Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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MONDAY, JULY 21, 1919.
m m
A 11 A 1 rp
itii Around I
ilT rww. It' Bur, , I. Ctrl B. MHier tu annul u
dental office at 610-511 U. 8. bank
bids. Phone 341. tf
tvery ek guaranteed. At jour gro
Amzua.1 teeth, nave expert plate
With UTer 3S tain avnt,.n,
T'n. it. jj. a. tie.eeh.ier, den
ta. Ma U. 8. Nat. bank bid,-, tf
Salem HIM Victory u bow making
"U OoroDa" sad "Llttla 8alem" et
tn eaactly at they were made before
tike war. Smoking them reminds too of
14 times, tf
lea cream, tlia different kind; ire
milk Ollr nvn irta prMm anil Mnociintu
it to be made of the very beat. The
T- 7-23
W are the only confectionery In Sa-
iem who muses moir own num.
The 8pa. 7-23
.Among the recant Deimtoiia mnM
t Oregon apiilirnntt la that of Anna lno,,,,'" cume 'lown to "I"'"1' 'hp week
Good of Salem, 12 a month, and Ma- i?nd "h bi" Pur,''lts. Mr. and Mrs. 11.
dales linger, lit. Angel, .3 a month,
Waldo Maraters, who baa been locat
ed at ClllHi) Lewi dlirillu- thn J,Mt tnn
L. Ma raters.
Dr. I' B. Springer, amtint. Moor I Co you know why our tea cream la
bid, earner Court and Liberty, i bottir than others! hern una we make
Fhoae 114. jf I It and put the choicest of mutorial in
o j it. The 8pa. 7-23
0. W. Klemerer ansY famllv n
tbeea (pending a few days at the beach
in the vicinity of (Newport. J
Tot first dim work call BocletT
Cleaners and Dyers, 1278 State Bt.
! 1684.
Dane at armory 'tonight !
Newport fishing season opens; ling
ted sliced. J3e, and whole fish 12e per
rwmd; red eod lOe pound, Fitts Mar
el. tf
Dr. Ik S. Springer, dentist, Moor
mg. corner i;ourt and Liberty.
Phe-e 114. tf
rnt Frank Zlitn. who has seen
a year and a half of service in France,
ret en 1 1, r received hia discharge at
OsisP Lewis and returned to Salem.
all Patton Plumbing Co. for your
twnair work. Phon. ifitil EM M C 1 lm"10' carry a fu
atroet, v.. assortment. The Jspa.
The Mena pool ball la now located at
I'-'tt . Com') St. TS.i
Our Ice' croam brick ar put up In
rftrton and will keen until vm o,t
homo. Wo curry a full line and a good
- July 23 William Jenningi
Bryan at ehautauqua, ! p. m,
Alao Ida M. Tarbcll.
- July 24, Thursday Osecho
Slovah band at chautauqua.
July 25, Friday Private Pet-t
talka at rhautauqua.
July 28, Monday 'Chia Chin'
at tlrand opera home.
July 30 Wednesday Dance
at armory given by Klk" lodge.
wgoBnt PaB Hendrtckai ton of Mr.
The 40 am raiu-h of A. E, CUeno-
with, niuir Libert v.'hna recently lein
E4 dfy SatuVdfty nlgntiftwi.,! J.1'1 ,l'rm,h..!,T. 'fJ.rm '.,f. ,,M'r'i"',
In nionrlm aorvir-a In France. -He was I Mrtir, to W. H. New. Mr. Chenowith
mfi (urrnn!'u innnij(n ine Halite jirm
a tine rnnin or nearly SHO aerea in the
fwiukiiiir 3 Iiink valley near Hnselmr,
the coimideratien being in tho noiillbur
lioml uf J0,(HH1.
member of company M of tho l2d in
W bay liberty oonda. 31 Maaonio
Nig. tf
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 07 8.
C. D. TJpdesraff. caslilcr of tha first
I Nstiiiiml blink of i (I,. Hue. M
ri rived 'in the rity Hnturdav n hw way
A ttmcKO from Portland recanUv : N,,wll,,r,'1 h" to spend
f weight and ma,re,, that hi. ","v'lr,v""f to tins c.ty.
wa had arrived in that i.y after Ml , rrwrf TV'T
toaths of service with D o navv Ft k h' r. 1! " V W1"l( a" ,h, n,.v
h. fa.,, connected with a mine sweep 1 XZ.""" of hi" ".,olh,'r
ig nqnadroi. in the .North Me. off the ' ,d"Rr'ff 'XVl,"""U
eoast of Hfiotland. I.,..., 0
The Slogan of Today and of the Future
hip by Tf tick
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Men and ladies outing clothing. Haua
er uros.
Shipment of boy'a tult Juat arrived
at nisnop a. 1 Iiookc yourj while atocks
"ifl vuui'ieig.
The mercury In the government', of-
ficinl thermometer touched the 9:1
murk Kundny, making the fifth time
this month that the temperature haa
been 90 or wbove. With thA
of once or twice when there was a trace
oi-rninraii, there haa been no precipi
tation in Walem since Juno 27. And in
mo month of June there waa only ,i:i
" au incn nun I, 'ill.
The vacation time la enjoyed so much
.rB it you are properly clothed. La
die outing clolhniK at Hiiuser Bros
will solve your problem.
Scrvicable clothin for llf in
open, Bom ny iiunser Broa.
All summer milliner Kin.
ior me next week of our clearing
sale. Huts worth from $7.50 to $191 50
now 2.50 to 9..50. Many beautiful
moiieia at ). L m toil .,,,,.,.1.,..
tiiinined shiuiHs.
nffe Afornsoji, 113 .North llLuh rtrwt.
Seo the French Shop window for
beauliful millinery at 5 each. 115 N.
IlitJh street, Miisi'nic Temple.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors fnP their many acts of kind
ness and wvmpnthv during our recent
bereavement. Mr. nml lr ir n
Capital post No. 1, American Legion
will meet this evening; at the Conimer
eial club to elect permanent officers
for the e owing year and to attend to
other pressing business matters. It is
well nmlerstood that the post will now
juke up native cnmpaijjn for mem
bership in ordi-r that in numbera it
niny be exceeded in the state bv onlv
that of Portland. The American Legion
is made up of men and women who
were in the service between April
H1I7, and Nov. It vi AM nil,) oin
before .Nov. II, t IH will r'.tis -r-ed
as charter members. Those eligible
include soldiers, sailors, marines, veo
uianettes and army nurses. Salem' ex
pects to have a large delegation prea
ent at tho state convention to be held
in Portland next September,
We ara bttsv at Bishorj'a l.v. .r.
but never too bow to "suit" vou
Dr. S. O. Stone, after being located
at 241 oN'rth 'ommrrcial street for IX
years in the drug business, is tndav
Come in and Ma our "rtin"
clothes and our nw store.
Balph White, Horace Sykea, A. C.
, Barber left yesterday for a mouataia
Luuumg ir locladisg ill. Jefferson.
Vaaderille tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday apoeial added attracuo at the
Bhgh theater.
Harley O. White and family and
Mis BUacheWhite left this morning
for weak 'a outincr tn R,.,,,;... i.,'
They were accompanied by a brother of
"one who has been visiting here
for the jat week.
ai.v. .V.. . . I .. Tn twtni aervioea for Mrs. Jeunle
1 " nM oeeni wuan.lge, who died last Pridar. wiU
II On nurnla f.,.m ik. 1.... ikLiim . .
At tha ehautaaana tonieht rirrfiln
Hiudley will spak oa "America at the
parting of, the way." He will dwell
on the present great polities!, indus
trial and eroaomi problems. The usua!
morning talk was made bv Superin
tendent Lmery.
William Jennings Bryan was In the
city for an hour funday morning on
hia WSV to Lebanon II. w ..I.,,).;..
ed at breakfast by Dan J. Fry and Fred
-neusmn. Ji. a. Miller, internal rev
enue collector iii,l IVnir.. !tl..
mer uemocratie candidate for govern
or, aocompauied Mr. Bryan to Lebanon.
out on parole from the bora reform
school, stole a bicycle a few aveutng
ago from the Beuisou bathing beach.
o ww urougat to the police station bv
is father. The bov then lr to.
the reform school.
See him. hear him, a musical treat In
ore for vou Tm-i,ln- u...i,,..i. .,,.1
Thursday at the Bligh theater.
A wire waa received yesterday by
illiam Mitiilchrist Sr., from hia son
law W. 1. Doiiffla nf Sun Vrn.;.
co, announcing the birth of a son. Mrs.
Douglas waa formeik- Ui,l.IU M..i:,l.
Christ. .
Tha hay market U stiU unsettled, ac-
:oraing to a report of Salem commis
sion men. There has been a few sales
t from $15 to tl8 a toil but tl.a mar.
ket is uncertain and unsteady as there
ia a feeliii? anionir huvem thut ti...
crop is pretty heavy and likewise an
uvriioiuiy as o price.
B. M. Macy. city attornev and rhrt
Pope of the state accident eoiiimiasinn
office, will leave this evening for a
icu u.s visir at r.ia laKe in Clacka
mas countr. aibnnt !M
Salem. They will take tho train to
Gates and then hike it to Elk lake, car
rjing tne regulation campers outfit for
outdoor camping.
It really does cost a 5 fine to pate
street car when takimr nn ar mil.mil.
Ilg liassCllirerS. F. -K. asoeH 111 srrn.t
ed Maturduy for driving an auto past
a street car at State and 12th street
while tho car waa discharging passen
gers. He DUt UD &.1 for Iliu AIRranp.
this morning to answer to tha charge
s iu wneiuer ne was guuty or not. He
failed to aippear and the eitv now haa
Judge George O. Bineham la itnimr
sumo carpenter work ting month in the
or vi rucuiisiruciiug ms cottago at
Ncskowin. ffi is teaiimr down hia nl,l
cottage and building one of a more up
lo uaie jiaitern. Ho left word before
going to Nexko Win. ttlRr if nnv nrioifil
ly important business that could not
waii Riioiiui aevoiitp, mat public busi
nes would be iriven his Attention, rath.
er than that of his summer outing. The
next terra or court for special cuses as
act for eome date after August 15.
All the telephone cirls who have
boen on a atrikA tha 1,naf tvn .nb.
went back to work on their old jobs
mis morning. 'i'h electricians who. are
Setting 6 a day, also deeided. to go
back, after being out more than two
weeks. No action has been taken re
garding retroactivo pay as this will
be settled by the wire control board
of Washington, I), ft. The apprentice
teleiihone irirl ia now imi.l ste 1 - I.-
and this is gradually inerensed until it
iM-ruince fiv a week fur those who
have served ateadv for five voar f)n
nf the original contentions of the girls
nas tor a tlav.
At the meeting of the cltv council
this evening two new aldermen will
take office, (iconic E. Halvorsen and
Walter Buehner. According to the citv
directory Mr. II.il VOmon i& till nlnimi.
bile dealer nnd Mr. Buehner a capital-1
st. urn other aldermen will be eleet-
il this eveilltlir as it is on,ioritol
Fred J. vSmith will hand in hi.
tion and (lerald Volk will bo elected
to succeed M, Roberts. There will
be two ordinances to pass, one provid
ing for a imrrhn.-inif auent for the ,-itv
and tho other raising the sajarico of
the policcment and firemen, making
their salaries 10() a month, with Sill.-,
a month for those first going into the
The Portland Floral anrietv wilt at
tend the state fair in a body according
to a letter received this
('. 11. Clancy. At a recent meeting the
siMiety vmeii to postpono the annual
picnic until state fair time and then
come here for the day. They will be en
tertained by Mr. flaney at his green
houara and later taken about tha ..ii.-
The present plain include visits to
homes in the city where the owners
have given special attention to flow-
n.irrhaae.1 bv Tian T Frr ' " Wl" a,,na-
be held Tuesdav
from the chapel of the Kigdon company
and will hA rnndiieto Ho kA u
X. Aldrich. 8he is survived iy her hus-1
uanu ueorge nuaridge and a daugh
ter. A battalion drill waa held yesterday
at the state fair grounds and wag par
ticipated in hv inimhrrfl 1 v.,,,, ..., r
of 8alem and company K of Independ
ence, ine mornng was given to work
in iruard mount and ininl in..i,,,t .1,...1
ing for both non-coms and commission
ed officers. In the afternoon there was
drill on guard mount and .battalion
special instructions were also
given in combat forum ri
. . . inn
tion army dinner was served.
It isn't safe to pass a street car while
taking on or unloading passengers. A
motorman reported to the police last
evening that an auto with a certain
license number had passed his car while
tuning on passengers, on the side
where the ipassengers were getting on.
The records show that tha. a. .
the name of Tindall Marion of Seio,
uinn county. He was notified to ap
pear before the citv rnr,l ..,! i..,i
gumy or not guiny.
The road wav from tha r,.it.no
ary on the asylum road to the red barn
now ciosea, as worn began this
morning. As soon as td vnnntv
plant has completed the present job
mwKrus uineny, it win Be transferred
to the asylum rood 7t will
from four tn mi vwli tn 11,.
1 "on, run anu no tno paving and dur
inir this time, thn eountv .,i,
ers request all travelers coming into
vn , go arouna ny the asylum and
into the city on Cenier street. The
road to be paved was closed this af
The sPeatlr i tour of wmtam t..
niiigs Bryan takes him to Kugene this
'vt-riing, AJiiiinna Tuesday afternoon
alem Wwlnisdnlr ev-ptiti a,, 111
lohns Thursday 'afternoon. His route
agent announces that he will leavo Ash
'and at 7 n'rWtr WV.1,.,!.,,
with a schedule to bring him into this
city about 7:45 in the evening. There
ire about 2S different Salenta in this
country, but it was in finlem, Illinois
mat the orator attenilrd a,.hnnl o,i
met the VOlintr wotnnn n-hn nflA.n-o.,1.
necame Mrs. Bryan.
E. Cooke Patton ia home from turn
weeks spent In tho nnat Thi. fl.,,l
ed hobnobbing with several prominent
Mormons at Suit I.nWn i;,,;
ISkes Tenk in Colorado and taking les-
sns rrnm a stntioncri? t .m in irn
City. Also visiting friends at several
other point At Denver he saw some
line wregnn cnerries and for 23 cents
was ffiven about iW.en a t,oi
While on the wav home he heard tint
Pendleton and Marshfield were both
after the 1!)L1) tfltn mnvmlinn t vit,.
and also after he got home, heard that
nothing much had been done here to
land the 1B20 convention for Snlem.
An answer has hc-en md ha w v
Katun to the amended rnmt,la,'t in tt,
case of tho Salem Kings Products com
pany against B. V. Ranin, Bruce Cirn
liiiililinin. Britt Asninn-uU c ir Ti
cer, (). L. Dencor, Clyde Harris! Aug.
i-ntr.. 1,. m. .MurdicR. W. Howard Ramp
and A. K. Harris. He admits signing
the contract and admit that a rider
was attached to tho contract after he
had signed, and n!,o admits that the
Kings Products company offered 5
cents for loganberrie this vear. He al
leges that he with the other" defendants
would not sign the contract when first
effered, but upon the iiromTso of the
Company to pnv the ninrlcnt i,rla i.
year, and never less than four cents a
pounci, ne did sign the contract. He
now alleges thnt the contract was ob
tained fraudulently as it is now hi.
opinion that the company never in
tended to pay the market price. Also
tne ciause mat was attached,
wnerein ine Kiries !'rn,Iiiita m.,.. i
agreed to r.ny him what it paid others,!
is not according to representations
made, as the open market price for lo-
tsaes is now Vi cent, and thn on,,.. I
pony is only offering to pay cents.
Mt MM -,
I Shipment of Georgette Crepe and Wash Satin
a. ... tTT 1
v aists
$3.98 and Up
The August Standard Patterns and Designers have
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
Phone 1072 - " j
Com! & Court Streets Formerly Chicaco Store I
Elsie Ma. Top of), :
-,,...,. lien depressed by the heat and yoa
Elsie Mae Gordon, the celebrated want to freshen up for the afternoon
young lady who comes to Chautauqua 'or evening, just, bathe the face in a lo
wlth readings nnd child inipersoiiu-1 tion made' by dissolving an ounce of
tlons, Is one of the leaders of her pro- 'pure powdered: saxolito in a half pint
....... tlt . , tnf n-iti-h hn7,,l V,, n-itt Ci...l
....... UH...... A iiiuiv
refreshing than an hour's rest.
As a wrinkle remover the snxolite
lotion is remarkably successful. Its'
action is almost magical. The deepest
furrows, as well nH the finest lines
whether due to age, illness, weather os
worry are immediately affected. En
larged pores are reduced, flabby skin is
"drawn in," facial contour is" improv
ed wonderfully. The simple ingredients
of course can he lid nt nv rnnotn,.
and yon need not hesitate to try the
lotion, as it will not harm any akin in
the least.
fesslon. No other nrtlst Is In greater
deiiinnd for Chautauqua audiences.
-jj . n-
1 1
- f .
- .-
. - -
Miss Gordon's clear rleh voice runs the
gamut In the expression of strong emo
tion, sparkling comedy and dolicnte
pathos. There Is more than artistry
In her work there Is real individual
ity, As a child Impersonator she haa
few eauala and certainly no sunorlora
W Aferigaa platform,
. .i, tin " a... 1 lT 1 Mlitslia
t'onstipatinn eansMis hendaches. fal
low color, dull, sickly eyes you feel
out of sorts all over. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will banish constipation,
regulate your bowels, purify your
stomach. You'll feel better all over. I).
-1. Fry.
LoDusliorenien. com hnnillprn and n,
connected with the building traiies quit ,
nor ui jisiona on account or the
Mooney strike.
"uil"'JU"'" n.aMi..ja......rlf.TrT.m.It.)jt
We have solved the
prublem of being ef-
ticient and discreet.
At all tnnes we
I strive to perform our
lutias in a manner
that meets with tup-
j 1
1 that meets with ap- ' " 1
f v44,a;
rices Reduced
I To mke room for large shipment of Furniture bought
I fcefcre He advance, we will continue oar bargain sale
Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial St Salem.
Ji-riiT ne
In n
pi I
n n
3 L-J Li3
B LI G H Theatre
Meosshincer Sentenced To
60 Days In County Jug!
John Vnssilieff. the fi USsilia wild tiuilr i
the road to quirk riches bv nin4 nB
moonshine whiskey in Marion county
about 10 miles north of Halrm, wiil!
eud the remainder of the htaled sea !
on in a nice cool, ahady sjiot, and
thereby avoid all danger of .unetroke.j
When brouffht before In. iff lti-ttk 1
this morning for sentence, ho said he!
umn 1 snow it was wrong to taaunfae-
Iture moonshine whiskey iut fnr hm,,n
illSe, but as the Officers disrnierrd mora
man 111 gallons in his home and an ae-I
live looking still, the story of home
use produced little effect am. ho waa
; given by Justice Vurah 60 days 111 the
I county j.-.il.
j As there is no parole system working
j just at present for the benefit of moos-!
; shiners. Mr. Vassilieff was r. turned to
'the county jail and will be iu the safe;
! keening of Sheriff Xeedhsm fn, a Tine
;iod of 60 days beginning at 11 o'clock
tins morning. h,s wife, daughter and
sun-in law attended court this morning.;
Mr. Yassr.ilieff is the man who made
all the cartridges he carried around into1
the regulation dum dtim bulieU so they
would ,f sureto atop any officer that
might attemptto arrest him. '
"Forget If Bay At Hor
"I certainly did look funny peering over those
Reading Glasses."
"Well, if here isn't that old drawing daughter
made of me when I was wearing those bothersome
reading glasses! What a revelation to see ourselves
as others see us!"
You will see well and look well when fitted by
us. We use the latest and best material and methods.
Jewelers and Opticians
N. V. Corner State and Liberty Streets