Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1919, Image 1

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(25,000 BEADEB3 DAILI)
Only Circulation ia Sclera Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureaa cf
. Weather Eeprt
Oregon: Tonight fair; Wedr
aesday fair ami cmht, g. ut
aorthwesterlr in. Is.
! i i ! i ! M I 11
stands nv ct-vtm
f I ,1
A t .?!.!,
r -
CY r - 1 . -
200 Clerks Trappyby Flames
of Machine and Lining
Gasoline Have Cje
. 'Brush With Death
Chicago, July 22.-Twelve dead and 26 injured was
the final count today of casualties in Chicago's most mod
ern tragedy the fall of an aircraft through the skylight
of a metropolitan business building. Late yesterday a
160-foot dirigible fell blazing into the counting room of
the Illinois Trust and Savings company.
Milton 0. Norton, aewspaper photo
grapher, aboard the Goodyear com
pany's "Wingfoot" when it fell bend
long into the Illinois Trust Savings
bank hero, died of injuries today. Nor
ton descended in a parachute, landing
heavily in Chicago's "Wall fciicet'" La
Millie. O i recovering his senses his first
winds were:
"Where nro my plates?"
Coroner Hoffman's jury first heard
eve witnesses tell of the spectacular ae
cident. W, 0. Young, tlio Uoodyenr's
representative with the "blimp," re
fused to testify, his attorney advising
that he might incriminate himself.
Two members of the "Wingfoot" ex
press and nine employes of the bunk
were among the dead. Most of (hem
weie burned to death when the Rns bag
with its heavy fusolr.ge burst through
steel and plate glass and spread burning
gasoline in all directions. A score of,
investigations headed by the rnrnnar
and the state's attiwney opened today.
Seventeen men, mostly employes of the
Goodyear Rubber company, owners of
the "Wiugfoot," were held for exr.mi
i ation.
Two hundred N clerks, bending nrei
their ledgers yesterday in the daily rush
to close their books thought of nothing
but their prosaic daily labors. Tncro
was a subdued hum of high pressure
work .
A shadow floated across the big sKt
li.ght, two floors above. Then a crash,'
8 blinding light and K detonation. A
shapeless mass hurtled through the glass
and fell fatly to the marble floor. It
was a man's body! Heavy machinery
followed and blinding white flames be
can to lick the marble pillars and the
twisted steel beams of the monster
which had tnrned a quiet counting room
into a burning inferno.
Screams arose immediately and as the
f 'nines leaped up or flowed along the
floor In rivulets of gasoline, hysterics
broke loose. A terrifie rash for tbc two
innii exits followed.
Tt was n long jump to the street but
women took it.
Some of the twenty thousand specta
tors attempted to catch the jumpers
but guceeded only in breaking their
falls. Strangely only a few wero in
jured In those leaps.
Iuside a few remained, too terror
srt"i rniiAiip ATKiirp.
Central Committee Orders AlLStand Taken By U. S. Ia Re-
Coast Workers To Return
To Jobs.
Sun Francisco, Cal., July 'i2. The
coast-wide telephone strike, in progress
for more than a month, will end at 1
o'clock - this afternoon. The central
strike committee, meeting this forenoon
adopted a resolution ordering telegrams
sent to the various mss meetings to be
held this afternoo i, saying the strict! is
The derision to return to otk came
a result of desire to conform to regu
lations of organized labor. Wila the.
linemen and operators returned to work
in the northwest, Los Angeles and a few
other California eities, the central com
mittee oppooens of the order mainly
8a a Fraarisco. Oakland, ricramnto
ai'd Martinez workers decided it
would be fully to roitlnne opposition.
Official announcement of te commit
tee's decision will be made at the mass
meetings this afternoon. Workers will
pioliably return to their old jvbt tomor
row. Tlie old city rt.-rf kade in Seattle, for
mer home of many drunks, is to lie lorn
down. Mayor Hn ha derided the
eiir needs a new one.
stricken to move or slow to realize the
danger. Some dived to the big vault
and swung Its door as fur shut as they
safely could. Men slid under their desks
to escape the spraying liquid f no. Th
flames caught them and drove them out
through other rivers of fire.
Within a moment white marble pillars
were blackened, marble floors were
jammed and there were blood prints
where seared bodies rubbed walls t-nd
Those who died in the bank were pin
ned by the heavy motors or framework
of the dirigible. Firemen, called whoa
tha dirigible first burst into flame,
rushed into the building at once to (irng
back those fallen on the edgo of ths
blaze. Some of the rescued were o
browned or blackened by the fire that
they could not be recognized.
It was h matter of minutes from the
time the shadow floated across the light
until the quiet bank building had been
turned iuto a furnace and men and wo
men had porished. Chemicals quieted
the flames shortly and the bodies under
the wreckage were taken out.
The girls were partially identified.
Their hats wore those remaining in the
clonk room unclaimed.
The dead are:
Carpenter, Jacob, 16, bank messenger.
Ilcrgcr, Helen, bank stenographer.
Davenport, Karl H., publicitv man, in
the "blimp.".
Florence, Maiiu, bank clerk.
Oallagher, Mary, bank stenographer.
Miles, Irene, bank stenographer.
Meyer, Evelyn, bank stenographer.
Muuzer, Edwin, bank clerk.
Otto Carl, bank telegrapher.
Scaulaii, Joseph, bank messenger.
Weaver, Carl, mechanic, in the dirigi
ble, Akron, Ohio.
A. W. Hiltabidel and F. I. Cooper,
tellers, thought first of the securities
cluttering their desks. While blackened
and blazing forms rushed past thein
they fully collected their pnpuis, made
them safe and then climbed through
windows to the street.
One girl leaped at s window, seven
feet above the floor. Her fingers caught,
slipped and she fell back iuto the lath
of liquid firoj
"I don't know just what happened,"
the dosed victims suid hours after the
(Continued on page three)
hoikf opfns prorf
gird To Outrages To Be
Washington, July 22. The house be
gan today what is expected to be a com
plete investigation of the Mexican situ
ation. ,
The object of the investigation, Be
U'''ciu Leader Monde!! said, would be
to establish a definite Mexican policy
for the future. Henry P. Fletcher, am
bassador to Mexico, was to be the first
witness. ,
A preliminary investigation will be
held by the rules committee. It i ex
pected the work then will l,c turned
over to a special committee appointed
ny the speaker.
Npeei;;l points to be established 1;
the inquiry, which will take in condi
tions as far back as 1910, arc:
What policy the t'nited Hates lias
adjpted ia pressing claims for damage.
brought by American citizeusi
What asursnea the coveromeat ha"
,'iveu foreign aations that tucir elain
and property will be piotecled.
What measures are now being taki fi
to protect American property sin lives
and what sur-i,ce has Mexico fciven
!ht it will cfioperste in si.i - prtee
Gil bank
Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Refuses Wilson
By L. C. Martin
I.'uited 1'resa Staff Cui respond-
. eut.)
Washington, July 2. Tho
senate foreign rolations commit-
tue today refused l'resideut Wtl-
St &n rAnlLKl fnr annrnv.l nf Ilia rit H
appointment of provisional
American member of tho allied
reparations eouiission. The com- V
wittte stood eight to seven.
The committee had before rk
Senator Williams' resolution,
granting the president's request
and the Knox and Harding sub-
stitutcs, refusing.
Chinese peace delegates, head-
ed by Shaochu Wu, nUh to ap-
pear before the committee to
protest against ths Shantung
clause. Korean and. Iruh aa-
tionulist delegates also wish au
opportunity to But their view
before the committee, It was
By that vote it substituted a
resolution by Senator Kuox for
one pesented yesterday by Sen-
ator Williams, granting thu, ap-
proval ashed by Wilson.
The Knox substitute not only
withhold approval of the ap-
potntmont but iu effect denied
President Wilson's right to
make the appointment until the
ts'eaty has been ratified.
if Knox's resolution stated that
"it is the judgment of the com- (
ndttee that until the treaty is
ratified in accordance with its
terms no power exists to execula
anv of its provisions, either pro-
visiunally or otherwise."
Defendant In Million Dollar
Libel Suit Takes Stand'
Agab Today.
Mount Clemens, Mich.. July 22.--(United
Tress.) Taking the stand for
his seventh day of grilling iu bin mil
lion dullar libel suit against the Chi
cago Tribune, Henry Ford wai today
even more cautious than yesteidjy.
Ford wore a smile when ho entered
the court room today. For the second
time he is a grandfather, a son having
been born yesterday to Mrs. l',dct Ford,
wife of the 25 yea, 0ld president of the
Ford Motor company.
Attorney Stevonsou, for the Tubuuc,
asked Ford if Jt was aot true that when
the allied coinmissiauers visited this
country to negotiato a war loan he suid
they should bo "canned" out of the
The manufacturer admitted he had
made such a remark.
His memory failed him when asked
if he had auid bo would withdraw his
deposits from uay bank that subscribed
to such a loan.
"When you heard of the sinking of
the i.u.iitsuia, Mr. Ford, did you say
'the people having been warned had r.e
business on board.' "
"I have no recollection of saying
An interview Ford had with Willis
J. Abbott, writer, was read, but little of
the article was remembered by tho wit
ness. Abbott quoted Ford as saying he had
not been ia Stockholm twu hours befure
he became convinced that the only way
to attain permanent peace was to crush
Germany and that American would be
required to aid in the war for pcrma
nent peace. The point made by the de
fense was that this was several months
before Ford's aiti aiilitariilic advuekt
isis. Ford said he did not go "to Stock
ho'ra, did reach such convictions and
did not remember making any tuck
sm'cmeiiu to Abbott.
Ford was takes on fuHher literary
excursions whea he took tha stand this
His own pc.'e advertising, Lincoln's
speeches, the Monroe doe'rioe and oth
er wririiis and documents, were dif
cusvd with the urging of Tribune at
torneys. During this Ford expressed tbt
opinion tfcaf the bible probably would
be clear if it we rewrites..
"Mr. Ford," said an attorney, "by
refusing t read exhibits I hand you,
yiu have created the impress-oa that
you cannot read. On you wish that im
pression to stsadf"
"I'm a- a fast reader aad I have
(Coivtiatied oa pajje thres)
'flW Blazes Start WHle Filt
ers BareiT Hs!J Ovn
an hold a
Expected Labor Troubles
Along line Avoided; L W.
' . W. Quit Camps,
Spokane, Waaa., July 22. With for
est firos In northern Idaho, northeast
Washington and northwestern Montana
leaping divides, new fires starting
and old blazes barely held, the situation
appears to be steadily getting worse. No
rain is falling anywhere in the burning
areas according to reports today and
only the absence of strong winds ia pre
venting a dozen holocausts.
The fighters are sticking to the lines
around a score of fires, according to su
pervisors reports today and the I. W.
W. strike on the li'ncf has failed to ma
terialize. Some I. Wi W. have goue out
in the lumber camps, however.
The. Pack river fire, north of Sand
Point, is steadily gaining iu green tim
ber despite All efforts of sevciul hun
drcd men to stop it. ' This blaw covers
more than 43 square miles but a great
portion of it is in burned over lend.
A new fire broke out in the Sand
Point district near Grouse creek. A
crew is fighting this.
Xo labor trouble is 'reported on the
lines around Sand Point, although some
I. W. W. hate quit isrtho lumbtr camps.
An uncontrolled blaze ha leaped over
tho crest of Cook ' mountain, three
miles west of Newport, Wash., but the
town la surrounded by fairly open coun
trv a id is not in great danger. The
old blaze nearer town la now under con
'.ru. The Hnlfwav fire on the' Priest Lake
road is under control today but no news
from the Round Top fire on top of the
divide has been received. The moun
tain is wreathed in a dense pall of
Crews arc successfully fighting t.it
Jordau creek and Steamboat fires in
tho Oner D'Alene district and conditions
wero reported as "fairly good."
The Bear creek fire, near Helloes, is
still burning fiercely, eating into white
and yellow pine. About 150 men arc
trviiia to stop the fife, which covers
about 500 acres. A calm night hetped
check the spread of the flames.
The situation was declared today by
forest service officials to be "extreme
ly serious." Only a rain, they stid,
could prevent disaster.
High gales in northwestern Montana
are fanning five fires in the lilacifoot
forest, located at Ashley Lake, Sqttaw
.Meadows, Techuk, Illuesky and Bald
Another bad blaze is at Wolf ceek.
The Hannon Oulch fire In the Lewis and
Clark forest has crowed the dividu and
is burning fast.
The state forester has ghen lip the
Landers Fork fire as hopeless, lot Cap
tuisi Cook and 10 men of t.ie forest
(Continued on paga three)
Another thin' we noticed about a dry
town is that th' feller that's gum' t' be
back 'in a minute is usually oa U ' dot.
Lr.fe Bad wuz showia' a dollar around
t'dsv that he saved from last week'
Washington Race Riots Hang
On In Scattered Districts
With Police
WaateUtgton, July 22-(United PreaB)
Secretary Bafcsr announced today ha
had ordarad a "substantial number"
of regulars: from Camp Meade, Kit, to
hflla prerent further race riota in Wash
tog too toolfht E refnsed to say defi
nitely how many troops would be tier
Washington, July 22. Additional re-j
inforsomruts will be rushed to Wash
ington today ia an effort to control
rioting between white men and negroes
which baa lasted three nights. '
Ia street fighting last night four per
sona wra killed, two seriously injured
and thirty others wounded and attend
ed at hospitals. Scores of others were
hurt but hobbled or were assisted iby
frienda from the scenes of the clashes.
Four hundred soldiers and marines,
reinforcing the 700 police of the na
tional capital, were unable to cope with
tho mobs. While they were fighting
rioters at one place, another outbreak
would be reported from a quarter of
the. eity several blocks distant.
The negroes, better armed than the
white-s appeared to have, the best of
several encounters. Early this morning
automobiles, crowded with yelling
blacks, many of them armed, were
dashing; about streets in the residential
part of town, defying the whites to
"come on."
Tho coming of daylight and a terrif
ic thunderstorm which deluged the City
put an end to the fighting. Hut police
heads fear it will be resumed tonight.
The dead roported thia morning were
IVtoctive Sergeant Harry Wilson, Ken
neth Oral! and two negroes. Detective
Sergeant B. W. Thompson and Private
Albert Luck of the murines wero be
lieved to he in a dying condition. Of
the othor casualties five were police
men. Major Pullman, chief of the Wash
ington wlico, conferred with military
authorities today and it was expected
that a result of this conference tonight
would see the national capital practic
ally an armed camp.
"There wiU .be no parleying with the
elements of disorder," said Pullimtn.
"All the power of tho federal govern
ment is Ivehin the police'-department
and these combined forces will see to
it that order is "restored."
Two hundred persons were under ar
rest today, according to police esti
Chautauqua Patrons Given
Pleasing Musical Treat In
Fillion Company Concerts
The Ffllion Concert company, one of
ths tfiar Itf actions of the Ellison
Wh.'to chaulauqua to appear upon the
platform yesterday, was reduced to two
members, through tho illness of the so
prano; but if there had been forty in
the company it Is doubtful if they
would have contributed more to the
pleasure of the audience than was be
stowed by the two artist;, Ferdinand
Fillioa and M.is Hilmars, with their
piano snd violin numbers. Mr, Fillion
is a rare genius, for he combines the
typieal dash and brilliancy of the
Frenchman the poise and precision of
the Englishman; consequently he gives
the impression of producing iniiaclcs
of melody and bewildering iinpotsibili
tid of technique without any effort.
Possibly there may be greater virtuos
os than Fillion, but that rhaiitaiiqua
audience was very well wtified with
him, and if they could have had their
way with him they would have kept
him on the platform until midnight. It
would be difficult to conceive of any
thing more faultlessly exquisite and be
witching than his rendition of the third
movement of Mendel.sohn 's Concerto
in K minor, As for teelintque in ren
dering the transcription of gjl'sy mel
odies by Haiasale he appeared to ex
haunt all the po'silrlitios of the violin
ta the weird melodies.
Miss Hilmars proved herself a wor
thy companion srtist, both ia her ac
companiments and her piano solos,
which displayed the utmost degree of
finish along writh a auperb boldness
and brilliance. The two will be mark
ed "somber I" on many a Chautau
qua list.
If anyone entertained a vane regret
for tb absence of Edward ' F, Trefz.
from the program, it was abruptly for
goftea in the substitute lecture of Cap
tain Hiadler, who proved himself both
the orator and profound thinker in bis
lectore ''America at the parting of
the ways.'' IValing with a heavy and
ore or less sombre ubjcct, he Suc
ceeded ia injecting enough humor and
epigramalie dash into it to keep bis
audience smiling and applauding. Capt.
Hindley has traveled widely, mixed
with political leaders and observed
keenly ia America, and he gave hit
hearers an analysis of the present and
future conditions in this country that
will kecip them thinking. He dealt es
pecially with the problems of immigra
tion, education, Americanization and la
dustrial readjustment. He pointed to
the need of radical action in restrict
ing immiTTStioa, declaring that ws ksd
Near Helpless
Tho worst outbreak occurred ia the
early evening at Seventh and T streets,
in the negro quarter, A mob of 1000
negroes started to in rack toward the
I'olico and soldiers charged them.
They refused to disperse aad the troops
charged, backed by the police. Many
residences of the whites,
of the ritoers started shooting with re
volvers. The fight lasted half aa hour,
during which negro women hurled bot
tles and other missies, from the win
dows and roofa of houses.
Several large mobs of white, formed
in the downtown district and tried to
invade the black bolt, but a cordon of
cavalry was thrown around that sec
tion after midnight.
Aside from tho main clash between
armed mobs, or between troops, polios
and crowds of whites and nogroca,
there was almost continuous guerrilla
Washington, July 22 (United Press)
A resolution asking President Wilsbn
to proclaim martial law in the District
of Columbia because of continued riot
ing between whites and negroes was in
troduced today in tho house by liepre-
sentativg Emerson, Ohioi
Senator Harrison, Mississippi, intro
duced a bill to require the District of
Columbia Traction eompn-iiie to oper
ate separate cars for whites and nc
Representative Gark, Florida, asked
that a special house committee be
named to investigate the race riots, nis
resolution asked what police were doing
to stop the disorders, which have grip
ped the national capital for three nights
resulting in four deaths and scores of
Injured. Ho said it was tho "solemn
duty of the federal government to take
Immediate action" to restore order,
Coincident with congressional de
mands for action, Washington police
were tryiug to prevent sale of fire arms
and ammunition in Maryland and Vir
ginia as well as in the District of Co
lumbia. ' ' -
Requests to prevent such sales, citner
to whites or negroes, went out to Haiti
more, Alexandria, Va. Hyattscille, Md.
and other nearby communities.
room for 100,000,000 more real Ameri
cans, but not for a single bolshevik.
He pointed to the defects in our na
tioniil rtiieationii! system, a shown by
the fact that there were in the Ameri
can army during tho war 70,imm) boys
who could neither read 1ft write.' He
stronvlv endorsed the national educa
tion bill, and stated that we might well
copy after (jermany in this respect, for
it was the Germaa system of educa
Hon that enabled them to keep ths
world at bay for four years. He would
nationalize our public school system,
and then compel every child of any
rare, or color or creed to attend. He
declared there should b only one
"ism" In this country and that is Am
ericanism. Touching upon the Industrial situa
tion he showed tho de!perttte need of
getting together In peace a' we got to
get her in war for the adjustment of
labor difficult, for there is ill this
country a foment, of unrest, uncertain
ty and resentment that threatens indus
trial chaos. Referring to the peace cove
nant and the league of nations, he dc
dared that with all Ms defects the doc
ument that President Wilson brought
home from Versailles was the greatest
document ever drawn up by man, com
bining within Itself the essence of the
Mosaic law, the Mernmn on the Mount,
the Golden Rule, tho Magna Charta and
the constitution of the I'nited States.
H reminded his hearers that it had
taken the Almighty Itbres years to
make America retUiM her responsibil
ity for the bloodshed la Europe, and it
is unthinkable that we should return
now to the policies and conditions be
fore the war.
This afternoon and evening tho most
popular aUractioa is the l-cwn Mili
tary quartet a group of singers who
represent the quintessence of all the
musical latent among the thousand of
soldiers at Camp Lewis. They are mea
who have seen years of work in graad
opera, oratorio and concert singing,
and whether they turn loose with cl
icking camp songs or present the high
est type of clastic projection, they
will reach the hearts of their audience.
Along with the concert this evening
goes a dramatic rending by the inimi
table Edwia M. Whitney, who will pre
sent in monologue form the laugh stir
ring little story "Turn to the right"
a story that carries a lot of serious
thought "along with the laugh. In this
production Mr. Whitney impersonates
a dozen different characters with per
fect fidelity, It will b great evening.
Oregon Senator Declares lis
Wl Oppose Any Mis;!
Proyidons Of Pact HclJ As
Worse For United Stales
Than League Corcsat
Washington, July 22 (United Press)
Announcing that he will vote against
any attempt to strike arlitU tea front
the league of aations covenant, Senator
McNary, Oregon, republican, today a
swered in a senate speech objections to
this provision by league opponents. "
Ho served notice he. will aot ota for
reservations which will send tho treaty
bark to the other powers, but taat he
is willing that purely ex pU-oatory res
ervations be adopted.
"We have been told that by thisj
treaty our sovereignty has bcea dangvr
ously diminished, the Monroe doctrine
endangered, that we have surrendered
our control over certain vital domestic
matters; that we could be plunged into
war without a declnratioa by congress,'
said McNnrjr.
"Xot one of these statements, la be
lieved by the advocates of ths leagus)
to have a foundation in fact. However,
by the avenue of reft rations ia tha
form of interpretations, thew qviestioa
could be placed beyoad th pl of con
troversy. Actioti of this ehsraetef
would-not need ratification by tha other
powers, as it would constitute only a re
statement. "
Me Nary 's statement on rtrvatoa
was made following a conference with
resident Wilson at the Whito Housa
luat week, at which interpretative res
ervations wore discussed at length.
McNary asserted that the lime will
undoubtedly show how' the covenant
should be amended and predicted that
witliii this leaguu will on a new coda
of international law and justice."
In his first speech to the senate
the peace terms with iSeruteny, HemsrM
Moses, New Hampshire, declared:
"That the terms of the treaty ar)
(Continued on page f out y
House Of Commons Recom
mends Ratification, Vot
ing 163 ta 4.
London, July 22,-(irosf Britain to
day had placed its approval on thi
r-eftee treaty with Oerwany.
The bill ' reeommen I'rg latiticatiol
was passed last night by the house tt
commons, on its third reading by
vote of l3 to 4.
An attempt to defeat tho treaty
the basis f Mi' Irish qutioo iutrodi.e
ed by Joswph Ievliu nationalist from
Belfast, was voted down ty ! ho'
Devlin proposed th- treaty be rtjeet'd
because of Premier Lloyd George a
Irish policy.
Replying to Devliu's dc for
lleWite for Ireland, the pt.u.i.er de
clared he had Hespa'rrd of any set, la
. B ,h. Ti'!h .1 .'. l- Ttntll (lie
lr oh people B2rced tV'SMet'Vr.
Hi. said the governm- t mm im.i
iiiidv to amdy the principle f self -
teimiaation bv meai.s of the ttiih .
.! hat tie nV'jVtiirt ww
d v;ded. The premier dU-ed
"I'liter moreover, E i n mmm
determination." s
Lloyd-George pointe' out that f
land wsa not one natios ia iae, re
ligion, temperament or anything re
stituting the essentia1 f a stK.
treaty debate, urged the USA f tha
ti laiscr in a neutral couatry.
" What right have w to aswomo that
-.ny aeetral count v die to be ths
scene of such a tral.'" tha preau.-r
The allies had eoi fidxaca, he "a",
that whoever was put cs rnat ia Great
I'.ritnin, "would rcecwe a lr ;"'
h. Mtthest tra if " I f thi Bi.t-
ish nation."
I The bill for the r Vsliir. of
' Angio-Frencb, which ;L was p for
consideration, was i-td third
.(.thont objection.