is noi necpssr.rv
to make the peace settlement effective.
Inst as these pence couiims:. 111113 are
not appointed by the league but by the
principal powers, there is no rens'in whf
the treaty and the league should not be
lie listed these commissions, showing
the part each will plr.y.
That," said .Moses, "should he suf
ficient not only to refute the claim that
the league of nations is an indispensable,
instrumentality in currying out the pro
visions of this ilenty; but it aif.i jeives
as iui effective denial (,f 1'resideut Wil
sun's defiant claim, 'made in iw York
on Mulch 1 that the treuty and eo. e
uiilit Would be bound together lliat the
senate con!. I lint dissect the en count
from the tienty without tic-droving
"If there mo those who would con
tinue to think Washington V faiewell
address a nobler ilucuuient than any
produced at Versailles, I couiimI them
to turn to tho body of the treaty itself
and learn the full extent of the duties
it seeks to Iny on lis, the difficulties it
will hy to niiike us solve nnd the inex
tricable thickness of difficulties into
which it w'll thrust us."
Taking exception to Vresid. tit Wil
son's statement that the teims, ,siunre,
as a whole with the H points, Moses
"We look in vain for tho eiosixe 14
points. Open covenants long .,i'icc took'
t hiding: freedom of the aea was trea I
ted with scant courtesy; rsta'oiislument
of e.piality of trade conditions nuiongj
nations is now here found; the earlier!
doctrine of annexations and uo imlemni-
tii-s has l... come a tragi? joke ami taere
remains alone the league of .alums.
"This treaty is infinitely worse for us
than the league, for whatever baleful
c.msciiiionces will flow to the I'nited
states frimi the Icngue are in the future,
whcrer.s the treaty provisions, iinme-
liste h ill without recourse, t.irust us
autouinticaiiv into the endless snarl f
attcmpti j to get Ef7 boundaries; im
pnse on us part cf the task of keeping
(ermany in leah and of striding her
commercial and industrial develop-'
1111 nt,"
er from ITammitt Bros, of Mohawk.
Hops in the upper valley are all in
gooil condition, says Air, 11 eye r, the
late rains in the spring having ad
vanced the growth.
Died of Disease
Wounded severely
Wounded (degree undetermined.)
Wounded Slightly -
Missing in Action
Died of Wounds.
-Charles T McBreen, Omaha Neb.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Robert Martin, Liletown Ky.
Frank B Sullivan, Hartford Conn.
Reinhold Breitling, Wishek N D.
John S Dcnn, Xewburgh N V.
Stnntnn K Dopts, Camden l'oint Mo.
Orin S Seeley, WoodhuU 111.
Andre V Shr.frnnke, Wilkes Barre Pa.
.lolin H T'sry, Anniston Ala.
Stanley F Wer.ncr, Upper Lehigh Pa.
Died of Disease.
Edward O Braden, Derby Ran.
Died from Accident and Other Causes.
Lieut Roger John Clayton, l'hiladel-
,, i phi a Ta.
t'le. -n.. r: ....l.nlt TV-..!- i.v.
nil ciis v ..i m il i'ii 1, n i3i .lai.o
The following casualties are reported
by the commanding general of
American t.xpoilitiouary rones: IvilleNC.
Hied from Wounds II James Goodwi'ie, Georgetown SC.
Died of Accident and Other Causes 13; Felice Pob tti, Nelcong N J.
njf Tha Quickensr Press
sa 193 N Com'l-over Galo&Co.
ss? 0. E. Brookins. Proorielor
K igcne. Or., July 22. Eight? thou
sand .oun.l of ear'y Eugjie hops
grown in the vicinity of lliirr sbur
have born contracted for tr Prank
H.yer of th.s city, agent for T. A.
Liveslcy k Co. of &i!eN, in each tae
the contract price fccm? So eents a;
po.ind. These aie in addition to the S,- I
CO p.un.l contracted for by Mr. Hey-1
In this week's
Saturday Evening Post
Is a reminder that ARMCO IRON
is used in the construction of
iiiihiwiw 111 m
ry k n fix!
3 f-
i1. v
Kmistt Rust.
It rt.illv doubles,
the life of a Ujs
? w.
-i tfce I
A to rr the
fit tn4 gar-
Portland Rlway light & Power Co.
! A