Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mool Censes Shows Total Of
12,150 Children la Mar-
ion County.
The annual report of W. M. Smith,
toonty superintendent of public schools,
for the year ending June 30, 1919, hc
just beea completed- It shows the fol
lowi g interesting statistics:
In the eounty, between the !e of
four and 20 years, there are MSG u.ales
' and 6060 females, a total of 12,133.
la the earlier years of school life
the uumbor of boys runs along Mine
times more aud sometimes less than the
girls. Hut in the higher griJes, the
records show that the boys are not .-tay-ing
in school like the girls, after pass
ing the junior high schools.
School life is divided into 12 grades
and the number in the eounty of those
between 4 aud 20 years is as follows:
First grade, boys 554, girls 501; 2nd
grade, boys '405, girls 419; Srd grade
boys 387, girls 322; 4th grade, boys 399,
girls 393; 5th grade, boys 411, girls 416;
4th grade, boys 403. gitls 332; 7th grade
I boys 364, Biris 328; 8th grade, bovs 330,
Rirls 265; 9th grade, boys 217, girls
Lift qffCorns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona
costs only few cents.
With your fingers! Vou can lift off
any hard Corn, soft corn, or corn be
tween the toes, and the hard skin cal
. lusea from bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of " Freczone " costs
little at any drug store; apply a few
drops upon the corn or callus. Instant
ly it stops hurting, then shortly you
lift Uiatlbo!thorsme corn or callus right
off, root and all, without one bit of
pain or aoreness. Truly 1 No humlbugt
294; 10th grade, bovs 132,
11th trade, boys 109, girls 153,
rade. hoys 93. girls 136.
In the public schools there are but
37 male teachers in the eonutv while! ., '
.t. t i., , i,. ... v" n....l Mail for and
nt .i;... : ui ...a Valley Feuee and
...... T. , .. rifd br the a
1 i 1 W'UlKIl UUUSCS. VUl T OUf VCHtHJl II V USM3 ; , v. - .,.,.,.
was built during the past year, while thwe ffic(,s ,niJkor Watir
. w v V an um iuv at. usx. o tuut
Now Carries U. S. Mail
from Hoskins. KU'.gs
Airlie U now ar-
Uev & Mletx railroad.
of the first
jthe old time at least twenty four hours.
Gty Recorder R?.ce Gets New
Office h Addition To
Present Job.
two school houses in the county were There ig but two niails fa(.B wsy for
not occupied during the school year. (Kings Yaller, Pedee and Airlie.' As
No district in the county had a school jTt.t Hoskina gets but one.
year of ten months, while 21 had nine i As all of this mail goes through tho
mouths. All others had eight months of independence postofflce it means aipr
whool to comply with the law. There, work for the local postoffke foree. I
ire 33,760 hooks owned by the sebool!order to mak-i more room Postmaster
, . . . t . . v. . i . i : a M ' ..1 v . i , :
(lisiricis. ill urtvsie kuwis, .men ui nm rr-ui ivugt-u nirs, Hoiont, , .
menus not public schools, there are 22 and tables, la addition to the Valley I OI ,ne eounc" Hla' yvS ,B
male teachers and 27 women teachers.1 filets mail, all of Parker's and a x' j'h matter of increasca of salary. At a
The wages of the teachers for the past ''ion of Monmouth's and Buena Vista's, former meeting of the council an or.
15 - . . - r. ... i t I ,l. T t i - I . .
rear amounted to $251,869.18. The bill num iu mr mucif .iucmC ouict,
for fuel was 16,116.02 and repairs to Independence lost
the school houses for the year ending
City employes fared well at the
Noted -Wcmaa JcamaHst To
Describe Versailles Meet
ing In Salem.
June 30 cost $25,162.53.
Lane County Sportsmen
Plant Young Trout Today
Eugene, Or. July 22. Lane county
sportsineu took a day off today to
superintend the important work of ad
ding 1,000 000 trout to the streams of
this district.
One hundred fifty cans of baby trout
were brought from the Bonneville
hatchery by deputies of the state game
commission. These fish were all hatch
ed from spawn taken from the Klamath
river in southern Oregon, aud are rain
bows. ....
When Oreson's new hatcherv is ready
at Oakridge, trout will be, kept in ponds . CL.,! TUnnU T R- TU-I
trout a uvuui . v ajv iuui
dinance was introduced raising the sal
aries of the policemen and firemen
$10.00 a month, but it was last even
ing that the ordinance passed to the
second reading making the raise in sal
aries effective August 1. The ordin
ance will go to a final vote August 4.
Others having had a raise, the street
serv.ee are going in today in a desper- ' . ski . f u
ate attemptto combat it mon(h Thf tttion . signed by 11
Four fires have started in Bitter Hoot ,,.,. , j..p,mt Ti... -
, "'y'jrn va (ilia ut -ai nut ui. lit J n a"
(Continued from page one)
blaze which is burning bculr on the
east end towards Gold creek.
until 5 or 6 inches long. But these
will be turned loose to battle w
their various enemies for existence.
"I never felt better in my life than
since taking the first dose of Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy. I had a bad ease
of indigestion and bloating and tried
all kinds of medicine. Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy is all and more than is
claimed for it. On my recommendation
our postmaster's wife is using it with
good results." It is a simple, harmless
preparation that remove the catarrhal
mucus from the intestinal tract and al
lays the inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and intes
tinal ailments, including appendiciais.
One dose will convince or money re
funded. J. C. Terry and druggists ev
erywhere. BAERIE0 TO MEET 8036MEK3
Boise, Idaho, July 22 Frnnk Bnrrieu,
Canadian middleweight, has been match
ed with Al Summers of Portland for a
twelve round bout at Liberty Gardens
here Friday night. Sommers won from
Pred Gillum here last week after o,
tough fifteen round battle.
Of Long Lost Spokane Man
Santa Barbara, Cel., July 22. Llforts
to identify a skull found o:i the beach
here lnte yesterduy by W. 8. Wafford,
a junk dealer, were being made by the
police today.
ihey arc working on the theory that
the skull wgs that of J. Lewis Clnrk,
Spokane millionaire, who disappeared
mysteriously here three years ago.
Torget It'" Buy At Home
WESTERN buyers like todeal
with people whom they
know well and favorably a
"square shooter."
The outstanding quality of
Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires
has naturally attracted the class
of dealers you want to patronize.
Take their word for it that the
Firestone Gray Sidewall Tire
has established such mileage
records this year as Pacific Coast
drivers never before experienced.
forest. There is one bad blaze at the,, , fH ,hst th rgUc th(uU,
head of Trout creek south of Superior in ; be gr,llte(i, bllt the oidinance was re
the Lolo forest. ifcrred to the streot committee for a
The Homestake blaze near Deer Lodge 'report two weeks hence at the next
is spreading rapidly over brush timber. 'meeting.
Twenty men are fighting it. Fifty men j City Recorder Karl Bace wos official-
went louny to ngni me KKiiiesnaKe iv appointed purchasing agent at a
salary of $.0 a month. An ordinance
providing for this new department of
the city was passed to a third reading
last night and is now effective. Mr.
Race will combine the duties of city re
corder with that of city purchasing
The first ward will now be fully rep.
resented as Harold Hager was elected
last evening to succeed Fred J. Smith
who resigned having moved out of the
ward. Mr. Hager is associated with
the Ladd ft Bush bank.
The fifth ward will also be fully rep
resented hereafter as Gerald Volk was
elected to succeed C. M. Roberts re
signed. Mr. Volk is a retired business
and newspaper man. Ho served four
years as alderman when living at
Wichita, Kas. and was formerly owner
of the Dallas Observer.
Answering the petition of the Salem
King's Products company, the street
committee reported that the city had no
oil nor oiling machinery for oiling
streets. The company had made a re
quest for the oiling of Front street
two blocks on each aide of the plant.
The petition of the compnny for an
are light near the plant was referred
to the committee on lights,
Somo opposition developed to the
granting of a permit for a stairway to
th! basement of the Mnsonic Temple
on the High street side of the building.
Although such a permit was granted
about a year ago to the Hubbard build
ing, it was shown that the sidewalk of
the Masonic Temple wus much more
narrow, and therefore the building com-
imittee was opposed to granting the
petition. However, the subject was kept
i alive and will. be brought up at the
next meeting, -
Waller street between Uth and Hth
will not be opened but a foot way will
be placed. The council committed that
inspected, reported against opening the
street. The committee, reported without
recommendation the claim of Mrs. Jos.
Martin for damage due to a defective
sidewalk, fo action was taken.
The City of Dallas officially thank
ed the City of Salem for tho use of the
asphaltuin kettle which Salem so kind
ly loaned Dulles. Tho official letter of
thanks indicated tho willingness of
Dallas to eutor into reciprocal relations
with its neighbor across the Willuni,
The Beauty
if The Lily
can be yours. Its
wonderfully pure.
soft, pearly white an
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com
parable to the perfect
beauty of your skin and
complexion If you will ui
Most Miles per Dollar
(Continued from page one)
; to
ff m
a i3,
a touch of hay fever," the motor mag
nate responded.
"Who wrote thist" asked Attorney
Stevenson reading: :"AU nations of
Kurope will be tiled white, Europe will
appeal for succor. Why allow this filch
ing from our treasury ia tho name of
pn-paredneas "
"Does that encourage enlistment!"
"Mr. Brownell (Ford Motor com
pany advertising manager) wroto
that," Ford said.
"But he wroto what yon suggested.
Were you going to have him rewrite
"I always thought the bible could
be rewritten in clearer language,"
This was preceded by questioning by
Stevenson regarding the expedition of
the Oscar J I. Ford said he only fi
ed the party had nothing to di
the literature.
Excerpts from writings of
Lincoln were read.
"Hn who dissuaded the so'
volunteering harmed the m
as he who kills a soldier in
"Do you believe that if
was asked.
"Yen, when the count' at war."
"What is your under ,,i.g of the
Monroe doctrine! ''
"The big brother ar..''
Stevenson spent s ne time explain
ing the Monroe doctrine,
"Did you say b-..'k in 1910 that in
case of an invavon you would not
make a dollar's worth of munitions!"
"I do not renumber the statement."
Attorney Alfred Lucking, for Ford,
conducted dirrt examination.
"Mr. Fo--d, are you an anarchist,
ever attend meHinzs f or associate
with anarc.iidts!" Lucking asked.,
"No. I m opposed to anarchism."
Ever .een arrested!"
"No '
"Eer broken any lawf"
"".nly speed laws, s"
sin' the audience laugh
"Outside your lmme:ate family,
who are yonr associates!"
"John burroughs and Thomas Edi
son." Outiide of the srticles hr De La
viijne, his "peace secretary," Ford
aid he knew nothing about opposi'ion
to the national jnsrd.
$S$ Keep Then. Home $5$
$$$ Keep Them Home $$$
Direct from France where she has
been an interested and an official ob
server at the peace conference, comes
Ida M. Tarbcll. America's foremost
woman journalist. -he arrived on this
side only recently and began work a
few days ago with the Ellison-White
Chautauqua at (gden Vtsh. and will
finish the present season with ;his or
gs ni ration.
If an appropriate term ccnld be bor
rowed from the journalistic field it
might be said that the coming of .Miss
Tarbell on the Ellison-White circuit ia
generally considered in Chautauqua
circles throughout the Vnited States as
tlta nriiai,,) vnnll " ' lit !tail t ndUt
history. Miss Tarbell is probably the
first person of note back in the Vnited
Glares since me iuiai agreement was
reached in the peace conference. She
was under contract with tho Ellison
White Chautauqua people last year and
lexpected to be back in the early spring
I in order to start the season. 1'nfortunate
ly in a way.the peace conference wasde
l laved and Miss Tarbell felt that she
should remain there until it would be
j possible for her to get the necessary
data and material to give the Chautau.
qua people of the West first-hand in
formation e-n the big events that were
transpiring in France,
Miss Tarbell, according to critics and
newspapers at Ogden where her first
date was given, has a most wonderful
word picture of the pence conference,
of the statesmen there, the delegations,
and the Innerworkings cf the world's
big problems. She was one of com
paratively few journalistic notables
who were fortunate to be in the im
mediate vicinity of the peace table.
As a magnr.ine writer and student of
the big social problems of the day
Miss Tarbell is perhaps better known
than any other American personago at
this time. With her wonderful mind she
has grasped the momentous aud intri
cate world problems which have come
up before the allied nations at the
peace conference and her information
is to come first hand to all of tho
Chautuuqua patrons on the Ellison-1
VS'liite circuit.
(lenernl Manager J. R. Ellison made
a speciul trip or from IVrtluild to
hear Miss Tarbell on her first date and
wired back to the office liuineiliutely
that her lecture was a profound sen. i
sation. Miss Tarbcl! is one of the many'
star attractions at the Chautauqua this;
week. !
Miss Tarbell
respondent of
American newspapers at the peace con
ference, and her work in this cawcity
has attracted wide attention. This is,
now to be overshadowed by the com
ing of Miss Tarbell personally to tell)
of this great chapter in the world s
history, which hns just been completed.
was the official eor
a syndicate of great
Are of the best materials and werk
nu. 11 ship in fact they are unequalled
elsewhere we handle the best only.
THEY come in the many different sty
les and widths of brims al with con
trasting bands.
(RAT among hats.
is. the AR1STO-
WHEX you consider purchasing a
new hat get the best always, it
doesn't cost any more and the service
cannot be measured in the values you
Why do with less?
Priced from $3 to $6
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a
Patron .
(Continued from page one)
fire. Several said they thought photo
grupliurs weru snapping f lusliligl'ts for
their monthly magazine.
Among those who watched the lust
cruise of the "Wingfoot" from Loop
buildings was II. (). McLean.
"Tho machine came down, nose
first," he said. "It's motors were
still roaring as it struck the skylight
and disappeared into the building."
At the morgues Inter in the evening
theu wero four unidentified bodies.
Identities were established when co
woikers 'recalled tho clothing loft In tho
clonk room. One girl, blnckened and
twisted by fire hnd been stripped of all
clothing but a dainty white oxford. She
was recognized by tho oxford as tvelyn
The dirigible esiled over the city at
a height of 500 feet. The course of the
big silver bag was watched by thoin
nmls in the streets.
Tho straining thousands saw a flicker
of flame at tho rear of the bag then
four black dots dropping over the sides
then the crumpling and twisting dir
igible slide downward, overtaking the
parachuted dots, and crashed into the
Of all the buildings in Chicago's busi
ness district, the blimp" chose the
one likely victim for such an accident.
The bank building, a two story struc
ture, squatting among the giants of
Chicago's financial district, was the
only one with a sky of such proportions.
The flames were controlled only af
ter the gasoline had been burned from
the floor.
J. A. Itoettner pilot of the 'MVIng
foot" was the first to see the danger.
He yelled to his companions and slid
over the side. His parachute opened
nicely and he landed on a roof. Other
occupants followed him. E. H. Daven
port, wss caught before he could clear
the machine and was carried down
through a portion of the roof. Another,
ant suffered a fractured leg and
ii. 'i juries when he landed in thi
With h ' red furniture, thi
bank reopened today. A loss of $,"i0,000
in bonds, supposed to have been burn,
ed, was announced.
President John J. Mitchell hesitated
to estimate the amount of property loss
" I 'ui thinking of the deaths of those
people I knew personally," he said.
He thought IS 000 would replace fix
Mitchell indicated the floodyear com
pany had offered to settle damages and
'do whatever was right" for families
of the victims.
The city council was in session when
tho accident occurred. Immediately a
resolution was adopted calling for Im
mediate enactment of an ordinance reg
ulating aircraft flights over the city.
I'ilot J. A. Hoettner et first blamed
static, for the burning of his machine.
Later he said sparks from the rotary
motor un experiment for 'blimps"
may have set the gH bag afire. The
motors he said, wero intended to
"pull" instead of ''drive" the ma
chine. Attached as they were, he said,
exhaust flames may have been blowu
against tho fabric,
in addition to a jury empaneled Into
yesterday, Coroner Hoffman today
called six electrical engineers to a sup
plementary jury. He said the engmers
will be uskc-I to help determine tne
OMBunlili mim, 2 , 31 Mrin
Cot Anfwkre Any As!o.
BFIIGGS 1 BURPEE CO Jk, Maetfadtrtrt
17 Hawthorn An.. PartiW.
Avoid Issitallsaa as Substitute.
cause of the wreck and to draft recom
mendations for aerial traffic laws to he
filed with congress and lesser law niak.
ing bodies.
The seventeen men held as inojnest
Witnesses included W. C. Young, heed
of the rubber companv's aeronautical
department and 1J subordinates hoit
to care for the Wingfoot.
Help Your Digestion
When acid-distressed, relieve tha
Indigestion with
Dissolve easily ob tongue a
pleasant to take as candy. Keep
jour stomach sweet, try Kl-moida
'-- a
and that's where the
Difference begins
Whin jcu get lnid thi
buttle that' whrri ihi
differtnci btgini
Hliir is enl hitwcd the ordinary w.y. Ind ol
giving ft the lir ol biflfjf Jnd mlt. Will's
MilusiM pinrrw ilrvrlopo llwil IhIi"! fl.vol.
it .u inn"' iirtw. CimUSG-GOOD '..' M
J '"lit --' VTr- .
......... .,, it I a la t ilM 'V
ASK TUUB urnrs 's .
i 1 V
' rtl V POHTI AMI lllll HOC CO.
N y
On Draught at
GIDEON STOLZ, Distributor